Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    lllhi llfih: 1M All A, lilt li.Ml.VV, lU'ltlhMv AiH.i.
"What Must I Do
To Be Saved?" Text
Taken by Sunday;;;
(Contlnur.l fiom Pa Kmir.i
fie camn In snl nv tne uln-piiK j o'.hk
man. hn was the Fon of n neronM
friPnJ. He saw tho ir.frr lying thoro
nd picked It up cn.1 i-ph.I II. llo wrote
something on the imnrr nnrt Mirne.l It mid
acsled ft with the royal sent Hn.l went
When the young man avroko and saw
the royal seal he was afrnlil; but after
while he broke It and found that the
'7.r hud written an onlrr on the treas
urer for the amount of his d'bt.
He told his friends and on their advice
the order was presented. The treasurer
refused It when It was offered, but they
mads an appeal to the cxar, and he or
dered It paid, and It was. The mountain
of debt that the young man had piled up
was wiped away.
ParlT Debta of Ma.
Tou may roll up the highest mountain
of sin that a man Can build, and wh n
you ask. "'Who can pay all this?" I an
swer "Jesus, blessed Jesus! He paid my
"What shall I do to keep out of hell?"
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and
thou shalt be saved."
Tho Jailer was converted. He had put
them Into the Blocks when they came to
the prison, but now he stooped down and
washed the blood from their strljes.
Now, leave God out of the proposition
for a minute. Never mind about the new
birth that's His business.
Jesus Christ became a man, bone of
our bona, flesh of our flesh. He died on
the crosa for us, so that we might es
cape the penalty pronounced on us. Now,
never mind about anything but our part
in salvation. Here It la: "
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and
thou shalt be saved."
Tou Bay, "Mr. Sunday, the church la
full of hypocrites."
o Is hell. I say to you If you don't
want to go to hell and live with that
whole bunch forever, come Into the
ehurch, where there are only a few of
them, and whore you won-1 have to asso
ciate with them very long.
There are no hypocrites In heaven. ' Oh,
you're a wine lobster, you are!
You say, "Mr. Sunday,. I can be a Chris
tian and so to heaven without Joining a
Yes, and you can go to Europe without
retting on board a steamer. The swim
ming's good but the sharks are laying
for fellows who take that route.
I don't believe you. If a man la truly
saved be will hunt for a church right
You say, "It'a so mysterious. I don't
understand. If you are going to refuse
to accept anything you can't understand,
you'll be surprised to find out how little
you know.
You plant a seed In the ground that's
your part. You don't understand how it
rrows. How God makes that seed grow
Is mysterious to you. How God turns
out muscle and sinew la mysterious. I
don't understand It. My part la to eat
the grub that's all. It doesn't make any
difference whether I understand it or
even think of It.
How God saves me I don't know. That's
God's part. Stop butting into God's part
and take care of your own.
Outside of the phyislclans and some of
them may not know much about It few
of us have any Idea at all as to how the
body assimilates food, Food isn't a mys
teryIts assimilation la Don't Insist on
knowing more about it than about any
thing else In life.
Duty to Get 'Eaa I.
The jailer believed, and was baptised.
'I am not here to preach baptism.
My position as an evangelist is like
that of a recruiting officer In the army.
His one duty Is to get 'em In. He goes
out on the street and gets them, then he
looks at their teeth and tests their mus
eles and tries their wind and gets them
After that another officer drills them.
Hep! hep! hep! hep! hep!
I only get them started. That's all I'm
here for. It's up to the preachers to drill
All the doctor can do you'll have to
nurse the baby. He can't. In other words,
just do your part. ,
Yon Have Yellow Streak.
You must do as God tells you. If the
doctor should give you a prescription and
you shouldn't use It, but should take same
stuff of your own, you couldn't blame the
doctor if you didn't get well.
If we could fix up a little scheme of
salvation of our own it would please us,
but there Is only one way to be saved,
and that Is God's way.
