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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1915)
Tin: w:i-:: omaiia. ninwDAV. utnxmrM 21. r 1 1 asf i ran r?r M By KELLiriCIA. Wednesday, October 20, 1915. 1:3 KI I! AN OH PAINTER, leading soprano of lha Cbsrloltewbarg Ojwra Lou la Berlin, eauslly fnracd In Vienna, Pen and Lon dm. U an Omaha girl, and once considered lha mot popular ctrl here (n the yon a re r eet. The nnetlon asks Itself: Is Nell Fainter, as.rho was known b-rt. tjrpUs.of th swart Omaha girl? Mis Painter, dri-m from Rttropt by the rt r. is "ow playing la ' The lienor of Hits." a (a C'ort theater la called. It goes without sylng (hat New York la raving our lifr ringing, hr dancing, her beauty, bor charrs, hrr nn.lle. in a feature story which appeared la a rorent New York Cally, fh'i Omaha girl declared that aha was: "Very undofnestle. In love with being In !oe. Fond of ,rcoioreycUug. Knamorpd of rlsj-ile tlsnclng. Wild aboSt home and danclag. . "I am In love wUh being la lore," aatd our prima donna, "1 might say I am perpetually In lore with some ona but that would aound scan dalous. So let's say that I'm forever in love with tba thoaght that I am la love." Knowing Nell Painter from bar babyhood, all thla haa set ma to won fcrng if aha b typical of our town; or was It through foreign Influence tbat aba learned to h undomettlc and bacama capable to analyse; love as a mere mental Are there many other Omaha maidens of tba same tastes and beliefs? URS. MILLARD HEAD' VISITING HORSES Mrs. L. L. KounUe, Vice President, and Clara Thomas is He-Elected, as Secretary. HX1 R0GEE3 H050HAXY HEAD Mrs. Burton MJIIard will betd tba Visiting Name association for the coming year. Mrs. I.uther I I'enatre, the retiring president, ta sames the lce presidency; Miss "flera Thomas la re-elected secretary. and Mine Alfe Buchanan treasurer. The officers were elected yesterday morning at the etty hall. Mrs. Her bert Re-gars Is honorary president of the aisocinllon.' Mrs. Millard was not present, having left early la tbo week for C'nllfoiTla. knaham in Chios 50. Mra. rran Wllh'tm, formerly MUM Jean Cudahy, It on of the enthuirteetle a-nlfere at Oawentale. Mrs. WUhelm. st ared In a natty set coeturna. was napped by the Chl'uio Sander Tribune rbotngrsrber. Miss Helen Cadahr. ' Mra. WUhelm'a e.'.Tter, bo la to tx nrr1a thla month to Mr. AiMt.a KiMaHt, le the only youns woman ked to Mtot at a aocamitcea of prnmlmnt society w crura of Chic. so who are tn choxse of itie Bpulah SuU flvht bUI. This affnlr will be a bnneflt for a Chi vco h'Mto ami will t one ef tl.a bril liant affaire of the winter. Mr. Edward Klrachbrean was beet man at the weddlBS of Mlae Conatanca Hart man end Mr. Abe Amburgh of 81 Jo-ph, which waa p-lirl4 In Cfcicaco )at week. Mr. Joeaph Blmoa of Uaooia waa one ef the uehera. i t tba Orpheom Theater. The J. S", W. club save Ita annual theater perty at the Orpheum today, pre cdl by a luncheon at the Blue l'.oom ef the UrandrU atorea. Mrs, Ueorae i. Toung- of Chicago, atatar of the prealdsnt. Mrs. M. A. Duehlar. waa the suest ef th club. The members are. i. w. A ' n ma, A. r. lUihi!a. lr.; M. A. tit!' hiar, A, K. l'orl.ln. M. S. iK.itaa, J. K. F.ii-im, E. tio.Mard, . A. Xubhara, J. C. Yoi.n-. B. P. Luulwtk., K. 8- N.wtr.m, M. H. boiler. K. V. Khrrpn. . K. fehlt'hrrd, .'llo 8h"r, 1. H. 'Vlr. C, C. Wraoa. rntertain at Homo. Mra. John Toft Intertotned at har home Thuraday. The color euheme was pins end white. The cntr piece waa of pink aad white roaea, I'raaent were; aadnmpf B T. 1'worak, J. C. Kunol, - Sot. Jcilnok., J. Vlack, MftdUBwa O. T. riimanak larl Sirphan ' 1:. J. VlacX. J. Eaatar, rirthdar DLaner. Mra Uollcee Wabatar waa very pleas antly aurprtaed Tueedjy aTfning by a number of bar relatives, anions whom four . generatlona ware repreeoiited, la honor of her seventy-fourth birthday. The gueot provldod a four-cour din ner and presented the giwat of honor with a cumber of gifts Thuee