Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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    1 !
nn: urr,: omaha. thuksoay, octobeh 14, iui5.
By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, October 13, 1915.
IJIF.AUD some dear, dignified old ladles discussing the president's love
affair, yesterday afternoon, and, believe me, their commenta were as
' sentimental aa that of any romantic youngtniss.
The poor, old dear. I worried about him ao all atimmer. There
ho was all alone la the White House, with no one to share hla caret,"
motirnM one little woman.
"He must be ao happy now. Il l good to have some one Interested In
you outside of politic. In Washington," remarked another, plying her
tatting shuttle vigorously.
"My huaband Bays the saving of thia country it he gets
married and gets married quick."
"They nay hla daughter is going to be married this winter, too, and
the president will need some one in the White House to look after hint."
But let me whisper! Some of the women, were guilty of lene majeste?
"I never was ao surprised in my life and disappointed," they ex
claimed, indignantly.
Mrs. Galt'a lustrous eyes are gazing down upon me from a handsome
print that I have made part of the mural decoration of The Bee sanctum
and, "Hey, ho! 'All the world loves a lover.' " say I.
Luncheon for Min McDowell.
The largcat tunc boon ot today -was
given at the Comiwrdil club - by the
directors of the Social Settlement asso
ciation for Mis Mary K. Mclowell, head
of the University of Chicago settlement,
who gave a talk, following- the affair. The
peaker waa Introduced by Mr. William
3-". Baxter. Mrs. Kdgar Scott waa In
charge of tha affair. Iteeervationa wera
made by the following:
Messrs. and Meedame
JonM Everett, '. C Oeore,
n. H, J loa f II, v. r". iiuifr,
:lar Srott.
-rterck Cohn,
How lamia. (
Thorn (wmn,
K. W. Nanh,
Harry Burkley.
U M. I-orVl,
'. H. Aull.
IHanna. , '
O. W. HoMreKe,.
J If. Iimnt.
It H Johannes.
J. P. Porter.
J. TV. Rohblrw,
N. V. Kell. ,
W. Hayes.
JTillin I'otfer.
t. M. Hitchcock,
A. y. Jonas,
t. A. Young,
'rt-urge ithgli,
r. J. llr.
Kdftar Allen.
A. . Troup,
V. H. t'ole,
F. A. Kollanahee,
N. If. Nelfon.
7,. T. IJmlsey.
lieorge tiaverstlck,
Jnhn Mi DfinaM.
John II. M-lonaM,
hnrloa McDonald
Harriet WocMurphy, f leorge Itoans..'
J I. oirforo,
A. W. Ilowrnanj-l
rw. B. Illngham,
Isaac Carpenter,
K. O. MctJHton,
3. T. Kindiey,
JunVn Hear.
JfHKle P. Arnold.
R. Pmllh,
J; TV- HalM,
. Jones,
Council Bluffs.
tr. Warden. '
Porhl Adam.
KuTvhemla Joliiiaon, Vlrkham
Kate A. MrTIugh,
J'y HlBBlna.
tone lnffv.
Online lrp,
"nunrll Hlli'f-
Mlaa Euconle "Pa Hereon arranged for
n party of younser folk to have lunch
eon lordlier and hear- tha lecture. In
tlie party were
Mloya -TMi!e
Mi-i'a Thiimmel,
MIMrcd lteron,
Kansas Clly;
Mlssea .
Ann :fford.
Marlon Kuhn,
Bugenle Patterson.
Pleasures Past
About thlrty-flv couples attended tha
rratrla Park club's dancing party Satur
day evening. A special number on tha
program, the "lirlghten tha Corner" one-
atep. created a great deal of enthusiasm,
receiving several encorea.
Parish Aid Society.
The Parirh Aid society of Trinity
cathedral held Its weokly meeting today
at the deanery.
La Salle Club Dance.
The Ij Salle club gave ta flrat duno
Ing party of tha aeaaon at Chambers'
academy Monday evening. The patron
eases were: Mrs. I. t'ullen, Mrs.' J. C.
Hartnett. sr., and Mrs. P. J. Culien.
Theater Party.
Mr. Alton Strong entertained at a box
party at the Brandeia tneater laat even
ing, when hla gueata were Meadames A.
