TUi: BF-E: OMAHA, TrmNKsDAV, C:( TuI!KIJ : . 1313. BRINGING UP FATHER CVpyr1h. 11S. International New gwrrlca. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus JlsJ -- JT AH" UTTLS S V- fT f YES" COULD sT f'" i a peach. fOV m. 'V i lT0Y0w -v rur.. 4 LOSS OF SHAW IS BLOW TOJUSKERS Jumbo Stiekm Obliged to Becait Line for Hotre Dame Game. SALE OF TICKETS IS HEAVY (Pram a Staff Correspondent.) IJNCOI.N, Oct. 1 (Special.) Jumbo tlehra has nt out a cU to the Huaker graduate and former foot ball atari to aastt In whining tha Nebraska Una In shape by neat Saturday for tha big Notre Dam iin, Tha loss of Tarkle Shaw, due to bis father's daath In tha railroad ccldant In Kansas, haa been a big blow to tha Huaker machine. Shaw wa catching onto tha trlcka of tha gam nicely and had performed mora satisfactorily than any of tha several candidates blf Jumbo tried out for tha Job. Tha Ions of thaw at this time Is especially severe, for It disrupts the lineup Btlehm bad planned to una In the big: Came. " fhielda, tha former South a boy. baa been shifted from guard bark f- tackle, where bis playing: waa admittedly tha sensation of tha sarly season scrim mage work. Dale, big, hesry first squad man, has bean nt In tn plus; tha gap at guard. Tha addition of Pale adds thirteen pounds of boct to the I tusker lineup, but ha la not nearly so trely aa tha old combination and la green to tha game. . Nebraska Is working entire y behind closed doors. Btlehm gave tha tfarslty a tig bunch af now plays last Msht In tha f'.ret mwI practice and drilled the "var sity until dark In their use. The forma tions were used this afternoon against tha freshmen for tha first time. Another hard scrimmage Wednesday evening will wind up tha stiffen part of the practice, and tha Huakers will taka It easy unUl Saturday, beginning Thursday night The squad Is In excellent physical condition and should enter the blf battle Saturday fit to put up tha toughest k.nd of a sorap. Xotra Daaa faunae Friday. Notre Dame will Icava for Lincoln Thursday evening and will reach here Krtday In time for a slight workout at tha ball park or Country club grounds in the afternoon. .Coach Harper Is put ting his men through tha hardest kind of scrimmage and has withdrawn Milnery, the big J 40-pound tackle, and rclexated him to a second-squad position. The Notre be me ecrbes aal that tha Catholics have a good ahance to win. although ad mitting tha game will ha a hard one. Tha confidence In the Notre Dame game baa- had rather a depreiislng Influence at Nebraska, along wltt) the tons of Shaw. Heavy Ticket Kale, Tike eale of tickets has never been equaled at tha university. Rued placed all of tha available scats on sale yester day homing and before the store opened a line i"0 tret long had formed. The most choice spats were eagerly snapped Uo within two hours after the sale opened snd last night Reed had but a few hun dred places on the IluM hfl. Ileed sa that W,0 people will see the game, tha nest largcet crowd In history at Nebraska being I.OW for tha big Michigan ginm three years ao, RwJ will recall all of tha seals cent out In blocks to small towns, which have not been taken by Thursday night, and will place them on aal la Unco In for the lata arrivals. Yale Men Excited Over Action of the Committeo SEW 1IA VF.N'. Conn., Oct. I.