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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1915)
V TIIF, BEE: OMAIIA,i OCTOBER 1915. WANT ADS Want . received t any mna, but W tneure frr-ift classification must be I'V BMed before II o'clock poon for evening e,'Mr.n end T:tf P. n, for morning end Hunday edltlnne Vint ad llirJ after cm hour wilt ha under tbe heading, no Let to Cla-oify." r aw n & TF Italian iwmeutln UnH X Cent ll 4 nh Inaertion. Tw, or mora HMmdn Uroaa, IH eta Ooa time, I ttoert CTT AROIt WTM. . even ivmwvniUTt time, f eenU tin arh Ineert'oa. , 1 hriHi con-cutl ra tlmae, cant a Una each. Inaction. Owe time. It eents Count alt average words to gt line Minimum char. W cant. An advertisement Ineerted t be "" until riiaootiiinued must ba stopped by written order. . -a All claim for error rnvrat be mala within fifteen iaa fnt tha last lnr- Uon of tha advertisement TELEPHONE TYLER lot DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICE. H F.M M A N Lcy R. nornr boul evard, beloved daughter of Mr. ana Mra. J. V. llemman. Mo-day. October !, 1S1&, aged year. 4 month end iinrl servle Thursday from raal dene. It Florence boulevard, will be private. Interment at Mount Hop ceme tery. No flower. DTTVCAN Ale, 730 N. tmh. at St. Jo seph hospital at 6 Tuesday morning. Funeral announcement later. IMTNCAN AleTanfler, died Tuesday, October . aged M year. runaral eervltya Thursday afternoon at J o'elork at residence. 7M North Thirtieth street. Friend are welcome, interment Fnreet Lawn cemetery. Auto teobtJa tunic. 0PONNTSLI.-Lenora,' irai 74 year. Sha If nirvlved by thraa daughters, Mrs. S. O. Walker. Mrs. C C Fie d Of Taeoma Wuh i Mm. O. H. Bell of Tacnnui. end am eon. K P. O OnnaH. Denver olo. R-malni will he sh'pped from rrl dene f Wra. Walker. 2631 Davenport, to Uioora- bigton. III. WTJTT.TTNTV-Rohert, ed 57 yean 1 mo. 1 day. October 111, ll-. , . . Piineral Hura.lav afternoon at So rlork from family ra-lifan.e. 3720 North Fnr-tr-lrM!i, to Forcat Lawn cemetery. Frlenda Invito. tOT)rKn. Penjatnln P.. t loont hoapltat, Tuaaday, October 10, 1M. a-d S7 Vr,"1,": rtmerfl from I roahy a U.rm, VortK Twenty-fourth, Thtirad'iy, Ortohar at i. m Iniermrnt Ueutach'.and i'ark cemetery, ' p.jiith FM. rRD i TrtAK". tm will) to thank our friend and neigh bora for their aympathy ahown ua In tha alcktwaa and death of onr father; aleo for the beautiful floral offerlm and lce rendered bv W. O. W. camp No. 104 and Tall"'' Union No. M. ,,., SiRi MA Hi A PTRA t'frc FAMILT. LOPVR WOT1CK". Attention, membera of Ak-Par-Pen !orte No. 17S. I. of II,. and aleter lodsea: Vou are hereby notified that ben-after thla ln-tge will meet on the fir and third ThureHay of each month at litn and Vinton In Muel'er a ball. ,in,IA LYNCII, C. Honor, jn R F P ) U N B WITT TO, Recorder. Ttr r.-. 4 rkmeba..... OVer fl T'dlth O. ' Norrla. Omahs orar 18 Kvan J. IIornleruer, Omaha W t(a,in,u ljrht.Ru-fll'nfr. Omaha ) rinuh. .....over 21 A I!" C. ltanJalt, vmnh over 1 Clifford Ayera, Un, la.., J4 Itxla Harmon, 1-oKan, la ,' Charlea Weatlr Korreat, Omalta. ltxabeth Havenateln, Bnmlng 1 Jtr.bert W. fmller. Omaha over Zl Ruby Anderaon. Omaha over l Cecil Taylor. Omaha m U Ur K, Omaha 4 MIHTIIg ANu'lUlCATHS. Blrtha Jud and Wlldrad Barnaa. rt Hickory, boy; William and Ceoilta Bent ley, 43lft Cuming, girl; Oiilnepte and Nun Hla lieniardo, iW'.l North Twanty-olghth, boy; and Vva Cohn, S4fi Mouth Twrnty-fbat, girl; Clarence and Reloca Ftaher, l.U N. huth blda, boy; William and Jennie Farla, 172J South Thirteenth boy; Marcellua U and Alio Jarkaon, S10 North Tnty-thlrd, girl: Jamoa O. end Oeorgla. Mawer, mo Bouth Tblrty-flfth. boy; Max and Wllhelmlna Shlager. Parker, boy; William and Caroline Rreet. Ieavenworth. bov; Sebaallano and X.iicla Oentlle, 11CH ftouth Tlilrteenth. boy. liektha Ben Ooddard. F, JK7 Roulh fee; iAurence Roaa, 4 montli, Kl tkuh Twenty-aecond; Henry B-Jln, tK 1041 ekiuih Tweoly-nlnlh; Cheater A. Block. 1, hospital; Joa!ph Trola, Si, out Wool worth. TODAY'S MOVIE ti PROGRAM DueiKwa. Empress lCth and Douglas. VAUDEVILLE. The Juggernaut Oreato$t railroad drama of the day, in five acts, featuring EARL WILLIAMS and A!ttTA STEWART, also The Canimated Nooz Pictorial Essanay and tho Hie Reward, Vitajrraph. rRINCES3. 1117-19 DOUGLAS. The Iing Arm of the Becret Bervlce, a social 4-act 1'ruadeay feature. r e AMirri a rlrst. I'lctureanue Uavcloaua rtng l.. i iib lha Jonesea. Comio car iuim, J ;p Van W'lnkl Badly Ripped. Comedy. North. CRAKW, UTH AND UINNET. 1 h Bread Una, J r. dr., featuring BaUih lts and r rant e, la Bililnaton. Twins i f li l Katlch. com. bee Amerli-a Flret. Co i i i lJ5l Ti T 1 1 and" LOT u ii'6 P" t .wl iresenta Clura KlmUall Young In 1 he K:t t ( ti.e 1-,'JB M .u. 6-r., ad PI- nm. by iildron h.l fv. oatk. rrOI.O. IS24 LEAVENWORTH. I.-'arst Scil No. 7. rnler ath. 8-r. r n l.'Jn".', of t). Nile. Lublu. S t.-w.i.if tt. et.ack'na. 1,'ile.jn. V'eat. J-'ONHOE. S555 FARNAM. Worli Tl!m Corp. pceaenta Jna Colli,, in T.a lmr-ooicr, Ut Aiee li. Francia. 1 il'V fitne. lestk side. 2 1 Til AND N. e I'rv'.ri f l .r a 4 rrl Ki l, I , ,1cm. -eii v . . . 1 i 1 1 i , 24 1U AM) ii. -.