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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1915)
12 THE BITE: OMAHA, TODAY, OCTOKKU 22, 1015. BRINGING UP FATHER CrTr!M. International New Bervlo. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus oh: MR jics-im Terribly vvorried 7P I t&f ffx wfe '''fry (l , fr . NY bOrs JUbT CAME BACK FROM ' COLLET AND RAH AWAY AN' $GT MARRlED MX OH MY! HE NEVER EVEN TOLD ME A THIN 4 ACOOT IT - Ti ME O-MY! oh. me: rr i STAGE IS SET FOR FRAY WITHRED MEN Creightoa Has Advantage Over Has kell in Weight, but Indiana 1 Are More Experienced. T02C1Y MILLS GLUM A3 USUAL HOLDS DOWN CENTER FOB THE HASKELL INDIANS. All la In readines for tha tig foot ball fray on Crelghton field Saturday when Crelghton and tha Haskell Indiana meet for their annual clash. Coach Mllle gava Ma man tha hardest workout of tha year durlnf tha laat week, with scrimmage against Crelghton High, tha scrubs, and tha University of Omaha aa well. Mill makes no prediction as to tha outcome of tha battle, and ha likes to tall Inquirers that tha men are "on tha bum." but at tha same time there la a jrllnt In his eye that forebode nothing favoralila for the vlsltprs. j Those who have watched tha team In action declare that Mills has developed a formidable aggregation, and predict that by tha time Nolra Dame cornea to these parts tha Crelghton team will ba a, well-sustained machine. Tha person net of this year aquad Is to a man ex ceptional. Every player on tha roll Is an experienced man, and under tha guidance and direction of Mills and Warren Howard It la merely a question of time and practice to make tha varsity eleven of this year the best that aver represented ti school. -; ' J Stover Ce4er Stover, tha Ilaakell Indians' greot center , and admittedly tha best man In that po- NORFOLK WILL-MIX WITH OMAHA TODAY Coach Mulligan Senda Central War riors Through Lait Practice Before Game. BIO 1IAS3 KEETIUQ IS HELD Coach Mulligan sent his men through their final practice befora tha Norfolk game, which will ba played today at Rourka park, yesterday. Morearty returned to practice last night and lessenede tha worries of the coach ! somewhat. Krogh will no be In tha game i today and VTeddy" Grove will take his 1 place at guard. Tha probable lineup for tha game la aa follows: Nichols and New . ton, ends; Crowley and Paynter, tackles; I Reese and drove, guard; Beard, center; Neville, quarterback; Wetrlch and More i arty, halfbacks; Fullaway, fullback. During the week Reese waa shifted from tackle back to hi old position at guard, changing places with Crowley. The Norfolk team will arrive In town this morning at 11:80. Tha team will ba met at the train and escorted In auto mobiles to tha high school, where lunch will be nerved to them. The Norfolk and Omaha teams, the high school cadet bands and a number of tha students will form a parade at tha high school and march to Rourke park. Both teama will be guests of the Toung Men's Christian association at a aupper Seats Keserved for Omaha at Foot Ball Game Are Sold Out Practically every seat for the Nebraaka Notre Dame game at Lincoln Saturday has been sold. The seata reserved from Omaha have already been taken, and Omaha foot ball fans who delayed mak ing purchases arc encountering difficul ties and many are due to be disappointed. Tha original block of 400 seat hare all been snapped up and fifty additional bleacher seat sent up this morning were sold by noon. It Is expected that 600 to 700 Omahans will go . to Lincoln to see the game, as many buy their seats In Lincoln. A special train leaves over the Burling ton at 11:15 Saturday and return at 6:30, MILLS' MEN HAYE CHANCETO SCORE Creighton Men Have Opportunity to Break Shutout Becord in Haikell Game. mJUBIES WEAKEN REDSKINS LAWRENCE, Kan.. Oct- 21. (Special.) Although Crelghton university haa not acored asalnat the Haskell Indiana for two years. It will have a chance to break Its undesirable