Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1915, Image 10
THE TYFTj: OMAHA, OCTOBER 1915. WANT ADS Want a!s received at any time, but to Insure prvpcr classification must be pre rtM before 12 o'clock noon for evening edi'lm and 7 45 p. m. for morning and Bunds edition Wuit els received after seen hours will he under Ul heading. "Too Late to Claaslfy." CASH RATE3. S rt consecutive timea, 1 cent word each insertion. Two or ciort consecutive time. IH cent word. On tlnio. t cent a word. CTTAHOB HATES. rVven consecutive times, 8 cent a line each Insertion. . Three consecutive times. Insertion. n time, 11 rsnla a Una. Count fit average worda to line- Minimum rharge. JO rents An advertisement Inw rtrd W , r"n ontll disci r.t nued must be stopped by rhten rrder. . All claims for error rmiat b mad ithln fifteen after th lt lnar tlon Of the advertisement T-LEFHONE TTLKR 1O00. DEATHS ASD FlMiHU JIOTII K HF.MMAN-i.117 11. Florence boul evard, bHowl daughter of Mr. ana Mm. J. V. Hemman. Monday. October H. i1&, aged 20 year. 4 months aim j"uiinl service Thursday from resi dence & Florence boulevard, will oe private. Interment at Mount Hope ceme tery. No flower. OTONNFt.T-I.enora. aired 74 yearn. Fhe Is survived bv three datightera. Mrs. H. .".Walker. M m. C. O. Kie ,1 of Wash.; Mn. G. II. Hell of Tacnma. and one son. K P. O Conne'l. Denver. nln. IVmam III I ah..d fi om rcsl l- nee f Mra. Walker. 26:11 Davenport, to Bloom- Ington. 11L EHITU-KT-Kdward George and f.dlth Collins, hushnnd and wife, aged 28 and 22. respectively. funeral from residence of Mr. Michael Shirley. SMI P.urt street. Saturday. 8.J0 a. in., tr Bt. Cecelia's church at II a. m. Interment St. Mary cemetery. KlVO-Joehua "Bed tS year. Oct 20, funeral from family residence, t Lincoln lioile'.nrd. hUtiu-d ay morning at 3i to H. John's church, t o clock. Interment, Holy ATTENTION member of Alpha Camp No 1. V. O. W.-Tri funeral of Hnv erelitn It. r. M.-Kelvey will take place from the family rellence, WlW Cbm bt., at i p. ni. KrUay. l haa. Lnitt, Clerk. MONICA IVter, acd year, at Wil FuTril tmlay from Heafey A ehanel. Twenty-aUth and r rnnm. to Bi. I-hlloniena a church at p. m. Interment, Jloly Kepulcher cemetery. I tltl) 0f THANK. WB wlah to thank our friend and neigh bor for their aympalliy shown M In the tck,K and death of our father, alao for the beautiful floral offering and ery ce rendTed by W. W. camp No. 1U4 and Tailor' union N". 2. .rTw Mils MARIA KTKAIWK FAMILY. l.Ulltfl SIO'I'IfKB. MRMDER8 of Bt. John's lodge No. 25. Aj F. ana A. M. are requested to meet at the Mawonlc Temple Friday. October 24. t 1 p. m. to attend the funeral of brother, Kuss.l K. McKeivey. AVKHY LANCASTER. Yf. M, C. R. IIKliHIM), Hecretury. M A 11 It I AUK Lit K1 KS. Licenses to ed have been granted the following couples: V .. . ...1 AA.lrffSS Age nenrir,. W I'rnlt. Omaha OVer 'i Ktillh O. Vnrr Is. Omaha over IS Fred C. Lulon, Fremont W Nellie K. Badt r, Fremont 21 Arthur A. Nelson. Omaha.. 22 Thllne Buskirt. Omaha ' 20 Harry Caraon, Omaha 22 Ella BolUt, Omaha 1 Archie H. Cayelt. Omaha 26 Agnes 8. Dunn, Omaha 22 Charles Bear, silver lt y. la 2S Clara Kochenderfer, hilver City 21 Thornton O'Neal Moore, Omaha t" Ella Mary Ilartman, Stanton 18 Arthur lloltburg, Omaha 2(1 Emma fox, Omaha It Ouy C. Cabbage, Omaha 21 Isabella Hawkins, Omaha 11 Armando Flneanl. Omaha 2 Olovaniiia Baldauae, Omaha It II1HTII9 AND IleiATHg. Births Herman and Anna Bmlth, ' 251 Bouth Kleventh, boy; Nathan and Jlanna Ooldman. -"0 North Sixteenth, boy; Wil liam A. and Nellie Howe. 2Ui Bouth Kleventh, boy; frank It. and Margaret Henear. 4f'23 Fort Omaha avenue, girl; Francis V. and Mary Claire Mnnkews, Twenty-second street and Ht. Mary's avenue elrl; tleorge and Lydla Onntler, Hail North Forty-aeeond, boy; SlaniHlav and Kaxlmlra l'lska, Thirty-ninth and O, girl. Deatlis J. P. Btewart. IB. hospital; Peter Monica. W, 2"-'t Pierce; P. 11. Ihey, 4.'. 1712 Jackson; William H. Primer, t VC3 North Twenty-fourth: Lucy Fi Hena. man, 20. t'.ia florence boulevard; James It. Hanbroe, 2 months. W.1 Mouth Flftv second; Robert Wlklund, 7, 7M) North forty-eighth. UllLUINO PF.HMITH. M. Garrison, Fort, frame dwelling, V.'M; Andrew Hansen, r3 t'nttax Grov avenue, frame dwelling, t,300. - r32inrdss-sssa3i? TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM Itawitnei, EMPRESS, 15TII - DOUGLAS TILE DANCING DOLLS, 3-REEL 1CAI-EM. The Lure of the Widow, Vttagraph. Broncho Ullly's Parents. Ijisanay I1EARST-SKUO NEWS PICTORIAL NO. 83. FRINCE33, 1317-19 DOUGLAS. Forrest Winnant snd Rhea Mitchell In The Brink. 4-act Mutual master ploture. Busted, but Benevolent, some comedy. And a special select. -rl Keystone comedy. I-rt. GRAND. 1CTII AND BINNEY. THEDABARA IN A 5-ACT MASTERPIECE LOTHROP. J4T1I AND LOTHROP. Chube-t presents Clara Kimball Young In lbe Heart f the Blue Rliiea. 6-rM a i pi ed from the novel by Waldron Bal't-y. APPOLO. I814"leAVENWORTH Theda Bar tn A Fool There Waa. a Fox leatur. in 6 parts. Don't miss this Krt photoplay. West. MONROE. 