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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1915)
T11K HKK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, l!U.r) 1 BRIEF CITY NEWS X.iaea)s. Tailor too Psxton Blk. Orffss percolator, f5, norgess-Grsnlen. Bare Boct Fttel It Now Beeuron Press "Today's CompTt's Mot Froc" elassired section today, and appears Tee Bo BXCLUSIV ELT. Find out ihl the various moving picture thtatere offer Mayo Ooea to Bonn dap Mayor Dahl tnaa and Commissioner Dreael have gone to Valentine, Neb., to attend a roundup of Old time cowboys. Tot Safety rint In I.lfe Insurance ea W. H. Indoe. general agent. State Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Worcea ter. Masa. one of the oldest. 71 yeara, and best oompanlea on earth. The State Bank of Omaha raya 4 per cent on time deposits and 1 per cent on savings account. All deposit In thla bank are protected by the depositor1 guarantee fund of the atate of Nebraska. Tory Trial Hex Month Jury trials in the United Statea district court will begin about November 11. before Jurtiro Thomas C. Munger- A venire for petit Jury service has been drawn to report for duty on that date. IMasd oa Disorderly Charge James Demos, 601 South Thirteenth street, ar rested on a charge of keeping a gambling house, paid a fine of $10 and costs ' In police court. Several Inmates received light fines. mawltaar Heirs Oet Terdlct Heirs of the late A. H. Rawltser, tent and awning manufacturer, are entitled to fii.4T3.tS In surance from the Mutual Benefit, Health and Accident association, according to a verdict by District Judge Day. Order of atage Charter fee, 15, monthly duea, 76c; weekly benefit, 17; funeral benefits. $125; free physician, free li'gal advice, free employment bureau; 700 member in Omaha. Join now. Of fice $08 Brandels theater. Douglas $684. Cass for Puree Owner A leather purse containing a small quantity of cash was found near the Brandels stores and has been brought to police head quarters. The owner, by calling and properly describing the article, may have the same. Plan for 'Christmas Bush Railway mall official of the Omaha-Ogden di vision will go to the latter city Sunday evening for a conference with officials of the BAn Francisco division to plan for handling the Christmas mall rush. Those going from Omaha are Superintendent Frank D. Johnston, Schedule Chief W. 8. Felt and Chief Clerk C. S. Kelly. Want Leonard gswayne J. C. Swayne, 1039 Waverley avenue, Kansas City, Kan., is desirous of locating his brother, Leon ard. Lee Swayne, aged 42 years, whom be baa not seen since 1886. The latter at that time went to live with a family by the name of Pollack, near Waverley, Neb. A year later he disappeared and alnce then haa not been heard from. County Fays Two Rewards During1 . the last aix years eight rewards for criminals have been offered by the Board of County Commissioners. In only two cases has the board found It necessary to pay the money when Tony Clarlotta, who held up the Hasel McVey resort, and the Mexican thief who shot Detective Tom Ling were captured. demeanors Instead of to the ofremes as charged. t'nder the old system In each erne an attorney would have been appointed hi would have received fn m 1JR to to from the county. Many prlsonsrs who unler the old system would have pleaded rrr. ArJ?:::it:tA ; Nebraska audubon to raise the amount of a retaining fee. Tone eea Paris ardlnal. ROM K (Via Farlel, Oct. 0. Pop Pens dirt today granted a Ion audlenc to Cardinal Amette. tne arclibixh'.tp of Paris. organisation was s:forted. of lnc rporatl m p-i.ieil Twenty Hit Trail at the Brandeis Theater Yesterday Twenty men bit the "carpet trail" at Brandeis theater yesterday following an Urgent pita by "Billy" Sunday. "Billy" stood on the piano and leaned over to shake hands with the trail hitters. The opening of the trail was anticipated by those who heard the sermon, as "Billy's" talk waa for the most part de voted to urging his hearers to be cour ageous enough to acknowledge Christ public!