record tomorrow when Che two teama Una up for battle In Omaha. The Indiana have less punch In their at tack at present than they have had for He LIKE THAT? r di SEE. TH YE.P: ON THE BOWERY WUNST- 1?S A HOCK-tHOP! Jinm v .... a V y about three-quarter of an hour after the some yeara, and teama which have here- game. Several big auto parties are also going to make the trip to Lincoln. A party of fan at the Omaha Structural Steel company have planned to make the totore been taking beating from them at last have a chance to do something toward evening up the record. The redskin offense 1 weakened through gasoline trip. Among those who will go i the absence from the lineup of both reg- are Messrs. Mllek, Lite. Fisher, Rice, Hyde, Kdger, Voget, Ambersen, Ragen and Rellly. Creighton Lawyers HoldaBig Rally A rousing foot ball rally was held at the Creighton Law school 'Wednesday to ular quarterback. They will not be used at all In the Crelghton game, aa both have Injuries which require rest If they are to figure In any games later In the season. Fontenelle and Dunbar will share between them tha responsibility of direct ing Saturday's play. Though the team's attacking power has been slowed up because of Injuries sus tained by some of the leading players. Coach Bert Kennedy la much encouraged MEMORIAL TOTHE CIYH WAR Gutzon 'Borglum Proposes Plan to Hake the Pyramida of Egypt Look Like Pikers. STONE MOUNTAIN AT ATLANTA i The object of the transcontinental trip by Out son Borglum, when he passed through Omaha last week, la now dis closed by the address delivered by him at Ban Francisco before the convention of the United Daughters of the Confed eracy, In which he proposea the conver sion of "Stone mountain," which la a natural shaft of granite sixteen miles from Atlanta. Into a colossal sculptured monument aa a southern memorial of the great civil war; This project. If carried out, would, he declares, make the pyra mids of Egypt look insignificant in com parison, and outshine the Greek A ro polls. Explaining his plan, Mr. Borglum said: 'Memorial to Boath. "It ha seemed to me that the only fitting memorial to the south of '64 built by the equally great south of our day is to reconstruct, aa we can, the great characters of those days and In colossal proportion carve them In high and full relief In action, mounted and on .foot, moving across the face of the granite mountain In the arrangement of two wlnga of an army, following tha moun tain contour, moving naturally acroaa Us face to the . eat These figures should be Hold Mm Meetlnsr. A big mass meeting was held at Cen- t- -...v.ii v, iM k Hlon the Missouri valley. Is till on , after the came. Tha Norfolk aauad will Jiablt-of Uklng the long end of the score, eyy-mr " - prooawy attend a theater thlj evening. . . n . , . wnen in inaians meet CTeignion rsi ,, '. , w. . ""la. ow is remembered as perhapa rooters believe that Crelghton la going '., .,. ,ll.w,.. to turn the trick this year and by a neat Mng ftb, t0 gBUg ft pUy th trm, Thursday morning before school be- ID!,r'. I Vl yr! r'nV. ,n.thla Instent the ball 1 snapped, and, what la gan. The meeting was kept going at a belief by the fact that Haskell admit mon po,..,mf the ablty to break lively pace and and although a long pro Crelghton a power and fears tha locale through the line and spoil the play. He ' fun had been provldod the meeUng was a on cf the hardest tesms to encounter WB, tar.0r responsible for the success lover by I o'clock. The high school cadet thla season. The Crelghton line, from ot tn, Indians last year, when they won jband was on hand to add a HtU esplrlt tackle to tackle, averagea better than ths local by the score of to 0, to the occasion and the auditorium was Punil- (and a pretty battle between him and 'packed with enthusiastic and yelling atu- KamansM at center, though opposed KamanskL the husky Crelghton center, I Jdenta to Stover, admittedly one of tha beat anticipated. Kamanskl