2565 FARNAM WorlJ Film Corp. presents Jose Collins in The linposter, with Aleo 11. Fraud. l'-redy feature. tuatk ki4e. EESSE, 14TH AND N. The Dragon's Claws, t-reel Knkk. lolled Kulera. )roncho Hilly Misled, Fssanay OliPHEUM. 14 Til AND M. Tile Road to Fame. 1 reula. Charlie Ciiaplin V 1-1 is Ak-Bar-Ben. r:ls. eomttiy. Love. Mumi snd Bump. AUTOMOBILE Wbetaever you ar considering selling or iiuviuk a use- car and you want full lua for your money or you wm peon! wn are willing U pay for what they are 1ililig you iii nave no rert-t ir you u y up ad.eru&e tnroush tho used car C'n-in.n or I lie ei. n. .n 'lir MILh. of iniits in your eld Hit Rebul.t). hnd l;u to DLO TlRifi CO., J .1 K. UACSJga CI. MOVIES A FEATURES TT Tnn a v APPOLO, 28J4 LEAVENWORTH. Tbeda ira In A Fool There Waa. a Fo feature. In part. lon't mlaa thl aieat photoplay. Gil AND, 16T1I AND BINNKT. TltKPA ft A ft A In a five-Act Maaterplere. LOTHUOP, 24TII ANt lX)THKOP. Shubert preoenta Clara Kimball Voun In The Heart of the Ulue Hldse. S-r.,adnpt-ed from the novel of Walilmn Malley. M ON ROK, 255 6 FAUN AM. World Film Corp. preaenta Joae Collin In The Importer, with Aleo il. Francl. Urady feature. PRINCESS. H17-19 DOUGLAS. Forrenf Wlnnant and Ilhea Mitchell In The Prink, 4-act Mutual rnaater picture. AUTOMOHILK9 l KKWAHU for any maaneVo we can't repair Colle repl a yadorfei . -J10 N. lth. N K. lillAHK A Hubk Be 1 vice Btation, mi Karnain 8t I'hone Douslaa 721. li'lJ BTL'DKHAK KR good condition. first reaaonabl offer takes It. 223 H. llth ft. I'hone Hed Mol.lNE MRKADNAI.'dHT In first clasa condition: new tlrea. For sale i heap. Kmlth Deafner Oarage, 31i b ith St. Phone Pougliui 4700. Aijiu. clearing ihiub- Kuy, sell and ex change urd car 23c Parnam. D, 3ifX Industrial Oarage Co.. KOth Harney Bt. Overton forluaky radiator, toe. dealer. ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINKSa COLLEQB3 STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For sale, with good reason for selling. variety of courses In a reliable BusU nrsa nchoni, one or tne leaning DUMneas rollegea of Omaha. Will be sold vary reasonable--away below regular prlra If you ar considering taking a course Investigate this at on re, nc Fall terra beglnu soon ("all office. Omaha Ba. KXEriCIME at f- ML C. A.. bualneaa ma a BUSINESS CHANCES If your Busine Cliane wfll stand riKld Investigation ana is just what It Is advertised, or if you ar looking to start In business for yourself you will be per fect lv satisfied If you use the Bualneaa Chance column of The Bee, When buy Ing or sell In g a bualneaa Plion Tyler KWO. Foil BALK, Only blacksmith shop In town; machinery 1 all run by power. Ditto Urns., Brady, Neb. BOOK and alatlonerv atora for sola on account of other Interests; offer for sale only store of Its kind In county seat town of 6,oii0, eaatern Nebraska; Invoice anoui z.txn; nargstn ror casn; a guou income assured. Address T Ml, Be. WANT ICD O n young man for business partner, aj capital requirea. n.. ii, uee. BKCRKTS of the grain bualneaa; fits you for position of manager at a salary of 'i) to II. not) per year. Particulars fre. Write aultk. Western Grain Syndlcat. Blnnhnpe, la. ' GOOD drug store for sale, well located, g mil town, only stock, will Invoice about .omi; owner's reason for selling, wants business In city, C'lauion Bros., Klron. la. TO BULL or buy a bt'slnesa, call on Busch Borihoff. Frenier Hik. I. 221a Tt) HUT In or out ot bualneaa call on OAN'OKST AU, 422 Bee Bldg. Ooug. S477. THKATKKH Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and aupplie through Theater Hxrh. Co., 14"6 famam. !. 1W7. $2,000 KUlUTY in property renting tor 2i per month, for land, lota, acreage or iniereat In business. Box twd, Omaha. I HAVK a position open In tny busi ness for a young man who can gtv me his services and mak an In vestment of IfriO, 1 will pay a good salary and interest on bis Invest ment. Box K 1!W, Be. BFK Omaha Theater Bupply Co. for bar gains In established shows. D. KI20. WANTED Young man a partner In my store; will guarantee over 4100 a month; Investment of $voo required, cured. Box L 200, Be. 1'H'TCkK BHOW In town of J.0 people, close 1 ins ha; beat up-to-dat equipment nlc lobby etc.; will tak light eight used car as part pay. Address Y 1', Bee, FoR BALE Building and alock grocerira, luncheon and notlona. Call Colfax lino. PLUMES CLEANED Bring us your old plume to be cleaned, dyed or curled. All our work la guaran teed at prices consistent with good first class work. Let u hav a trial at your work. Farad Is and aigrettes cleaned and ra ti rum bed. DORA EISELE, 11S6 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas WSJ. EDUCATIONAL The VAN SANT SCHOOL 6TENOQRAPHY BOOKKEEPING, Day School for Young Women. Evening tichool for Young Mea and Women. baturday morning class In typewriting. Ion C Duffy, Owner and Manager. So Bo IMh Bt Omaha. tlXi t- KT lady stenographer will tak pupils; shorthand, touch typewriting, spelling and punctuation taught. Indi vidual Instruction. 