-The dis qualification of flva members of tha Tale base ball team from further participation In Intercollegiate athletV-s. as announced last night, for violation of tha Tale sum mer bass ball rule, caused a great sensa tion at Tala today, especially as reports were currant that other athletes era lia ble to be declared Ineligible under the rule by tha athlstlo committee. Karly reports were that nine players had fallen under tha ban, but only five names have so far been made public. A maaa meeting of the student body waa called for this afternoon to dlcuss ths situation. Seats to Notre Dame Sell Fast in Omaha The local committee In charge of the sal of seat to tha Nebraska-Notro I'ame game Saturday, reports thst over IO seats have already been sold In Omsha, In addition to several boxes. This Is also exclusive of the special sec tion which the live stock men will oc cupy. The live stock men will lsave Omaha on a special train early Saturday morning so that they can visit tha slate agricultural farm before the game. Oey Ilecd. .at. Lincoln, hag reported to the Omaha committee that every available aeat at the university field haa been taken and It will b Impossible to allot any more seats to Omaha. Tha commit tee warns Omahent who Intend to go to see the game to purchase their seats Im mediately, as only a few remain. PUGS NOT PERMITTED TO TAKE OTHER NAMES esasssaBaaaaaas NEW TORK. Oct. !. Pugilists com peting In thla state will not be permitted to adopt the names of men whose reputa tions have already been gained In the ring, under a new rule adopted by the Etat Athletio commisHion. After con sulting the attorney general to ascertain whether. It has the power to enforce such a rule, the commission announced that all boxers who fight here will be required to register their family names snd their assumed names with the oom mleelon. Several pugilists . are fighting under similar names and It Is prophealed that the state eommUnlon will have difficulty in deciding which are entitled to them. ALEX TO SHOW IN NEBRASKA TOWNS Bill Gorman, Advance Kan for All 8tar Tonr, Sayi Grover Will Work Fart of Game in Each City. 8CALE OF FEICES ARRANGED Orover Cleveland Alexander, who Is to ft. Paul, Neb., what Joe Sterhcr Is to Dodge, will. Join the All-Nationals at Omaha, declares Pill Oorman, advance agent, press agent and handy man for the all-star tour, who dropped Into Omaha yesterday to make a few arrangements for the game at Rourke park Sunday. Alexander will work In the box In all games played In this state, ssld Oorman. lie will work a few Innings In Omaha, a few In Lincoln. Columbus, Grand Island and North Platte. . Gorman also arranged the- scale of prices with Pa Rourke. Boxes will be H.JP. seats In the center reserved section will be It, grandstand seats will be 7 cents and bleacher seats will be 60 cents. While In Omaha, Oorman spun an In teresting ysrn about Frank ltancroft, who Is secretary of the Cincinnati club and cleans up a little side coin In the fall by promoting all-star tours. I "Bancroft," said Gorman, "was orig inally a hotel landlord, catering to the theatrical profession at New Bedford, Mass. funny's next venture was the show business. A troupe stopped at his hotel, found themselves broke and un able to pay the bill. So Banny went to the next atand with the troupe. No re sults. Thla continued for ten days, after which he attached the show, became Ha owner and conducted a profitable tour. Takes Stack la Clab. "After a whirl at the show business he returned to New Bedford and devoted his attention to his hotel. The local ball club waa not paying expenses. Most of the players lived at Benny's hotel and the bills for lodging and eats piled up rapidly. Bancroft took stock