-. "You can. no more reason yourself into Christianity than you can reason hair on a bald head." Sunday aald. "What most of you need Is a stout pair of legs to take you up the trail. You are already convinced hitting the trail Is tho right thing to do, but you want the other fel low to do it." , Sunday offered the audience the choice of heaven or hell. . "Ood haa mado the revelation. Take It and go to heaven or leave It and go to hell," he said. - ! "If you want to Inherit the blessings , left you by God's will you must prove j that you are one of Hla children." said : Billy, "ust a though you were to Inherit i an estate on esrth. Do you want a good ! lawyer? Jesus Christ Is ready to plead for you and he Is the only lawyer who will be heard before the throne of Clod." Alumni of College of Medicine Are in Session Here Now From Kebraska. South Dakota, Wyom ing, Iowa and Kansaa. have-come eighty fire doctors, alumni of the College of Medicine of the Unlvenlty of Nebraska, to take post-graduate course of one week at the College of Medicine In Omaha- The post course' wlil end at the end of th present week. This Is the sixth annual alumni week of this kind hsld here. Lec tures are given and clinics held by mem bers of the staff of the College of Med icine dally. Dr. H. M. McClanahan gave a lecture on Infant feeding today. Dr. A. C. Stokee gave a lecture on gastric di agnosis of stomach cancer and stomach ulcer. Dr. W. F. Mllroy talksd on "A Good Insurance Risk from a Medical Man's Standpoint. Members of classes from as far back aa 188$ are here. At noon the various classes) grouped themselves and took lunch at the University club romos. Dr. A. C. Crofton of Chicago la to lecture this evening at the 1'nlversity club on "Decentralisation In Medicine." Public Defender Takes Charge of Twenty-Nine Cases In the first month of the fall term of the district court. Richard Horton, public defender appointed under a. law passed by the 'last legislature, has exam ined twenty-nine cases re'ered to hrra by the presldlrg judge. The cases referred to him tre those of prisoners who pleaded InatuuU. inability . t) hie lawyer. The cases have teen disposed of as follows:- One convicted, one acquitted, eight ready for trial, s x n.lid by the county attorney, one i lea of gul ty' as charged, one paroled after pleading guilty, eleven pleas of guilty to tnls- iitnl si ll '! aUUItl I ntUnUANIt.; adopted The feature of the evening waa a talk by O. K. F.nttllsli, super lmr of The Nebraska Audubon society met public recreation. The outcome of Mr. Wednesday evening In the lecture room KnglUh'e talk waa the pledge of the of the public library. Dr. Polon R. Town, society to provide tearhcra In bird lor president or the society, presiding. An r- to give hour tslks sn,i stories on birds to tno cliililn-n tit the playgrounds. Jurist Foster also spoke, and Miles Oreenleat gave some very practical suggestions. The red squirrel was condemned as s men- to the bird life In our parks. Oreat praise waa given Park Commlsaloner Hummel for his activity In protecting blrda and hie proposed plan to provide bird feeding ststlons. A committee on ar rangementa for