Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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i ...
Evangelist Makes Harried Trip to
Address Faculty and Pupils at
State University.
"Billy" Sunday sometime changes
Ma mind. When he returned from
his Monday visit to Lincoln several
weeks ago with a cold he proclaimed
fttTtral times In the pulpit that
"never again" would he try to do any
outside work, but devote his strength
all to the campaign In hand.
Pressure was brought to bear on
Mm to go to that very town again
where be got the cold. "Ma" Is
iway. and maybe that is why "Billy"
Accompanied by Homer Rodoheavcr,
chair lender, and Oeorire BrewMer, run
let. ti went to IJnroln yetrflay at
T:lt a m. In rponM to an Invitation
from tha faculty and atudenta of the
tate university to address tham In St.
Paul's Methodist Episcopal church.
David Bowman, stapaon of F. D. Wead
of Omaha, and a student at the univer
sity, met tha party at tha station and
took them to tha church, which waa al
ready filled to capacity with a sreat
audience, chiefly made up of university
student and professors.
There ware coder yells and a coliot
song or two before "Rody" sang
"Brighten the Corner" for them.
Mr. Bunday preached on the text,
"Whatsoever thlnga ara of good report
think on these things." It was
n of his most splendid Inspirational ad
dressee, similar to the one he delivered
to the atudents of Prtnocton university
when he was there last February.
He gave tha trail hitting Invitation and
thtre was a good raspon, and later
hundreds streamed down the aisles and
shook hands with him.
The party anivod back In Omaha at
U1S. Billy" declared ho "tad a fine
Example of Zacchcus is Used
by Sunday to Win More SouU
Mr. Sunday preached last night on
"Zaccheus." His text was from Luke
xlx. 6 The son of man is oome to aeak
and to save that which waa tost." Mr.
Sunday said:
The division of the Bible Into para
graphs and chapters Is sometimes em
barrassing to tha student. Originally
tha Bible waa written all In ona unin
terrupted sentence straight through,
without periods or chapters or verses.
These divisions ara man-made things
for the purpose of making the Bible di
vided for eonvenlenoe In memorising
Rometlmes a chapter starts In the mid
dle of an Interesting story that has Just
been half told In the preceding chapter.
This Is confusing. Thus It la In tha
chapter In which I have chosen my text
The story is partly told In the eighteenth
chapter of Luke and it la rtnlehed In the
J sua is on his final trip to Jerusa
lem. Ha Is answering ths Pcrlbes end
Pharisees In regard to the divine bless
ings, and about that tints there rushed
to meet htm a young ruler, who said:
"Oood master, what ahall I do to inherit
sternal lifer-
Turning to htm. Jesus said: "Why call-
they saw their father, rsa In and told
their ma. I have tried to figure out
whnt kind tf a woman Mrs. Zancheua
waa, but I haven't auooeeded. Boon the
visitors arrived end Zaccheus Introduced
them. "This is Jesus ot Naxareth, wife.
This Is Mrs. Zaccheus, Jesus. And here
Is Mr, Peter and Mr. James and Mr.
Bartholomew." No doubt they went
through some form like thai. After
staying soma time Jesus left, ss he said:
"This day Is salvntlon coma this
house, for so much as he also Is a son of
Abraham. For the Bon of Man has come
to aeak and to sava that which waa lost."
And M I go up and down the oountry
t meet those who are seeking ijches,
suoh as the young ruler and as Zac
cheus had, and I meet those whe are
seeking riches and earthly good and
profession and accomplishments, educa
tion, etc, and I tell them: "Beck ys
first the kingdom of Ood."
( limbs Dow Oat f Tree.
What de the scriptures tell us that
Zaccheus dldT He made haste to come
down out of the tree and to loin Jesus.
He did not say to hint, "Jesus, you do
not know who I am." No. He came
down immediately and 'he Immediately
est thou me goodT None is good save began to talk about restitution. He
one, that is Ood."
I have often wondered at this answer.
But I find there was some sarcasm In
it. This young ruler waa one who pro
fessed to know the scriptures and who
had led In the opposition to Jesus. Then
Jesus further said un'.o him
knowent the commnndmenta.
wanted to get right with Christ
The reason why soma are not Chris
tians, the reason some of them have not
come down the sawdust path, is that
they will have to pay back some of the
thlnas they have gained sinfully. They
"Thou I might have to put their mislness on an-
Do not. other basis. Some of you have a sin In
commit adultry. lo not kill. Do not
bear false witness. Honor thy father
and mothr," and the ruled said: "These
I have kept from my youth up." And
Jesus loved this young ruler because he
sought out Jesus to find cut what he
must do to be saved. Frooeedlng, he
went to Jericho. i .