-. N,.Kdy In It I rel. 4 liom mm kimjf. i. MOVIES FEATURES TODAY DESSH, J4TH AND N. Tna Pretender. 4-raal Kaiam. KMPH KSS, 16TU AND IXLGLA3. The Jtifirernaut. tha reaeat railroad drama of tha day. In fc a"i. featuring Farl Vllllam and Anlla Hlewart. LOTH HOP", 2 4 TH AND LOT II HOP.' Bhnbert preaenta Clara Kimball Touna In Tha Heart of tha Blue lil'lge. -r.,a.lrt-ed from the novel of Waidron Haliey. MONlioisii &T6KAliNAM. World FI'm Corn, fireaanta Jna Colllna In Tha Imrioater, with Aleo B. Francia. Urady feature. ORPHEliM. 14TH AND M. Diamond from tb Sky, No. 23. PRINCESS. 1317-19 DOUG LAB. Tha Ixinir Arm of tha Secret Berrlca, a apetlal 4-ait Broadway feature. AUTOMOBILES Whaaarar you ara conaidrln aalllnf or Biiyu.a a ued car and you want full value for your money or you want people nu are wllilnK to nay for what they ara ettinar you lll have ni refrat If you buy or ad teniae ttirouah tha uaed ear column of The Bee. l'l.noe Tyler Jiif. Mil.Ff) of mileaae In your old tire (Rebuilt). rnd team to 1C'U TiKM CO., Kll t.'hb-acn Ht tl'iO RKWAHIl fur any maaneto wa can't repair Colla repd payadorfei. JIO N. 1Mb. N KHRAXKA Hut hn. I.,.. , 1914 hone Pouglaa ,1). Karnam M. Al'TOMORIl.K In running order for aale at a bargain. Telephone Walnut arrs. l.-n BTL'I'KHAK ER 'i'.;" g.iod condltlyn. Flret reaaonabla offer taae It. .24 B. 11th Ht. Phone Red VM. MOLIN KiR K A UN A U(il IT In flret claea condition; new tirea. For aale c heap, flrnlth leafner Garage, Jl H. 24th HI.. Phona IViuelaa 4Ton At Tu. cleAring houae, nuy, eell and n change urd care. I Farnanv D I'liO. Induatrlal Uaraga Co.. tllh A Harney fit a. Overton e forluaky raaiator. tuo. daalara, ANXOCXCT:MENT9 BUSINK3- COLLEQB STUDENTS SAVE MONEY" ON COURSES. For aale, with good reaaone for Belling, g variety of oourae In a reliable HuU nea Rchnol, one of the leading bulnee college of Omaha. Will be aold very reaaonabla-Hiway below regular price. If yon are considering taking a coarae laveatUiat thla at once, etnee Fall tern beglni. aoon. Call office. Omaha Baa. P xTrCTHH: at f- M. C. A i'ualnaaa nwa DLBIXEH8 CIIAXCES If your Kualn Chance wfll stand rltld Inveatlgatlua ana is iunt what It la advert toed, or If you are looking to atari In bualnea for yourself you will b per fectly aatlified If you uaa the Bualnea Chance column of The Hoe. When buy ing or acllltig a bualne-a Phone Tyler iwo. CLOTlliNtJ bualnewa for aale. The atoik, fUtuna, lea. good will and name of Kahn A Co., clothier, of bt. Joaeph, Mo. f:tahl!ehed ri. The beat known ator for reliability In the luu inllea of rich country surrounding M. Jo Btiph. lilg apeclitl aula Ittat fall clfaned out old Block; preaent Btock all new and freah. Hlg, rteedy trade; reaannabla rent. ThU la a rare chanca for hunting merchant or a young man wl'h uii knowlpag of the clothing builmaa; a tig future for the right party, imly reason for aelllng la advanced age; I am (1 year old and unable longer to give tha bual nea tna attention It uemanda Huy now and take advantage of winter bualneaa, whlnh promlaaa to be unusually large. Address Kahn A Co., Clothier, 416-417 k'ellx St., At. Joaeph, Mo. o BOOK and stationary ator for sale on account of other Interests; offer for sate only store of Ita kind lit county seat town of 6 W0, eastern Nebraska; Invoice about !: bargain for rash; a geod income assured. Address Y 101, Bee, WANTESD One young man for bualneaa Ptll-tiLai.tL required. K. IJJ. lea. Brt-lNr.MU piaces, land, cay property. handled all states. JIM WHAY, Bioux City, la. 6ECKET4 of the grain bualneaa; fits you tor position oi manager at a salary of ') to $l.no0 par year. Partloulara free, .'rite quick. Western Grain fcyndicete. Btanhoiie. 1 a. GOOD drug store tor sale, well located. gKMi town, onty etoos, win invoice aUuit $H.uOi; owner's reason for aelllng, want bualtiCB lu city, t'lauson liro., Klron. la. Tt B-LI. er buy a bi'aincsa, call oa Buach Borahoff. Frenaer ink V. ttlfc OOOD newspaper office for aale cheap If taken at once; located In country town; circulation over IViO; Income $1.3U0; have other InteraaU; write for particulars. Neal J. Wyne, Cortland. Neh. o TO OKT In or out oi buslnesa cail on OANOKKrAP. Art Bee Bldg 1mm. UTI. THK AT EH -Buy. I or sell your the- ater, machine and sn'.ipllra through un lhJ7. Theater Exch. Co., 1 Karnam. I), $t,Oii) Egl'lTY in property renting for IU per month, for land. Iota, acreage or Interest In buslneaa Hot 7W, Omaha, FURNITURK and ! Hajnllton Apta . on or before Oct, SkV Call Douglas between and 11 a. m. Wed. and Thurs day I HAVE a position open In my bual neaa for a young man who can give me hla service and mak an In vestment cf JwO. I will pay a good salary and Interest oa his Invest ment. Bog K 1!. Bee. 6KK Omaha Theater Hupply Co, for bar gklna In established shows D. lJo, WANTED Toung man as partner In my atore; will guarantee ever $100 a month; Investment of $vuv required, getiured. Bog L JU, Be. I lOTl'RIi SHOW in town of .) people, close i -maba; beat ui-to-dste equipment nice lobby etc,; a ill take lightweight uaed car as part pay Address Y 1 e. Uaa. Folt KAI.i; eud stock I stock gro rriea. Call Colfax 4. luncheon end notions. Itiisuiira hvs.n tor Sate. 1&-P. Ft'RN'IHHFD. IT) caah. D. 574). Iwveatmvata, Our Nebraaka farm mcr 7 gagea are not affected by innen ware or tHirili Amounts $) to $J(i OU. collect all Interest and brinclnal free of e year in tne r.vtTasKa iirm loan field wi'-nour a iiss la our record KU)KK IN VEST VI. NT CO.MPAVT. SOI Omaha Nat 1 bank bldg., I una ha e K.IU'CATIONAL The VAN fcANT JSCllUOL STENOORAP1I Y BOOKKEEPINA Day Bchool for Young Women. Evening bv.hiH.1 for Voung ia a ad bturdy mrniDg class ta typewriting. Ion C Duffy, Owner and MaAagar. '"JMh Jit; Omaha. EiAi rhT ld atrnocraiiher will take fuiiia; Biiorinann, toxtli typawrliins )euiiig and punctuation taught ln.ll- vi. mat sneiruciioo. 