Is no novice at tha Arild Olsen, president of the student aa centers la the Missouri valley and play- center game, having held that position soclatlon, Roberta Coulter, secretary of tng his third year with Ilaakell. will give at Ballevue college as well as at Crelgh- iof tha association; Coach Mulligan and a good acoount of his six fet of muscle ton, and being recognised a a man his and brawn. At guards. Warren and Gray opponent will have to reckon with, can be depended upon to do their part. I Stover Is playing his third year with They will match up with timothy and the Haskell team, and during 1911 was Cboate, both third-year men at Haskell, captain of tha eleven. and weighing 180 and 180 pounds, reflec tively. All Kaperleuced Tackle. Captain Shannon and Wise, Crelghton tacklea, will encounter 'Cayipbell, Deere and Fire tn the positions. The last two are new men on the Indians' Uam, whlit Campbell, though only 18 yeara old, is playing bis second year, Hennesay and Brennan will hold down the end poal- Ames Cyclones to Play Missouri at Home Tomorrow AH:a, Oct iaMSpeolU.l-AmM . 1.- 4. S-A I. ft. fa -a t..lla I tlon. against either William thlr.,. j menu 'nUforth. applause to die down. Captain Reese of the foot ball aquad, were the speakers. Arild Olsen told ot the advantages of a membership In the stu dent association, how the atudent body we falling to back the teama that tlte coachea put Into the field and tha sup port he teama needed from the atudent body to be victor. Speaks for Girl. Roberta Coulter told the girls what was expected of them when attending the foot ball ganiea Coach Mulligan proved the prise speaker of the program. When called upon to speak he was compelled to wait several man, and Evans, a newcomer, or Benton, Battle. Frailer and Tanner, all experi enced ends. Both backfirld promise to furnish thriller of the spectacular sort. Clement, the Ilaakell captain, a ahlfty, heady glayer, at right half, and Fontenelle, a Kebraaka product, and a ten-aecond man. State field next Saturday with Missouri. The outcome of that game will have a good deal to do with figuring eut how Ames may expect to rank tn the standing of the conference teama.' Missouri Is out of the run for the title honors, having beon beaten by Washington. The team la tn none too good condition as hi running mate, are looked upon tor! for a heavy game this week. Seven men. aa exhibition et backfleld play such as .three of them veterana. are suffering la seldom witnessed, Fontenelle Is play-( from Injuries, which. If they do not keep log bis fourth year with Haskell. These 'tho owners out ot tha gam entirely, will The coach spoke of the spirit within the team Itself and only asked for the sup port of the atudent body at the gamee. A high school glee dub quartet gave a rumber of aelectlon and waa well re ceived by the audlonce. t AU-NatUaal Wis. BT. PAUL. Minn., Oct M -The All Natlonala defeated the AIl-Amerlcana, 4 arouse enthualaam In that department for , ,.m. Tanner mttv .t .h the Crelghton-Haakell Indian gam Sat-!Maln,t Baker yuy 1&.t Friday and urosy. i.ougn roe ioo oan leein nas mad, an ,nttreIy crecUble snowing. Fire alwaya had more representatives f rom I ta ,m0thr new Payer who Is showing up the Law school than from any other de partment, the barrister have been some what lax In boosting and supporting the eleven, and the meeting was principally held to organise for the coming battle. Talks were given by Jack Shannon, captain of tha team, who 1 a atudent In the law department, and by the various class president, urging all to partici pate in the parade to be held Saturday preceding tha game. Even Prof. Anson Blgelow, animated by tha spirit of the well, he having seen his first big serv ice in the gamo with Notre Dame two weeks ago, when he was played at right tackle. Since then he haa been shifted to right guard and Choate ha been placed In the Uckle position. With Fire, Choate and C. Williams