Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1915, Image 3

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. FKIDAY. 0CTO11EU 3. 1913,
nnninmu innitntT
Baling Queen of Ak-Sar-Ben and
Host of Young1 Women Also tt
Home of J. F. Carpenter.
Jeremiah's visit to the house of
the potter was the text of "Billy"
Sunday's talk to over 200 society
women at the home of Mrs. J. F.
Carpenter yesterday morning. Miss
Frances Hochstetler, reigning queen
of Ak-Sar-Ben, and a bevy of young
girls met Mr. and Mrs. Sunday as
they descended from their automo
bile and extended greetings.
A photographer requested them to
pose a moment for a picture, hut
Mrs. Sunday Indignantly refused and
walked away. "Billy" consented
Mr. Sunday baaed hia talk on a meta
phor In which Qod was compared to the
potter and the clay to human beings.
"Qod wants to make Corinthian vaaea
out of all of ua. but aoma won't let them
selves ba made Into anything- else but
apittoona," he said. In speaking of the
clay which restated the action of the
wheel and came out faulty.
"But the potter is not diacouraged. He
throws the clay again upon the wheel
until It cornea out the proper form."
Rraaon for Tabernacle.
"That'a why I am preaching at the
Tabernacle. Qod dropped this Tabernacle
Into Omaha to give you a chance to
choose to make out of your Uvea what
Ood Intended you should. There never
waa another opportunity such as thla for
Omaha to ahow its fidelity to Qod as now.
"Tour Culture, wealth. Intellect, friends.
ancestry nothing will help you If you
haven't the touch of God," he told the
As Mr. Sunday waa leaving he noticed
two old women who . were sitting In a
corner afraid to move until the crowd had
filed out of the room. He went up to
them, shook handa and exchanged a word
or two. His little courtesy brought tears
to their eyes.
. Mr. Sunday la strongly impressed with
the beauty of Omaha'a residential dis
trict. He remarked upon the beauty of
the homes on the hill, as he haa done at
earlier meetings.
t when tie riles maybe your daughter will have been old maids. They are simply
. I have good clothes and ride in an aurb
' mobile Instead of liot hoofing It.
It a man haa a right to buy ber favors
a mm) .1. V thl.. ftfcla
side of faaarea. A had w,.a la tbe ffor tnon,y- ,he hM r,ght to her
worst thing this aide of helL , f"vor- . , , W1 .
Look at the girls on the auction block
If a Ooo-f.eim woman merries a otJ, n- ,ook ,he hu" ,he vrr-fearing-
man. they'll bare Ood.feert.f , stenographer and average clerk has
children. j "a't. lou cannot work for 8 a
I week and wear fine clothes and be on
the public square as much as you ars , noblest
without having the people suspicious.
la It well with these? Is it well with
your husband? The best man In the
world, you answer. Very well: Is It well
with the chilli ? It means a good deal
to marry. 1 think Its responsibilities are
equal, and when Ood la In the heart of
the child, and the hearta of the father
and mother, I ilon't wonder that ths
home Is a haven of rest and pence.
Woman on tllarher Plane.
Woman lives on a liiaher plane mor
ally than man. No woman was ever
ruined that some brute of a man did
not take the Initiative. Women have
kept themselves purer than men. I
believe a good woman Is the btat thing
this side of heaven, and a bad woman
Xt haa aim ply eome to thla, that soma,
body has to preach plalaiy, and that
somebody eeama to be me. Moat of the
preachers nowadays float amount to
The average girl of today no loafer
looks forward to motherhood as the
ct own lag glory of womanhood.
Take thla from Vaole Tal'ert Don't
worry If yon don't marry, there are
worse things la the world than being- aa
old maid, aad oaa of them is marry
ing the wrong man.
Boat let your ae' lona adTerttae "Man j
wanted quick." That Is the rarest way
not to get a real man. In waiting." Hut I tell you. alrta.
I would rnther be an old maid, with
dogs, cats, furniture and bric-a-brao than
to be yoked to a profane, rlsarett
amoklng, cursing, whisky-soaked Jug
handle for a husband. And, say, girls,
don't simper and lo'.k silly when you
speak of love. There la nothing silly
about It. althourh s.m folks are silly
because they are In love love is the
and tirest gin to man and
womanhood. lon't let your actions ad
vertise "Man wanted quick." That Is
the surest way not to get a real man.
Tou might get something with panta
loons on, but t lint Is not a mm. Some J
men should be arrested for eoing around
and being dlguiscd as men. !on't get
esclted and try to hurry thlnta along.
If the man wanta you he'll eome around
In his good time, and don't try to do
lalf the courting. Oon't bestow the love
that Uod gave you on a brindle nosed
pug. A woman has to love something,
but I don't call a dog something.