41.4 uoug.aa bt. TL ' 1 w. t'i'.al.a. Neb. sale, llie (olloali g aclnntstila la a first rises Oinaha l usluewi Coileie- tma unlimited coiubluaUuu tuiuee w,-, r ,.,, iiimii uiuik. (!na ptiiiioitca stenorratiMa ooitra. One o.ive-tiioiiiba' ea or ateuo rn -, r lc louree. " "J, dlacount at the efOe VI i ii 'Minna rt DAY Bt'lluOl, BOYL-EJ8 COLLKOS MUI1T SCHuOL Fvary dny I enrollmert day. Bonk keeilta, hi. unhand. Mn.ulyiy Typewrtl ii v. T.'l-arapt.y. CHil tocivtte all Ct,m n'.r!.l and EiiKllah btaiiclii-u. t.taloiae tixe. BOYLES COLLEGE. lth and llarnev St. Tel. Douglas ltnA EIrcATIOK.A.L rort balk ron SAI.FJ-Tfera la r1emoalm thai ta ef tha utmoat Irnportanea to eery reader, aa thla column offera aoma ateep tlimal rpport nn idea avery day and a amail want ad will eel) your article at Ita lull value, phona Tyler l'o Haraea a4 Vefclelee. FARM ifn, 0; harn aea, $; both new. Johnajn-Lanforth Co., 1Mb and Clark t. . OLD UN K TKAM, ,) Iba., for aale; old. ) N. Kth. lVom . yemre falrr, Karaa "a karpllea. MX D grain. l"e Iba. H.7. Wagner. Wl N il ITEKKiitH'K mat nee a make tne beat and rheapeet lining for poultry houaea. They are nx21 Inrhaa, atrongar and mure amraale than tarred felt and practically (araproof. nm a hundred at The Jae eUice, K'arnltare, llawaeta Uvada, Kre. BAROAtNS IS FURNITURK AND HARDWARK, 1K N. MTU. WF.B ia7. I)n). bought and (old. J. C. Ite1, "lK 1?"7 Tarnam Ht. Dotiglaa Haaleal laat raaaeata. TOtTNO refined couple wtahea uaa of piano for It atoraee. Beat of refarenoea f irmihed. ( all Colfag UM. tau N. Ulh fit. Traewrlteia, UNDERWOOD, bargain. Phone D. tl47. TYPHVVRITKIW aold, rented, repaired. "antral Typpwrlter Eao. lWi Funnm. Mleeellaneoaa. FOR HA IK New and eeoond-hand carom alley and aoceaaorle; bar fliturea of all ,in(: eaay riymenli The Brunawlck- and pocket Millard table and howling r4aike-:oiiender Co., n-m e. loin Bt. ELECT1UC MOTORS 1-H. P., t" volt. phaae, new. I-H. P., ?W volte, I phaae, new., IH. P., 2.4) volta, I phaae, new. tVH. P.. 220 volta, t phase, new. DTNAMOH. t-K. VT., Ill) volta, l). C, new..., I rr , 40 i to , 17 .ITI . 110 I K. W.. 110 volu, I). C, new W., lSft-40 volta, new l-ll. P. gasoline engine 4H. Y. aaaollna en aloe, throttling ov M amor 10 LH BRON F.IJCCTRICAL WORKS. 818 H. 12th ttt. ALMOST new drug flxturee; Kngllah wall futures at a dlacount. Write Franaett Pharmacy, Brunlng, Neb. (uK SA LK Drug fliturea; oompleie out fit of Kngllah wall fixture, show caaea, etc; almost new caah register and ao count reglter. For deacrlptlon and price wrlie Frame n Pharmacy, Brunlng, Neb. BKAl'TIFCL et mink fur, never worn; worth t-'0; price 3u; alao handaom black set. worth 175; prloe $14. 291t Maaon Pt., near I'ark Aye FOR BALE CHEAP Bualneaa College Course. Full and complete scholarship In one of tha beat Omnha busmaea school. Good reason for selling: perfectly relia ble; worth full price. But will be nl1 very reasonably. If Interacted Investigate at once, because fait term begins aoon. There are a variety of course for sale. For particulars Inquire at the of floe ef The Omaha Bea. fTr Qf-VOolden West Whisky. 4 full Xllquarts bottled In bond, pre-Tc',-'wpald. Cackley Broe.. Omaha CARPENTER toola, shovaia, sledge. picks, lackjcrews, 10 penny match vend Ing machines, Mo each. Horse, bameaa, wagon, uva. una eieciria tviano. J. C. 1311. I0M B. fMh Bt " Harney X TWO electrlo motors for gale, room 6. Bee Bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerleal ad Offleo. FREE office for publlo stenographer. Bteno., exp'd. only ..........$S bteno., clerk, rapid, accurate w Comptometer operator $46 Asa t bookkeeper, ledger clerk $40 WESTERN KEF. BUND ASd'N. INC. 7M Omaha Nat'l Bank Bidg. Office clerk (railroad) $40 bteno.. good at figures ........$ Bteno. and bkpr., lerlonoed. ...... .....