Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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Sunday Tells of Man Who Went
Wrong; to Lead Others Straight
"Billy" Sunday preached on FrMtr
night on th topic, "Hiddoa Among th
fluff." Hald:
Tsst: I Sam. a, D-"Bhoi4. h hath
hid himself among th stuff."
It la with acme reluctance I speak
about how a man failed. 1 would much
rather tell you of tome a nnul aucoesa In
life, but somstlmr tha atudy of fallur
is mora fruitful than the atudy of oon
,'Jest. I am spnaklna; tonljrht with tha hop
that whero Saul wrnt -rong you'll go
rtpht, ao that whrn you are called to
be king or queen of that Inner kingdom
f men and of womm you may be one of
God's noblemen, and come to your coro
nation, not tike Paul, allowing the "stuff"
of the wor'.d to cover up klngllneea and
It arouaea one contempt to a big
man, a man born for big thlnga, doing
small, mean, contemptible things. There
are some things we can a 1 moat excuse
In a little, weak. puny, weaxened man.
that would be an unpardonable sin for
a big man.
We ran forgive. Zaocheua for climbing
a tree In order to -catch a glimpse of
Jesus, but we cannot forgive Saul for
crawling Into a hole and pulling the
camp lugfrage In after him. Before we
get him out. now that we know where
l Is. let me refreah your memory.
(First) I do not Irk his ancestry. His
father was a man of wealth and of
power. He aid Ma son had no thought
about things which counted most In life:
they were too busy breeding asaea to
think much about, tha hope of Israel
and who the God that made tha nation
f. '
In all Uie years that Samuel ruled the
Yntl"n. and stood as Ood's representative.
Paul never heard f . him, didn't know
him. had never met him. Ktsh. Saul'n
father, never said, "Come, my son, the
Loid't prophet Is to tans, lot us listen
to his word, hear his Judgments."
Raay oa Farm.
No; Klfth was too busy with his stock
farm. He never went to church on Bun
day! that was the day he looked over
the stock.. He cared more for his farm
stock than for God'a tabernacle. Sunday
wss a good time to plan and figure up,
but he never solved the problem "What
shall It profit a man If he gain the whole
world and lose his own soul?'
The descendants of K h are like many
who live on the streets In this and every
other town, too busy six days a week
tn think of souls, and on the seventh
they say. "Too tired to go to church
today," so they get a paper, fill their
pipe, put on their slippers and sit down
Idly by while people are go'ng down
to hell. Thry grow sodden and surfeited
by the mercies of God, they spurn Christ
and purity.
Oh, Kleh. breeder of asses, too busy to
go to church, let me show you a son.
I passed over Gllboa, marked the place
where he fell a suicide. The Philistines
cut off his head and nailed his body to
the wall.
Here Is a young scion of respectability,
staggering along with boisterous mates,
blowing whiffs of foul cigarette smoke
into the faces of decency. Somewhere
there's a mother's hair whitening with
trrlef over a wayward son, but he has
had a taste of hell's poisonous broth, his
blood Is tingling with the virus of damna
tion, with which he has been Inoculated
in the . cesspools of shame: to him a
mother's love, to him a father's' hope, a
sister's tears are as nothing. He has
passed the rublcon of virtue, and the
bridge has been burned behind hint, .- j
tM.Prhloiiel Mother VanUhlna-. I
' There goes a fallen angel, once the pure,
beloved Idol of a happy home: out of her
eyes vanished gentle modesty, once her
sweetest charm. In Its place has com a
look of bold Intensity, glittering glare,
which resembles the deadly gleam In the
eyes of the sinuous snake as It cots to
strike Its prey. .
She loved not wisely but too welt '
Clinging hands could not stay the mad
flight down the toboggan into hell. I
She has thrown away all that waa dear
to woman's pure ambition. The world
knows her only as one to avoid. Re
spectability pulls Its garments aside as
she passes. Her gaudy raiment and se
ductive glances attract none but the de
praved. My hope and prayer la that soma of the
fathers and mothers who may be listen
ing to me tonight will not live to read
the black headlines which will tell of
the shame of children whose bodies they
have nourished, but whose souls have
been starved In their own parlors. Thank
God there are still a few old-rashloned
, mothers left. but. like the veterans of the
civil war. they are becoming a vanishing
Saul was called to a crown, but was
found hidden among the stuff. Tou may
say the reason he hid Is because he was
ao modest. Perhaps that may be, but
it's an awful thing for a man to be as
modest as that when he stands face to
face with the duties and hardships of;
this Ufa.
I can tell you what your life Is going'
to be by the wsy you start,' When we j
have to do common things la when the '
yellow shows In you, If you have a streak !
of it.