prevent erare: Meoers. .nd Mcadnmaa- KEW YOSK GIEL IS TO CIIAHA EISGEEL WEB )"- : Rotary Executive Speaks at Meeting , of the Omaha Club puale-o man wtt ore the eat who emovnt . t he errt aad eV tba (rialaKt rood." drtart Ketea of Plow City, TvrTT.f- mt te Tawth e-' trlit of I'.otary eliihax kefotre the Omaha notary club at th Menu haw at nana "Folka may laoh at th wuwtnaoia man with Idfiln. and aay that h hi u In the eh- end wve't ft anrarlH-ra. Hat In tlM ions rtta. Mals of ethical aad rtalit re latioiie are txai: Vavtaar MaJe tm traet ee t the only prarttral iryvtren, aad the btmlnpM me a with loVejIa like Ko tarlane bave are the enea who will ao omriiillwh the moet" Mr. K not an happened to ba tn the eity on trip, eo ettewrtwl the weekrr tunch crm meet Ins of the local Rolartuna and mafle a brief talk. He la fuwnwr of the notary rhihe ef Sebreaka, Iowa, J art a and South rakota. Offlcara of the Nebraaka Humana so ciety were special sruests of the rluk and STILL HO' CLUE TO SCI Kft. A. Llly, Onr fereoa t $ee Holdup Unmasivd, Snyi She Conld Not Iddttify Hnn B AUDIT HAT "hXT. LETT CITY The police la their reatvh for the murderer of V. H. ttrlih are sp psrenUy no c rarer thttr rout than thy bate? been rlnee tl trl me was rrtnmltteil. Mrs. A. Laity. Ill Norlh Taenty-flfth street, who mw the man suspected of the crime, a.masked, on th renins: of October H. was called to hearlqnarters to look owr the sus pects. It waa on the front perch fat her heme 'that Mlee Maria Holland aiet William The foOowmf directors were re-el-tid: , ,uKIIIM coacenilna the acttTltlee Meedamea V, B. Caldwell, tr. Matt j of their orsanlistlon. "A team driver who beets his horses la a coward." said Viae President Theodore Kiiurwalt of the society. He appealed to the Itotarlane te give their moral eapport te the Humane eoctety In tie work of pro tecting dumb beasts from abuse. Bee ro tary Bea Stanley and Treaaurar H. B. Maaa ef the eoctety also spoke briefly. Cokmet P. C. Heafey presided. O ZuclVeAJIcf Mr. ed Mra J. I Adler ef New Tork City announce the ensasement of their daughter, Lucille, to Mr. Silvio Burken rond of Omaha. A reoeptlon In honor of Mlas Adler and Mr. Burkanroed will be held on Thursday of next week at the Adler home, til Went One Hundred and Thirteenth atreet. After the wedding Mr. and Mra. Burkanroed wltl rldo In New York City, whvre be Is etlil studying and tiling eoneert ensase ment a Mr. Burkenread is vary well known In Omaha, his last publte appeer here, a recital last aprlns, having ahown him unusually sifted as a sinter. Mies Adler la a violinist ef some note tn New York and is eald to be a very charm ing gtrt. Arthur, O. U Bradley, T. R. Ward, R. XT. Connell and Thomas Ktlpetrlck. The new directors are: Meedames fJ. W. Insweraen, It. O. Rowards. . H. Harla. C. K. gcarr of South Side and Mrs. C W. ftuaaatl. Mrs. W. R. Adams waa elected chair maa ef the relief Commit toe, a new com mittee. Meay Mr Calls Mad. The board ef directors were moot en thua'aatta ever the rehorte of the laetj year, the moat successful In the history of the orsaniaetloa. The number of nuraaa was nearly doubled ever the pre vious year and 1,050 snore cells were made. Tho association now has nine nuraaa and last year mode vlaiu te S,eOt patlenta Mrs. Kountse. the retiriac preclde.-kt, recommended that the work among tuber culoels pedants be given partloular at tention. This le ore of the moot ex pa naive and exhaustive words, but ons that is moat caadfut. according t Mra Kountae. The board espreaeed tta sratttude te Victor Hoaewater, editor of The Bee, for the aaalatance given by The Bee Mt'k and Ice Fund. Other departmenta ef work include ihe dispensary, achoel nursing and the baby stations, Supervised Play Will Lessen Crime. Say3 Miss Magee Addreaelng an audience of twelve tnembera of the. Economic leajrae Tnee day evening. NellU Masee of the City Mia lon contended that snpen-lsed play develops character ef children and leee