Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Delegation Hundred Strong Come
to Tell Evangelist They Must
Hare a Campaign There.
Kansas City Invaded Billy" Sun
day headquarters 100 strong Tuesday
morning and made so strong an argu
ment for a Sunday campaign there.
starting May 1, 1916, that machln
ery was put in motion Immediately
looking to shifting the Louisville,
Ky., date so as to accommodate Kan
sas City. Mrs. Sunday left Tues
day evening for Louisville to confer
with the folks there on this subject.
Several of the Kansas City folks ex
pect to go to Louisville for this pur
pose also.
The dleatlon ramie things lively in the
lohby of the Loyal hotel. Each man
wore a badge Inscribed. "Kinai City
Wants Billy Sunday," and each carried a
cane with a Kansas City pennant at
tached. They secured audience with Mr.
and Mns. Sunday early and laid the
situation before them. A "wet" and "dry"
election is to come up In Kansas City,
and they believe that 'Billy" can Insure
success for the "drys." At the last elec
tion the "drys" lost by only l.X votes).
Want I.oaUTlll to Shift.
Louisville has been holding out' for a
campaign to start not later than April ltf.
Mr. Sunday recently notified them that
he poltvely could not be there before
My 1. This little difference Is the polr.t
on which It is expected that Louisville
can be induced to shirt Its date In favor
of Kaneas City, exactly as Omaha last
spring shifted lis dates In favor of rater
son, N. J. If Louisville should still re
main obdurate It Is expected that It will
be dropped altogether.
The Kansas City delegation Is the larg
est, most representative and most
"militant" of the delegations that have
ever come to invite Mr. Sunday, rtepre
sentatives are in It from nearly every
lin of business and professional life.
with only one or two ministers. It bring
a united call from all the churches and
from a population aggregating 400,000.
Beveral of the delegates are from sur
rounding towns. The three dally news
papers of the city sent men with the
delegation. Ex-Mayor Beardsley and
Judge Russell are here and some of the
men are millionaires.
Those of the delegation who did not
leave last night for .Louisville remained
for the Tabernacle service and took a
night train for Kansas City.
The Kansas Citjr delegation came over
the Burlington In five special Pulmans.
They were accompanied by H. E. Heller,
general agent of the Burlington at Kan
sas City. The party took breakfast at
Hotel Fontenclla.
noon. What forT I mean the diamond
wearing bunch; the automobile gang; the
silk gowned that's the tunrh. She can
tska, home a dinky cream pitcher, a
whisk broom or a pair of silk stockings.
I have more respect for the professional
gambler than I have for the church mem
ber who plays cards. The one ' oien!y
a gambler, the other Is a gambler and
pretends to be decent.
Tou will never know what a good time
In until you become an out and out
Christian. If every man will walk out of
the church and line up, you could close
every saloon In town tomorrow.
I believe they should be recreative, and
net destructive.
;od Forbids It.
The church of God forbids It. The
greatest and inot sptrltunl chunrches
forbid It and are SKalnxt It. Catholic.
Tresbyterlan, Conrregntlonal. the t'nlted
I'resbyterlan and the Christians are all
against It.
The Methodist church waa raised up for
the very purpose of discountenancing the
dance In the church.
Uod called Wesley and Whitfield to
purify the Episcopal church, and that
movement which rryetslllsod In the
The dance la the dry rot. the tinder. Methodist church was th ehuke which
box of society: I always thought it was (Jod BBV(,. from that day until this the
big nuisance to gaiiop a mne or two; cnr,.h hu. iri.l sermons against theso
Amusements" of Society Roundly
Scored by 'Billy9 Sunday in Sermon
"Billy" Sunday preached yesterday aft
ernoon on "Amusements," and last night
preached the same sermon, aa follows:
Galattans vi.;7: "Be not deceived
(that is, don't let the oevll deceive you).
God la not mocked, for whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall he also reap."