What shall I do ts be saved? believe
on the Lord Jesus Christ, In your heart
and confess Him with your mouth and
you will be saved.
God is good. The plan of salvation la
presented to you In two parts. Believe In
your heart and confess with your mouth.
Many of you here probably do believe.
Why don't you confess? Now own up.
The truth is that you have a yellow
Own up, business men and business
women, and all of you others. Isn't it
Sg? Haven't you got a little saffron?
Brave old Elijah ran like a scared deer
when he heard old Jezebel had said she
would have his head, and he beat it. And
he ran to Beersheba and lay down under
a juniper tree and cried to the Lord to
let him die.
The Lord answered his prayer, but not
In the way he expected. If He had let
Win die he would have died with nothing
but the wind moaning through the trees
us bis funeral dirge.
Hut the Lord had something better
Klljah. He hud a chariot of fire and it
swooped down and carried him Into glory
without him ever seeing death.
Vol Mast Show Colore.
Ho He says He has something better
for you salvation if He can g--'t you to
see It.
If I could get .you to see that It Is
better, all would come and tike their
stand tonight.
Mou've kept your church membership
locked up. You've smiled at a smutty
story. When G d and the church were
scoffed ut you never peeped and when
aked to stand up here you've gmakud
out the back way and beat It. You're
air Id and God despises a coward a mutt.
You cannot be converted by thinking so
nd sitting still.
I went down In an audience one night
after the sermon to speak to some people,
and there In the alula I saw a fine look
ing young fellow, and I asked him If ha
was a Christian.
Hs said he was.
I asked him to what church be belonged
and he said to none.
I tolj him he was not a Christian then,
and he told me that was only a niatter of
I told him that It was not, but a matter
uf revelation. He said he thought he was
lust aa good as I was and 1 told Mm
mikr (try i1iflu"c tif.t
t W. whnt tiixl nnM.
to In 11 for li"t Un y tl ink
to l'i nttri'tlai ir n1 )all f"i
whnt tlirr tllnk If Uxir thciistits ro tvt
Iti nuiil with tin' lsw. I tnlil lilm !i
fl nut tmve s rlfM to h opinion If
jth.y te Mir. h! iis th lw of 1"V t
tM him ln nar not ChrlMtnn nt a'l.
, BW ,,y )il( hf, , M,,m
1 MytU" Shrmri n,l I i- xl't: "P'ijm'ow h
,sy. 'Mr. Siiniliy. I'm M'iMn.' I k,
'Whnt .1.t. rt you l-!V4 V 'None.
Jtn't I'm n Krr. Xlnin." 'Hue vou horn
j Ittttlatotl ? 'No. nt ver wi.-.' Tny your
"'"' 'N. iwer rtil.' 'Thfn. yon ro not
la Mn n. If you Ky you m unit imen i
hern Inll luted or never paid any due,
you're not a Mason: you're a liar no
mutter what yoti may snv.' "
3, T told hill Mill If he e.ilrt he wa a
Christian and had n"t rompU'M with
nny of fhe laws of God. he whs not a
tin mher of the led:;e and hnd not com
piled with Its rules. I told him God hnd
a right to ti ll him what to do.
How Are Hi t.olns; to rns (lie I
1. 1 net 1
Maybe your a drunkard, an adulterer, I
a prostitute, a liar, won't admit you are
lost, are proud, maybe you're even proud I
you're not proud and Jesus tin a time '
of It. j
Jesus said: "Come to Me," not to the
church: "to Me," not to a rreed; "to Me."
not to a troaoher: "to Me," not to an '
rvangelmt ; "to Me," not to a prletd; "to '
Me," not to a pope. '
"Come to Me and I will give you rest." I
Faith In Jesus Christ saves you, not ;
faith in the church.
