Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1915, Page 12, Image 12
12 TIIK NEE: OMAHA. SATI UDAV, (HTOIlKIi 1915. BRINGING UP FATHER CtrnM. tPi. International Kw Serrtoe. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus ID LIKE THEN. f VOO SHOULD Y MME SOME ) Mf OETOO ) f' IN , ( NO-MOI ...... f TOUR. EMCUSH ) THERE KIND OJ- SAT THOoE APPLET WOT .. SHOULD SVY Ml ' THEM, APPLES J " THOSE APPLET - "- ,lb TjN V APPLES I HAD THERE"noT 0T THE LONO WHAT HAt OT"l IS ROTTEN! ?iw 1t ROTTErs"' f '5J$ ?C1 Y fE&TERD. j'tHEM THERE: VTE. J fV t I ' V rrP. UTT l OH! OMME W DTTSr OMAHA U LOSES TO COTNERi Halligaa'i Playen Orercomt Uni yenity Eleven by Score of Seven to Nothing. ADAMS AND MELCHEB ABE STABS HETKANT. Neb., Oct. B.-pecll Teletram.l-Omaha lost to Cotner this afternoon, T to 0, In one of the hardest played garni witnessed here thli season. Cot tier" lone touchdown came !n the lest few minute of piny. French Oil on a block kick fcack of the roal line. In the ftrat half. Coiner had the edire on the Omshans, keeping the ball con stantly In Omaha' territory, but at the critical time the visitor put up a stone wall defense, which Cotner could not pierce. During the second period, the visitors played an unusually strong defensive game and by a series of forward pastes and line bucks worked the halt within Cotner thirty-yard line. Adams' at tempt at a drop kick failed. Adam and Melcher, Omaha ends. OTRE DAME HOT 1 ! QUITE SO liEAYY j SSssssbSb Coach Harper Sayi Weight of Ilea oo Hii Team Hai Been Much Overestimated. .SCTJL9 BEADY FCB 10 MILL LINCOLN. O-t HWRwi'kl.M'Mi'li Jest Harper and Assistant Coach Rockne steamed Into Lincoln this morning with a ' squad of twenty-two husky foot ball war i tfors, representing the bop of the Notre Dame university on the gridiron. Harper : went Into Quarters at the Lincoln hotel. The Notre Dam coach vigorously pro- tested against the misrepresentation of weights of his squad. Tie claimed the Cornhuskera would Aurerelett him nmn and hi statements seemed to be born out by the appearance of the squad. Notre Dame has only one Joo pounder In the line up with the relegation of Mc Inery, the big WO-pound tackle to the second squad. Ptephan, playing at left tackle, tips the scale at SOI. Notre name Averages ITT. According to the weights given out by Harper this morning, the Notre Dame line weighs 1,(1? pounds, an average of 177 pounds. The backflold brings the occasion Intercepted a forward pass for ioih weigm up 10 l.ri pound or an average of ITT pounds to the man In weight. This would give the Hnakers the advantage of a few pound to the man. "We regard Nebraska a one of the few great teams In the country," Coach Harper said. "W are expecting a hard game and 11 we are beaten w will be beaten by a better team and will have no alibis. We are In splendid condition for the gam.' Stiehm Not Boaatla. Coach Jumbo Itiehm share none of Officials rere: Rim he, Ne! ;th. optimum prevailing the rank, of , J.'JE' i"!!"' . the undergraduate students at Nebraska. The undergrads and the alumni are es ; peeling Notre Dam to get a sound thrashing and made merry at the rnlly held yesterday. In fact Stiehm regards the over-confidence of the squad as the most dangerous enemy, which Nebraska will have to combat. 5 Coach Harper was granted the use of Nebraska field for a short time this after noon, while the Notre Dame squad worked out the "kinks." The Catholics ran through a brtak signal practice be hind clamped gates and then relinquished the field to the Huakers while Btlehni put hi squad through It last drill before the big game. Great C'rww Caw I est. Lincoln Ss all set to entertain the big QUAW PAMEC DA PIT' IRED CLOUD HIGH SCHOOL uimn uviulij jjAun, i fasily defeats superior HUSKERS REJOICE Eight Tackle Who Wai Thought to Be Out for Year Will Play in Notre Dame Game. FATHEB WAS KILLED IN WRECK LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. 