$K Krtall aalesladlea wanted. BUSiNE8 MEN'S REFETRENCH AS8"N 14u W. O. W. Bldg. CHAR CLFTRK ...HAflO I'lCTAPIlONE OPTt $.O0 Til W CANO AOENCYno BEE BIJX, Kaetery mm4 Trad re. OITtL to learn hairdraaalne. Oppenhelm. ilaaaekeewera ana Itemeailaa. THE Servant Qlr Problem Solved. The nee win run a Servant tun Wanted Ad fit KB until you get the desired reaulta. hla appllea to residents of Omaha, Bouth Omaha and Council (Huffs. Hrlng ad to The I'ee offlc or telephone Tyler lOuO, WA NTED Competent girl for srenerai boiisework. by Monday. Ootober 26. Flat wash given out. No email children; $J0 per mniiin. in r. ia oi. ioug. 4146. WANTED A competent cook In family of two. where a second maid la kaoL i n. ssm. a none iougiaa iv WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral iiuuHwom no wasnina. ao references required. Mrs. M. B. Nswuiaa, ooju nowara. rnone narney Kii6. WANTED A competent girl for general iMiuifwori, no waanwg, gas Dewey wanteiv Young white girl, to assist with general housework in small kon t,xnrax ai.i4. WANTE1 Olrl for general housework; no washing; small family. Apply to sura, v . i.yie. mr Ave. WANTEU Experienced aecond alrt with raferencea Mra. C. T. Kountae, lf!i iiewey ak, -leiepnone Hamey U4. WANTED A good girl for general house- wora. Appiy at ia t. Kin t. liar. 4W), WANTED A girl for general housework. rn rarnam Bt. Harney an. WA.NTh l A girl for general housework three In family: bouse cleanlna dona Mr. Julia Drvlfuas, ii N. 41t 6 1. Wal nut (JIHl, for general houaawork- 1 E. A. Ieinon. "TFho Harney C2f. W AN TrEl Coini.eteiit all 1 for ceneral bousewora. I--4 farnam ft Tel. Har. iui WANTED Comielent white girl for gen eral housework ; small family; good wages, ri. e. j.ip pi Mtn rtx. WANTELV-A girl for general housework 81 a week: laundraas kaut 1 dava 1A Cas Bt. WANTEil Qlrl for general housework, t. . sntn Ava. IHvlg. Si& WANTEl A nurse girl and a maid. 2uj4 r-oppieton Ave. Tyler Tfl. W ANTU A girl for general houaework family of 1: references reiulred. Mra C. B. r-hackletord. ii H. td BC Har ney tit. WANTED An enpertenoej girl for gen era i nouaewora. i-ioerei wages and good lioint. li Famam. Harney Mil, v ANTED A wbHe girl for general housework. Muat be n-at. capable, and a good plain cook. References reuulned Call Thursday afternoon, lull Lothrop ri. airs. r. r i'avefi(Mn. Aft 1 fc.l A colored girl for genera nouaewora. ino waajiing. rteferencea quired Apply UQ H. XtlU SU lliou Har ney VAJ. WANTElv A girl fur general houaewora. Mra r'red lladra, L4 tt. fclh bt. Har ney MW. WANTEl C.lrl for general houaework Sniail famtlv. tlood botne to rigb MUM. til wldie girt for genera bvuaewrk; family of three; guod " im"iitui.m rwiuirea. silv ti Walnut Vmt. WANTED A young lrl ta assist wit houaework, one Uj caa go home niynis. e Liter exvi. WASTE l-A work. 110 B. fill to assist with bo 34i h Bt. V ANTED A airl fur bouse ra; wasliing or cHklng. Wal. 11 7d. W ANTEI i A g.d girl for general hou work. "nO li.n.-y ht Her. i-4. no VN AM Kl'-Nril. esp. rliu .l lrl fo gi.eiai Housework. aj (.Tklcago. T t'!elit 7".li. Ml l A 4,1 I for rur ho lUruey 2Uii. 1J) a. Ut Ave. ur HELP WANTED FEMALE llnnwltfrsfrt s4 IftAsneattea WANTttK A girl fof general ho'a wrk; small family. Call or phona Tyler 1U before noon or after p. m. S. 1-th Ft. WANTF.D A good airl for general house work, lit 8. f th Hi. Tel. Harney 40. WANTEI A girl for general housework; mall family; good wagea; reference required. Wei. f44J. A M I rl)LK aaed lady to help with light housework for ror.m and board and be company for single elderly ldy. No atutn must be expected. X7M Orant bt. Webster 81.15. Mlsrellaaeaas. YOUNO women ecmin to Omha e stranger are Invited to visit tn Young Women's Christian aewjclatlon building at St. Mary s Ave. and 17th til. where thy will be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise aaelsted. lsok for our traveler guide at Union atatlon. BTF.NO., state experience. K o. Bee. WA NTF.U Telephone girl. C.ean'ng III N. 12th Ht. Btate Dry WANTED WOMAN Government clerk- hip. Writ Immediately for details. Franklin institute Dept. VS II, Rochester, N. T. LATMFrS make shields at homo; ! for lot; work (ent prepaid; no canvassing; sand tamp. lvanboe M.'g. Co.. St. IxuU. M o. W A NTKD Several waltreaae for lunch counter and dining room. Apply Oan- Bon a Ofe, W Howard Bt. WANTEDTelepbone girl. Cleaning, 118 N. 12th St. Slate Dry HELP WAXTED MALE ( lerlral aad Utile. tounq man To learn a food retail buslneaa. Muat be clean cut, ambitious, wide awake and willing to start at a reasonable salary. Rapid advancement to right young man. fWMT. RKKFRKNCK BOND ASS N. 7S2 Omnha National Bank. COMPkTKNT bookkeeper, aingle, willing to leave city at times; reply In own handwriting, giving age, experience, sal ary expected, and phone number. K 234, Bea. ORIGINATORS. NO F1L1.NO FEK. Beet commercial positions. ROGF.RM RKF. CO.. MJ Paxton Block. HI OH-ORA Ml commercial poelllone." WEST. RrFERENCK BOND AB8N.. Omaha Nat. Pank Bldg. MR, (Cream Station). Inv 8"R"0 K'i k vrxjKAPHKK 87S0 BTFNO. (out town)... f0u THK CAN!) AOKNCY, (TO BEB BL1X1. SALfsMAN. A-l proooaltlon . &A Cf.mM A V, Nebraaka territory. OOKKEEPER, 00. WATTS REFERENCE CO., 8AH-40-42 Brandele Theater. BTENO JRAPHER 16 DICTAPHONB OPERATOR W) DICT. OPR. A 8TKNO r6 iXJMPTOMKTKR OPR kv) MLTLTIORAPH OPKRATOR I UOOKKEKPKR $46 WATTB RKF. CO., ICVMO-42 Brandela Tha. Ase't manaser. system man li Salesman, furniture IKO aleaman, food products $s6 Pteno.. shinning clerk ij, Bank clerk. Wyo., exp'd Retail clerk, atatlonerv Its WEHTKRN RKF. BOND ABS'N. INC, m trmana Mat I Rank Rldg. WANTED High claaa, experienced man to manage district and sell monthly payment accident and health Insurance for large old line company. Top com mission contract