Say, you are here and here is the dlvld-
lng line. You Hre W the devil s side. How j
are you going to crcs over? j
With his heart m?in believes and with i
his mouth he confesses. Then confess
and receive salvation full, free, perfect
and eternal.
God will not grant any extradition
papers. Got over the old line.
A man Isn't h soldier beoauso he wears
a Uniform or carries a gun, or carries a
canteen. He l a soldier when he makes
a definite enlistment. All of the others
can be bouKht without enlisting.
When a man becomes a soldier he goes
out on mJster day and. takes an oath to j
defend his country. It's the oath that
makes him a soldier. Going to church j
doesn't make a Christian any more thanl
golnc; to a garage makes you an auto- j
mobilist, but public, definite enlistment
for Christ makes you a Christian.
"Oh," a woman said me out In Iowa,
"Mr. Sunday, I don't think I have to
confess with my mouth."
I said: "Tou're a fool, then, putting up
you thought against God's."
M-o-u-t-h doesn't spell Intellect. It spells
mouth, and you must confess with your
mouth. The mouth Is the biggest port
about nioBt people any how.
Jeaas Vnderstanris Doth Hides.
"What must I do?
Thllosophy doesn't answer It. Infidelity
doesn't answer It.
First, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
and thou shalt be saved. Believe In the
Ixrd. Lord that'd His kindly name.
That's the name He relxns under. "Thou
shalt call His name Josus."
It takes that kind or a confession. Give
me a Saviour with a sympathetic eye to
watch me so I shall not wander. Give me
a Saviour with a strong arm to catch me
if I stumble. Give me a Saviour that will
hear my slightest theory.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and
be saved. Christ Is His reaurrectlon name.
He Is sitting at the right hand of tho
Father now Interceding for us. Because
of His divinity He understands God's side
of It and because of His humanity He un
derstands our aide of It
Who Is better qualified td; be the medi
ator? He's a mediator. What Is that?
(Continued on Page Eleven, Column 8.)
Stop Piles
A Simple Home Treatment That Haa
Jlrought Joy to Thousands Is
the Famous Pyramid
Pile Treatment.
How badly do you want relief? Do you
want It enough to go to the small trouble
of mailing the below coupon for a free
trial of the Tyramld Pile Treatment T
The Pramid Brails from a Blnf la TrlaL
Thousands have reported to us their
great Joy at having been led to try thla
great treatment and at the remarkable
results it produced in their cases. Be fair
to yourself. Give yourself the1 CHANCE
to get well. Mall the coupon NOW or go
to any drug store and purchase a 50c box
of Pyramid Pile Treatment.
Free Sample Coupon
631 Pyramid Hldg. Marnl a 1, Mich.
Klnd'y send mn a Free sample of
Fyramld Pile Treatment, In pla n
Pity Stats
To whiten and beautify the complex
ion permanently we have found no bet
ter preparation than a lotion made by
dissolving four ounoes of spurmax in a
half pint cf hot water, then adding two
teaspoonfuls glycerin. This removes
any pimples, shiny, muddy or sallow
appearance, and will make anyone's skin
clear, smooth and velvety. It does not
show or rub off like powder; in fact, it
aeema a Pirt of the skin; and for re
moving tan and freckles is unegualed.
It Is necessary to shampoo more "fre
quently in the warmer weather because
of excessive dust and the fact that the
head perspires more and la usually more
exposed to the weather. The easiest to
use and quickest drying shampoo that
we can recommend to our readera can
be prepared very cheaply by dissolving
a teaspoonful of canthrox, obtained from
your druRtjUt, In a cup of hot water.
This rubbed Into the scalp creates a thick
lather, soothing and cooling In ita ac
tion, as well as very beneficial to scalp
and hair. After rinsing, the fc.alp Is
f r h and clean, while the hair diieo
qui. kly and evenly, developing a brUhl
luster and a soft that makes
it seem very heavy. Advertisement.
It d..!aj
V iml.l.
M.n ii.
