Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1915, Page 8, Image 8
TITU BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCrrOIttTR 22, 1915. and Mrs. Bushman left for New Orleans, later to tour Cuba and the Isle of Fines. After December 1 Dr. and Mrs. Bush man will be at home at Hotel Frntenell. The out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Stuart of Walnut, la. Mr. Stuart was formerly Miss Lillian Bushman of this city. Mr. Joseph rtoaers. Mrs. Ale Jet and Mr. Frank O. Browne. Mr. M. M. Kline will entertain the club' In two weeks. Family Reunion. Mrs. Mary M. Anderson la entertaining Mr. and Mr. Frank Ptsrk of Pan Fran cisco and Mr. and Mr. Charles Anderson of Manitowoc, Wis. Mrs. Ptark Is a dnushter of Mr. Anderson and formerly ot Omaha. Scottish Bite Mmicale. The Scottish Rite Woman' club will give a musical Friday afternon In the Scottish Rite cathedral, under the direc tion of Mr. Fart Fines. The program will consist of vocal eolo by Mis Amanda TebMns and Miss Leota Parker; reading by Mr. II. H. Fish; violin se lection by MIp Augusta Mengedoht, ac companied on the piano by Miss Alma Peters; reading by Mrs. A. R. Knode; duet by Misses Tcbblns and Parker; plnno solo by little Anna Lesf. the child prod ley. Other selection will be accompanied by Miss Adalyn Wood on the piano. Personal Mention. Dr. N. It. Ranmussen, who has ben III at St. Joseph hospital, has gone east to recuperate. By MELLIFICIA. T' .HERE are fashions In falling In dramas, novels and bodices. For the last decade men young, old and middle-aged bare been giving their hearts to girls, "mere chit in their teens." and the once dread widow, of whom men were warned to beware, was conceded to be quite harmless, not even possi ble for lightest flirtation. But, in the shuffling of fate, the mode bas bad its day, and the widow has come back into ber own; and our president is seen at the head, leading the new fashion, playing the lover adorable to a matron past 4v. It Is passing away, at least for a time, of the "bud." Barrle, the greatest living dramatist, has declared woman at her lovelies at "Forty and a blttock." and Oution Borglum, the greatest living sculptor, "loveliest at every ago." In Omaha society there are Just a full score of charming widows so what is the coming season going to brlngT "The rose-bud garden of girls" Is getting anxious fashions travel quite fast, especially when westward bound, and It is scheduled to be about Christmas when Omaha men will realise, like Sam Weller, "vidows is dangerous." At the Braadeit Theater. Reservation at the Iimmlel tor Julia Bsnderson, Ixmald Brian and Joseph Cawlhorn in 'The Girt from Utah," lor Friday and Saturday have been made as follows: R, B. Towlo, two; N. B. Updike.- sis: lr. Crowley, two; C. K. Uutchlnson, two; R. li. Mauley, three; K. JJooson. two; N. Bernstein, two; Mrs. JL A. Qulnn, Council Bluffs, four; Mrs. Hen Baker, four; Georga Haverstlck, Juur; U O. Xup. two; Mrs. T. U Uavls, tour; Mrs. F. II Davis, three; J. V. Kinsler, two; Hal Brady, two; Frank Boyd, four; F. W, Bacon, four; W. Chambers, two; C. II. Klwrntn, two; Zlarley Moorhcad. two; W. A. Mauer, Council Bluifs, four; W. S. Btlllinan. Council Bluffs, two; Mr. and Mrs. Menl bopc, Council Bluffs, ei(ht; Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Peters, two; Or. i'ulver, two; Mrs. A. M. Tlnto, four; A. Meyres. three; F. Walters, two; K. B. Williams, two; J. J. Hsrncs, two; Mrs. Archer, four; Mrs. fcdnard