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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1915)
I auaV TTIE KEE: OMAHA, TTTTTRSDAY, OCTOBEI1 21 1915. Y1LS0H BARS ARMS TO CARRAJZA FOES Xtetident Innei Proclamation Ei takliahinj Embargo on Ship ment of Munitions. Young Omaha Matron Found Dead in Bed TULA TO GET NO SCTPIIES WAHlNOTOf. Oct. tv.-PreuMmt ! xriiaon laautd slmultantotislv today a I ? proclamation establishing an embargo on the shtrtnent of arme and ammunition to Wilo and an order excepting; from th prohibition tha recognised da facto government of which General Carransa la chief aaeeutfrn. Tha proclamation makea It eloar ' that tha VnUd "tatee Intanda that no forces opposed to tha recognised government In Mexico, particularly thoaa of General Villa, shell obtain war munltlona from thlt country. The exception modlflea tha proclamation ao that It virtually appHs only to tha border at a tea of Chihuahua, Honor and Lower California. Ordera will ha teletraphad tomorrow to ruatoma official, eonaular ofricera, aa-enta of tha Department of Juetlca and fnlted Rtate dlitrlrt attorney on tha border have been advtaed. and Instruc tlona to co-operate probablr will go to Major General Funaton aa sooa a tha Flat department Inform Secretary Gar rison Jut what tha army la expected ta do. With tha announcement that tha Villa aaencr her would ba cloaed. It became VVwn today that the consulate estao Ind by the Villa faction In Nw York .nd other cltlea would be discontinued. m ' " J' ' " ' SERBIA OVERHUN BY ARMIES OF ITS NEIGHBORS' (Continued from Par One.) are bln tnortd toward tha Roumanian frontier. Tba rtanch and British minister at Athena, tha dispatch aaya, asked tha Greek government to sanction arrange ment to provide for Serbian refugee on Greek territory. Premier Zalmla agreed with the atlpulatlon that Serbia guaran. tea maintananoa of tba rfugoa. Report Faar Oervnaa Steaaaere Baak. BTOCKHOLM, 0t . According 'to re porta from various pilot atatlona, four German ateamera were aunk by British ugmartne outside tha southern Stock holm archipelago during tha last twenty four hours. Tha namoe of tha vessels have not yet become known. British sail ors sank them by opening their sea valvea, after having given the German craws Plenty of time to leave their veanels. Tha Dalafven was caught and aunk Juat out side Swedish waters and under tha cyet of Swedish warship. There are now forty-one German ships, mostly Iron ore carriers, blockaded in Swedish watara Eeppellas Dafoaa1 Coaaaaeree. , AMSTERDAM, Oct Zeppelins are being uaed by Germany for tha defense of oommeroe againet attacks by British and Russian submarine, according to a des patch from Berlin. It la stated that tha aMamar , Sootia of , Stettin, , Pruisl, bound from Sweden to Stettin .with a cargo of ore, was pursued by a British submarine off Bornholra. In reply to wireless caJls for assistance) a Zeppelin suddenly appeared whereupon tha sub marine submerged and disappeared. Balsxartaaa Caviar rrtaaavr. BERLIN, Oct. .-By Wireless to Say villa.) Capture by tha Bulgarians of 1.000 prisoner and twelve oannon In -Serbia was announced today by the German war office Tba report also states that Bulgarian troopa have captured Sultan Tape, Austrian troopa have made a further advance In tVhabatt, on tha Save, wast of Belgrade. The Serbians have been thrown back south of Lucira and Boiovae. ivy i . MRU. FRANK SHIRLEY. NKB MISS B DITH CXLUNS OF SACRA it E3NTO. ODD FELLOWS GO TO HEAR SUNDAY (Continued from Page One.) . Tire rklt4ra Cwe The two children of J. Vt, Nig, mar chant, Cleveland, Oa, had croup last winter. One was a boy of a. the other a girl of I years, Mr. NU writes) "Both got so choked up they could hardly breath and couldn't talk. I gave than Foley's lioney and Tar and nothing alee and It entirely cured them." This re liable medicine ahould be In every home, for It glvea Immediate relief