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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1915)
10 Till: IJKK: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTUUKK 21, 1915. A Child Doesn't Laughand Play if Constipated Look, Mother! Is tonjjue coat ed, breath feverish and stomach sour? " California Syrup of Figs' can't harm tender stom ach, liver, bowels. Mother! Twr child ln't naturally eroes and pvWh. Bee If toniiue It routed; this la a sure slim Its little stomach, liver and bowels rweJ a c'.eanslne; at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full of old. breath bad. throat ore. doean't eat, sleep or act naturally, haa stomach-ache, diarrhoea, remember, a gentle liver and bowel cleanalnf should always be the first treatment 1ven. Nothing equals ."California yrup of rigs' for children's Ilia; five a teaapoon ful, and in a few hours all the foul wast, our bile and fermenting food which la cloned In the bowela passes out of the system, and you have a well and playful rhlld eireln. All children love thla harm leaa, delicious "fruit laxatWe," and It tiever fail to effect a "good "Ina'.ile" cleanalnf. Plrsctlons for bahlis, children ef all area and frown-ops are plainly on the bottle. ' Keep K handy In your home. A little given today saves a sick child tomorrow, but get the genuine. Aak your druarfst for a 10-cent bottle of "California Syrup f Tig." then look and are that It la made by the 'California Fig Pyrup Com pany." Advertisement. 1 Dandruff Surely . Destroys the Hair Girls if yea want plenty of thick, beau tiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all mean get rid of dandruff, for It will starve your balr and ruin It If you don't. It doean't do much good to try to bruah r wash It out The only aure way to get rid of dandruff la to dlaaolve It, then you destroy It entirely. To do thla, get about four ouncea of ordinary liquid ervon; ap ply It at night when retiring; uae enough to moteten the acalp and rub It in gently with the finger tips. By morning, moat If not all. of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dis solve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace cf It, You will find, too, that all Itching and digging of the scalp will atop, and your balr will look and feel a hundred times better. Tou can get liquid arvon at any drug store, It la inexpensive and four unoea is all you , will need no matter bow much dandruff you have. This sinv rle remedy never fails. Advertisement. 1 La.Grippc and Colds Xn laOrlppe and Colds, Anti-kamnia(A-K) tablets re unexcelled, as they stop the alas, soothe the nerves, and bring tbs reil so a really needed by nature to restore the tyttesn to health. 1'nyslolans bavs used, toes tablets for over twenty yeara, in the treatment of eolda, fevers and la grippe, and sere found no other remedy more useful la these conditions. Antl-keinula Tablets sre so Inexpensive, st. pleasant to take, ao set lalaotory la their results, and 10 useful In ell conditions where there is pain, that A-IC Tablets ahould always be kept in ths house tor the time of need. Mauy r f our ablest physicians obtain perfect reau: la la crlppe and eolda. by cleansing the ayatem with Kp torn salts or "ActolUs ". a very good calbar tie, putting tbe patleut on a limited diet, and administering one A-K tablet every two or three hours. This treatment will usually break up tns worst eaae in a day ov two, while In milder oases, ease and comfort fol low aimosl immediately. These tablets era also unexcelled for Neuralgia, RbeuinaUs Pains, The Pains of Women. Indlreatloa sod Insomnia. Ail amsnisui nave mem. . Ceasis A'K 1e(s fear fas rK snara BACKACHE KILLS! FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CORNERSTONE LAID More Than Fire Hundred Persona Attend Serried Which Kark Adrance in Building-. STODAY DELIVERS A SEEMON "W lay this cornerstone- In tha name of Jesus Christ." declared Rev. E. H. Jenkg a th blf block of stone settled on the foundation of tbe new First Presbyterian church at Thirty fourth and Farnata streets. More than BOO persons attended tha