with an allowance for six months will be made. Only men of strictest Integrity and those who can produce results need apply. Here Is an opportunity to secure a high claas con nection. Surety bond required. Write, giving age, qualifications, phone and treat address to Bog L 25, Bee of floe. Raleaman, Nursery stock Corn" Bteno., Bhpg. clerk $fio. U.,,..Mlll. I I . . . - ... .. mciiu.,i. r i i, is)i .. ...... .fMJ. 1 mt all -l.rl, fMltnlml m-n BUaiNElria alEN S RKFERENCH ABa N. 14" w. O. W. Hldg. A greats, Saleeaaea and Selleiters. COAL agents wanted In every town; get a inat car. 1. m. cox. ISO. I'latte. Neb. Traveling Salesman Have good Nebraska terri tory open for first class pro ducer; permanent, lucrative .position for man able to show results. Olve age. for mer or present employment, etc.. In letter to B. 2M, car Be. Factories sag Tnta. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE) LEARN the barber, trade by our rre- tem of expert instructions and free cllnlo. Poaltlon waiting. Call or writ for catal ogue. Omaha, Neb., A. H. Moler, Pre. WE need men; had te turn down two 1oba Der week latelv: rat In: learn hv our method: get one of these lobe. Cata logue u. JB. free. Nebraska Automobile Bchool, 1408 Deavenworth WANTED QordoB feeder. Room I, Bea Bldg. LEARN TUB BARBER TRADE. Trl-Cttv Rarber eollece: low rata tuition. Including set of tools; wage paid; eleo trto maseage. hydraulic chair; catalogue free. 1124 Douglas Bt.. Osuaha. Drug Ptore Snaps, jobs Kne at. Bee Bldg. M laeellasiextaa. WA NT TD Railway mall clerk; I7.0 monrn. umana axaminationa coming. Samp1. questions free. Write, immedi ately. Franklin Institute. Deprf 221 II. nocneerer. j. WANTED Men to try examinations for government Jobs: 170 month: common education sufficient. Apply immediately. Y M. Be. OOOD MEM WANTED at onoe to learn auto work ta fill poa'tlon which w have open right now and are waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of aotual work on autoa. tractora, elec starting ays. Free catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEOH. SuoS Famam Si Omaha, Neb. 1 RATH a position In my business for a young man who can give me his services and make an Investment of M; I wiil pay a good ealary and Interest an hla Investment. L ism. Be. . . i WANTED Young man aa partner in my ator; wt ill guarantee ever duo a month; Investment of $uu0 required. J Ul. bea. i IIELP WANTED -ILK AND FKMACK. W'E want $.s men and women la the next tblrty daya; live wire partner In every town and city to help ua handle our last increasing real estate and gen eral agency business. We will ahare enormous profits with those who will Join ua now. You receive a life member ship. V nta today for free particulars. H. F. Looe Co., Ie Molnea, la. o WANTED Man or woman to put out feather ventilator. Writ for samula and particulars by mall. 10c L. 8. Har den, Hotel isevnie, t'liuDa DON'T quit your Job yet, look beyond It; r.mpioy sare time eatablishlng a cir cular uiailiiig bureau many auccastoea, wi y not you! Our copyright malllna In struction maka everything plain. Poal- fald fcx-. I'lrect l-alea t o., Qulncy. 111. WAN'l 1. 1" etrvti. reliable man and wt.', without children, for work on farm. Addraa Box No. A Beemer. Neb. KITI'ATIONS WAXTED POSITION wauled by young lady ate nographer; ou year eapvi isuc. Webster 11. NEAT colored girt .nult position a cook In private family, or utiamber- in n i.i. i;i walnut vu.'i. iMAN' eialiis to do butuile w--n'ns Odrax 14). t : J " ut'IHEii aiid son. Naiwrilan. iah po sllSwia aa jaiillrea and Janitor, or pual- um in (friaie liimi ; iesi or relereucas eierlem-ed Phone Red V&. -ill AlK'M wauled aa .Swi,u roiei ur ii-iraTa tainnv; aasea 110 we Addreaa,' .T 8. U St., Ellen M-gnuaoO. SITt'ATIOXS WAXTEI WANTF.I-Jk. Boyles college student wanta a poaltlon driving private car ont of school hours; 4 yeara" experience. Address A. F.. 4I B. h Bt.. Omaha. CIVIL KMII.NIiKR with eomnlete Bet of eurveylng Instrument dealreg a position, or would accept draurtrtlng; tha Instrtnnenta may be uaed where em plared. Address J. I- Ferguson, 243 Ben ton Bt.. Council Rluf's. la. M 1 1 'I ' .K.-AtJKD LADY, competent and reliable, de-ores a position aa a hnuaa kerer In a family of two, or aa a child nurae or second msld. No laundry work. References exchang"d. Webster WANTFlv-Positbm aa housekeeper by colored lady, good referencea. Tel. Doug Ins tMH RF'.FI N f.l) middle-aged lady wlshea posi tion a practical nurae or houaekeeper in nl Lira ' . r4 I . I III H 1 T, Omaha fneral IVIIvery. HOl'SE yardman mlahea poaltlon In pri vate family; good reference. Tel. Web. 8170. TWO indie wlh work as demonatratore or a practical nurses. Experienced. In city or out. Ioug. 4.r-TT. CYLINDER pressman, eober and reliable want position out of Omaha. Addreaa A 177 Pee. o YOl'K(i lady atenoKrapber wishes poai tlon; experienced. Benson 1. I"OeiITION aa chamb-rmsJd wanted by neat colored girl. Call Web. 7' 72. WANTE1 By middle-aged man a jpTace for light work; care of office; can care for small set of books; understand the lumber bus nae fairly aa counter man. K. White, N. 47th Ave. IXST AND