Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1915, Image 11

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    Omaha Daily
The unrivalled special feat
ure' pages of The Sunday
Bee are in a class by them
selves. Dest of them" all.
VOL. XLV-NO. 103.
Oi Tr.ln, at Mots!
Kiwi SUaads, ato.. M
Eitimates of Cost of Operating Got
nunent Nearly One and .
Quarter Billion.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. The
largest estimates of government ex
penditures ever submitted to a nee re
tar y of the treasury of the United
States in time of peace will be pre
sented for the fiscal year tomorrow,
as required by law, for discussion by
congressional committees In advance
of the regular session. They will be
examined In detail by President Wil
son and his cabinet next week.
With an estimated Increase-for na
tional defense of about $150,000,000
over last year, together with the cost
of new, tasks Imposed on the State
department and other branches of the
government by reason of the Euro
pean war, it Is probable the amount
of expenditures will be augmented to
a total of about $1,240,000,000.
Hnut Find Wmr.
If oonrrrpM agrees to the administration
program to tttrengthen the army and navy
It will be obliged to provide for additional
revenue legislation, or the executive
branch of the government must issue
Although no estimate of receipts for the
fiscal year beginning July 1, 1916, in which
the Increased expenditures will take ef
fect, has. been made by Secretary McAdoo,
officials now are convinced they cannot
count upon more than $750,000,000 for the
tweVve months and some believe the total
Income will not sro over tTOO.OOT.OOO.
. Congress la to be asked to pass the reve
nue measures early In the coming session,
one extending the emergency war tax,
which expires December SI next, and the '
other providing for retention of the prea- j
ent duty on sugar beyond next May, when
it would go on the free list. Passage of '
these measures, however, would iot In- I
crease the present revenues. With both '
In effect at present there haa been a
deficit of IX.000.000.
Stat Estimate Greater.
Estimates ' for the government depart
ments except State, War and Navy are
practically the same as last year. Addi
tional, force In the dlplomatto and con
sular service and at the State department
and extraordinary expenses abroad in the
work being done by American embassies
and legations will require an Increase of
about 1,SOO,000 for the State department
The $2,000,000 appropriated by congress as
an emergency war-fund fon use of that
department has been nearly all spent, but
much of It already has . been or will be
reimbursed so that the reapproprlation
will not represent any real expense. ..
The ordinary disbursements of the gov
rnment last year were about $732,000,000.
If the-receipt are as much as $760,000,000
In the coming year, and the appropria
tions of all government departments but I
the State,. War and Navy remain the!
same, there still would be, with the. added I
budget; for national defense, an aatlmated
deficit of more- than $135,000,000. ,
The Secretary of the treasury now has
authority to Issue this ' Panama canal
bonds to the amount of $240,000,000. That
would be a temporary remedy,' however,
and may not be resorted to If the ad
ministration proceeds on the theory, that
the government will maintain the same
rate of expenditures for. national defense
during the coming years as now is pro
posed for the next session of congress.
What RedfleM Wtati.
Estimates for the Department of Com
merce will show an Increase over last
year's total,. $18,774,444, If they are agreed
upon la the form now before Secretary
Bed field. The principal request for more
money will come from the bureau of for
eign and domestlo commerce, which de
sires to take advantage of the oppor
tunity afforded: by the war to extend its I
foreign trade organization. Secretary!
Bedfleld probably will ask for the funds I
necessary for that work. The coast and '
geodetic survey haa taken up with thai
secretary the question of securing an I
pproprltalon for a thorough survey of !
the Alaskan coast The Department of!
labor contemplates few changes In Its!
estimates, which last year amounted to j
$4,442,000. Secretary Wilson Is consider-1
Ing a reduction in the estimates for the I
bureau of immigration, which has found '
its activities materially curtailed by that
falling off of immigration caused by U:s
European war. .
i Postal Estimates.
The estimates for the Postofflce de
partment will, be slightly above the $299,
000,000 estimated for the present year.
The Increase Is credited to the auto
matic promotions of carriers and clerks
provided for by congress. Increased pay j
for railway transportation In the middle'
states aa result of the new weighing
statistic and the natural growth of the i
system. The estimate for ocean mall '
transportation la the aame as the current '
appropriation, no allowance being made '
for the growth of the service, as an!
offset of the war. The estimates for the j
department as a whole were prepared !
with a view to resumption of normal
peace conditions.
