THE BKK: OMAHA, Til THS DAY, OCTOHKU 14, 1915. ! nOMTIOHS OF WAR GOINGJO RUSSIA Twenty Trainloadf Daily Be in? Sent Daring Last Three Month from Japan. " , OBSERVATIONS BY AN AMERICAN NEW YORK, Oct. U. Russia has been receiving rauiltloDs of "war from Japan at an average rat of twenty train loads a day for more than three months, according to Cyrus Robinson, a mining engineer of London, who arrived here today on the steamship California from Liverpool. Mr. Robinson said ha was In Petro ra two months en government business, the nature of which he declined to dlr cuss. He ss.erted that rail communica tion via Vladivostok had been turned ever almoat entirely to mllli-try train nd that tne war material coming from Japan helped In a (trat meaeiire to check the recent advance of ti central powers. A number of the California's passengers u were from Glaesow. Several of these prr Sons said there had recently returned to ' that port six dummy battleships that had been with tho British fleet. These ' dummy battleships, made by taklnc freight steamers snd building over them false woodwork snd canvas so that they 'resembled war veasela, were uaed as dt . coys In the effort to bring out Qerman . torpedo boats and also to locate land batteries along the Ocrmitn coast. They are now being dismantled because the Germans discovered the ruse. "Land of Sunshine, Land Where People All Bmfle"-Klrby John T. Kirby, field manager of the National Retail Pry Goods nssorlatlon, who Is golnif throurh the cnuntrr In the Interest of good buttress, preaching the necessity of organisation snd co-op ra rtlon.. spent the day vlslllns; tho merchants 'here. Mr. Klrty Is known as an effl- elency expert and has recently visited ninety-odd cities In the middle west. "Business hns every reason to be en couraged." said Mr. .Kirby. "Ilountlful crops at high prlora, tx-tte hatklnif fu el! Hies and the rit'lre to go ahea spells prosperity. The tide has turned snd the merchant whtf will aet ills sails atuord . tngly end to with the tldo, steering a straight course, Is not taking a chance he Is grasping the opportunity. "I wish to contrstulste the people of Omaha cm their besutlful elty. In every wey. Including Its majrnlflcent stores, hotels, and public bull1lnn. tho spirit of eo-oper."r,n snd efficiency Is In evidence on all sides, snd It com pares favorably with any city In the country. I rosrret that encasements cort,)el me to lesvo, but I anticipate sn early return 16 Omnha to renew the pleasant relations T. have established. The atmosphere of your com munity and ths hearty greeting I have re oelved en ell sides from those whom I have sproached, even strangers on the "street, hi trigs this Idea to mind, which I pass on es most appropriate; The land - of sunshine he land where the people smile." f AaraW to ssort Wife. FAX3 CITT. Js'sh.. Oct. U.- Special.) Ralph; t)ea, the . barber brouttht her from tv'olvtubus etc charts of wife desert tlon, was glyen a hearing before Judga ,WUtse in the county court Jle was or dered by ths court, snd It was airreed by the wife, that he furnish her $3.60 par week of his 116 salary for the support of their child, which he agreed to do and was given hit freedom. , ' aiaswed br Tramp. rALIJV TITf, Neb., Oct. IS. -(Special.) Ilermnn Doehme, city marshal of Rulo, was slugged by a tramp e'stunlny night. Two tramps hud drifted Into town and were g-lvwn- lliuor and were making trouble for the officer, when he ordered them out. ' They rofused to go and the marshal proceeded to escort them to tho city limits, when one of tham struck him over the head with a beer bottle. ' Dies ( Heart Failure. C LARKS, Neb., Oct. H.