Plus Five Trademarks from Quaker Oats Packages, 10c Size
or Plus Two Trademarks from Quaker Oats Packages, 25c Size
We have supplied perfect double Cookers to over 700,000 homes,
to make Quaker Oats more delightful. They are made to our order
to bring out the fullness of the flavor and aroma.
Such a Cooker as this, if sold at retail, would cost more than
most homes would pay. But our purpose requires it in every home
where Quaker Oats are used, so we ourselves supply it.
Our purpose is this: To create more Quaker Oats users, by
making this the best-loved morning dish.
To this end, we use queen grains only in this brand just the big,
plump grains. We get but ten pounds per bushel. That means that
two-thirds of the oats as they come to us are discarded in Quaker Oats.
The result is large, luscious flakes. They make this dish doubly
delicious. Yet they cost you no extra price.
These flavory flakes have
dred nations this is the favorite brand. Millions of oat lovers send thousands of miles to get it.
Our next object is right cooking, and we offer this Cooker to every home to attain it. But we supply only one to a home.
Get this Cooker next week under this special offer. You want children to delight in this vim-food. You want
them to eat an abundance. The way to attain that is to serve Quaker Oats cooked in this Quaker Cooker.
Next Week
Our regular offer made in each Quaker Oati package is thii:
Send us five trademarks cut from the front of the Quaker
Oats packages. That is to prove you a Quaker Oats user. Send
$1 with the trademarks ana this Quaker Cooker will be sent by
parcel post.
Next week's offer is this: Send us five trademarks the pic
ture of the Quaker cut irom the fronts of five Quaker Oats
packages, 10c size, or two from the 25c size. Send with them
only 50 cents, and we will send the' Cooker by parcel post.
Address The
A. It, Melchers, 80th and Madison St.
Anton HIlJskHl, SOI William St.
A. 1'. Williams, 24th and Mason St.
Antonio Lo Hun & Co., 102J Capitol Ave.
Altman'H, 217 N. 24th St.
A. Kathkpp, 22d and Jefferson Sta.
A. M. hmlth, 1420 N. Sttth 8U
A. llrbek, 301 li and Jackson Sta.
A. lladdod, 1202 8. ISth 8t.
A. Frank, 2A20 Cuming St.
Augusta Kozirki, 2424 Han croft St,
A. KrtedKtat, 2037 Franklin St,
A. Frank, 18th and Ja-kon Sta.
A. EUlcr & Co.. 3115 Kurt St.
Aug. Anderson, Cor. 24th and Clark Sta.
A. Adler, 4502 N. 16th Kt.
Uurstcin & 111 merman, 16th and Mander
fton Kts.
Bern It Park Jro.. Win. II. SUibllnR, Prop.,
82!ll Cuming HU
n. Weiner, 202:1 Clark St.
Iternstein & Cohn, 21th und take St.
lk-e Hive CJrorerjr, Harry Kavlck, Prop.,
U. A. Simon, 022 Houglaa St.
16th and Cuming Sts.
11. Kelnsrureltter & Hon, 2018 Leareo.
Hakrr Kros.. 84 th and Amee Ave.
Hen llofmtein, 2.S21 S Kt.
liliimrnthal & Katleman, 8701 X. 21th St.
ItoMon Meat & Gro. Co., 118 N. 16th St.
H. Volener, SHth and Jackaon Sts.
t 'linen Hroa., 1524 Vinton St.
C. 1j. liters, 2002 Hamilton St. '
Charles Hlind, 2804-16 Leavenworth St.
Chicago tiro. & Itakery, 1018 N. 24th Ht.
CUmrjr Omrt Grocer Co., 17th and Chi-
rao Sis.
C. K. Kdqnist, JIOOl-N. 21th St.
C. Thorhon, 149 X. lth St..
Galomliick Groc. & Meat Market, 211 M.
20th St.
Chaa. FinKerlon, 27th and Y Sta.