WkAham, Council Bluffs, four; II. Conant, two; A. M. Jeffries, two; Fred Hamilton, bo; W. R. leVol, Council Bluffs, four; Mrs. W. T. Burns, four; J. A. Cavers, sin; F. U llallcr, Is; W. 11. McCord. four; TV. II. Clark, tour; tester Ileyn, two; Durban, four; A. V. Kinsler, four; C. T. KounUe, three; A. C. I'oltcr, two; E. R. McMahon, two; lr. J. K. Summers, three; A, 8. Ritchie, two; Vr. MeUinaer, two; Dr. J I. A. Waggoner, two; Mr. A. B. Warren, two; J. A. Clark. Council Bluffs, four; Mrs. A. U Red, two; C. B. Mats, four; Ueorge I'Klns, two; Uoorg Redlck. two; Mrs. A. C. rimlth, four; 1L Wlllnsky, three; 8 nails, two. For the Saturday matinee reaervatlons have been mad as follows; Mrs. Cox, right; II. C. Drake, two; F. A. Castle, three; Mr. Manchester, two; M. Louden. iwo; Mrs. Kloke, two; Mrs. Ileyn. two; ,M. J. Coakley, two; 11. B. Robinson, two; F. B. KcunardL two; Mr. and Mrs. 1L Roaenfeldt. four; Mrs. Orkln, three; B. A. UlKSlns, three; O. Ktors. two; R. U Urown, two; 11. T. Hall, two; Mr. A, U Reed, two; E. A. Moore, two; Mr, Wiltlman. three: Arthur Jacqullh, two. Selson-Bttikirk We4dinj. ', Miss Thelme M. Busklrk. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Busklrk, was married to Mr. Arthur C. NeUon of Omaha, eon of Mr. Kahn ot dllmore Clev. la.. Wednesday evening at .in home ot the bride's parents, S304 Lari mer avenue, the Rev. Mr. Kerr, pastor of the Third Presbyterian church, of ficiating. TtJrty guests were present. The Lohengrin wedding march was played ty Miss Florentine Moses, and 4-year-old lUlen Dorothy Boyden carried the ring. The bride was attended by her sister, Ml Alia Busklrk. and Mr. Waller Osborn was groomsman. : Mr. and Mrs. Nelson will not take a , wedding trip, but left immediately for the apartment already furnished tor Ihera at the Har-Lll apartments. The out-of-town guests were Mrs. F. )t. O'Connell and little son. John Law- it nee, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd busklrk ot Norfolk, Mr. Kahn ot Oll- Mtor City, la., and Miss Ruth Lobman ut Vte, la, Surprise Tarty. :,Misa Nellie Yv lmmer was given a sur 'p'jse party st the home of Mr. A. C. iirleb. Mra Orlcb waa assisted by Mis .Kmma Nielsen and Mr. William Arnold. S'hoae preaeut were M lsses Reeele I.airence, irene Hough, nes Hough, .rata Clark, rWirah Corenman, 1 . 1 la, lkxM, Ma Iwxld. iieth Huaeklst. I rene Town send, Helen Good, ' Misses-'' F.lenlna Peterson, Harriet l.v. A K lies Arnold. Mildred AhlMrund, lioulah Maxwell, Cvlia Arnold, Adit lioBKxIinan, Js'mIIIo Wlinmer, Knitna Nlelmm, Kin liUHvklst, - I Election of Officera. 1 I The alumnae of the Sacred Heart held 1 their annual bualnea meeting Tuesday ; at I "ark Place. Mra Crofoot was re- ; elected president; Mra Arthur Keellne, vice president; Mr. Thomas Parmale of I f PlatUmouth second vice president; Mi , lilar.oha Kinsler. treasurer; Mm Oeorg I f XV. Later, recording secretary, and Mlsi 1 Claire Helen Woodard. secretary. Fast Events. i Mrs. OeUii-rman gave a surprise party ! In honor of her daughter. Mis Anna i Oelderman. last Saturday evening at her home. lDla Dorcas street. Game and Biuslo were played. Those present were M i .