Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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    ft A
Stat. Bank of Omaha Takei Oyer
DepoiiU and City National
Ceuei to Exist
Tha State Bank of Omaha baa
taken orer tha deposits of tha Cltr
National bank and baa alio bought
the furniture and fixtures and will
move Into its new location ready for
business Monday.
AH of the depositors of the State
Bank of Omaha are protected by the
depositors' guarantee fund of the
state of Nebraeka, and the former
depositors of the City National are
now protected by the earn fund.
None of the officers or stockhold
ers of the City National will be In
any way connected with the State
Bank of Omaha, and the officers and
directors of the Bute bank will re
main as they are.
The Bute bank of OmaJia, ef which A.
U Sonant la president, has been ortun
lued for three rer. and darinc that Unn
It ha Increased Ms deposit to orar It haa cut grown tta preent
(juartera, hence the new deal, which will
Biv the Bute bank deposit of over
11 500, 000.
Th Cltr National will eeaa to do buat
ne aa a bank and the affair of the
bank will be formally closed by It offi
cer. Th of floor ef the State Bank of.
Omaha are: Albert I Schant. prealdent;
J. R. Cain. Jr., vie prealdent; F. N. Hlnh,
caahler; Q W. Smith, assistant caahler.
Hi director arat Albert lk Bchants.
president; Oscar Keellne, rice prealdent
City National bank. Council Bluff; A. T.
Klopp, capitalist, Omaha; I.'W. Harris,
vtc prealdont Stat Bank ef Stella; J.
H. Cain, Jr., vice prealdent; William A.
InBord, attorney, Omaha; r. N. Hlh,
caahler, and Judc J. R. Hanna, president
Greeley State bank ef Qrealey, Neb.
Pensions for the
English Soldiers
Are to Be Increased
(Correspondence of tha Aoclated Pre.)
WNWN, Sept. 3. tUahar pension
for disabled officer of th array and
navy and for their widow, orphan an !
dependent have been proposed by a
parliamentary committee of which Bonur
U i chairman. But even thl fail
far below the cal treated In th UnlUd
Bubaltema would receive under the
new arrangement toe a year when com
pletely dUabled, with an additional M
for each year of aarvlc In txcet ot
fifteen year up to a maximum of ll.iA
An efflcar of rank corresponding to major
In the armr would get a minimum of
IH6S if partially dUabled. and 11,00 It
totally disabled. For lieutenant colonel
and Bvy eommander the minimum ttr
partial disablement I put at 1.0u and
an addition ef 2M to their vrdlnary pen
sion If entirely disabled. '
, The widow and dependent of Bubal
tern have a graduated scale Propo4
for them, with $' a year In th cess
the officer I killed in action, I. I If he
dl of dlseas contracted on active ser
Mr and tM in th Caaa ef other In
juries or disease.
It is proposed In addition to make
educational crant in special case for
the education of officers' children.
Mora Than Two Million Soldien in
Union Army Were Lads Under
Twenty-One Tears.
The soldier boy legend is one of those
myth that die hard or that do not d'e
at all. Fact do not kill th fairy tale
that the American rlrll war was fnurht
by bnya. When a fable a-et a good start,
and If It I a romantic fable whlrh make
a trone appeal to a man's ftncy or
imagination. It la almost a elf-startd,
and It In e difficult thin sometimes at
Impossible thins; to stop. Hard, cold facts
will not run fast enough or far enough
te catch up with a popular fcgend.
It seem an affectionate and patriotic
expression to call our soldiers, or soldier
men "soldier boy." Of course, a soldier,
no matter If he ha a gray beard end a
bald head, I a boy to hi parent. In the
eye of parent, especially of the mother.
It I a most unusual thing for a boy to
outgrow hi boyhood. He I always moth
er's bor.