fYJUND Ixst or Found ad In Omana a Lost and Found mcdliuna mean the Immediata re turn of that article If advertised In The Bee, the txet and Found paper OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM PANT. . Person having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs B treat Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Manr articles each day ara turned In and the company I anxious to restore them to the -Ightful owner. Call Doug. g LADY'S diamond ring. Tiffany mount ing: Initials L. to P. In ring; think at Burlington depot. Call Webster K3. Re ward. LOST Pooketbook on 11th Bt, near Owl Drugstore. Reward. D. 277. ; R 11T. LOST Ring set with garnets, valued as heirloom. Reward. Blanche Manning, city halL PERSONAL .000 BUBSCRIPTIONS EARNS $W For the Invalids' Pension association. The Ladles Home Journal. $1(0; Satur day Evening' Post, $1.60; Country Gentle man, $1.0. 00 needed In October. Your order or renewal contributes 00 cent. Pleaee phone Douglas 716$, or address, GORDON, The Magaslne Man, Omaha. TOUR furnace cleaned, $1; work guaran teed. Central Tin Bhop. Doug. 4M4. TOUNO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building ! ,nh.,.8,d Ta AV "Sf they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aasleted. Ixiok for our travelers' guide at the Unl-o statlnn. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your ld clothing, furniture, maga tlnea. We collect. We distribute Phone Dougla 4185 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1U0-111J- 1114 Dodtre Bt. Suits, gown and remodel ing at ressonable price. ANNA 8ISTKK, 201 , City National Bank Bldg. 1 SWAPPERS CULTJMH Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use ior ana get someimng you rsaur Deed? It costs you nothing to Join the Swappers' club and you will find it lots ef fun swapping things. Write Room 104, nee uidg., or phone Tyler wakj. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains gee the "Automobile" classifi cation. AUTOMOBILE Exchange big 6-pasaen- far car for good lS-ton auto truck. Joel laon. Alceater. B. D. AUTOS Eiegant 7-paaeenger Mitchell special. In excellent order; full electrlo equipment; a Powerful car; good looker. S ant a clear lot er t small car a, or com mercial paper, or what bav yeuT Ad dress el, C. 78, Bee. BASEBURNER, medium alee, to trade for sectional bookcase, chiffonier or anything of equal value. Addreaa S. C W, Be. BILLIARD TABLE Home sis Bruns wick; condition good; complete in every respect. What have your Make me an offer. S. C. 827. Bee. BEAUTIFUL, large 2260 Reglna muslo box; large bunch of tune sheets; to trade for small car, f. c. alt, wee. BRAND new vlneyaid plow, one ad justable garden cultivator with com plete attachments, one sot Russian sad dle chime, one-horse dray and single tree, for a fair alsed hog or yearling calf. 8. C. 828 Bee, COMPRESSOR 4 h. D. combined gaso line engine and air compressor, cylinder 4W'x4V,.,r air capacity 10 cubic ft. per mln. ; suitable for power and air supply for garage or shop, cost jwj, uaa I yr. Intermittent use: condition exoellent Will trade for light auto or chassis not worn out or put in a little money If condition good. & C. 222. Bee. ' ENGINE Nearly new 4 h. p. single cyl. engine for Indian motorcycle, equipped with free clutch pulley; paint and plat ing In g-ood condition. Trading price. $17.00. Trade for good wheel, gaaolln engine or anything can use. S. C. SO, Bee. FOR TRADE A Cartercar, new tires all around. Will exchange for light road ster, Eord preferred, a. c. 1:4, Mee. FOR TRADE 4o-vohiin aet of Amerlcan Engliah ancyclopedla of law for a good hotgun or aiuai) uiaiiwna ring. B. c. i. OUIN'EA FOWLS Fine young Pearl guineas: want to swan males wltn some one in order to get Strang blood. 8 C. lis. Mee. H AO EN BACK-WALLACE circus pic tures. 4 reels: also Keystone comedy. plenty paper and outfit. One or two DeoDle can travel, maka big money: no experience needed. May trade for motor cycle. V hat have you 7 F. Vvetg, Ueu- eral leilvery, Houtb urn ana. ONE high grade watch chain and com- Paas. one steel and fiber bound trunk. one leather lined bag, for typewriter, or what have your 8. C. 814, Bee. ROYAL ACORN baae burner No. 47, me dium slse. good as new, to trade for gas range with high bake broiler and warming oven. Address S. C. 113, Bee. Sl.NOEK sewing machine: drop head; in good condition, for a good heating stove. or what eise have you I Addreaa &. C. U0. Bee office. 8TOVE Have Garland coal range, worth ma; win trade tor western Electrlo vacuum awaeper or a high oven sag stove. Addreaa 8. C. 786, He. STOYEd look atove, Oariand, half range. In good order, to trade for ga atove. Addreaa B. C. 7X7, liee. TVS IN Indian, I speed, eiectilo equipped. aim aid car. in beat oi order: will trade fur light chaaaio lit good repair. li. ('. Ml. Bee. TO Bil l, or trad your ahotgua or rifle. See FRIEDMAN. 1-1 Dougiaa WANT to awap fine opera glsasea for Victor or liaofonola reuoida. . C. $4, Bee. WILL trade my 6-paiaenarr Maxwell touring car, model li9. 