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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1915)
TIIR ft EE: OMAHA, TIIUKKDAY, OCTODEIl 21, 1915. 14 YILL HOT ABANDON OMAHA AUTO SHOW Majority of Dealers Get Together and Decide to Stage 1918 Event, Despite Opposition. MEHCHAUTS BEHIND DISPLAY dumbft fn litis. The hlMtors last Feb ruiirjr numbered thirty-two. That there posltlYcly will be a 1916 Omaha automobile show despite declarations br several of the local dealers that they mill not participate, Is an official announcement made by the directors of the Omaha Automo bile Show association. following the 1915 show last Feb rnary, three of the big dealers de clared that they would not exhibit In another show on the grounds that their ' sales organizations were superior to those of most dealers. that they sold more cars than their competitors, that in the automobile how they were placed only at a par with smaller dealers, and that as a result their business really suffered Instead of making gains. For this reason, they said, they could not find their way clear to continue to dis play. For a short time It was feared ths show would bo abandoned. Because a few of the bit dealers dropped out Sloua City did decide to abandon the show, but Min neapolis, De Molnrs and Kansas Ctty anneanjeed that they will continue to hold annual displays even thoush the same opposition was encountered. This prompted the Omaha directors to f et to gather and make a canvaaa of Omaha dealers. The result of the canvass brought favor ah! a replies from twenty-tight dealers. Am two of these dealers are asents for trees evrJustvely the number who will exhibit pleasure ears la twenty-six. In addition several still remain on the Twice" and are debating whether they will Join the others or not It Is thought that they will fall In line when the tiros comes. But even though those on the fence de cide to stsy out the number of exhibitors for 191 will only be six less than the Merchants far Show. "V will hold the show," declared Msn errr Clarke Towell. "and It will be a bis; rer end better show than ever. The ma jority of the dealers favor the show be cause it means more business for them selves, and It is a bin asset for Omaha from a business standpoint. We have sounded the sentiments of the hotel men and the merchants, and they ars all with js. anxious to have us hold a show as heretofore. The newsrapers have also as sured us they will give us their support. Of oourse the Commercial club Is, as al ways, behind ua "Even with the twenty-six exhibitors and there will be more than that when the time comes the ground floor of ths Auditorium wilt be filled. Last year sev eral dealers wanted space for three and four-car exhibits and were only allotted one because of limited space. Tbey won't be able to get as much space as they want, but they will get a little more than before. Thus as a display the show will be as big as ever." "Why should we abandon our showT" continued Mr. Powell. "Omaha has be come one of the btgireat distributing cen ters of automobiles In the country and It has largely been accomplished through the show. Shall we let Minneapolis, Des Molnea and Kansas City surpass us as distributing points? Certainly not, and that Is why we will hold a show and It will tie bigger and better than ever." HEW MUNICIPAL JUDGES ARE READY Report to the City Hall that They Are Prepared to Start on Their Duties. "Jast turn rktsiir A tailor's work Is sedentary. That la why most tailors suffer from constipa tion. O. W. Roberson. Wichita Falls, Tex., says: '1 find Foley Cathartic Tab lets the most delightful, cleansing cathar tic I have ever taken. They ars Just ths thing." They keep ths stomach sweet and the liver active, drive away head ache, dullness, tired feeling, biliousness, bloat and other results of clogged bowels. Prompt and effective, without gripe or pain. Stout people praise them for the light, free feeling they give. Bold everywhere. Advertisement. FIFTY