educational work for th ensuing year waa formed with Miss Joi Hlgglns aa chairman. The members an Miles Oreenleaf, Dr. Towns. M'.m Jeanette McDonald. Mra W. F. Baxter John R. Ringwalt and John Flttroberti of South Side. 1111 VxVL tt I Thursday, October 21, 1915- Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M.; Saturdays TU1 9 P. M. EYE R YD ODYS.GTORE STORE NEWS FOR FRIDAY- Gqmmiy. Phone Douglas 137 ANNOUNCING A REMARKABLE UNDERPRICE OCCASION IN THE BIG vm TM P-m O. TTN T7 3 TT-M TORE FRIDAY 7V GATHERING of very unusual values in merchandise of the most wanted sort. Values that are well worth coming fordon t let anything keeD vou awav. The nrices are renllv sensational. EMS 5 WOMEN'S WAISTS at 9c. TAtSTS made military style with detachable T collars from such materials as wash silk, real linen, wool, flannel, msdras cloth, glnghama, perralea. etc; all alses, 12 Q to 44; strictly first quality 7 1 Barress-Baah Oo. Basement. TABLE DAMASK at 25c. SHORT lengths of mercerised table damask, 1 i to 2 V yards long. Big selection of de signs and remarkable values at the price, r for Friday, at. yard ssOC - Burgess-Bash Oov-aasemeat. 40c TABLE PADDINO at 25c. MANUFACTURER'S short lengths of table padding:, 1H to 2 -yard lengths, heavy quality; usual price 40c, very special rjC Friday, at. yard OC Burgs s-Xagh Co. Basement. WOMEN'S 10c HOSE at 5c. WOMEN'S plain colored cotton hose, seam leps. first quality of the regular 10c kind, in the basement Friday; very special, r at, pair DC Bargeea-Wash Oo. Basement. 89c BED SPREADS at 50c. CROCHET bed spreads, size 76x88, all first quality, good medium weight, hemmed ends, would sell regularly for 8c; Friday, limit of 2 to customer, each OUC Burrss-Bash Co. Basement. 10c HUCK TOWELING at 5c. TTUCK toweling, full bleached, 18 Inches wide, AA splendid for face or roller towels; usually 10c a yard; very special for Friday, r at, yard DC Burgess-Bash Co, Bassmsnt. TURKISH TOWELS at 5c. A, LIMITED ' quantity of Individual Turkish . face. towels, full bleached, hemmed ends, colored borders; very special for Friday; f- ln the Basement, at, each .OC Bara-eas-Basa Co. Bassmsat. VELVETEEN at 39c. OO-INCH velveteen in the best shades of browns, tan, navy blue, Copenhagen, pink, old rose, green, red, lavender, light blue, on yellow, wine, also cream and black, yd. OaC Burgess-Bash Co. Bassmsnt. BLACK SILKS at 69c. YARD wide black dress silks In satin finish, messallne and chiffon taffeta, an excel lent quality, full 38 Inches wide. Very special Friday, at, yard Burgess-Hash Co. Baeemsnt. 69c LACES at lc and 2c. BIO table of laces, Including val laces and in sertions in French and Oerman vals, also torchon lace edges and insertions; very Q 1 special tor Friday, at, yard lc and. . . . a2 C Burgsss-Bash Co. Basement. These TAILORED SUITS For Friday At $7.95 Are The Usual $12.50 Values A they're worth every cent of it, too. They are in sizes for women and misses. Mado of double warp serge, full military style with belt, neatly trimmed with buttons to match, full flare skirts. The col ors are Relginn, brown, navy and green, also black. Suits are lined with guaranteed lining. WOMEN'S $8.50 DRESSES FOR $5.95 Silk poplin and silk and wool combination dresses in brown, Belgian, green, navy and black; worth $8.50, r Friday, at ; tpO.tJO VTOMEN'S COATS TO $19.50 AT $9.95 AND $12.95 Manufacturer's samples of womens and misses' coats in black, brown and navy, made to sell to $19.50, &QQC (in Ar JViday, two groups .