Lng and La Mare; and Meaars. Itay
mond Manning and Stanley Dillon.
In and Out of the Bee Hire.' '
Mlaa Elisabeth Congdon left yesterday
morning for a vlalt In Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Jamea V. May. who have
been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Praaer, left laat evening for their home
In Chicago.
Mrs. W. A. Fraser expects to go to
Texas next week for a short vlalt.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. J. W, Skoglund has returned
from a two weeks' vlalt with her parents
at Madison, Wis.
Mrs. George Tate of Springfield, Mas.,
and Mra. Isabel Fulton of Hartford,
Conn., are the gueata of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Murphy for a few days, en route
from the Pacific coaA.
Par BridVEIerit-
For Milt Miller. m Ueloh Frailer entertained a num.
MUs Olga Ptors gave a luncheon today ber of friends at her home this afternoon
!n honor of her gueaC Mlaa Christina In honor of Mlaa akilth Norrla, whoae
Miller, who Is to. give a concert at the marriage to Mr, Geo rue W, Pratt will
Fonti nelle this evening. The decorations
constated of a large blue fcaaket ot Mrs.
Ward roses, with place cards to match.
Covers were placed for:
Mlnaea Misses
Chrlmlne Miller. Mlna Htedlnger,
Corrlnne Paulson, Olga Mors.
Mr. end Mrs. G. Ptors.
Mr. Frdlnan1 Htedlnger.
Mlis Louise Htors will give an Informal
dinner at her home this evening for Mis
Christine Miller.
Miss Olga Stors will entertain at supper
at the Kontenelle after the concert this
evening in honor of Miss Miller.
Brandeit Theater Parties.
' A large audience la expected at the
Itrandela thaater this evening to see
"On Trail." Thoae entertaining will be:
Heed Peters. N. Mantell, 8. I Iegan,
W. A. Itedtck. W. H. Murray, box party;
W. TV. Overmeyer. J. A. Cavera. O. C.
ItedUk. WnilenvClark, E. 8. Weetbrook,
Charlea Mets amTMra. Mel hope of Coun
cil Iiluffs, Edward Lynch, box.
Among' others who will attend are: A.
n. Warren. lr. Pollard, Hal Brady. II.
J. McCarthy, J. A. Klnsler, Henry Rosen,
thai. Leeter Heyn. W. IU Wlllnaky. Mrs.
M. lievy. Pamuel Ourna, Harry Tukay,
W. T. Burna. Charies, Mets, Jr.; Arthur
Slets, rr. McMullen, Mrs. A. M. Ilnto.
V. H. Shelby. O. 8. Adler. Frank Hamil
ton. Charles II. Rlseman. J. V. Klnsler,
H. C. Phelps U. 1. Howell Mid W. A.
For Dean and Mn. Betzer.
1 Dr. and Mrs. O. Alexander Poung and
Ir. and Mra. A. IV Dunn will give a
reception at the borne of tha Dunn's on
Thursday evening, complimentary to Dr.
and Mra. Robert Retsee, who have come
to Omaha from Chicago to realde. Dr.
Stetser la tha new dean t the medical
department of Creighton university. As
iatlng the hosteaaca will be:
A If ml Schalek,
J. J. 8r,l!lvan,
A. -. Moken,
be celebrated next Wedneaday,
Bajah Club Dance.
The Rajah club will give the first of
,the season's dancing parties this evening
at Turpln'a academy.
A knight in full armor was one of the
decoratlona at the entrance of the tiur-geaa-Naah
store during the Ak-r-Bon
festivities. Tuesday night the armor
waa removed from the knight. Whether
the armor will become a part of a col
lection of almost-valuable antiques or
become scrap-metal Is pussllna the police
department. .
commander of the British
forces at the Dardanelles,
has arrived in Saloniki to
inspect the arrangements
for the landing of troops
in case of hostilities with
i I - : 1 - ' , . . :
WORKS flnnfhfiRWTH
in iinncu iriTifDDDc Suffragists After
Man Sells Metal Numerals to Resi
dent of South Side at Exor
bitant Pricei. '
I feather In their cap If they enald secure! tion lnercrr. even If they pird t-
hPP .... in - - - ' eTSjiilnaticfH wiin .n mn i-vi. "-.,
Mra Maggie. Ahvendsen of Millard, who
Inherited a 13. OK) house and lot by the will
of her deceased mother, Mrs. Msrgaretta
Andresen, In addition to an equal share
In the remainder of the .Il&.OnO estate,
with, her brothers; William and Theodore,
p f sinter, Mrs.- Anna. Wheeler, has
agreed by a stipulation filed In county
court that the will aHall be set aside.