In the club to pay the accounts and that la how he got stsrted In base ball. "Bancroft has made several trlpa to Cuba with all-atar American teams and he Introduced base ball to that country, lie Is called the father of base ball' Cuba. fin loot Bancroft managed the tour of the All-Nationals and tha Athletics and last season piloted an A 11-American and All-National team as he Is this year." LITTLE INDIAN LEADER SALT) TO EE SOME HALFBACK. AL CAHN DEFEATS SYMES FOR STATE BILLIARD CUP Allert Cahn easily dofeated Harry Eymea to 320 Mondsy night at U.I balk line billiards, and by so doing gained permanent pofscaeton of the 1911 stale cup. Students Seek to Travel as Live Stock IOWA CITT, la. Oe. l.--Selal Telegram.) -Students at Iowa obtained interviews with freight agents of three rajlroads today contemplating tha ac ceptance of a plan whereby of them could be billed through to the Mlunesota-. Iowa game at Nortbrup f I. id thla week end as live stock, the shipment being made on a special freight at the round trip cost of U per head. A mass meeting baa bean called for Tuesday nltht to encourags the attend ance since a rate of some sort haa bees promised by one road. CiSGUALtFOTIONOF - , YALE MEN IS SENSATION NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Oct. 1.-The Yale university base ball team at a meet ing today decided to postpone Indefinitely the election of a successor te Captain Kilt urn. who with tour other player have been disqualified for violating the Tale tlltflblhty ruie concerning the ptsy iag ef ''summer bass bell." Ne explana tion of the actum waa made public. Mil bura and the other players promised te aid la coaching the varsity nine this spring. The dlsnualiftcatlug of ths players has cauetd one of the greatest sensations In years at Yale. There eie many rumor tonight that other playera would be d- tleied ineligible, but nothing: could be Wrnt4 from official sources. Pubis to Marry. CHICAGO, 0U 19.-iSp-tiU Telegram.) e-Vames M. Kelly, Jr.. of Omaha secured a UV-eose here loOsy tv, orry Miss fclleO THREE-EYE LEAGUE IS TO HAVE EIGHT CLUBS CHICAOO, Oct. ll.-The tndiana-Hllnols- leegeu, at Its annual meeting here today decided tentatively upon a circuit for Hit, going back to eight club Instead of even by the addition of Rock Island, lBaitfery; ateaee) Lessat. CLASSIC CUATH. 1st. M. Sd. Tot. McDougal I-' aleaery ....lot lilKfor.t .... In r-wanaon ,..1IH buallltvik ..iul Vu 1HU 145 ) 144 1T KM 104 -3 K.t M ti 1917 Tulais M C Ml.NA TATLVnii. 1st. Sd. J-l. Tot. Pleraon , lii l -4 Uarbleil ...)! US 1M M Harrlnvton l'T VI m 4 Alnxov ... n 111 in 7 Masllko ...15) JW Six) Handicap it is M Totals ....IT Hit HI !U PREAUN tlllT Jl'MI'l ltS. 1st. 21. 3d. Tot. Courtney ..lit) W lif 11 I 'loll W lit 140 Oraham ...111 t 144 t i 17 -lt BiO Horiadlne . Si )"7 HI ill II 11 II & Kaufman Connor .. I ..... hi raw .... .117 .1 .111 .111) 1 17 M 10 117 16 1 1SI vl txi 1.1 Total ....&M M2 n 1SJ7 t aloa PacUte Leaarae. GKNKRAl. FREIGHT. 1st. M. M. TTt. Stafford . UM 14 1U 424 Prummy . 1M 111 117 44! Vapor Ill IV H 44 iHtna I "I Hi M (87 Vh roth .. lTf m 3vi tut) Total. Handicap Totaia Ki ,K 711 IbJI 1UKAL WMiHlVi. 1st. 2d. a J. Tot 1.-4 1"4 11 1 Bathka ....U4 Van M"rn.. W Mcti'fnrty I'rootinlo ,.t'4 Klrkliam ..Ul ln in 161 Totaia . 1DKAL K nee t'oinell farker .. Hurk.e . Vk eetergard ll Haaduau t .16 47 asl li MACKINAW'S. l.'l 131 C7 ..!) ..1 1" lui Is 1.1J 14S I 74 1 t 4.7 Totsls 711 M V0 X4 IL'ICAL OVE.HA1.I.R 1st. J M. Tot. McCagu Paul r aver . sleek ... .l.'T .147 .1J . M .171 144 1.4 W 14 Ul lit 1M 17 Totale ....479 43 41 S atrial Matek. riKKSTONB Tilt Ell. n 44 k 4.11 iue4 1st. Johnson ...14 )iit y 141 Ncieun 1-J King 1 1 bhuUrl ....14a 2d 4 1 lit 171 M. Tot 111 lit Hi 174 tl 13 S110 m 7u no MOT1VK IMSWER. 