- Anna I H-lderman. Anna Pek, i uml-rih Peck. Fli-ral of Kioin cny. VaMha Klbert of M-Hxrs - l'n-i ( Idermajt, M'.ujr U-ner of Huuth tiule, Frunk Maiicuso. !,:! YcUliusM of M. l.uia. J. m lnn. 1 i..n );Umer. M isses Chi. ok". IUK Trvbelle, Kalherliie Krechek, ltuth H'lcker. Mvtiy Volahosky, Thtv-se Krocker Messrs Geoie Keed ot iMjnver, diaries Sticker, John Vonrk, pete Mcl'oy of Klii horn, IJoyd Johnson. Mr. and Mra. M. J. Mullln gave a sur prise parly weanesay ewnin ut uunvr vt the birthday oC Mr. Peter Hourlgan. I'rixe at cards were won by Mra. J. W Wood, Miss Maybell Flavin. Miss Mar- taret Bartholomew, Mr. Andrew Nelaon and Mr. Donald Hood. The guests of the evening were: Mrsxrs. and Meadamea Ai,.Ji-w Nelin. J. V. Hood. 1 iMiik Cunuouy, M. J. Mullm. llf.e Mle V 'u-;ie Flavin. Julia Mauer, Mi-Mil.- Messrs Tboma Verner, . Donald Hood, t .art me Hood, Peter Hourlgan. Einhinan-Homan Wedding-. bi'.m Fvsngellne Homan waa married te Dr. Ixml B. Rushman Wednesday after noon at 4 o'clock la St. Peter' church. 'v. Fattier UniKn officiating. Only riear relatives of both families were present. The bride wore a dark cloth 'vinj away town, trimmed whb fur, and Thursday, October 21, 1915. love as there are modes in shirts, FUTURE MISTRESS OF THE WHITE HOUSE This dainty little picture of Mrs. Edith Boiling Oak, the fiancee of President Wilson, was made when she was but 3 years old, It was picked out of a group picture of the Boil ing children, taken thirty, five years ago. . V- i X I .- Atvs ami. ! ye aits. carried American Beauty rosea She w attended by nor sister-in-law, Mrs. Ilos coe 1 Ionian. Dr. Bushman was attended by hi brother, Mr. Oeorge Bushman. ' Mrs. Bushman I the daughter of Mr. and Mis. William R. Homan ot this "" " uranuniiun iron, "roW"e1' H" 'h MxM yocaX mU", ,n ... 7 Immediately following the ceremony Dr. TO STOP DANDRUFF AND FALLING HAIR Home Made Hair Tolo Stops Dan druff in From One to Five Nights. Ton can remove dandruff and scalp eruption In from on to five night by the use of the following simple recipe, which you can mix at home or have put up at any drug store at very little cost, it doe not color the hair and Is perfectly harmless. Water One-half pint Ray Rum On ounce. Texola Compound ....One-quarter ounce. Glycerin One-quarter ounce. A half-pint I all you need, Rub It Into the -alp well at night and after a few application the dandruff and scalp eruption will disappear and the hair will stop falling out and become soft and glossy. Advertisement. Combs' Cameos are creating business Cjf Combs New Sterling Stone Sets. GT Society Pieces have just been r e c o i ved They're ele gant. GT Xmas Goods comingin daily . select now. AtllSMt ear NaJLv:xi EWEULR5 VaaV t aa ouLa t r- nroffee Delicious" ; yKvt mnmmm m mumi nip ssi tsun iayis In and Out of the Bee Hire. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Hyson have re turned from an extended eastern trip. They were gone four weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Beckler left Wednesday afternoon for Dead wood, 8. D., to visit later other western points of Interest. Mr. and Mrs. M. t. Kenney and family of St. Joseph Mo., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr. J. P. Maguire. on their way to Montana. Today! Eventi. ' ' The White Bhrlne will meet tonight at the Maxontc Temple. The business meet ing will be followed by a social. Omaha Boy Meeting Old Friends. Mr. and Mr a Arthur It. Welch are visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mr. L. A. Welch, who Is city ticket agent for the Canadian Pacific In Portland, Ore., I