A recent newspaper writer, treating of
the subject, "Boy In th Wr," wrote:
"For th truth Is, battle ar lost and
won by children. Our own war between
th state may he taken as typical. In
that struggle there were I.TOO.ono enlist
ment In th union army. Of thl number
more than 1,000,000 were under 21 year
of age or, to be exact ,K.79S. If you
have a lad ef 17 about the house you eon
alder him a child, of course; that I all
he Is. Tet we had more than soo.000 of
these children In our war between th
states, mor than 100,000 of them being
under IS year of age, and they deter
mined th result of tha atruggl. It w
not the 1,000 men of 46 year that did
so, nor th 40,000 between 2 and that
found their way Into th service. There
were more than a thousand ch Idren
under 14 year of age In th civil war and
sns of them were under 11 Twenty-fir
little fellow of 10 year of age wer en
listed, but they wer drummer boye end
war thually In the service with their
These f Igurc have been going the
round for a long number of year. It
la not clear where they originated, but
about forty-five year ago the adjutant
general's department of the United
States army Issued a report In which
the statement waa mad that th aver
age age of the men engaged in th civil
war on the union side wa 23 year. A
te their being mor than IOUO.000 under
21 years of age. It Is probable that not
that many men wer enlisted In the
union armies. There were 2,700,000 "en
listments," but a great many ot these
were re-enlistment, and the number of
ouuniy. jumpers, or men wno enusien,
deserted and again enlisted under an
other name, and repeated thl proceed
ing until caught or finally discharged or
killed, will never be known. But the re
enllstment and th enlisting repeaters
cut down very considerably under 2,700,
000 th number of men under cervic
in th federal armies.
Th boy myth - does not stand - the
photographic test. Thousands of pho.
tograph wer made' of ynlon oMler
during the civil war. There were pho
tograph of Individual soldiers, groups,
quads, companies, .and regiment.
Youth, bearded youth, was there, but
tender boyhood and linmatur lad are
not to be seen in many ef the picture.
In the armies of the south,
in th later phase of th conflict, many
U and le-year-old boy were In the
rank. , The reason was that th con
federacy raked the south for whit
males able te bear arm.
Huge Sums Spent
For French Supplies
('orieupondenc of th Associated Pre.)
PARIS, Oct 6 -France's growing effort
to accumulate) artillery and ammunition
Ih shown in an analyst of war expendi
tures. The total for fourteen month anew
over a.Ooo.oao.ono franc (tono.oco.OOO) spent
fr cannon and ammunition, at th rat
of 104 million a month In 1S14, X mil
lion a month during the (trot half of
li and rro million a month during th
quart ending September 10.
Th expenditure for artillery and am
munition ar exceeded only by the Item
of food and forage, which e mounted to
ISO.Ott.fleo franc. Next In order come
the clothmg and quartering of th troops,
about 8,9uo.000,00, ami th pay ef th
troop, about J.euo.000,000.
Vehicles, including automobile, wre
bought to the amount of 23.000,000 franc,
and l.KX),000,oot waa paid for horaea and
Th sanitary department has cost ,
eo.OW to date, an average ef M .000,0)0 a.
month during 1914 and 61,000.000 a month
in 3915.
Th total expenditure foe distinctly mili
tary operation from July U, Hit, to
September , mi, I About l.0O0.000,a)
franc, making up 71 par cent of th
budget during that period.
A billion and half ha been spent
for the relief of the soldier' faraill and
worker thrown out of employment, while
10.009,000 hsv been pnt for the feeding
and sheltering of refugee.
Th subscription to th National D
fens bond and obligation hav fur
nished Ot per cent ef the fund for the
total expenditure ef 22.eo0.00e.000 franoe
during th fourteen month ending Sep
tember 20. th Ub!ihed taxes have
produced II per cent and th remaining
It per cent ha been advanced by th
Bank ef Franoe.
(Correspondent of th Associated Pre.)
ZUTDCOOTB. France, Oct .-ln this
coast tpwn there 1 on of th largeat
military hospital In France. Founded
in 1908 a a hospital for deformed and
tuberculous children, It has one fetaure
betokening the foresight of Its founder.
Although Intended solely for olilldren,
all th bed, bath and operating tablu
wer constructed full length "In case
there should be a war." Now every one
of the nearly 1,000 bed contain a
wounded French soMler. Thl hospital,
by th way. bear on It front walla the
mark of a bomb dropped by a Taube.
The brick war cracked and th glass
In several window broken, a bomb hav
ing fallen about ten feet In front of the
structure. There Is no ether building
within a quarter of a mile.