OMAHANS WANT NORTH DAKOTA FARMS Fifty men of Omaha and Nebraska, seeking land, have gone to Bismarck. hN. D., over the Northwestern road to register for the opening of 110,000 acres In the Fort Berthold Indian reservation. The registration continues until October 30. The lucky applicants In the drawing will get 3 00-a ere tracts by paying the value of from 12.10 to W per acre, fixed by the government EIRE LO0KIXQ UP THE LAW The city commissioners are wonder ing what they shall do with three new municipal judges R. W. I atrirk. Richard Hunter and A. H. Murdock, all ready and billing to go to work to earn f J, BOO each a year, Judges Patrick and Morrow hare relied at the city ball several times to ask that the commissioners furnish a court room and offices, as provided by the legislature at the last session. Judge Hunter will return to the city cn Friday and then will be on the Job. These new Judges have qualified for office In the district court, and they re gard themselves on the city payroll. The law provides they shall have a clerk at S1.S0O a yesr. -Governor Morchead appointed these mu nlclpal Judges last week to fill "vacan- clee" In the Omaha municipal court. The law reads that the Judges shall be elected at the regular election In November, 11, for two years, and that the governor may fill vacancies In the same manner as Judge of the district court. Few people here knew there were vacancies In the municipal court until the appointments were made last week. Looking Up the Law. Arises now the question of Whether there was a "vacancy" In the Omaha mu nicipal court when the governor made the appointments. City Attorney Rlne Is looking up the law on the subject. As he reads the law creating the municipal court of Omaha be Is Inclined to believe the vacancy occurred as soon as ths mu nicipal court , was crested. At ths next meeting of the city coun cil. Attorney Rlne will present resolu tions covering the selection of a place for the municipal oourt, recognising Judges Patrick, Hunter and Murdock and taking other necessary steps to put this new court Into actual operation. Tkra Bat Owe Jastlee. It Is understood that en action will be started la the district court to test ths validity of these appointments by the governor. In the event that the appoint ments stand the test,' the preent Jus tices of the peace In Omaha will serve out. their term of office, after which there will be only one Justice In this city. It Is specified In ths law that the mu nicipal court shall have concurrent Juris diction with the district court In alt civil cases under $1,000, but shall not hear cases of malicious prosecution charges against officers for misconduct In office, slander or libel cases, nor cases relstlng to real estate contracts. The same sched ule of fees now charged In Justice courts shall apply and fees collected shall be remitted to the general fund of the city. The new municipal Judges want ths city commissioners to pay rent for quarters In ths court house, but In all probability the new Judges will be tendered space In the city hall. ' . H6ad of South Side High School Wants Divorce from Wife "Bhe said before a friend of mine: 'I thought my huehand would be president of the United States, and now see what he Is.1 " Samuel W, Moore, principal of the South Bide High school, testified In his divorce suit against Mrs. Vera B. Moore In restrict Judge Redlck's court. At the time, Mr. Moore testified, he was superintendent of the public schools at Hiawatha, Kan. Mr. Moore testified that his married life had not been happy, and that his wife left him in 1913. She la contesting the case and Is asking that a decree be awarded to ber. Omaha Men Making Fight for River The Omaha delegation that went to Kansas City to attend the hearing to protest against the report of Lieutenant Colonel Deakyne on Missouri river Im provement, la remaining longer than was originally Intended. Commissioner Man ley of the Commercial club telegraphed the club that EX J. McVann, manager