According, to agreement Mrs. Ahrnnd
sen will . receive no larger share of the
eatate than the other members ' of the
family. .
The Nebraska r'tate Asaoriatton of
Graduate Nurses will hold Its annual
meeting In Omaha at the Young Men's
Christian nsrfoclatlon' ' Tuesday' and
Wednesday of hnxt ; week.' Miss 'Minerva
Ryley, vice president, will preside at thia
meeting In plc of. the president, Mlaa
C'arrl Louer, who has -had a death in her
family. . .
The methods of a man furnishing
new house numbers anil selling metal
numerals for the same to Houth Bide
residents have been qu?stloned by a
citizen who made inquiry at the city
engineer's office. The complainant
reported that his wife paid 80 cents
for four numerals which be could
duplicate at an Omaha retail atore for
IS rents per numeral.
He stated that the man who called
on hla wife led her to believe be was
an accredited representstlve of the
city, although he may not hare said
ao In exact words.
Recently the city council changed the
numbers of he uses on I'onth Side streets
running north and suiith so that theae
numbers would run conaecutlvely from
Dodge street to the extreme south limits,
thus neceaaitating many cliangea in
hours number.
Trie man who Is cojltng at Pj'ith "Id
houaea carrying allrs bearing aerial num
bers and isaued b the city engineering
department. Kach ellp !a slxnod "Jehn A.
Bruce, city engineer, by H. 8. Hums."
the former signacure being Impressed by
a rubber stamp. The a lp Is a lertirirnte
of the new number for the lot designated
by description.
City Knglneei- Btuce contends he had
nn knowledge of the Issuance of these
slliia with Mr atensturo and knows noth
ing of the operations of this man.
In the absence of Commissioner Jar-
dine, who Is III, Assistant City Enrlneer '
Townsend msde this statement: "This
man Is not emtHoyed by the city, but we ;
gave him tliene slips with the new num
bers, the underatandlng. being he would
distribute the nuinbera and thua save us
that work ' or save householders the
trouble of calling here for their new num
bers. We understand he would . try to
make sales of metal numerals, but there
was no . understanding as to what he
could charge. He could charge tl a num
ber if he wanted to. Commissioner Jar
dine authorised this department to give
him the slips with the numbers. The
man Is not in our employ In any manner."
At the time the man called on Commis
sioner Jardlne to inquire If there would
be any objection to hla plan, the -commissioner
said: ."Tou can. sell them the
blue sky if you wish."
The work of furnishing, the new num
bers to South Bide houses rightfully be
longs In the city engineering department.
Engineer Bruce expressed surprise when
told that this man waa distributing these
slips bearing his signature. -
Long Consideration
Local suffragists sre rejoicing over the
"ton version'' of .Mrs. V. ll. Cole, omaha s
prominent club woman. Mrs. Col Is
also general chairman of the civil service
reform committee of the Oners) !dera
tlh of Women's clubs and the suf
fraglats considered It would be quite a
Mrs. Cole wasn't sn ent sod out snti. ! the
but she didn't Join the suffrage, society,
Onme Rlrhird Henry Dana, head of the
national civil service reform orsanlra
tlon, and he ssld: "Mrs. Cole. I think
you could do far better work If you were
a suffragist," but Mrs. Cole was un
convinced. While pursuing her In. .-at gallons along
civil aervtce line Mrs. Cole learned that
women were being discriminated against
for appointments to various governmen
tal poaitlona, aa, for Instance, Imralgra-
Whereuivm Mrs. vlc sent In ner ap
plication fT nietnherrh'p to two suffrage
oraanlaatlc.ns. the tvual KYim-hise end
the rnlltlcnl Kouality lRK"es.