ens crime. "The uae of the chad's leisure time should be carefully considered. All play end ne ueefut work le ae bad as alt work and no play, waa a tb.ou.gnt presented. Miss Magee urged that the youngsters he given work which will Interest them, develop their talente end be an tneenttve for further effort. Open air activities were emphasised. Brvnnea were confronted by a bandit answering the deacrli alone the police have on band. Hearing a. atrans-er on the porch Mra. tally awltcbed the electric porch lutht and went to the door. With our eon and threat a upon her life, the ewmaeked bandit eomoelle4 her at the point of a revolver to re hack In side. When a eked this mominr by a Bea reporter If she could Id entry the man If he were arrested she emuhatl eeJIr aseartad, "I eould not. t tedd the police that I got a glimpse of the maa. hut In the esi'ltrtnent f thf m me t hla fe I urea and cherecterlstlrs ef dieaa and tnanrer were n.t InirreKa d on my n.!nd." Little t'hanee tor Identification. As Mrs. Ially le the only one so far known in the author. Ilea who haa eien j .1.- - . . . I - 1 .1.- -I , . A I iii limn 1 riifjin kk,vi, inr t'liHii" -r- v i m I'.'-'t tle Identlfloation by any of Ms vlclrne Carteln Maloney le Strongly In favor ! a alim ono Indred, I ef lricrrnmg the number of detoctlyea twrt la of the seme build end general appearnnre of the bandit that held them up. Tliij" f.Mlnw la of the height and r-eldht. a-cordtig to three folk, end Will otihlrcted to atrlct esamlnation. 'o la a men of police reaord. ofeed Mora rat tee. Mr. LaU'y loih(M at a picture In the rciRite's rallrtry whk-h K. J. MaJonr. oi of the. a-tieetn at the tlatu card party, dertareit looked fmif'Mrf like the man. She Was uri:itle to either affirm or deny that tt was the man who threatened her. Stay nave tft Tew a. Ceptetn Moloney le of the belief that the man left town directly after ehoot Inr Smith, and that the chances for Ms arprehenelon are few Indeed. Neverthe leee.'the detect i department and the foroe are running down every hint of evidence that might lead to eueceee. and ertll continue to do eo. Apparently the culmination of the re cent event haa frightened the criminal element Into temporary Inaetlvity at laaat. The long atrlng of holdups, sneak Jobs, pcrket-plcklng, burglaries snd thefts of stl doeorlptlone which has been bulletined at headquartere for the lest two months has all but ceneed. Unapeet Released. Several of the suspects arrested Imme diately after the Pmlth murder have been released, and several more have been ar rested. Officers Cunningham and ' Burnham brought In a man from North Sixteenth street, whom sevsral of the Ha uae party end pe'rolmen, and the eetabllahment of an emergency squad of four men to be en hand at night, ready to respond te any hurry rail. "The dettettre department should have an emergency ear of tta own, and the emenrency rare should be equip ped with eearchtlghts as la othor eUfcs the ales of Omaha. Tn anrwerlnir a burglar call this light can be turned full on the bouse In ques tion, and more than doublea the chanc of getting ths maa If be Is still in the place." - The Flight of the Stork. Erery normal person Is interested in the arrival of the stork. It la the greatest event tn one's Ufa. Tho expectant mother needs, abore everything also, comfort and peace, of mind. This aha is sura te heva if Mother's Friend, the safe, dependable external remedy, is used to sooth the network of nerves and to enable tha muscles to sxpand naturally, thus re, having undas strain. I Mother's Friend, obtained at any drug store, is tha ona remedy used and iwcowRended by thousands of, women everywhere, waa tagtifv an to ita wonderful nacxU. ' n..'ir,--i'- : "i t ,! i-i" -! ,;. i ' 1 1 us,,, 1 ' ram sun 1 1 iiannnefli, r"L' '. : . . . iUirr Oetty Chnrira Wtrd, Juliti II. Mrhatl. Mlrecs Vonnle Vsn Clesvs, fclraara Lambert Webster. n. family Grorte 4 iHte unit (Inunmcr. M , :'-. Vi Xiarehall, Mn ft J. Van Cleave, TRjalco Club Outiliff. 