Judging Saul by his after life, I am
compelled to view his act as that of a
man shirking from toll, because It was
strenuous and difficult. It was not a
breakfast job to be king of Israel. It
was almost as tig a task as being presi
dent of Mexico.
There are mountains to climb, then
are hills and precipices, cataracts, oav-
rns and pitfalls and slim pits all along
tha way, but it is also true there are
ahady valleys, coxy nooks, gardens of
flowers and days radiant with the sun
light There will be storms and clouds.
there will be days when the cares and
Borrows will press heavily and almost j
crush us Into the grave: there are steeps ;
to climb If we ever reach the pinnacle
of success; there are streams to ford If
we would grasp tha crown of victory.
N4 Rurrnl Mm ! Pare Womea.
The spirit that actuated Saul controls
many splendid men. who hav In thenl
in mailing 0 oeuer iv.jik oauia, i "i i
men, loyal wive and fond mother, who
think mora of flrmnets than folly,
cradles than cards, who do not despise
the kitchen, who can make bread as
well as fudge, who can smile sweetly
at horn as well ss on the street, who can
distinguish a gentlemen from a scoundrel.
who prefers a worklnsman for a husbund
rather than a loafer or a dud.
A serious purpose may be lost In the
search for p'eaaur. Tou may become
a toy In the social life, a mere plaything.
attracted by anything that tickles your
fancy and gives a new sensat'on.
When 1 see men called to high dutlee
In royal service 1 cannot bear to see
them hide among the stuff, and forgo
and paaa up a chance for a crown or a
kingdom and become chained to soma
habit or evil Influence.
There are slaves of fashion, women
who are chained to the Moloch of pride
and vanity, all noble longings and am
bitions of motherhood dead. To them
the humbler joy of life are bitter ashes,
the quiet paths of domestio peac have
no charms tor them.
Others are chained to mammon. The
man or woman whose only idol Is gold Is
on of the most unhappy and miserable
of alL Vast accumulations bring aares
and responsibilities, rob life of Its sweet
est pleasures, develop mean, selfish
characteristic. It drives Its victims to
a grav over which no tear are shed.
It fills coffins over which do loving
heads linger.
Maakaae la Etermal.
What would hav happened If Wash
ington had ahlrked his duty, or If Lin
coln had not been ready for the great
Don't shirk God'- great tasks for
moaner ones. If anybody can afford to
spend life aimlessly. It's not you. God
has called you to a great life ahd pur
pose. Tou hav heard the call, but are
dallying with stuff."
Remember thet "stuff" Is transient;
Chrtstlon manhood Is eternal. Samson
had strength, but failed; Absalom had
beauty, but failed. Alexander had the
"power of conquest," but he died by the
cup of poison; Ingersol! bad eloquence,
but failed.
The outward things men struggle for
are but "stuff," in the great exigencies
of life.
The Lord kept track of Saul, and God
hasn't forgotton where you are. Watch
Ing with the Intense compassion of
fnther your every effort. Ills hear
aches to drag you from among the luj
gage and give you a place In Hi km
Toting man, I appeal to you. Th
wealth of th acrid. Intellectual, mora'
financial and soHal, Is wlth'n you
reach. Grapple with It all. but us It
for great purposes, unae.flsh service
Don't hlng among It or shirk you
Girls. I appeal to yon. Tour call t
queenllnees Is loud; do you hear It?
If you spend your years In a sl'y
round of dinners, clubs, danrea, the
opera, and all the Inane accessories of
ao-cal ed society you will find at las'
that you have "hidden yourself among
valueless stuff."
Men of business, men of professions.
let me appeal to you. S.iui knew his
duty, he knew his destiny, so do you.
Rl?e to the Importance of your oppor
tunity, take your crown which God of
fers and t a king. Don't in the
God has given no uncertain call. Don't
allow the tinsel of selfish purpose to
blind you to the pur gold of tiihteous
nrsa. Only the man who pays attention
to duty regardless of all else will find
his way Into th kingdom and leave the
world poorer when th Lord calls him
Live the Christian life. Children w II
lov you, women will admire you, men
will respect you, God will crown your
life with rucceca, and when th twI Uht
of your life mingles with th purpling
dawn ef eternity men will speak your
nam with honor and baptls your grave
with tears when the Lord attune for
you the evening chimes of life.
(Copyright, William A, Sunday.)
Soldier Hurt in
Bad Auto Smash
Morris Willis, soldier at Fort Crook,
sustained two smashed fingers on hi left
hand last evening at I H o'clock, when
th automobile in which he was riding
smashed headlong Into a telephone pole
on the east of Twenty-fourth street
between A and Vnl ey. Th motor be
longed to Serkeant Takle of the fort and
both men were driving toward Omaha at
the time.
