THE BKE: tAf AHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2ft, 1915. SUNDAY RAISES $3,000FOR MEL Helpi Charity Worker Who Was Conrerted at Same Place at Billy" in Chicago. TROTTER HAS A BAD CA1TCER KKTTJgO TOTAY. 10 a. nv tbIob T meeting at 10 a, m. Blbls tltn, VulN Iresby. BSTiSB 11 a. m. to p. nslBaes wowies ItiboK 1800 ramara Miss Miller. It.ia p. m. Monday at BrsBdela theater. Men bbIj. , . sn annaay at the TahseBaole. n, .TtbmiMl lhla class. til . BV BSlneSB WOB'- iBTHa. rm eomaiJttee, T. W. O. A- Mtse Miller. p. aav Soya' sad girla' meettag, pi. Mark's Luthsraa chart h, Klin Qui Ub. 4:30 p. n -Boys' asd girls' meeting, ror1'B ehurok. Kiss 0mllm. ila B. bv salsaes wnmw'l commit, tee of k7 aromas, T. W. O. aV Miss Millar. Turn p. m. sjnasay a tha Tibre', b. w aikle olass, Ohrlsttaa abaron, oath SlAe, aUaa am. St Joseph cltlaene contributed Dearly f 3,000 to the support of the gospel mission aa tbe result of .-Billy" Bundaya trip to that city and sermon thera Monday evening. Tns mlsaion was established by Mel Trottkr, the well-kBO-wn Chicago mlsaion werkerV He and Sunday ara doss friends and were converted tit the same mission la Chlcejro. Sines hla conversion Trot ter haa established about twenty-five mission In dtles throughout tha United Btatea. It haa been hla custom to ro brat to each mission raising money for lie support ence each year. Thla year he was unable to do ao aa ha la In tha eaat taking treatment for a malady aald to be cancer. So "Billy" haa returned from at. Jo seph very much elated that ha had auo roeded la raising aurh a aoodly aum for hla friend Mel's, work. "Billy" Pays His . Respects to Omaha School Board Men ?BIIly" Bunday preached d urine; the -fioon hour yesterday to an audience which filled tha eeate on tha flor of the Bran dels theater and one-half of the balcony. Hla pulpit was In tha midst of ataire scenery, tall chalra, a couch, a book case, three-foot candleatlcka and a pile of long spears. In tha mldat of a few remarks on edu cation "Billy" stopped to aay what he thought of the Omaha school board, which baa refuaed to allow him to talk In the publlo echoole. lie aald: "I guess It lsn-t my slang that hurta the members of the achool board. If you will dig doep enough yon will amell booze. I'll Just line up with any of thoae mutta tomorrow and be examined en any subject." "Billy" urged tha development of Chris, tlan character aa an "Inner wall" te re sist the attacka of avll forces after tha 'Inner walla" of tha human fortreaa have fallen. Tha outer walls, ha aald, were legislation, education, occupation, home Ufa and love of country. In a dlsouaalon of economics and Its relation to avll. "Billy" said: "Crime produces mora poverty than poverty producea crime. I grant that It la easier for a man to ha good If ha lias an Income, but I would acpect to find tha highest morality among the richest people. Do IT Look about tha oountry and see." Dwellers at, Hotel McShane Want, to Hear "BUly" Sunday Now tha Involuntary guests at tha county jail want "Billy" to coma and peak to them. Ha received a whole heef of letters written on yellow paper from tha vartoua tlera of cells In tha Jail and signed with scores of names. Tha colored girls on tier No. 1 wrote a long and polyayllablo letter expressing their gratitude for tha singing of Mrs. Aaher nd Mr. Brewster at tha Jail, which they amy was "most fascinating." "In par ticular we colored girls wpuld Ilka you. , Mr. Bunday, to come and preach one of your utmost sermons." Bays tha letter. "Billy" will not go to the Jail. Ha aays that experience shows It la effort wasted Aged Mother Follows Her Son to Death by Taking Poison Cup . Mrs. A. Peters, ajced years, committed aulclde at noon at KU North Twenty ninth street, by drinking two cups of lya partly mixed with water. According to Detective Charley Tan Deusea this Is tha fifth time Mra. Patera has attempted to take her life. She was taken to a local hospital, where aha died shortly ster "ward. About a year and a half ago her aon, Henry Peters, was drowned In Carter lake, according to Van Dauaen, and about a year ago another son, Fred Patera, cut Ms throat with suicidal Intent "SAFETY FIRST SPECIAL SPENDS NOON HOUR HERE The "safety first" special train of the Great Western railroad came la from an Iowa tour yesterday and waa parked at OiusJia freight depot of tha road, where . a lecture on safety principles was deliv ered to local employe. Superintendent W. U Derr of tha western division of the road la in charge of the train. "BILLY" SUNDAY SENDS PHOTO TO MAYOR "JIM" "Billy" fiundar sent Mayor Dehlman a photograph with tha Inscription. "To my friend Jim." "Jim" will send "Billy" a photograph of himself. Wheal Bawy ma , troop. When a mother U awekered from eund sleep to find her child who has sons to bed apparently In ths beet