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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1915)
THE RKE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, O13T0I.KU 22, 1915. ii rtn Hoard and Hmni, BKAlTlH S. tv t'oui. steam neatei. private bath, good boird Fh. lr Tim A rd W. Farnam. Fur. Wal. 7. nn cirnm n t, rr coupie. nar. o-jk ROOM and board for ladles. Weh. SV to front rms., with td., private fmilly. mod., on car line. 1T0S Vark Ave. H. A "For Bale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into oaah. 1'araUkrd lloaars. WEST FA RN AM. Furnished or unfurnished hom of T rooms, '$40 and $45, Douglns M3 or Colfag 145S. FOR RENT Furn. dwelling. 7-roora; all mod.: muit be responsible. ) Harris. KnrnlKhrd ltnt. N1CR. Inrif furnished room: all modern; fine location. 3j Webster St. fhona Harney S4A . RMS., modern fist. I'hone Douglas OOOD rooms; reasonable. Red fr'-i. Furnished mm. .n ar I nc. Douglas 41M. RMS., well heated. Tel "eb. H57. NEWLT furnished rooms, heal Red 1. Fine rm. PrVteentrnnre. 211X Cass. R. 77i5. LRJHT, nicely furnished room for coupla or two gentlemen, in r ieiu liuo an trlot. Prlvato family. Meals If desired. References required. Harney 717. NICKLY furnished room; closa in; all modern. 631 S. 22d Pt. FRONT room In new home for two young men, cheap. S78 Harney Lilt u 91-, nmrliri. 1 1 1 ,-r, 1 h mA rmim Close in. yulet phono.' Call Doug, ?Sl;t. FI R rm., mod. suitable for 2. l2o Doug, 627 tf. 22d., furnished room for rent. In private home. Telephone Red 61US, 2673 Harney, rms. for gentlemen. $ wk. t-'araWhert Housekeeping; Boom. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. S. :th 8C. M5; 4 rooms, well fur nished, private bath and entrance; cl'we in. llou'Ucer'nst Rooms. WIS DAVENPORT TWO OR THREE NICELY FUllNli-HED HKIO. UUU-V1S. NEW BRICK FLAT. . 12u6 FARNAM Nice, modern, heated housekeeping rooms. team s' or 3 nice rms., housekeeping. 1112 8, 11th. 2VI8 MASON ii rm. suite, clean and cosy, hot and cold water, furnace heat. St. Mary's Ave., 2iM, 2 rms, front rooms. CALIFORNIA. St mod., hkp, rooms. North. SEVEN rooms, 2127 Charles. 19. Walnut 1058. Fhons 6-R. house; mod, ex. heat. D. t. -ROOM house, modern, lbJT Lothrop, $22.60. Call at 1S9 Lothrop. FOR colored people, 6 and 6-room cot tages, partly modern. 1S40-1M2 N. lid Bt. Call Doug. 67!I0. )OK KENT Heauilful modern rei dence, 7 rocma and bath, cut wat.f heat. Large garage; at 8M0 Florence Blvd. Phone Colfax 3980. 26u9 Caldwell, smalt 6-room house, partly modern, convenient for small family, $16. Webster 3726. 1110 N. 22L 4-r. flat, steel range, gas stove, kitchen cabinet, water paid, tn. KJO N. 17th. 6-r., all modern apt., $27.60. RASP BROS. Douglas lft'3. vuia. COTTAGE 4 rooms and bath; gas; no heat; good neighborhood; $21. 120 S. 4th. H. 19-a. 6-R. cottage; mod.; 1031 S. 31t. H. 225. -ROOM cottage, modern, S44 6. 21st St. MOD. S-r. house, Hanscom park district; newly decorated; fine condition. Call D. 621$. -H. modem cottage, $iJ. Tel. Har. 1266. 830 Georgia Ave. eight rooms good fur nace. Tel. Harney 2S10. 7-ROOM, modern, 2959 Poppleton Ava. MODERN 7-room house, 1519 Park Ave., $35. Phone Harney 1566. 627 PARK AVE. 9-room mod home, $36; garage extra, Carey Cleaning Co. H. 7307. 6-ROOM cottage. Ill 8. 28th Bt, $15. Water paid. I-R. hone nd bath. 1955 8. 14, Red 60K0. 6 ROOMS. $15. SOUTH. Gas, electric lights, city water, etc. AMERICAN (SECURITY COMPANY, 17th and Douglas. Douglas l0.- CLCSE In. 6-room house, best condition. 833 H. 21st. Harney JiOo. 1314 PARK AVE. Brick, modern. Wast. 7-r. mod. bouM, 8614 Iavenworth. W. 2C90. 3304 DAVENPORT STREET, l-room modern home. Pretty corner. PETERS TRUST CO. 1022 Farnam St. Doug. 898. o lie N. 27th Ave., 6-r. mod. Key 118 N. Mleeellaaeoas. HOUSES FOR RENT. $25.00 6-r.. all modern. $lt.00 -r., newly papered. South Side. $15.0o 6-r., near car, school, So. Side. $12.00 i-r., near car. school, o. Side. $14.00 4-r., elec. light, cement basement; half block to car. $33.00 10-r. flat, modern; on car line; i min. walk to Union depot, $46 Oo 8-r., furnished. $40.00 7-r., unfurnished. $16.00 2-r., partly furnished for light housekeeping. $25.00 Oflco room with skylight, 88x20; heat furnished. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. 17th nnd Douglas. Douglas 613, o. 114 PO. 29TH 7-r. all modern house; newly rapered and painted; close In, $-6. 2.MU N. 6th Ave., 6-r. all mod. house; fine lot, auto go rage, $20. 2J18 N. ;7th, 5-r., mod. ex. heat, $12 60. HASP PROS.. DOUGLAS 1653. V1UK)M modern cottage for rent, l'hone Wnlnut . EIGHT-ROOM house, strli'tly modern, one block west Creighton coi.ege. l'hone H. 2?1B. Globe Van&Storage Stores, move, packs, ships; $-Uorse vaa tnd 2 men, $1 26 per hr.; storage $2 per mo. Satita.jior uiiar. D. 438 Ty. 23& FIDELITY fAfe FREE Phone Dovglas 28$ fur complete list of vacant houses and apartments;, also for storage, moviim. l''th ar.j Jackson Bta HnrHnn Van Cn pISIS I N. 11th SI. Tel D 394 or Har. 1U7. 0O.D auto aies room on fitrnum St. Very reasonable rent. 1'. Doug. 4! Maggard's Sa An ana biinas as- mov- tng. pai'iai.-. snipping, liouglas 14'i. 17!$ Webster Bu BFK the Central Furniture Stores FREE HHNTAL T.I.ST a?;'KN and five-room bouses; modern; walking dlotanre. Douglas 459. Tl-.ncoc Crelgh Bons & Co, Bee Bldg. IlOUbes ln ftu parU of the city. Jr T") J Exp. Co.. moving. IPP(l faking A storage. a-Vw-wN-l jafl Farnam. Ii. U4. WANTED TO BTT OKFICoi fnrnkure bought and sold, C. Reed 1W7 Farnam. Doug. Cl4 tritly high grade piano Web. 3726. Yaie bus everything 2d hand Web. 44. WILL buy a Ford. 614 First Nat I Rank. HIGHEST pricaa for old clothing. JO 4714. REAL ESTATE FARM RANCH LANUg FOB lAlt 1 Arkasui. 200 ACRES black land. 4 ml. from beautl ful town, Preacott, Ark. $Ju acre, $l,ono caaih. B. Hn8, thin C St., Bo. Omaha, Neb. CsUtiorsvia. Llva oak Coioniua, none batter. W. T. Smith Co.. S1V14 City Nat. tif. I). 