services which marked the cul minating rites of the Initial steps In the building; of the new edifice. ltev. W. A. Sunday delivered an ad dress and said. In part: "I don't like to talk out of doora, nor do I have to, but on an occasion tike thla I am only too glad to speak. This laying of ths corner atone la a mllentone In your progreea and a Jewel In ths crown of Christ. When ever I go Into a city and see smalt, cramped churchea. It can are mo to be lieve that th spirit of their religion is cramped and the puraeatrinaa of Its con gregations in the same condition. Here you have a magnificent tribute to the Lord, and see that It Is such. I don't give two whoops for a minister that detracts one lota from the scriptural doc trines of Jeaus Chrlat I would rather go to hell preaching Ilia word as It Is given, than to leave out any part, so as to compromise with those who declsre they cannot swallow It whols. Stick by your minuter; that Is the spirit, and make your church an evangelical one. Show Id Be Ope a Everybody. 'Don't make it a place of amuaement for a set, but open to everyone, rich or poor, wise or simple. And yo will have a church that Is truly a house of Ood and the Lord our Savior. I hope that the electrlo lights will symbolise ths spiritual light that will Illuminate the hearts of ths hypocrites. And I guess you havs them. If you haven't you're dif ferent from any church I ever saw. Don't compromise religion with anyone remem ber that the doctrines of Christianity are In direct opposition to the belief of the worldly world. And fight for your church and the stand It takes in spreading tha doctrines of the Lord. I thank you for Inviting me here and am glad I cam. Now I'm going back to bed." The laying of tbe stone was dons by Rev. E. H. Jenks and Robert Dempster. The depositing of ths metal box, contain ing the church records, in the cornerstone was the work of II. A. Doud. Prayer by Rev, A. B, Marshall, ths benediction by Rev. M. V. HlgLee and the invocation by Ilev. It, L. Wheeler of the First Presby terian church of South Omaha were a part of the program. Jamss If. Adams read the psalm and Rev. J. J, Bams be stowed the benediction. John C. Wharton, N. 11. Loomlg and Robert Dempstsr spoke briefly. Haffke Abandons Law for tho Farm Charles Haffke, deputy cmnty attor- ney, who recently resigned, la aoout to abandon the business of a layer for that of a farmer. Although sir. Haffke bas directed his couree "back to the s n. ' he nas not adopted the usual plan of the c ty man who wsnta a small farm. Three thou sand acres la the aiae of the J b which he will direct. Orendvlew plantation la the name of the farm. It la located In Hem. stead county, Arkenaaa. It Is under the man agement of a company of whl h Mr. Haffke la an officer. By forgetting as much as possible of his knowledge of law and s and harking back to what hs learned of farming many years ago, Mr. Haffkj expects to solve the rr blems whl h he la soon to meet. He and his family a 1.1 leave Omaha about November 15, INVITATIONS ARE OUT FOR TEACHERS' CONCERT A handsomely embossed Invitation card haa gone out from the bureau of pub licity to the membere of the Nebraska State Teachers' association reading. "Omaha anticipates with pleamire a re newal of friendship with the educators of thla great state during the fiftieth an nual session of tho Nebraska State Teach ers' assoclstlon November t, 4 and I. The bureau of publicity Invites you to bs Its guests Friday evening, November I. at a concert to be given by the Omaha Sym phony Orchestra." FINED FOR USING MILK CANS OF SHORT MEASURE Deputies Ketpln and Badura of the city weights and measures department testi fied in South Bde police court against six milk dealers and one milk can dealer. Each dfendant was fined flf and costs on charges of selling or using milk cans of short measure. RUSSIAN CAVALRY RIDES OVER ENEMY TRENCHES rETROORAD (Via London), Oct. It -Ruaatan cavalry charging the Germans at Podcherevltchl. west of Raralovka, In tbe recent fighting broke through the line of defenaoa and overrode the trenches. In