That would be true If It were not In
the Bible. It has always been true In
nature. It would be unnatural to expect
to plant a turnip seed and get apples.
It would be unnatural to plant an apple
seed and expect to get oranges. You
reap what you aow in nature, and in
works, either material or spiritual.
' "Whatsoever a man soweth that ahall he
also reap." ,
If you sow saloons' you will reap
drunkards. If you aow cards you will
reap gamblers. If you aow dance halls
you will reap shame. You ought to.
If you vote for the dirty, rotten saloon
your boy ought to be a orunkard. You
ought to be paid In your own coin.
I know of no more suitable text in the
Bible for the topic that 1 have In hand,
and by the presence of such a vast
audience and by the expectant look upon
your faces, I am sure that you won't ex
pect me to utter one word in defense
of the amusement proposition. And yet
if there la no harm in It I should be the
champion of It and not the bitter, enemy
of It. Not all are bad. I wouldn't say
that, but most of them are. You know
how few are good, and so do I.
Skill of the Dvll.
But the energetic skill of the devil has
defied the truth of such masterly power
that If it is to be defeated there Is but
one or two alternatives oven to the man
' who assaults the hell-soaked Institutions
. with jtrit And-courage. One. ot two alter
natives. He can consume his energy and
Itself In other wys. It Is on a matter of
amusement, and that of the trifling kind.
The day Is. long past when any number
of serlous-mlnded cltisens look to the
theater for Inspiration or Instruction. The
legitimate drama can't live. ,A Shakes
pearean show can't last for a, month. The
people will not attend It, but let a God
forsaken leg show start-acrtss the street
anfi H will be packed to the roofs. It's
tho spectacular that appeals today. Take
the leg show and the 8eclacular from
the stage and the theater would go to
rot You go to see a musical comeoy and
you will see girls that haven't enough
clothes on t) flag a handcar and thn
they try lo hide behind art. That's why
tho managers say the public Is to blame.
If you want to be dirty and go V thexe
places It's up to you. But It's because of
Ihese I'm Jut.tlfled in preaching the ser that I am.
Borah Bernhardt went away from Amer
ica with 1274,000 at the end of a nine
month's tour, but when a preacher makes
a little money they call him a "grafter."
Cyrus Townser.d Brady found only eight
out of twenty-one p'.ays that he would
endcrce. The only good I can see you do
with tho theater la to turn it Into some
thing olse.
If the church would refuse to patronise
the theater, the theater would be com
pelled to sweep Its filth from the stage.
Booth and Garrlck, two of the greatest
tragedians, would not allow tnelr own
children to go to the theater. Macready.
ono of the famous English tragedians.
would not allow his wife or children to
see a play unless he had first read or
seen It and passed upon it, as to whether
or not it was fit to see.
Those were men who nad some char
acter to them aud left honor and high
just to get a hug or two. A dancing
church member Is never a soul winning
church member. Some of you girls say:
"Good-bye. Lord, I have to go to tho
dance with this dude; I'm sorry."
There is nothing so tame as to ask a
fellow to play cards for the fun of It
when he Is used to a sky limit.
It does not make any difference whether
It In a penny ante or sky limit. So we ;
have progressive euchre, and lots of 1
church members in Omaha have cards on i
their table as often as food.
I hear some churches have been hav
ing more card parties than prayer meet
ings. If you have a Bible and a deck of
cards la your home, either throw the
cards In the furnace and keep the Blhle,
or throw the bible into the garbage can
and keep the cards. , Don't let them both
stay under your roof all night. i
If you keep boose in the cellar get out
of the church.