2al Catstaala. FOR SALE OR LEASE Any part of 4.000 aorea near Kcsion, b.-kau-.wan. I raised loO.uGO tkuheia of oats and .! bushols of flax on land tbis ear. Pries eheap and Irmi very easy. Frank Craw ford, Oniai.s, Neb., or Kosaiown, Hum. IIK.U, FSTATK rRM A ntMII L.AM9 FOIt Hal.R Mluoirl, Farm for Sale 10 acres, close to market; Vernon countv, Missouri; free and clear: $0 acres In cultivation, balance In valuable pecan timber and graos; Idea'. sto k farm; two and three cuttinga of Kay per year; two eta of good Improvements, besides tenant house; three good nrver falling wells; fenced and cross fenced; wlthm three miles of two railway stations. Will divide farm If desired, selling 100 acrea or ltjo. Addreaa owner, M KEE WELSH, R. F D. No. 4, Rich Hill, Mo. Nebraska. CHOICE farm for sale A snap; owners need money and will sell at a sacrifice; 16 miles from Oniahu; well Improved lt0 aere farm. Clauson Bros.. Klron. Ia. WlaeoMla"! " tPPKR WISH.XJN SIN best dairy and general crop stale In the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet H on Wiscon sin Central lnd Grant Excellent lands for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrinl Depart., tloe Line Railway. Minneapolis Mlun H'lerllaseoM. BAVB TOU A FARM FOR SALE Writ a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City, la., Journal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-flv words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days lor $2; or M words, $4, or 75 words, $6. Largest circulation of any Iowa news csper, 2.rO,ouo readers daily lu four great states. KKAIi ESTATE XXAN $100 TO $l.uvo i.iaue promptly. F. D. Wead. Weed Pidg.. IMh Farnam Bta, CITY and farm loans, 6, 6Vi. per cent J. H. Dumont A Co. 416 Htate Hank. A "For ale" ad will turn second-hand fnrnlturo Into cash- CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas 228 State Rank Bldg. WANTED farm and city loans at lowest ratea. PKTRHS TRU1 CO.. 1625 Farnam. OMAHA homes. Kael NebraaKa farma O'KEKFK! REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha National. Phona Douglas 271$. MONEY on hand For city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. (ie, CITY I.OANH. C. O. Cariberg, $10. " 11 Brandela Theater Bldg. RE AT, ESTATE WANTED WANTED At once, residence, Dundee, West Farnam or cathedral neighbor hood; will iay $4 00), spot cash. Full par ticulars. Box 519 Lincoln. ICEAL ESTATE FOK EXCHANGE ONE 160-acre Improved farm close to Omaha. $lti,00o, clear. Will trade for good clear city property of equal value. Address, owner, 2109 B. 33d. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 2 3 4 5 Acres Acres Acres Acres In Richland Acres If you want some of the best level and gently rolling rich land, close to a paved road and a good location, you should not overlook "acres ln this new addition". It Is all In alfalfa and original prairie, only a short distance from Benson and adjoining Keystone Park on the north west. Home pieces have running water. An elegant place for an Investment or a future home. This tract Is only 6 blocks from the Jitney line. These acrea will be sold on our usual easy terms. Price, $350 to $450 per acre. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY ST. REAL ESTATE NORTH! SIDE New, 4 Rooms $50 Cash Balance $20 Month Price Reduced from $2,100 to $1,600. Bargain; modern except heat. Move Into your own home. Pay for It Just like rent. Buy from owner; near Krug park; a real opportunity. Don't overlook It. Phone owner, Mr. Ryan, Douglas 2221. $3,300 Buys this beautiful 6-room, all modern house, with sleeping porch; oak finish; full basement; 3 years old. Iarge lot; nice shade. Located on the boulevard. No paving, or apetlal tax. Thla place ought to bring $4,0110, but to get the cash owner will take $3,3(0; $1,000 cash, bal. to be arranged. Phone for appointment If you wish to see It. W. S. FRANK, Doug. 3600. 201 Neville Blk. OWNER will sacrifice 6-r.. strictly mod ern house, with large sleeping room, oak floors, woodwork nicely decorated. Terms. Phone Webster 1127. OWN BR LEAVING CITY. Seven rooms and garage. 1st floor fin ished ln oak; hot air furnace: laundry. Worth $6,Ouo; $4,950 buys it this week. Terms If desired. Tel. Owner, Web. 7216. Get Settled FOR TILE WINTER In a new, modern, up-to-date 7-roora house, finished ln oak and rosewood; auarter-sawed oak floors. 1824 Saaler. wner, Colfax 4193. FOR SALE. Modern, 7-room bungalow, oak finish, beamed celling, built-in features, fire place. Florence boulevard; bargain Owner. Telephone Colfax 966. LOOK AT THESE BUNGALOWS No. 3011 and 3024, Lafayette Ave., S and 6 rooms, with beamed ceilings, paneled walls, fire place, bookcases, buffet, china closets, lighting fixtures, plumbing, heat ing: yard sodded, south front, oak and white enamel finish, close ln. Just east of Be mis park in Montclalr. Call owner and builder for prices and terms. A. H. Olinstead. Phone Web. $620. REAL ESTATESOUTH SIDE NEAR 'iIANSCOMTARK 1318 h. 85th Ave., lot 40x142, east front, brand new house. Just completed, fin ished in cak, completely up-to-date, fox; cash, balance $:'0 per month. To see It Is to buv It. C. 0. CARLBERO, ?12 liruid.iH Inciter Il!d u0 CASH $w l' MONTH. Just a dandy new B-rouin cottarfe, lare lot, 60x124, Bouthwest of Hanscom Park. You ran move right in. PAYNE IN VL&TMENT COMPANY, fetn Floor Omaha Nat. Rank iildg. Douglaa 1781. MUST BE SOLD. New, 7 rooms, sleeping porch, pressed brick foundation, oak floors, oak and birch finish, book cases, buffet, beam celling, mirror doors, tinted walls, beau tiful lightning fixtures, guaranteed fur nace, fine bath room, best material and workmanship, south front, one block to car, very cheap. OWNER, Douglas 1S2. $ ROOMS-$ia. Fine l-room St. IxjuU f ats. In walking distance: model"; sliciiiy cor1. 2?d .-it. t4 block souin or wivrnwonn ni . PLTLRa TfcL'ST COMPANY. lii:'2 Farnam St. Duu. aA. o LOT 5oxl3l, all Improvements. Hanscom park district. Tel. H. 1. 