8 T1IK UKE: OMAHA, 8ATUU1AY, OCTOBElt IS, 1914. S KELP TO BECOME AN ENGINE OF WAR Hitherto Worthless Product on To cific Coast to Be Used ia Making- rowder for Guns, COMPANY FOR MAMTFACTUXE SAN FR ANCIFCO, Oct. 15. The krlp crop of the Pacific ocean Is to be harvested by a powder company to obtain an Ingredient "wed In mak ing amuntUon for the warring na tions of Europe, It was announced. The statement Is made that one of the largest manufacturers of powder In the United States has decided to spend $5,000,000 In this enterprise lu order to obtain the chloride of potash It needs to fill its war orders end which It can no longer obtain from Germany. It ha long been known that kelp found elon the Callfornlan coasts Is rich In (-clash. The difficulty hna been to ob tain the kelp In auftlclent quantities and to handle It afterward. Kelp grows In Ions streamers that reach from the ocean bottom to the surface, bclno; floated by fruit bulbs. Hut when the top of the kelp I reached, the Ions trunki ore liable to tnk to the bottom. Also, whn Uia kelp U reaped. It tends, upon belns; tx pooed to the air, to become fluey and worthless. Of org H. Markell, secretary and sen rral tnanaa-er of the Hercules I'owder company, now In Pan Kranclaco, liai. It la said, designed a aubmaiine reaper, and contract for an experimental reaper have already been let, to be completed within fourteen day. The reaper will cut the kelp In alx-lnch lengthr, which will be aucked by a pump Into ola wlie banket. The piece of kelp are then to be taken ashore In roasting vat, the needed chemical substances being after ward extracted. The kelp may not be cut off In such a way a to deatroy It, a It la the protec tion of spawning grounds. A trial off Monterey bay. It Is announced, will be made under government auporvlnlon a toon a the ul.marlne reaper li com pleted. Mr. Markell atated that chloride of potaah ha risen from a former gt-neral market price of 115 a ton to well over KM a ton. dred subject, especially In It Uvm ef myU' tan aa a stable S'leno. HOW TO fEAI. WITH M1MAN NA Tl'flE IN KL91NF.HH. Hy Hherwln 4'S pp. 12. Kunk Wajtnails com pany. A book of business direction, suggestion, atudy and example, based on the psychol ey of buaine effort. The author con siders at length national characteristics, service, your own valuation of yonraelf, the mind and how It work and analysing a bunlnrsa. are not to much prophecy a mbollrm. of their utterance I pregnant with a plrltual slgnlflcanre. There la no ques tion of propounding a new Roar') or of using fanrlful and (trained Interpreta tion for the bolstering up of Individual Idiosyncrasy. THE IJtl'OHTNO MI'SP Pr Arthur Gulterman. !4 pp. l. Harper t liroa. A collection of poem In which true humor haa an all-enduring quality. These verrea of Mr. Oultermaii arc of the beet essence of fun good to read and reread. PFACR PONNKTS. Py Jessie Wiseman Glbls. 75 crnts. A Inrg poem, whoee theme I peace. the binding In white with deenrat'ona of red, being significant of It content. THR TtOfSKKKKPKRfl HANDBOOK OK CLEAN I N t. By Brah J. MtLcod. 2l PP. l. Harper A Bros. The book contain the result of experi ment in laboratories of the application of science to household problem, deal with the nuneioua Asperts of '.leaning that ccme within the housekeeper' range, and will serve as a sort of laboratory 'guide to save her time end energy as she 'kovs forth to her dally battle against dirt. HpAMNO Cl'PnKNTa. Pr Walter Ce V.e. 243 pp. I1.6U. Vitu Publishing com pany. The fundamental Idea of this book on mental healing la that of service. The I author doea not confine hlmaelf to the (bare principles of the control of the body jby the mind, but states that the book' definite purpose Is "to heat, enMuraK i ani enlighten w homsoever should read It." IMP! WAT TO PREVENT WAR. By Alln I,. Heuscn. liW pp. o cents. Appeal to Reason. This book Is devoted to the tajik of : showing that since the people are opposed to war the