-tdpecial Tele gram.) John Jones, a farmer and land owner living north of Clarke, died very suddenly at - his home Tuesday nuon of heart failure. The authorities have not been able te locate any relatives, though It is known he has some living In Ne braska and Missouri. The funeral will be held at- the Pierce chapel, ujorth of Clarke, on, Thursday. QUIT MEAT VJHEH BACK HURTS OR : KID11EYSJ0THER Eaya Uric Acid in meat clogs Kidneys and irritates Bladder. A glass of Salts is harmless , -way to flush Kidneys . says authority. It yea must bavs your meat every day. eat It, but flush your kidneys with salts occasionally, says a noted authority who tells us that meat forms uric sold whlo't almost paralyses the kldheya in their ef forts to expel It from the blood. They become sluggish and weaken, thun yotl suffer with a dull misery In the kldnar region, sharp pains In the back or sick headache, dullness, your stomach sours, tongua is coated and when tue weather Is bad you iiave rheumatic twinge. The urine gtts cloudy, full of sediment, the channels ofleu get sore end Irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the nlfht. To neutralise these Irritating acids, to cleaase the kidneys and flush o(f the body's urinous waste, get four ounces of Jad twits from any pharmacy here; take a tabloafoonful la a glass of water before brpaVfaat for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous sulu Is made from the add of grapes and lemon Juioe, combined wltb littila. aed has been used tor genara ttous to flush and stimulate siugs'Uh kMntys. also to neutralize the acids In t-rine, so It ao lon.-er lrriUtca, thus end ing blaMer tteftkncri. Jad Klis is lilt xrislve; cannot In jure, and tuakea a delightful, efferve. nut WU-wiUr. drjuk. Advertisnncut. Sundayisms at the On the Fly by M rr re Bur jcArcos or rmm $ano Birr en AN OLD HAIO THAN TH3 ! TWO BATTLES IN MEXICOEXPECTED Force of Villa Prepare to Attack Ag-ua Pritta, Only Remaining Oarriion of Carranca. GUAYMAS TO BE BESEIQED EL PA80. Tex., Oct. It An -attack upon Agua Prleta, the only re rialntnt Carranza garrison In Bonora, lu In preparation, according to ad vlcea received last night by Villa of ficials In Juarei. The agreement ef fected soma months ago at Naco, through General Hugh (L. Scott, Afnerlcan' chief of staff, providing for the neutrality of border polnU, will be ignored. It wag stated. The forces of Oeneral Pel las Calles, would bs attacked by an overwhelming Villa force and. flight across ths Amer ican border was predicted, It was said. Oenerar Villa Is reported still at Cases Qrandeg. An attack upon Ouaymas, In southern Honors, ths only west coast port con trolled by Villa, wae reported Imminent In a message reoelved by Calles, from Qonersl M.' M. Dlegues, Carransa com mander at the. head of 7,000 attacking troops. Dlcguas's massace said he had at his disposition the gunboats Qusr rero and I'acltlcl and five armod trans ports. Early Page County 1 . Settler Is Dead BHKKANDOAH. Is,, Oct, lt-(8pex-lal Telegram.) J. F. M. Porter, one of the oldest ettlere of Page county, at whose home the first election was held In UTO, when twenty, votes were. cast, Is dead. He came to this country la 1W. MrAPorisr Is survived by four chil dren. - The funeral will be held at the Methodist church at Ksses tomorrow'. TURKS DESTRQY ARCHIVES OF FRENCH CONSULATE rABJS. Oct 11 The American embassy Informed the Frenoh foreign offloe todsy that despite the protests and opposition of the American consul at Beirut. Syria, the French consulate In that city, to which American seals had been applied, and been vlolatnd by the Turkish authori ties, who began ths destruction of ths consulate archives. DEATH RECORD P. If. Maaoaey. PLATT8MOUTH, Neb.. Oct. It (Spe cial.) iJiat evening at Valley Junotlon.! Ia.. P. It.. Mahoney of Havelock died et ' the home ef his son, where he with his daughter had gone for a visit, having ' m4o the trip In ea