1st. t. W. Tot. Match .... 1J7 i; 174 4 Wnnett .. 1 1AJ M St ttrnd .... V in itt a;s Vaneura .. HI K-4 14 4.-3 U Norg d. in HI I4i W3 Fallow Wolff .. ..11 la 11 80S 371 Totals ... 7U6 74 730 BNGINCFKfl. Int. M. M. Tot Peckler ... Iks 144 Isaiun Ill lied field .. HJ bhaw 1 U 17 14 117 1J In HI m 1.S4 at Totals ... 7 47 714 OMAHA fiHOPH. 1st. Id. d. Tot. Johnson .. 11 V4 ISHirra .... 1.1 l.iHh U-4 Haner I'M Hrodbeek . 1j Handicap . 14 174 1.3 1H4 lvt U 1-4 1..7 116 167 1U II Totals... CAR Htnnlk .. ti header . Ianurt ... V-tvrfar .. 8ttne , 41 TM 74 KFCORTH. let. Id. sd. Tot , lh lw V4 (. , 1M If4 111 4W . lu ln4 147 4x4 , lm IkS ld k- i 1 It) Iti 4 4 MS t4 Totals.... 74 l lrt. H. d. Tot. earl .... 1W Itfr 4 Mart is .... It laj t 4,1 Varwold .. a )4 YM Ui Pi raw j 11 J 14 M KWny 14 lit 4 4 Handicap , M U H TotaU...,714 74 nU Vrrse A Haaaaaer. & 4 H. SHIKTg. Name. l'. ti. H. Tot. Totaia.. .m 4(1 M tll3 RtLdANCH KABKIC. Mama. 1st. M. ad. Tot. Scott IX 137 104 tS Thtimiwm 7 H 1X1 ! v. smith ..iae w ut tn Totals.. .140 l.ioe OAK HHAND OVRllAIJ Kama. 1st. M. M. Tot. T. tierKa..l!4 lt7 14 4A0 G. Bnlttt...U& lh 134 V Mullck .... K 114 N 107 Tnllll . Mi Ul m 14S VICTDHlAN PKAFKWV8 Name. 1st. !. U. Tot. Erath ID )7 M Kt Iarllng ...Ut 13S y J. Jensn..ll4 K 104 114 Totals.. 1S4 SV0 1.004 VH TOUT Ht!IERT. Name. 1st. M. M. Tn. !rdla li 111 nr; 127 Ciak lot lOrt 1 J. Glynn Hi fi iul K Totaia. .122 96 140 17 PATRICIAN CIGARS. Name. let. W. Id. Tot O. Koach.. i 74 Y M Hherman ..l ln H4 Dortch .... M M 141 161 Totaia.,. 1 X8 Un Paatea Gallagher. KAMOS. Name. 1st. M. M. Tot Pmtih 1M 2 in X4 Callahan ,1M 121 I'D 4t Brannian .. 140 131 4K7 Totaia... tut 1:4 437 1,'. I'AVTtlN, Name. 1st. 3d. Id. Tot. Ilarbauks -H4 1m im j4 Jonathan ,.li lie im J73 Kuna 146 1J0 Ul a Totals . .SNT TM S70 1,117 Kama. let. J.1. W. Tot Rrbata 127 c 114 147 Wtnketm'n.lM 174 IM ?l Hathaway 170 It in feu. Totals.. .4Mi 447 411 1,445 Name. lit. 1.1 M. Tot Young 1 171 !M m Abrtmsoa .14 1. il 411 tulomon ...11 HO 13t rt Totaia. - H i ta p ,-44V-.. A ( "N J ""v (- ' 1 1 X' V V :-s.' ' ' . Capt Clements rotA One of the men Crelghton will have to look out for next Saturday Is Clement, captain of the Haskell Indians and star halfback of the team. While only weigh ing 140 pounds, Clement Is a dashing player and seldom falls to make hi re quired distance when carrying the ball. Clements Is 21 years of age and la play ing hlo second year with Haskell. Hie home Is In California, , 111., which succeed to the place given up last summer by Decatur. Definite de cision on the make up of the league will be made, It 1 expected at a meeting In alollne the first week In December. The guaranv of each club wa raised from 1600 to 11,000 at tb meeting. CHICAGO SPORTS BET ONAMERICDS Information from Chicago Bayi Crowd Which Lot on Cutler Will Attempt to Begain Losses. S IXC HER WRESTLES LEWIS FVl W. Fmith, eportlng editor of the Chicago American and referee of the Btecher-Cutler match In Omaha July S, cut loose with some Information which should prove Interesting to Nebrsskan who have found Stecher a pretty good Investment Smith declare that Chlcagoana who took a chance on the ability of Charley Cutler last July and left a bunch of per fectly good Chicago coin out here as a result will try to get back