on the right side of the . line, that portion of the redskin defense which was formerly it most vulnerable spot Is assuming stonewall qualities. So, while Crelghton ha some prospect of slipping acroaa the Indian goal line one gathering, addressed the tudent. telling i Pr two time tomorrow, the redskins are by no mean planning a tame realatance. Coach Kennedy's team, while badly ahot to plecea thla year from various cauaea, la gradually getting Into ahape. them that the foot ball team waa perhapa the greatest factor In apreadlng tha Crelghton name, and that It waa the (tu dent1 duty to back the team at Its game. A number of pennant have been or. dered for the parade, and It la expected that the demonstration will be on of the best ever given by Creighton student. TWO MATCHES REMAIN IN GIRLS'. TENNIS TOURNEY The remaining two matches in the girls' tennla tournament at the Central High school are expected to be played off thla afternoon and Annabel Douglaa, present title holder, and the winner of thla year'a tournament will meet for th champlonahlp Saturday. Both tha win ner and the runner-up in thla year's tour nament will be given a pin with an "O" upon it. Thla pin 1 equivalent to the "O" that 1 given to letter man la ath letic and debating. Two matches remain to be played. Jen nie Salander and Charlotte Huntley atlll have a semi-final match. Th winner will meet Virginia Greene In the flnala two menxwlU encounter close rivalry In Plat and Flanagan, the Crelghton halves. Black, the Ilaakell fullback, and Dots. tond to weaken the Cyclonea. Bora ot th men are still sore from the lime burn acquired In the practice game with Simp- CreU'hton' choice for that position, are! son, and their hard usage in the Mltv ota rirat-year players. Lutea also ajnet game had the effect of aggravate new man at Crelghton, Is likewise being the bllstera Captain John, canter; tried at full, his old position at Omaha ! Holme, guard; Miller sub center; Fos- 111 h, and there will be an exhibition of battering-ram foot ball when Carl car ries the leather. AU told, the two team will be aa evenly matched, man to man. a could be da aired, with Crelghton having perhaps a shad the better on weight. Married and Single Men at U. P. Offices i To Battle Satur ter. end; MclKnley, guard, and Aldrich halfback, are more or less seriously on the crlpplod list Reeve, tackle, received a bump on the head resulting la a tempo rary Impairment of his auditory faculty. He will play Saturday, no doutt aa will mcst of the above men. but there Is strong possibility , that one or two of them may not get Into the Missouri line up on accouot of their Injuries. day A hot base ball game la carded for the Fort Omaha diamond Saturday at I 'clock. The tray will be siaged be tween team made up of married men and eingle men employed in the Union Pecifto headquarters who play on teams hi the Omaha Amateur lias Ball asso ciation, Nordeen of the HoUuma and vYahl of the Bailey Denta will do tha battery work for the married men and Kline and Kleny ot the Union factfto paMoger department will oblige for the Ingle men. Commerce High to Take on Deaf Lads The High School of Commerce-Central High second team game -ha been post poned until Tuesday and will ba played on the field at Thirty-second and Dewey avenues. The Commerce team will battle the School for the Deaf eleven tomorrow at the same field and will play Missouri Valley a week from today at Missouri Valley. The Commerce aquad waa put through a hard scrimmage last night by Coaches Drunimoivl and Burford. who say the team is ra:IJly Improving. GYM CLUB REORGANIZES FOR YEAR AT 0MHA HIGH Tha Gym club, an organisation of girl at the Central High school, ha reorgan ized for tills year. The following officers Vave been elected: Jessie Tennant, presi dent; Mary Hamilton, vice president; Helen Olao-n, secretary; Kadene Thomp son, treasurer; Ksther Uogxa. reporter. Keveral new member eie Initiated Into FOOT