21. (Spe cial.) Ed son Shaw, right tackle for the Cornhuskers, who waa thought to be out of the game for the rest of the season because of the death of his father in the railroad accident at Randolph, Kan., laat Saturday) sprung a surprise on his mates last evening by returning to Lincoln and will piay in the Notre Dame game. Shaw's return Is the most refreshing piece of news Cornhuskers have had all week. He waa playing a slashing game at tackle and his loss threatened to dis played a strong defensive game, at time , riint th. .. ,F.ifin of the iin. completely upsetting Coiner's dahlng Now stiehm will be able to shoot Shields offense. Bohan at quarter also played a strong aggreaslv game as did Dutcher and Leach In the back field. Mom for Cotner made th most gains by plugging the Omaha tine, and on on a fifty-yard run. Th contest was un usually clean and free from wrangling. Lineup. OMAHA, COTNBn Adam HeHert 1 1 reed Korbmaker TeHolt .... Xnitoher .., klelcher ... learh ..... Callahan , I e I mat re . Hohan ..R.K. K.T. Thoma R.T Brttt K.O.... Brumbsush C Jsrmltter L.O Rradley L.T Mrokan L.N Johnson r". II ... Zimmerman L.H Hone R. II Frrnh Q Strain braaka. tlrad linesman: Morhneat. Time of aiiartera: Ten and twelve minutes. ..R.O C ...Ull ...LT. ...L.K ...F H ,.1UI ...L.H. Kearney Normalites Defeat York College, Thirteen to Seven YORK. Neb.. Oct B.-(8pecla1 Tele gram.) Kearney Normal defeated York College In a hard fought foot ball gam hare this afternoon, II to 7. Kearney kicked off to Tork. Young returned th ball to the seventeen-yard Una, Kearney waa forced to kirk and Carrlg drop ktuked goal. In the second quarter Kearney went down the field for twelve downs and waa held for downs. York st crowd at a toot ball gam in lta!w" I0rCM 10 ,r- " returned history. Th eye of the western foot , !T,ntjr y'rd"' The nAe4 w,tn ball wnrl.l era K v. . tn ball In Kearney's poeseaalon. In the bark In his old position at guard and place Shaw at tackle. Shaw reported for prat Ire this afternoon. The Cornhuskers hsd another aptrttel pratlce today one of the hardest In recent years. First and second squads went at It tooth and toe-nail and there are very few games harder fought than th scrimmage the Huakers have engaged In In prepar ation for the Notre Dam galnts. Back and forth across th field the ball went with neither side possessing the neces sary punch to put It Th second team men fought with all they had and made a. most excellent shewing against the regulars. Without exception the Nebraska squad la In good condition for a hard battle. All of the men have recovered from minor bruises received earlier In the season and are fit for the visitors. There are very few seats left for the Notre Dam game. Reed reported th s morning that his expectation of 10,000 crowd were sure to be fulfilled. The Notre Dame eleven left this after noon for Lincoln and will reach here tomorrow In time to engage in a short practloe at th Country club grounda. RED CLOt'D, Neb., Oct B (Special Telegram.) Red Cloud High school foot ball team easily defeated the Superior team here today, V to 0. Wilson, Kydd and Overleese starred for Red Cloud. Superior never appeared dangerous and waa penalised frequently for rough play. Halfback Bertram of Superior waa ban ished from the game for rough tactlca. The kicking of Zeiss of Red Cloud rea tured. Kydd of Red Cloud Intercepts two Superior passes and turned them Into touchdowns. Red Claud used many substitutes, sav ing regulars for other games. Referee: Oeilatly. Umpire: Stone. Touchdown: Kydd (2), Heed. Baker. Ooals: Zelts (3). BASE BALL TO TAKE PLACE OF BULL FIGHTS IN MEXICO LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct 21-Venua-tlano Carranxa, head of the de facto government In Mexico. Is going to en courage the American game of base ball in th republic as a substitute for bull fights and other diversions along the border, according to Adolfo Caiillo, hi consular agent here. Carransa, Carillo asserted, will shut down on border Iniquities -S practiced at Juares, Mexlcall, Tijuana, and border towns and will not recognise race tracks, or Monte Carlos, or concessions there fore. "The American game of base ball Will be encouraged Instead," said the agent Tlroken Bow Oatclavases Osceola. BROKEN BOW Neb., Oct. 22.-(Spe-clal.) A big crowd aaw Broken Bow de feat Oaceola this afternoon, 12 to 7. It waa a hard-fought battle all through. The open-field running of Kennedy and Penn and line smashing of Rober san and Heck with featured Broken Bow's play. Osceola failed to complete their forward rassea and were generally outclassed. Five touchdowns were made by the local team and two goals after touchdown. Os ceola made one touchdown and klced FOOT BALL CLAIMS EIGHTH VICTIM SO F&R THIS YEAR CHICAGO. Oct .-The death bf Bryan Scott of Knox college, who died In St ' Louis yesterday of Injuries auatained in a foot ball game, was the eighth foot ball fatality this season, according to statis tics available today. tween the Huakers and th Notre Dam warriors, which. It Is believed, will have an Important bearing on th claim for the weatern championship, t Manager Ouy E. Reed announced to la y that praotlcally all of the seats had bean sold and a crowd between IO.CjO and 13.000 can be expected. Weather condi tions promise to be Ideal with the tem perature, if anything, just a little too high for th comfort of th player. Caiey Mar Have (kiae, Coach Stiehm Is leaning toward Caley, the little quarterback, to start the game for the Huakers. Caley's showing In th opening game was bril liant and experience will probably hand tOia th 11 ro over Cook, who also played a rattling good gam against Washburn. Walter Eckersall, in th capacity of referee, will have a chance to iulnt at Nebraska's start In action against Notre Dame, for assistance In the selection of bis all-weetersi elevens. Llaeeis) for Teams, Hare 1 th lineup for the elevens an nounced by the coaches, with the offi cials for the game: ' KBRA8KA. Positions, NOTRE DAMK K ISaujuti RydawetM ntlkeraltUl'.) O Donnell Kcfrfo ftteuhan U ti. Klward U 1'helan K. H ilurxman I-. H Cofall P. V Backnutn Walter Kraereall, I'hUaKO reieree; ninn. r.annam co R. T., K. Q., C... h ?:::::::: MiiLcilttiu. L. K t .ic.i ...,....u o .tott R. U i aw It T -i.lll K.K. nicy o Ji L. 11 riuuer R. II ltoy. K. H m IhIi i i.iverBity i-, ui.m-lre; Ver Wa-be. Harvard unl-v.i-ity, it-Id Jude; C&lUwell, Marquette m '.n-enaity, head liiiemrian. 'xutm ct baivea: Thirty minutes. MEYERS OF OMAHA LOSES WRESTLING MATCH YANKTON. S. D., Oct H-(Bpeclat Teltram.) Oeorge Cotsonarla of Blou J"aUs wrestled Jack Meyer of Omaha l.cre It hlht, winning th flist two liis. Ti'S tune was forty-five and twenty-five minutes. third quarter York kicked to eKarney and Kearney returned ten yards. Kear ney was penalised for a foul. York gained twenty yards on a forward pass. York put the ball over for a touchdown and kicked goal. In the fourth quarter Kearney double passed and kicked goal. Llneupt KEARNEY. YORK. Shlekle R.E.IR.K.... (C) Ore ham tieioer c iv.T.l K.T Lnraon Klckmler U.O.Ik.U Saunders Miller Reynolds Huefile L.O.ILO Kuan Hanilnlph KT.IL.T Bland Jenaen L.K.LE Burke Carrlg Q.'Q Ulure Hnlb RHIIL11 SUmer I..II. L.1I.... SchmelaJliie Kaert K, K.R. . . Young Referee: Rlucr. NuUraaka. . I'liiuire: MoMullen. Wrnlevan. Head llnesin.n: Uunther, Nebraaka. TWO DROP KICKS WIN THE GAME FROM BEATRICE BEATRICE Neb., tct li-tSpeclal Telegram.) Two drop-kicka by Captain Bcott of Grand Island were enough to defeat Beatrice here today, t to a before the season's largest crowd. Only two yards and a penalty separated Beatrice from a climaxing touchdown and poaal bly victory In the last few minute, and the visitors were only four yards from Beatrice's goal as the first half closed. Both teame were superb on the defense, neither goal line being creased. Hcott executed hie decisive drop-kick from the twenty and twenty-ftve-yard lln Grand Island with not a score against It this season, is making a strong bid fur the state rhamplonahlp, having beaten Kearney, York and Beatrice. The locals had been undefeated until today. The Lineup: GRAND 1 ALAND. BEATRICE. j our a Lr: K.u c LT. Iempeey L.G Hyde O. Buettner R.O Buechler R.T. Kraba H.K. Brown U Kaufman Ml Ki,lein.n R H Lax lee F.H Officiate Foot Ball Battles of the Middle West Today's foot ball schedule in th mid dle weat Includes the following games: At Chicago, Purdue against Chicago. At Madlaoa, Ohio State against Wis eons'n. At Minneapolis, Iowa against Minne sota. At Champagns, Northwestern against Illinois. At Lincoln, Notre Dams against Ne braaka. At Ann Arbor, Michigan Aggies against Michigan. At Cleveland, Oberlln against Case. At Akron, Western Reserve against Aaron. At Cincinnati, Denlson against Cincinnati. At Craw fords vllle, Franklin against warjasn. At ' Jke Forest, Lawrence against Lake Forest Students Can't Go in Live Stock Cars STATE COLLEGE. Fa.. Oct Jt-Plans of Pennsylvania State college students to travel as "live stock" to the big foot tall games to be played by the Blue and White away from home have been shat tered by the Interstate Commerce com mission. It was learned today. It was ruled that despite th willingness of the students to travel in special cars bedded down with straw, It was Illegal for rail roads to transport human being under the special classification of "live stock." The student hoped to see the Harvard game next week at Cambridge at a eoat of about IT for railroad fare, whereas the Journey In Pullmans would coat them S3&. UR. Botte LT Hubka UQ ifeiah C Erirkeon R Q Ward .T (c) Ktlpatrirk R.B. Jnhneim Q Ilara.h LII Bhallenberg R H herwuod B Jane ROUGH PLAY CAUSES THE CANCELLATION OF ALL GAMES GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Ort. It. (Spe cial.) The Ravenna High school authori ties having cancelled all foot ball dates of the team of that school on account of some recent roughness among Ravenna students, the Grand Inland High school has open dates on October O and Thanks giving day, whk-h it desires toflit. Referee. Caldwell. Marauelte: Umpire, Beck. Wealeyan; head linesman, Chaleworth Nebraska. In tne opening jm of today's double ba8er. law n City Htsh wo from the Beatrice Reeerves. 1 to a Harvest festival at Uatkeakarg. fJGTMKNfimo. Neb.. Cw-t. .-spHel " rl -XI !! ilM-llll rg CluBKl tulllgtlt f i m uul annual coil ahui and barveat ? Tt.uroy was devetod u the , i b'iuw, w;.lkt4 S'miiiT o Albert I :.jveiiiy of Nciu't Juds. I the same with MUaouri hire tomorrow. . , 'v u dwotl In an ai li'uiiuial I klany regulara ate out of the lineup. . Mria. Tne root bail sajiua I whli n has beeo ahiriea so it is unrecoa. . i (ii.tlirriburg )l:h and liaaunaa ' nlaable. Moaa haa txH-n sent from quar- . a i, l iii :,i.i,tjiM. M Hi 1. A rra lr ta half Bloaa. wkea run scored La ' . . ! ensrae vt ( harles Hupfcr, the Ames-Minnesota game, I pot at quar- Assea Rsweete f Win. AMES, la.. Oct. (Piierlnl Telegram 1 oai'h Uiywr. Am. eipecta to win AlUAnrrtraai Win. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Ort. M Tbs All-Amrrioans defeated the All-Nationals here today. 7 to L Xtalster 0T Teatlaaeay. Th Rev. C. M. K rush ton. Havann Fla.,' wrKes: "For three months I suf. fered Intense pain in kidneys and back, which at tlmee laid me up entirely. I read ef Foley Kidney Pills and after trying various remedies without seauit I decided to try th Foley treatment was relieved almost with th first doss and It U a fact that I used only 1H bottle when all of th pains dlaap. peered. I axa M years of ago and stew teal like a young man again." see I si hare. Advert Uemeat 1 -nr-i-Ti- i f t IIMI'IIIIMi! t'Tiai ri iii.t: am i Brandeis Stores Announce The Opening of Their New NQ GOODS DEPARTMENT P0RTI Saturday, October Twenty-third EVERT GOOD SPORTSMAN and devotee of Athletics In Omaha and vicinity will look with keen appreciation upon the opening of the largest and most complete Sporting Goods de partment west of Chicago, at BRANDEIS STORES. This department has been planned on very broad and unusual lines. "Help the other fellow and he will help vou" tritely states its policy. SERVICE spelled with capital letters and un derscored, saturates every idea back of this store. Every essential to make this the most prac tical and complete department has been effected. Only the very highest grade goods of acknowl edged superiority will be carried. Every man in this section is an expert in his line and you will be able to command expert counsel on prac tically every known sport or branch of athletics. It is our aim that no man shall ever walk into this department and state a single need that we cannot instantly, accurately and thoroughly fulfill, whether it be an unusual load for a gun, or advice on a shooting trip. We are special agents for, or control the sale ot the following high grade manufactures in our sporting goods store. We will take pleasure in showing you the completeness of each line. Guns, Rifles and Revolvers Parker Bros. Rosa Rifle Co. Winchester Rep. Ann Co. Hopkins & Allen Arms Co. Remington UMC Co. Ilarringrton & Richardson Co. A. II. Fox Can Co. Smith & Wesson. Sarage Arms Co. Colts Pat Fire Arms Co. Stevens Arm ft Tool Co. Gun Accessories MARBLE ARMS ft MFQ. CO. Cleaning Rods, etc., etc. CHAM BERLIN TARGET ft CARTRIDGE CO. Hand Protectors, Check Pads, etc BRAUER BROS. MFG. CO Gun Cases, Duffle Bags, etc. Ammunition Peters' "Steel Where Steel Belongs." U. M.' C. Winchester. I -"3K i 1 1 1 M I Sal m. t u j t e l i i a. t n. f II V' Jf ;fcf . . ; S -: W . 11 YAW if iUV;: . , m fix 114 lj ..S0 1 IV ; "hTw-V... jlfX 1 li - - n f I 1 1 r I Mb i I . .. " , ' I Ufa I JLaVLJitWit l! i y. .- ."- -.. i vv,.,,- -:,vr, ; ,. . , ,- r Hunters Clothing CELEBRATED DUXBAK LINE. LEATHER SHOOTING JACKETS. FOOTWEAR Complete line of Gymnasium and Athletic Shoes. RUSSELL MOCCASIN BOOTS. WITCH ELK HUNTERS FOOTWEAR. Best Line of Rubber Boots and Waders in the West. Peters "Steel Where Steel Belongs." U. M. C Winchester. Athletic Line We represent the following manufacturers: A. J. REACH CO. Baseball and football A. G. SPALDING ft BRO. Baseball and football, tennis and golf goods. HYGIENIC FLEECED UNDERWEAR CO. Gymnasium wear, basket ball shirts. Jerseys, hose, shooting jack. ets, etc., ete. WEBER Jackets. WRIGHT & DITSON Tennis goods, golf goods. McGregor Golf goods. 5S3 ST:55 Out Golf Stock for the 1916 Season will be the tnout complete in the We$t. Our lines of Canoes, Camp Furniture and Equipment, Auto Touring Accessories, Tents, Tarpaulins, Auto Coy ers, etc., will be complete and ready in time for the 1916 season. Please consider this an invita- ' tinn tn the nncninn ni ntir lJfm ZZ5;rsj Saturday Oct. Twenty-third 47 i : St 1 '., I; f )) !fl;MH;i ij til t,i i rf ' - ' -ST I iii. t uuu. j4 aver X.0U3 buinw