flicting heavy losaea and eeriouely Inter fering with the evident plana of the Ger mans to dig in along the Styr river for winter quarters. DWYER FOUND NOT GUILTY ON MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE Patrick Dwyer, who shot John C. Car roll during a quarrel September S, was found not guilty of a charge of man slaughter by a jury In Judge English's court. The Jury held that Dwyer fired the ahot which killed Carroll In self-defenee, believing that Ms own life was In danger. MENORRAH CELEBRATES ITS FIRST ANNIVERSARY The Menorrah society celebrated the first anniversary of Its organisation Tuesday evening at the B'nal Ami club rooms. Dr. Qreenuerg spoke on the work which was accomplished during the year and also acted as chairman wblls installing ths newly elected offi cers. A piano solo was given by Mlas Rose Brodkey and a recitation by Miss Merrlam Davis, after which the newly elected president outlined plana for the ensuing year. BLOWS OUT GAS, BUT LIFE SAVED BY THE PUlMOTOfl C. S. Martin, aged M yeara. ef Har ea. Ark., blow eut the gas In his room at 110 Farnam street, and was revived with much difficulty by tha police pal. motor and surgeons. He said be thought that it blew out Just like a lamp-anl that was all there was to It. The sur geons assured him It was much more complicated process. Keep Bowels Regalais Nothing better than Dr. King's New life Pills for Constipation, Indigestion and Smir Stomach. Oet a bottle. Only Via. All druggists.--Advertisement. GAS MANTLES FOR OMAHA COME FROM SUNNY ITALY City Oas Commissioner Butler baa re ceived twenty-one cases of gas mantles from northern Italy. Each case bora the lettering, "American property." Don't make the fatal mistake of neg lecting what ruay seem to be a elm' Tin little backache." There lin t any inh thing, it may be the first warning that your kidney a are not working prop erly, and throwing off the poisons as they should. If thla la the rase, go after quickly, or you may find yourself In the 'lul"m iaa m I...I..I.U j i--. I T'Ha sat sii" va as n nu;ui s,uiti uiwvn sub, K)LX UUUli Haarlem Oil Capsules ' will give almoat Immediate relief from kidney and bladder troublee, which may F be the unauspi'te1 cauae of general 111 health. ClOLl) MK4AI, Haarlem Oil Cap sules are Imported direct from the labor atories in Holland. They are prepared in correct quantity and convenient form to take, and are positively guaranteed to give prompt relief, or your money will he refunded. Met tuem at any Drug store. but be sure to Insist on the (K)bU Stubborn Fighting on the Riga and Along Milan Road rETROORAD, Oct. r. rTIa London, Oct. .) The war office today made puhllo the following communication: In the region of Riga there has been stubborn fighting along nearly the entire line. . . 'On tha Asa river, below Mltau, the Germans havs succeeded In ccupylng the village of Klch. On the Mltau road, northwest of Mltau, the fighting eontln- uea. The artillery firing was noticeably Increasing on this front. In the' wooded roglon, north of the Mttau-Neugutrwy, the Germans havs succeeded In advancing to the north. Everywhere in this region terrific fighting is going on. "Enemy artillery yesterday opened fire Sgalnat the mtaenhof-Temmoul railway at a point nerthweet of Frledrlchatadt. Our battle planea yesterday dropped at least fifty bombs on Mttsu, Gross Ekau and Neugut, on eetabltahments behind the ' German front. In the region of Duckern village. aouth of Jarohatadt, we had the advan tage In engagements with the Germane. In the region of Dvlnak there Is heavy artillery ftshtlng at some points. On the front of Lakes Demmen and Drea wlaty and to the south as far as tha Prlpet region, there Is no change In the After Illness Has Weakened Your System it is often advisable to take a safe and reliable tonic one that will help Nature bring back the appetiteassist the diges tion, keep the liver and bowels active, make rich, red blood. In Other Words, help you back to your former health and strength. You will find just such a tonic and appetizer in M S T ETT A FINE TREATMENT