13 iii. lite o OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Slow, Steady to Ten Cents or More Lower Lambs Are About Steady. HOGS ARE FIFTY CENTS LOWER OMAHA, October 11. WIS. Mecelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 12. .-M t'flrlal Tue.dav 10..V.H 4.M0 .M0 Official Wednesday ... 7.MH , 21.6 4 Estimate Thursday .... 6fl S.wO l...c0 Four days totals SW1 16.69S M.4'W Same days last week.. 60.6-1 lh.MJ 124.V.2 Same J weeks ago m.6JI 11.321 1:'4..SS1 Same 3 weeks ago !W 10 20 427 121.4.1 Same 4 aeeks ago SS.1 10 936 14S.M Same days last year... M. Ml 17.066 14.816 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Omaha live stock market for tie year to date, as compared with last year: 191.1. 1914. Inc. Cattle M1.6M 7M.M6 1T7.M Hogs 1.!I9.!'IS 1.RH7.J.1S 3f.J.6 Sheep 1,695.711 ttV,.o7S S6.M4 The following table shows the average prices of hogs at the Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: 1915 1914. 1913.1 1912.1 V.H1J1910. 561 6 291 1 66 6 14' S Ui 6 2-1 8 28 8 27 Til 2W t 7 M TJ 7 64 a in 7 70 7 61 T 40 7 46 T 44 7 17 7 39 7 41 r 6i 6 32 S 40 S 71 1 6 43 I 47 S 17 s 8 77 in 1 47 S 6 $4 1 i ai 8 H0i 6 11 m s! ai mi 8 28 I 41 $ 37 I M 1 17 8 3.V 1 $7 'W 8 ff! 8 6S 8 1 S 37 8 11 8 fail $ 77 6 Sol H ;4i 6 SI as $ si 8 71 6 87 6 80 S 63! 6 36 Sunday, Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards Omaha for twenty-four rours ending at S o'clock yes terday : RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle Hogs. Sheep.H sea C. M. & St. P 16 1 Wabash 1 1 .. .. Missouri Pacific .... 1 1 .. .. REAL ESTATE SOUTH BIDE Field Club District Large New Residence A beautiful brick residence; reinforced concrete porch, brick balustrades, with Redford stone coping, front vestibule with tile floor, coat closet with mirror door off vestibule, living room with fireplace, bookcases, French doors between living room and den; beam ceilings ln living and dining rooms; built-in butfet window seat and paneled wainscoting below plate rail In dining room; oak finish on the first floor and oak floors throughout; kitchen with built-in china cupboards, broom and table leaf closet, with clothes and dust chute; rear entry for Ice box and drain; second floor has three large bedrooms with large closets and mirror doors; lsrge sleeping porch; bath room haa tile floor, base tub, pedestal lavatory and shower bath: large attic; basement equipped with laundry tubs, toilet, floor drain; piped for gas and wired for elec tricity, with necessary wall plugs for fana. Irons and vacuum cleaner. Entire house hss up-to-date aeml-lndirect light ing fixtures; all walla nicely decorated; screens for entire house; corner lot, with fine shade trees; paving all paid. Hans com Park district. Price, $i,600. Term. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 4270. IN CREIGHTON 'S FIRST ADDITION 2136 S. Sfith Ave., 6-room house, fin ished in oak. lot 4"xl42. east front. $2,109; $000 cash, balance $26 per month. C. G. CARLBERG, 813 Rrnndels Theater Bldsr. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE WALKING DISTANCE 2i3S Dodge, s room modern house, first-class condi tion: ready to move into; key at 2640. Don't fall to look It through. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Webster 4S76. Close In Up-to-date 6-room house, just about finished, at a bargain, by owner and builder, located at 2607 Cass St, Tel. H. 1648, REAL ESTATE- SUBURBAN DUNDEE'S NEWEST RESIDENCE DISTRICT 19 LOCATED south of Dodge St., west of 49th St., north of Howard St. and east of 624 St. AND NOW OFFERED FOR SALE. With water, sewer and gaa mains, ce ment sidewalks, curbing, paving, orna mental street lights, and all graded ready for building BUILDING RESTRICTIONS assure the future of the neighborhood. LOOK AT THE LOCATION, Near a good school, close to car line, and only 16 minutes' ride to retail business center. YOU CAN'T MAKE A MISTAKE if you buy In this addition, because It Is in the best part of Omaha, where values are sure to advance. Reached by the West Farnam-Dundee car line and the Lincoln Highway, which road will be the best paved, most popular and widely known In the country. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITT to get some of these choice lots at the present LoW PRICEri and EASY TERMS, which are only one-tenth cash and 1 per cent of purchase price, pay able monthly. Let us tell you more about the ad vantages nf this addition and show you this property. OEOROE & COMPANY, Phone Douglas 7:. City Nst'l Bk. Bldg. Dundee Bargain, $4,750 Dandy 7-room modern home, ar ranged with large living room with brick fireplace; nice dining room, kitchen and den first floor; 1 bed rooms and enclosed sleeping porch second floor; oak floors and finish throughout; practically new and in excellent condition; full south front lot; half block to car. This Is a barxaln and must be seen to be appreciated. Glover & Spain Doug. 1962. 11 City National. REAL ESTATF INVESTMENT Farnam Street A Growing Street We offer for a short time one of tLe best corners on Farnam Bt. for $250,000. Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS 5-Room Bungalow The owner of a practically new bunga low wl.l sell It very cheap and on easy terms. All un one floor. Oak finisu, built in buffet and bookcases. Large floured attic; cement ceiutr; warranted furnace' $ lighting fixtures; large corner lot! good gal axe. CALL COLFAX 1455. Date Oct. 1.1 7 71 Ml Oct. 4..I T S.-. 1 151 Oct. I.. 7 7 T 83 ' I Oct. 6. . 7 69S 7 70) I $W Oct. T.. 7 7 60 1 W Oct. .. 7 Mvfei 7 S7 7 m, Oct. . . S Ui I T 40 7 93: Oct. 10. 7 74 T ! Oct. II. I 6 tlHI I t Oil Oct- 12. S H 7 451 Oct. 13. I ! 7 34! S 10 Oct. 14. S 141 7 1C. S 041 Oct. 15. Z.'ld 7 24 7 921 Oct. 16. I 32 7 H 7 92 Oct. 17. I 7 1C 7 Ki Oct. 18. S T7i4! 7 Oct. 1. 8 7 04 Oct. 20. 7 OH 6 94 7 7S Oct. 11. 