C. Peterson, HU'2 Sherman Ae.
C. I. Wesln Groe. Co., 2005 Cuming Kt
C. F. Hfrinanek Co., 1812 William St.
Charle Nathan, 2.107 Ieavemvorth St,
Chaw. 11. MalllHon, 17th and Capitol Ave,
Courtney & Co., 17lh und Douglas.
C. Horwich, 2108 X Street.
worth Ht.
C. A. Miles. 4715 X. 84ih Kt.
C. K. Myers, 1723 Vinton St.
C. HtAhrai n ItroM., 20th and Hanrroft Sta.
t V. Warfteld. 22W Military Ave.
Hanxky'a Kellahle Grocery, 2003 X. 20th Ht,
II. Tucknon. 2502 X. 8th Ht.
II. J. Jourdan, 1701 Vmton St.
II. Hlumentlial, 2tM2 Cuming St.
llanlel Smith, 1007 S. 4th St.
II. Klaln, 1401 X. 10th HU
Hrlml Hroa., 2010 O Kt.
Klmer Anderson, 8024 learenworth St.
Kconomy Store No. 2, 2t22 I-eavenworth St
Kcononiy Grocery it Meat Market, 2202 X.
27th Kt.
Kmpress Market & Grocery, 113 8. 10th St
K. A. Marhh, 1622 X. 24th Kt.
K. X. Smith, 1238 S. 27th Ht.
Inward Swatek. 402(1 I. Kt.
K. U Heeves, 1111.13 8. 22d Kt.
K. M. Hells, 4038 Hamilton KU
K. La) kin. 2H06 X. 2Aih Ht.
F. W. Andrews, 2243 Madison 8U '
Krnest HnffetL, 5O01 Underwood Ae.
IX I- tlirlatianaen, 402-4 Woolwortli At.
F. J. Pros. 4011 S. 13th St.
K. Hosrnthal, '."-02 X. :tOth St.
Kd. Willuhn, 81 X. 27th St.
Frank lUMiak, 221 X. 13lh Kt.
50c Next
won the world to Quaker. In
Quaker Oats Company, 1755 Railway Exchange. Chicago
These &ocers Next Week
Display the Quaker Cooker
F. J. Oliver, 1022 S. 10th St.
F. Kudlacz. 2116 S. 20th Kt.
. Flodman Uros. Co., Cor. 40th and Cum
ing Kts.
Frederick A. Hart, 132!) X. 21th St.
F.lmer A. Johnson, Park Ave., and I-eaV-Frank
Kotise & Co., Henson, Xeb.
Frank H. llogatz, 255 S. 21st St.
F. HagelLn, 2-lth and Parker Kts. '
Fred liross, 8217 Ames Ave.
F. G. Ktter, 24th and J Sts. ,
F. Ij. Hlrd, (IH X. 24th Kt.
F. A. Young, 2518 X. 21th St.
I Yank Vasak, 15:18 Herry Ave.
George Ho, 21th and Maplo Sts.
Geo. X. Skinner, 2570 Leavenworth.
Geo. Htrlhlinjf, 7th and IMerre Sts.
Greenherg & Co., 2103 Hickory St.
G. A. Mul finger. 1502 S. 24th Kt.
Greene's Urn., 421 X. 24th St., So. Omaha,
Geortre Hoffman, 2624 X. 80th St,
George Hoss, 21th and Ames Ave.
G. Ii. Stack, 1008 X. 16th St.
George Tletsort, 40th and Pratt Ms.
II. J. Knudseu, 4010 Cuming Ht,
Hawkins A lttham, 82d and Hurt Sta.
H. Ihibnoff, 2703 V St.
II. 1'. Marquardt, 1620 S. 10th Kt.
II. It. Milder, 1014 Pacific St.
II. Cooper, 1501 X. 2Hh St,
Hibbeler & Co., 2310 Vinton KU
H. F. Knudsen Grocery, 4001 Ainea Ave.
II. V.. Young, 2114-10 X. 21th St.
If. Lincoln, Cor. 35th it lyeaveiiworth Sts.