from colds, coughs and croup, heals raw Inflamed throat and looeena phlegm. Sold every- her. Advertisement. Takea ghet at Prloat. COLT'M Rl'fi, O.. Oct. . Angpred over an aueiiaMi arievauce, vtimam r rye nrea to shots at Rev. C. R. Rhode, pastor of Holy Crone C'atholio church, this after- noun aa tiie prim waa .alklng along the street, ttom ouiieis misaeu ineir mark and Frya waa disarmed. - Krye waa at one time an Inmate of an Insane asylum, it la said. Sunday revival was false. The resolution made It clear that tba matter of adjourn ing tor tha Tabernacle meeting had not been before the grand lodge at all on Tuaaday. and stated further "that Odd Fellowship 'stands for morality, religion and good government." ' , Ia-rVs Conferred. ' Grand lodge and past grand lodge de grees wer conferred upon SM candidates at a special aeaalon of tba grand lodge Tuesday night. Tha moat Important mat ter coming before the grand lodge now la tha 'creation of a building fund to en large tha home at York.. Grand lodge pol itic are warming up a bit and ,'Paat Grand Maater T. W. Basa of . Broken Bow ha entered the race for secretary agalnat I. P. Gag of Fremont, who bag held the office for a number of year. The report of Orand Representative T. W. Baas and Frank John show the mem bership to be aa follow December 11, IMtl Subordinate lodge 1, (WW. 171 Rebekah lodge 744.17 Encampment 34.4'Ul Canlona K.kMI Total membership, without duplication, i.m.T7i. Maay Glvea Relief. The revenue of the order amounted t fll,MS,ft)8 . during the year, and 11,011 member wer granted relief. The In vested fund of the order now amount to VS.tW.bVLM. The Paat Officers' association held Ita annual meeting and dinner at the Hotel Rome Tuesday evening. Past Master O. O Snyder of O'Neill was toastmaster and Anna B. Crawford, C. A. Randall, Clara K. Davis, J. S. Hoagland, Grac E. Halter and Senator George W. Norrls poke. Officer for the ensuing year wer elected a follows: George N. Beela. president: Mary A. Caldwell, vice presi dent; I. P. Oage, secretary, and F. B. Rrvant. treasurer. The Patriarch Militant department coun cil elected Colonel Roaebraugh of Mitch ell president it session yesterday. 3. W. Conger ot Loup City waa elect 1 treaaurer. The ramalnder of the officers will be elected ntxt December. The fi nancial condition of this branch ot tha order la la good ahap. Tie department decided to meet with tha grand encamp ment It It decided to hold tta annual ea ton apart from the grand lodge. Mead Caanty Case fa. PIERRE, 8. D.. OoL, J0.-(8pclal Tele gram,) A number of Black HI Is attr nay are hai today on ona of iha fea ture of the Mead county bank case, an appeal from the conviction ot Henry K Perkins, cashier, for receiving depoata vvben be knew the bank to ba Insolvent. Twa Towa Sfaat Oa Dry. HIBBING. Minn., Oct. J0.-A1I Hibblng and Chlshol saloons must get out of business November 1. A governmental order forbidding the sal of Intoxicating liquor In both Okies because they are located In Chippewa Indian territory was dllevered today by govenufiant officer, Sent to Prison for Violating the Neutrality Laws rl. PAUft Tex.. Oct. Victor L. Ochoa. Joe Ornwo and K. I Holmdahl. Orransa adherent, convicted In the ITnltMl Ktntea district rourt of conspiracy )n i-lnl AfHfHrin netllr&litv laws. Wer sentenced today to eighteen months eacli In the fe-lorl piieon at Ieavenwfnn. They furnlehe'l 7,aflft bonds each, pend ing an appci". The deferdants were charged with or nnlX'ng a Carrnnra expedition aralnst Villa and shipping munitions to Colum bus, N. M., about a ago. Merrlasre treat "tlr. FREMONT. Neb., Oct. 10. (Special. ) While her angry stepfather wa urging officer Into action to locate her and her companion, Charles Koebel. Mis Olivia Madison and Mr. Koebel wer at Council liluffa being united In marriage. Sheriff Condlt got word that they bad gone to Omaha and followed them. In the meantime Mr. and Mr. Koebel had learned of the sensation they had caused by leaving without notifying the bride parent and hurried horn. They will make their horn In Fremont. Jack Ralatoa Eaaa Lite. 8CHUTLEH, Neb Oct. 20. 