automobile. Mr. Ma-; honey Was born In Canada In l-i and ; In 1K70 ca.ue to Plattsmouth, after having ' lived in 1-jwa for ten years. Here he was j united la marriage with Miss Mary i Thayer, who died at their home la Have- lock shout two years ago. vMr. Mahoney was ior over thirty years a resident of, Plattsmouth and was a member of ths city council for a number of terms, ss ; well as the Board of lOducatlon. i Jaaaea B. Iie4ar. DAVENPORT,' la.. Oct. 1 1. -James B Lltidsey, one of the pioneer lumbermen of the Mississippi Valley, died at his hoots early today aged at. Oar Jltaert Oftet TkU aaS Be. DON'T HW& Til 18. Cut out this slip, enclose with le and mall It to Foley Co.. Chicago, IllL, writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Hooey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney pills, tor pain to sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; snd Foley Caihartlo Tablets, a whole some and thoroughly cleansing cathartic. for constiptUoa, Ulllousness, headache and slugglalt bowels. Bold everywhere.- AdvertisenuoL -. . liXm socurr Y Y Tab as Caught Our Staff Artist IfflfW 'rue Bcst thw "rue wotsr ruiirt rtHi SlOt OffilAVt' 7iS swe OfHCU LADr-IN WAITIH6 Schmidt on Trial on Murder Charge LOS ANOBIJlfl. Cel.. Oct. 11-A new venire of talesmen were to report to Judge Frank K. Willis when the trial of Mstthsw A. Schmidt, charged with murder In connect (on with the dynamit ing of the Los Angeles Times building, October 1, 1P10, Was resumed here today. The prosecution also was expected to make formal request that thirteen Jurors bs Impannelled to hear the case. Both the prosecution and the defense have agreed to tl" selection of sn extra Juror, who wll sorvo as a substltuts in esse of Illness or death. Thus far four permanent Jurors have been obtained, with 4lv other talesmsn passed for csuse,-.,-,,.. Unless some unexpected delay oocures, the first witness 'in ths trial probably will be called early next week. COTTON FUTURES ACT ; KNOCKED BY FEDERAL JUDGE NEW TORK. Oct. It-Federal Judge Hough' todsy handed down a decision de claring unconstitutional the law known ss.ths cotton futures set. He rendered JQdgment in favor of Daniel T. Hubbard end ethers In a suit to recover damages for assessments msde snd collooted by the collector of Internal revenus. HYMENEAL . Wetleaaetk-Laahant. AVOCA. Neb., Oct: IS. (Special.) Word has bean received here of ths marriage of Herman O. Wellonselk of Harvard and Miss Ada Lanham of Hastings, which occurred at Hastings lsst week. Mr. Wei lenselk was for several years engaged In the banking buslnese In A voce. They will make their home at Harvard, where the groom le engaged In the banking and laSr buslnese. Net man-Cos, ' TORK, Neb., Oct. IS. (Special.)-Monday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Cos, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Frances Blanche, and Waldemar F. Nelman, Rev. K. 8. IJndxay officiating. The bride Is one of Tork's leading musicians, while the SToom Is innnaser o! the York Mill ing company. The young coiyile left on the 11:11 train for a week's wedding trip. r. . Curtle-gnreve. Margaret Shreve of Brownsville, Nebr., and Mr. Levi O. Curtis ef Omaha, were married by Hev. Chas. W. Bevtd-a, Tues day afternoon at I o'clock at his resi dence. They were accompanied by ths groom's daughter, Mies. Carrie Curtis ZAJ UKCAiLED FOR. 2'" "The ZZ SUREST W WANTED A iL. llE GREAT MAJESTIC Ax , strators are here, they will give with each range ordered this week, absolutely free, a splendid get of kitchen ware. Remember the range will not cost you a penny more. You don't even have to take it this week. You must place your order, however. If you want the gift of Kitchen ware. You cannot afford to buy a steel range at any price. Even the highest priced