logical way to end It la to j take the power to declare war away from minorities who misuse It and vest It In the people. THK MAKINO OP CHRISTIANITY. By J hn '. ClarKa, 1. l), 42J pp. L2J. A Mot-feted Authors and Compilers. Pr." Clarke laya especial emphasla nmn the fact that the Aporalyptla writings New Books Flashlight Bandit Makes a Nice Haul While William Trrenner, 1116 Cntn street, was sitting on the frcnt porch of the home of Miss . Marie Holland, 411 North Twenty-fifth street, with the young woman, a strange man came by and turned a pocket flash Itsht on the pilr. He drove them at the point of a re volver to a nearby alley. Here he took S3 from Prenner and a wrist watch and a ring from Miss Holland. Then he ordered them back to the house and disappeared. H. B. Craddick is to Speak in Omaha II. B. Craddick. president of the Min neapolis Forum, which I the ad tl.ih of Minneapolis, I to be In Omaha for a ban quet of the Omaha Ad club October IT. The club has Just arraniM a t'-ntatlve schedule of some rood speakers to appear before the club in the near future, anl this Is a part of the program. A banquet and rneral meet In is aleo planned In honor or Herbert Houston, ed itor of World's Work, when he will be her In the early part of November. Mr. Houston Is president of the Associated Ad Clubs of the World. An exhibit of advertising literature. In cluding clrculnrs. folders, pictures and other vehicles of advertising, Is to x shown In Omaha under the auspices of th Omaha Ad club some time this fall. The exhibit was first made at Chl'-ag during the national convention ef ad clula there. It has now been deilJed to start this exhibit over ths country to be ; exhibited at various places. I The Hen Franklin club is to co-operate 1 with the Ad club In this matter. IPIIKIII HOOfl's" The'! laaMsesHoar taa't Katf Xa Aaltet Pr. King's New Life Pill stir up your 1 liver, aid dls-estlon; you feel fine the next . day. Only Vc. AH druggists. Advertise-! ment. I I Mr CSEmL Values 1 1 SLOGANS AND PICTURES MAKE MAIL UN MAILABLE "Gott Ptrafe England" and picture of the kusltania, with the words "The Blot that Wont Come Off." If placed on let ters or other mall matter will render such mall matter unmallable, according to ad vfcee'at the local postofflce from the postmaster general. I r - VOU'LL realize this fact just as jp soon as you enter our store you can't g go astray if you trade here our low rent location and 3 our modern inexpensive building help to keep the prices g down at the Union -our ibnlnt' guarwnte of perfect aatlafao 3 tlon or no sale In yoiir safeguard. p3 Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition San Francisco, 1915 San Diego, 1915 For Flavor and Quality BAKER'S COCOA is just right It has the delicious taste and natural color of high-grade cocoa beans; it is skilfully prepared by a perfect mechanical process; without the use of chemicals, flavoring or artificial coloring matter. It is pure and wholesome, conforming to all the National arid ,State Pure Food Laws. CA UTION: Get th tenuin with out tradt-mark on the package. id. v. a. rr. ore. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. WAD mm lA I Ill ll t. I II I MIseelljiieoaa. TO AI.r THE WO!tt,! KXCKPT OKll MM'. v !' S' I "veil. 11 pp. Ceorgo Allen A I'nwln, Ijtd. The author of this book, A. E. Bllllwell, Is better known In these parts as a cap tain of railroad Industry, having been a rromoter of the old Tort Arthur route and later the Mexico ft Orient line out of Kansas Cltr. The volume he has pro ducf d Is a hreeijr discussion of war tojilca from the standpoint of peace, although devoid of sympathy with the Germans, and, hence, addressed to everybody ex cept Inhabitants of Germany. The argu ment Is condensed in the Introduction, or, rather, the book la an elaboration of the Introductory outline. "War Is madness" is fUltlwtjr variation of Hherman'a defi nition. . In his opinion Germany' Is the outlaw nation, and the Ultimate