36 hp.. In per fect condition, for a Ford or other light car. Addreaa 8 C. 8.6. He. WuVll Turning Lathe, motor, oounler aliafta, emery wheel and stand, with full equlpmeut. also stamp collection for anything I can use. Addreaa 8. C. 2J. Bee. WANTED Oood aulo in exchange for flret-claaa cement work or pa luting. Addrea 8. C. 8-). Bee. WILL trad a lali Indian motorcycle for Ford or other email car. or what have yeu of equal value! Maohlne has run leas than 76 miles and la in perfect or der. Addreaa S. C. 117. Be. FOH REXT Aiwrlausu aa Flats. Tha For Rent advertlae-ient appearing la tne For Kent column of The i)ee dally cannot be beat for variety that will pleaae and fill the needs of any one deairiug la rent Htione Tylee to CONTINUED OK COLUMN SEytN TUIS PAOat. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and export service that Trill please the rnoBt critical. ABSTRACT OF TITLE). RfTtfD ABrTTRACT CO ; oldeat abstract office In Nebraaka. ) Brandela Thaa. Kerr XVV'A1- ft B. 17t aran'ea and Abstract odern abstract office. 17th St. Thone D. 64-f. ACCOl'NTANT. E. A. DWORAK, tj. P. A. 4SV4.T7 Ramge Bldg. Phone Dong. 14oa A D VERTHI 5IO-JfOVKLTIEfT M r. Bhafer A Co., Uth, Famam. t). 7474. AMATEIR FINISHIIfO. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Bhop, 41 Be Bldg. Iept. D. ARCHITECTS. Everett B. podda. ll Pexton Blk. D. M ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson, til Paxton BI. T. 104. WILL N. JOHNSON, n. VT. Cor. 14th and Dougla. Douglaa 4rM. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd -Auction Co., 1115-18 W O W. R. tats. AUTO 131 91' RANCH, AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Douglas -SIB. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator F.ep. Co. 202H Far. D. KKil. T BATlll. BATH 114 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turklah hatha foe ladle and gentlemen; lady attendant for ladles: Bwedlsh massage. 1919 Famam Bt. Douglas 84S7. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. frth and Martha St a BONDING COMPANIES. OMAHA Agency Co., 211 Bee Bldg. Phone CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 813 7B Douglas R2. Laaaard A Bon, lng Cap. Ave. T. VSt. CHIROPRACTIC SPINA-. ADJU'HTI Dr. J. C Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. S4L DR. MACNAMARA, 174 Brandela Thee 'T. i-ugias CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Boford, 20 Pax. B1k. Red 4f7. COFFEE BT MAIL. Coffee Basra money. TTse better coffee 16 lbs. high grade $2.60. II V n wm . ... g-aane ae tjo., umn, Neb. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, claaslo. D. Ita FALL term open at Mackla'a. Doug. 6444 OENEVIEVB HAUFLAIRE. Rom hotel. DE LUXE ACADEMY. Ill S. Sth St. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college, kXh A Fan ant MISS 8TTTRDT, 2418 Cass Bt. Red TM0. DRBSSMAKINQ COLLEGE. Kelster' Di-akln Col., llgg City Xa. DYERS AND CLEAKERST STATE Dry CTng. Co.. 120 W. 12th. D. 'tmt DETECTIVES. . JAMES ALLAN.- 211 Nvill Block. Bvi- cenoe sec rea In all cases. Tyler UU, DENTISTS. . Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 112 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle. 724 City Nat. Bank. Tmft Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglas D. 23 M. DRUGS. DRUGS at rut prices; freight paid on ft order; catalogues free. Sherman A Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. TJloa Allen der, 4 Bee Bldg. Red S06S. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bog pleating; covered buttons, ail sle and styles; hemstlttchlng, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet rut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Dougla Block. Douglas 1936. FURNACES AND TINWORK. HABERSTROH, 4024 Hamilton. Wal. 1971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1604 rarnam St D. SDMi U HENDERSON, 1S4 Douglas. D. V8. ' Member Florists Telegraph Dal. Ass'n. HESS A BWOBODA, 1416 rarnam Bt A. DONAOHUE. 1$ Barney. Dong. HUM. FURRIER. SAM KNEETER," 1W0 Famam. Red (RH INSTRUCTION. English. French Instruction. 806 Lyrlo Bid. JUSTICES OF THIS PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE, 511 Pa-ton Blk. Red 740L Notary public, deposition steno. C. W. BRITT. 801 Baker Block. LADIES' TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with Mis Fog. Open for buW nea; aatisraction guarantee-, an ru in LANGUAGES. X-tnguages taught; private or claasea. Webster 6664. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. TYTTTJirTXr Thomaa. Douglas Bll ui"iiii Ml Cuming Bt LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS A CO. Ex eh an re Bldg. (OIllMEl AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MNTf. of lodge regalia and costume. The largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. l.ieben Bon, lu!4 Howard. L'oug. 4X1. MOTORCYCLES. IIARLEY-DAVIDBON MOTORCTCIJCR. Hargaln in uaed machine. Victor Roos, im asuiorvjvie aian. sius leavenwortn. ""moving picture machinksI OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Uo- uuii iii'iur nim-iiiiie aaa iiirn oataaim NOTIONS. NOTIONS, news, cigar, candy. 1X3 Park. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as yen can. Dre. McCarty. 1111 W. 6. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG, gl( Bee Bldg. PATENTS. . D. O. Bar-ell, Paxton Blk- TaL Red TUl H. A. Sturgea. tM Brandela Theater Bldg. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH M-MANUB. 417 1. th. H. 6711 PILLOWS AND BEDBIIO, OMAHA PILLOW CO . Mattraass made PLTJMES CLEANED. CfRLED, dyed. D. Flsele, 11M City Nat PRINTING. WATERS-BARN HART Ptg. Co., quality printing, lei. Doug. rin. 64 S. litn BL CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS $754. DOT'OLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 444. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. SAFES Opened, repaired, comb, changed. F. E. Daven port, 14i Dodge. D. ItUl. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., til S. 12th. D.2911 SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. Ill R 14. Harley Bhoe Rep'r. Co., r4 Faj-n'm. R.8444 SEWING MACHINES. We rent, repair Bell needles and parts for all sewing machines. "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney. Douglas 1S1 STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, lit) 8. lo. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 414-16-18 S. 12th. Doug. 2T24. STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnace cons, etc. (juick service. Oman Stove Repair Wke. 1208-8 Douglas Bt. Tyler 20. TELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHTLL ELECTRIC Co., Bee Bid. t .m TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 107 8. Ilth. D. 62$ TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINO A STEIN LH. ISO Faman St TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter I mo. for IS. Oliver Typewriter Agency, uus Earn am. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 21 8. llth et. All makes for sal or rent. RENT t writer. "Remington " not Just a typa Low rent. Call Douglas 14. WATCH SPECIALISTS- C-rlstlansen, Id fl. Paxton Bk., II yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LK4VORS. ALEX JETEfl, 201-8 B. llth Bt. Winea, liquor, cigars. Plata dinner 11 to $, loo. HENRT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, Uth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cant lunch. BUT your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house, Ul N. 16th. Douglas 18u. MEDICAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. EL R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. S. R. TARRY, 240 Be Bldg. 'I , i u . r. . . lj .u luvvcDiuit;, aw suits gMarant'd. Dr. Bowser, 114 Bee Bldg. upnuieiiiu u . . . eiitw RUPTURE. Rupture treated auoeeMfuiiy by all safe, soientlflo methods. The majority are oured without a surgical operation. W have treated many hundreds of men, women and children. The coat Is deter mined after examination, and time re quired to cure two or tnree weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Suit S06, Be Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. ron rent Arteeat mmm Flats. 20-ROOM FLAT Across street from Fontenelle hotel. $12 per month. Will sell furniture. AMERICAN SECURITY CO., 17th and Douglas. Doug. Still. a. HEATED APARTMENTS. BOSWORTH 1217 HOWARP ST. IHJM&tO Two rooms and bath, alo la and beet arranged apartment of the character in tha oity. Fur ighad and unfurnished, URBAN A, 1T PARK AVE. $40.00 Five rooms and bath; fin loa tlon; first and third floors. ST. GEO ROE. $46.00 and leo.OO Plv rooms and bath, fin location; larg front and bade porches. Th above ar all fl rat -claaa apart ments, good Janitor servio, heat and hot water when you want It, ARMSTRONG WALSH COMPANY, Tylor 163. Stat Bank Bldg. APARTMENTS. FOLK KOOM3. "Flo-Las,'' 20th and Capitol Av to $37.60. "Athlon, nth and Douglag. I37A ua FIVE ROOMS. "Oeorgla," 1040 Oeorgla Ave.. $J7.(. "AUatlan." 116 & Kth St.. $40-$46. BIX ROOMS. "Meyer." IX Poppleton Av., $37.t-t47 M EIGHT ROOM. "Meyer." 23(41 poppleton; sleeping porch, PET -Ld THU8T COUPAnV i"6 r Kriiain pi. 1OU(1as Ty --. . tlU Chicago. 7-r. modern. Tel. Doug. 7 06, STEAM-HEATED WIN TEH HOME Standard Flats FEW VACANCIES, desirable 6-room, steam-heated, modern apartraentA Fine flnlah. Private hall, bath, range. Free hot water all year. Janitor service. Walk ing distance. On liveliest gtre in Omaha. T. J. HOOK, 1101 N. 18th Bt o He-10-K. BRICK FLAT. Fin place for boarders and roomers; five minutes' walk $o Union depot; on car line. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. 17th and Douglaa. Douglas bull. o. Ed;. OA NT. 6 rooms with I baths; I ex posures. Also 4 rooms; all modern. New Hamilton. Doug 264. VERT choice 4 or 6-room. ateara-heated apartment on Weat Karnam afreet. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 11 Famam St. UNUSUALLY deairabie 6-r. corner fine yard, 4nl Izard. Tel. Wal. pt.. 7-R. APT.. 1 hatha, sleeping pvroh, large roouis. beautifully finished, strictly up-to-date: large porch In front, private; lot rent NOW. CTarida Apta H. 11W. ONE 4-room and oca 6-room apt, Tfa Hamilton. Douglaa 1544. 8T. Lot: Id flat in Hernia park, newby decorated. Call Doug, f.rt, or Harney F1 t. THE lltL., 4m ttauey bt. Very cholro 4 and 6-room apartments la rloee-ta fireproof bui-Uag. Call Doug. Jao. " (CONTINUED OW PA0B TLXYEH, COLCJ.N ONB.1 3 to or er er re-aad. Cauiuag. D ln,