visiting Omaha for the first time In four year. Rnmmy Club Meets. Mr. II. I rTnderwood entertained the member of the Rummy club ' at her home Wednesday afternoon. Garden flower were used In the decoration. Prise for the card game were won "by Keeps Lit in a Stiff Wind The Aflame "flickers," of course, but it does not go out. The stick is absolutely dry that is one reason for the superiority of Safe Home Matches. Safe Home Matches are absolutely non-poisonous. For that reason alone they should be in every home in America. Ac. All grocers. Ak for them by nam. The Diamond Match Company VIEWIIIGFIIIE ARTS AT HOSPE'S NEW ART BOOTHS Seoree of Omaba aad Vabraaka Womsa Spend Sgnoa Tim la. pectins' aad Bnylaa; from the Smmeaae gok . Orsataat CoUeotloa Weet of C bio ago. Colored Etchings, Meiiotlnte, Kac-Slmlle Water Colorg, Hand Colored Gravures. O r iginal Etc binge. Genuine Carbona, Photographs, Artotypee, Bep laa, Color 1'rlnts, etc You are Invited to spend hours (If you wish) Ylewtnc this immense stock of fine arts. Nowhere in the west will you find the variety and num bers or nne pictures as me Ilospe Co. offers the public. Should you rind a picture you wish to own, and have It framed here, again we are su preme with the Largest Ilcture Framing establishment known. Not less than fifteen hundred varieties or frames and frame moldings, this includes our cele brated rramer'a Craft Shop Irantes; nothing better made. Our Mirror department Is showing a larger variety or tytes in Mantel Mirrors, French mirrors in gold, natural wood and decorated frames Bric-ev-Ilrac department con tains the newest Desk Sets in blue and pink enamel, brass and sterling silver or bronse. Candle Sticks Electrta Candles. Electric Lamps, for table or floors, in metal and wood. lirass Article are numerous In their various uses and deslgna. Statuary in bronse and marble; also the composition line. Cordova leather la Ladles' Dags, Pocket Books, Card Cases and Table Mats, in pro fusion. Artificial Flowers Every popular known variety, Ameri can Beauties, Chrysanthemums, Hoses, Daisies, etc, at reduced prices. Artist Materials for china painters, oil painters, water color painters, crayon, pencil, pastel and charcoal artists. For prices ask for catalogues. Card for all occasions. Place, Wedding. Birthday and every day cards. In large variety. A. Hospe Co. 1513-1515 Douglas Street P. S : Ask to bear the Welte play the Mason 4 Hamlin pUno. FRIDAY GREAT A Big Women's GLOVE SALE SATURDAY Wash Goods Thewsand f Yra ef Heaetiral Pall YYaah- Fabrlea, blaMy aereerla. aeat prtmt lasa. Ilkt a ad eark leiinga. Vil- te lOe, yard 5c Silkoline 8e-laea 'rreaeh Printed eilhellsi and temferter Cretenae, la all the aete fall dealgas, aeat Herat artatlngs. Val- m i.e ice, l-e-t- yard t w Percale Se-laeh Urea Percale, e4aC4 eleta. Heat aad lark area da, aeat data, stripes aad flsareai far AT kaaa aresaes, are. ete. Heaja lar BVke Talae. 6ic $3.95 , ieeet a I, Frt.. y. Flannel ST-taea Plata aad Faaey Oatina- Flannel, ana II lee aaeh a Fleeeetlawa, Irla. ' gwlaa aad ether steale araSea. Ultra heavy fleeee, bath aide napaed. Hrsa lar valae, pedal, Frl ft 7ic Poplin Geaalae Irish Peplla, la all the wanted ehade aad eelara, abaelately fast. Length ap ta SO Tares, lite aaa SSe Talne, Fri day, yard Flannel Fare White Oatina Flaaael, estra fine enm ity, aaft, warm aap fall bait te aeleet frena. AT Keg-alar prlee, Te. Sala prlee yard lie $1.95 Muslin Se-laeh Bleaebed Mna lla, flaa aaft flalah. leag-tba te 15 yard. Worth ta 10c, yard Zephyrs . ST-laeh Viae, Faaey Xephyra, la all the lead in crade, aaeh aa Vark. K.rerett, Hatea, te. Hesralar 10a ay Talne, Friday, "jC Suitings ST-laeh Beat Grade Gal atea Seltlna. cradea aeh aa Maaeheater, Ilydegrrade, Baaaaea aad ether reliable makeel all the wanted atylea aad aalar. loe lar. lSe O f . apeelat. 