Pon't teach your girls, mothers,
that the only thing In the world la to
marry. A girl Is a big fool to marry
an infidel. Ood says, "be ye not m-
Ton never hear of some old lobsters
aalees they are fortunate enough t
marry a woman who doss things and,
their name is always meationed la con
nection with what the wife does.
If yon will lay aside yur prejndloe,
yon little frisale-headod slaters, X will
help yon so yon wont make the mis
take your ma made.
the worst thing this side of hell. I think ! "' Jrok'd W"h unlllev" " ' 1"'
i uori inn win nave a nard lire, aa sure
! aa she lives. The offspring of such
marriages either follow In tho foot-
Heard at the Tab
Tonight la to be Burlington nisM
at tho Tabernacle. For the local offl
riala and employee of the company MM
seata have been reserved. Those who de
sire to attend the "Hilly" Sunday meet
ing have been requested to be at the
Tabernacle at 7:3i o'clock. To distin
guish them and that the ushers may
know that they are entitled to seats In
the reserved section each man and wo
man haa been requested to wear a blue
they rise Mgher and. alnk lower than
men. I think ahe la the purest on earth
or the most deuraded on earth. Our
homes are on the level with women.
Towns are on the level with women,
Xatlona are on the level with towns.
hat our women are the towns will be.
The devil and women can damn this
world and Jesus and women can save
this world. The womanhood of the world
has to settle the destiny of the world.
1 believe there is something unfinished
In Uie make-up of a girl with the ab
sence of religion. The average girl of
today no longer looks forward to
motherhood as the crowning glory of
womanhoo I.
I wish I could make a girl that flirts
see herself as others see her. If you
make eyes at a man on the street he
w ill pay you back. It means 'that If you
don't care any more than that for your
self why should he? It takes a lot of
nerve for a fellow to look a girl In the
Use The Bee's "Swapper" column,
furniture Into cash.
The KnlKhts Templar have reserved !r
seata for the "Hilly" Sunday meeting of J face and say, "Will you be my wife and
mo evening 01 oriowr ia. aiemnera wno , r,Brtnf.r and heln ma flht th hltl of
attend will be In full uniform. The oc-! Pr"er ana neip me ngnt tn battle or
raaton Is the regular meeting night of i life?" But I think It moans a whole lot
the order, and that members may attend ; more to the girl who has to answer and
the Sunday meeting they have been re-i .!, . ,.. .1 -
quested to be at the Masonic Temple at f,ht that Question; hut the fool girl
B:.10 o'clock. There dinner will be served loifs around, walta to be chosen and
anei arterwaro me regular loage ousinesa- takes the first chance she Beta and
will be transacted. From the lodge room
the men will go direct to the Tabernacle.
PeEmmett Bradshnw, senior member of
the law firm of Hradshaw, Khoton &
Helm, Little Hook, Ark., called on "1 lily
Sunday Thursday and extended him an
invitation to conduct a religious cam
paign In that city. "We will build you
any kind of a tabernacle you want, sii
ply you with ir.iiO people, the best 'hear
ers' In the world, and you will be speak
ing In a state that allows whisky selling
in only four places," he said.
Sunday Preaches to Women Only
at Tab on "Is It Well with Thee"
"Bl:ly" Sunday preached to women
only at the Tabernacle yesterday after
noon and delivered the same sesfbon in
the evening. He took his text from II
Kings, 1:24: "Is it well with thee: Is It
e.l with thy husband; is It well with
Iho child?" He spoke as follows:
You remember the prophet Elisha and
i ;'ourrey to the school of prophets up
to Mt. Cnrmel. There was a woman
who noticed the actions and conduct
of the man of God and she said to her
husband, "I believe he is a man of Ood.
I-et ua take him in." And they did, and
furnished him a room, and ever after
wards the. man of Qod enjoyed this hos
pitality. I sometimes thought ahe might
have been a new woman of the older
tlmea, because no mention is made of
her husband.
Tou never hear of some old lobster
unless they are fortunate . enough to
marry a woman who doea things and
their name Is always mentioned in con
nection with what the wife does.
If you will lay aside your prejudice,
you' little frizsy-beaded slaters, I will
heip you so you won't make the mistake
your ma made.
Tou know there are homes In which
the advent of one, two and possibly
three children Is .considered a curse
Instead of a blessing. Ood In His provi
dence has often denied the honor of
maternity to aome women, but there ore
married women who ahrink from ma
ternity because they love ease, becausj
they love fine garments and ability to
flit like a butterfly at some social func
tion. Approaching; Doom.
