TIIK BEE: OMAHA, Fill DAY, OCTOBER 22, 1915. SUHDAY TALKS TO SOCIETY WOMEN Bays Eat Been Here Seres Weeks and Some Women Haven't Got Hatbands to the Tab. , AT HOME OF ERASTUS A. BESSON "Billy" Sunday a at bis beat yes terday morning; when he gate the last of his series of "society" lectures at,,.. the home of Mrs. E. A. Benson, rert, forecful, his eyes gleaming, he . . . . w Av- drove home his blows. His talk to the women, who taxed tne capacity of the home to the doors, was intensely personal and was replete with Bun daylsms. He prayed fervently for those who were not blatantly wicked, but yet were not ready to give themselves to Christ. "When I board the Overland Limited out of Omaha Sunday night, I go knowing I have done the best I could In Omaha, Lord," he said. The text was from Samuel I., Chap. SO-lSth verse: "Thou Shalt be missed for thy seat shall be empty." "Toti are cursed If you are not filling the place (d meant for you avrn If you are rich," he declared. "I'm her by God s appointment. If 1 came here tnd spouted Infidelity, It would have Its effects on you and I wouldn't be doing what Qo. planned for me to do. Ureateet Fallare. "To fall to fulfill what Ood has planned for Us to do la the greatest failure. I've preached hare eeven week and some of your huibacds have never been near the Tabernacl. What have you to aayT Have you any Influence with your husbands! You have Influenced other to be aa useless aa yon. "You women wouldn't live In Omaha la- month If there were no churche here, yet some of you have done precious little for the church. You take all the benefits of the moral Influence of the church but give , nothing In return. Mercy, what selfishness! "Ood never planned hell for man but for the devil and hi angel. H mad heaven for .man but If aome of you want to reject it, that' your business. Ood never planned penitentiaries, electrio chair, breweries, the red light district, the (allow, etc.; that' the devil' bust nea. and It may be your husband's. I - Ga I Harrrd. "Ood planned aalvatlon for u, but sometime he can't get In on aeoount of crashing bottles, cards and trashy novel. Those who refuaa aalvatlon are Idiot. It's a typo of Insanity,, although aome of you think It's a sign of superior Intellectuality. We poll a double cltl enahlp, on her at.l on In th next world. "This world Is liks a clock.. Ood winds It up, throws away the key and lets things take their cours. Th way to Ood . la heart first, not Intellect. "Lot of you people apend your time counting th hypocrite In the church. You ought to giv 'your heart to th Lord, then there, would be on leas th next time the count Is taken." a- e i i ' uoorKeoper at tne, Tab Shuts Out One Who Would Hit Path The jam at the Tabernacl doors and the faithfulness or seal of an usher In following his Instruction kept on roan from hitting the trail and mad him so bitter that ha says ha never will hit It now. He arrived when great crowds were be sieging' th door at the Davenport street id of th building and made bla way finally to tha doorkeeper. He had a pass from "Bob" Mathewa. "Tabernacle's full. No mors admitted." aald Friend Usher. . "I'll sit on th floor," said tna young man. "I've got a pass." "rasa ain't any good," was th reply. And then hi Ire rose,- "Say. you caa go straight to the place where I'm going," he said, doubling his finis, "and I'm going to lay for you, and when I catch you on the street I'm going to change- your face so nobody'U aver recognise you again. Remember that." This man had promised "Bob" Mathews to hit the trail. "Hob" went out to see him after this episode and pleaded with hlin to come again, but h refused. Dr. Bell's ria-Tar-lIaey Ease your cough, looaana th mucous, strengthens th lungs Th first do helps. Uet a bottle todsy. Only S&o. All drugglata.Advertlsement. Policeman Helps" . Bob Mathews Get Into Tabernacle "Hob" Mathewa a 1 moat failed to get Into th Tabernacle Wednesday night. When he arrived a big crowd Waa be sieging th mltilt-r' entrance. "Bob" finally worked hi way up to th door and found a Strang usher on th Job. "can't let