BALL PLAYER DIES FROM HIS INJURIES ET. LOUIS. Oct Xl-Bryan Scott who was injured In the St Louis university Knox college foot ball game here last Saturday, died at the St Loul city hos pital late today. Scott was on the Knox team and waa injured whllo making a tackle. He at ruck the opposing player with his bead Instead the club on October IS, among tbem being of with bis shoulder and dislocated ver fc. B. McMillan ot the faculty. tebrae In hi neck. mil Claa Oerdoa Ltsgae, ST. ANDREWS, 1st. d. Id. Tot Lowdon ...11 14 l Grans ...AA 141 130 M Imrran ....147 13 1M R. MaleolnvlU L lrt ' 438 Total .... A44 M iSX lbT TAM O RHANTERS. 1st. Id. d. Tot R. Mulr in 4 iw. Mcintosh ..1" " Clark 147 1"S ire " . Faloner.l3 1U 1 Total M7 4M M H BOBBIE BURNS. 1st. Id. M. Tot A. Hllop...l.T 1M 1 417 1 Xll,-ilm 117 1S 1 HI F. IichaU.14 1W 111 t J. Mulr 1S7 141 1H W R Watson. .103 lli U n Total l TS1 &4 fl KILTim 1st. td. Id. Tot FL Sweeney 111 lit J. Uraiiam..lit lv 14l tt 1. .IM its lii sa: W. lllslop..U4 11 14 44 1L 1UMUS...1M 147 1(0 471 Total M r twt ENGINEERS. 1st. td. Id. Tut Cronland ..1 14 1 433 Hall 14 14 fc7 4lf. K later lut l 1 HarUett ....lJ 1 1W t Rvhschuh ..131 U IM Total CONSTRUCTION. 1st. M. M. Tot Dunham ...HI W HI W Wavaas ....1.4 l 1 lam 1 141 14 4J ltrailey ....ll M US Ijuubor ..10 II Ut v Handicap .. M M 4 lut Total T Tu SM tltl GENERAL OFFICE. I 1st. Id. Id. Tot Wheelock .HH 1M 1) 444 Whttlook ,.l: 144 111 4 Johnson ...1X7 ln 143 44 Holllday ...144 130 1M 46 ni IK) J47 11 toft Handicap .. U 1 D 67 Total SM TM 741 SSJt ACCOUNT1NO. 1st. Id. Id. Tot 151 144 4M ..1S4 lit 14 4:tt 114 141 1.4 414 ..ltJ 14 Ul 411 ..141 Uli m 44 Primeau 8annel Johnson r.aathain Conrad . Total Olaon , Keller , No laud Longey TO T96 TOT tXA AUDITORS. 1st Id. M. Xot i " 5C w iftj 14JJ JJ ! li 41 tr! ri M ' "m uu Total. ....m m Oarnbl. .. Tot V" 1JT ' i3 & KahnVuch 1 ffi S - "iMunn ELECTRIC. lt Id. Id. Tot. .147 lo 136 ZfA .13 1.4 lut Ul l.M 11 loe 141 111 M 6 M rrsgonir amb .... Caruaby Zaiina ., Handicap by what his men have don In their laat I in scale with the mountain; they must be visible and readable at a distance of several miles, their likeness recognisable and maintained. The grouping represent the official head of the south, including officer, cavalry, artillery and Infantry. Portrait ahould Include the foremost men in the different branche ot the service from each state. I have visited the mountain, examined lta face and contour from all point of view before recommending or even con ceiving thla plan or method of production. I have taken many photograph of the various profile of the mountain, have secured all available photograph extant. acquainted myself with expert reports upon the character of the granite Itself, have consulted with expert upon the engineering difficulties that must be over come, and It la after this careful ac quaintance with the subject directly In hand that I recommend thi method a th possible one, a well a th most heroic and monumental plan, suited to the position given us. I also propose, a shown In the rough sketch, to cut Into the face of the mountain at lta very base, and directly under the central group of Lee and Jackson, but hidden in the forest and Invisible from the spectators from th neighboring hill, a hug colonnade of thirteen columns, one for each of the confederate states; these column will be out standing In the face of the base; of the mountain, the granite excavated around and back of them. Back of these columns, I propose also to create a room reaching sixty feet into the mountain and running entire length of the colonnade. this room, or great hall, to be hereafter dedicated to the United Daughter of th Confederacy and to be uaed by them as a gathering place. I further suggest that they deposit here their archives, contain ing the most complete record that can be assembled of the war. Thla hall would be approached through a beautiful park which will be a part