8pec!X J. H. (Jack) Ralston, for thirty year a well-known resident of Colfax and Dodge countlea, committed aulcld yesterday at noon by taking chloroform. Mr. Ralston waa a native of Pennsylva nia, coming to Nebraaka with hi family many year ago. For several year he wa a resident of Dodge, In Dodge county, later moving to this city, wher he has sine resided. Ittk Legal Separatlaa. FREMONT, Neb.. Oct. .-3pclal.)-Mrs. Glendora Virgil ha brought suit In district court against Frank Virgil, a prominent muslctal, aeeklng a legal sepa ration. Extreme cruelty la alleged In the petition. Th Virgil wer married In Onawa, la.. In UU. Jtewe Notes af Otaera. GENEVA, Neb.. Oct. JO. (Special. )- Th Brayton reeldenc waa sold at public ale yeaterday afternoon to Floyd R. Todd of Syracuse. N. Y., administrator, for 14,000. Also th Charles Thorp store building, th purchaser being F. W. Sloan, DEATH RECORD. J. W. Kepler. AN'ELMO, Neb., Oct. .-Speeial.) J. W. Kepler died as a result of a auc-.-ceMr.n of perlytlc strokes aftr a Un xrrlng Illness extending over the greeter :rt of the present year, at the borne it his parents. Mr. snd Mrs. H. A. Kcplnr. Mr. Kepler wa bom In Dor- lirstcr. Neb., thirty-one years ago. He 'caves a wife and two step-children, hi orrnl. ono brother, Daniel: two slaters, Vrs. Nellie Boyce of Chicago and Mlaa Cicrtriide, who is a student at the Uni versity of Nebraska. Interment will be In Lincoln. J. W. Ara-abrlgfct. STELLA. Neb., Oct. (Speclal.W. W. ArgnbrUht. a pioneer resident of southeastern Nebraaka, Is dead at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Marvin .U. Jonca, at Brlstow, Okl., where the funeral and burial will be held. The Argabrlghta cams to Nebraaka In an early day, and settled near Nemaha. They were people of much prominence In their locality. Mlaa Eva Dlela. FREMONT, Neb., Oct. SWSpecIa.) Word waa received In Fremont of ehe death at Loa Angelea of Mlas Eva Dlsls. daughter ot the late John Dlels, a pio neer settler of Dodge county. Mis I Dels went with her parents to California twelve year ago and had sine mad her horn there. Mrs. Chrletlaa Braalksker, PIERRE. 8. D.. Oct X.-Kpeetal Tele gram.) Mra. Chrlatln Brandhuber, one of th pioneer residents of Pierre, dld at her horn last night following m brief lllneaa. 8h came to this city thirty-two year ago and ha mad bar bom here vsr sine. Heary Eaeelaraa-eT. PIERRE, S. D . Oct. X (Special Tale gram.) Henry Esaelbrugg. en of th pioneer residents of Bully county, died at hi farm home In that county last night from th effects of a aunatrok suffered some time ago. He ha been a leader In that county for year and a memrer of th County Board ef Commie loner for more than twenty years. Draixa Ware Thaa Beoae. CHICAGO. Oct. . Drug kill mor people than alcoholic drinks la tne belief of Dr. O. E. Dienst of Aurora, president of the International Society of Homeo pathlclans, who spoke at tha annual con vention of the society here today. Dr. Dienst recommended the use of whole some food instead of pastries and "red pepper" dishes of all kinds. Seaayler Bowlers Beatea. FREMONT, Neb., Oct. .-(peclal.) In a special match here Tuueday evening a local team of bowlers defeated the Pchuyler team three straight games. The Fremont bowlers scored 2.4A6 against 1,116 for the visitors. The Fremont team lined up Howard Loomla, Perry Smith, Henry liaman, Leo Coiley and Ralph Campbell. Keep Young Just aa well be young at seventy as old at fifty. Many people past middle ag suffer lam, beat, aching backa, and dis tressing urinary disorders, when a little help for t h kidney would fix It all up. Don't wait for gravel, dropsy or Bright' disease to get a start. L'se Doan'a Kid ney rill. They have helped