Go Armed Against
Stonsch Trouble
A Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet Carried
In Itirso or rocket Will Afford
Ample IVotortlon.
nti-. szitt TO AIL,
Th men and women who are going to
succeed today must hav their bodies,
well a their minds. In perfect working
order. Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets ar a
necessity to those who . would alway
hav their bodle in subjeotwu te their
tt'orrospondeno of Th Associated Pnul
L-ON'UON, Oct a -Bine Zeppelin raid!
lav beoom more th rule than tha u. i
ceptkm In Indon and environ, there he'
been a marked Increase In public Interest
tn astronomy. Just now th newspaper
are filled with discussion anent thl
or that star discussions directly "ettrt
equlred the habit of star-Basing In the
hop sighting boetlle ah- ereft. Toward
21 o'clock at eight tb usual "Zp time.' ,
perhaps a thlid ef London look sky
ward. I
A fw nights after tb big raid th
planet Jupiter, eserulngly rising la aa
unaccustomed pise, wa mistaken for
a 7eppeliu searchlight Perhaps a doae
persons niaU tb disc very. . Bloc then
stvtrsl neweibr articles hav appeared
giving J'ipiier a clean bill of health.
to Blasts ( Sciatica.
f k& Unlment will belp . roar
kclaUc. Uec a Ko bottle now. It pen,
trait .ill tb (tin stop anaar r "In.
JLii d;uLrU Advertisement.
"I Bat Wksa t Wa-t. What I Wilt Trait,
tag BtuarVs Dyspepsia Vblsi.M
Stuarf Dyspepsia Tablet furnish iuats
those element neosln and ethr In rw- d
lent that th normal atomach aerrete
for th digestion of food. On or two of
these tablet will completely digest the
harttot meal.
YVhea yu want relief from Indigestion,
you want relief at once. Be armed
against stomach trouble by buying a Sue
box of Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablet at any
drug etere, or send coupon below for free
FrcoTrial Coupon
F. A. Btaart Co.. SOS Stuart olid
lug, Marshall, MieSi., sen m at on.-
a free trial Package of bluuxis
Dyaiepsla, Tablets.
Street .
No Lot-Up to the Bargain Giving at t
Three Interfiling Spec ah Monday in
Ladies9 Gloves
Itnl French Kid Okvr One and two-clp. In white,
tan, brown or gray, fitted to the hand. Special bargain
Monday, at, per pair $1.19
Two-Clasp lambskin and lnplcx lcwlhprettei Glorce In
two-button or strap effects, all best colore and sizes; to
II vslucs, st per pair t fine
CKhmere, I Me and CtiamolarMe Gloves, all colors and
sizes, per pair 23c
Silk Hosiery Snaps Monday
Women's 91..1.1 Hllk Iloeo, heavy weight with double
garter tops, regular and out sizes, nearly al colors, at,
per pair 98c
Women's Wayno Knit I lose In silk and mercerized lisle,
choice values, at, per pair 2.V and 83c
The best In Hosiery of all kinds. Ton ran't beat
the Tooey brand and Fay hose for the boys and glrla.
j, j, r. iii-i-i ' '"'""
Charming New Hats
at $8.50, $10.00 and $12.50
Allthe approved ne w
styles are to be found
here priced at $8.50
to $12.50. A wonder
ful array of really
captivating hats at
each price; each a hat
of smart distinction;
each individual; for in
Hayden's millinery
section there are no
duplicates. Come in
tomorrow; bring your
The Voice of Fashion Speaks Convincingly in Thi
Authoritative modes originals and copies of the most beautiful and becoming creations off
upon which the chief arbiters of fashion have set their seal of hearty approval No matter rh(!
find most pleasing assortments and unquestionably superior values offered in October Sales fcerJ
Elegant Velvet Suits
In every wanted new coloring and re
markable assortment of designs at from
$35.00, $45:00 $55.00 up to $100.00.
New Coats, Exceptionally Attractive
Not Only in Designs But in Pricings.
New Sealette Coats, specials ..... .$15.C0, $19.50, $25.0?, $29.50
Nobby New White Coats $10.00, $12.75, $15X0, $19.5D
Hundreds of New Waists $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 to $15.C0
Three Specials Monday $1.95, $2.95 and $3.95
New Dress Skirts, the season's nobbiest styles, in every wanted
color and fabrics, at $5.C0, $7.50, $10.03, $12.50
Fabrics are
Poplins Serges
Taney Siitings
Our Out-of-Town Customers
Find shopping by mail not only very convenient, but prof
itable. We fill mail orders from our daily ads while the goods
last, always guaranteeing the purchaser satisfaction.
Choice Wool Dress Goods Weaves
At Interesting Bargain Prices Monday
We'vo selected three splendid lots from among our
many lines that should crowd the department to its capac
ity at an early hour Monday.
CO pieces in this lot, 50 and 54 inches wide, in all now color
ings, including field mouse, African brown, Copenhagen,
Russians, greens, plums, olives, black, etc., just the proper
weight (or Fall suits
:;jl75 FRENCH SURGES, $1.23. .