their losses on Aroericus. with whom Jo Is booked to battle at Uncoln the night of October i. Smith eay Chicago mat fan like Arrvri cus and that they like his work. Those who cannot make the trip to Lincoln to see the cluih Intend to send commissions out to back the Baltimore man. This should be pleasant news for Dodge county. Up In that county a wager on Stecher Is good socurlty at a bank and It doesn't make much difference how much coin the Windy City sports Send out, there'll (till be some Cornhusker dough laying around looae. Tonight Stecher will lock horns with Strangler Lewis at Evansvitla, In. Thla Lewi person has been boasting of his ability and haa had a tendency to peat derogatorily of the ability of Joe. The re sult la the match wa framed and Mr. Lewi will In all probability loaa some of hi enthusiasm regarding hi prowess o'clock tonight . Base Ball Stars Start on Their Tour CHICAGO. Oct . Baseball star of the American and National league were ready to get away tonight on their tour of the northwest and west The first game wa acheduled for Oahkosh, Wis., tomorrow. The tour will close November 13. Dick Hoblltsel. of the Boston Ameri cana, will be In oommand of the All American and Frank Bancroft, business manager of the Cincinnati Nationals, will be In charge of the National leaguers. Grover Alexander of Philadelphia, Johnny Ever of Boston, Roth of Cleve land, Rtrunk and Sohang of Philadelphia Amertoana and Walker of St Louis were among the players who reported early today. After playing In the principal cltle of the northwest, the teams will go to San Franclaoo for a series of - game at the Panama-Pacific exposition. Lost Plaaot 1 Wnmmi. PARIS, Oct 1. frof. Blgoudan. In a communication to the Academy of Science, announced that crlculatlon made by Fabry and Blondel at Marseille show that the new planet wnose dis covery waa announced by Prof. Sola of the Barcelona observatory, I really "tt Ambrosl," which ha been loot sight of for thlrty-1 rear. OMAHA UNIVERSITY TEAM REBUILT FOR BETHANY GAME It will be a reconstructed team that Coach Delamatra of tha University of Omaha present against the Bulldog at Bethany Friday afternoon. The last two defeat has stirred the school and play er that have laid on the shelf for some time are being dragged out and whipped Into condition for the remaining contest. The line which ha proved a difficult problem, la In process of reconstruction. Captain Bruce, who ha recovered from a broken bone In bis arm, 1 to be used at guard. Hart Jenk, another heavyweight who previously waa In the backfleld, has been shifted to a similar place and with etbert and Debolt at tha tackle. Delamatra haa been using thla combina tion sueoesa fully during scrlmmaga prac tice and la positive that the Una trouble 1 over. Another addition that la expected to speed up tb backfleld I Howard Delamatra, Delamatra, who wa Induced to oom out for the team last week, la fast and shifty on hi feet Following the gam with Cotner Friday afternoon, the University of Omaha team will stay In Lincoln Saturday to witness ths Notre Dame-Nebraska contest Seek to Establish Identity of Woman Held in Hospital NEW ORLEANS, La.. Oct. 19. Poll.e and charity hospital aulhcritle are try ing to clear up the Identity of an ap parently wealthy young woman who gives the name of Mrs. Julia King and says, she came from Seattle. In a seml-con- scious state, she cries for her two chil dren and their French nure, who, she said, became separated from her In chang ing train at some pluce