In a town where I was preaching they
had' parties early to' get them off their
hands before I came. They had a big
affair and tho prise was a. $30 cut glass
dish, and a society woman worked and
sweat, and lied and cheated and took
progressions which she didn't win and
then lost the dish by two points. She
went home and was sick In bed for two
days. She had a son named Harold, 17
years of age. He had a head like an
eggplant, face life a horse, eyes like
poached eggs, ears like the sails on a
catboat, a regular Clydesdale fellow;
and she came down one morning In her
crushed geranium tea gown with ele
phant's breath ribbons, with red slippers
that turned up like sled runners, and
her son came In and said: "Here, ma.
don't worry about that cut glass dish
you didn't win; here's a 20 gold piece
and you can go and buy one Just like it
from the Jeweler."
Won It at Cards.
"Why, where did you get it?" she
asked. f
"I won it at Richardson," (that's the
gambling hell of the town), and she said,
"Why, dear, do you think I would take
$20 you won at gambling?"
"Why not?" he asked. "Where's the
difference between winning a prise that
cost $20 and winning the $30 and buying
the prise?"
The woman said to me afterwards when
she came down and took her stand for
Christ, she would never play cards again.
She Is one ot the most active workers
and most Christian women of the church
I used to play cards. I could lie and
cheat like the rest of them. But I'm
after the devil now; I don't care where
he shows his head.
One of the Gideons.
While they were there the man's old
washerwoman came down and pled with
him to accept Christ. He told her he
would do it for her and went up in
front and took his stand. He was one of
things until It Is a generally accepted tru
ism that men and women that don't
preach against these things are too much
of coward to pose as spiritual leaders,
or they are too ignorant to teach Ood's
I know that there are some churches
that tolerate It they don't encourage It
sor In Oakland, Cel., and he made $l,0tt)
a month out ot his classes, and he told
me that out of one claa there were
eight girls who became outcasts as a
direct result of the dance, and he quit It
because he raw what the dance was do
ing right In Oakland, and out of $n0 girls
taken at random there were 1J who were
there through darning, twenty through
drinking, ten from wilful choKe and
seven because poverty and abuse had
drlvfn idem to It. I do not believe that
poverty will make a girl go wrong It her
heart Is right.
Oh, but you say: "I go to the private
dances. I don't go to the alums or free-for-alls."
The slums and free-for-alls
have you beat a mile. Why? Because
they wear more clothes than you do.
Jean Cowles, who has charge of the
work of fallen girls, declared before the
Chicago coiimilmen that his Inventory
shows that SO per cent of the fallun girls
fall because ot the dance. Vpon her
statement, which opened the eyes of the
authorities, dance hall licenses were re-
any church that encourages It Is too low! 'ued-
down to deserve the name of church.
I will give you a quotation from a let
ter from tlie bishops and archbishops of
the Catholic church which says:
"In this connection we consider it our
raver New Metked,
But you say: "Can't a fvllow dance
with his own wife?" "His who?" "Hie
own wife?" Why you would Just as soon
husk corn all night by moonlight as danc
The Quality and Distinctive Style of
the Bedroom Furniture Offered at
These Low Prices Will Surprise You
Genuine Mahogany Poster Suite) to match the
Dresser illustrated 4 pieces ; .$123
duty to warn our members against this, with your own wife. Its not your wife
amusement, which may become to them j you want to dance with. Its some other
an occasion of sin, especially the fash-! fellow'a wife or some other fellow's sister.
' time talking about the minor usages of ! stamp after thorn. ,
the possible limits one might go, or he! H,-dn said thU only the genius of
can nee! i he bark m wav and show the ' Shakespeare saved the stage from the
thing full of worm holes and run the
risk of losing his fair reputation.
I want to say that I have willingly
and deliberately, and with malaoe afore
thought, chosen ' the latter course. I
have never preached this sermon or lec
ture, as you call it, but that I always
feel myself like a dentun placed there
contempt of all. An actress said tilt:
"After years on the stage I am convinced
that the theatrical business Is tho most
corrupt In the world." It is corrupting
educationally, commercially and morally.
Mark of Deemdenee.