50 and 56-inch wide, from bno of America's best mills,
20 of the newest fall shades. s ;
$1.50 STORM SERGES, AT 98c,
All wool, 54-inch wide, sponged and shrunk, shown in
all most wanted new fall colorings and black.
Dress Skirts Made to Measure.
v Perfect fit and workmanship guaranteed.
Every item means to
the purchaser price sav
ing and quality satis
faction. Women's Outing Gowns and
Pajamas, extra heavy quality,
cut long and full, at 49.
Women's Union Suits to $2.50
values, in all wool or silk and
wool; great ' bargains, at
Women's Fleeced Underwear,
HearywelgM Vesta and Panta, all
sizes, at 85c and 60c
Children's Night Gowns And Shirts,
all sires; special, at 89c
Many other splendid raldes.
An us i
Hayden's Always for Silks is th
Not only assortments most com
satisfying, but the splendid north
for matching colors and weaves.
Three Splendid Silk
Bargain No. 1.
Regular $1.50 yard values, in all choic
est street and evening shades,' includ
ing black and white, 40-in. wide, extra
heavy, beautiful lustrous f pi
finish,-75 pieces; on On aW
6ale Monday at, per qjf i
Regular $1.25 ytrd
gold edge quality,
finish, a rich, deep,
of excellent wearln
ity in great dema
uits, skirts and ''
resses, at . ......
Blankets, Flannels and Bed Spreads
Blanket Costs are less in this store, notwithstanding the fact that practically all WOOL
BLANKET MFRS. have advanced prices fully 25.
MONDAY our BLANKET SALE will demonstrate the wonderful difference THIS
STORE makes in Prices, where QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY safeguards our patrons.
Wool Plaid Blankets (Pure wool warp and
filling), about 5 lbs. to the pair, size 70x80,
2-in. binding (double bound), $9.00 value, at,
pair $7.75
Wool Blankets, White, 5 lbs. to the pair, 72x
84 size, double binding, borders in pink or
blue, $3.03 value, pair $6.95
Wool Blankets Greys, cotton warp (75 of
the weight of this blanket pure wool), 70x80
size, 2-inch mohair binding, $4.75 value, at,
pair ....$3.95
Wool Plaid Blankets Cotton warp, 80 pore
woolly weight in this blanket, 66x80 size,
plaids in greys, blues, pink and tan, $6.00 val
ue ... .. .$4.95
Wool Xertped Oroj or Tan Blanket. 7JM else, regu
lar selling price 2.76, our price, pair '..,;. .31.59
lied Spread and Holster Cover to match, full else
scallop spread, beautiful satin finish. , TUls $3.75 set
at.. ..,...........,2.55
Bed Spread, 'satin finish, cut corner, embroidered
scallop edge. 84x98 site, standard $S.)0 value, at.
each $3.05
Wool -Napped Blankets, 66x80 size, This
manufacturer has so perfected his product
that it is acknowledged the best. Choice of
beautiful plaids, all white, tan or grays, at,
pair ; $2.75
White Cotton Blankets, " 70x82 size, blue or
pink borders. The best cotton sheet blanket
made. Here at, pair ..$1.25
Grey Cotton Blankets, bed size, splendidly
adapted for use as bed sheets, $1.00 value,
Pair 69
Outing Flannel, the Anioskeag make, soft,
warm and fleecy, 6tripes, checks and plaids,
in light colors, also dark greys, etc., yd. 10
White Shaker Flannel, 27-in., standard 10c
grade, yard QVz
White Silk Embroidered Flannel for Infanta wear,
dainty edging of neatest embroidered designs, at.
yard 49
Outing Flannel In mill remnant lengths, this full yard,
10c grade, here special, at, yard 5
Colored Wool Flannel. 38-ln.. rrar. narr. brown.
khaki and wine, this 39c quality, at, yard
Dinner Set Bargains
Truly Extraordinary
Our entire stock of Haviland,
French, Austrian, Bavarian
and German China that sold at
$45.00 up
Regular Low Prices.
This includes a splendid as
sortment of gold band, bor
dered and floral patterns.
Make Selections Monday.
Make a small payment and we will
hold them for you till wanted.
$12 and $15
Dinner Sets $ 7. 50
Beautiful patterns, 6ome close-cut
seta, some open stock patterns. Just
20 aeta in the lot, snap, Monday, at.
per set f 7.50
You'll always find best values In
Crockery department, fourth floor.