1 lie 1'acalco club hiked to Sunny Slope arm fiviiuiay nuittliiaT. ilnner was rooked ever a camp fire. Thoee preant er: Miaaes I'ni l Mulho'.land, W lima Alelota, 1 ie rlon, !; klaran. June auatft-r, C. V. K.-1I.-V, (.Krn (iiHxlnian. k. i. roii era. T'fc"il, William C. Hoiiea, Irene linker. Marion Huwe. M ra Maare A. E. I'atton. 0. F,, 1. White. TTcy.liug Ai.AOdilCeUiit Mra Frank Walter talon ef Chicago, formerly of Omaha, aunouncee the me1 Has ef her daughter. Catherine Mae, snd Mr. ratrlck James Hall, Tueeday, October 11 at Chicago. Clang- of Eeiideuee. Mra William Rothschild and daughtera. kr. K. Jaoubeon and Mlae Annabil io ha.hlll, have meved from Apartment No. S, The Virginia, to their new resi dence at T1S South Thlrty-elrhth street snd srs "at home" to their friends. Among- the Visitors. Mlas 1'eerl Raes arrived laat evening to be tha gueat of Dr. and Mrs. V. 13. Coulter for a week or ten daya Mlae Keee la er. route to her home In South Laecaeter, Mesa., after a vlalt te the California e x poet t Ion. Mrs. George J. Toung ef Cbleego le the truest or her alatsr, Mra. M. A. Bushier. Mrs. Toung plans le rvmoln until November L Wedding: Breakfait lr. snd Mrs. J. B. Llchtenwallner en tertained at a wedllng breakfaat at the raxtoti hotH today, following the mar riage of their daughter, Mlee Marjorte Uchtenwallner and Mr. Kvane Horn berger st noon. Covers were placed' fori Mraara. and MeaJamee Kornterter, J. li. Uchtenwallner U. A. Bnaon, Meeilainea Emily Homberger of Lincoln, Mleaee AMia iiatman of Lincoln. Meedamea L. J. Hlaie. MUeee May lule lllan fuikhlser. Mr. John Llohtenweliner, Zrenti of Todty. The Pariah Aid society ef Trinity cathedral met et txe deanery today Buys a Marriage License, but Balks on Wedding Bells "I want a marriage licence, but I don't want te be married," wee In effect what Clifford Ayera of Losan, la., said In Cupid's corner et the court houee. A vara who la SI veara of are. and Mlas Llssis Harmon, M. also ef Logan, an- j dsra peered before Herbert Stubbendorf. Cu- -pld's agent, aad signified their desire te be married. Tho obliging agent Issued . It and summoned Justice of the Peace Brut They were ushered Into a waiting room. Ths luetics arrived. "Join hands, " bs said. "Walt a minute." said Ayera "I'm not sere I want to be married. In faot,' I knew I do net." ' The brldo waa astoundsd, but she did not say whst shs thought. Ths Justice was In the same condition. Well, let's go," said Ayera 'Take the marriage license, anyway," aeid Cupid's agent "Tou bought It," Ayera took it. What hs did with It has not yst been told. COURT HOUSE GROUNDS SOON TO BE LIGHTED After weeks of "watchful waiting" the four granite column to support the electroliers on the court house approach have arrived from Vermont and have been delivered at the court houee ground. The bronse parts were fin ished sometime ago and are stored In the court bouae basement. It Is now ex pected that the lampa will be completed and In place In another week or ten Oyster "raaaae""-. I SH A Special Offering of . Smart Frocks and Dresses for Afternoon and Street Wear A recent purchase ef a beactifal lot of smart dresses enables xm to offer fhettt si prioes jsa usual for such high grade garments and for this time of the season. j 4m It is not a job of dresses but a special lot, arranged for this specM seScg erenS, "TITTUPS . treaajtheae. Sere Back. Help Kldaeye. Take drops of Sloan' Liniment four time a day and apply to small of back. It kills the pain. All druit. Adver-tisement. GOLDEN WEDDING PARTY ' F03 MR. AND MRS. HAVERLY Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Haveriy. UM North Thirty-third street, hed a very enjoyable dinner party and entertainment Tueedajr evening at the family residence, ths oc casion being their golden wedding an niversary. 