You may have all the wealth' and
learning In the world, but if you have
not Jesus Christ you have made a mis
erable failure In life. All ,of you, ths
rich and poor alike, need what .Jesus
has' to grve yo J , . ; ' Y
Soaarht Savior sad Was Healed.
In Jericho - there were two famous
your life you think you can't give up,
and that's why I keep pounding away.
There was a young Adams Kxpreas
employe In Akron one time who stole
a package containing lai.OW. They ar
rested him, but their raae was no good
and he got free. However, the company
was positive he had committed the theft,
so they discharged him. One time he
heard Moody In a sermon and afterward
ha sought Moody for a little conference.
Moody told the young man to take the
money back, and told him to face arrest
if ha waa guilty. The young man waa
so deeply convinced of ma sin and he
waa so Intent on doing right that he
went hack. Some of his relatives and
characters. . One waa . Bartlmeue, the , friends made up the deficit of SSOO whloh
he bad spent, and they turned all of the
money over to the company. The young
man was arrested and sent to the peni
tentiary for three years, and when he
entered the prison doors he was happier
than he had ever been before. He was
pardoned in a few montne, but he died
in a short while-poor fellow from a
loathsome disease ha contracted while
living his sinful Ufa
How would you like to feel the warm
ing effects of a full and eomplete pardon
through restitution? it is not a ques
tion with tha Lord of what a man has
been. It ia what he la now, and what
he Intends to he In the future. If h
will submit to and will aeek the Lord
and will obey, he will have a full and
complete pardon.
Hear II lea Oat af Cariosity.
Zaccheus went up Into the tree through
curiosity. Some of you came here through
curiosity. Some of yeu hear reports that
are derogatory and some hear reports ot
Mind man, who had heard of Christ A
friend had come from a neighboring
town and told him of the miracles that
Jesus had performed. Soon a crowd
fathered and aome of them asked "What
ire they gathering fnrT"
What Is the reason of It? Why, look,
(hey are going down to hear that long
haired evangelist from Naxaretht'' And
when Jesus went by Bartlmeue cried,
"Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy
on nisi"
Wfasn Jesus wanted to know who It
wss that yelled they" fold him it was
lust an old llnd-roan, wno panhandled
everybody he could. Jesus aent for Par
tiiueua and aaldl
"Receive thy sight, thy faith hath
saved thee." The blind man sought
Christ and was healed.
The other famous man waa Zaccheus.
lie wished to see' Jesus, but he was low
In stature and could not se ever the
erowd. He was a publican and he col
lected the taxes from the Jews for the the other hind, and you come to see what
Roman aoverament It waa the best1 kind of ' meetings, they, are having' down
single tax system ever Invented, because her at the tabertiaole. If I thought for a
when the 'Jews took his money to the i minute that I was doing no more good
publicans.- they rook if all. The Roman j thtn to satisfy your curiosity, I would go
government thinking it took a Jew toihom tonight-so help me Ood, I wodld!
catch a Jew. sold the privilege of col- But 1 on't "are a rap. If it waa curiosity
acting the taxes to the gang Zaccheus ,h1 brought you here, Juet so long as
wss chief of. Tou . the poor Jaws f h aaved.
would hide their money to save It L I0 ou kn9w om have not
Zaccheus waa short of stature, so he!h,t aawdust trail T It Is because you
figured It out that Jesue would pass a Mt h alk down. Tou have
certain way; so he ran ahead and climbed " the manhood to do what your con
.... . , ... U,A science tells you is ths manly thing. I'd
" wujum not to WI1K oown. I wouia
be ashamed to refuse te yield to a noble
in hla way. and no man ever did any
thing but he had to overcome hindrances.
If you cash In, It's because you are not
roan enough to overcome them.
Well, the stieets were filled with people;
some of thsm discussing Jesus and aome
I ran understand why you would refuss
te lie, or why you would refuse to be a
libertine, or an adulteress. But' goodness
me, I can't understand why yog refuse
of them leaving the "dls" off. The crowd ' to be decent and accept Christ
passed to the sycamore tree. Here waa a
rase of a fat, rich Jew up In a tree to see
jesua. When Jesus came te the apot he
stopped, looked up In the branches and
"Zaccheus, make haste and come down,
for today 1 must abide at thv house' .