4-4 Douglaa fit, Tel. Walnut 2327. Boyles Bldg. Tel. D. 1C4S, Omaha, Neb. FOR sal, th following scholarships tn a first claas Omaha Bualneas College: One unlimited combination buaiues nd rhorthsnd course. On unlimited stenographls course. On three-mouth' business or steno graphic ionise. Will be sold at a discount at the offlo uf T!i Omaha Pee. DAY SCHOOL BOYLF ! CVLLEG-t NIUHT BCIIOOL Rvere dav 1 enrollment day. Book' keeping, hhorthand, Btenotypy, Typewrit ing, Telegraphy, i ivu tterviee an i om- merclal and English branches. Catalogue free. BOTLEa roi.i.E(iE, liih and Harney Hta. Tel. Dougiss lirto. FOR BALE. FOR SAI.EJ Here I a claaamcatlon that la of the . utmost liiiiKjrianc to every reader, as this column offers soma excep tional opportunities every day and a small want ad will sell your article at It lull value, pnone lyier i-jou. famttarv. Ilw-avh-ka !, Bsta. BAKUA1N9 IN Ft'RNlTURK AND HARDWARE, lata N. I4TH. WKB.1007, It t bouaht and d. J. C. Iteed, "taha 1'7 Karnain Bt. Dougla 14& Auction Household Goods Omaha Van and Storage Friday Oct. 12. at 1 p. m. sharp w will sell al auction to th highest bidder, 1 rufcs. sun kil2; 10 carpets, 10 dresaer. 2 suig nmi hint. 8 leather bottom chalra, 1 leather davenport, 1 lualher parlor set; soveral bedsiulnga and mat tresoea. 10 ir-s heaters. 1 all healers and hundreds of articles too nuiueroua to mention. Dowd Auction Co. Auctioneers For auction terms d date Ball Red S ron n.M.n rarattare, llaaebol oota, Ktv PUBLIC AUCTION Balurday. Oct. 23, at 10 a. m. and Iatln all day, mahogany parlor aet, mahogany parlor tatle, aeveral rug a ood new, round oak dinlne; room table. I et of oak dlnlnc room chalra, Clrcaaalan wal nut drexaei, t prlnreaa dreaaera, 1 large wall mirror, t late style braa bed, good buffeta, mahogany china cabinet, t cheat of carpenter tool, good linen and chlnaa, on Vlctrola. This aalo conalat of none but flmt claa furniture of all descrip tion. You can't afford to mlaa It Omaha Van and Storage, J6 8. lth St., 17th Bt. entrance. Harse a4 Vehlelea. FARM wagon. fA: harneaa. Vft: both new. Johnson-Danforth Co., ltilh and t.iarg fta WA NiirEi-Team to haul brick. Krlten brlnk A Bona., 1.1th end Frederick. OLD ON K TF.AM, SOU ! . for sale; t years old. N. 24th, Itoom 6. I'ualtrr, Kill saa bapvllea. MXD grain. Mo lb. IL76. Wagner, SOI N 11 STEKEOTYPk; ma trice a make tn beat and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They ar 17x23 inches, atronger and nior durable than tarred felt and Practically -C 1 . . rt- .. ... mwvw. imv m iiunuiN at in uea vine. laelcal lastraaaeat. YOUNO refined coupl wishes use of piano for its Storage. Best of reference furnished. Call Colfax 1&32. till N. 24th Bt. Typewriter.. UNDKRWOOD, bargain. Phone I. 2147. TYPKW RITKKli sold, rented, repaired. I entrai 1 ypewriter Kxc. 15 Farnam. FOR BALK New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowlln lleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all Inns: eaay payment The Brunswick Balke-Collender Co., 407 a. 0th Bt. Mlspellaaeoua. 1 tfeoond-hand m or, dynamo. l'PA maBneto, etc., met-hanrJal klvT reualr. L Bron Electrlu Work. fU-tA M Ulh Bt O ALMOST new drug fixtures; English wall fixtures at a discount, writ franxen Pharmacy, Pruning, Neb. FOR BALE Drug fixtures; complete out fit of English wall fixtures, show cases, etc; almost new cash register and ac count register. For description and fq-lces writ Fran sen Pharmacy, Urunlng, FOR BALK CHEAP Business College Course. ' Fori and complete scholarship In on Of tb best Omaha business schools. Good reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will he aolj very reasonably. If Interested Investigate t once, because fall term begin soon. There ar variety of course for sal. For particulars inquir at th office of Tb Omaha Be. $3.20S Golden West Whisky, 4 full art no u lea in bond, p re- Id. Cackley Brns., Omaha CARPENTER tools, shovois, sledge, picks, lackjerewa. 10 benny matoh vend ing machines, too ach. Horae, harness, wagon, xiuw. un aiecino piano. J. C. ISM. UK n. Xrth Bt Harney Ml TWO electrto motor for sale, room t. Bee Bldg. BARGAIN Edison phonograph, with 1M records, $30, or best offer. Tel. Wal. SOU). HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aa Offle. FRKR offlc for public stenographer. J 2U. STENOGRAPHER , DICTAPHONE OPERATOR DICT. OPR. at BTENO , COMPTOMETER OPR MULT1GHAPH OPERATOR BOOKKEEPER WATTS RF.F. CO., 2-40-42 Brandels The. IGAR CLKRK $40 00 DICTAPHONE OPR $.U) THE CANO AGENCY, 0i) Hee BUlg. Bir-NO., ; Coinpl. Opr., $o; iiova- keeper, $b0. Wstta Ref. Co., KW-40-42 Brandels Thea. Faetory 4 Trades. OIRL to learn halrdressing. Oppenhelm. HunkftHri M Ctaisieatlea. TUB Bervant Girt Problem bolved. Th Be will run a Borvsnt tllrl Wanted Ad FRFB until you get th desired results. This applies to residents t Omaha, tjouth Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler liKK). WANTED Competent girl for general Housework, by Monday. October u. Flat Wash given out. No small children; $A) per month. 212 N. 22d Bt. Doug. 4145. VVANTED A eompetant cook In family Of two, where a second maid 1 kept 21 8. 84th. Phone Douglaa 1M. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework: no waahlliii. good reference required. Mr. M. B. Newman, Si.JU itowara. pnon Harney WANTED A competent girl for general nousewora. so waaning. ts Dewey Ave. Tel. liar. 1S2& W ANTED Young girl to car for 2- Vaar-old child. Call W. 654 or P. SOU- Mrs. Chssson. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing or Ironing; good waaes. tiii Burt Ht. WANTED Competent girl for general fiouaewora. small family. Mo wauhln-. Telephone Harney lt-4. SW3 Dewey Ave. WANTED Girl to aselst with housework and car for small child: one attending school half day preferred. Phone Harney (WO. VV AN TED Young while girl, to assist with general Housework lu small home. Colfax WAN't'KD Uirt for general housework; no wanning; small family. Apply to Mrs. W. C. Lyle. W4 Park Ave. WANTED Young girl for housework; 110 wasiung. a ppiy nankin. WANTED W hit girl fo" general house work; no was lung. i ttawiiiorn Ave., Bemia Park. Walnut 71. AN '1 1 German or bcuduiavi-n girl for general houaework. two in family. Harney SJt. WAN!' ED Competent girl for general bouseworg. s. rarnam rt. Tel. Itar. Sui WANTED Competent white girl (or gen eral nouaewoiK; email family: good wage. H. i:a0 8 4th Bt. WANTED A girl for general housework $7 a week; laundress kept 1 day a X&i Casa Bt. - WANTElk Girl for general hoasework. 14 8. th Ave. Doug. 3151. WANTED A nurse sirl and a uiald, suua Poppleton Ave Tyler J7. WANTtl A girl for general housework, family ot I; references required. Mia C. U. fhacklrford. 8. SJu bt, liar- ney 6)l. WANTKD An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1-ln-ral wage and a good home; 3MS farnam. Hamey bH.t. WANTED A white" g'lil for" geueral housework. Must be neat, capable, and a good plain cook. References required. Call Thursday afternoon, Uli Lothrop Bt. Mrs. F. K. lavniort. EXPERIENCED while girl for general housework ; family ot three; good wages. References required, all) Cass. Walnut lvts. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework, one wh can go home blhts. Webster MiX V ANT A girl for aeueral work; amaU family. Call or phone Tyler Ml before noon or after n. tn. Z- 8. imiu ok. HELP WANTED FKM.M.K Mnairkeepen f4 llomeal le. WANT F. r A p-ood arlrl for general honae work 1J5 H. I,"tj Pt. Tel. Harney 4V.. WANTKI) A girl for general hoiiwxim; arr.all family; good wagea; reference required. Wal. t4X A MIDDI.B aged lady to help with light hnuaework for room and board and be company for alnglo elderly lady. No wane munf be expected. Z764 Orant 8t. W'ebater ai. Mlaeellaaena. TOTJNO women coming to Omaha aa tranger are Invited to vlxtt tne Youn( Women f'hrltln aaaoclailon building at Kt Mary Ave. and lith dt, whore they will be directed to aultabl boarding place or otherwise aaelated. 1 .00k for o-ir traveler' guide at I'nto.i nation. 8TKNO., atate eiperlence. K 1S5. Hee. LA 111 KM A fascinating home bualneaa; tlntlnif poatcarda, plcturea, etc.. anere time; &.-IIJ weekly, no canvaaalng; aam plea Iflc; particular free. Artlnt, 434 U, ra Manhln. Hf . New York. WANTEI Telephone girl. Cjei.n'ng. 1IH N 12th Bt. Btal Dry WANTED WOMAN Government clerk ahlpa. Write Immediately for detalla. Franklin institute Dept. 8M II. Rocheetcr, N. Y. LADIFS make shields at home; $10 for 10: work tent nrenald: no canvassing: rend stamp. Ivanhov Mfg. Co., bt Louis, &fo, ITELP WANTED MALE Clerical ass Office. COMPETENT bookkeeper, single, willing to leave city at times; reply In own handwriting, giving age, experience, sal ary expected, and phono number. K 234, Bee. ORIGINATORS. NO F'lLLNU FEB. Beat commercial positions. ROUKRS RKF. CO.. 640 Paxton Block. HIGH - OKA DB commercial positions. ' ird-e I; I. 1J" I.- Tt I.- . ' 1.- r . A aa WEST. RKFKRENCB ft BOND ABSN 'fi2 Omaha Nat. Pank Bldg. WANTFJD High claa, experienced man to manage district and sell monthly payment accident and health Inaurance for large old line company. Top com miHslon contract with an allowance for six months will be made. Only men of strictest integrity and those who can produce results need apply. Here Is an opportunity to secure a high class con nection. Hurety bond required. Write, giving agn, qualifications, phons and street address to Box L 235, Bee office. NIGHT clerk. $2o, board and room. Busi ness Men's Reference Ass n., 14u6 Wood men of World. BALKtiM AN Only Al implement man need apply; $1"0 to $150 and expenses. Watts llcf. Co., K.iM-40-42 Brandei Thea. 8TKNOGRAPHEH $7S HOTEJL CLKRK $40 AND BOARD MGR. CREAM STATION 175 T1IK OA NO AORNCY. Son RKF. BLDG. Agesti, galesmem and Solicitors. COAL agent wanted In every town; get a trial car. I. M. cos. No. pialte, Meo. Traveling Salesman Have good Nebraska terri tory open for first class pro ducer; permanent, lucrative position for man able to show results. Give age, for mer or present employment, etc., tn letter to 8. 2&t, car lie. TRAVELING salesmen of experience as tmlng company, one accustomed to look- . . . - I . . T TW CI I . V. mg atier men. ask igr a. xara oiiuvn. Hotel Henshaw. Factories and Trade. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE l.mifiN the barber trade by our sys tem of expert Inatruetion and free clinic. Positions waiting. Call or write for cata logue. Omaha, mp., .a. h. ieier, rrwi, WE need men; had to turn down two jobs per week lately: get In; learn by our method; get one of these Jobs. Cata logue D. B. free. Nebraska Automobile School. 2406 Leavenworth 8t. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trl-T'liv Rarber college: low rate tuition. Including set of tools; wages paid; eleo trlo massage, hydraulic chairs; catalogue free. 1124 Douglaa St.. iimana. Drug More Snsps, lohs Kneist. Bee Bldg. Mlseellaaeoaa. WANTED Railway mall clerks; $78.0 month. Omaha examination coming. Sample questions free. Write Immedi ately. Franklin Institute, Dep't 221 II, Rochester. N, Y. WANTED Gordon teedor. Room t, Be Bldg. GOOD M EN WANTED at once to learn auto work to fill positions which we have open right now and ar waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autos, tractors, elec. starting ay. Fre catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGB, ZU61 Farnam St Omaha, Neb. I HAVE) a position In my business for a young man who can give me his aervlces and mak an Investment of $eoo; I will pay a good salary and Interest on bLs Investment, tt 13 Be.. . WANT HID Men to try examination for government Job: $70 month; common education sufficient. Apply immediately, Y M. Be. WANTED Young man aa partner In my a to re; will guarantee over $lu0 a month; Investment of $000 required. J 1V7. Bee. HELP WANTED MALK AND HOMtlK. WANTED Man or woman to put out feather ventilators. Writ for sample and particulars by mall, loo. 1 8. Har den, Hotel iNevnie, umana. DON'T quit your Job yet, look beyond It; Employ spare lime estaonsning a cir cular mailing bureau many successes. why not you? Our copyright mal It tg In structions mak everything plain Post paid 26c Direct halea Co.. quinuy. III. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED bleed y puellion on iarm by sober, steady, experienced man; stale wages when writing. G. W. Larsen, Gen. Del., Bioux Fslla 8. P. POSITION wanted by young lady ste nographer; one year experleuc. Webster 1M. NEAT colored girl waul position aa cook In private family, or chaw be r maid. Cell Walnut loTX U nl AN w Ulies to do buudl washing. Ouilsx I4o0. WANTED Poailion as fireman, any kind of hotel work or In private home, as I am an all-around house and yard man. Call F. W. Carter. 1). TVS!. MOTHER and son, Norwegian, wlah po sitions as Janllreas and Janitor, or posi tion In private place; best of references; experienced. Phone Red 21 blTl'ATlON wanted aa cook. Bwediah botel or private faiuilv; wage $10 week. Address t-T 8. 22 Bt.. Ellen Magnuson. WANTED A Boyles college student wants a position driving private car out of school hours; 4 years' experience. Address A. F., 4l 8. 20th St., Omaha. CIVIL ENGINEER with complete set of surveying Instruments desire a position, or would accept draughting; th Instruments may be used where em ployed. Addreaa J. L. Ferguson, 242 Ben ton Bt.. Council Bluffs, la- M 1 1 '1 l .E-AGKD LADY, competent and reliable, desires a position as a house keeper in a family of two. or as a child's nurse or seoona maid, launary wora. References exchanged. WcDster cre- WANTED Position aa housekeeper by colored lady, good references. Tel. Doug laa , REFINED middle-aged lady wishes posl- i tion as practical nurse or housekeeper In 1 a k. fti ,-UPi 1. llnnl.n Carrie Omaha General IVllvery. IvntlNO ladv -tenos-raDher wtahea coal- 1 I '1 1 si "". L leu M ou Itx k. SITl'ATIONS AV ANTED 1'oSITION aa chambermaid wanted by neat colored girl. all W eh. 7' 72. WANTKD Hy middle-aged man a place for light work; rare of office; can care for small set of books; understand the lumber bus ness fairly aa counter man. K. White, Vi3 N. 47th Ave. I-OST AXD FOUNT Ixist or found ad in Om.tTia'e Loat and Found medium mean the Immediate re turn of that article If adverttred In Th pee, the Ixi m and Found paper lA 1ST Handbag, on SOth Bt.. between 1 1 1 1 anil nag, on win pi., nriwirn Famam and Davenport; finder call Harney 4,11; reward. OMAHA A COUNCIL. BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Persons having lost some article would do well to call up th office of th Omaha aV Council Bluff Btreet Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in th street car. Many articles each day ar turned In snd th company Is anxious to restore them b th Hghtfi-1 owner. Ca'l Doug. LADY'S diamond ring. Tiffany mount ing; Initials I to P. In ling; think at Burlington depot. Call Webster S6S. Re ward. LOHT Pocketbook on l!th St., near Owl Drugstore. Reward D. Zrf.: R. 117. LOST Ring set with garnets, valued as heirloom. Reward. Blanch Manning, city hall. BUNCH of keys and padlock, with chain. on isth Bt.. between ram am and Har ney, last Battirday. Return to 422 Bee Bldg. and receive reward. LOST A cretonne bag containing cro cheted lace. Finder please call Colfax 1334. PERSONAL 00 aa.'BSCRIHTlONS EARNS $3,00 For the Invalids' Pension association. The Ladle Home Journal. 11.50; Satur day Evening Poet, I1.S0; Country Gentle man, $1.00. 