It is upon thj charred souls of women
that most of the men who are a power In
Sv society to take revenge for the - things , tUeatrtca, world naVe climbed to their
society liaeit naa maae pussrvio una i
ssary. I'm not responsible for them. I Thfl reform thMw
, you ana you Know u. x were u iometntnf else. l3rae, ZanK.
kg these things I wouldn't have the
;. jlacity to preach against them. I don't
piay cards and attend theaters. It 1
did you would condemn me, and justly,
too. But I don't and you can't come to
me and say, "Physician, -ileal yourself."
I have a message which burns Its way
into your aoul and to my heart. My
words may be strong, but if they are,
you must remember they are blood red
with conviction. With the cry of lost
souls ringing In my ears I cannot remain
still. If I can save one from going to
hell, I consider myself well paid for all
the vituperation and malediction that you
can hurl agalnBt me because I rub it
into your pet tin.
Judged in the court ot human desire.
I might be condemned by everybody that I
wants to do It. but Judged in the court
of human conscience and need, I will re
ceive a universal verdict of approval.
For Moral Iecency,
1 am actuated by no other motive than
moral decency and if you are ready to
aid in moral uplift you will listen and
give me your thanks.
We always associate in our minds cer
will rays that the playwrfeht gets up his
production to satisfy the lust ot the ago.
and not for what good it will do the
Glennon said that to go
night after night to the theater Is a
merle of decadence. You avoid the pent
house and leper hospital and yet night
after night you'll rush to the theater to
enjoy the procession of moral lepers ex
posed on the stage for the plaudits of
the people. The theater and the church
have nothing in common. Tho church
i gives the people what they need. The
theater gives them what they want.
We shall reap what we sow. Sow cards,
teap gamblers. Sjw the dance and reap
brothels aud outcasts. Sow the saloon
and reap drunkards, just as naturally as
tho water runs down hill. I deTy anyone
to contradict what I eay about the mat
ter. You say: "What is the matter with
this preacher, doesn't he believe in amuse
ments?" There is not a man in Omaha who be
lieves more in amusements than I do.
But I believe that they should be recre
ative and harmless and not destructive
lonahle dance, which Is disgusting and
"The enormities of the theater and the
dance would not be tolerated another
minute if the mothers woulJ Only set
their faces against them."
Bishop Vlncennes quotes from his rec
ords that the waits would not be toler
ated If Christian mothers would only set
their faces against It and remove their
daughters from this contamination.
Alas! that women rrofesslng to follow
Christ should not rally for the honor of
our daughters and drive these thing
from society.
Church Bars Lon,
The bars of the church are so low
now that my old hog can come and root
and crawl in. Any old lobster with two
or three suits of clothes and a bank ac
count can break Into most any church.
If one preacher gets a little too warm
on these subjects he gets called for It;
and If any one leaves the church because
of It another preacher will tako 'em In.
Instead he should stand by the other
minister and say, "Go to It!" ,
The trouble Is now the church of God
has become the clearing house for the
world. I have as good a risht to expect
good of you as I have of my wife and
she has of me.
The dancing church member never was
a soul winner. The dance Is simply a
hugging match set to music.
The crusade against the dance Is for
everybody, not merely for the preacher
or the old man or woman who couldn't
dance if they wanted to, but for every
body Interested In morals, whether In the
church or out of the church
Dance la Immoral.
The dance is Immoral. Every man and
woman carries a breast full of passions,
the same as are possessed by the bad.
and those passions become a tinder box
to consume morals whenever brought Into
contact with the temptress. The dance
Is conducive to Immorality. In the dance
and on the ballroom floor you allow lib
erties to men that you never allow them
elsewhere. You grant men liberties on
the ballroom floor that If a man other
than your husband would attempt in your
the five men who founded the little band home and your nuaband would flnd
Ar flmsiAeijn ml a T-r I - I
of Gideon Charley Kltterege.