thousands, yuung mid okl. They art the moat widely ud remedy for bad backa and weak kidneys In the mor Id Here's an Omaha Case: lira y.ry Adam, :! S. JTth St, says: "My ba k bothered nte a great deal at th time, especially when I took cold. My kidneys sem,1 t be affected. Sharp pains, itarted through- tham, oa using m to suffer terribly. Th kidney ere tions r Irregular In paaaage and I rouid find no relief antll I beaan using loan'a Kidney Pllla. They removed th pain' and Wroeneaa, giving m treagta) and oorractlng all fault with th kloV neya." OntKe Side of Science ' GrapeNtits ! r An Efficient Trusteeship one which costs no more than the service ren dered by an individual, is found by the appoint ment of the Peters Trust Company to act in this capacity. "We also act as Executor, Adminis trator or Guardian. Jordan to Urge President Wilson to End War in Europe WASHINGTON. Oct lO.-Davtd Starr Jordan, prealdent of Leland Stanford J university, will see President Wilson No. vamber 11 to present to htm resolutions adopted recently at the! International Peace oongreaa In Han Francisco urging that a conference of neutral be called to attempt to and the European war. TO similar proposal th prealdent ha expressed th belief that the time wa not auspicious for further peace propos als. . BOASTS. 50 at all Drug Stores Foster-sJ.ibum Gj.rn buffalo.N.Y . TILLS MANY FRIENDS ATTEND i FUNERAL OF MRS. MILES HASTINGS, Neb., Oct. .-(8pclal Tel egramsLargely attended funeral serv Ires wer held this afternoon for Mrs. Clarence J. Miles, who died Monday morning. The city council ta apeclal ses sion adopted resolution of condolence. It sentiment being shared by the entire community. Friends and relative cam front Kanaa City, Lincoln. Boatrioa, Omaha and Peoria to attend th funeral. ST. LOUIS WANTS DEM AND G. 0. P. CONVENTIONS ST. LOUIS. Oct. a a ad civic organisation la 8. Lauts )o(n4 haad today aad Mraed to war In aa ffort ta abtaln for tkl city bo h th rapublloan ana demooraUa national conventions nf lflC Tha Natl, .! rv ventlon Association of St Louts wa n yl -anlaed and will undertake at one th taak of railing by p puiar ub9 Ipt o a fund of tMU.'MO which will be used la in tflort to attract th eoavenJUona, fe s I JzMyfsu I J i II P. IP J I Mr r wi rr- w- i i n. ... . rT.i 1 - aa. , T),-..- , -r , Certain elements are necessary for building stout bodies and active j a riM a a . a . a Drains, me great majonty of these all-important elements for life and" V- health are supplied by Nature in her field grains, wheat and barley. But white flour products laok theso essential elements Why J Because the miller to make his flour look white and pretty throws out about 4-5ths of the mineral con tent of the wheat necessary for building brain, nerve and muscle. , Scientific opinion is on the side of Grap e-Nut FOOD for supplying balanced nutritive values. Not only does this famous pure food supply all the sound nourishment of the wheat, including the vital mineral elements sturdy builders of brain, nerve and muscle but of malted barley as well, . Grape-Nuts is easily digested, generally in about an hour' white flour products require about three hours. , Grape-Nuts is always ready to eat direct from the dust-proof, moisture-proof, germ-proof packet deli cious and economical! Not alone from the scientific side but from the view-point of better health thousands have come to know "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts Sold by Grocers everywhere.' . t A Safe Place For Your Money Put your money Into hom, It'g tha Barest place you oould find for It. It will prove aa Invest ment no man can take away! Be cause, when you build a home of your own. you live In It, gee It every day, you know now It Is being treated and what 1 being done with It. You have abso lute control orer the Investment Can you say as much for any other investment! What's mora; money put Into a home will