of health strursUng for breath, she la naturally alarmed. Vet If alia can keep , lii r prtssenco of mind and give Cham terrain's Cough Remedy every ten mlu , Mes until vomiting la produced, quick r, l t will follow and the child will drop I i fWep to awaken In the morning as t-U as ever. This remedy has been In i-fc-j far many rears with uniform sue " OMeirmhle everywhere. All drug. , fe'u Advertisement Final Rejection of Christ is an Unpardonable Sin, Says Sunday "Unty" Pundny's sermon on "Tha TTn- pardnnable filn." preached this afternoon, follows. Ills text: Wherefore I say unto you. all man ner of eln and blasphemy shall he for given unto men, hut the Maaphemy against the Holy Ohort. It shall not be foralvcn unto men. And wtioooever ennaJteth a wnrd Slalnst the Hon of Men, It shall he for given him; but whomsoever speaxeth xsnlnst the Holy Ohoet, It sail not be forgiven him. neither In thla woril. rrlthrr In the world to come. Matt, xll, I'd like to know where your t'nlver- sallat gets any ground to stand on there. I'd believe Ood before I would any old blatherskite of a Vnlveraallat, you can bank on that. I say unto you, all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men. but tha blasphemy against the Holy Ohoat shall not be forgiven, neither In this world, neither In tha world to come." I believe thera were people In the daya of Jesus that believed future probation. Neither in this world, neither In tha world to come." "Whomsoever apeaheth a word agalnat tha Ron of Man, It shall be forgiven him. but whoeoever apeaketh agalnat the Holy Ghost, It shall not be forgiven him." I have stretched out My hand; no man regarded. But ye have set at naught my coun sel, and would have none of My re proof. I will also laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh. When your fear cometh aa desolation and your destruction cometh aa a whirl wind. Then shall they call upon Me. nut i will not answer; they shall seek Me eerly, out they shall not find Me. For they that natea anowienge, sno did not rhooee the fear of the Iord. Therefore shall they eat or the rnm of their own way, and be filled with thHr own device. Tha Pharlseea charged jesua wnn Be ing In league with tha devil. They aald lo him: "Tou have a devil." They grew holder In their denunciation and said: "Why, you ara a devil. Tou ara not tha Bon of Ood. Tou ara a devil; you do what you do through Beelsebub, the prince of devils." Jesus aald: " How It that so? If what I do I do through the devil, explain why It Is I am overthrowing the worka of the devil. If I am a devil, and if what do I do through the devil, then I wouldn't be working to hurt the worka of the devil. A house divided against Itself ran never stand, if I am a devil, and If what I am doing I am doing because of the devil In me. then I would not be work ing to destrov the works of the devil, nut would be working to destroy the works of Ood. From that day forth they dared not ask htm any questions, for they could not answer His common sense logic. 81b Ae-alnat the Holy Ghost. I know there ara varloua opinions held by men aa to what they believe or think constitutes the sin against the Holy Qhoet There ara those who think it could have been committed only by those who heard Jesus Christ apeak and aaw Him In tha flesh. If that be true, then neither you nor I am In danger, for neither has ever seen Jesus In ths flesh. Another class thinks It has been com mitted since the days of Jesua, but at extremely rare Intervals, and still a third data think they have committed It and they spend their Ufa In gloom and 'dread and ara perfectly uaelosa to themselves or tha community. And yet I haven't the slightest doubt but that there ara hundreds hare now In thla tabernacle that come under tha head of my message, who ara never gloomy, never depressed, never down cast: their conscience la at ease; their spirits are light and gay; they eat three meals a day and sleep aa aound aa a babe at night. Nothing seems to disturb them; Ufa la all pleasure and song. If you will do me thla favor, for the good I might ha to you by your so doing. If you will lay aside any pre conceived Ideas or oplnlona which you may have had or atlll have aa to what you Imagine,, think or believe constitutes tha sin agalnat tha Holy Ghoat. or the unpardonable sin, and If you will listen to ma (for I have read every sermon I could ever get my hands upon on tlie subject, and have listened to every man I have ever had an opportunity to hear preach, and have read everything the Bible haa taught on tha subject). I do not say that my views on the subject are Infallible; but I will give yon the result of what I have wept and prayed over and what I have read and studied, and If time will permit and my strength allow and my patience endure. I will try to ask and answer a few ques