There was a time in America when
the stately cotillon seemed to satisfy
America, but It is too slow for the hot
blood of the twentieth century. They
must have something that will chase
hurdles through their veins. There is
nothing so insipid for the devotee of the
waits as to dance a quadrille.
I am asked to give a reason to the
saved why they should not danoe.
Your love for those things keep you
out of the church. v
I believe that moat of the girls sold as
white slaves are enlisted from the ball
rooms. The dance Is the rottenest, most
hellish, vice-producing institution that
ever wriggled from the "depths of perdi
tion. Certainly, I believe In amusements, but
at it, he would have no trouble in secur
ing a divorce and if he shot the man no
Jury In the world would convict him of it.
Doesn't the swing of the dance around
the corners throw men and women In
positions that are not tolerated else
where? Fathers and brothers you don't seem
to realise when your daughters and sis
ters go to these dances they meet strange
men and associate with older women and
learn to smoke and drink; and you can
bet that when a girl gets so low that sho
will smoke and drink that she la on the
toboggan slide and going to hell fast.
It does no harm to keep your daughter
away from dances. She runs a big risk
In going. In God's name play the safe
Prof. Faulkner waa a dancing profes-
You let him hug your wife for the
privilege of hugging his. I want to see
the color ot the buck's hair that dares
to put his arms around Nell.
You say you need the exercise of dane-
Ing. Passion Is the basis ef the popularity
of the dance. Let women dance with
women and the men dance with men.
Make men dance by themselves and
women by themselves and I'll kill the
dance In a month. I believe that passion
Is the basts of the dance popularity to
day. Men drink and gamble and they
go to raoet racks and they bet all ot
this they do without their wives. Why,
then, can't they dance without their
wives, or other people's wives, If exercise
Is the thing they want.
The dance brings vice and virtue Into
such close contact that virtue is well
nigh helpless and powerless.
Hid they dance In Bible times? Yes, but
they danced by themselves. They danced
then for religious exercise. But dancing
In the twentieth century la not for re
ligious experience. David danced before
the ark of God and Saul's daughter looked
on In envy. But he danced by himself.
Dancing weakens you morally. There
Isn't a reforming Influence in it. You say
"It doesn't hurt you," but you know It
does. If It hasn't, hurt you so far, I will
congratulate you and warn you In time.
There are plenty of graceful exerclsee
and cheerful amusements which have
none of . the objections that lie against
dancing connected with them.
As everything a Christian does should
be done 'Tnto the Lord." I feel that to
Indulge in dancing would be more of an
Insult than an honor to Him. So I shall
abstain from It altogether.
In Rome there stands the great St.
Peter's cathedral. It required $37 years to
build It; fifteen architects were required.
There are 758 columns and 121 swinging
lights are always burning before the
altar. A man traveling In Europe came to
the cathedral and went in. He had only
gotten a short distanoe whan there came
the cry of "hats off, the pope Is com
ing," and as they stand in respectful
silence, the Swiss guards coma down the
aisle carrying a chair bearing the pale,
then, emaciated Ieo XIII.
' He dismounts from the chair and creeps
to the foot of the statue ot the lowly
fisherman of -Galilee and kisses the joot
of the figure and returns to his chair.
Peter, the fisherman of God.
What would I not give If I could live
a life tftat would leave behind me a
monument such as thatl
What would you not give? Peter gave
up all and followed Christ. Grest God,
is It too great a sacrifice for you to atop
cards, theaters and balls? Stop it!
(Copyright, William A. Sunday.)
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Asks for m Receiver.