0"jC valae, yard Muslin Se-laeh liableaehed Maalia, extra a end enal Ity, aaft finish. A Fall, balta ta 4C aeleet fraas, yd..... Union Suits M Dtua Mea'a Fall aad Winter Weight t'aiea Malla, ribbed aad fleeoe Heed. Hegalar mp i.oe Talaea, ISC, alt ww Underwear CS Deaea Mea'a Fleeced aad Ribbed Shirts aad Drawers, gray, rera aad blae. Reaalar 50e Tal- sm, special. .39c rnaay, ir neat , Sweaters IS Deaea Mea'e Flaa Waal aad Wanted Sweater Caata, ataetly aall alaea. alaea ta l.ou. Sala price, ft'rlday, aeh 98c Bolsters Odd Bolatere with aeal laped eada. Satla eaatea flnlah, Marseilles hlad aa apreaaa la r ( nateh, SpeelaU flVC Friday, eaeb Towels 1 eaae af fall bleached Tarblah Taweto, doable twlated yaraa, hemmed eada. gtae. 204 19c Inebea. Itegntar soe vaiaea, eaea 1,000 Napkins Ileaaaaed end, ready ta aae aterrertaed bind. Iw faaey laee Datllea. Hegalar be aad 10 r Tnlnva. a a I re Friday, at Table Damask - One can fall bleaebed Mercerised Flnlahi pat terna copied fraaa very aisa-eiaaa Iinena. I a e h e a wide. 35c W eeth dee. gale price, yard HOSIERY AND Women's Fine Cotton Fleecy Lined Vesta and Pants, all ") r Ises. Worth Sic, fach LOL Women's Fine Cotton Fleecy Lined I nion Suits, all slses Of) and styles. Mc values, each OVC Chlidrea'a Fine Cotton Fleecy Llaed Vests and Pants, all siaes. Ytorth tic, special, Friday, 171,, garment 1 1 "jC Men's Heavy Vfool SocVi pi . worth Sic, special, palr,...lV'jC IS BARGAIN DAY IN OUR ENLARGED BASEMENT gsi in sawni'spasj sue .mirmjimir,"r"mmW' itfajgamaa ii u ii 'i Wi sjr nw Wn r aspay PTIH f fat S"btl fc , rui asm m i SSI i isl" llllllllllS Ill I Sill II Mill III II II llll I II I IIPIIIIMI nSMISS II II Ill I Take Your Choice From Over 300 New, Up to the Minute Fall and Winter Suits Fitted and box back women's and misses' plain and fancy trimmed suits, made of fine all- wool materials, every new color, as well as black. Copies of higher priced models. Many fur trimmed. All sizes, all new styles. Regular $15.00 values, at Economy & Style in These New Fall Dresses AT Ifomen'f sod misses' new correct style (1 C O Ca fall dreem made of fine terlals, silk and sen? com binations taffeta, silk, satin, cbarmense, etc $70 to $10 valoes, all-wool serges, silk and wool poplins, etc many different styles. $1.00 and $UX) values. Sale of Children's Apparel Children's styles are prettier this year than ever before and we don't know when we have been able to offer better values. Mothers, you can save money by pur chasing your daughters' clothing in our great enlarged basement. Girls' correct style fall and winter dresses for school and dressy wear, made of fine all wool serges, corduroy, etc., all colors, etc.; $2.25 and $2.50 values. AT Girls' dresses, ages 3 to 6 and i j 6 to 14 years, plaids, checks, i P stripes, plaid and plain . com- binations, heavy wash materi als, extra good values at 65o or 75o. AT Girls' coats, ages 2 to 6 &f Jf 7ean bearskins, corduroys, ah I Yf fancy mixtures, etc., fine