In the Interior department the esti
mates are less than the appropriation of
1210,000,000 for the current year, exclud
ing $8,000,000 for construction of the gov
ernment railroad In Alaska.
Secretary Houston had not completed
tonight his estimates for the Department
of Agriculture, but they will not vary
much from the present appropriation of
about $24,000,000.
' PI a Is a Estimates.
Most of the cabinet officers or their
assistants were at work tonight finishing-
their estimates. Although it was be
lieved at first there would be a delay by
Secretaries Garrison and Daniels on ao
count of extraordinary conditions, it
was practically certain tonight that both
army and navy budgets would be ready
tomorrow in compliance with the law.
Culls from the Wires
Mrs. Lillian Munson of New Tork City
wan eentrm-rd to two years In the New
Jeriwv state prison bv Federal JikIkp
RWIstab In the I'nited States dlotrlct
rourt at Trenton for conspiracy. Phe was
Indicted with Kalph IxtHll, bank teller In
the Kriirewnter National bunk, who was
(hanged with emUeEzlIng $.V,000 In cash
and 1106.000 In securities.
Counsel for William Barnes, Jr.. filed In
the Onondaaa county rlerk's office at
Syracuse an order sinned hy Justice Will
lam 8. Andrews denying their motion for
a new trial In the libel action i.roiiRht
airatnat Colonel Roosevelt. It tn an
nounced that an appeal r.,i-d be prose
cuted. The Judgment In favor of Colonel
Roosevelt has not yet been filed.
Although tmlay has been set aa the date
of maRIng the first syndicate payment on
tho $.ViO,OM.000 Anglo-French five-year
notes. It was said that the notes them
selves would not be available for about
two months. Bids for engrajvina Iho notes
are now beinR rerelved and It la probable
that the contract will be awarded before
Lord Reading leaves the United States
next week.
Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo, In
an address at St. Lobls, said that Mouth
American countries were begging the
United States to sele the opportunity of
supplying them with products thev hiive
been getting from Europe: and that dele
gates to the recent Fan-American confer
ence told him their government would be
willing to subscribe to the capltnt stock
of a corporation that would provide ships
to ply between the United States and
South American ports.
Secretary Thompson of National
Rivers and Harbors Congress
Gives Advice to Omahans.
That the Omaha people should in
sist upon Missouri river 'navigation
from Omaha to the mouth and not
let the agjtation go at the slogan
"Kansas City to the mouth," was In
sisted upon by 8.-A. Thompson, sec
retary of the National Rivers and
Harbors congress in his talk before
the Knife and Fork club at the Rome
hotel last night.
"It would be a short-sighted policy
not to Improve the river," said the
speaker. "In 1906 and 1907 the loss
due to the Inability of the railroads
to handle all the transportation of
raw material, was great enough to
rover all the appropriations ever
made for waterways,"
' He urged the business men to look
about them constantly for ways to Im
prove facilities of production and facili
ties of transportation.
Not Silver, bat Gold.
"Do not be satisfied, he said, "with
snooping up sliver dollars with a tin
bucket, when you might Just aa well be
scooping golden eagles with a steam
lie pointed out that the matter of the
facility of transportation Is what gov
erns the amount of commerce any na
tion gets. He compared the cost of
transportation per ton mile by various
carrying methods with the result that
he flashed out a dollar bill and then
told bow far that would carry a ton
on the various lines of transportation.
Here la the result:
Five miles on an ordinary horse cart.
Twenty miles on the best English
Two hundred miles on sn average rail
way. Three hundred and thirty-three miles
by special railway rates, '
Five hundred mla by the Erie canal,
ordinary rate.
One thousand and flva hundred miles
by Sues canaL
Three thousand miles by the special
coal rate on the Erie vanal.
Trof. P. M. Ruck of tho department
of rhetorlo of the University of Nebraska,
addressed the club briefly on a philo
sophical subject. Senator Norrls Itrown
was toastmaatef.