tions: What Is ttT Who can oommlt It? Haw can it show Itself T How may I know f I have committed It Why will not Ood forgive T lie tsys He never will. What tt ta Not mmd Wkavt It is. It Is not swearing. If a wearing were the unpardonable aln lota of men In heaven would have to go to hell tonight, and there ara multitudes on earth, on their way to heaven, that would have to go to hell and I would have to go with them, because I am standing here to tell you that you never looked Into tha face of a man that eoul l swear more than I could, and I think a man la a dirty- low-down dog that will cuss. Ood never had anything but good, kind thoughts towards you. and for a man to cuss Ood because He wants tt keep him out of hell Is tha limit. It'a not drunkenness. Thera are muttltudoe In heaven that have crept and crawled out of the sewers of Infamy and drunkenness. Roma of ths brishteet Hunts that ver biased for Ood have been men that God saved from htlL It's not adultery. Jesua aald to tha woman committing adultery: "Neither do I condemn three; go and sin no more. ' Out of Mary Magdalene He cast sere a devils Thera ara multitudes In heaven tonlrht that would have to turn for hell If adul tery were tha unpardonable sin, and thera ara multltudea on eaith on their way to heaven who woukl have t stop and turn to hell. It'a not murder. Men's hands have been red mlth blood and God haa forgives them. The Apostle Paul'a hands were red with blood. Rejection of Christ. To ma It Is plain. It 'a constant and continual and final rejection if Jesi'S Christ as your Saviour. Ood's offer of mercy and salvation cornea to you, and you eay "Nu" and purh It aside. I do not know when tha time takes rlaoe In tha life of an I ml W. dual when you can aay "No" to God for the last tune, but I do know tliat thera la such a thing aa a last call to every man and to every woman, and wnen a maa ir a woman says "No" as 3od'e npl'tt atrlves within you In these daya may forever seal your doom. Tou hear ths call; you gj about your business; go about ths caret of homx, about tbs requirements aa.l demand of society, snd Ood will keep on calling sni you will keep on saying "No" until thera will come a time In every man's life when God will call for the laet time. It Is no special form of aln. It might be swearing. It might be drunkenness. It might be adultery or theft. Any one becomes unpardonable If Ood keeps on railing on you to forake that sin and you keep on refusing to forsake It for the Inst time, and If you don't, then He will withdraw and let you alone and that sin will become unpardonable, for Ood don't ask you again to f'rraki it. Soma people ara too proud to be Chris tiana. I know people In Omaha too proud to walk dewn these aisles and acknowledge themselves sinners. Ood' spirit keeps calling on you to stand up before the peo ple and acknowledge your slna. and you keep refusing. Ood will keep on asking, you keep on saying "No," and Ood will ask you for the Isst tlma and then let yu a lona. Ood has been ssklng some of ou men for ten or fifteen years to give up whisky, and over every sermon and bette ratura of your life you keep aaylng "No.", Ood will ask you for the last time, and If you say "No." Ood will say; "All tight; If you think mora of your whisky bottle than you do of me, take It an 1 go." Ha will never ask you again. It may be your adultery. You will keep refusing and Ood will say: "Very well; If you think mora of that than Ma and My salvation, take It and go." It Is no one glaring act, but the constant repetition of tha same thing. I believe there ara men In Omaha who have Just aa truly sealed their dooms as If thay were In hell tonight. I believe that through ervery sermon that s preached. If It be a true sermon, Ood calls men and women for tha last tlma, and I believe Ood la giving some In Omaha, by and through this revival meeting, the last opportunity to forsake their sins and ac cept Jesua Christ aa their Saviour. I believe If these meetings ctoae and If you people are atlll outside the pale of Ood'e mercy, I believe you have forever sesled your doom. Trnth Restated Weakens Trath. By svery known Isw of the mind, con version must be effected by the Influence of tha truth on tha mind. It Is also a known lsw of the mind that truth resisted loses Its power on the mind that resists and each resistance weakens me trutn. Mvary tlma you resist the truth the next tlma you hear It It loaea Its force on your mind. And every tlma you hear a truth and resist tha truth, then you be come stronger in your power to resist ths truth. Wa all know this, that each resistance strengthens you agalnat the truth. When a man hears the truth and resists it, the truth grows weaker and he (rows stronger. No matter what sermon ou hear what evidence you see. a great mans- men and women and any man or woman