Hannegan & Co., 35th Ave. and leave
, worth St.
II. Priedel, 2815 Leavenworth St.
L Karbfh Co., Vinton and L'hu Sts.
Harms Hros., 4727 Military Ave.
If. Meyerson, 2005 S. Houlevard.
II. Kachman. 2K02 Sherman Ave.
II. Hen ben, 24V2 Sherman Ave.
Henry Geest, 20lh and Missouri Ave.
II. Mi heuer, 028 X. 24th St., Ho. Omaha.
Harrington Merc. A Ileal! j- Co., Florence,
II. Phillip, 2551 Cuming Kt.
II. C. Nielsen, 1623 X. 83d St.
II. L. llelfrich, Florence, Xeb.
II. Hiunix-rt & Co., 2 IOU S. 16th St.
Hobbs & Mutter. 21th aud Wirt Sta.
Hnndy Corner Grower), 3320 X. 24th St.
Heath l!ro.. Cor. 21th and Ilinney Kts.
II. A. ISelt, 2867 I an. am Kt.
Henry Itlscbel, 2H1 Hodge Kt.
Hans Itogieu, 24241 Ieavenworth Kt.
I. Kulakofhky, 1014 K. 10th Kt.
I. M. Wlntroub, loth and Pacific Kts.
Itanc Cornetnan. 805 K. 7th St.
J. lleikowttx, 1502 X. 24th St.
Joe Hatt, OOI X. 16lh Kt.
James F. It) roe. 2811 V Kt.
J. L. Cohn, 27th and I Kts.
Jar. ItaMlan, 2fXiK Karn tin Kt.
I. E. Kirk, 2702 Fort St.
John Wisler, 48th and Invenworth Kts.
Julius Xewman. 1337 Park Ave.
Joe Zagurt-kl, 261 H. 20th Kt.
J. I). Crew, 82413-67 Arbor Kt.
J. IU Graham. 2353 S. 20th Kt.
J. Marules, 1302 X. 24th Kt.
J. ChrUtensen, 8501 V. aoth Kt.
J. Itosenbnum. 3324 X. HOth.
J. Tannebautu, 1411 S. 16th St.
J. C. Fischer, 3015 K. 10lh St.
J. Itaduziner, 2404 Fort Kt.
Jake Itosen, 2735 Davenport Kt.
Jo. Vopalka, 5th and William Kts.
J. lYuhha, 2lt and Q Kts.
J. P. Ilendekovlc, 1425 K. 14th St.
Pure Aluminum
Made to Our Order
Extra Large and Hear?
Cereal Capadtj, 2J Qtt.
Retail Value, $2.50
a hun
.Suit Never Again
For one week for next week we cut the payment in two.
For 50c you get this big Aluminum Cooker. liut this offer will
never be repeated. No requests will be honored unless mailed
next week. And the offer confined to this county.
Note the grocers who Have the Cooker on show. You will
find Quaker Oats displayed with it. See the Cooker and, if you
approve it, arrange next week to get it. It will mean a 50-cent
saving under the lowest price we have ever offered. Please t
don't forget.
J. Pavles, 104 X. 21th St. '
J. C. Jett, 1550 X. 20th St.
J. II. Kupplg, 4702 X. Thirtieth hi,
J. A. Grose, 21th and K Sts.
J. Itosenthal,' 1723 Cuming St.
J. Kterrett, 325 X. 41th St.
Joseph Iacjna, 3701 S. 13th St.
J. II. Heard, 2214 Farnain St.
.lulls Uros., 301 S. 21st St.
John Peterson, 401 h and Cuming Sis.