Some of you are afraid the gang will
sneer at you; and the man a tha shop
will say in a contemptuous manner; "I
hear you went forward." Be a man and
toll him; "You bet your boots, I went
forward. Do you want anything out of
met I'm glad I had the manhood and
Here was a case of the most poouUr' grit enough to da It
nif.n honoring the most unpopular mat. - Oome down from your pride. Are you
The publicans were lit1 by everytwdy. j afraid some fellow will sneer at you? Any
They correspond with the saldOuHi-etxrs i n that sneers at snother for being
cf today. (Josh! If I went to the home
of somo brewer for dinner you'd have 4
fit, wouldn't you?
Znccheus climbed down quickly and
Christian won't have to bend hla kueea,
if he is as low-down In stature as he la in
principle, to kisa a rat Some of you are
too contemptibly proud te acknowledge
said: "Jtwua, If I had known that you i ou M Sinner and need Christ. I know
wanted to come to my house for dinner, ! h" trl" lu bt ,0 ai'Peal to pride. It
I would have had my limousine bere." "" m to be a Christian; any fool
In those days It was not a breach .f , ta" to helU A de'3 ' over the
tti.juette to Invite yourself to a man'a i but enr- wr,""! against the
bouse, ns It Is now; but Jesus did not Bo you're dead ones, that's all.
Invite himself to eat but for the pur-! came oown. tte aifl not thin
,.. . i what some person might say. He wss
honored, and he made haste, Ho should
you make haste, because you are honored
Just as much as be was.
pose of convertlsg Zaccheus.
Bnwnn Matter sf Arlthsaetle.
Jesus told Zacheua to make haste, and
be did. - In these days, you make haste
to get rich; you make haste to work in
Moat unsaved men think of Ood with
a sort of fear. Well they might Why
the facturv: w mkt h..t. m jHi.m ! hldn h fear who curaes and bles-
dlvldrnda. and you make haste to get h,m,T vVlth on' "and Ood could sweep
public positions throunb politics; but the'" V, .TV ' 10 oeMn-
Wt thing you make haste with la to
He holda tha aeas and the skies In His
get right with Ood. "Seek ye first the "U "
klhgdcm ef God, and these other things
sliull be adJod unto you." The Christian
lite Is a matter of arithmetic; sin Is sub
traction; It subtracts goodness, truth and
virtue, while salvation is a matter ot
addition. .
1 can linages Jesus and Zacchaua and
tn disciples walking down the streets
tf Jericho. -And as they came nearer
la a son of man In sympathy,
Thlaaa ef Valwe Wartkt Bee-kins;.
Ood requires sincere to seek Him. There
is no half-way meaaure. What If I were
to walk down one aisle and up another
and then come bere and aay I hud lost
something? No person would think it
was ef much value from the cantata
manner to wh'ch, I looked for It. But If
I were to hire several hundred mn t
V- homo of Z&cctieua I can Imagine hla
luii playing near the hou .e, enU as H unt uel on l'so i.eten, CjIjiuii 6 x.j
$3.00 Ostrich Boas
Full sized genuine Ostrich
Feather Boa, in
popular colors. .
25c Neckwear Samples
To clear tip a big Una of neckwear
aamples, we make this m f
exceptional price 1UC
35c Ribbons, Yd. 15c
Includes plain taffeta, fancy warp
prints and wide moire.
Novelty Veilings
Two big lots on sale
One worth Joe a yard at. . . .10j
One worth up to 60c at. . . .U5C
Both include plain and fancy
merh veilings, in all the staple
Velvet Ribbons
Wide Velvet Ribbons, very
popular for trimming street
suits, yard. . . .35 to 75
Fur Trimmings
A nice line of one to three
inch fur, in popular colors.
wBwBsseBsBexsBaaBxassBBMsaaaaaiBBBaexaaSBBxeBBaw asa m av r 1 1 - ' - ..... esjeassBSBjrsBie eHeraHsvenRsssssw B
r f , ef'
I ! I
Every Need in Men's Furnishings
Pricings are indeed low, but it's the high
quality garments offered at each price
which constitutes the items' real bargains.