Mr. Thompson spent the day In Omaha
yesterday. At noon ha met with the
river navigation committee of the Com
mercial club, when navigation was talked
over. In the afternoon he went with the
committee to the river front, where the
committee took him to Inspect the t-arge
house they have built for the landing of
cargoes from the boats plying between
Ieratur and Omaha, and to Inspect the
"Ada Relle," the new steamboat that
haa Just arrived In Omaha from Decatur
with its first' cargo.
The Sons of Veterans of the Civil War
held a meeting last night at the court
house, with over fifty young men attend
ing. The meeting was purely a bualneas
one, at which details of organisation were
taken up and disposed of. The associa
tion Is a new one, having been organised
only a few weeks.
Ten Dreadnoughts and Six Battle
Cruisers is Plan of Daniels for
Next Tive Years.
WASinNQTON. Oct. 15. Secretary
Daniels, In sgreement with the general
board of the navy, practically baa decided
to recommend to congress a five-year con
struction program which will Include six
teen capital fighting ships ten dread
noughts and six battle cruisers.
Just what number shall be authorised
the first year and consecutively there
after will not be determined until after
the secretary and President Wilson con
fer tomorrow. A decision will be reached
then as to tha manner In which the appro
priation shall be distributed over the five
year period.
On this point depends wttether tha com
bined army and navy estimates for next
year will be kept around tha $400,000,000
mark desired br tha administration ov
will aggregate $132,000,000.
During the day the president talked at
length with both Chairman Hay of tha
houe-e military affairs committee and As
sistant Secretary Breckenrldge, announc
ing to them hta approval of the military
policy framed by Secretary Oarrlaon and
officers of the general staff of the army,
calling for an appropriation of $1112.000,000,
or an Increase of $71,000,000 over last year.
Much of tha Increase will be spent for
field artillery and coast defenses, ex
penses to be Incurred In the creation of
a reserve of 200,000 men every three years
by meana of short term enlistment, and
an addition to tha regular army.
Details of the army plan have not been
announced, but tha approval by the presi
dent of the $73,000,000 Increase for tha mili
tary establishment turned attention on
the navy, where a final estimate of needs
haa not yet been completed.. They vary
from a total of t22fi,nOO,000 to tl'iO.OOO.OOO,
Use The Bee's "Swapper" column.
Flararea at Ta'e.
KBW HAVEN. , Oct. IR.-Prellmlnary
reelatratlon figures at Yale, msde publto
today, show a total of 8.3M students In,
the university, a slight Increase over lait
year. The freshman class In the college
numbers 472, the same aa last year: the
entering class In tha scientific achool is
437, an Increase of thirty-five.
ALBION, Neb.. Oct li (Special.)
Tha fifty-ninth annual meeting of the
Nebraska Congregational conference is
In session In this city with an attendance
ef 12$.
Tbs meeting Is of a deep spiritual na
ture, compared with former meetings and
tha dominant not la evangelism.
T. H. Cblckerlng of Omaha, was elected
,WM. L. IIOLZMAN, Trcas. ,
See Oar
When You BwW
Pl Get the Most fo
11 JL
e w it aiiJi ui
r Your Money
To get such metropolitan style and character in clothes
used to bo a matter of paying an exorbitant price. Today it
means coming to this greater storo.
m r nttr
i mm m I
Extra Value
$1.00 :
Instead of $20 to $35
Unlimited Selections
at Your Command
"We solve every individual clothes problem..
The cream; of the, fait" production of more,
than a score of America's foremost fine
clothes makers await you and All-New se
lections three times larger than any other
western store. '
All variations of size are represented
in our enormous showing, enabling us
to fit you perfectly. This feature of
our business alone justifies every man
in coming to this greater store direct.
New Overcoats
Remarkable showing qf every kind of Pall and Winter
Overcoat styles and values unequaled In the city:
Chesterfields Silk lined oxford vicunas; ideal coat for
now $15, $20, $25.
Balmacaans and Hal-Mi-Kiie Stunning new patterns
at $7.50 to $25. '
Winter OvercoatsStyles and patterns without limit,
at $15, $20, $25.