V coats, excellent materials. Regular $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 values. THOUSANDS of SILK REMNANTS in dress, waist and trimming lengths, consisting of all the newest and most wanted shades and textures, such as 40-inch Charmeuse, Crepes, Dress Goods , Remnants 44320 yards of fine all wool French Challis, from IVi to 6 yard lengths. Worth 59o fj yard, at yard IVC An exceptionally fine lot of dress goods, mill . ends from 2 to 6 yds. long; 38 to 54 ins. n worth to $3, Friday entire piece 50 to )lOy la porters' and Manufacturers' Drees Goods Samples and Single Pieoes. Values of unusual interest. Friday, divided in two lots, r each piece, at 39t? and wt)C All-Wool Dress Goods, drummer's matched and single samples, in serges, diagonals, ir crepes, novelty weaves, etc. Friday each. . IOC 44 to 54-inch All-Wool Dress Goods Remnants, from 2 to L yards long, such as costume and French serges, gabardines, tweeds, plaids, stripes ond novelty suitings. Worth to $2, sale price Friday, yard 49 and Hundreds of Boys' Splendid SUITS AND OVERCOATS At a Great Savins; to You $4 to $5 Values, $2.95 Suits in splendid weight fabrics, many with extra paBts. Sew pattern effect. Plenty of splendid overcoats in the lot, including chin chillas in all shades many coats full flannel Hned. Ages 8 to 10 years, thole 2 QEy Boys' MaeVinaws, red, brown and gray plaid effects. Ill aicea, 7 to IS years. $1 (P CltZ values, special Friday TERY SPECIAL! Children's Sleeping Garments, with or with out feet. Made of splendid weight outing flan nel, in white or neat stripe patterns. Ages 1 to 10 years. Kegular iOo values, "va Friday, at XVC UNDERWEAR Childrea's Wool Gloves aU Vtorth to Sac, specially priced, pair , sises 19c Cotton 5c double 19c Fleecy 59c Men's Heavy Gray Mixed Socks, worth 10c, special at, pair Men's Fiber Silk Socks heels and toes. Begular tic values, at, pair Women's Heavy Cotton lined I'nlon Salts. Kegn lar 11 values Friday, ea.. Hew fall dre s AT A special lot of silk and cloth dresses orer 200 In this lot, many es for women n mlnses, all won! ma. $1.95 good, practical dresses many purposes. $3.00 $1.00 Tslnes. Women's and Misses' Fall and Winter Coats AT A very special group at r a fwm this price. Fine, all-wool an4- Ve Bergs and light weight r' v rough coats for early wear. Also many coats of fancy and plain ma terials, boucle, zibeline, etc., for winter. Values to $10.00 OVER SIX HUNDRED SILK PETTICOATS ', Made to sell at $1.69 up to $2.50. Per fect in every way, good quality messa line and liberty silk. Many m ff different styles plUU AT Women's Sateen and Imita jk q tion Heatherbloom Petticoats, 4(r embroidered bottom petticoats look-like-silk petticoats, in many different colors, - etc. 75o and $1.00 values. ; OVER 1,000 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' CLOTH SKIRTS A wonderful lot, made of serges, checks, plaids, fancy mixtures, etc. Made to sell at $1.95, $2.50 ffi and $3.00, at yyC Radiums, Meteors, Pop lins, Foulards; 36 and 27 inch Taffetas, Messalines, Faillies, Foulards, Peau de Soie, etc., etc. Values from 50c to $1.75 yard will be placed on four bargain squares Friday Values to 50c, Values to 75c. Values to $1.00, Values to $1.75 69c NOTIONS FRIDAY IN THE -BASEMENT Clark's Thread, special, spool . ..2 60c Xotlon Boxes, sale price, es-, 10 Boys' and Girls' Hose Supporters, at Pr .....5 Bono Hair Plus largo box for 5 Elastic Kemnants, special, each . ...1 Machine Oil, Frf. dsy, botUe 5 Safety Pins, spe cial, 4 dosen ...5 Good Darning Cot ton, 4 spools.... 