The greatest lot of Men's Sweaters ever
shown in the city on sale now. Jumbo,
rope stitch and fine weaves at great
reductions. ALL colors to choose
from; worth $3 to $8, at $1.98 to $5.98
Men's Buckskin and Mocha Fur
Lined Cloves and Mittens; worth to
$3, at, pair. $1.88-$1.45
Men's high grade Union Suits; wool,
silk and wool; worth to $6, at
suit $1.98-$2.93-$4.50
Globe Union Suits; silk, wool, silk and wool, light and heavy
weight; all sizes to fit all men, suit. .$1.98, $2.50, $3.50, $4.50
Suit Cases and Bags
100 Leather Suit Cases and Bags Bags all
leather lined; 16, 17 and 18-inoh sizes;
Suit Cases 24 inches long; o
worth to $6.00, at f0 JD
Hat Department
Men's new Fall Hats, all styles and colors
to choose from; both stiff and
soft felt; worth to $2.50, at. . . pl&D
iiiii:'tiM k fill 'iMi'i
I Belt
i .
3 fr2?
I sT- VI ' lisv
I V"' " 1
I "
"A A
The Clothing Sale Sensation o
Will Be Staged here Saturday
IN a most exceptional underpricingon men Suits and Oyef
pnntc nf crnnrantppfl hiah nnnlitv Nn hrnUpn lntfi nr Vrnr--
ments bought lor special sale, but all new, fresh stock
bought for our regular Fall and Winter selling.
Men's $20
Overcoats. .
Brand new Overcoats that are up to the minute
in stylo and tailoring. Loose back Coats, semi
fitted Coats, form-fitted Coats. Silk-lined and
serge lined, satin sleeves in every Coat.
Kerseys, Meltons, Chinchillas, fancy backed
mixtures. Yqur choice of over 1,100 Over
coats at . ; $15.00
Men's $20
Suits at. .
The wise man will be in Hayden's Clothing
Dept. as early Saturday morning as the law
allows. There are going to be some Real Bar-.'
gains. There will be young men's and men's
styles, every color of the rainbow, some of tho
swellest suits that ever had a $20 ticket on them,' f
and think, men, they are all..
The World's Best Clothing Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Sold exclusively by this store. The largest selections olf fine Clothing west of Chicago. See the
'Varsity Fifty-Five Suits and 'Varsity Six Hundred Overcoats. You won t know what is nglit
until you have seen these Suits and OvercoatB ' ' .
Suits and Overcoats $18, $20, $25, $30, $35 to $60
r J
f f I'V
l i, el ajd W-'
For the last two weeks our eastern representatives have been scouting the entire New York market to secure for this sale some ultra smart -
lously low price. The result of their endeavor is plainly visible in the hundreds of truly wonaerrui bargains orrered nere Bararaay.
$10 to $20 Trimmed Hats at $4.97
About 500 hats in this purchase. Every hat a jewel, made of the very
best of materials, some of velvet and plush, others gold and silver lace.
a. . . . . a .
ADSoiuiexy noM a nai
in the entire tot worth
less than $10.00 the
majority worth a
great deal more.
Every smart, new
style of the season.
No two alike.
SSI 1 1 I M
iv5 ;
Paradise Eats,
Aigrette Hats
Goura Hats..
Ostrich Hats
Untrimmed Hats
Pattern Hats
$2 Children's Hats
Made of plush and velvet, trim
med with ribbon, taBsels, flowers,
furs, etc. Suitable for ages from
" Velvet
$1.50 Ostrich Pompons
Made of selected male stock. An
unusually large pompon, in black
and white, also colors, with and
without feelers; ff. n
also owl head CxJ 1 rfc
effects, Li VS V
$70 to $1250 Trimnte
$5 to $7.50 Plumes
Enormous in size, beet
male stock. To be had
in black 0fl 79
wmie una . ji t
nrnra . . . aUi
4 to $8.50 "Lyons
Hundreds upon hundreds to select from. All the late
blocks. Some new styles which have developed during
the last ten days. Considering style and quality these
are the most wonderful values ever offered in Omaha.
f I'M: V.
Shapes at--
JaV AV.Y'., UiVI
Draped Turbans....
Shirred Hats. ......
Large Bailors. ........
Lace Hats.....
White Plush Hats...
Smart Tricorns.....
Ostrich Trim'dHats.
Imported Rowtrs
Values to S8c.
' - 1
A profuse variety, all colors, silk
and velvet, large and small
wreS and Jld
500 in mm
1 ) 1
$2.50 to $5 Zeheline
A hundred dozen to- pick from. SailbrW
bans, Puritan, Floppy Brimmed Hats, i
velvet and plush, Obme in black and coif ..