When Mrs. t'ole iiifjilloned th's fact st
the recent tat federation meeting the
clubwomen applauded vociferously. ',
Today Mrs. Cole is rejoicing over 'a
telegram received from Joseph J. O Rolltj,
preaident of the Civil Service Forum, now
holding a convention in New York City,
that the convention had endorsed suffrage.
We Are Advertised By OurCutlomer
j liiiiilliiffiil'sfiiE's
City Prosecutor McOuIre la preparing a
complaint , Which he wtl1 -file agalnet
(iraham and Ford, saloon keepers at 1318
Farnaro street, charging that a week ago
hla evening llqubrs were Sold at the ad
dress mentioned after I O'clock.
W K. Heater.
I. C. Muilarty,
W. J. Ilvnes.
T. J. 1'wyer,
Oertrude Toung.
llfclt-n Kclle.
Klenaor Hents.
W. H. Wlgutmaiu
M Usee-.
Jilen Hoot,
Ht.'llH Robinson,
U lady a Tree.
Marriage Announcement
Announcement U made of th mar
riage tn Chlcus of Miaa Catherine Mas
Rulun and Mr. Patrick James Hall on
rursday, October 12. The bnde Is the
laoghier of the late Frank W. t-olon. for
aieny irara a reaident of Omaha.
Invitations Lave been received to the
wedding of Miu Katherlne McClatiah&n,
lMUKbi.r f Lr. and Mia IL. M. Mc-
4'lanaliiut, and lr. Joauph 11. Atkinson.
a i.ii h w ill be .c lulirau d at the hum of
tha bride's put nut Wednesday, Novem-
tr 1
Look at Child's
Tongue if Sick,
Cross, Feverish
Hurry, Mother! Remove pois
ons from little stomach, -liver,
Give 'California Syrup of
Figs" at once if bilious
or constipated.
Look at Jhe tongue, mother! If coated,
it Is a sure sign that your little one's
stomach, liver and bowels need a senile,
thorough cleanaing at once.
When peevish, croaa, listless, pale,
doesn't sleep,, doesn't eat or art natu
rally, or ' la . feverish, stomach sour,
breath bad: has 'stomach-ache, aore
throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a tea
spoonful of 'California Byrup of Klge."
and In a few hours all the foul, consti
pated waste, undigested food and sour
bile gently muves out of lu little bowels
without grlplug, and Teu have a well,
playful child again.
Tou needn't coax sick children to take
thia harmleaa "fruit laxative; they love
lta dellcUHig taate. aud It always makea
them lew splendid. -
Ask your drui;lBt tor a fc-oent bottle
of "California yrup of Flue," which
liaa directions for bablea, children of all
ages and for 'grown-ups plainly on the
buttle., Uewani tf countarfclla sold here.
To be sure you get the genuine, ask to
see that It la made by "California Fig
Byrup Company." Krfuse any other
kind With contempt. Advertisement.
Don t Use Curling Iron!
Here a Detrer Method
iHomu Heautlful
H no means uae a l.ealed Iron. It
makra tl'S hair cry and dad looking.
Klvii'K a moat unkempt un.tai ace. All r
bniHt.liis- tt'e t air tnor.uir,ily. Just "P
a c l. aii toulii brush in a aoucer of plali.
i. i!.l rlUiwrlue aJd run ll tlirougli the
titita ut me lour v u, i-ur",.. . t irus si .
-1MH.B and uu will b nulla aurprlaed '
D.-n c.ii bt-hold youraclf In the inli rori
,. l hn'iimt The hair will be I -ail- j
ti'.iilv vavy and rurtina and the eflect !
vl! )t'it-br alii;eiher natural.
m iii I.icvm tio trjuhltt dulng ito )
.. .r rM- la tha slvi. ymi dealie and :
iii i' i i .Mk aui f I fUitfy and com- '
f '.i t ., i You ri.l n'H helml to ui :
. ne lii'id sllnn riii". vtnlch yo i cn
Mi'ftir at wy f'ruaKist-a. it W p-r- !
f,.il hututlna ai d will leave, tio ar,aa v.
in- v tl' trrhk-v tf-H.-e. A few o itiCua '
1m tr fiioiil ha. 4dvrllcnut:nt,
" -vitiAe
f..- Va,faevf
J.I L s x V-V"' V7
'EVA P"b R A. T E D
1 i ml4 M
it ! a P.1 i Ll 1 .1 Jf)-t.