400 needed In October. Your order or renewal contribute fto cents. Please phone Douglas 7161, or address, GORDON. The Magazine Man, Omaha. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a stranger ar Invited to visit 'he Young Women's Christian ussoclatlo'n building at 17th Bt. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will b directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Txok for our travelers' guide at the Union station. THE Balvatlon Army Industrial home so licits your jld clothing, furniture, maga- sines. We collect. W d.strlbut Phone Dowulas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1H3-1114 Dodge Bt. Butts, gowns and remodel ing at reasonable prices, ANNA B1STEK, 201 City National Bank Bldg. SWAPPERS COLUMN Wanted to Bwap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use tor and get something you really need? It costs you nothing to loin the Swappers' club and you will find tt lots of fun swapping things. Write Room 104, Bee Bldg.. or phone Tyler KKXK AUTOMOBILES F'or other automobile bargains see tho "Automobile'' classifi cation. AUTOMOBILE Exchange big 6-pasaen- ger car ror good l'-ton auto trues, joei Nllson. Alcoeter. 8. D. AUTOS Klegant 7-passenger Mitchell special. In excellent order; full electrto equipment; a powerful car; good looker. Want a clear lot or 2 small cars, or com mercial paper, or what have you? Ad dress . C. 788, Bee. . AUTO Light weight, 1916 model, perfect shape, fully equipped, new tires, to swap for four or five-passenger car. Address R C. S32. Bee. tf BA8EUURNKK, medium sixe, to trade for sectional bookcase, chiffonier or anything of equal value. Address 8. C. BILLIARD TABLE Home size Bruna wick; condition good; complete In every respect. What have you? Mak me an offer, BRAND new vineyard plow, one ad justable garden cultivator with com plete attachments, one set Russian sad dla chimes, one-horse dray and single tree, for a fair alsed hog or yearling calf. 8. C. 828 Bee. COMPRESSOR, h. p. combined gaao llne engine and air compressor, cylinder 4V4"x4W air capacity 20 cubic ft. per min. ; suitaoie lor power nti sir vupfiy for garage or shop. Cost $0, had I yrs. Intermittent use; condition excellent. Will trad for light auto or chassis not worn out or put tn a little money If condition good. 8. C. 223. Bee. ENGINE Nearly new 4 h. p. slngl cyl. engine for Indian motorcycle, equipped with free clutch pulley; paint and plat I11K In good condition. Trading price, $17.00. Trade for good wheel, gasoline engln or anything can us. S. C. 8-1, Bee. ELBCTRI C AUTO HORN Motor driven, vibrator type; cost $10.00. Will swap for assortment of late Edison (Amberol) records. Address 8. C. 833, Bee. tf FOR TRADE A Cartercar, new tires all around. Will exchange for light road ster, Ford preferred. 8. C. S24, Bee. FOR TRADE 4S-vo'ume set of American English encyclopedia of law for a good shotgun or sniati uimond ring. 8. C i4. GARDEN TOOLS Spade. 2 shovels. I rake, ho and graaa knife, to trad for 4- mlnute Edison records, or anything. Ad dress 8. O. 834, Bee. ti GllN Blnsle shot. 16-aaug gun for .22- callber pistol or revolver: $40 violin and $10 for H-carat diamond. 8. o. ill. Bee GUINEA FOWLS Fine young Pearl guineas; want to swap male with some one In order to get Strang blood. B. C. 81. Bee. HAGENBACK-WALLACE circus plo tures, 4 reels; also Keystone comedy, plenty paper and outfit. On or two people can travel, mak big money; no experience needed. May trade for motor cycle. What hav you? F. Voerg, Gen eral Delivery, Bouth Omaha. ONE) high grade watch chain and com pass, on steel and fiber bound trunk, one leather lined bag, for typewriter, or what have you? 8. C. 314. Bee. 81XGER sewing machine; drop head; In good condition, for a good heating stove. or wnat eia nave your Aaurea a. 3.0. Bee offlc. 8 TO VE Hav Garland coal range, worth $b&; will trade for Western Electric vacuum sweeper or a high oven gas stove. Address H. t". Tttv. Bee. STOVES Cook stove. Garland. half range. In good order, to trad for gas Stove. Addreaa 8. C. 787. Bee. TWIN Indian. 2 speed, electrio equipped. with side car, in best of order; will trade for light chaasio la good repair. 8. C 821. Bee. HOVfcK I hav an equity of $2,000 In a (-room house and four lots In Fremont Neb., forty bearing fruit trees: house has only been built three years; will swap my equity for new or used automobile. 8. C. Bee. MOTORCYCLE U12 twin Indian motor cycle, clutch machine, to swap for auto or anything I can use. 8. C. 37, Bee. REAL KBTATK.. 8HOW CAFd and all fixtures of a millinery store lor wnat bay your C. S38 Bee. ONE gold plated Conn slid trombone. 44-lnch bell. In piustt lined case, never used, cost $110, to swap for anything of use around a restaurant or a dlamend. 8. C. 886. Bee. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rifle. ttee mr.i'M am. iui uougiaa WANT to swap fine opera glasses for ictor or Gaufonola records. , us. Bee. WILL trad my 6-paseenger Maxwell touring car, model lull. W hp., In per fect condition, for a ford or other light car. Address . t.