Dr. Alllngham, who lives on th same
street vCicre tho accident occurred, oper
ated on the man's hand at his home a
few minutes later. It was found t.etessury
to amputate both fingers, Th machine
waa badly smashed.
If You're Constipated
Don't Take Medicine
Eat Metzger's
Bran Bread
Who likes to be eternally taking medicine!
Nobody! And nobody should. If you are con
stipated throw your pills away and eat a littl
of this good, wholesome, tasty, bran bread.
Everywhere, 10c
If your grocer hasn't got it phone
A. Me'zger Baking Company
Council Bluffs 2792
Also Makers of the Celebrated
Quaker and Puritan Bread.
a ftath
rsa VITsft.
Reduce Your
Meat Bills
Many tempting dishes can be made
with cheap cuts of
meat and
Dl1 Macaroni
or Spaghetti
So delicious their economical purpose is ,
forgotten in the enjoyment of the meaLi
Writ mr reels rYe
14 J.cW ttraw
Trkw 1525
over a greater kingdom than he ruled.
tut they are "hiding themselves among
th stuff."
They are hiding behind stocks, bonds,
dry goods, politics, Infldell'y, Impurity,
whisky, beer bottles. Bundsy baa ba I.
golf and a host of other thlnga Their
genuineness, nobility and Integrity are
lost la the search for fortune. Don't get
lost In th stuff. v
We want young men, men who will
t courageous and chivalrous, manly and
thoughtful, who can say NO anw mean
It, who will lov their homes better than
the street, who respect womanhood and
hat vice In any form, who lov th
Bib! more thaa billiards, virtu more
tbaa vice-
W want girl who form lofty Ideal
of womanhood, who think more of de
cency thaa dress, gentleness thaa gross-
A Masterstroke In
nrr Extra Valae
'TODAY we offer the finest clothes thathuman
ingenuity can make to sell around $20 to $35 and puf
them in one marvelous group at S15. S20. S25.
We strike, at every point, a new note in serving particular men and
young men. And "Nebraska Extra Value Hand-Tailored Saits" is the most
important proposition of all the innovations this greater store has intro
duced. No such wonderfully attractive suits
ever shown heretofore, at
$15, $20, $25
Thest dolhe$ are the net result of a score of famous do&es
makers co-operating wilh as to produce superlative value. la
justice to your elf SEE THEM before buying your fall apparel.
Men. Young Men,
Your Ideal Suit
Included at $15. $20. $23, Is rrery
new model' correct this season. One,
two and tliree-bmton mode. and soft roll
one-to-bmton Idea. sliiKln or double
breasted. Kxrep'lonal weaves superb
hard finished worsteds, unfinished wors
teds, Scotch tweed. tJrtms. browns oi
fords fancy mixtures, str.pes, orerp nlils
vatie without m parallel at 815.
S20. $25.
The Overcoat
You'll Want
TlsMnrtlTe!jr' new style Hal-Ma-nae
and li:tlmraaa In rich looking new
weaves. V'lsterg nnd 1'Utrrelt con
vertible or storm eollr verronta. Se
our luxurious silk lined Chesterfield
overcoats made of fine quality oxford
vicuna; lining guaranteed fur two e
Minn' wenr. Ideal eont for wear ml of
the yr. $20 to fH5 elsewhere. Our
rrice 815. S20. S25.
?sr lit i i .
10 J
A Inuwi ' :
a i lk
Highest Standard of Excellence
In Suits and Overcoats
Ilere are the best achli vements In tailored clothe they retch tha limit of r res. tire
art In elothes makln?. The acknowledged foremost tailoring designer la tha world pro
duce these garments Regardless cf how much more you might pay, they stand unap
proacaed. You must see our showing to fully appreciate what we offer.
Suits $30. $35, $49. Overcoats $30 to $50
Msa's and Boy Clotblns; eoB riooc.
Warm Underwear
The pleasure of buying underwear
here. It enhanced by having the leading
makes right here in one great stock for
careful comparison from every stand
point. Get Just what you want here.
Every sice in all proportions. ,-,
Vassar Union Suit Superior,
Union Suits at $1.03 to $5.00
Men's Sweaters
We're scoring a triumph with the best
selection tf warm sweaters Omaha has
known. Unmatchable values. Heavy
Jumbo knit sweaters, all colors, 9.I.OO to
S7.50. Medium weight knitted sweaters,
all colors, $1.00 to 93.00.
Cor with and other leaders.