of and the property of the reservation; a broad flight ot granlU atepa would lead to the entrance and would complete the memorial. In other words, thla memorial la contained within th natural surface of this great mountain. American Magnates Go to the Coast CHICAGO. TOct II. President Chlvlng ton will head a contingent of American association magnates on a journey to Ban Francisco to attend the annual meet ing of the National association there next month. It waa announced today. Just who will accompany him la not known. In addition to club owners It 1 probable that a number of association managers will attend, and several trades. It Is ex pected, will be made. . At the office ot President Johnson of the American league it was said the membera of the National commlaalon had not decided whether they would attend the meeting. COACH HAWLEY'S COLLIE EATS THREE PUMPKIN PIES ,IOWA CITY, la., Oct a. (Special Tel egram.) In connection with the Iowa- Mlnneaota gam Saturday It la interest' lag to note that the Pi Phi sorority at Iowa will soon loe It famou cook. "Peachy," to th Kappa Gammas. Th reason la that Jesse Hawley Scotch collie, who haa been using th PI Phi tore 125 164 13 430 , basement as a rendesvous, got Into tha TOt41 TRAFFIC1 7 klteba lut "d ate three pumpkin 1st 2d. Id. Tot. I "es 1 Dm co Sot- maa ana is going to leave. The gtria hav thrust the blame on Mrs, Hawley, who 1 a PI Phi, and declare aha muat find a new cook and train her dog to better advantage. Lambert ...1.14 Ihi 128 Huthison ..lui XM U Chanos..l41 79 l-M Znniner ....141 1,S 167 Rhodes ....10 HI U4 Handicap .. U II II 411 4S4 140 467 171 14 'STRAHGLER' LEWIS GREAT, BIG FIZZLE i Dance i Around Bing at EyaniTill Until Steelier Knshea and Dashes Him to Hopes. WONT COME BACK SECOND TIME BVANSVILLE. Ind.. Oct 71. (Special Telegram.) When "Strangler" Ed Lewis, challenger, failed to reappear last nlghi to wrestle for the second fall. Joseph Stecher of Dodge, Neb., -.was declared winner of the match. The end came at 12:20 when, after two hour and three minute of wrestling, Stecher,' angered at Lewis' "watchful waiting," rushed him into the rope. Lewis refused to arise and was carried into his dressing- room. Doctor had t force their way into the room, according to a statement made to the audience by Mayor Benjamin Hosse. wno waa a spec tator. Physicians who examined th wrestler said they found him uninjured. Th first fall was given to Stecher, and when Lewis failed to reappear to -wreatle for the second fall at the expiration of fifteen minutes, the match waa also awarded to him. , Lewis throughout evaded the champion, dancing around the ring and keeping at far from - the Nebraskan aa possible. Mayor Bosse announced that no more matches would be permitted here until he was assured they would be honestly contested. The crowd hooted and jeered whea Lewis refused to make a move when be hind Stecher on the mat , . , . , - Iafsmtry Team Wins. JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. Oct. 21. The United Statea army Infantry team won the national team match at the atat rifle range here late today. The marina corps team waa second, the United Statea army cavalry team third and the Massa chusetts National Guard team fourth. tt.rv i ll it,. 'Jfllljf. OROTTB BROS. CO. Oeaeral Dlatrlbater Osaaaa, Ken. Totals ....(W W 763 1131 T DISTRICT PLANT. 1st. 2d. Ifl. Tnr. Boucher ...13 171 114 481 Lowrey ...lii Ul 16 M Lunmn IM 15 124 Johnston ..12 Li 129 fchlclda lii lb &ut Totala ...7(7 731 177 1171 Osaaaa baa Lga SALESMEN. 