-. j.a, nee. WOOD Turning Lathe, motor, counter shafts, emery wheel and stsnd, with full equipment, auto stamp collection for anything I can use. Address 8. C. 336. Bee. WANTKD Good auto In exchange for ftrst-clsss cement work or painting. Address 8. C. 3J0. Bee. WILL trade a 1916 Indian motorcycle for Ford or other small car. or what have f'ou of equal value? Machine has run eas than 76 miles and Is In perfect or der. Address S. C. 317. Be. Apartment-, flats, house and cottage can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Be "For Rent" Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service tia rill please the most critical. . s A R9TR ACTS OF TITI.K. RCTD ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 2? Prandcts Thea. T''-.--. Title Guarantee and Abstract IXrlT fVl- modern abstract office. 'v'", 8. 17th Bt. Phone P. W7. A CCO I TATS. . -. R A. DWORAK, C. V. A. ... . . flag. fnone Iioug. H't. AOVKRTI-o HOVELTIE9. M. F. Bhafer A Co., Uth, Famam. I. T4T4. AMATKIB FIXISHI7IO. FTIMS deve'oned free If purchased from Fhoto Craft Bhop. 413 Bee Bid. Dept. I. ARCIIITKCT9. Everett H. Dodds, S12 Paxtrm Rlk. D. MM. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson. Ml Paxton Blk. D. 1S04. WTI.L N. JOHNSON, B W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Douglas 4!V. AUCTIONEERS. rowd Auction Co.. 1115-1(1 W.O.W. R. 8T8S. AliTO INSU RANCE. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Doug'rrt 2819. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. fo. SftM Far. P. jryit. BATHS. BATH 214 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish . . j "r Indies and gentlemen: lady ni"nt for ladies: Swedish massage. 101 Famam St. Douglas 3137. BRASS AND IROX FOUNDRIES. riUj'IlJL?!"! Martha Bts. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. BTEVENBON, g2387"22d. Douglas S6TX). Ieasard A Bon, 19n Cap. Ave. T. KS2. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL. ADJU'MTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. S461. DR. MACNAMA RA, 674 Brandei Thea ter. Douglaa 7295. CHIROPODIST. Carrie JT. Buford. 620 Pax. Blk. Red 45S7. COFFEE BY MAIL. Coffee Qof fee money. Use better IB lhS hlu-h 17rn.lfl 83.R0. W. A. Bkalfe & Co., Omaha, Neb. DANCING ACADEMTeT CHAMBERS' academy, classic D. 187L FALL term open at Mackle'a. Doug. 5446 GENEVIEVB HAUFLAIRE. Rom hotel. D- LUXB ACADEMY. Ill S. JRth St. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college, 20th & Farnam MI83 STURDY. 2418 Cass St. Red 7320. DRESSMAKING COLLEGB. Kelster Dressmaking Col.. 1B28 City Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. Uth. D. B072. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, S12 Neville Block. Evl- uence secureq in all cases. Tyler 1136. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 812 W.O.W, Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglaa D. 11R4. DRUGS. DRUGS at rut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman tt Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender, 24 Be Bldg. Red 205S. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstltichlng, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglaa Block. Douglaa 1936. FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABER8TROH, 4026 Hamilton. Wal. SW7L FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St. D. $000. L. HENDERSON, 1814 Douglas. D. 1258, Member Florists Telegraph Del. Aas'n. HESS BWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St A. DONAQHUB, 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. rURKIERtr. SAM KNEETER, 1920 Famam. Red 8834. INSTRUCTION. English, French Instruction. 80S Lyrio Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 611 Paxton Blk. Red 740- Notary public, deposition steno. O. W. BRITT, 801 Baker Block. LADIES' TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with Miss Fox. Open for bual neaa; satisfaction gusranieeu. i !--.--. LANGUAGES. Languages taught; private or classes. Webster 6664. , LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. t-ttt rrTvr Thomas. Douglas 2E1S. XJ U XVIvXlx ; 241 Cuming 8t. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS CO. Exchange Bldg. COST I M Eg AND LODGE SUPPLIES. vr -vim nf todire regalia and costumes. Th largest sioca 01 masquer ue nu theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lieben Bon, lal4 jiowara. uuug. ma. MOTORCYCLES. 1TARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE8, Bargain In uaed machines. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man. " siiu avenwortn MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. ltth and Doug. Mo tion picture macnine arm turn pargaina. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, news, cigar, candy. 1339 Park. OCULISTS. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarty, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG, ill Bee Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till. H. A. Bturgea, (36 brandels Theater Bldg. PILLOWS AND BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. Mattresses msd to order or remade. U07 cuming. u. tJi. PLUMF CLEAITKIX f "J CrWLFn. dyed. D. KIsele, 11M nty Wa PRINTING. WATKRB-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. qnaltty printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. Uth Et- CENTRAL Print Ing Co. DOUGLAS 1754. DOt'OLAH Printing Co. Tel. Doiiglag tM. 8AFK AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. O A T?i?? Opened, repaired, coma. Ah changed. F. R Davea- 1-'k-'port. 14n Dodge, D. 182L SCALE REPAIRING. Om. standard Bcale Co., S13 S. 12th. D.291I SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, til 8. 11 Itarley Shoe Rep'r. Co., rK)4 Faj-n'm. R.244 SEWING MACHINES. We rent, repair sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. "MICICEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Douglas 1661 STEEL CEILINGS. CjRTERSheetMctal CompanyllO 8. 1ft. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv Ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture ft Bupply Co.. 414-16-18 3. 12lh. Doug. 2724. STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS. ALT, REPAIRS Water front, furnaca colls, etc. Q ilck service. Omaha Stove Repair Wks. 1208-8 Dougl a a Bt. Tyler 20. TELECTR1C MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHTLL ELECTRIC Co.. Bee Bid. D.387. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. llth. D. 628 Tree Trimming. TRER TRIMMING Reference. Har. 2R1S. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINO A STEINLE. 1808 Farnam St. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 mo. for $8. Oliver Typewriter Agency, iuo farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 318 8. 18th Bt. All makes for sale or rent. RENT a "Remlnpton " not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 12S4. WATCH SPECIALIST. Christiansen, Id fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. . WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES, 201-3 8. 13th SL Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to S, loo. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, loth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house, bll N. ltith. Douglas ltm. MEDlOAIi PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wrhe for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. K. TAKKY, 240 Be Bldg. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sult guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, 311 Be Bldg. FOR, KENT Apart uiiuts and Flat. The For Rent advertisement appearing tn the For Rent column of Th Be dally cannot b beat for variety that will pleas and fill the needs of any on desiring to rent. Phone Tyler ivsjl STEAM-HEATED WINTER HOMES Standard Flats FEW VACANCIES, desirable 6-roqjn, team-healed, modern apartment. Fin fliiioh. Private hall, balh, rang. Fre hot water all year. Janitor ervic. Walk ing distance. On liveliest street la Omaha. T. J. HOOK. 1101 N. ltth St a ELEGANT, t rooms with 2 bathai I ex pos urea Also 4 rooms; all modern. Nw? Hamilton. Doug. 2646. VERY choice 4 or (-room, tenv-he44 apartment on West Farnam street JOHN W. ROBB1N8. 1803 Farnam St 7-R. APT.. 2 baths, sleeping porch, large! rooms, beautifully finished, strictly una to-date; large porch In front, private! fog rent NOW. Clarida Apia. H. 1389. ONE 4-roora and one 6-room apt, Thg Hamilton. Douglas 2546. 8T. LOUI8 flat In Bemls park, new re decorated. Call Doug. 4790, or Harney 2029. THE HELEN, 2464 Harney St Very choice 4 and 6-room apartment la close-in fireproof building. Call Doug. 67HO. ST. CLARF; 24th and Harney St., pleasant apartment. Tel. Harney 647. CHOICE HEATED APARTMENTS. NOTHING BETTER IN THEIR RJS 8PECT1VE LOCATIONS. THE F1CK, 106 8. 86TH AT. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, well ar ranged, first-class condition, privet porch, heat and Janitor service furnished. THE LOOM1S, 1007 8. S0TH AVE. large, light rooms, conveniently ar ranged, private porch, laundry, private entrance, heat, hot and cold water and Janitor service furnhihed, $46. THE MASON, S1ST AND MASON STS. Apt. No. 6, five large, light rooms, Ideal arrangement, hardwood finish, nicely deo orateu, $40. THE CAR LYLE, -to 8. UTH ST. 4 rooms, strictly modern and up to date, hardwood tinish, tilt bath, large porch, very close In. TUB STOHCKRR, t 8. 24TH BT. Apt. No. 8, 4 rooms, very light, bargain at t-i summer. 130 winter. All apartments open for inspection. Look at thein today. We have others. Be our complete printed lint before renting. PAYNE SLATER CO., (16 Omaha Nat. Ba"k Bldg. UNUSUALLY dealiable 8-r. corner apt, fine yard. 4Q2j Uard. $- Wal. oTsTso. 27th Bt.. 6 room, all mod., $17.60. (14 Bo. 27th St., 6 room, all mod., $27.60. 7 room, two-story brick flat at -rth and lsard St. all modern, $--0. C. O. CARLBERO, 812 Brandei Theater Bldg. 2112 Chicago. 7-r., modern. Tel. Doug. "ibu Hoard aad Sss-s. Furnish t Room that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort in privet families or boarding houaea of th high est clasa will be found tn the Furnished Rooms col urn a of Th Be. Phon Tyler luuo. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL SANFOKD, iSth anj farnam, HOTEL HA RLE Y. 20th and famam. (CONTIN'D ON PAGE THIRTEEN), COLUMN ONE.)