HOUSTON, Tex., Oct. W. Application
for a receiver for the Greenville North
western Railway company waa asked In
a petition filed today In district court
here by the Houston ft Texas Central
Railway company, whloh seeks to collect
a note for asS.8M.0S. The defendant com
pany owns a line of railway In Collin
county, Texas. -
tain" amusemenU-theater, cards and morauy .intellectually and physically. No
dance, W hlle some will champion and
indorse some other will condemn. Some j do
who win piay caras win seen to juaitiy
that and condemn the theater and those
who fall by their own stinking rotten
ness. I do not condemn the theater aa an
institution, but I do condemn the way
it la run. It is hellish. And you church
members of responsible for it. If church
members would stop patronising' tue
theaters they would either clean up or
rot. If every man with his name on a
church roll would vote against the
saloons we wouldn't have them. It la up
to the church. In my opinion the theater
is of such douotful character that it has
been relegated to the class of forbidden
amusements. You know that the theater
had Ha beginning with the handmaid ot
religion. It produced so much fuss and
trouble that they were compelled to drop
. It. Unless the theater Is redeemed it will
fall We Its own vileness.
We are flooded with vile drama that
mocks and scoffs at the sacredness of
Theater Not Teacher.
The theater is not a teacher. It Is not
Intended to be educational, but it is in
tended for entertainment. Efforts have
been made to reform the stage, but it
has blways gone downward, and, like
water, seeks Its own level. There have
been spasmodic revivals, but today the
majority of theaters allow any show that
will bring money to be played at the
We could shut up the theaters and you
wouldn't miss them In forty-eight hours.
You wouldn't stand up and defend a
thing because there's lots of money In it,
would 'you?
They began to cut new exits in Chi
cago theaters after the Iroquois theater
fire so people could ge( out easier, but
no dreadful things came to pass such as
hsd been predicted by a leading actor.
Th put lie has a caiacity ot amusing
body believes riore in amusements than
Play Good Games.
What games do I play?
Well, play base bail, or used to; I'm
slowed up now. And I play lawn tennis;
don't like It so well, though. It's too
"girlificd,'' and golf, and croquet and
checkers and chess.
You say, v hat's the difference between
a same of cards and a game of checkers?
Curds never hclpod aiytady. Cards wtre
invented to amuse an Idiotic king, and
until tris day they have not done any
Just as much difference as between
heaven and hell. If you can Imagine thnt;
as between vice and virtue, If you can
Imagine that.
There are hundreds of games which we
can Indulge In that are not detrimental
to us as cards are. Ever since the days
that cards were Invented to satisfy the
whims of an idiot king, down to today,
they have been the tool of the gambler.
A gambler knows the cards like the Jew
eler knows the watch, or an auto repair
man knows an auto.
Many a boy is Inveigled into a gam
bling room and listens to the roulette
wheel, the faro bank and the keno. and
listens to the ribaldry and the Jests and
the blasphemy, and he is reminded of
What a wonderful heritage to bequeath
to a boy if he has to go Into a hell hole
like that and have it remind him of home
and the fact that that lie was taught at
home. Men who have been spending
their funds and lives to ferret those
things out tell us that nine-tenths of the
gamblers are taught in their homes by
their mothers and M) per cek by Christian
people. r
(Gambling fa riambllasT. '
A seemingly estimsble woint'i will tesrl
and snoose and pout through an after-
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Furnished Rooms
A young business man came to us the other
day, asking our assistance in finding a furnished
room. If you keep a rooming house, or if you
have a single, spare room, you should hava
heard him a
Here's what he said:
"I do wish folks who have rooms to
rent would advertise them In THE BEE.
I'm busy I haven't time to go running
around all over town looking for a room.
If I could read about rooms for rent In
the Want Ads, picking out those which
best suited me. It would be better. But
It seems that keepers of rooming houses
care not whether they get trade or not.
"I am particularly desirous of secur
ing a room in a private family, but I
see no such rooms advertised. I guess
those who have a single room for rent
imagine it Is not worth while to adver
tise It. They don't seem to understand
that many people want just such .
NOW, if YOU have vacant rooms, whether it
bo one or a dozen, why don't you take the hint
and advertise them to people who are too busy
to go searching for rooms t Use a BEK WANT
AD it costs little though it brings you much.