you In," aald th usher. "Tabernacle'a futl." "But I'm Mr. Mathews Mr. Sunday's secretary and on of th pianists," "Bob" explained. Th usher ahook tile head with a smtl as much aa to aay. "That little gam doesn't go." A cynical young man In the crowd yelled: "There' been fifteen pianists hers la the last tn minutes." And th crowd laurhrd. "Bob" extricated - himself from th crowd and went In search of a police man, lie found on and cam back and enjoyed a triumphal entry before th eye cf the cynical youth and th other Impugner of hi veracity and upright inss. T ravelin Mtn p !. "la tha summer of 1881 I bad a very se vere attack of cholera morbus. Two physicians worked over ms from I a a. to p. nv without giving m any relief and then told me they did not expect m to Uv; that I had beat telegraph for niy family- Inatead of doing ao, I gave th hotel porter M cents and told bim to buy m a bottl of Chamberlain a Cello. Cholera and Diarrao Remedy, and tak no substitute.' I took a double doss ac cording to th directions and want to slp after th aecond doss. At I o clock tie next morning I was called by tny vriut snd took a train for my next stop fir, point, a well man, but focling rather shaky frwaa th severity of the attack,' wriu H. W. Ireland, LouisvUI. Ky. "jltAbl every a here. Advertisement, Now is the Accepted Time, Now is the Day of Salvation," Says Sunday "Bill jr" Sunday preached yesterday aft ernoon cn the topic, "No Second Chance." He said: Text- II Corinthian vi, I: "Behold now la the accepted time, now la the day of salvation." We hear a great deal of talk nowa day shout a chance after death. The false hope la beld out of a aecond chance. Jesus aald, "Hath never forgiveness. ! neither In this world nor the world to The amoke of their torment as- d!-cendeth forever and ever. " time to put a atop to this lying to the people, to thla holding out of a fatae f want o pr(Knt ,,, today airainat the possibility of a chance after death. I. We don't deserve It If you had Invited a man to dinner at your home and he had refused to come: If you had repeated that Invitation and he had refuaed Brain; If you had mad it a (landing Invitation and he had refuaed for twenty, thirty, forty or ven fifty year, you would hardly feel he deerved any further opportunity to be your guest. Ood ald, "I have stretched out My hand all day long and no man regarded " It seem to me that It Uke a good deal of nerv to demand a second chance after death If he ha continued to refue th thousand snd on Invitations which hav been extended to him. II. Longevity doe not Inaurs repent ance. There I not on thing In the experience of the world to Indicate that tha average , man would repent if given 10,000 year, j The antediluvian lived to an age seven : to ten time th length of th ordinary 1U todsy, but long life, Instead of rela- Ing their moral, lowered them, and with each succeeding year they got ao vile that finally the world had to be drowned In a flood. Ood sosked It, scrubbed It and anchored It out of sight for forty dsys to make It a fit place to live In, Time la often pictured with a scythe, but never with a medicine chest. Seven eighths of th Christian In th world to dsy bee am Christiana under the age of IS. That means If you are not Christian and over U year, there la but on chance In eight. The older w grow th lea that 'chance becomes. FI.4. P.al.....t Degrade. Mea. III. Punlahment doe not cur. There are those who delude themaelve and other by thinking that a ahort term of punlahment In th world to come will refine them as gold la refined by the fire, and that out of the aoll of punlah ment will spring a fair flower of peni tence and faith. I wish I could believe that; I wtah It war true. But I am compelled to face the faot that th overwhelming ma jority of prisoner In penitentiaries, Jails and workhoueea hav boen Imprisoned from one to six times before. 