1 Mr. Haveriy, wne was a member of Company a of the Eighth Iowa Volun teer Infantry, and Harriett B. Talbott were married October 19. list, at Brook lyn, la. They oame to Omaha December It, UTS, and have lived here eontlnuoualy since that time. Mr. Haveriy held the office of county clerk ef Pouglaa county for five year, and prevtoua te that time had been Identified with a number of the leading bualneaa concern of the elty. Five children have been bora to Mr. srd Mra Haveriy, of whom three sur vive: Carl M. Heaverly of Los Angeles, Cel., and T.. B. Haveriy and Mra. Nettle M. Allen ef Omaha. Msny gifts, flowers and greetings wsre e v ae iOliiio mm ' Tr-1 T Ty fi T ATB iiitiv ivciy un W w 0m The Korth Elda r-roereealva el..i, ' recetvra rrom rriauves ana inrnot. a card party at their hall today. 'After dinner a' ehort musical 1 1 waa given. iTktt-iiOrrll t faaing. ! The guests present from out of the Mlae Edith Ootdon .Nonl , ila ;g'-.t r i city were Mra. Haverly's nephew. of Mra Benjam'n Noma, waa married Talbott, of Marengo. la., and hla wife, to Mr. tleorge Wejley liatt of thla elty. land thaile E. Haveriy anJ Mr. 11 J. eon of Mr. and Mra. ()eore T. Pratt of Coffin of Amea. la., a brother and niece program fnifniraQonTi uUlIbUlliUUUJJ .' y '. M',i.ul by occaaioDal uae t inir 'irtmrnt. 'are end t 'unciir i v no ud purify t!ie l.u ot Infanta, a4 ,'1 vie-ijt, u.tuof ij:i trul4ua LtK'OUi i i ."i t a'!'..".ii.M.j. -m:.!.? IVce hy Mall Ttv l e p e mill i. . UwL VUllata, la., tlila sfuinoon at S o'clock In the parsonage of the First Methodlal church, Rev. Tltu Ix)W officiating. Tha bride, who waa accompanied only by her mother, wore a traveling gown of blue broadcloth with eoreage bouquet No Invitations were lued and only meirihere of the and a few Intl laete friend were preeen. Mr. and Mra Pratt will be et home at H South Thlrtr-aerenth atreet after Ne- vmter t. Hri. laxter'i Lectur. Mr. Vf. P. Baxter will Utk before Mrs. HaflChelt's French history oiaaa in the lecture room of the Public Li brary nest Friday morning. Mr. Bas ter'a aubject wiil be "The Single Tax and the French Phyaiocrta." ( i Wedding Announcement Mi EUaabeth Berlage, dcughler of Mr. and Mm. Welter HtTlage of Omaha, waa n.air.'d te Mr. CVruellua aoa of Mm. Cornellua Donnahu of the I South old, tm Monday morning In Kt. (peters church, the Rev. Father react y I officiating. ! Mr. atul Mr. IodhUu wiil be at I home a.ter November I. i S Future Events. The Columbian ctrvl will entertain Wrdneeday. tcloher U, at Ttreuty-ec--nd ar.d Iecua' elreet with Ur. M. L. Heatey and Miss T. A. Tlerney. host-cafe. of Mr. Haveriy. Sage Tea Dandy to Darken Hair Look years younger! Use the old-time Ee Tea and Sul phur end nobody will know. rr Rccipo Cottage Oyxtr Stew 1 pint oyater; t cups Cottage Milk mixed with I cup of w atarj aait and pepper. Drain oyster and reearve liquor. Waah Vetera by placing fat coiander and potirma water over there lirat liquor to bniima. In another veeeal ecald Cottage Muk and water. Flace onion iu hot liquor aid cook nntU edge begin to curt. Four milk into eaucepan wiu Ute eyelets and eeaeoa to teat a. If richer stew Is desired double quantity of oyater. No butter is tteceasary woea Cottage MUk ts uaed. The sbova recipe ia used in thou sands of homes. It ia simple and economical and gives satisfactory results always.' It ia far superior to many fancy recipes, . Cottnqa : fHearliUad Uneteaedesiadl Is best for stl cooking and baking becauee it I unllnrmly nch, thorouglilyeteriliied,' eronotntral and convenient. It at siwajs t roah, pure snd sweet, Get s eupply today end see hew eupe rkw a a te lb botUe nuik. . Tfcs MJk WUkomt t A Coa&sef Ttm la Two Sizes, 5 and 10c At All Cood Dealers American MJk Conspaay, GJcara Charmeuse, Velvets, Broadcloth Serges, Taffetas Crepe de Chine and Combination Plaids and Cloths Every good dolor of the season, in women's and misses' sizes. For easy selling we have divided the lot into three groups, and offer choice at :t' smm wsii New Sport Scarfs Charming and bewitching are these new sport scarfs, especially when