FREE AH Sale EhAp -Trimmed
ming is Purchased here.
f N
$3.50 regular; black
and natural;
sale price
$6.50 regular; black
and natural;
sale price ........
Great Bargains in Ranges Saturday,
We are offering one lot at reduced
price $ while they latt.
$35.00 4 Delight" Renown,
full nickel trimmed on nickel
plated base, polished top, full
sire 18-in. oven, a great bar
gain at sale price of $28.00
$40.00 "Delight" Ben own
with reservoir $32.00
$50.00 "Deluxe," beautifully
nickel trimmed, on nickel base
white enamel oven and high
closet ' door, ' white . enamel
splasher on high closet, body
extra' heavy, non-rustable In
got iron; sale price $42.00
$55.00 "Deluxe" with reser
voir .......... ....S47.00
Mail orders accompanied by money order filled in order of
Haydens Make the Grocery Prices for the
People, Not for the i rusts and Combinations
''"JS .1
1 f . 11 ' 1.
We flave You From 25
to RO I'er tnt on the
. Coat of Mvlnff.
19 lbs. IWbt OruunUted
Sugnr for 98
48-lb. sacks best high
grade Diamond H. flour,
nothing finer for bread,
pies or cakes, s'ck, 91.4U
It lbs. bust Hol.ed White
Breakfast Oatmeal. .23c
8 lba. beet white or yel
low cornraeal lit
10 bars Beat Em All.
Diamond C, or l aundry
Queen White Laundry
Soap for 23o
The best domestic Maca
roni, Vermicelli or Spa
ghetti, pkg 7)v
Gallon cans O o 1 d e u
Table Syrup 38c
IS-oi. Jars pure strained
Honey or pure Fruit
Preserves for 25c
Ado Jell, for dessert
It's quality goods, pkg.
for 7He
6 cans Oil Sardines, 23
Yeast Foam, pkg.... 8c
Grape Nuts. pkg... 10c
W. O. C. or Krumbles,
per pkg 8
All res. 10c Cookies,
per lb. HHc
7 lbs. best bulk Laundry
Starch for 25c
MacLaren's Peanut But
ter, per lb IS He
New Walnuts. lb...20c
New Figs. pkg. ...7Hc
Fard Dates, lb 10c
New Honey, rack. 17 He
Golden Santos Coffee, a
tine family breakfast
:offee, lb. liOc
Our last car Is in. fur the
senaon; Saturday, rer
bu. basket $1.10
liutter advanced lr per
lb. thta k wholoeale.
Our prleea (he same for
the present. ,
The best fancy bulk
Cream'ry Butter, lb. 27c
Fancy No. 1 Country
Creara'ry Butter, lb. 2c
The best No. 1 strictly
fresh Ecga, doa. ...2tk)
The beat Full Cream,
white or colored Cheese,
per lb 20c
The Vegetable Market
of Otnaha for the
12 lbs. good cooking
Apple ...,...,...15o
12 lbs. Jonathan eating
Apples for 20o
15 lbs. best Red River
Potatoes for 15
Fancy Jersey Sweet Po
tatoes, lb 2Hc
S large beads Cabbage
for . , loc
Large market basket
Green Peppers for,.5
Large market basket
Oroeo Tomatoes ,..&c
4 large bunches fresh
Beets, CarroU or Tur
nips for toe
Fancy Denver Cauli
flower, lb 7 He
Colorado Pink Met
Canteloupea, each.. 5s
Cape Cod Cranberries..
per quart 8 He
2 large heads Celery
Cabbage Ac
Iarge Egg plant, ea. 5c
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes,
per lb 6c
Lamb Special
for Saturday
The Genuine Goods, Nt Gmt
v. . 1 f i .,4.
Hindquarters. 1916 Spring Lamb;
Saturday, lb 13
Forequarters, 1916 Spring Lamb
Saturday, lb OVl
rirsv quaui; oiwr rot toast, p
b 10 and g
No. l uieer enouider Staak
'b 11 H
No. 1 steer Round Steak, n hc l
ome mo8 fure Sausage, per
lb &U
Home Made Hamburger, lb., IOC
No. 1 Lean Bacon, lb..
No. 1 Back Bacon, lb.
First quality Diamond
per lb ,
No. 1 Picnic Kotos, lb.
No. 1 8alt Pork, lb.. . .
Freah Dressed, 1916,
Spring Chickans,
lb'.ip I
C H.iu:a 1,
lo-ic !
Miu ft. r
saturaay, t