Shirts or Drawers at SOc to 2
Meeting the Ideas
of Young Men
This (stub sAmnt def y sfuip
rtf(ft college man, from Acad to
;ool r h appartl ehick it 4iirt'y
tor itcl.
Our tl tke$ present f rsfsem at
and caarurfertaat is fa ordair
wilh th (ii r fmnj i who
ica farhv n't tr L
Our detijntr art cnrUdAmrica'a
UuCing crtaers 0 tmr. ; p'tnl,
and eitsd. via oar Kigk ttmtdard
ol 9nlu4 mnd (a vail teUct on tffrtd,
thit sort it in tr ry ttntt
Tha Store for Young Men
and Men r ho Keep Yo-ng
Kala noor Canter setloa.
Largest Showing
and Yorke Shirts.
UiawWr Al'l'AiiLL tVli AiiuN uiJ t VAUWi
Headquarters for
John B. Stetron
and Other Good Hats.
Vc Always Lead in Prices and Quality
Pig Iork Chop or Pork Steak, center tuts, per lb lWit
Pig Pork lioin lloaat, per lb 15
P.g Pork Shoulder ltoast per lb k,
Sirloin or Porterhouse Steak, per lb 17 H
beet Iloaat, rolled and boned, uo waste, per lb 12 '4 " 15
W tast rM sired S00 vnshal boxas of Bartistt Fears, which sail regularly at
12 76 t-er box: this pesr has been een lo us on a coinmisalu?. i.nd uiUuisd to
sell, so we will i ate them on sl Saturday, so lon ss Uty '"1
per box ...tie ana 91.33
X. berta sHaohss This 1 your last oall, per boa , -
Lztra Xaacy loan Lallan Blu Flams, -baskt era-
Bart.stt as la small baskets, at
lk lbs. fine ianuiaieci suwar for OO
Funcy larg Queen ollv- s, per quart
Com Fakes, regular 10c packsKe, Saturday, S )ao,.a;es for loo
Fancy Kwttt folatoes. In market bnsets, fir Sua
H ack Walnuts, per jecU 35c Cabha- for kraat, per di sin tt4
10c bar Tr iioap. Satuiday so Ion as It laxts, per bar I'm
Remember we buy our coffee, green and K"S roat them fresh dally, an!
ssve you from 6c to 10c on every iout,tl.
Wo gnaranlee welcht. We dclUer Kree Every whers.
Mall oiiliis tilled as advertised.
(4tk and Caxola' Btrsets. Tslrphoa Donglas USX
" I " -1
Swap Anything in the Swapper' Column'
delicious and ceo- N. : ,
nomical. The tender,
lavory slices are packed in
their own rich 6y rup. Everyone likes
Canned .
I0e to 25c a can according lo six of can and
grade of quality cheaper than it's ever been
befor. Juat sak for can of amsiies Pineapple,
Your Grocer Sells It
Associatiom or Hawaii:
PiNiArrLi Packers
Oi Oaninrt tHilUling. I mora 0
ptt3 0 rm
ii apii op
tmm mams ate
u. a. pat t nt or net
Uok ft tklt LmM
has solved the bake day
problem, for in this su
perior loaf you will rec
ognize an old fashioned quality
and "home kind" flavor equal to
the. best home baked bread. ;
Tip-Top nver disappoints. Its flavor,
taste, and quality are
always the same.
5c and 10c
U. P. Steam Baking Cd.
1915 Milk Fed Spring: Chickens. . . . 14c
1915 Forcqnarlers Spring Lambs . . 9c
Steer Pot Roast Mc
PlK Pork Roast 12 94.
lit Pork Butts It.
Young Veal Roast J14c
Young Veal Chops llUc
Porterhouse Steaks 17 Ho
I'll) nipt Attention, to Mall Ortlor.
m a: a
Bait Pork
Skinned Harns
Extra Lean Breakfast Bacon
at I74
Sugar Cured Hacon .13 94
Fresh Oysters, per Quart . ...4Vs
Dell eerie U:SO A. 8 P. M.
Opv. Wool worth Ac and 10 Htore. H3 South ltttb St. Tel. !. 2307.
1915 Milk Fed Spring Chickens, 14c
f1c Pork Butts
leer Pot Hoast V
Vouns Veal Hoast 11 U
Tonne Veal Chops 140
Mutton Roast SVi
Mutton Chops lVs
I'ortarhous 8tak 1TW
Salt Pork
Eklnnsd Hams 144s
Fxtra lean Brsakfast Bacon. . .It
uar Cur4 Bacon l-4
Prom I tn 1 P. M . Lamb Chot .'.ti
ProniBt At intloi o alal Onlsr. .
lTsrlsa. 19 A, aC, 4iJO r. M.
who wiU grow up to b good wo-