J. Tatalcan, 2701 Cuming Ht.
J. It. Stelger, 1417 William St.
J. Markov Its, 1301 Missouri Are.
J. tJoldware, 4104 Grand Ave.
J. 8. Hunter A Company, 2018 Famam.
John I -arson, 2701 leuienwnrth KU
James Kadlee, 811 Hickory St.
Julius Hrelfuss, Farnain and 2lth Sts.
J. Henry Hchrader, 682 X. 24th Kt,
John Itecnlrhek, 271113 Ie Ten worth KU
J. Waxenberg, 27th KU and Ht. Mary's Are
J. Sautter, 2703 S. 10th St.
Jacob Garrop, 623 X. 17th St.
J. A. Anderson. 1021 8. 27th Su
Jepsen Pros., 2502 Cuming St.
Knudsen Grocery C1' U0 Main SU, Hen-
on, Xob.
Kotera Kloup, 1261 S. 16th SU
Kohiela Confer. A Groc. Co., 4037 It St.
Kocher llros., 80th and Farnam Sts.
U Kelly, 2002 Franklin St.
L. Clanton, 85th and Center Sts.
Louis Jankowhkl, 1420 Military Ave.
Lincoln A ICiseinan, ('or. 21th and X HI.
Iiee A lee, 1705 X. 23d St.
L. Schiller, 83d and California Stc.
Louis Zlev, 8220 California St.
IamiIs Morgan, 2825 Houglas KU
Ii. IxHidon, 80th and 17 Kts.
liawrence Peterson, 304)2 Ames Ave.
L. Dajiowskl. 3425 U St.
L. lUduziiier, 2504 S. 32d Ave.
Lincoln Market Gro. Hept., 008 8. 16th SU
liouls Koininer, 40th and Hod-je Sta.
Ii. Hosenbluiu, 84)8 X. 16th St.
L. Iiesser, 4716 Cuming St.
Ii. Slutsk), 8215 Iii-avenworth Kt.
L. Hosenthal, 1611 Leavenworth St.
Lyman A Hrennan, 2206 H. 16th KU
Mrs. Lena Woodruff, 8702-I X. SOtb St.
M. Parrel!. 1023 Lake St.
Margolin Pros., 8852 Leavenworth St.
M. M. Ktenner, 2610 S. 8Ut KU
Mrs. F. London, 1202 X. 21th St.
M. lievlne, 2124 X. 26th St.
Morris Kokensteln, HOI X. 20th SU
Mrs. J. Hhramek, 888 H. 10th HU
Matt Zuckschwert, 2823 Chicago St.
Mrs. W. 1U Hunter, 4502 X. 30th KU
Moeller llros., 1702 (lark HU
Marks Pros., 2123 Military Ave.
Mrs. J. M. Hloom, 4022 X. 2Mb St.
M. Uurrhh, 153 H. 2llth Ht.
Mrs. F. Altkchuler, 172.) X. 83d KU
M. W. Kw inert, 1017 tlark St. .
Xewman Srhulen, 1138 X. 18th St.
X. Hlobodlnsky, 1131 X. 20th St.
X. Shapiro, 254KI Hamilton Ht.
X. llrodk, 2002-10 X. 2lh Ht.
X. Kk river, 1821 X. 83d St.
X. Johusou Grocery, 30th and Q Sts.
So. Omaha Grocery & Meat Market, 16th
and Fort HU.
Newman Pros.. 2101 Cuming St.
O. RronstedU 154)5 Park Ave.
O. Mek her, 10O2 H. 4th SU
Otto X. Green, 5006 X. 31th SU
Prospect Hill Gro. at Meat Marker, Julius
K. Han, Prop., 23d and Charles Sta.
Peoples' Store, 1102 Hamilton" M,
P. V. CiUlahan, Co. 43d and Lake fits,
Peter Xlsson. 1221 H. 21th KU
P.'UorczIk, 1621 X KU
Parsley A Company, 618 X. 20th St.