5 Jiusllk, sale price, at, spool 2tt Bias Tape, Tape and Edging, one big lot, bolt 5 Solid Gold Plated Beanty Pins, at card ..5 - Inside Skirt Belt ing, yard .......5 Fast Colored Edg. lag, special, yd,.l Rust-Proof Dress Clasps, card ....2 Pearl Buttons, Fr. day, dosen ! One Big Lot of Barrettes and Combs worth 25c, sale price t each f5k BASEMENTSHOE DEPARTMENT Vfomen'sfFine Dress Shoes ent or dull leather, cloth or Sat all kid top. 1 button stjlej new heels and new lasts new pat tfj a q terns P"l' i)faiO Women's Shoes dull and patent leather. Slses are broken.. 1 on Worth to IXiO, pair. Felt Slippers for Women colors 1 fur trimmed 1 flexi ble leather soles pair In all 98c JEWELRY SALE SATURDAY Watches, Diamonds and High Grade Jewelry Trimmed Hats New hlsj 1st af Sampl Trlramrd lists, trlmsar4 with fur, sold ana sil ver rnamrnts, flowara. t. Wart k ta $1.95 SS.M. Special rrldar . Millinery Silk Velvet Hat, la all the heat ikasn. M astir h I a e k. W'arth AO ta Bala VtlLi irlea, Friday Feathers 100 Daaea Paaey Feath ers, wins;. stlca-aa Ostrtrh avel tlea. ete. VVarth to TS, chalea... 15c Woolnap Extra Heavy Wlnaa Cotton Blanket 11 em Bants. Many are tall Blae, single, 11 eottoa blankets, la taa and Cray. Wall for and north o each, Frid Blankets New Krtra laraa sis. 13-4 Blankets, taa and aray, twilled eottaa blanketa. Besjnlar nrlee. Sa.OO. Saeelal '$1.39 ly piiecd, at pair ......... Comforts White Cotton Filled ComfortA tail slsn far lara beds. Now earded cotton tlUUsai sllkollao wT-., 98c to 7 Prints Thonaaada af yard af American nnd Simpson's prints, percale, on tins; flannel, kimono fleeoe, etc., leaatha eaaliy maicnea. Fri day, yd vtrhllo they last . . . . . Sheets T2s0-nch Bleached Sheets, fin aaft finish, S Inch hems, torn and Ironed, ready for as. oO values, Friday, ,-JZ.C each Hosiery Women's Ribbed Top Waal Hosiery, worth Special, a m rrl-ay, lSr tlr Hosiery Men and Women' flaa cotton senmless hosiery. worm iuc, aaia price Friday, Plr 6c Hosiery Children's Fine Cotton Hosiery, double heels, toea and soles black anly. Worth X i.rr otc Handkerchiefs Men's, Women's and Children's Flna Cotton Haudkerchieie. worth ta 6e, - AC pedal, caek .... 2 w Crochet Cotton Cardonnet Special Mer cerised Crochet Cotton, In white, ecrn aad eel ara. IOo valae. peel ....... 6c 19c 29c 49c 69c Night Dresses ' Stamped Klaht Dreaaes n extra quality naln aoek. Kcat and pretty aeaiajaa. 50e 25c Challis ST-lnek Cotton Chains and heantltnl Comforter Coverlas;, In nil the new Persian floral ftarnrea aad oriental doalana. oo vames. Friday, 4c Cotton Batting Pare white Cotton bat ting:, aaft, sanitary card ed cotton hand railed batts, lSe Jn roll.. Frl- JIJC day, each , w Bleached Cambric fl(l-lneh Bleaebed Jfa. 1 Pare White Cam brie. Soft, mcreerlaod finish for flna nadar- ear. lOe t f lue. Frl- 0C y, yd. ........ i val day. Wash Cloths Turk I ah and Turhnlf Wash Cloths, plain aad faaey eolortnao. He a lar Be val ues, each ....... 3c Men's Shoes button and lac styles 1 good solid leather o nn shoes All slses palr.....VV.UU Girls' Shoes tlcl kid or box ealfskla leatheri button aad lac styles Worth to fUi, ti t, P-lt M.Z5 umi jnen-s Bnoes. sixes h IaI u . a a n 1SU oaly. Button and Ism styles Specially priced, j at, pair I