These are all new blouses just ar
rived and constitute several sample lots
and surplus 'stocks of our best manu
facturers. Never have we riven better
values. There is only a limited quantity.
Crepe de chine Blouses la 13 dif
ferent models, aome are hand-etn-
hrnMsrait .thara aeml tailored. Col-
jewv org Whjte'and flesh; aliea 84 to i.
'v.VtJrw" lli. chaHnw I sea Tllmtapa wit h
ir pel sleeves : low beck and long
leeves. Cream only.
White Kadlum Taffeta Blouses
?xtra heavy quality, semi-tailored
models. New convertible collars
long sleeves. Sizes 34 to 46.
Striped Silk Blouses, black and
white and navy and white. .
Georgette Crepe Blontea
Silk Shadow Lace Blouses
- Extra Quality Crepe de Chine Blouaea
Radium Silk Blouse
All sizes, in all the new colorings. 75
styles to select from.
Stunning Georgette Crepe Blouses
Crepe de Chine Blouses
Soire Silk Blouses
Smart . Satin Blouses
All the newest styles and colorings.
Silk Hosiery and Underwear
:eis ana toes.
Women's Pure Thread Silk Stockings,
silk to the knee, with a wiJe lisle top. Full
fashioned, high spliced soles, heels and toes.
All plain colors to match the
gowns; also black and white,
all new bright evening shades.
Regular $1 quality, at, pair
Women's Pure Dye Thread Silk Boot
Hose, in black and white. Fashioned foot,
garter tops, toes. Worth to 69c, a r
at ....40C
Silk Underwear
Women's Glove Silk Vests, witlj tailored
band. top, reinforced underarm shield; good
length. Pink and white. Regu- aq
lar $1.39 values, each OC
Women's Glove Silk Bloomers, rein
forced, in pink, white and black. tjfj
$2.00 values, pair Pl3e7
, , V
New Fall Styles in Footwear
Midnight Blue
Kid Shoes, lace
style, white silk
thread fitting, white
kid trimmed. All
sizes. Special, pair
All Bronze Kid
Gipsy Boots, button
style. Louis leather heels,
All sizes and
Main Floor.
a v v
vee ma
stataetw aa
Twav is
y o-X euMTrrr
rsnrns icowse
For Every Cooking Purpose
Whether for cakes, puddings, custards, cream soups or
Envies wherever you have been tiling bottle milk or cream
you can get better results with Cettage Milk.
It Is more economical than bottle milk every drop caa be need. It is
alwart on your shelf ready for use so you don't have to plan your cooking
and baking a day ahead.
It it good to the last drop. la bottle milk the richness goes Into the
cream which Is generally used for cotfee or cereals while the blue milk Is
used in baking and cooking. And this blue milk hasn't the proper food
value to insure satisfactory and uniform results. With Cottage Milk you
can use part of it full strength for cream aad dilute tha rest for cooking
purpose and always have tha proper food value.
Cottage Milk is of the highest quality and uniformity at all times.
It kaa more tha twice) tha food value) of bottle cnilk, Order a
supply lousy, unce you learn the quality, conven
ience and economy of Cottage Milk you'll never go
back to bottle milk.
The Milk Without the Cooked Tatte '
In Two Size 5 and 10c
At all Cooel Dealer
American Milk Company
-t - ""C W I
Photo Craft Shop
Tllm enaolaUate.
1 Bee Bldf.
Film Developed Free
Waaa Serekaae rroos Us.
rriata, 8 te Be. se-aTeor (arrtca
1 i
i 1 1
M sUit -
Advance Announcements
Of Coming Events
, i.
Of Great Importance
- This week we Mill be engaged in three important sales
of vital interest to every man and woman in Omaha.
WOMEN'S APPAREL DAY, extraordinary sales in mil
linery, blouses, dresses, eoats, suits, shoes, gloves, neck
wear, etc.
attention of every man. Great sales of suits and over
coats, gloves, sweaters and furnishings.
(See our windows and Friday night's advertisement)
traordinary mill purchases at 50 to G5 cents on the
(See our windows and Sunday's advertisement)