ones are poor stuff. You owe It to yourself to at least see the wonderful Majestic. Don't wait. Do It now. John Uussic Hardware Go. 2407-2409 Cuming St. . Douglas 1116 "If you buy U of HuMii, it's right." HEAD OF V. OF C. SETTLEMENT TALKS IN OMAHA. ineTVs.... BILLY MAKES CALL AT THEJJITY HALL Mayor Jim it Oat, bat Hummel Makes a Date for Him to View the City Parks. THEY WILL MAKE THE TRIP "Billy" Sunday took a sudden no tion to drop in and see the folks In the city hall yesterday noon. He was accompanied by Private Sec retary "Bob" Mathews and William Asher, an evangelist and husband of Mrs. Asher of the Sunday party. rinds the Mayer Oat. Mayor Jim, not knowing hs was com Inc. was not in his office. But Commis sioners Kugel and Hummel and others were there and "Billy" visited with them. "Billy" mentioned the fact that the brother of Mrs. Asher Is Chief of Police Itealey of Chicago. Commissioner Hummel Invited "Billy" to so with htm for a tour of the park system of the city and ' Billy" cordially accepted. They will mae the trip some tlms before the close of the campaign. Department Orders. WASHINGTON, Oc t. 13. (Special Tele gram.) Miss Vcre W. Applruy was ap pointed postmaster at Brlstow, Butler county, Iowa, vice Miss Anna L. Jones, removed; Mrs. .Nellie Wilsey at Pedro, V'ennlnuton count, 8 D., vice Mrs. Kmmn 8. Hcott, removed; Joseph M. Grif fith at Buford, Albany county, Wyo., vice Uwlght H. Htotltff, icslgncd. . Achy Joints Foretell Trouble A e r e a k y Joint often predicts rain. It also fortells In TmryPHurf ward trouble. t T may mean that the S kidneys are tiot fil tering the blood and are allowing poison ous uric acid to clog the blood snd cause trouble. - Bad backs, rheu matic! pains, sore. aching Joints, head- f ' aches, dlxslneas, ner vous troubles, hear fluttering, snd ur lnary disorders ar some of the effects of weak kidneys and If nothing is done there's danger of dropsy, gravel or Brlght's disease. Use Doaa's Kidney Pills, the most widely used, the best recommended kluney rem edy In the world. Omaha People Tettify: K. . W. Kerr, real estate dealer. iUK Isard St., says: "I suffered from sharp pains In my back for years. I also had rheumatlo peine In my side, and left leg. boan's Kidney Pills did me a lot of good." OVER THREE YEARS LATER, Mr. Kerr said: "Doan's Kidney Pills greatly benefited me. All I said In their praise some tlms ego, still holds good." Adver tisement. DOAN'SW 30 at all Drug Store Foster-Mllburn Co. BuffalaN.Y The Orest Majestic Range Demon stration ale is proving a great success. 8o many housekeepers have become disgusted with the short life ef the ordinary steel range that when they rind a range made of Genuine Charcoal I rim and Malleable Iron, they are quick to appreclte it. $8.00 Set of Kitchen Ware Free As a special Inducement to placing your order this week while the factory demon er mm ' WlA M 'OS w . GERMANS ATTACK FRENCHJRENCHES Parii AdmiU Enemy Penetrated Some of Poiitioni on Son chez and Viny. ARE REPULSED ELSEWHERE PARIS, Oet. 13. A strong Ger man force attacked the French lines around Soucbea and Vimy today. A violent bombardment preceded the infantry attacks, which were renewed from time to time and desperately carried out. The Germans succeeded In penetrating some of the trenches, which had been badly shattered by the sheila , but according to the French official statement Issued to night were repulsed everywhere else with hewvy losses. WW eainie..lUUHx EXPERT EFFICIENCY in the settlement of an, estate is assured when the Peters Trust Com pany is appointed as Executor. Confer with our Trust Officer regarding any desired information on the subject he will be glad to talk the matter over with you. W. M. RAINBOLT, Trust Officer i-iLi. - in i 1622 FARNAM STREET HOElLeCkl'S The Original