mat can look upon tha movements of uoa a spirit In Omaha la these days and steel their hearts aatUnat uod must be (Ike adamant. There la no hope that Ood can reach you If. after a manifestation of His power such as this, you say "No." xou haven't had to use your kancU kerchlefs very muoh since Tvo been here. I don't picture deathbed scenes; t try to appeal to your reason, to ahow you that you ara only reasonable whan you are righteous, and ara a fool when you ara not, and the only reasonable person on earth Is a Christian. xou never did a more reasonable thins In, your Ufa than to be a Christian, nor a mora unreasonable thing than to re fuse to serve Ood and keep His com mandments. Who Cm Commit Thla tint Who can oommlt HT I used to think, when I first started to read and to study, that only a vile man. only a prostitute, only a libertine, only tna orrscouring scum of the earth could commit It. Whom did Jesus warn? The Phar isees. And who were they? The best man. morally, In Jerusalem. There la not a man or a woman In thla audience that could live up te a higher standard of morality than the Pharisees attained in tha days of Jesua Chrlat. Who can commit It? Any man or woman that eaya "No" te Ood'a offer of mercy. Tou may be a man down In aln, or, like the Pharlseea, you may ba the best man. morally, in tha community. Tou may even defend the Bible, the church, you may even be my friend; you may even stand on tha street and apeak well of thla great campaign: but I say let Jesus try to get you to walk out publicly before tha people and you say "No" to every ap peal, and He will keep on asking you and there will come a time when He will ask you for tha last tlma and then Ha will let you alone. He will pass you by. Ood pity youl What Is tha work of the Holy Spirit To aave your eoulT No, sir. The Holy Bplrlt hasn't a drop of blood, not a drop. The Holy Spirit does not save you; Ha hasn't a drop of blood. Jesus died on ins cross ror your ems. ood par dons you on the i. rounds that you accept Jesus, but the Holy Spirit convicts you that you are a sinner and He takes the sermons, ths messages, tha prayers of tha people, the memory of your mother, and calls you to ba a Christian. The Holy Spirit brings that conviction now and God keeps bringing the convic tion and you keep resisting it until ths tlma will come when tha Spirit will not coma any mora. I am looking Inta the faces of men In this audlcnee who for twenty years haven't had a conviction of aln. Away back yonder, twenty years ago, your wife, your baby, died. Tha same Provi dence saved your Ufa and you aald you would. But you haven't yielded to God. Ood called you and Ha hasn't called you slnoa. Tou haven't had a conviction of sin. Bitter Malla-Blty Skews tke Bin. Ths only representative of tha Trinity In tha world Is the Holy Spirit God spoke to tha people through tha Mosaic law; He spoke through Jesus Christ and they killed Jesus. Ha ta speaking today through tha Holy Spirit. Thla is tha last dispensation God wUl use te litduca you to be a Christian. Who can commit It? Any maa that says "No" ta Ood'e offer . How does It show Itself? Lota of ways, but really anly tn two, Because I thing all others are subdi visions. Listen and I will help you, rirei; timer maiumny. xatte a maa or a woman that has alnnad a Bay their day of grace and thera la nobody la the town who will be more bitter agalnat these meetings than they and they will make you believe It Is what 1 preach or something like that No, poor, miserable wretches. Ood'a spirit has left them and they are to ba pitied. Hitter malignity. There Is not a man against whom they would say harsher things than they would aralnst me. It disturbs them to read In the papers that JS.OM people packed the tabernaclo every night to hear the gospel. Ood haa called them and they have aald "No," and they won't even darken thla place. I can name some of your moat repu table rltlsens, financially, who haven't darkened this tabernacle. Why? Ood a spirit has left them, that's why. They sre resisting every attempt on Ood'a part to keep them out of hell. They are to be pitied. How does It show Itself? Bitter ma lignity. I tier laairfrrenee Bad tke Dea Ik Bed. Utter Indifference. I hava never said that all unbelievers ara in agony. Ordinarily a man diej a ne nas lived. If you know how a man has lived TOU know hnw nlnilv-rlnM of 100 die. If they live without Ood t(!