$i70tl) 1 aC7! $2.50 Silk Petticoats, $1.69 Silk petticoat!, made very large and roomy, in all the best new rQ shades; worth $2.60, Friday P 1 eOJ Children's OoaU, $2.05 to $7.03 Big assortment of children's coats for ages 8 to 14 years; worth to $12.60; $2.95, $7.95 Bargsss-Basli Oo. Baasmaat. Great Sale Friday in the Basement of New Wool, Silk and Cotton Goods for Winter Uae Thousands upon thousands of yards of choice fall materials offered at big money saving prices. Just another demonstration of our ability to assemble the choicest fall yard goods at prices that will amaze the keenest shopper. Here is how we are going to do it: 59c NOVELTY STRIPED SILK WAISTINGS AND SHIRTDm 29o . arv This does not mean a sale of a few Inferior patterns, but you have your choice of the newest J Jm f and most wanted styles and colon. These fancy colored striped silk shirting and silk waist Ings are all 32 Inches wide. We offer them Friday at, yard ...i... 25c SCOTCH MADRAS CLOTH AT 120 Finest 8cotch madras shirting In a great variety of neat, fancy and striped patterns or plain colorings; all are suitable for making men's, women's and boys' fine quality shirts and waists. 26o to 86o grade, 32 inches wide. Strictly first nl quality, at, yard lb 2 C 12i2o QUALITY OF MADRAS PERCALES, AT 8yac There does not seem to be one pretty pattern missing. Light colored material and dark colored fancy Q 1 stripe checked and plaids, quality is the best, the colorings aie warranted fast: all 36-ln. wide. Yard 02 C 50c FRENCH FLANNEL AT 25c These washable wool flannels do not shrink In tub bing; light grounds with fancy woven stripes and other designs, for making women's waists and men's and boy's shirts. All 32 Inches wide. All trlctly first quality. Yard 25c 18c Quality of Fleet Foot Flannel, at 7y2c These 32-lnrh washable flannels are an exact repro duction of the silver gray Scotch flannels that retail at $1.00 per yard. There is not a tub flannel to be had that Is better adapted for making men's flannel shirts, women's waists, house dresses or for y 1 children's wear. Yard 12 v 10c Quality Bleached Shaker Flannel, at 6c You can buy as many yards as you will want here dur ing our great sale at a saving of 3 He on each yard. Mill lengths and bolts to buy from. Friday 1 at, yard . . . UTJW 38-Inch Wash Goods, Worth up to 50c,' at lOo A great assortment of all kinds of wash goods such aa silk embroidered mulls, tissues and also silk crepes, In green, tans, black and evening shades. Per- f feet goods on sale from the bolt, at, yard. ... XUC Cotton Goods, Worth Up To 15c, at 5o Sample bolts of the well known Eden cloth, a yard wide. Also inercerired repps 38 Inches, mercerised pongee 36 inches, Nero linen 28 inches, percales 86 Inches, fine woven zephyrs; only one bolt of a kind. Perfect goods worth up to 16c per yard, on f sale, at, yard OC 10c QUALITY SIMPSON FANCY PRINTS, AT 3Uc YARD Simpson's Fancy Prints, tan grounds, 27. inches wide. If we had paid the regular price for these- prints, as hundreds of merchants have done, the selling price would be 10c per yard. 297 bolts on j 1 sale here Friday at, yard O3C Bnrgsas-BasB. Co. Bassmsnt. 39o UNION SUITS at 25o. T30Y8' stiver gray cotton fleece lined union - suits, open seat; also misses' cream cotton fleece lined unton suits with drop seats, f cut full site; regular price tc, special. OC Bar gs-Bssh Oo. Baamsai. $1.00 UNDERWEAR at 69c. WOMEN'S $1 cotton fleece lined union suits; women's $1.60 black wool union suits; women'a fl.Ji extra els fleece lined union eultet women's U.OO part wool fQs vests and pants: choice , VJesl Bnrgeso-Baeh Oo aasemeat, YARNS at 5c SKEIN. ODDS and ends of soiled yarns, including Oer mantown, Shetland floss. Saxony, etc. A