7 2 6 84 7 62 41 I'nlon Paclflo .64 IS C. A N. W., east... 1 7 1 C. N. W.. west... M 6 2R C, SU P.. M. O.. 1 4 C. II. A Q., east... I 1 C, H. A g., west... 46 11 1 1 C. R, 1. P.. east. I Illinois Central 6 .. Chicago 11. W 1 Total receipts. ..Ill 43 61 1 1'1S1.S1TUN-HKAD. Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Morris A Co Swift A Co 7.2 J7 .MO ,M) 1.0.M 7:2 1.6 K6 l.Mi Cudahy lacking Co 576 Armour A Co 776 J. W. Murphy Lincoln i'acklng Co.... 30 .o. omaha Packing Co. 13 Morrell 44 t uilahy. from country Henlon, Vansant A L. , ;i Hill A Son 22 V. B. lewls m J. B. Root A Co 214 J. H. Bulla 26 Rosenstock Hros 1s6 Kellogg fcj Werthrimer A Degen.., 2W H. F. Hamilton l.s Sullivan Hros 81 Rothschild 0 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... 46 Christie 87 HISHlns t Roth 13 Meyers m Baker, Jonea A Smith.. SH Tanner Bros ST John Harvey .., 4oS .1 tennis A Francis t3 Citne lus 1.43 Other buyers l.SiO 1.717 Totals s,7r s.46 16,49$ CATTLK Receipts of cattle were quite liberal for a Thursday, 111 cars being re ported In. This leaves the total for the four days at 36,063 head. While this Is a falling off of over 14.000 head as compared with last week's big run. It Is only slightly smaller than most recent weeks and a little larger than a year ago. Cornfed beeves were about steady and there were some very good finished year lings that sold as high aa $.i, the best settle and best price pair In some time. Western beef waa slow to 10c lower ln some rases. Csnner cows showed little or no change being fully steady with yesterday. On the other hand some of the better cows and heifers were slow and Inclined to drsg being. If anything, a little weaker than yesterd -y. Stock ers and feeders were In liberal aup- Rly and medium to common kinds were ard to move, the general market being anywhere from weak to 104T20O lower on less desirable kinds. Quotations on cattle I Oood to choice fed yearlings, $.Ot,.76; fair to good fad yearlings, $; common to fair fed yearlings. $6 6001.60: good to oholce heavy beeves, $.0Dn.76; fair to good cornfed teeves, $8.30u.00: common to fair corn fed beeves, $6.761.10; prime grass beeves. 11 OOtm.76; good to choice grass beeves. $7.6086.00: fair to good grass beeves. $7 00 t7.W; common to fair grass beeves, 16. 00 '7.on; good to choice grass heifers. $x.O0 f6.T6; good to choice grass cows, $6 OOJf 6.40; fair to good cows gn.00O6.00; com mon to fair cows, $4. 0006. 00; prime feed ing steers, tt.004il.f0; good to choice feed ers 7.40u'i.a&; fair to good feeders, $4 80 CP7.40; common to fair feeders, $.r..M36.ui good to choice stockers, $7.7fC"H.OO; fair to good stockers. $6. 757.71; common to fair stockers. $6.6091.76; stock helfera. $3.1 C7.0O: stock cows, $5.6Sf K; stock calves, $6.606.60; veal calves, I7.00&10.00; bulls, ataga, etc., $4.t6fi.lS, Represents 1 1 ve ss lee : BEHJF STEERS. No. At. Pt. Mo. At. Pt. 17 Ull I to STKKKS AND HEIFERS. M tat t ti NEBRASKA. steers... .1001 6 60 67 steers. ...111 7 10 26 steers... .1071 6 76 16 steers. ...10M 6 40 21 calves... 1 7 66 stockers. 'HJ 6 60 6 stockers. 4H0 6 00 1 heifers... 690 6 60' bulla 46 6 00 WYOMING. 750 feeder. 61 f 96 U feeder.. 10S T M 16 steer... .1160 7 40 HOQS Hog values were pounded to the tun of fully boo this morning, leaving them nearly $1.10 lower than on Monday. Th tory Is eaally told. Kresh reoetpt were light, the smallest of the week In fact, and the holdover of some 1,1X10 head made offerings lust fair. Shippers were almost entirely out of the market, the few loads they bought being purchased at price so far below yesterday early mar ket aa to be out of the range of com parlson. Top landed at $7.40 70o below yesterday's high price and $1 lower than th top Tuesday. Packer mad first bid at $7.16, 603 &5c lower than yesterday' average oost. At first seller were literally stunned and nothing was done for a while, but before long a few hoas started to move on a , fully 60o lower basis, and by 1:30 nearly everytning nad been sola, only a lew scattering load being left out of total offerings of over seventy load. The most popular price was $7. 2b, with th next longest siring at $7.10. A few load sold above thla, and there was a sprinkling dowa toward $7.00, Th market was over In an Incredibly short time, but sellers realised what they were up against and took their medicine without much fuss. Freeh arrivals were only forty-three cars, or 1,100 head, and even with the 2,000 head carried over from yesterday total offerings amounted to less than 6.000 head. Other points were pretty well supplied, however, Chicago reporting 26, 000. Total for the week to date Is 166$, being more than 1.0U) larger than last week and 6.60 Oheavler than two week ago, but smaller than last year by about 400 head. No. At. ah. Pr. 7 tot ... 7 40 rr i h lio M iJt ... Til It 110 7 to 4 rw ... t st 46 $66 It 7 tt No. 41.. At. 8h. Pt. N 7 N 'ii 7 tl ... l e 1 40 4 rr M tit ' J 174 70 314 PIGS. in 104 6 60 T 09 BHEEP Rec.eir.ta wars amallar than for any Thursday since the first of Heptem ber, with the exception of last week. In timates called tor fifty-nine cars, or 16.600 head, bringing the total for the four days up to 103,4$6 head. This Is a shortage of 11,000 head aa compared with both last week and two week ago, and Is 11,000 smaller than for the corresponding day last year. Supplies for th week to data are the smallest since August. Fat lamb trad, while fairly active and about steady, had a quiet tone. Rest lamb here sold at $6.66, with good stuff at $6.60, and less desirable kinds down to $8.60. There ha been no quotable change In the market since Monday, although top yesterday were a nickel higher than at any other time this week, and th Keneral trade I lOtTlta higher than at ist week close, or about steady with the general market two week ago. Feeder of all kind were practically unchanged. Quotation on sheep and lamb: Lamb, good to choice. $S.6or.o; lamb, fair to good, $6. 