solution la the most complete organisation this world has ever aeen supported by a world-wide peace army, and with an ap peal to the religious Instincts, to humani tarian instincts and to the pocketbook. Ho wants an International flag to pro tect sea commerce for all nation during lime of wiir. nud a court to actlle Inter national dlsputoa, backed by a world po lice strong enough to make nation ob serve scraps of paper. ' THR STOUT OP A I'lONF.KR. Wy Pr. Anna 11. Hhaw. &7 pp. 1, Harper & t lr. Maw trll ths story of her life In Its vailed activities. he begin with her t nival in America at the age of 4, and tolls ot the liaidhlpa and struggles on what was then the western frontier. A echool tesilirr, preacher, lecturer, or ilaltied minister, physician, worker among the poor, she attained to her different I iitnl HlotiH, Her account of her life work Ur suffrat-e, which occupies only a por tion of this human document. Is flUeJ with Incidents, picturesque and humor-! '.!. For the aulfrudbt, this book Is the' off.clsl record of tho work of the last i (iuarter century; and for the general roadcr, the story of an unusual, active American woman. IAD AND IMA PATH Kit. Hy P. Ijiurla t'.ii l u 'i.i t. li. pp. W cents. Little, lro n A Co. I'urlng Trisldent IJncoln's occupancy ci mo iine iioue, nts son, "Tad, as he was universally called, was probably tiiu ibost active figure within Its walls. Th child kept tho household busy and required the president's dully help to aiiaUhUn out the titngh s be created. The ttund between father and son was unusu lll' Uui8, hud ill liia devotion to the (hlld one get a revelation of the depth of tl,e president's tcmlermuts and sympa thy for all humanity. THK NATlTtAL OKPER OP PPiniT. Liictn ilrn-. j-jO pp. finetman, French it Co. This lxk sets forth the life to come at revealel by psychical research and alma lo rescue it from scientific, dog r tt e -i phaii'Hl .Mi..iii n 'ih au thor rrideavors to Infuse something more if tiaturalnes atd liomelikenes Into our couceptlons of si irlt. 1IAHITS THAT IUMWft. rty rhnrle H T -wna. i j i, Jl.jo. The I'mluiy t i j is . I r. Towns, wr.use life work is the study rr.rt tnnraert of the victims of these i.Ml.i; cud treatment of the victims tf th-r-e I's, and who is Urnely resxnl bin f..r the prenertt l-K!lativ rainpulgn, I cr ums bis cxpvr'ince In n-Kar-t to the pi a!i nee of drus and the nirlfi .d of t:ejitio. nt and curs; and he extends lU dUcii.-li u nl.,u to akuhol and toU c )l is aluu'st a .'inporrant. he belies a tt at ths pul.Hu should be wary auoui sntor I inis an even About many duu tor us ubbut drugs tlieinselves, hill I, ftutlliies a pjuctlcab'e m ,uo ot cure, th aucxvk uf mhlcn be bus Liaise! t e (jktdy proved. HIE MTTI.K CHII.n AT THK BREAK Vast TAI-.I.Ii Arrnntrd i,y Waiy and V ii.mm Uaiiiiett. Ui cents. American 1 'I' lChn acrHton. l.l'tle prsyi-rs lor morning, be J Lime, t.fi.i- i, c i j tlisakiii;iviigs and holidaya B in Motion Pictures Beginning Monday 1 e-' I. W $ n You uaquettionabljr will read tomorrow in this pa per the first of the New Adventure, of Walling ford. You have never come across anything; more rollick in j, more joyful and full of the spice of modern life I Well, all that you will read has come to life. All that you will see has sprung into being, -Wallingt ford, BLickie Daw, Violet and Onion exist for you. They are coming to your theatre,- they are on the block from you. They are going to enact all that you will read and they are going to make you actu ally see all that you have seen in your imagination. Pathe has made the pictures and this serial is the successor to the "Exploits of Elaine" which you. have loved and followed so long. Charles W. Goddard, the dramatic author of the "Exploits of Elaino" has made these new motion pic tures right from Chester's stories. TUC NW ADVCTiTVaCS OP Ffav t y Tl'.f I-AFT UAT. ! y p W. fi seretU M. H S- blieritmn. Freich Co. A tri-atlM which will a ;. I to thoes l.ittr-ried