Read Big Grocery
Quality Goods and a saving of
the Cost
19 lb. Bent Granulated Surrt. . . . .Bl f""
A Kwort time to buy flour nov'
market t higher. -4? f . ,
4S-.t. sark Best High rade. Diamond
H Flour, noililnir finer fur bread, ptos,'
cake or biscuits; every sxk guar i- ,
teed, per Muck 91.4.0
10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond C.r or
Laundry y aeen, bite LauuUry 60s. ,
tor ale
10 lb. Beat White or Yellow Cornmt.ll
for , .Ho
Galon Cans Golden Table Syrup.. aaei
2-10. pk. Diamond U, felt Rising Paa-'
rnke Flour 80
ran OH fardine. Si '
7 lb, beat bulk Laundry Starch. . ,aj
Skinners alaccaronl, VCrmicella or
Spaghetti. kn The
MacLaren' Peanut Butter, lb... .IS Via
llershey' Breakfast Cocoa. lb....,.80o
Advo Jell for deserts, its' quality
foods, per pkjr TViO
S-lb. can Golden Pumpkin, Hominy.
Saner Kraut or Baked Benna Ui
J-lb. cans Fancy Sweet t-usar Cor , ,
Wax. String, Green or Lima Bfa .
for TW.S
4 lb. bst Hand Picked Navy Be.r.i..
Janan Hice or Pearl Tapioca .890;
Tall can Alaska Fal-non , .loo'1
32-oiince Jar Pure Fruit Preserv, S5o!
4 !. can Condensed M1U 850-
Larve Bottle Moetard Sauce, Pure-T
mato Catsup. Pickles, assorted ktnVst
or Mustard, bottle 8',i
Maple ard Cane Putrar, pr lb
New California Fla, pks 7so
Vera Datfs. per lb.... fel
Imported Fir, per lb aoo;
Our Full X.'.b ef Hew California
Zhrlad rnlti.
on, h a m Luaonr butts
,Th Best Bulk Creamery Butter. JK.
Farcy No. 1 Country Creamery
per id
"Renovon" Underfeed Cast Iron Ranges,
Range Eterna'," Malleable and other Steel
Ranges, Heaters of all sizes and styles. The
largest selection of Stoves shown in Omaha
ready for y oar inspection.
"Renown plain finish cast ranges, up from $21.30
"Henown," black or white nickel finish ranges, up
from t yiu.oo
"Range Eternal," best malleable steel rane nade..WOO
"Delight Henown. beautiful full nickel trimmed steel
range, witn nicaei piatea case, is-inca oven, spociaiiy fvr
pilced for thia week i.coSizf:
Buiall Oak heaters, just the thing for a. bed room. .9 1.05
"Live Oak" heaters, beautifully nickel trimmed. . .97.50
''Laclede" Oak heater like cut, beautifully trimmed with
new smooth nickel, hot blast attachment, burns all smoke
and gas. up from 916.0O
"Renown" and "Monogram" base burners, up from.$37.50
This Is Imperial" highest grade blue and white ware. Stands the heat without scaling and
is acid proof. Every piece is perfect.
" iaWl'
X6s. 7 and 8 Tea Kettles. ..........
Dish Tans
(i-8-qt. Berlin Kettles, with cover..
6-qt. Ilerliu Sauce Pots, with cover. .
Large Coffee Boilers.
Large 10-quart Water Pail
8-quart Preserving Kettle.
p and 3-quart Coffee Pots
Bioe Boiler
A Veritable Feast of Bar
25c Celluloid Dressing Combs, ea., only 9c
20c Corset Cover Embroideries, yard 10c
5c and 7c Satin Ribbons, per yard . . .2V2C
Men's Black, Tan and Fancy Hose, worth
15o, at, pair 8c
A largo lot of Men's Worsted Sweaters,
gray, blue and tan colors, worth up to
$2.(X), at 98c
Children's heavy fjeeced Vests and Pants,
all sizes, medium or heavy C, regular
price 25c; Monday 19c
Ladies' Fleece Vests and Pants, extra
good quality; reg. price 25c, sale price 18c
2,000 yards-of plain and novelty dress silk
in lengths of 1 to 15 yards. Messalines,
Foulards, Taffetas, Silk Poplins; resrular
price $1.00; sale price
75 pieces of New Fall
storm serges, granite
Panniers; regular pri
Women's and Misses
Chine, Silk Poplins a
to-the-minute styles, i
brown and greensi
Monday sale price, ea
Women's and Misses'
terials and colors; all
$7.50 to $10.00; Mond
Men's all wool shirts
checks and mixtures,
tra sizes, black, navy
' "" '"'Choice
::::::::: 49c