404.. 60; lambs, feeders, $7.7V3 160; yearlings, fair to choice, $6.0)Kj).7u; yearlings, feeder, $6.00.10; wether, fair to choice. $.&0Q6.26; ewes, good to choice, $3.&06.T6: ewes, fair to good, $3.00 fef.,60, wes, feeders. $4.606.60, Representative aalea: 105 Idaho lambs ' 40 Wyoming lamb 1W Idaho lamb 1 cull lamb 143 Wyoming feeder yearling. 16 Idaho feeder yearlings 2M I tah feeder awe 11 cull 1m I tah ewe 116 cull 16 culls liiO Utah feeder lamha 175 Utah feeder lambs 100 Idaho feeder lambs 46 Idaho feeder lambs U Idaho feeder lambs 70 61 80 66 71 66 m in 124 It 62 66 4 60 61 I 60 t 60 t 60 6 60 7 00 6 00 I 26 4 26 1 75 6 rs I 75 B 10 i oo 16 $ 26 $ IS TJe Th Bee's "towapper caiumn. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bealed proposals will be received by me owners, j. r . orree and B. F, Pitman, until I o'clock p. m., Monday November 1. 116, for th rctlon of the fireproof superstructure of th Cof - fee-Pitman building at Chadron, Ne braska. All proposals must be based upon the drawings and pool fl cat Ion which will be on file with the owners at Ctiadron, Nebraska, at the Builders' Exchange, Omaha. Nebraska, and at the office of the architect, James C. 8UU, Norfolk, Nebraska. Each proposal must be accompanied with a certified check In the amount of one thousand (11,000.00) dollars, mads payable to the owner Jointly, as a guaranty that th bidder will Immediately enter Into contract and bond If awarded the work. These check will be returned to un successful bidders when contract 1 awarded, and to the euocessful bidder when contract and bond are executed. Th owners reserve the right to re ject any or alt bid or to waive Infor mal ilies In any bid. COFFEE A PITMAN, Owner. Chadron, Nebraska, October II. in 6. O2idu-mo GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Commercial Grudti of Wheat Suffer General Decline, Dropping Four Cent Here. LOWER GRADES REMAIN FIRM OMAHA. October 11. 1115. The commercial grades of wheat suf fered a general decline today, ranging from unchanged to 4o lower. The lower grades remained firm and old at practically unchanged price. Corn as fairly atrong, selling from Milo higher. The receipt of this cereal er liaht and the cash demand was quite aiti. Yellow corn waa a', about lc premium over the white and mixed grades. The run of oat was also pretty light, but th demand for this cere-il wns good. raiiHlng the market to sell 401o higher. Bye wns In demand and showed gains of Iji2c per bushel. There were no sales of barley reporte.t and that market was quoted nominally unchanged. Liverpool snot: Wheat, unchanged to Id higher; corn, unchanged to Id hmher. Primary wheat receipt er l..Sl,'O0 b.i. and shipments I&n&.OOO bu., SKalnst re ceipt of l,TM.m l.u and shipment of 1.04,, tam bu. lust year. Primary corn revelpta were .'69.000 bu. and shipments 372,000 bu.. against receipts of r6i..imo bu. and shipments of ri.oOO bu. lost year. Primary oat receipts were 1.171 000 bu. and shipments I.oi2,ini0 bu., agulnat re ceipts of 7K1.O00 hu. and shipments of 1,061,000 bu. last year. CARLOT KKCB1PT8. t . Wheat. Com. Oats Chicago M 7 2J2 Minneapolis 3 I'uluth 721 ... Omaha m 17 22 Kansas City 1W 1$ u ft. Louis $0 14 37 Winnipeg low ... , Sales reported today: Wheat-No. 1 hard winter: I rare, 9c; 11 cars, sKHe; 13 cars, wwj; 1 cars, iro: 7 cars. ,c; 1 cars. Me. No. 4 hard winter 4 cars. Wc; 4 cars, 6Hc; n ca,,( ttc; $ cars. 4c; 1 car, Wc. 8ampl: 1 car, Mc; 1 car. JOo; 1 car, Sc; 1 car durum. 76c. No. 1 velvet chaff: I car, $1.00; 1 car, Wc; 4 cars, Wc. No. 1 spring: 1 car, i.'c; 1 car, Mo. No. 4 spring: 1 oar, HI4C. No. 4 spring: 1 car, V' No, 4 mixed: 1 car. W'C. No. $ durum mixed: 1 car. WHo. Rye No. 1: 1 car. 7ci 1 cars. MHO. No. 4: 1 4-6 cars, 16c. Bample: 1 car, WHo; 1 car, So. Corn No. 2 while: 1 car, 63Ho. No. white: 1 car, 62Wo. No. 1 yellow: 1 car, 64V; 1 car. 64 Wo. No. I yellow: 1 car, 64Wa. No. 1 mixed: 1 cars, 63o. No. 1 mixed: 1 cars, 63c. OatsNo. I white: l car choice, 86 Wc; 1 car, 36c' 1 cars, 14c; 1 car, 34 Wo. No. 4 white: I 1-6 car. $440: 4 oar. 14c; 1 car poor, 13 Wc Bample: 1 oar, 13 wc; 1 ear. 63c. Omaha Cash Price Wheat: No. 1 tur key, $1.01&1.02; No. 1 turkey, $1.001.01; No. 1 hard. 7efrl 00; No. 1 hard. flro; No. 4 hard. 924i6o: Nn. I spring. MVtjy ixtc; No. 1 spring, O4W0V7o: No. 1 durum. MWft'.Cc; No. 1 durum, !6wB6e: sample, 7Vg0c. Corn: No. 1 white. 63t4trwc; No. $ white, 6,Vf3Hc: No. 4 white, 6JWtf 63c; No. 6 whlta, 2S63o; No. white, 62'm2Wc; No. 1 yellow, HWtT4o; No. 1 yellow, 644fi4l4o; No. 4 yellow, t3Q 64"e; No. I yellow, 63V4fJ4c; No. yel low, 634Sc; No. 1 mixed, 63S((!c; No. 1 mixed. 62H4fV; No. 4 mixed, 2W C62ic; No. 6 mixed, 62fft2We: No. 1 mixed, tnttlirnvto. Oats: No. 1 white, artmjMHc; standard, 3uVtr3o: No. 1 white. 34W9 aCWc; No. 4 white, 1334o. Barley; Malting, 4(64Wc: No. 1 feed. 4u'49M. Rye: No. ft, 7Wfl08o; No. 1, 6Wl7o. Chicago closing price, furnished Th Bee by Ixgan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 316, Houth Htxteenth, Omaha: Artl le Open, j High. Low. I Close. I Yes y. Wheat Dec. 1 04H J OS May. 1 0MW 1 06 Corn: Dec. MJW 66 May. U)it flov, Oata: I 101 104 671 1 03HB 1 04V4 I tHlaAil 06 WV KSAftlUiffU 6MitTS 6W.CW1 U!, Deo.. 1$0KU4J 1H64 Wnf IM4 lVsl Pork: 1 I Deo.. II 46-60 II M 11 46 11 06 11 60 It 46 08 10 it to It 26 ( 6 I 36 1 02H Jan.. 116 05-101 16 60 Lard: Oct.. Jan.. Ribs: Oct. Jan.. 1 s&fftti I IS I to f 46 46 I t 60 1 ITttl 10 I 87W t O5?i07l A-Asked. B Bid. CHICAGO GBal.V AND PROVISIONS Feature of the Tradlag; asl Claalaa; Price ow Board of Trad. , CHICAGO, Oct. . Wheat suffered a set back In price today owing chiefly to large receipt northwest, th fin weather and the outlook that the duty enforced by Canada would be removed. The close wss heavy, lHtflVio to lHGTlto net lower, with December at 1.0HW. and May at I1.04M. Corn finished Sc to Ho off to o up, oats