of the traffics bureau, occupied the atand Tuesday testifying as to the value ot possible river tonnage through Omaha In case boat service were permanently established. Maaley, John Ix Kennedy, and J. S. White are to testify as to possible tonnage, with especial reference to possible hay tonnage. CONGRESSMAN TO TALK , FLOOD WATER CONSERVATION Congressman Lobeck will to to Hol dredge this morning to attend a con ference of Nebraska congressmen and government engineers. These men will look over the proposition of conserving the flood waters of the Platte and of establishing canal system Oetewer the Moatkt fr Colds. Harden your system with Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It kills the cold germs. Cures the cough. Only Sic All drug gists. Advertisement. Unidentified Man is Killed on Railroad Cnroner Crosby Is holding for Identifi cation the body of a man appearing te have been between 10 and SB years of age. The body was found on the rail road tracks at Thirteenth and Chicago streets. Head and shoulders were badly crushed. This man wore blue overalls, brown shoes, week's growth of beard and weighed 200 pounds. There was nothing en the body te Indicate whether he was a resident or stranger. Pain Gone! Rub Sore, Rheumatic Aching Joints Rub pain away with a small trial bottle of old "St. Jacob's Oil." Stop losing" Rheumatism. It's pain only; not one case In fifty re quires Internal treatment. , Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacob's Oil" right oa the "tender spot." and by the time you say Jack Robinson out comes the rheumatic pain and distress. "St. Jacob's Oil" la a harmless rheumatism liniment . which never disappoints and doesn't burn the skin.' It takes pain, soreness and stiff ness from aching Joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache and neuralgia. Umber up! Get a small trial bottle of old-time, honest "St. Jacob's Oil" from any drug store, and In a moment, you'll be free ' from pains, aches and stiffness. Don't suffer! Rub rheumatism away. Advertisement, r i 3C DEATGI1 a LAIEQ GO. 41M17 South Slxim'Ji Strt&t Omaha, r.eb. Large 0x12 AJOHSTEn RUGS, Floral and Orien tal Patterns, "QUICil ACTIOII" Sale Price 815.45 QEATCn & LMEEI CO. 41 Ml 7 SostSi Slxta8ili Stmt Omiha, neb. IF W Mil WM m "iSSB? rma&m m m m mmm m mmm mid) 0 ST. v. r j i 1 - a You UUill Be Sorry Later, If You Don't Take Advantage of Thi ost Wonderful OPPORTUNITY "GET QUICK ACTION" Extra Special IMlm lie " DOtTT DELAY Another Llinuto 8 Among Odd Chiffoniers on Sale at tip to... 72 Golden Oak Mahogany Jrnl Ball s i a :iwi rw. $32.00 Quartered Golden Oak Chiffonier; sale P1c S10.00 $15.00 UUd'seye MapLo Chiffonier; sale prloe, at S22 50 VfVfl.OO IUrd'seje Maple. Chiffonier; sale price. t .; 8221.75 $50.00 lUrd'ser Maple . Ctiiffuu ler; sale price, ..-.$20.75 930.00 Oiartered Uoldea oak Clilf f onleri sal !rlc . 810,75 S.OO lUrd'eerei Maple Chirfun. lrr; sale price, at 827.SO $10.00 Quartered tiulden Oak Chlf- f onler ; sale rrice ..821.50 QuarU-rct (esddea Oak Chlf f o n 1 e r i sal price ..813.75 a" . tl.tM QurtertHl Golden Oak Oilffoaler; sale prlw 815,75 $20.50 Quartered GvIJr Oak Chiffonier? sale Prtce 814.75 $50.00 Mahogany ClUf fo uler; sale price 825.00 $52.00 Mahotraay cliiffo. Bier; sale price 820.75 I 1 """"" Si n O t -5. s:1 r ram mi i 1 yuij Special Demonstration Sale McDeugal Kitchen : r Cabinets Special Window Demonstrations daily this week, featuring the un equal ed labor, time and space sarins qualities of the latest model McDoual kitchen cabinet. All thriftily In clined homekeep ers can profit by seeing and buy ing one of theee cabinets now. Every McPonaral Kiuhen CaUnet in the store, in cluding; a broad uew showing of 1016 mod els, 1 now on sale at extra special prices and on specially easy terms. Ssfo Prices Ihsgc Fron $21.75, $24.75, $30, $31.50 AxninsTEti RUGS 4-6x6-6 slie Axmlnster ?rllcr::.'.a.,:....