1 am com pelled to face th fact that an attack of delirium tremens does not hav a curative effect on a man who Is In th grip of drink. I am compelled to face tha fact that punishment Instead of up lifting Ufa, sweetening It and putting hop Into it, does the reverse It de grades, crushes and embitter It. Th whol movement for th reform of our penal Institution Is baaed on th fact that, by our methods of punishing criminals, w hav been turning them out upon eoclety at th end of their term won than when they went In. IV. Tour whol Ufa tends to harden a tha years go by and to make more Improbable any new decision or fresh ventures. 1 - Biology, with Its laws of the atrophy of unused organs, experience with its laws of accumulative fores of hsblt, plant no flag of hope over th grave of the (Inner. V. The assurance of a chance after death would remove one of tha greateat 1 moral reatralnta r,t tha hntnnn --I It may b that fear I not th hlgheat ' motiv for morality. I am free to ad mit It I a finer thing to be decent and honorable and a Christian becauae It la right and for love rather than fear, but am not such a fool as to shut my eye to th fact that If the specter of I rear, both temporal and eternal, were removed it wn'itM m,,ii i 1 I ....... . v . . mn ' 1 II III a hoard of follies and pasalon that are now held in leah by the fear of punlsh mont Yaw Havea't a Gambler haace. One time a man aald to Ballou. one of th leaders of Universal lam "If I be lieved as you do about the future I would feel fre to do anything and everything in thla life that I wanted to." Ballou answered: "I believe you would you look It." . I havs tried to present Ava arguments against a chano to repent after death. I hav based each argument not on Ood' nature, but yours, if you could be aure that the door of God's heart would stand open forever, atlll If you die unrepentant in th light of experience and common sena. you haven't even a gambling I chance that you would reverse th de cision you have made In this Ufa and accept aalvatlon. I wish this: I wish all people would repent and make hell unnecessary so far as ths human race Is concerned. When Jesus cam on earth H took our nature and ahed Hta blood and paid (he penalty to redeem th people who nature II took. H didn't tak th na ture of angels. He took the nature of human belnga. Jesus Christ came Into tha world to die to save ua. I do not want to believe and preach a lie I would rather believe and preach a truth, no matter how unpleasant It la. than to believe and preach a pleasant 11. Mast Track tha Trata. Th man who preaches th truth is your friend. 1 tiav no desire to be any more broad or liberal than Jeeua, not a whit, and nouody has aay right, either, and claim to be a preacher. Then am I cruel because I tell you there Is a hell? No, sir. Ths man that telle you there la not a hell Is the cruel man, and the man that telle you there la a hell la your friend. Bo It a kindness to point out the danger. Ood's ministers have no business to hold back th truth. What' th us of building churches and hiring preachers to preach to you if everybody la going to be saved? It doesn't appeal to any man's common sens or reason. Does that meet the highest demanda of jrour conscience f When your conscience points out that you are a sinner, does It meet the high est demands of your conscience to say: "I know I'm sinning, but Ood Is good. H gave His Bon to die," Does that meet tha highest demands of your oon scienoef If tt does, you hare a mean, low down, rotten eonsdeace, if it meets ths high est demands of your conscieno to know that you are a sinner, dragging Ood's law beneath your feet and making Ood's law ths excuse for your cussedness, thsn you are too low down for me. Itoa't lsaara Yoar tssseUsr. Suppose your mother, sjho had cared for and loved you 2! your life, should ssk you not to do something. Tou, be cause you know your mother love you, go and do Just the thing she does not want you to do. Does that meet the highest demanda of your conscience? To perdition with your tSJInlon. What do I care about your opinion? When Ood's word ssys one thing and your opinion thinks snother thing, you have anoUier think coming, old fellow. Usten to me. I am going to glv you the law. I stand before you and say, "It's the lsw. You