unchanged to a shad down, and provisions varying from loc, decline to a rise of 12Ho. Breaks In the prlo of wheat In th northwest appeared especially to stimulate the selling which was Indulged In freely, both by longs and short. On th ensuing dip, however purchasing of futures that was said to be at least partly for Euro pean account tended to bring about a rally. The effect, thought, was not of a lasting sort, as th bulls were handi capped by assertion that removal of th Canadian duty would b accomplished before February 1. Talk of a gradual increase of winter wheat receipts cut soma figure late In the day aa an Influence on the bear aide of the market. In this connection. It was pointed out that arrivals at Ht, Louis today were the moat abundant so far thla season. Advices were also at hand that Nebraska waa offering winter wheat freely at Kansas City, and that th Omaha cash market showed a material decline. Corn had good support a a result of some export sales, but the good weather and the weakness of wheat proved to be rather more than an offset. European demand was ascribed to th shutting down of supplies from th Balkans. Oats displayed more steadiness than was th case with other grain. Prices wer up held by report of a scarcity in Oreat Uritaln. Htop loss selling the consequence of an extra ordinary fall In quotations on hogs led to a sharp break In the provision market. Nevertheless, an Irregular up turn followed, the outcome of opinions that the receipt of hogs would be greatly curtailed by the big declln in price. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Oct. ll.-FLOfR-Ktesdy. WHEAT Hpot Irregular; No. 1 north ern Du uth 11 W: K'n 1 nHh,,- f , 'totia, $108. p- 1. f., Buffalo. Futures, easy" ' Decemlier. 11.10V 1 CORN-Spot .easy; No. 1 yellow, T7e, prompt. I OA '''8 Snot Btendv. I Hr-fin-t; No '1 II Jofll ; : $l.e6fll 16; No. I. t0rfi1.00; shipping, T'ttSSc. HOPS-Quiet; slste, common to choice, 1915 crop. Zl'fflsoc; K114 crop. (12c; parifle I cosst, IMS crop. J34i'16r: 1214 crop, lWOItc ! H I DF.H Steady; liogola, SOjjJlo; Central America. ?Sc. LEATHER Firm; hemlock first. $J $,V: seconds. 3132o. PROVTSIONS-Pork steady: mess. $17 00 lfM7.60: fsmllv. $20 6fl?2 SO; short clears. tut.rxne-x.tfi. tieer, steady: mess, $16 6iKtt 17.600; family, lis .fiOfff IB .60. Lard, firm; mid dle west $ft 40"! 0 60. TALIyOWH'eady; city. Tc; country, 7 THc; special, Sc. RUTTKR Hteady : recelnta. T.676 t'ths; creamery extras, 26i2Sc; first, 2WMlc; seconds. UWa'c. EOU8 Irregular: receipts, 1367 rase; ' 'rMn gathered extra. 3'varTfc; extra f irt, 1 firsts 2eal2o; seconds. 2i27" CHEESE Firm: receipts. 1.674 nkn state whole milk, fresh flats, white snd colored. peels Is 16"o: average fsncy, 6o. POl'f.TRY Allv. firm; western chick em". 16'4c: fowls, 14Siftl5c; turkeys, Wc. Dressed, dull; western fresh chickens. 14 re: fresh fowls, iced, lStrmic; turkeys. 18i)22V4c. Minneapolis Gral Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 11 WKTCAT De cember, Hc; Msy, $1.00H: No. 1 hard. $1 tH: No. 1 northern, leVtfl M. FLOTTR Declined; fsncy patents. $6.K; first clears. $4 76; second Clears, 13.00. HAPLFY-ac3oc RRAN-$l.0O. CORN No. $ yellow. TMTlo, OAT-No, I white, $4r4'C BliED-Flax. ILaSWl.tgW. Keaaaa City Oral sad Prortsloa. KANSAS CITY, Oot. 11. WHEAT No. t hard, U 03i U; No. t red, l.lyl.S0; December. ",(; Msy. $1 nofl1 .On'V O'HN-No. $ mixed, 66c: No. 1 white. v1il.:Wc: December. MWc; May, oViS'i1 '. OA'l'if No, 1 white, am 40c; No. 1 mixed. 17:'4 Ml. I. eels 41 rat a Market. ST. LOU I. Oct. Il.-WHKAT-No 1 red. ll l'tfl : fVo. 3 hard. ll.OH: le eeinber $1 04Trl 04: Msv, $l.fM'6 CORN No. 1 nnmlasl: No t write. fjvc; IWcmher, V'Wc; May, RTVdV'Wo. OATS No, 1, track, lie; No. 1 white, nominal. Liverpool drain Market, LIVKRPOOU Oct. 21 WHF.AT-Ppot. No. 1 Manltnlm, no stock: No. I. lis &d; No. lis 4Wd: No. I northern Puluth, 11 l'Vl; No 1 hsrd winter. 12s 3d. CORV Hpot, Anerhan mixed, new, no stock; La Plata, 7s td. CHICAGO LIVK KTOfK MARKET tattle Weak Una Weak -Sheep Weak, CHICAOO. Oct. 11. CATTLE Receipts, 6.00 head: market weak; nalle l"f cat- lie. eK.oisj ;.on; western stecrn, $ii.7ih M; cows and heifers, iJKJvJi; calves, $7.2il tiUO'. I MuflS- Receipts, n.ftiO head: market weak, generally 60 under yes'erdysi aversire: I u!k ef sales, $7.u""5r7.0; pi" ' $4-;.0ii; mixed, I. OiTT.M; heavy, $68j 7. W; r.iuh, 6.S.J7;.(0; pp;s, $4U'7.(0 SHEKP AND UMH9- Rerrlp'a, 1l,o head; mnrKct neak; wether $i.2SljV,.aj; ewes. $4.txiiV.00; lambs, $.M6.76. t. I.n!a Lire tork Mnrket. ST. LOC1S. Oct. Il.-CATTLF.-Rccclpts, 40 heed; market steady; native beef steers, $7 6 drpi.26; yearling steers and hrlier, $.M(iiPl.,V.: rows. $ii O.Vni.i0; s:ock er and foed.-rs, t.fOd7.7o; southern steers. ICua.fiO; roww and heifers, $4.Oi.ti.60; cslven. natle. $6 04ll.(io. tttnin-Jtcrelpts, 7.4X) hend. market L'.pi. a2,Vu' l"'73"; mt'd and butchers. 7.00f;.4O; good heavy. $7.25 8HEEP AND T.tMH4n.n.lnl. 1 OI head; market stendv: lambs, is.OOU9!oO; sheep and ewes, HouX 60. Kansas f Itr Lire Stoek Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 11. CATTLR-Re-celpts. 6,(01 head; market stendv; rime fed steers, $ll.i? 1J.J0; dressed lieef ateers, $.2.'.(ii1i 60; western steers, $6 7 i76; stock ers snd feeders. 13. 60125; bul s, $3.25 6.2s rnlves, I6.KU 10.60. IUK1S Receipts. $,000 head; market lower' bulk of sales. laSWdjI.:; heavy, $6 ifU? 26; packers and butchers, $tl.9U' 7.40; light, 6.7tc7.S6; pigs, $6.0i7.ilO. HHKBP AND LA MBit Receipts. 7,fX) neaa; marset steady I lambs, $ij : yearlings. 6.607.; wether, $u.75'S .60; wea.q $ft. 40(04. UO, aioasj City Lire Dtoek Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia Oct. 11. -CATTLE Receipt. 1,60 head; market 10016c lower: butcher. s&niMV enw hir.,r. $.004i7.60: rannera, $3.0OSr4.6O; stockers and feeder. tS.TfUA- calves, 4. 