-y die without Ood. I am one that doesn't so that much on these so-called death-bed repentances. It Is, I think, a most mlaerabin, good-for- nothing, lOW-dOWn. Unmanlv. unwntnanlv thing for a person to refuse to wnn and follow godliness In their dsya of health ana strength, and wait until Ood throws them on their back and shakes a shmu l over them, and when tha doctor telle them they haven't long te live to send for the preacher. Let them send for the nrurhar w. will go. I apeak for all. Wa will come any Hour of tha dav nr niaht w n do our level beat with von. mir htt don't give us a fair chance. Tou wait until the h.i. . ..r ii- lengthen Into lines, until the death dew Is on your brow, before you begin to look to Ood Almighty. Tou haven't any usa for tha r.n-v... when you could knock the whit c.n.r ner your mug of beer. Tou hadn't any use ir in preacner when you could ga to tbe club and gamble, ud rtnv k,,. t. you haven't long to IKe you send for the preacner. No, air, I don't so that much i.,.. eo-called death-bed repentances. I dn't ssy that none are genuine, but I don't go that much on them. ' Vers Comforted Dylan; Girl. Teara ago In London r-i i. In a house of ill-fame and they sent for a minister to corns and talk and pray with her. - ' Ha stepped to her bedside and talked then he nraved. tt iu,. ,' face, but saw no Indication of dawning . men ns prayeo again and In hla prayer he quoted laalah i i. -i-u u your sins be aa scarlet, they shall be aa snow. When ha concluded ha lonira . v and for the first time saw Indications of a dawning hope. She smiled faintly and said: "Was that In the Bible what ywi ssld about scarlet sins?" "Tea." "I'd like to see It not that I doubt you. but I think It wnuM t could look at It. He opened his Rlht im i .. she looked at It. She said: "Would vou mind again and In your prayer put In that snout scarlet alnsr" The minister dronned nn hla VnakaoaB ak , - m as. til sha aald: "Walt Would you mind put- ung my nnger on tha Terser' He took her thin finger and laid It on Isaiah i 1. put his hand over her hand snd prayed, and In hla prayer he quoted It again. "Coma, now. and let ue reason together, satth tha Lord. Though your sins be aa scarlet they wlU be as white aa snow." . When he concluded he looked Inte har face and sha ami led and aald: "Thank you: I'm ao glad Ood aald gear let sins, for that meant mine." All Kamaer of Slaa. All manner af alas. Ood n. - ready and willing to forgive If you will accept tha Christ He offers aa atone ment for your sins. Supposing you are here tonight and aullty of murder. Tou did It perhaps before you cama to Omaha and nobody hero la any the wiser. Parhans n aia It back across tha aea, where you were oorn, or in some other state, but your hands ara red with Mood. Will God forgive you? A friend of mlna was preaching In a town In Iowa and a maa came to him one evening at the close and the service and said: "I want to talk with you a little while. Can you give me half an hour? v "Half an hour? I wouldn't give you half an hour for $&. It tires ma as much to talk to people as It does to preach. Can't you coma and aea ma lnmnm. I'll grva you five mlnutea tomorrow morn ing at io o ciook." The man said: "if I am altva ril ba there. I turn to hear you preach eight daya ago. I haven't alnet of tasted food. (The man looked aa If ha would die) If I'm alive I'll ba there." And as tha clock struck W ths next morning ha rapped on tha door, stepped In and aald to my friend as ha eat down, exhausted: "I hsva come to tell you that I am a murderer." My friend aald: "Stop! Don't aay an other word. I can't alt here and listen to you and not deliver you to the au thorities, for I would bo aa accessory aftsr the fact." Tha man aald: "I know that r well posted on law as you. but T hava thought that atl out I am ready to go on tha scaffold after I tell you. I am ready to go behind tha bars for Ufa. ri die If I didn't tell. I want to get right with Ood and I hava come to tell you the whole story, and will do anvthin you ask me to do." Man's Forgiveness for Marderer. My friend said that with that under standing he would listen. The man aald that out In Colorado he had committed tha murder, told the name and all the circumstances. My friend telephoned down to the county seat and tha sheriff cama up and ha told him about It. The murderer came to the meeting that night with the sher rif and be ore preaching my friend said: "There la a man la thta audience that haa a confession to make. I ara going to ask hire to tell you before J preach." Ha asked the man ta the platform. They helped him up, he grabbed hold of tha pulpit and told his story, and the audience seemed to shrink from him as they sat down In the presence of a murderer. The. sheriff took him down and put htm In Jail, then got In communication with tbe officers In Colorado. They found that two who would ba witnesses for the stats had moved away and that three others had died. At tha end of two weeks ths officers said: "We will not bother or molest htm If ke mads that acknowledgment and wants to live aa upright Ufa. Let hire go." I can see you back to that town tn the state of Iowa and that man la there to- day. a biasing light for Jesus Christ and I a member of the First