have to take It. You can't get aroixnd It. It's our authority." So I'm not preaching anybody's specu lations or theories It's ths law. It's the only authority wa havs on tha ques tion. That being true, listen. Hell Is cer tain, K is absolutely certain. There Is a hall. Hameatia of ila. Everybody knows that ths fsrther a man goes into sin the farther h goea. and you let a man go on and on until repentance la pasaed, and what haa h left but hell, and the only theory agalnat hel la the speculation of theologlsts and some old fool philosophers. Hell Is a place of bodily suffering. "In hell he lifted up his eyes, being In tor ment." Hell I a place of bodily suffer Ing. That' plain, from the New Testa ment. Perdition la a place In the lake of fire and brimstone forever and forever. Death Is a place In the lake of fire and brimstone. So death doesn't mean anni hilation at all. It means sternal damna tion, according to the word of Ood. Oh, people aay that I only figurative. Ws use flgiirativ language every day. A preacher aald to m: "I built that church." He didn't lay a brick or atone In It. H simply raised the money to build It. Hell Is certain whether ths fir Is f Iter ative or not. Hell is a place of remorse. Th rich man didn't take very much to hell with him. He didn't tak his money, but he took hi memory. .You wrtl not tsks much with you If you go. I hope you won't go. You will take your memory. You won't Uke your money or your stocks. You will remember the poor you didn't help. You will remember that you lived for the almighty dollar. The gambler will remember that he lived to fleece people out of their money. And the educr will remember that he lived only to rob glrla of their honor. And th drunkard, Ood pity him, will ee again and remember hi home of want and squalor and how he treated his wife and children. And the murderer, he will again see the blood ooxe a It fall from the wound , of the one whose life he ha taken. Ah, yes, you Chrlat rejoeters. It will all come bofore you tu hell. Tou will remember that you heard the preacher's voice. Hell will be a place of remorse. I tell you, hell Is a place without hop. Some people will tell you that the word "everlasting" doean't mean everlasting. If hell isn't everlasting, then heaven isn't everlasting. Listen. "And these shall go away Into everlasting punishment, but th righteous Into life eternal." Then If eternal life Is eternal, eternal punishment Is eternal, by all ths laws of common sense, and I havs looked through that old Bible and I am frank to tell you that I can't find cn word of hop for hell. Som qulbbler come on th seen snd says that In Matthew 1:U It reads: "And she shsll bring forth a 'Bon and thou slmlt call His Nam Jesus; for Hs shall save HI people from their sins." Sure, but lie won't save you In your (Ins, don't ' foryet thst. Hs won't savs you In them. Paul ssys: "For aa In Adam all die, so In Christ all be mads olive." Another Is II Cor. xll:13, where they say It (ay: "All will be saved." Why, you poor fool, Faul ts talking about ths resurrection. H Isn't saying a word about aalvatlon. If Adam and Eve hadn't eaten th for bidden fruit we never would have died. Ood's plan was thst ws should live for ever, but they didn't obey Ood. "As In Adam all die." Certainly they all died because they sinned. "Even so In Christ shsll all be made alive." They shall be resurrented without even mentioning . salvation. They take that word and ssy that everybody Is going to be saved. Nothing of the kind. You turn people Into hell by preaching doctrines contrary to th Word of Ood. Jesus Christ Is anxious to 'save you from hell. He Is anxious to keep you out of perdition If you will yield your heart and Ufa to Him. "la hell he lifted up his eyes, being In torment," (Copyright, W. A. Sunday.) Beet for Coaatlpatlaa. Th beat medicine for Constipation Is Dr. King's New Ufe Pill, mild and ffectlv. and keep you well. AU druggists, Advertisement. Heard at the Tab Mrs. Sunday's brother-in-law, Oeorg F. Spoor, a wealthy broker of Chicago, Is In th city visiting her snd "UUly.n No more