matched with the eap. Bot why notf That is what they are for. A large assortment of Angora scarfs in all eolors. Special at 69c to $2.75 Collars of Faney Nets, Embroidered Pique and Fine Organdie OQy 75o values at ew0(y Scarfs and Capes to match, $L2S to.... Yestees in embroidered, net, with high or low collars; dainty embroi dered and lace trimmed pique. p Values to 75c, special Thursday t)C 77 -sa ..,$2.75 Toj can turn gray, faded hair beauti fully dark end tuatruu almcat over nisht If you'll get a W-eent bttl of "Wyeth Sage and Sulphur Compound' at any drug store. Mlillone of boU'ea of tht o'd, fanvuta Ke Tea He'lpe are aold annu ally, aaya a wU-knuYa urusUat li-rr. becauae It darker, the hair ao trnt i'-olly and evenly that sn wh cart t II It has been applied. Thoae whoee hair I turnlnc giay, be coming failed, dry, acraitgly and thin htv a eurprlits awaiting them, becauee after one or two apj lie Horn tit gry hair vanlahea and your lock become luxuri antly dark and beautiful ell lantr:f goe. talp itching and fall Ins bar stop. Thla la tha ae of youiY Oay-hiired. u.tattractlv folka aren't wanted around, ao get buty wllh Wyolh Kase cut 8 il phur tonight and you'll be deligbted with your dark, handsome Ualr snd your youthful appeaiaoce aithtn a tew daya A d c r ti v meii t. 5 . . 1 LB. CANS 3 5 KACH 3tO.CArS$rCC Buttelfct .Coffee kiKwea i . '.. . e . . - . - - . . 1 f : s Photo Craft Shop -mm STeciauBie. SIS Be aidg. Films Developed Free Wkea Psrchssed From Vs. Frtata. ae te ae. ae-Koa Semee. J '3 IIOTRLI. MOTELTUilPiCJ "ti Tea must e ens crrr M FOWCLL ST. AT MAiSKKT SAN tHANCIHCO cvtnv coMvrNicNcg sa coMroar iuaoetaw slam, at ae Ann uraut Self C AePv. Kia Tn!r .nd Sn.. THESE WELL KNOWN SHOES ARE SOLD HERE BY US EXCLUSIVELY We are sole distributors and have exclusive sale of many special well known brands of fine shoes for Omaha. These Bhoes have been secured by us on account of their known real quality. The following are among the best; Famous "fied Cross"- Shoes for Worneu, known to everyone for their style, fit and extreme amount of comfort All the new lasts and patterns, all sizes and widths. Pair aj- tr 4.00, K50 and ..... . .3J.UU The Dr. A. Eeed Shoes for Women These are the famous hoes made with the patented cushion insoles. They oome in soft kidgkin only and are adapted to extremely tender feet. All 00 sizes, pair eyU.UU Abbott's -Comfort- Shoes for Women This is one of tha oldest lines manufactured; for many years they bare held their repu tation as to quality and fit. Made from the softest selected kidbklns; hand-sewed soles of tha most flex ible oak leather. These shoes come only In common sense styles, with or without tip, or in Juliet style. prices, pair .... S2.98 Hurley Bros. Fine Shoes for lien One of the highest grades of shoes made for men. AH tho new, perfectly up-to-date last and patterns. All sizes and widths.Pair 5.00 rvr. 15.50 and IpO.UU The famous "Edarator Shoes We have the control of these famous shoes for men. women and children. They come in Boft kid skin or dull ealkskln ledther, manufactured on ths most natural lasts so that they will give the most natural fit The prices for children are $L8$ to 2.75 for women the prices are eXSO and $1.1)0, and for men rj" 4ri pair M.M and 30. UvJ. "TrsstworOir, Shoes for Bea A Una that was built to be trust worthy in every particular. Ail new lasts and PA patterns. Pair ..eJOaOU Ftt-Eiy" Shoes for Womea la all tho new lasts and patterns; patent leather, dull leather and kid skin. Perfect style, combined with perfect, easy fitting qualities. All sites and widths, pair $3.43 and , "Foot-Print" Shoes for Children, made over lasta that are fashioned from the natural imprint of tha child's foot Slight extension edge soles, which is a new feature of these splendid shoes. j tn Pair, from $1.25 to VsV.40 "Safety lint" Shoes for CM1. area Made la broad toe patterns, new process stitrh down soles. All sizes, at pair $1.25 ,i no 51.98 S3.95