"We're making it an object for you men to trad here, and these wonderful
rlnibos v'nhipa clpmoTiRtratfi what we're dointr. When men who compare values
frankly admit that no clothes elsewhere compare
with these even at $20 to $.5; in justico to yourself,
seo tho remarkable hand tailored suits at
n men vuo compare vtuueo
H5, $20, $25
For men young In years or young In spirit. All the
new models, one, two or three-button or one-to-button
effects. Smart brown and olive , tones; rich fancy
weaves in green, brown, gray: blue tweeds and flan
nels; superb worsteds wonderful showing of these most reliable, hard-wearing
fabrics in hundreds of beautiful new color effects, and conservative weaves. No
such suits elsewhere, at $15, $20, $25. ' ' ' . . .
Special Models
for Young Men
Magnificent Imported Weaves
Peerless fashions, reproductions of the crack
"$100 a suit" metropolitan clothes creators;
they're a revelation to men who appreciate
tho height of achievement and demand it in
their clothes. Highest known quality of
tailoring and finish.
Finest Fall Suits $30.00, $35.00, $40.00
Finest Overcoats $30, $35, U0, $45, $50.
Nebraska "Good wear" Suits and Overcoats establish a new standard of fab
ric value The season's new models and colors, in all 6izes, at
Kan's aad Toun; Man's Clothas sjaeond Floor.
The New Styles in Men's Shirts
From every angle here's Nebraska's Store for Shirts. Look at the mammoth selections of America's best
makes we offer and be convinced. Hundreds of new patterns and color 'combinations, new plaids, new
stripes, new figures. No man knows bow far his sh lrt money wjll go until he looks here.
Manhattans, $1.50 to $3.00 Silk Shirt. $3.50 to $6.00
America'$ Best Dollar Shirts
Men, Buy Warm Underwear Now
In all the west no stock like this. Vassar, Superior, Corwlth and a
host of other fine union suits. All weights, size and proportions. Egyp
tian ribbed, part wool, all wool, silk and wool.
Union SniU. $1.00 to $5.00. Skirts or drawers, 50c to $2.00.
Headquarters for Traveling Bags Lowest in the City Prices.
Up to $3.00 Flannel Shirts at
Fine Flannel Shirts, all colors, all r r
wool, military or flat collars. ...... ijOC
cr m .i si n ' jr. "i.
; Unrivaled Showing of Authentic Styles
New Autumn Suits for Women
' Beautiful new Styletex suits keep coming in, eaeh moro in-.
1 teresting and moro dashing as the mid-season styles unfold.
Inspect them Saturday. Compare with suits at $35.00 else
where. Every day scores of appreciative
women declare Styletex Suits unequaled
for superb style and quality at
See the new Styletex fur trimmed suits of
broadcloth, whipcord and gabardine;
velvet trimmed suits of the same fabrics.
Suits of wool velour, checked patterns,
tweed mixtures and serges. The sea
son's most effective colors, all sizes,
at $24.50.
Other Smart Tailormades
$14.85 to $69.50
See These Exclusive Styles
The new kitten's ear suits,, new chiffon broad
cloth, rich velvets, velour de lalne, Duvetyne,
exclusive novelty weaves, accentuated with
Beaver, Marten, Fox, Opossum, Fitch and other
fashionable furs. Entirely new models in a host
of individual conceptions, that reveal unique
treatment, stunning pleated coat styles and the
looser htp-length models. Russian blouse suits
and strictly tailored models.
Stunning New Coats,
$9.85 to $49.50
Coats of strikingly new design coats with an
indefinable air of distinction, coats of fullness,
of flare, and of fabrics that set them apart in a
class by themselves. Furs, of course, play an
Important role; such smart models are a reve
lation. The latest modes for every occasion.
Rich Sealette , Jersey Gabardines
Motor Mixtures Corduroy
Velour de Laine Dressy Velvets
Wowaa's Wsartmf
Fur Collared
Yoked Models
Belted Effects
Apparal Tbtrd rUxur.
Plush Trimmed
Fur Banded
Novelty Designs
Winning Fall Hat Styles
Lively New Shapes.
4r ' " 1 " i r r ri r lit riFi
Headquarters for
John B. Stetson
Hats, $3.50
14.00. $5.00 up to f 10.00.
New Cloth Hats, $1.50 and $2.
Extreme Values.
Nebraska DeLuxe
Hats, $3
Absolute leader at S3.
Smart Caps, 50o to $1.50.
Nebraska Specal Hats
"Wide range of styles, leading colors,
best Hat in America, at ,