Methodist church. At least be was there up to two years sgo. when a friend of mlna was back there. nod's A sora I to the Heart. All manner of sins. Ood says. He Is resdy snd willing to forgive. And I tell you, when that mob nailed Him on the cross. He would have forgiven them If they had aaked Him. Tou can't explain Ood like you can that two and two make four. Certainly not. Tou love your wife snd you love your children but with your sensibility, not with cold Intellect. Religion makes Ita appeal to your sen sibility, not to your Intellect. That's no argument against It. Everybody knows that the older a man or woman becomes the less and less susceptible they are to any appeal being made to their sensibil ities. Everybody knos that Don't you know this, that seventeen out of twenty who are converted are con verted before they ' are JO years old? Don't you know that nineteen out of twenty who are converted before they are 30 years old? God bless your heart, don't you think for a minute because there are compara tively few gray haired men and women saved, that that's sn argument against religion. No; that's an argument In Its favor. Now, let me ask you something. How msny people In this audience, who are professing Christians, Catholic or Protes tant (and I Include those who have come forward during the meetings), were con verted before they were 30 years old? Let ms see your hands. Chances Against the Man of Forty. I yet every Christian man and woman In thla building atand. Every man and woman that waa converted before they were 20 years old sit down. Every man and woman that was con verted before they ware W years old sit down. All who were ' converted before they were 40 yeara years old sit down. All who were converted before they were W years old sit down. If you ara here tonight and 10 years of age and not a Christian, the chances ara a thousand to one that you never will ba a Christian. I'll tell you something. Most people who are converted are converted In tlmea of revivals. How many of you men and women who are professing Christianity gave your hearts to Ood In revival meet ings, outside of Just ordinary church services? How msny became Christians during special meetings? Put up your hands. Atl who gave their hearts to Ood in times of revivals stand up. Now thoae who gave their hearts to Jesus during ordinary church services stand up. Now listen! If you are here tonight and are 40 years of age and you are not a Christian, the chances are you never will be lt you are not converted In times of a revival the chances are you won't be. Two-thirds of all people In the church are converted In times of revival. That's Ood'a way of doing. That's no argument against religion. If you want facta they will stagger you. Ood is trying Ilia utmost to save people and yet they are fighting against every thing Ha brings to them. Now listen! Why won't Ood forgive you? He says He never will. ."Neither In this world, neither In the world to come." , It you would Injure ma and I would say I would forgive you, you would say that I had a good spirit I would have. If God will spare my Ufa after this week I will leave Omaha and not carry with me the slightest particle of malice agalnat anybody In this community. I preach B hard end furious against sin aa I know how and I will fight as hard for Ood and the church as anybody you aver looked at, but whatever you say agalnat me, I aay I will forgive you. I won't carry any malloa away with mo. . If you would Injure ona of my loved ones, if you would break up my home, If you would alienate my wife's affections and I would say I would forgive you (but I would have to pray hard to keep from shooting you, I ara frank to tell you that right now, ao don't tempt me. I don't know what I'd do) you would say I had a good spirit God says: "Tou can spurn my lore and trample the blood under your feet but If you seek my pardon I will forgive yju." Tou might hava been Indifferent to the appeala of tha minister, you might hava been a thief or an adulterer or a blas phemer or a scoffer and all that, but God says: "I will forgive you." Tou might have been Indifferent to fie teara of your wife and children and friends, but if you will seek God He will forgive you. Tou don't understand all about elec tricity before you can send a telegram to your wife. Tou don't have to under stand all about electricity before yol can turn on the light when yon go home. Tou don't hava to understand a thing. Tou turn toe button and lh i'tht comes. All right. Tou don't have to understand about tha Immaculate conception of Jeaua Christ Just believe, that all God taks of you. . A Word of Comfort. I bring you two words In cloalng. One a word of comfort If you are here tonight and have a de sirs to ba a Christian, let me congratulate you. That's an evidence that tha Bplrit