757.00; bulla. tsga etc.. $4.6uff.76. HOOR-Heioelpts. $.000 hed; market, Sc lower; heavy. $7.2iXi'7 36; light, $7.1MfI.l0; oiiik oi sates of.iiuTi ink. MHBKP AN DLA M B8 Receipts. S.S00 head; market steady and unchanged; ewes, $8.46476.00; lambs, I7.764rt.60. t. Joseph Lire Itoek Market, ST. JOBEPH. Oct. tl. CATTLR Re ceipts. 1.700 head; market slow; steers, I7.0Mi10.0O; rows and heifers, $l.00tti,00; calves. W.OOmD.76. Hous-Recelpt. ,000 head; propeot 6?l0r lower. SHEEP AND I.AM HB Receipts, 1000 dj market steady to strong; lambs, LIT Stork la light. Receipt of llv stock at th five prin cipal weatem markets: Csttla. Hno-a flheen Omaha 6.600 l0 I6.i Kanass City I OtiO 6.0k) 7,000 Pt. lxul 4.6n0 7,400 1,0ml Chicago t.OoO 21.000 ll.ortl Sioux City 1,6)0 2.000 $,6u0 Total ....12,600 41,200 46,600 Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Oct 11. COFFEE The market for coffee future showed con tinued firmness today on reports thut Braail was showing less disposition to sell, talk of a broadening Wall street or Cotton exchange Interest and European buying. The opening was 64T11 points higher and the active months sold about 12 to 14 points abovo last n xhl's closing figures during the dsy, with March touch ing t.74c and May 4.M4c. Prices later eaaed off slightly from th best under realising, with the market closing steady at a net gain of T to 1 points. Seles. 64 000 bags; October, 157o; November, 6 67e; December, tile; January, t.63c; February, 6'Wi; March. 66ic; April, 6 74c; May. t76o; June. i.Hc: July. 1 66c- August, tVj 8vp- temuer, t.wir. opot nrm: hio 7. 7o; Santo 4s, c. Cost and freight offer were reported scarce, with ntiotatlona ranging from l.6o to l.loo for Santos 4s. The official cable reDorted advance of 60 ret In the Brsslllan markets, with Rio exchange on London unchanged.. ' Metal Market. NFW YORK, Oct. tl . M FT A LS Lead, offered at $4.76. Spelter, not quoted. At London: Lead, 24 ts 3d. Spelter, 63 10. Copper steady: electrolytic, 111 00. Iron, firm; No. 1 northern, 16.Nvtl7 Oft; No. 2, $16.2fyffl6.76: No. 1 oiithm. $16.5oil7.00. No. 2, l6 2VfflTR. Metal exchange quote tin quiet, $,13.26tf33.6n. At Ixndon: Spot copper, 71 17 6d; future, m 6a; electrolytic, OS. Spot tin, 161 15s; futures, 163 lfta. Antimony, 125. Oil aad Rosla. SAVANNAH. Oct. 11 TURPKNTINE flrm, 6oc; sales, 147 bhls.; receipt. 171 bbls.; shipments, M bbl.; stock, 10,668 bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales, 411 bbl.: receipts, 926 bbls.; shipment, 161 bbls.; stock, 67,076 bhls. Quote: A, R, O, D, W, F. O, H. I, I4.S0; K. $4 60; M, tt.60; N, 14.00; WO, $6.60; WW, $6.60. Isgsr Market. NEW YORK. Oct. fl. SITOAR-Rsw. firm: centrifugal, 4.11c; molasses, l.62o; refined, steady. Future opened Irreg ular today. At noon price wr I to 4 point higher. Evaporated Apple aad Dried Pratt NBW YORK. Oct. 11. EVAPORATED APl'LFS Steady. DRIED FRCITS Prune, firm. Aprt eots and peaches ataady. Rallsn firm. Dry Good Market. NEW YORK, Oct. tl. DRY QOODS Cotton goods, steadp; yarns, firm; raw silk, higher; wool goods, firm. Joint Memorial Services Are Held By the0dd Fellows Joint memorial services for th da ceased member wer held by the State Rebekah assembly and th grand lodge of Odd Fellow Thursday afternoon at the Douglaa Auditorium. "Nearer My God to Thee" waa sung by th body, and memorial service were conducted by the Oolden Rule Memorial staff of lodge No. 61, Fremont. The eulogy was given by Rev. J. F. Poucher of Stanton and the closing prayer by Past President Susan F. Klerstead of Norfolk. At I o'clock In th evening Wasa lodge No. lfl held a regular session, at which time Elkhorn Valley lodge No. 67 con ferred the Initiatory degree and Omaha lodge No. 1 conferred the first degree. At the Fontenelle hotel auditorium dur ing the evening th decoration of chivalry was conferred by Oeneral E. E. Boyd and staff of Central City, assisted by Canton Esra Millard. No. 1. A special session of the Rebekah. assem bly was held at l:S0. at which time Char ity Rebekah lodge No. I of Lincoln con ferred th degree. Apartments, flat, houaea and cottages tan be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bae "For Rent" Two Towa Maat U Dry. HIBBINO. Minn., Oct. 11. -All HlbUng and Chiaholrn saloons must get out of busluss November L governmental order forbidding th sal of Intoxicating liquors In both clues because they aie Incsted In Chippewa Indian territory waa delivered today by government officer. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Specialtiei Bulk Large on Horizon, with More Higher Recordi and and Fluctuation. BETHLEHEM STEEL STAR AGAIN NEW YORK. Oct. 11-SpecUltle bulked Urate on the horison touay, with mors high records and violent fluctuations, while rails snd other Investment shades chowed no change from their prevailing torpor. Bethlehem Steel una again the star performer, rlslnS seventy and seven eighths points to 6!W. This represents an Increase of points thus far this month, and a twenty-fold enhancement I Kun its quoted price of a year ago In the unofflrlsl market. Among the other new records of the day were General Motors, which rose twenty-six points, to 3,0; Studehaker, eighteen and one-half, to l'.'H,; Willys Overland, eisht nnd one-half, to aC6- Max well Minora, four and three-fourths, to . and t'nlted States Industrial Alco hol, eleven, to 123. Additional feature of pronounced strength Included Fertiliser and Allied shsres, whose product. ale being utlllxed In the fulfil. incut of war orders, American Hide and leather, Central Leather, Con tinental Can, Colorado Fuel, Great North ern Ore, Cruclhle 6teel and a few utilities, notably People Ohb oi Ch.caito. Oalna In th.s sriup ranged from two to over four points. Home of this sdvantage waa relinquished In the customary tak Iiik niovenicnt at the final hour, Belh Khrin Kteel closing at 6KH. I'nlted Ktatos Meel regained It recent prestige by rising tuo points, to 87V to lis 1 r cord