FOR CATARRH BAST TO XAJf AJTP COTS UTTU Catarrh Is such an InshMous diseaae and has become no prevalent during ths pant few years that Its treatment should do understood by all. Rcience has fully proved that Catarrh Is a constitutional disease and therefore requires a constitutional treatment ftp-rays. Inhalers, salves snd none douche seldom If ever give lasting ben efit and often drive the disease further down the air passages and into the Jungs. If you have Catarrh or Catarrhal deaf ness or head-noises, go to your druggist and get one ounce of Parmlnt (Double atrengthV Take this home and add to It H pint of hot water and 4 ounces of granulated sugar: stir until dissolved, take one tablespoonful 4 times a day. This will often bring quick rsd!f from me aiairessin nead-noiaes, cioeged noe trlls should onen. breathlnar bacoma ,uv and mucous stop trapping into ths throat. this treatment haa a alight tonio ac tion which makes it especially affective In cases where ths blood has bee one thin and weak. It Is easy to make, ta"ts pleasant and costs little, Every person who wishes to be free from this ds structlva dlaeaae should rive this treat ment a trial. Advertisement. SHE DARKENED HER GRAY HAIR A Kansaa City Lady Darkened Bar Gray Hair and Stimulated Its Growth by a Blmpl Home Process. She Tells How She Did It. A well-known resident of Kansas City, Mo., who darkened her gray hair by a simple home process, mads tha follow lng statement: "Any lady or gentleman can darken their gray or faded hair, stimulate its growth and males it soft and glossy with this simple reolpe. which they can mix at home. To half pint of water add 1 os. of bay rum, 1 small box of Barbo Compound and M os. of gly cerine. These Ingredients can bs pur chased at any drug store at very little cost. Apply to the hair every other day until the gray hair is darkened sufft ciently, then every two weeks. Thla mix ture relieves scalp troubles and is excel lent for dandruff and falling balr. It does not stain the scalp, Is not sticky or greasy and does not rub off. It will make a gray haired person look 10 to K years younger. Advertisement. E3L IB "sssi i tiih , 1 MONEYLESS MAN "Go search the whols world, and find. If you can, a welcoming smile for the moneyless man." Pessimistic, but true In a business sense. Open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT here to bear COMPOUND INTEREST: put Into It what you're been WAST ING, and soon you can "smile while the - world miles with you." ITS RECORD EXCEEDS 00 YEARS. YOU REALLY SllOl'LIl TRY IT. The successes reported yesterday In the region of the middle Styr river have boen brilliantly developed by our troops. In the fighting near the Zalladlne farm. north of Rafalevka, we captured numer ous prisoners snd many machine guna. The town of Csartoryak was taken by our atldden attack In force. "Turning simultaneously both flanks of ths Germans operating In tnia oia- The New Enger Twin Six Only $1,095 Fully Equipped cut oe aure 10 wisisi on ins oi,u , im V12AL brand, end take no other. Prices, trlct. ws took as prisoners more than 7i liu, Wu and 11.00. Advertisement. r Hot Curling Iron Cce$ No More Broken Hair! soldiers of the First Kronprlns Grenadier regiment with twenty-eight officers, among whom wss the commandent of the Third battalion. We also took nine cannon and bomb throwers. "Oa-lns? to the ex se Deration caused among our men ty an almost general uae of exploeive bullets by the dcrmana, large number of men from the regi ment were beyonetted. Fighting and pur- ault of the enemy continues. On the Btyr above Caartorysk the Germane and Auatrians hsve been put to flight by a renewal of our vigorous attsck. We carried by assault the til lages of Budka snd ftjdnla, capturing numerous prlaonera and machine guna, the exact number of which has not yet been ascertained. "According to later reports the num ber of prisoners taken Monday near Novo Selkl Included two entire com panies of ths Forty-first German In fantry regiment with their offlcera "Petermlned band-to-hand fighting near the village of Komarova and