has not left you. Second, a word of warning. If you are here tonight and have a deal re te be a Christian. I beg of you encourage It, for It may be your last Encourage it It waa when you were sick, yo j said: "Tea, I will if I get well." It was when your baby died that ycu said: "Tea. Lord. I will." It was when your wife was sick that you ssld: "Yea. Lord, If Tou wilt islse her up I'll live a different life." Ha did. . It waa when ths revival last inept over Headache From a Cold? Listen! Tape's Cold Compound" ends severe cold or grippe in few hours. Tour cold will break and all grippe misery end after taking a does of "Papa's Cold Compound" every two hours until three doses are taken. It promptly opens clogged -up nostrils and air passages In the head, stops nasty discharge or nose running, relieves sick headache, dullness, feverlshness, sore throat sneeaing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay atuffed-upl Quit blowing and snuffling! Eass your throbbing head no thing else In ths world gives such prompt relief aa 'Tape's Cold Com pound." which costs only K cents at any drug; store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no Inconvenience. Accept no substitute. Advertisement your town that you said you v oul.l. lut you didn't do It I feel In closing this meeting that I am In a position somewhat analogous to that of a nurse during the war, at the close of the battle of Franklin. A soldier bad his srm shsttered by a cannon ball and It necessitated amputa tion. The operation was successfully per formed snd ths surgeon said to the B iree, a kind-hearted fellow. "I hops that sol dier boy pulls through, for he msde a magnificent fight never a murmur. I hope that artery doesn't bleed. If the vein should buret I think I eoull fir that but not the artery, for he is so weak. I hope he will pull through." Presently the wound began to bleed. The nurse put his thumb on the spot and sent for the surgeon, who had gone to rest He came and his practiced eye told him he could stop It. He said. "Thst's the vein; I can take that up. but I hope the artery doesn't bleed, for I couldn't take that up. If I am needed send for me." The surgeon threw himself on a cot to reat. Pretty soon the stump startel to bleed again, the nurse pressed Us thumb on the spot and sent for tha surgeon. He said: "Stop It, quick." The nurse kept his thumb on it and said: "I can't reach It." The doctor said to the fellow: "When the nurse removes his thumb, In three minutes you will be dead." Wonders If He Has Thamk or Artery I know he must have felt hlmrelf In some such position as I feel myself In tonight It will not be long unUl this series of meetings will hsve become a matter of history. The doctor said to him: "In three min utes, when the nurse takes his thumb off, you will ba dead." I venture I've said to Ood fifty times sines I've stood on this platform listening to the song service, "Ood, I wonder If I will have my thumb on the artery of any man or woman's soul? I wonder if this series of meetings will determine where they will spend their eternity?" The soldier boy said: 'Don't worry about me. Put your hand under my pil low." The nurse did so and pulled out the Btbla, and the boy said: ";v you rr-e where the bullet cut the corner? My mother gave mo that I'm trusting in Its promises." The nurse removed his thumn, turned away, burled his face In his hands and In a few mlnutea the soldlur boy wan no more. y I wonder, I say. If I am standing here tonight with my thumb on the artery of your soul? I wonder If tonight will determine what you are going to do? I wonder If thla Is the last eall? I haven't appealed to your sympathy or your tears. I have tried to show the reasonableness of It I want every man and tvoman in this tabernacle, whether you are a Chris tian or not I want every one of you to say: "I have a desire to Btrve Ood." Some of you may have been Christiana for twenty or for fifty yeara Will you keep on encouraging that desire? If you have a desire, will you In some way en courage It? If you have no desire, it you care noth ing about It please Just keep your seat; but if you have a desire, will you encour age that desire? I have been a Christian for twenty-nine years, i sun nave.tne ooire and I en courage it every day by prayer and read ing the Bible. Have you a desire and do you want to encourage It? If yo'i do, 1 want every man and woman In this aailence to atand. But I don't want anybody to bear false testimony. If you care nothing about it Just keep your seat If you do care. I want every one that has a desire to stsnd to their feet and bow your head with me In silent prayer. (Copyright, William A. Sunday.) Does "Billy" Neglect Those on His Eight? If you go to the Tabernaclo and can't get a seat In tho middle section, take one on the eaat side of the house rather than on tha west It has been observed that "BUly" turns his face lh that direction about nine tenths of the time. It is a speaking idlosyncracy and he does it - uncon sciously. Sometimes ha apparently neglects the audlenco at hla right for ten or fifteen minutes at a time, never turn ing his head In that direction. lUT mi "Mil tizl' 16 TtDODGE ah SATISFYING QUALITIES and SAVING PRICES are the secrets of October Sale successes in every department throughout this big store. 