in mnital be.illii, new thought, lt).vk-f to ii vaiind apcta aud klu- r. e mm c. v - ' But, who is to play Wallingford and whi la to play Dlackie Daw? This you must to thinking with much concern. There was only one man in all America who could play Wall ingford and that is Burr Mcintosh. It was Mr. Mcintosh who Mr. Chester has always be lieved was the one man to bring Wallingford to life. There was no other man in the world who could so well handle Blackie Daw a Max Figman so both of them havm been pro cured and appear in thie cast. Playing Violet is Lolita Robertson, prob ably one of the most sincere actresses of the day who has so far entered motion pictures. Under the direction of the Wharton Bros., who directed "Elaine," the Wallingford aeries la assured of an artistic success. With the Pathe name on the film there will be no question of the perfect picturizing. With the EEI(5)0s5 distributing the pictures, you may be sure that you will see them near you. Burr Mcintosh "Wallingford" V ' i- . ' r - w : ; Leopold Wharton I . Director 1 1 ' A- LJ 1 i LJ LJ U LJCJ LJ U L eymm Max Figman L' 1 ' "BUckie" tJ J 11 YOU MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS m At THE UNION OUTFITTING CO. VISIT OUR NEW COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA DEPARTMENT and hear this wonderful musical instrument that given you the music of the world's greatest artist?. Our salesmen will be glad to explain to you the merits of this superb musical instrument. One Collar a Week Fays for a Beautiful COLUMBIA GKAF0N3LA. A complete showing of these wonder ul Columbia Grafonolas in all the different BizesJ and finishes at prices, from C3 $17.50 to $75 b-g-?l?WJ! . t : : " r m jfTt a . I .5 i E i i . fftl I II t ? Mini a J M II I 72 ,t.oo A WEEK WILL DO. ' mnA 3 3 PEDESTAL EXTERSIOR TABLES Constructed or solid oak with clr ' cular top, round pedestal, .colonial legs. Handsomely fin-f4f f"A Ished. .Worth $15.00 I J fill Sale Price V Vm V Goods sold out of town on caay payments. Freight paid 200 miles. No freight on spe cials. ' ' 'a: WASKIK8 MACKIRES This Is a splendid ma chine made of Louisiana Red Cypress with corru gated tub; has corrugated aides and bottom. Guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction. 7 Cft Special price. . .y I ww 3 ,3 ifliSf ts t-3 3 Combination Coal and 6s Rants See the wonderful Alcasar coal and cjaa ranee. Combines a splen did coal range with a a-aa ran?e. One oven aervea for both coal ami gas. A simple little lever chana-ia It from a toal to a gam ran ire bjuI vice versa. Top ha four larxe S Inch coal lids and four ratentej pras Dumera. utner maKos or com bination coal and gas range as low as Toa Own Irn. fffl -1 Extra SPECIAL for SATURDAY 99c A 1-lb. can of Paxton & OaJla. Kher's SOo cotfee and i 7-cup aluminum perco lator complete for A 1-lb. i an of Paxton & Galla gher's SOc coffee and a 11 or 14 cup aluminum per 4 4 Q co ator complete d I a I 7 Aa'airted shapes pejeolatora. $46:50 Your old stove taken as Part payment on new range or baseburner. BASEBSSXERS T.are fire pots, niatlc maa"uln , - I he sne clal at. . HI r . 3 tZct Ri suto- K.e 523.5J Specials frcm Our Daylight Carpet Cept 112.80 wool fi ber rugs, yxlj ft., suitable for xdroom anl dlnins; room special $7.98 I22.60 Axmln ster iiiks, el.ie ixU ft., -ool pt turns, apeo 1 $14.45 lie Scrim Cur tains pecla, BatuMay, pair, 50c 8c lace cur talna special Saturday, pair 69c 11.00. b'itnketa, a-nod quality spec-la! G9c $1.00 tiomfort. well made special. $1.49 lul.f., . i , J I t - - - S3 IS t3 Union HOWARD HEATERS The burns vnnH nTalf. Mli arutll ilf rnni do the work of two. Mod erate prices, easy terms. one . stove bun? or suft and even rubb that cosl. I I 31 DutfittincfC 1 omaha' V SE.COR.16TBrJACKS0H STS.S f lla lkll m. Kll.tlsh: lilli ! I. iiIl!i!l!l!tI!lliri:!I!i!!!!l!Il!!iiSI!!l!!i!!il!ll!illli!!Si:i!!:iIll!i!llllir miHllill uwii s IB1 Let The Bee get you a good job. Situations Wanted" ads are free