Crimea have been and are being com
mitted; hands are stained with bljjd
and that very crime has made Frunze
the charnel house of the world. Ton
thousand six hundred new babies born
in one year were fished out of the
mouths of sewers of Paris. I am not
talking of France. . I mean Paris, nd
that crime la well nigh making America
the charnel house of the world. I wont
to Dr. A and I said. "Say, doctor, a
number of women have been speaking
of you aektrtff me to come and talk to
you." Thla doctor wssn't a Christian.
he wss an infidel. He said to me, "I am j
glad there Is a Christian to tell the pen- !
ple what they ought to hear. A do-tor '
I am, not a Christian, you are the flrat I
person to come to me about these '
women. In less than seven months six
professing Christians have come to me
and asked me to relieve them of the
cross of maternity, and I refused. '
"Later these same women came to me,"
raid the doctor, 'and asked ma to be a 1
Christian." The'doctor asked me what I
m ould do In that case. 1 told him I would
si It In their faces. The doctor said to
me: "It these Christians are going to .
heaven. I'll take my chances In hell."- j
Ood haa nothing to do with women 1
who are guilty- of this terrible crime '
Malpractice ra should be treated the
. same aa ether murderers I on't be
. Here there la an angel In heaven that
would not come to earth and be hon
ored with motherhood If Ood would
grant them tbe privilege. Like pro
cures like. In animals and in human
beluga Blood will tell In horses, sheep,
quadrupeds and in human beings. A
conaumptlve mother will produce a con
sumptive child, and the same Is trwe of
its paternity.
It is time to lay aside mock nvxlety. .
Tou can't trifle with Ooa'g ndee.' So
ciety has Just about put maternity out
ef fashion. When you stop to consider
the average society woman I do not thiak
maternity baa lost anything. The child .
ef affluence Is turned ever ta aureus at
birth and Is fed en prepared foods and
knows nothing of tts mother. Tbe ralldrwn :
. ef humbler homes are raiasl by thetr
aothers, instead ef being turn ever to
gevwrneaaae. These mothers sfd thefir
' time In bridge parties, gaddlogt and fond
ling pot dogs; no wonder men ge ta i
flubs. No uu wants to ptar end ftuVj
ele to a bow-legged bulldog. 1 am sure I
would not !
I am euqtmg from tbe Xw TSrfc
Tribune, which tells ef fatts wftkro. ua
renting from J3.50O to $1,600 per year. H
takes a fat Income to pay the rent. In
the Ansonia flats, owned by Stokes, the
man the two girls shot, there are 100
families and only seven children. The St.
Bernard flats and fifty families and one
baby. The Euclid with twenty families
snd six babies. Another with ninety fam
ilies and two babtea. Now we go to the
East Side. No. 49 Attorney street, 1 we
find forty-eight families and 150 babies.
Then In Ludlow street twenty-seven fam
ilies and ninety-eight babies; at 42 Rid
dlngton street, forty-nine families snd
102 babies.
Marry for a Oood Time.
seems to think that If they made her one
the laws of man can make them two
again. The divorce laws are damnable
and pernicious.
Some Ulrls I'oorly Trained.
Some girls are poorly trained and I
blame Ihelr mothers. Some girls find
out It would have been easier to have
died than to be married, and some
mothers that it would have been eaaler
to have buried their daughters than to
have had them married and become the
wif) of some cigarette smoking, cursing,
damnable libertine. You will go out and
marry. You are a big fool to marry an
unconverted man who la afraid to bo a
Christian. I preached like thla in a
town In Ohio once and tbe next day
I heard of" eight or ten engagements
that had been broken. I have the lib
erty to give you advice now. You are
yet in my power. A girl la a fool to
allow a man to bring her to church and
then leavi her and then call for her.
I was visiting a wealthy home where
there was a beautiful young girl who
was engaged to be married, and the
man she waa to marry wasn't a Chris
tian. After hearing my sermon she do
elded to break the engagement and when
the young man called she said: "Jim,
I am a Christian, and I said I would
not marry a man who was not. It has
come to this, you have to be one or
I'll not marry you. You have got to
steps of their fnthcr, and go to hell,
or cling to their mother and are
sneered at all their '"e by their father.
Time for Plain Prraralna-.
It haa slmDly come to thla, that
somebody haa to preach plainly and
that somebody seems to be me. Most
of the preachers nowadays -don't
amount to "shucks." They don't preach
haughty Oreeoe end . Imperial Itome7
It waa degradation of her womanhood.
I tell you women the virtue of woman
hood Is tbe rampart wall, of civilisation.
You break that down and with the stones
thereof you can pevw your way to hell.
I have a friend. Susan Pavon, who
has charge of a home for woiklng girls
in Chlctigo, and located near It Is a
large factory employing girls none
take their lunch with them-makliut
their homes with Susan Paxon. One
day there came to this fsctory a girl
about 1 years of age, one of those fine,
wholesome girls you would turn to looa
at the second time. She came there tn
woik and they sent her to this home.
Each pay day she would find 50 cents
to tt extra In her pay envelope. Thta
continued for aeveral w-eeks. One day
the manager asked this girl to stay at!