0 n every hand you'll find match less special values displayed for inspection and selection. Grocery Prices that are Interesting You Can Save from 25 to 50 on the Cost of living It lbs. best purs Granulated Sugar for $1.00 To make good bread you muat hava. good flour. Wo guarantee our Diamond H Flour equal to any; guarantee it to give perfect satis faction or your money refunded In full. Wednesday, per S-lb. sack only ,. H.40 10 bars Beat-'Em-All, Diamond C or Laundry Queen White Laundry Soap , a3e 10 lbs. best White or Tellow Com meal B3o lbs. best Bulk Breakfast Oatmeal for ase cans Oil Sardines 150 Gallon cans Golden Table Syrup age I- lb. pkg Diamond H Self Rising I'anraka Flour ...aVao Skinner's Macaroni; It's quality goods, pkg TVfce 2 -ounce Jars Purs Fruit Preserves for aso II -os. Jars Pure Strained Honey a&a Advo Jell for dessert; It's qua'ity goods, pkg ...THe 4 lbs. Fancy Japan Rlcs or Pearl Taxloca .Sao A Carload of Fancy Colorado Elbtrta Peaches to Be Sold Wednesday For Less Than Cost This car was shipped by the grower to sell for his account. It is fancy fruit and will pay you to take advantage of this ridiculously low price; Wednesday, per 4 box ., ...4ac TRY IlAYDEirS FIRST- Sunday Party Will Scatter Before tho ; Syracuse Meeting s Next Sunday evening after the Sunday campaign clones there will be a grand exodus and scattering of the Sunday party for brief visits in various parte of the country .before the opening of the Syracuse, N. T., meeting tha following Bunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday and Oeorge will go to Winona Lake, Ind., where tha Juvenile Sundays lira. and where George's wife and little boy also reside. "Rody" will go thera also after a oust ness trip to Chicago, where his gospel musle publishing houss la located. Miss Miller will go to Pittsburgh to spend a few days with a sister. Mrs. Asher will go to Fuilerton, Neb., where her husbsnd Is conducting a revival. Ha was formerly of the Sundsy party, but started out this year "on hla own Book." "Bob" Mathews win go to Carrolton, Ky.. "his own home town." where hla mother lives. Feel Fine! Don't Be Sick, Bilious or Constipated Enjoy life! Stop the headaches, colds, bad breath, 4.B f sour stomach. ' ' 10-cent "Cascarets" is best ca thartic for men, women, children. Caeca rets are a treat. They Mren you" liver, clean your thirty feet of bowels and sweeten your stomach. Tou eat ono or two Cascarets like candy before going to bed and In the morning your head la clear, tongue Is clean, stomach sweet breath right and cold gone and you feel grind. Get a 10 or iS-cent box at any drug tore and enjoy tha nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. Stop sick headaches, bilious spells, indl gestlon, furred tongue, offensive breath and constipation. Mothers should give, cross, peevish, feverish, bilious children a whole Cascaret any tlma. They are harmless and never gripe or sicken. Ad vertisement Just Apply This Paste and thej Hairs Vanish (Helps to Beauty.) A aafe, reliable home-treatment for the quick removal of superfluous hairs from your face or neck te aa follows: Mix a stiff paste with some water and pow dered delatone, apply to objectionable hairs and after t or S minutes rub off, wssh the skin and tha hairs are gone. This simple treatment la unfailing and no pain or Inconvenience attends Its use. but to avoid disappointment be certain you get genuine delatone Advertise ment 11X1 D0UQ LAS STREETS Tall cana Alaska Salmon ......10e MacLaren'a Peanut Butter, lb, IBHe Haraheys Breakfast Cocoa, lb, aoe Dried mil for Tow ladings, rise and Cakes. Mince Meat finest quality, pt. aHs California Mulr Peaches. lb....THe Fancy Moor Park Apricots, lb lltto Choice California Prunes, lb..,.THa California Muscatel Ralalnei lb. SVa California Cooking Figs, lb SHe California Comb Honey. rock.-lTVae Imported Fard Dates, lb. ...... .ISO imported t-crown Figs, lb......eoo New England Walnuts, lb IBs) TatS TsOITULI at A av XT TOM nm noru 16 lbs. best Early Ohio Potatoes lSe it lbs. good Cooking Apples. ... loe 11 los. Jonathan Kating Apples BOO Cape Cod Cranberries. qurt..He 4 bunches fresh Beets, Carrots or Turnips So Fancy Michigan Cabbags for kraut lb la bunches Oreen Onions go 4 bunches fresh Radishes go The best Creamery Batter, cartes os bulk, lb. sa BnshBl Xstffsr rears. .$l.lg r 7. 1