reservations can be granted at the Tabernacle for the evening meetings, a all available space has been taken, Oeorge bunday announced. A letter waa received by Miss Ssxs of ths Sunday party with no other means of Identification than her picture cut from a newspaper and the word "Omaha,' "Billy" Sunday haa written to Kansas City a definite acceptance of hla call to hold a campaign there, and haa fixed the date of starting the seven weeks' revival on Sunday, April JO, 191. Local suffragists, who will attend the Tabernacle meotlng Friday afternoon. ) atrvn, have had badsea struck off bear ing the "Votes for Women" elogan, which they will wear. The suffrsgUts will meet st Door U at I 14 p. ra. An Omaha nurse who attended the Tab ernacle meeting Wedneaday afternoon didn't catch the words of th famous song of the campaign and aang several verses thus: "Fight In the corner where you are," before ah learned th correct version, Mrs Asher of the Sunday party, who was hurt Wednesday when she fell while alttrhttng from an automobile. Is eon- Ilne4 to her bed. Tne Injury, which was at first thought to be ouly atrainlug of ths tendons at tha knee, wss found to t slso in the shoulder and sh suffered great pain. "Billy" Sunday has nad his eyes exam ined in Omaha, and ao did Mr. Sunday. 'Hilly" haa been using old glasses for reading for some time, and the oculist found that he nevda new ones. Mrs. Sunday haa been borrowing "Billy's" when she needs gluss, but now they will both have glasses to sxactly fit th oaada of their eyes, Webb Hyers. a trall-hltter during Hilly" Bunday'a revival at ! Moine. will m fi (1 r-nm a iiiMt!njr m..,, a I iflMrntHtn. lkMtttMp XI ,t 11., Y.,im- k.i-..- Christian association. The meeting mill , oe nria si oi-iihi in ine gvtimluiu ss tne suiiiiorium or the bulltliits; win nit accommiMitte the crowd expertrd. P'Yfrs U corixiiat'on counwl of lie SUiiies, snd was formerly attorney gett ers! of loa Billy" Preaches Sermon at Noon in Tlieater on "Rich Young Ruler "Billy" Sunday preached a new sermon st noon yesterdsy at ths Brasdels thea ter, taking as his toplo "The Rich Young Ruler." He said: Text: Mark x:xl: "Then Jeaua, be holding him, loved him, and aald unto him, "One tiling thou lackest; go thy way, sell whstever thou bast, and glvs to' the poor, snd thou shalt havs treas ures in heaven, and come, take up the cross, and follow me.' " The story of the rich young ruler, to my mind, 1 on of th aaddeat in the New Testament. Rich in glory and youth, endowed with wealth, a leader among his fellows, stand ing face to face with the Son of Ood, de liberately considering, carefully weigh ing the loss and the gain, considering the meaning of the step, and calmly turning with a heart Ilka stone and going away from Jesusl It Is bad enough when a young man goes down through hot temptation; It Is bad enough when one goes down through Impulse, or through lack of decision plunges Into sin. It is bad enough to drift In wrong, but to calmly consider and then turn one's back upon Jesus Christ is tragedy, to welsh ths meaning of the word and then say ths price is too great Up to a certain point this young ruler was a noble example. He wss thought ful, doing his best not to make a ship wreck, living up to all the light he had, for he said. "All these hav I kept from my youth up." He had no bad habits, there was nothing vlcloti about hi makeup. He was not dissipated, not sensual or devilish, had wronged no man, had wronged no woman, hs did not steal, honored his father and his mother, had not broken hearts, could look the world In the face, waa not hard hearted, Hs had even been a Bible read ing young man. had been a church goer, for he knew tha teachings of Moses went to the synagogue, listened with reverence and respect; was not a scoffer, not a doubter, had not sat In the seat of the scornful, all of which shows that not only th notoriously wicked are lost. A society woman once asked: "Must t be saved ths same as my coachman?" Yes. You've got to be saved the same way. The banker has to he ssved In exactly the same way as ths Janitor who