Any. good soap and hard
rubbing will get your clothes
cleart. It depends on the size
of your wash whether it takes a
whole day or not. Or you can
the noon hour, that he might have an
opportunity to talk te her about her I
work snd whether She was qualified toj
take a better position. She waited, but
the man made advances to her snd she
refused to yield. There was a struggle,
but the girl rushed from the place and
ran to the home. Sha refused to tell
what had happened and It waa thought
she had had a quarrel with a fellow
worker. Plie was confined to her bed
for a week, at the end of which time ahe
told Miss Paxon what had taken place.
On the following Sunday Miss Paxon j
went to the suburb where the manager;
lived. She saw him going to church, 1
accompanied by one of the wealthiest I
young girls of the town. Sne followed !
them, hoping to get a chance to de
nounce him. None presenting Itself, she
followed them home after . service. Oo.
along the lines that the people need. I to the door ahe rang the bell and
There are too many girls marry for
other causes than love. I think am-1 make up your mind what you are going
bltlon, Idolence, avarice, laxlneaa and to do. If you will not take your stand
Indifference lead more girls to the altar
than love. Girls not actuated by the
noblest of human feeling, but simply
willing to pay the price for a good time.
They are not moved by the nobler de
sires of manhood and womanhood. Ma
ternity is the highest possible gift1 of
Ood to woman. The up-to-date women
pride themselves on their criminal knowl
edge. Some girls marry for society,
some marry for home, some marry for
case, some marry to reform a man-
she's the biggest fool of all, he wouldn't
marry you to reform you alssy. It is no
easier to make a kingly husband out of
a beer-soaked, cigarette smoking speci
men of a man than a prostitute can
make a aueenly wife.
You mothers are fools to encouraga
your daughters to marry some old lob.
ster because his father has money, and
for Jesus Christ I will not marry you."
I was invited to the home for dinner
shortly afterward and when I entered
ane rusnea to me 1 tnougnt she was
going to kiss me and I said to hor as
she grabbed my hand and held It: "When
you ret through with my band I wish
you would give it back, for I have need
of It." Then she told me what she had
none. 1 learnea laier tiiat within a
few weeks he had married another girl.
Lobsters like that always- have two or
three on a string.
A boat Old Maids.
Take thla from Uncle Fuller: Don't
worry if you don't marry, there are
worse things in the world than being
an old maid, and one of them la mar
rying the wrong ' man. Love Is the
divlncst gift of Ood to man and woman.
Some of the noblest women In the world
More attention should be pad to out
girls and less to money blindness. We
are letting our children find out too
much for themselves. We take chil
dren and turn them loose at school
and the keep company, and
there la aome fellow there loose lit
his language and when your chil
dren come home and repeat thost
stories to you, you throw up your hands
In horror. You ask: "When Shall 1 tell
my child?" When It's old enough to
know. When Is that? I don't know,
when It begina to ask questions, at
different ages, because children aie
different, aome to know earlier than oth
ers. They should know when they begin
to question you. Don't lio to them, tell
them as much as they can understand
"What shall I tfell them?" I believe the
time Is coming when sex hygiene will
be a part of our public school curricu
lum ss much aa grammer or arithme
tic. Oirls will be taught In classes of
themselves by a competent woman teacher
and boys In classes by themselves by a
man. I believe the time will come
when we will be, forced to do It be
cause of the great tidal wave of vice
that is sweeping over the. nation. The
boys and girls of today are going to
hell at an awful clip. The girls of
today, 14 years of age, can tell their
grandmother "things."
Like Father, Like 80a.
If a Ood-feaiing woman marries a
God-fearing man they'll have God-fearing
What paved the' way for the down
fall of the mightiest dynaaty proud and
the door was opened "by the man dressed
In the garb of Louis XIV, with silver
buckles and silk stockings, who held out
a tray for her card. Brushing past htm
she -entered the parlor where the young
mm and woman wore seated on a dav
enport. Stating her ' name, ahe da
nounced the man In front of the woman
and told him If he did not make amends
she would cause his arrest. On Monday
morning he called at the home, made
restitution, and today Miss Paxon ssys
there Is not a young man In Chicago
with whom ahe would be more willing
to trust young girls, and that was be
cause sne woman was not afraid to do
har duty.
If the womanhood . of America was
not purer than manhood they should
all be dumped Into hell. There are 60,000
girls ruined In America1 In one year,
6.000 a month or ITS a day. Seventy-five
thousand young girls wore ruined and
sold aa white slaves last year. A man
guilty of dealing In white alavery should
be shot on the spot. Women touch the
limit both ways. A good woman Is the
best thing this side of heaven. A bad
woman la the worst jthlng this side of
hell. Women do not realise their power.
Why, there's enough power In this tab
ernacle to damn Omaha or to save It.
(Copyright, William A. Sunday.)
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