Increase, will never diminish. Real estate is one thing in which there is little to be fig ured for depreciation, the money you are now paying for rent will more than pay all cost of up-keep. taxes, etc. And meanwhile, th Increasing value of land and the steady growth of th city all about you will make your property worth much more than you paid for It. This is undlsputable fact. And when you consider buy ing and building look to THE BEE as your guide. In the real estate columns you will find many reliable concerns offering honest Investments in real estate and building service. The Omaha Bee AM t'SKM KBITS. Item DaaaT Tk Oal? High C V4lll Ctrwlt SMSbl. S.UV&MUf M Ml e. -M Clart A tKxmn "Tfcttocitadt" awe a aids raiiiiM. Imw Htvkita, (kn Jar tea A purvlSf WU1. HM MU Tka CrUes. Albert IrHHS. Orpe TTv walr. ct Slur4&jr auU Sueeaa). a KmUiI VH, ax. 4A. M The. THOMPSON BELDEN & CO. Tte First Presentation On Thursday of New M odd Suits 'A choice collection of the newest fashion ideas, cleverly executed by Master Design era andTailors. Women who desire a dis tinctive refinement in their dress will appreciate these garments. $59.50, $65, $75, $85, $95, $105 We do not Confine Ourselves To a Showing of Only Expensive Styles Our selection of Tailored Suits at more . moderate prices is of unusual excellence and presents as pleasing" a variety of new styles as one could desire. $25, $29.50, $35 The same expert alteration service foes with every one of our Suits without extra charge. 4 SAT MS sxr- .L '.;-. tjt i w. j a i r-sif rrn '.I. a. WHEN you "meet up" with Nature crystal springs, clean air, sparkling sunshine- you'll appreciate the more Nature's purity and quality in Cedar Brook. Made of clean, selected ripe grain and die pure, clear water of Cedar Brook Spring, Kentucky. Distilled by the long-rime Natural process.' Aged b Nature ' sunshine for, years. At all Leading Gubt, Bars, Restaurants, Hotels, and alio at aU Leading Dealers. W. H. MeB RATER'S Cedar Brook arrLra in aeo LarfMt Selling Bread t Find Ksatucky WkiAsy ia tk WrU !S "SB! AMUSEMENTS. as ' '-w g-q -tsTTaWTwFTsnjMeTJira X-aat BTaJf TOPAT Last sTal JOHNSON & DAY Xa a Ooamsay Iketeh "TO nrrua Ajra ii MaJtP" TOXsT T. avsravo Biasing Cosiaataa CXA&XXOXTT BJtOS. evelTtag- leader OWmaaatg aosuLA a aoxiLLA fa a "Comical Moaleal Olfsrtag Hm DAsTCIsTO BOLL Yhre meel wit a Tlvtaa Weel Vaaa. Drama aaa Wava aTaaa, Aa latena oelolegtoal 10c la I raaoao BlUy's lat ate, Xeaxst-aaUg- Oo. Fa. as, Tk lin ef ta wieirw." a. too program ef aaort4 play a. . Where the Omaha Bee Unirertal Anim&ted Weekly May Be Seen FAR AM TRXATRB CAMJSUIAPHOITK GEM LOYAL ' . r A8TIMK ItTRIO MAGIO HA If BOOM ARBOR ITT rAJjACB DIAMOND BURT ALMO OMAHA. BXXSOlf FIX) REN CK AMITSEMEJfTS. Today and Tomorrow We Present Through the Courtesy of PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION The Astor Cop Automobile Races In connection with our reg ular program, which includes ' THE DA BARA in "SIN." wMMti"t,"fc" rrn ni ri i ii nw i til "OMASA'S tj caarrtB- Sallv SCmts.. 1S.9LM. SvaT. ia.aa-60.TS B R A n D E I Si Frid.j & -L IfiiihU utheater1 Ul Matinee CXA.KIJM rBOsTMAV rressntg JULIA SAfiDEOSOII BQ3JLLD DR1AI1 JOSEFa CAVJTllOilfl ta ia laaaaal Cosaeay rriaaaaa, Tho Girl From Utah rrloei Bvga, SOe-Sai Mat, SeavSlJO. tZZSWl. Til TOURISTS A tuup Car o Laush a a Trala Fall a rrMllr Olrl.. Mas V..4ulnt f'ri. Nlt MJ. Sallw (I'.hOTMUi, and arl atfwtf al th. BrDli HtorM Phdt Btuilla. Jud. g Imttm Ufdcistlusi th. AliiM as Wliaoawa. X.a41a IHme Matin T7sk Bay. Bat. Mu an Wk. Pmot Cisrk's Humj MMf oirU BOYD Metros Ooatlaaoa Sjnowlaga from 1 a , aa. 11. The greatest ptotar eve awa VIA WIRELESS With Bra MoBa aad Oall Xaaei al yreaHea WUioi. Frieea. toe, aoo. ST sat Wk Itrst Half t Mr, risks ta Vaaity TaU. Last Mailt Ta Wumaa ex Deo. iContinnona Fruta 11 a.tu. to 11 Dju. TODAY LAURA HOPE CREWS "BLACKBIRDS' OoaUag- Biudar--BaLAX.STsrB n MAM ia CaaMaajt