price, attained In 19. Large lots of the stock were taken with evident confidence, nlthouxh the price shaded rn in its best at the close, copper ana enpeclally Inspi.iiu pwiiclpaiuu in w.o ,, of tl.e fpeclaltles. Units of the better grade denoted con tinued pressure, European selling con verging about the Transcontinental Rending and Erics. Hork Island waa again neuvlly sold, falling three points, to 16. in connection with Its doubtful financial status. Total sale of atock amounted to 1.070,4m) shares. Further weakness In foreign exchange, particularly sterling and francs, have especial point to the September foreign commerce figures, which disclosed enor mous gains over the corresponding time for the two preceding yeara. Bond were active and moderately stesdy, with reduced foreign and future offerings. Total sale par yalu aggre gated 14,716,000. United State bond were unchanged on call. . Number of sales and leading quotation on stock wer as follows: gain. H H. Lew. Cleas. AUeka (tola i tf tt i t?1 Allls-rhalnwra !." 44 44 4 Americas Het Sugar 1' . Am.rlo.n tan J1.I0 44 MS Amrloss laooniMlT ... Il. 774 71 71 Am.rl,n H. K .! "t AnoiK-an g. H, pM... rw J"tH HAm Uu.r R.tlnlns.... "0 Ht 1HH ""4 Am.rlcn Tel A Tl U4H 114 1J44 Am.rlmn Tehsw KW l"4, IKl WCH Aiwronds Coptxr ll. 7S 7t, .4 Aichlmn I. 1"V li4 BMln LoeemntlTS W.'.'l") 1J4 ISl 13 Umlllmof. Ohio I.4M H 4 ll.lhlrh.m Hl. I.K00 IMIt 660 nnioNlyn Bni4 Trsnalt lltiirnl Hirluia .... SfO 14 1 camdias Psrmo l.liw lMi I"7 '" rentrsl lMh 17. MV H tt rti.p.k. Utile I.2U0 tJ, MSH t CMroati O. W 1, M. A St. P . WH , rhleaaa N. W It "" (HImi, tt. I. A P. Hf.. 4J O 14 I 1J , fhlnn Copper I."0 4v 44 4KU, Colmailo Pu iron.... 1. ft'ti It tt rmrlMs gtsel l.r tt tt Vt Inr K. O. ptd 1 KLillltrs' Heeurltlss ....44.1") 47M. 4t4 4t Rrl 7."0 tt 414 . Uenenl Blertrle 4.o 17" 17 1J llrest Nnrth.rn sM ") W -ttt 1 (trst Nn. Or Ftfs W -"4 4. H4 Ouunlilm Kiplorstloa., I.PO " ' Illinois rentnil 0 10 K4 104 l.,..w.r,.h m. rv. . lua 1144 u tt tmplratlnn Copper 4t nirntlonl HanrMUr... It1 11" VS. Knu ( Itr gouthsra ... I"4 Ti m V Lsnisn Valley 1,000 7Hi 74S 7-S loul.vllli. NaahTlllS 14 Mailean Patrolausi I.sno ot rtv4 t Miami Ooppar 1M I4"e tt'i ti MlMKiurl, K. T. pta 14 Miaeourl I'arlfla 1.700 It4 4 4 National BUrult W National ll l."0 MUj 47 t1 N.vaoa Toppar t0 U 14 16 Naw York ('antral t.crxi lnriMj H N. T., N. H. H 1.000 K tt'i, t Norfolk A W.atars l. Wi V 11416 North.rn Paoltlo l.OOO 11114 1UH HI parlfla Mall "' I'a.Ule Tel. Tal S PannarlTanla tn tt 47S Fullin.a I-slae Car i1 lo'1 I"3 Har Con. Cuppar I.1 , I1 Resalns l.Kon 7114 7 Hepukllo Iron Bteal.... ll.M 6 M"i 44 Houth. m raeltlo 4.4" MH gouthers Railway 1.10 4k KH ' Biud.hakar Cnmpasy .... 41 t'K) l4Mj ITU lw Tannaa Coppar 7,t 4-H t Tanas Company no 1 14 14 t nlon raolflo I.4' lli', it IH I'nlon Fnflflo pld...; ft IH ii'i 'H t'nttod Bla4aa Blasl 144 KW IVUj M M It. H. Slol pta 1.7"0 1I5-4 ltt I"' rth cppw i.ftoo i1 Waatarn Unloa 1H '' 1 Wartlnahwaa Rlsctrts ... o.fno tlti Tl Montana Pow.r t 41 t! 67 Uanaral Motors I,0 tiO UO tti Total aalaa for the 4ar. 1.070,000 haras. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct. H. MERCANTILE PAPKR-fi3' per cent. BTERL1NU EXCHANGE 450-dav bills, 4 kJ; demand. $4.ntls6; cable. $4.6768. SILVER Har, 4c; Mexican dollars, 17 He. HONDS Government, ateady; railroad, firm. TIME- LOAN'S Easy; 0 and 80 day. IVIjU rer cent; six month, S per cent. CALL MONKY-tHeady; high, 1 prr cent; low, 14 per cent; ruling rate. 14 per cent; last loan, 1 per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at 1 per cent. Closing quotation on bond today were follow: V, I, rat. Is, rag.... t Ma. Fas. er. Is 44 4o eoupos tl N. T. C. dab. 4s.. ..104 0. C. a. rag 1"1N. T. City 101V4, se eeuson lo0N. T. BUts 4"a....JUS tl. 4a, rag it N. V . N. H. A H. 4a ooupoa 1WS4 ot. 4s HSU, nn la aminos.. liett No. PaoiflO 4s....... N Abb. Iraaltsrs 4a. ...lot e 44 A. T. A T. a. 4js..l4 0. g. U r. 4.... 0 Armour A Cs. 4s.. fsa. T. T. .... 17 4$ Atehlaos ssa. 4.... sa I'ans. aes. W Bal. (Mi 10 4s ti 4s Sa. 4s M Cm. Paelfla lat l7SRaadlns ss. 4a..... tt Cbs. a Ohio 4s.. H'B. I- A . F. r. 4s tl C B. Q . 4a.... ;o. Fwa. e. la. 14 f! M BP a 4Hs.. Hl do ref. 4s 7 C. n. I. T. t. to. a. Rail war Is H4 C. A ref. sot L' a ton Paolfla 4s.... V. R. O rat. la.. M so er. 4a tl Kris sn. 4a 1tV. . Robber ....11 Oas. aiaotrls as. 1040. g. gtaal Is 4 Ot. No. lat t 44WabaaTt lat la III. I 'as. rat. 4a 44 'Waat. Unloa tl K. C. Ro. ref. Is... SlHAnslo-rYaach Is ... t7t LAN. unl. 4a.... MlsWaat. Klso. IT. I.. 102 14 ' M K. A T. 1st 4s.. 11 Uld. Recreation Board Hands Out Four Jobs The recreation board passed out a few Job last night when they met In Com missioner Hummel' office to plan winter entertainment ln the various district. J. B. McLean, J. T. Stewart, Banford Olfford and II. C. Miller were named a district leaders, at a salary of $10 a week. Their name will be turned In to the city council for ratification, and If any are turned down, Paul Belby and) Lyman McConnell will be substituted for those whose name ar held up. R. L. Cams, who 1 now connected with th Board of Education, waa named a athletic director, at a salary of 116 weekly, and A. Ilourlclus waa given th Job of musical director at a similar stipend. YOUTH ROBS PROPRIETOR OF GROCERY STORE OF CASH After loitering about a grscery store at 1401 Hickory street for several hour and talking to th proprietors, a youth appearing to be lea than 20 year of age, waylaid the store owner a they locked up for th night and took $15 from thorn at th point of a gun. Louis Robinson and Bam Oreenberg own the store. With them at th time of the robbery waa Ben Oreenberg. The robber kept hi gun pressed against hi victim' back a he searched, and threat ened to kill If the other ruad a --is-plclou mov. Apartments, flats, house and cottage can be rented quickly avnd cbeapiy by a Be "For Rent"