$5.65 8-1x10-6 slie Axmlnster Rugs, sale RC price V WsUsI txlS slie Hugs, sale price Axmlnster $15.45 lIBiillLi l-S. EES' f Elegant Qcnaino Quartered Oak BUFFET A generously proportioned, nrall built buffet, with at tractive French plate mlrrer; shown In two finishes. ?ollen pollanad or uined: quick action; aala wtce $22 Food Chopper A substantial, durably constructed, adjustable food chopper; as illus trated; extra special tor R0f Thursday's selling Valtf 2754 Velvet pi use, Calo Price 05o n 1 lZ3Vl UMuU. "HURRY UP" OR ELSE VJMT AHD PAY FULL RETAIL PRICES! 415-417 South Sixteenth Street, Omaha Lsrgs 9x12 Foot i BRUSSELS DUGS ' "Qaick Aciisa" Sale Price 0.75 Pooplo Aro Flocklnc into Omaha From All of tho Surroundinc Towns Satisfaction and Gavlngs in Thursday Oatss DODGE D0UQ LAS .STREETS mm SHAPPV STYLES IN WOHEH'S APPAREL AT SURPniSKIGLY LITTLE PRICES, THURSDAY 150 STYLISH TAILORED SUITS MANXFACTUKERS' SAMPLES and BUR. PLUfl 1S to 22.50 VALlKft FOR Fabrics are poplins, gabardines, good serges, nobby tweeds and fancy mixtures in all most wanted colorings; all sizes; regular 16 to 46, stouts 39 to 53. $15 and $18 Coats In big assortment of sealette plush es, ural lambs, white chinchillas and other plain and novelty cloths. Choicest lot of values ever shown in Omaha. Dainty Dancing Dresses In big variety t of soft 'taffetas,! crepe . de chines, . E satins, nets, etc. Charming . designs. , Values seldom ever before equaled Omaha. 0 if in .$5. 75 Pretty Dresses that sold tip to $25.00; early fall styles la silk pongees, nets, crepe de chines and novelties; while they last: choice NEW VELVET SUITS. Hundreds of them In Terr choice styles and colorings; special Tal lies $20.70, 949, S50 to 9100 WOMEN'S KIMONOS. Worth $6.00; pretty "-llks and nuns' Telling;; snap Qf Thursday, at a 1 1 1 Immmnm. ran v . t, . SS5" SB $7-50 and $10 lume Hate K About 250 to Select from Every hat-gorgeously trimmed with one to four large Ostrich Plumes. The shapes are of fine quality "Lyons" and "Salts" Velvet ' Tho plumes are guaranteed prime male stock with wide glossy flues. Come in black, white and colors. Plumes alone are worth more than we ask Thursday for these Hats. Remember this sale is. for one day only FOR QUALITY, AHD A SAVING OF 25 TO 50 OH THE COST OF LIVltlQ EXTRA FANCY BULK OYSTERS, SOIJD Q C - 1T , Quart. ... OO W -r-- MEATS; SPEC? Ali THURSDAY If lbs. bast pure Oranulatsd Suirar . for .-. To make ool brrad. you must have aood flour. We recomm eivrt our fam ous Diamond H bramV, made from se lected No. 1 sprins wheat; nothlns; better made; V 4K aack. . . i.0 IT'S CjUAXITT OOODS. IS bars Beat 'Km All, Diamond C or laundry Queen Wbtte i'oUet Soap for ...aJe All soaps will adTance shortly. 10 Us. best- White or Yellow Corn meal for '. . S3o lbs. best, Rolled Whits Breakfust Oatmral ae lbs. Sterlised Brao. the new pro- duct S80 W li' r'r '5o packae for 11k lbs.T Grape Nuts, pas lOe K C. Corn Flakes, pka; 6e The best Dwmeatio Macaroni, pka;. - for He rana Oil Sardines i f lbs. best Bulk Lauadry Ftaron, Sea 4 lbs. Fancy Japan Jtlce or Pearl Ta- loca -lb. cans Fancy Sweet Ctorn. Wu, Strlns. Ores 11 or Urns Bana..THe 11 -us. jars purs Fruit Preserves. .ae tt-oa Jars pure Strained Honey. lare tiotlle Worcestershire Sauce, pure xumaio catsup, ficicies, as sorted kinds, or Prepared Mustari. bottle sHe MaclAren's Peanut Butter, lb.,18He "'iwr s oreaKraat cocoa, to... .aoe The best Tea Blftlnir. lb tSVie : Golden 8antos Coffee, a flue drink. pr lb ...SOe Closlaf ont the balaaee ef en Ookh -. rede Xlberta rreeeteae Peaeheev - Ykareday, at, eer crate eea na txoxtaJu maaxjt i ... . . TxTJB vaoPZJa. II lba. best Early Ohio Potatoes. , .lie It lbs. food Cooklns Apples-.... .is 11 10s. jonainse uuo( Appiea...Boe (.ape coa cranoemee, quart. .. .TV, t ounrnes irwn oeeie, VArrots of Fancy Vtlchlran Cab'baVe', fer' kraut. pet lb . r't ., ... ..le t bunches Oreea Onions , e oiincnee riwn nunnu Tae beet Oreasaery Bat. tee, eartea or balk, lb... Basket Basket Xlafe ; rears 51.10 Try Hayden's First Let The Bee tfet you s good job. Situations Wanted" ads are free 2C