big assortment from which to select; C very special tor Friday, at, skein OC Bargee sBaa Oe, . asaaaemt. FANCY NECKWEAR at 5c. WOMEN'S fancy neckwear, Including flat col lars, collar and cuff seta, Jabots, etc, that are slightly soiled from display; big seleo r? tloa of style, Friday, at OC ' Batcsss sTaea O. Was sag sat. HANDKERCHIEFS at SVaC BIO table of handkerchiefs for men and women : assorted kinds and styles, very spe cial for Friday, In the basement, o 1 at, each OC Barge-Baa Oo. Baa am sat. $1.00 HAND BAGS at 53c. REAL. leather hand bags, with oxidised frames, fitted with coin purse and mirror. The regular $1 kind, very special for Friday, CQ at. choice t.OtC ' Serve s-Be Ce. atasmsct. CHIFFON at 23c YARD. CHIFFONS aad silk neU, 40 inches wide, In a wide range of desirable colors; very special in the basement for Friday at the OC- yard .....OC Burgess-Bash 0. assuieat, . STAMPED LINENS at 5c. INCLl'DINO stamped caps, apronj, doJl ouXflir belts, baby caps, pillow tops, dollies, pin cushions tops, etc.; very special for f? Friday, at, choice for , OC Burgees-Bash Co Basement. DRESS GOODS at 19c. ACLEARAWAY of dress goods, including broadcloths In light shades, Mack batiste, black voile, suitings and lots of mixtures, q serges, popular cloth, etc. 36 to 60-ln., yd. JL aC Borgeas-Vash Co.- lassmeat. 39c to 50c CHALLIES at 25c. WOOL challles in pretty neat designs. Such as floral, figured, striped, e"tc. A big assort ment of colors. Regular price 39c to nr 60c; Friday, at. yard ...OC Bnrgesa-Baah Co Bassmsnt. Housefurnishing Needs Specially Priced in the Basement for Friday TBI Wash boilers, No. 8 size, extra heavy copper bot tom, stationary wood handles; $1.36 or value OaJC Light house washing powder, large 1 O size can 1 swC Light house clean ser, 6c size can :.3c White Japaned bread boxes, round corners, 'large size, 98c CQ values ,,..,... OtC Preserving kettles, en ameled, white and white, or blue and white, as sorted sizes, val- OQ. ues to 69c, at.. aWaC Stove pipe, fl-inch size, values blued 10c steel. . 5c Bonrsss-Bask White and white lipped sauce pans, first quality, 2 and m -quart sizes, values to 89c, ' fQ at LVC Coat hangers, heavy re- r.e.d: 3 for 5c Best quality steel blade butcher knives, cocobola handles, 6, 7 and 8-inch blades, values to 1 A 26c, at 1UC Pure aluminum preserv ing kettles, 6 and 7-quart size $1.00 r-Q value, at Os7C Oe B aasmsat. Japanned coal hods, reinforced bottoms. 16-lnch size, 26c values, for- 15c Furnace scoops, hardwood handle, splendid good quality steel blade;- regu lar 60o values, OCi special at OVC Toilet paper, best quality urr..,..12 for 25c NOTION BARGAINS Pearl buttons, card lc 200-yard machine cotton, per spool lHc Agate buttons. C dozen. . . .10c Inside skirt belting, yard.. 5c Hair barrettes, each Be Cabinet wire hair pins, 2 cabi nets .....Bo Bone hair pins, 6 In box for Be Hair nets with elastic, 6 for. . 10c Rick rack braid, red, white. bolt Be Hose supporters, all colors, pair v fie Metal back dressing combs, each Be Needels, pkg lc Shopping bags, each 10c 12-yard bolt' Mai ' lawn tape, bolt Be Tape measures, 60 Inches, each , . . .lc 600-yard spool basting Q cotton, spool OC Burgess-Bash Co B asemeat. Big Lot of Women's $3 and $3.50 Shoes Choice at $1.89 $1.80 clearaway of hundreds of pairs of women's high rno ahor-a at loss than cott to make. Including patent colt, gunmeUl, kldskln and Rus sia leather, all sizes, not a pair worth less than $3.00 and $3.60; Friday pair - Women's ftO.OO Shoes, $2.15 V'omen's black suede and black satin high shoes from h! second floor department, values