sweeps out the bank; the mine owner has to be saved In the same way as the miner. There wss nothing in the life of this young ruler which would tend to separ ate him from Christ. He was drawn to Him. He went on tha run. gladly, hope fully, evidently expected to stayi there waa something about the heart of. Jeaua that responded. When he reached Jesus he knelt, aa not stiff-necked, not top-hosvy with pride. It takes courage to kneel In public. He didn't have, a yarn string for a backbone. Th angel's faces must have brightened as they looked on that scene of ths young man kneeling there before Jesus. It Is not childish to pray It's manly. It shows a man of Iron. By of Jesas Saw Oa Paalt. Thla young ruler went to Jesus with frankness In his face. There wa no at tempt at concealment; he had lived the whit Ufa, and I can hear him say with candor: "What lack I yet?" There was a alight feeling of unrest; he was not sura, and no eye less keen than that of Jesus would hsve found tha flaw.' There was not a lodge In th land, not an official board of any church that would not hav felt honored to have had him In Its membership. But ths eye of Jesus saw tha one canceroua spot, th "on thing." Jesus didn't try to make it easy for him. When Jesus gave anyone some thing to do with a blessing Hs always mad It hard. Ths blind man mad his wsy to the pool, th Impotent man was required to pick up hi bed and walk. W are afraid of scaring people away. If people are so touchy aa that, then the sooner they are scared away the better. If they are In earnest there is nothing that wil scar thra away. Th fellow who la afraid of the bark cf a dog will never kill a lion. No half way measures will do. The thing to do is to strap tha old Adam In you to the death chair and turn on all ths electricity In the power bouse. What Profit' from All Ills Wealth t We next see this . younc ruler going away. He came running, but now we see hint going away . alowly, - but he keep going, and worst of all, he never came back. You may walk to bell, but you'll reach there just the same; it's simply a matter of tiro. He went away to bear hi trouble alone, went away to a Christina lite, a lit without prayer, without hope, nothing to look to but trouble. Whi t pioflt did h gain from all his purple and tine linen and his sumptuous living Hs would glv Mill Wash Your Hair See how sulckty and freely It lathers In bard or soft water: how quickly It thoroughly cleans the hair end scalp; rinses easily and (eaves .not a trace of soap to attract dust. Perfect for hath or toilet Yoar Dealer Sen tt lljEpiiiill Hi- 1 A. savkwSV' II With KiRirs HHstS Soap . millions todsy for water to moisten his parched lips. He had never killed anyine ret h went away from Jesus. 'Hs was not a thief, yet hs went sway from Jesj, Hs had not been Impure, but he went away from Jesus. He had never committed adulurv, he was not a man of unclean lips, not a Sabbath-breaker, not a saloonkeeper, not a grafter, not a liar nor a hypocrite, hs did not hats the Son of Ood, did not rent his property for a brothel or a saloon, yet he went away from Jesus. What did his possession amount to If It cost him his soul? Hs held one hand on his bsg of gold and tried to hold Christ with the other, but he couldn't havs joth. With our will w decide our weal and our woe. A wrong decision makes ezery thlng wrong. Fable of Dives m4 Lauras. t read th other day of th legand cf Dives and Lasarua. They both died at , the sams time, journey to th heavenly world. I Lasarus reached there flnst. and when asksd where hs would like to go, said he would b satisfied If hs could just sit at the feet of Jesus. . Dives came later on and shook tha gat rudely. Peter said, "Divas, why have you so rudely jarred th gates? It will reps y you little to coma. What do you want?" Dives Is said to havs replied. "I want money. I wsnt ths current news of the day, plenty to eat, amusements," and hs wss shown Into a large room where there was no ons but himself, and h wa lift alone. s All he had named waa furnished htm. H at until his appetite waa gone, he read until