the Gley farm, on the left bank of the Styr above Novo Belkl and near the village of liogualawka, northwest of Deraano, resulted to our advantage. "The smoothness of our operations and the successful results attained are shown by the fact that a body of our troops yesterday took prisoners fifty officers and LM0 men and captured alx machine guns and a great quantity oi arma ana 41 (Beauty's Mirror.) F.verv woman knowa that continual use' of the hot curling irun nu-ana brittle, bl-l munitions abandoned, by the enemy, all with the Wss of one officer and fifty trd, partned, di-ad-loouing hair with burnt, uneven en.Ut. i tiere s no need or snyone using that Instrument of torture. tw tfu.1 know what can be acooni S' shed by the ot rational application of ii.iumj-y H'jUi t slim, ruie. Tli.s la not only effrcuve, giving the hair a fiufflar aid r-eltr curl, but tends to promote Ita kr<n. lustre and brauty. Any oruxawtt can supply !'ivilne In Ihjuld form ami a few ouo.s wl.l last many rkl, ao it la quue iscoiioioU fcl to uae. The appi-ovrd way la to part the hair In s'vrel s'miida and with a I'lmtn tooth brucii apply uw tlijuiJ tl, full length of tei a etiitiid. 1 He or-iuM transforma tion la as'vestily eUMn:iig to one who Bw-ver lr!-il thla aimpie aud barxuleaa VjcUf-Mt. Auver li scale lU Soldiers." its for Nearly Half M I It tea. CHICAGO, 111.. Oct . Claims totaling MiO.OUO against the Bl Joseph-Chicago Kuamshlp company and ths Indiana Tranaportatlon company for the deaths of forty-one persons and the injury of sis' others in ths Eastland disaster were filed la the United autes district court hero today. A Mighty Fine Looking Car! And its just as good inside as out. See for your self we are content to let you examine it from end to end, inside and out. We are safe in the thought that the more you look into this great car the more you will wonder that such a marvelous machine could be built for only $1095. i A "For Sate" ad will turn second-hand I furuiture into cash. Agents Write or Wire for Proposition Buyers, Consider the Enger Twin-Six FosMer-Eoffer C 12th and Farnam. mpany Omaha. Nebraska (5) p w n Ri (S tmm0 LJ -' 1 Li J Li LJ vj vai (This Is NOT a L&ad Drawing) 140,030 cres in tho Goshen Holo Country, Eastern Wyoming, opon for sottlemont undsr Homostead Laws in tracts of 160 acres. BimfTCT TO INSPECTION ON AND AFTER GFsFTEltBEH 25, 191R SUBJECT TO ENTRY, TLINQ Oil SELECTION OCTOBER 25, 191&. This i? the last large tract in Wyoming to be dis posed of iwder fine Ilotnestead Act To reach Tor tington, tbe Bwwt -railroad -poixjt to these lands, travel vi Union TTft raoiic to Cteriag, Nebraska (learing Omaha 12:30 mid big&t) U stafTQ to rtfs Bluff (about two miloe), frala leaTinj; that point at 3s3 p. aririnf Ttr jrbgion 6j03 p. m. aame day. Entry filing or selec tion, Oct 25, at Caeyeime, Wytwnk, United States Qoezssest Land 432e, 9 o clock a, ta. Tte atr!i of tbesa lans-may also be refttfod by an 18-mile autocoofcile drire from Haig, Kebrnslta, the trfmiiro of the North Flatte Valley branch of UniocaJPifio Efulrosd. Z xeUm west of GeriQg. i &md today for epeoial drortotlatetplat of the land, extracts from the Homestead Laws, and Informs ti ao about raOroad and automobile trans portation to this tract. Free opon application to A. '.SKUTH p Colonisation snd Industrisl Agent, Utaon" J Padfie Bystem, Boom 10 U..P. Bld, Qmrtha, Neb. P T T T 1 Fast trains daily from Omaha arrive La Salle Station and Englewood Union Station, most convenient locations in Chicago. "Chicago-Nebraska Limited" at 6:08 p. m. "Chicago Day Express" - at 6:30 a. m. "Chicago-Colorado Express" at 4:10 p. m. "Rocky Hctmtain Limited" at 1:09 a. uu Automatic Block Signals Finest Modern All-Steel Equipment Superb Dating Car Service Tickets, reserrations and information at Rock Island Travel Bureau. Phone, write or call J. & McNALLT, Divis'ie raaseager Aft 1323 Faraaaa SL, Oasaaa, Melt, Psoas DoatUa 428 IT m l u4 'V ' " IO -g--jfejMgajsBSSjggaJIBasBSai fL mm 'a i 7t . tt j n.u. Aparuuenu, xiau, xiouses ana vuiuiges can oe remec quickly and cheaply by a Bee 'Tor Rent" i