Pt-nfield, 21241 X. KU, South Omaha.
Peter II. Chudornff, SOtli and Chicugo Sts.
P. Cavanntigh, 1562 X 18th St.
P. Hammond, 1128 X. 18th Ht.
Pardun A Hippie, 8821-23 X, 21th SU
Persels, 24th and Ames Ave.
Palace Meat & tiro., Abe Jacobs, Prop., X.
" LVOor. 10th and Clark Sts.
Itosenberg & Co., 402-4 X. 21th St.
Heed Pros., 2223 Leavenworth KU
II. Kulakofnky, 2401-6-8 Ames Ave.
House & Hecroft, 3102 Sherman Ave,
H. Mnsbkln. 700 X. 24th Ht., So. Oraaluv,
Kayme & Ilomamek, 514 X, 16th U
K. ii. Blohr, 16th and Canton Sts.
Itoscnhluni Hroc., 103 X. 40th SU
Robert C. Lax ton, 1701 H. 10th St.
S. Steinberg, Henson, Xeh.
Srhnanlier & Hoffman, 408 X. 16th St.
Stein Hroa. Co.. 4002 Hamilton St.
Seume & Weigel. 4134 Grand Ave.
Stanley's, 1615 Hodge SU
Smlsek ft Hrdllcks, 2623 L St.
H. Frisch, 1022 S. 20th St. ; h
Sam Flew It z, 823 X. 20th HU '
H. II. lluffett & Hon, 813 S. 14th BU
Sam Flnkenstein, 2002 X. 20th St.
Samuel Kiseman, 2213 Cuming St.
Sam Gold ware, Jr., 2621 Sherman Ave.
H. J. Gross, 2401 IT KU
Hpanldlng Grocery Co., 2 Oth and fcpauld
. Ing Sts.
Sterlliur Grocery and Market, 1821 Ut,
Mary's Ave.
8. Watik, 42d and L Sts.
8. Meyerson. 30th Ave. and Q Ht.
Sherman Ave. Meat A Groc. tVi., 2000
Sherman Ave.
The INiblic Market, 1610 Harney SU
Toner Powell, 708 X. 16th KU
The People's Market, 2311-13 Cnmlng St,
Turhman Hros., ISth and Chicago His.
T. J. Thomas, 150 H. 2 4th Kt.
The "Advo" Htore, 18ih ft California flta.
Tom Johnson, 20lh and Lake Sta.
Thos. Xolipa, 2lth and F Sts.
Tuchman Pros., 25th and Harney Sts.
The Farnam Grocery, 2553 Farnam Ht.
The C. F. Khaw ('o.. 1331 Park Are.
Tuchman Hros., 25th & Davenport Sta,
The One Horse Store.
The Miller Grocery, 4430 Hertford Are.
T. G. Howell ft Sons, 1713 1-eaven worth
V. Vachal Co.,130.J-Od Garfield fit.
Walter II. Howell, 2501 Leavenworth SU
Win. Wallace, 21st and Z Sts.
W. J. Addy, 3500 Kherman Ave.
Wrlhh Grocery Co., 531 X. 24th SU, So.
Wm. Vom Weg, 2123 Leavenworth SU
Wm. Itudloff, 22i Sherman Ave.
Win. Honan, Cor. 37th aud Gold Sts.
Wm. Mencke, Florence.
Wnlff ft Howards, 5IH)1 Main St., Henson.
Wolff ft Herfort. 21st ft Mndenton bu.
W. L. Wallace, 2706 Lake St.
Workman Co-op. Mere. Am'il, 1733 H.
13th Kt.
Wm. I'zdawinis, 83d and S Ktfl.
Wllke A IIUiiell, 40th and lWnaui SU.
Wm. F. Armburt, t J H. 20th HU
Walnut Hill tiro, ic Meat Co.. Tikoilu ft
Hyngg, 40th and Hamilton Kt.
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