HALTED MILK Vnlon you may 'HORLIOK'iT you may got a Subatltuto, TO BE J1VEN AWAY Absolutely Free by the Central Furniture Store. A 'famous Commerce Range, a Comfort Hot Blast Heater, a Medal Dockash Base Burner, an Eldrldge Family Sewing Ma chine, a Restwell Mattress and a Clean well Washing Machine. All of the above articles are to be given away absolutely Free end are now on exhibition In our show windows. Everyone has an equal opportunity to have one or more of these splendid articles placed in their horns ab solutely free. For full particulars, in re gard to t)e distribution of these articles, call at our store. Get you an overcoat that will fit you mid your pocketbook. 1512 Dodge. n aM d c U Mow Location UDDOQDDIJ Sums the Boar ef Trade fire, soum f eur customers have had trouble la rinsing eur aew leoatlen. We are di rectly epposlle the Bursse-Naah O at ll South IStk street same phone. Deuslaa !. Come la aad get a TO IMS Hoaae held Keeaemwt it to wrl ths trtst Nebraska Fuel Co. 411 So. 10 at. Douf 4SO AMUSEMENTS. QRANDEISlTcnight8:25 tllAIIl J Tri. Sat. ( mmmoKmmTWAtmMtmim) mKCG13TniTDZ5YEA!3 eaavsASi mm SAT. kit. 25c 5Ue, lit, U, $1.50 N16NTS 50c, 75c, $1.00. $1.50, $2 tiUM Uhti. Btdumr ftVJr Oct. IT. V s- tr VSWaVWaT 1 IIQAL U11AKA ZXS.X' "KILKENNY" f rioss, aae. BOe, Te, gl.OQ, ti.eo. raoae ant lae 44 Vke Only High Class Taaderine Clron t. Xtaily kaatiaea, 8.1 Every Sight. S:15, TbW m -auarau a sum Causimu. h.n ia1 svrta. Tk. Ulmi I'.iapMII UautUIM. 1 Co.. Coiraa 4 ijsriord. Moorv a Hat-r, sum rrankW M Urph.y Trtv.l Wwklr. 1'rluM: MaliaM jilrjf. tdc; hwl Mt .s MM BatsrSajr uS kuultrl, hit tilt lu. tM. hi u Tfca. UCASjg tar Thompson, Stroll Through Our Apparel Section. See the Newest Fashions for Fall. October the The newest fashion ideas find expression in these new arrirals direct from Kew York City. The Muscovite Suit Shown in broadcloth and gabardine with dainty trimmings of fine for $25, $29.50, $35.00 No extra charge for alterations. The Store for Shirtwaists An exquisite display of dainty new Fall blouses $5.95 to $15.00 Y1 Fast trains daily from Omaha arrive La Salle Station and Englewood Union Station, most convenient locations in Chicago. . "Chicago-Nebraska Limited" at 6:08 p. m. "Chicago Day Express" - at 6:30 a. m. "Chicago-Colorado Express" at 4:10 p. m. "Rocky Mountain Limited" at 1:09 a. m. Automatic Block Signals Finest Modern All- Steel Equipment Superb Dining Car Service J. S. AMUSESIUNTH. BOYD THEATER Now Showing the Greatest Motion Pictures Ever Seen in Omaha. TO0LBY with All-Star Cast, including Clara Kimball Young and Wilton Lackaye Better Than the Play, Better Than the Book. Matinees Daily 1 to 5, 10 Nights, 7 to 11, 10 & 25 TODAY rarwarell Appearaaoa WALKER WHITESIDE "THE MELTING POT" Friday i Trsscii X. Bnshmaa la "7 KB KlI.irT VOICfi." 11 "1Tisi 'tihiiamiiiins"""-f tr-t I'll Belden ?Co. Month for Suits Also Use most practical of all Wafet fashion tlte "Corlfcse Shirt" for women. Priced $1.45 Upwards. Tickets, reservations and information at Rock Island Travel Bureau. Phone, write or call McNALLT. Divisioa Fasawager 1323 Faraass St.. Omaha. Mab. rhoass OeagJaa 428 AMUSEMENTS. Where the Omaha Bee Universal Animated Weekly May Be Seen PARNAM THEATRH , CAMKRAPHOXD I LOYAL PASTIME LVKIO , MAQJC HANSOOM arbor rvr PAICB DIAMOND BURT AXMO OMAlOA, BEX90X FIOREKCK SA-HERA "Ask Bar" Ask es World's Oeeateet Kind meader and Futurist" "SHE WOl TB&X, TOV" georyaUs Trto Ksnaedy a taTraaee Admission, 10c Besereed ats 10o Eatrs PLoae locur. S9S. SIX CECILIAKS "(Hrl XastraiuaatalUta from Miinii t .. Through Troubled Wafers aad Other His a. Class Fhctotnlars. "OMAHA'S TBS CUTIS" That Qaalaiest of Comedlace. slVilaVua BEHMAN ihOW ."sJ: -x-sj'ijr a.r;-r lUiow-nr-. .. till, una t iwr .rue Indies' Dlaie Katlaee Week Zkara.