1st. 2d. td. Tot. .140 110 It) f& .16 131 J&4 .134 1S7 147 463 .146 1 IM .lot 11 14 i Or - Gees Beat a. BOSTON, Oct H. The management of th Boston Nationals today announced that Pitcher Gregg of the Terre Haute team of the Central leaa-ue weuld be 17 taken aouth with the Braves next spring. J;i His record Is said to compare favorably Phillip Push . Martlg liickoy Bliame Total with that of Nehf. a former teammate who filched well for Boston th latter part ot th season. M 7 rnkri4g Maa Rebaed. CAMBRIDGE, Neb.. Oct 2L-Si lal J, Telegram.) Robert McQullktn, sr., was roDDea in t nicago by confidence men yea- 1 terday of 1100 In eash. He also gave his signature to a !9C0 check, payment upoa bl ton I which haa been stopped. . Mr. McQullktn WLnins. II. a larae Land owner In thla Bastion. A lil 1st 10 in i vr " uiaue tuu in v-ni- lt4 143 u 4is ' eago and waa remarried to a young Scot- C. Weod. Rosa ltoharty ...1 164 1j4 400 Gaco I 11 ha 4 Weym'ler ..lal lot ltd Ijt ToUU . LION Bruner .. Lucena .. O'Connor Hoioa .. Watt .... .721 7 7T7 117I HEATERH. 1st. Id. M. Tot. .US 3i 171 4S .144 1J 107 irr .14 111 3 .1 13 144 4 1 .171 Ul 171 143 tlah girt. He was on hi return to Scot land after a short via t here when th confidence men got htm In Chicago. Totals ....13 717 T70 USD WINE CHIEFS, 1st Id. Id. Tot J. Koran.. .! li it4 txi Kosher ....14 144 I t 411 Vbil'lp ...ln lh4 I S 4 Huff US i 114 JU Kleklaad Case la Ceert. PIERRE, a D.. Oct Si. (Special Tele gram.) The case of Theodore Kl klan against George W. Egan waa arii ed in the supreme court today. The contention in thla case were th foundation a which th disbarment proceeding, were im menced agalnat Egaa. Klckland charging 44 ' that Egan took an unfair advanta of 1 hi father In a land deal to hi detriment 4, a client and asking th court t die 4m bar htm on this with other compslnti 171 K3 f&4 i4( added. Total ,...7&6 7IS t IM ECLIPSE. 1st. id. M. Tot. Moran..lJl 1 It 2 ays IM M IM Levering ..11 104 St) H. Moran...l'i 162 ltl itaaiey ....17k IU 141 Total Depeads oa Oraaalsatloa. Th production of thl memorial will depend upon vigor and good organisation; the time necessary will be three, five and eight years, dividing the work Into three parts. The central group containing the main character can be finished and un veiled within , three yeara; th rest of th work, of course, would be under way and In preparation. Small model and a complete design ot the entire work could be prepared In about six month. This, of course, doe not mean working modela for any part of th work. I should ad vise th building at one In th neighbor hood of the mountain of two large studio where all models, designs, drawing and data of all sort whatsoever connected with thla work ahould be kept and be come the property forever of the Monu ment association." Totsf raaelor Aeeasra. AURORA. Neb., Oct. tL (Special.) Nels Nelson, a young bachelor farmer living east of Marquette, was assaulted Tuesday evening a h waa entering the door of hi horn. Th assailant truck him oa tha head and shoulder with a heavy club and shot at hun twice, th ahota not taking effect Teaterday dog from Beatrice wr secured and they fol lowed a scent to the home of Fred Luff, another young bachelor. Luff denie any knowledge ot th assault, but waa ar rested ond circumstantial evidence. It Is said threata were made by him, the trou ble originating through jealousy in a love affair. Bonds for 11.009 were signed for the appearance of Luff at a hearing set for November I. Put YOUR Money Into a Home! Why be eternally paying rent with, nothing to show for your money hut rent receipt? It la Just aa easy to make your rent money apply toward the payment of a home of your own. Then, after a time the title la clear and the property belongs to you. It means that you are ahead Just that much, you have saved the cost of the house and lot, saved money which otherwise would have been gone. Many people are following thla plan of buying property with the money they would otherwise pay for rent There are many advan tages to it. It enables you to have a new home, built to your own individual taste, in a desir able location, and assures you of wealth and independence. Read the real estate offerings ot THE BEE and you will be placed in touch with many oppor tunities which offer a chance to atep out of the paying-rent class. The Omaha Bee