which she could not name. The woman was taken to the hospital In a hysterical condition and has been delirious ince. Bhe aald she was the widow of Captain Thomas P. King, a Canadian officer, killed at the Dardan elles. She wore. expensive clothing and diamonds and jewolry, said to be worth more than 11,500. A fur-lined coat bore the mark of a Montreal tailor amd her. shoe bore the stamp of a Seattle firm. The woman complain of pain at the base of the brain, but physicians have' found no marks of an Injury or other In dication of the cause of her condition. DEATH RECORD. C'harlea A. Moore. SIDNET. Neb., Oct lJ.-(Spclal Tele gram.) The funeral of Charles A. Moore, one -of the oldest residents of this sec tion, took place today. Deceased had been Ul for more than a year. He wa. about 81 years old. He came to Sidney, when the Indiana Inhabited the country, was the first pony express rider and later, engaged In the mercantile forwarding, business to the Black Hills. He leaves widow and two ona, Horace acd Wash-, lngton Moore. Us Th Bee' "Swapper.' eolumn. Meet After FtftT-Elarht Year. SANTA BARBARA. Cnl.. Oct 1 Mrs. Ann Leach, 79, of Mansfield, O., and Mrs. M. Gllmore, 89, of this city, slaters, wero together here today for the first time In fifty-eight years. Kach had supposed the other dead. Mrs. Leach arrived here on a tour of the west and waa Informed . a Mr. C E. Starr might be a relative. life - : ll ' . "I ' ' i ?! it ROB8SS9 M Charier Carroll of Ccxrollton VVVv';s a.' , ' v-v -.iWTTxXv liM--l.-'. 'uii ii i'i mmt m v t IWBBBBBBBH BJBLiBK . I L "wuu mui of Trrg jmiher of Eslioits Liberty in America CTT1K1SAArlav4 : the CiMholict vre the Rrst in ABifirica to advrj- cst riie Fr7iom of til cto ta vxihip at any shrine the choe to bead akAs. Of U tKe csvcWs of MAryiarvi, none vri mor? ofc4e, and rhorie aed Iibrt move tkw herediraiy rights of m&nkirvl ko pracic Civil and RciMous Liberty. Carralt wu one of the MKet tad most learned mm the Cbbftk, a uteo he proud! arMced his rune to our trnoml Dedartslon of Indepcnd enot he courted the confitcbtian, of his Vast estates. A bytttrvdef UoetkAuty rcmarVAd, aa he did so,"Thfe rocs a few miHions" He va elected toihe Natiowd Corrrttion vhk adopted the Conadtution of the United U - . States, but illisi rorbada hoi ORrvdv. Hi oousin. mhouru Dania CarrolL aiTMa our Klalrional Lau. uKfrK frevcr giiert nte tr ArpffWrvi QvLPV.'S .M lVe2?l Libfrtv. CtaroTs manne vcre eaM, aSalbie and F ' i . ' - mm. a . r . . F craciuli in ill the elegancies a pctxt aooefy la men e rus supencrs. Mis hctpttaoty waa novHa? short of roy&U and he vas a lifetime user of light wines and barley brews. He died inhUqjth year, the Ust su rvivrjr of the signers of the Declaration of rpdenca. and was Wc&d upon rnrnd& rerard by rich and poor aliks. Fiftv-eight years a jo At iheuser-D usch launched their feat nstitution, and have ahisi bnnved honest beers the kirkJ the tllustrio Day by cay thek famous brews Kims provn in LaiSO rorxiarfaAOc until noo people are constantly employed to keep pact wuh die public donand. Their freat brand DUDWEISEIV because of its quality, purity, mildness and exquisite flavor, exceeds the sale of all other beers by millions of bottles. ANHEUrZH-CUSCH.'ST. LOUIS, USA. to St.LouU at coortxuiJy iaitaj to lnfct at . w our plant -cover MX acr. AnhWKerrMldl In ftp NIk Dkributcrs. Onxriia, Ncbr. 5 . r i aafV. I' Tav v at T aaWjr ., r O" fc. aaaaw-. - WW K v VT" ' x. j " t a v. r i . w - wj ' Total ... t4 T-S 73 B l wart ...SJ0 Ut W Uuusug of CM'-agu.