he hsd read himself out of knowledge, he counted money until the click of it became a dull thud, h slept until his sleep wss turned Into Insomnia, It is said that 1,000 year later Peter re turned and Dives sprang up and Bald, "How dare you bring me here and call thla place heaven?" And Peter replied, "This Is not h seven, thla t hell." Dives said, "I thought I would come to heaven." Peter said, "Dives, corns her, put your firiger in that crack, pull yourself up and 16ok." Dives did as he was bade and exclaimed, "What Is that?" "Why, that's heaven," said refer. "When you cam you said you w Mitel money, current newa amusements, plenty to eat. etc., and ws gavs It to you. When , . .. . . isarus came ne merely asxea to Le al lowed to alt at the feet of Jeaua. Thai s him you see there now at Jesus' feet." Peter left him, and the legend tells us that ha returned again after 1,000 years snd found Dives still holding on and iock Ing into heaven, trying to solve the prob lem. "What will It profit a man If he gain ths whole world snd lose his own soul?" (Copyright. William A. Sunday.) NEW CITY JUDGES SHOW UP FOR WORK BUT FIND NONE Judges. Patrick and Murdoch of ths mu nicipal court reported for work at ths city hall yesterdsy, but there was no work for these willing hsnds to do. The city council took cognisance of ths situation by directing the . city clerk to advertise for books and supples for ths new court. . ( . Within a week or so the council will select quarters for the three new mu nicipal judgsa . WEEKLY HARDWARE LEADERS Gasoline Blow Torches Quart site; each torch tested before leaving factory. Spe cial price, this sale, .1 S. $2.48 r&rcei post weigns 4 pounds. Wood Carving Tool Set Six carving, chisels la wooden box. .-. No. 1 tool set, special price, $1.01 No. I tool set, special price, 9l8 Zig Zag Roles Six-foot white enameled, concealed joints, OQ special price.... awOC Yankee Automatic Screw lWrer No. 80, J -t f q special price p L slO Carpenter Pincers With polished Jaws: 6- lnch 18c 7- inch 240 8- lnch 28c Disston Compass Saw, with 12-inch blade, spe cial 32c r vt. rt..itt -i Bench Vise, spe 1 cial price.... 68c Corn Poppers AU steel, regular 50c. special, 89c Roasters Large oval double roaster, self bastlnf, special ...49c Toasters Wilson cone shape, regular !6e, special 10c Oil heater 83.25 Electric heaters 88.78 Gas J beaten ..$1.23 Redeem your Hot Point Coupon Here. ILTOH ROGERS, 1515 Harney St. V 1 Mrs.Blakely Wants Divorce Set Aside Mrs. Ruth Blakely, who I asking the district court to annul a divorce decree granted June 21 to her former husband, Charle Blakely, charge that fraud and perjury were employed In the securing of the divorce. Th petition, answer and decree were filed the sams day, Mrs Blakely set forth, which I contrary to th rule of the district court False testimony, ae-uslng her of a statutory offense and other un true evidence were used, she maintains. Mr. snd Mrs. Blakely formerly lived at 133J South Thirty-fifth street WOMAN FOUND DEAD WITH BULLET THROUGH HEART . Irs. Rose Peterson, sged to yesrs. was found dead In her bedronm at 704 Bouti Seventeenth avenue, with a bullet wound over the heart Ths shot wss fired from a .S2-callber revolver which lay by her aid. cBatrlc Do ran living at th above number, discovered the body snd notified ths police and Dr. A. Mack. Mrs. Peter son had been snntMtM fm,, v. u band for several years, snd had worried considerable over domestic affair. Coro ner Crosby has taken th body and will hold an inquest A HEAL FLESH BUILDER for. PEOPLE Who Would Increase Weight and Put on Healthy Stay-There Flesh Thin men and women who would like to Increase their weight with 10 or 16 pounds of healthy "stay-there" fat should try eating a little Sargol with their meals for a while and note results. Her ts a good test worth trying. First weigh your self and measure yourself. Then tak Sargol one tablet with every mealfor twe weeks. Then weigh and measure yourself again. It Isn't a question of how you look or feel or what your friends sy and think. Th scales and 'tape measure will tell their own story. Many people, having followed the simple di rections, report weight Increases of from flvs to eight pounds with continued gains under further treatment. Sargol doea not of Itself make fat hut mixing with your food its purpose is to help the digestive organs turn the fats, "SKI DOLUS A WEEK Fop &!. 