to $6.00, specially priced for Friday, dyo 1 C at, pair V-tlO Misses' ta.50 to S3.BO fcbews, $1.40 Misses' and child's high cut tan Russia calf school shoes, positively worth $2.60, $3.00 and $3. CO, In one big assortment, J- in at, pair vl etU Misses' $3.00 and $3.50 Bhoeg, $1.79 Misses' and child's high cut shoes in patent leather, gunmetal and kid with patent leather collar, were $8.00 and $1.60; dl 7Q rriday, at. pair il e7 Felt House HUppere, COc Women' and children's comfortable felt house slippers; JQ beaded vamp, In women's alses 79 children's sizes U5C Bnrress-Hash Co. Basement. BRAID at 21,o and 5c. FANCY and plain silk braids, black and colors, Including values up to 1 6c the yard; very pedal in the basement, Friday, at the yard, 2 He and t... Borgsss-Bess. Co. - Baaamsat, 5c FANCY PLEATINGS at 5c. FANCY net and organdy pleatlngs, In a wide election of styles; in the basement for Friday, very special, at the . C yard O C B urges s-Bssh Co lasemsnt. . 25c to 50c JEWELRY at 10c : SAMPLE 'pieces, odds and ' ends in gold top and gold plated and some sterling sil ver bar pins, broortiee, cuff pins, tie clips, m Jewel rases, neck chains, eto.l regular 5u ' I if ana 4e values, apsclal, at A J Burgees-Bash Oe aassneat. ODD CHINA to 15c at 5c. ODDS and ends of plain white and decorated dinner ware, including dinner plates, bread and butter plates, creamer, egg cups, etc.: f values up to 16c, choice Friday, at.. OC Burgess-Bash Oe-aasemsat, CHILDREN'S $1.00 SETS at" 25a- INCLl'DINO muff, scarf and hat or cap, also one-piece sweater and leggings, or sweaters to fit small child; assorted styles and QC colors; were 76c to $1, Friday, at fcOC Burgess-ir ash Ce. aeamnt. WOMEN'S SWEATERS at 70c. QWEATEMS with belted back, straight cost kj style and full belted effect. Large assort ment of colors and alses; usually $1.88, for . . !.79c Baigees-Bssh Co B asemeat. Men's Lisle " H o s o Usually 25c. Friday at. Per Pair, 124c 12ic 1 EN, here Is a hosiery opportunity that 1st or unusual importance. The entire lot of a Jobber bought at a greatly reduced prlca and offered to you the same way. Made of nne quality Halo, grays and blacks, in fancy striped col ors; regular 25c values, at, pRlr Men's lied Flannel I'ltderwear. 08c Medicated red flannel shirts and drawers,' good heavy weight, all wool, sizes to 60, were $i.&0, specially priced Friday, nn at 170C Mtu's I'nlon Suits, KOc Men's 2 -thread Mule heavy winter weight union suits, ecru color, "Leader" make, ex tra special in the Basement o ft at OlfC Men's Fleece Lined I'nderwear, 80e Heavy fleece lined union suits for men, wool fleece cotton closed crotch, made for service; special for ' Friday, at , , Men's "Ideal" Whirl. 75c Alan's Ideal shirts made of 6Sx72 square material, tew dealt" colorings and new goods, usually sold at $1.00; i Friday, at T8nryss-Wah Co. Iitimut, outside, 89c os, new 75c Children's 75c Caps, 19c KNIT caps, hoods and hats of the finest wool, large as sortment of colors and in Styles, were to 76c, for ItC Burgess-Bash Co Baaexaeat. VSa; Burgess-Nash Co. E very body's Store 16th and Harney jvsa.B SOAPS, ETC tHamoad "C" laundry soap, i)F II rah slOO Tearl white laundry soap, OC I eakee i00 Hot water bottle (1-year en. Ruarsntee), $160 kind.... 033 Combination syringe and hot Us U-rtar guarantee), C t.?a ftl. kind . . .; 3 I C cine lot J0o bath aoapa. Cake - Talcum powdera, Ito cans Coouanut oil soap, io cake 5c 5c ..2o Houshold ammonia, 1 quart jjg Bllvsr polish, 15c bottle loQ Rutiber gloves, special, j Qq Moras thl'ps, lar'g package, in. ar-Hsl. at I J0 Bargees-Bssa OoB asemeat.