'IVK'olo' Fatnily This store will supply the clothing needs of the family, carrying at all times a complete stock of the season's latest styles at a wide range of prices. Splendid Vahiei in Ladies and Misses' Suits and Coats Orer 3,000 square feet of floor space de voted to Women's Apparel. Our showing of Fall and Winter Garments for Women exceeds all previous offerings In both quality and Quantity. Ladies Suits Ladies' Coats $12.50 up $8.50 up Days' Suits In ths latest Norfolk style. sj.bo, M, gs.ne, -.o and esM. Ladlts Hats Trimmed In th latest fashions. Largs assort- m a n t. Priced ronJiSjRei Men's Suits and Overcoats From $12.50 up XE3TS HITS, SHOES, SHIRTS, TIES, ETC ID 31 Ost-sf-Tswa Bl rtnM Writ far Craalt Catala. 1417 XU OF THESi HOMES AND CUT YOUR. (UVMQ EXPENSE BJ-E LIB n S3 It's a Serious Proposition this high cost of living. Expenses here, there and everywhere; and bills, bills, bills! Seems as though everything's going out and nothing coming in. However, much depends upon how you manage, for instance You can make a joke out of this high cost of living bugaboo if you will inveBt in property and pay rent to yourself. Buy a home on the easy-payment plan, and then, instead of paying out rent money, you will actually be Baving just that much, every month by devoting it to an investment which will not only pay back every dollar, but a big profit besides. Watch the real estate columns of TOE BEE. They contain many offerings which you may consider to your advantage. Reliable real estate men and builders stand ready to aid you in the selection of property and in the erection of a home. It 'a worth while. Try it The Omaha Bee CLEVER WOMEN Use oasellns to dry clean eviry thing at home and save $S In an hour. ...,t nr..- ttfcMiti pay enormous prices for dry cleaning after trying this. Any woman can clean and renew the appearance of yokes, ribbons, satins, lace-s, s.lks. furs, shirtwaists, Swiss, lawn, organdie and chiffon dresses, kid gloves snd shoes, neckties, children's clothes, suits, caps, woolen garments, fancy vesta, draperies, rugs. In fact, any and every thing that would be ruined with soap and water. Oct two ounces of solvit at any drug store and put It In two gallons of gaso line, where It quickly dissolv. Then put In ths good to be cleaned. After a little rubbing out they come looking bright and fresh as new. You will find nothing fades, shrinks or wrinkles, re quiring no pressing. You will have to pay $5 at a dry clean ing establishment for the cleaning which can b don at bom as easily as launder ing. Any grocery or garage will supply the gasoline and your druggist will sell you two ounces of solvtte which Is sim ply a gasoline soap, then a large dlshpan or wash boiler completes your dry cleaa Ing outfit Advertisement. sugars and starches of what you have eaten. Into rich, ripe fat producing nour ishment, for the tissue and blood pre pare It In an easily assimilated form which the blood can readily accept A great deal of this nourishment now passes from thin people's bodies as waste. Borgol Is designed to stop the waste and make the fat producing content of. th very same meals you are eating now de velop pounda and pounds of healthy flesh between your skin and bones. Sargol Is non-injurious, pleasant efficient and In expensive. Sherman-McOonnell Drusx Co., cor. 16th and Dodge streets; Owl Drug Co., cor. 16th and Harney streets; Harvard Pharmacy, cor. 24th and Far nam streets; Loyal Pharmacy, 107 N. 16th street snd other leading druggists are suthorixed to sell It In large boxes forty tablets to a package on a guarantee oi weight Increase or money back as found In every package. Advertisement SOOH PAYS THE BILL" Y Ladies' Waists Fall Waists In all styles and sises. from se to so-oo. ft' EGD DCU&LAS IN f