TIIE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. OCTOBKK 8, 1015. 1 KONEIGSTEIH IS GIVEN PRISON TERM Former Madison Attorney Conticted of Accepting Bribe Get Inde terminate Sentence. DENIED BAIL DURING APPEAL MADISON. Neb.. Oct 1.PpcM Tele- grerh) Motion for new trial In the ca of Arthur J. Konelfirteln. convicted for taking money of Norfolk resort keeper whit county attorney of Martlon county, waa overruled. The court conaldtrlng the j rour counts or me innirinmi aa imt rcnae senirncea jnneiKiein m mo b'i penitentiary for a term of one to five' yeare and to py the coet of proaecu tlon. KonelgMrln's ren'icet that Judg tnent be guipendrd pending appeal to the a u pre me court waa denied. lie Immedi ately applied to the eupreme court to be released on ball pending hearing on writ of error. SUNDAY ASSAILS WIVES WHO SHUN MOTHERS' CARES Conlntued from Page Of ) fashion, but when you ronalder the aver age society wnmnn: maternity hasn't loet Tmirh." lie differed. "Women pride Uiemaelvrn' on a knowledge of prevent Ivea more than they do a knowledge of the proper upbringing of children. Many women endure wifehood that they may lead a life of ease and affluence. 'Too many plrlg marry for other raitae than love," he Bald. "AmblLlon. Indo lence, avarice and aoclaj position were motive that have taken "He plar. he said. , He acored heavily mothers who tried to arrange worldly marriages for their daughters. - rtoa't Advcrtla Main WaMval. "Don't worry If you don't marry and don't let your actions adrertlse 'Man wanted quick,'" waa "Dllly" Sunday's advice to girls. There are Bo "old maids'' they are only "ladles In waiting." ae-i cording to "Billy." Oettlng married to ; the wrong man was a worse evil than remaining single, ha told them. Hilly" was at his best In his aMde to club women. "Don't go daffy over eu genics," he said, drawing out the word with a sneering laugh, "as if that were a cure-all for all evils. "A person may be physically pure, but be a moral leper," he declared. "You ought to start a mare ment for drees reform. You nee that more than you do suffrage or civil serv ice reform. Not that I am against woman suffrage," he' hastily , added, '. amidst thunderous applause. The girl who dresses to attract atten- tlon has a head full of bulk oysters and I ii.iu .xmiki in nillv." Purltv. ! llgnlty and spirituality are the trinity of woman's grace, he said. "The virtue of Its women la the bul wark Of the American nation. If that la broken down, you caVi pave the way to hell with It fragment." was his closing assertion. MatfKilled in Auto Upset at Sao City SACcVtT. la.. Oct T. (Special' Tele gram.) J. C. Burton, a young telephone lineman at Newell, waa killed lata yes terday when the automobile In which he was riding, along with five other men, went over a twenty-foot embankment throe and a half miles south of Sao OUyf tv. U Holt, postmaster at Newell, and Ed Lewis of the same town sus tained minor Injuries. The party had driven to Sao City from Newell In the morning to attend the Odd Fellows' con vention and were returning from a short drive around the country when the acci dent occurred. In turning out to meet another ear W. B. Rust, the driver, was erowded too near the edge of the grade and was unable to avert the disaster. Burton Is survived by his wife. ". Notee at Claiabae. COLUMBUS, "'Neb., Oct ,7.-r 'Special.) A deal waa completed yesterday by Which the Rothleltner Hardware com pany sold their stock to Charles Mlcek. Mr Rothleltner has been county super intendent of public schools of this county for some time -and entered -Into tha hardware business and conducted same for the last fifteen rs. The Mothers' Culture lub held the first meeting of the season at the par lors of the public library thla afternoon. The annual convention of the Nebraska Woman Suffrage association will be held In Columbus Octobnr 11, 11 and H A complete program has been proparcd for the occasion. The. ooenliitf session on Tuesday evening, October 13, will be given chiefly to abort addresses and to musical number by Columbus people, which will be followed by a reception of Columbus women and visitors. The main speakers durlnj the convention will be the addreaaea oy Mla Mary K. McDowell of Chicago, who la a promi nent leader of the suffrage movements. "Gc!s-!f fcr Corns, SORE as Sunrise! Any Cora, With "Geta-It" oa It, Is an AbaotuU doner!" ' Taa, If tha alrr.pl eat thnf In tha world to aoi riti vt a -orn -we, you u '"tiala It. tha wor d a (raatcat corn-rl4ir. l-.Jly. It almoat a pioaaur to tiava Cvi n Just to aa Uiam own o(f witb Urt-lV rmta Vaeir reat In Clav f"et- It." It jut leoeana the cura from Irx ire flesti, eaal y, and tuea ubku It Mne "clean utf." l ho. ra end y m for It t a. li iiiak-a tne um of tapa. ouru. a4utslna- b rulof a. lrT.tiitlr.g aaJtea. li Ivr. Kliwn nml raiora really luok nu.u.l ui. t rid of tt o a r'na iUli'Hy, i.nrty. I elii!l iuat ellv erlih "(le(a )' " For aart and tRmluua. lotx It a tae ,Mr. r.ni r y. ;-' It" ta a.. Id kv all dnitllat. at a .''tie. or sent ilrft liY liwreiuie 4 . f hlcaao. Ho.d In OtaaJia and rrrP'nmill aa the world' l.at rorn fri. u4 t, tiltarmiuk A Wot'tiiinoll Drug v a r'loit J 1 y3t Sundayisms at the On the Fly by is nt 15 POVTKTY f- OUR FATHER ) fl DECDOACI WHO ART CPA SM DISEASE COCOAtJ J 1M VlKAmSJfs J J jij. rvSS NONE OfTtftS I VI AH, I'M Uz $!H' ViV farrow? I WHtN CAIN WENT A'COURTING .jmm,jm) i f i-jrl mow n it t Nt 7irsrwtjM 111 II X ft Y ii 4 1 C mw ww tw rvrfi, riinr HON. CHURCH HOWE IS DEAD AT AUBURN (Conlntued from Page One.) Major Church Howe, that the big orchard rated so highly, f-r he under stands fruit raising as few men do fruit, live stock and grain. llonwrbl Amy Rerd Church Howe has the distinction of having served In many Important posi tions for the United States. He was I'nitwl 8tates consul at Palermo, Italy, 1S79-1D0Q; United States consul, Sheffield. England, UOO-I; United States consul, Antwerp, Belgium, UOM; United State consul. Montreal, Canada, a part of one year and then held tha same position Immediately following, until October, nil, at Manchester, England, lie was born at I'flnceton, Maaa., In December, 1839, and was reared on a. if arm. ' He finished his common school and academlv education at the age of Jl , He clerked In a grocery store at Worcester for two years and on April IS. 1861. enlisted as a private In Company O, Sixth Massachu setts military infantry, which ' was the first regiment to respond to president Lincoln's call" for volunteers. This regi ment was mobbed four days later while passing through the streets of Baltimore on Its way to Washington, Major How was appointed quartermas ter sergeant of his regiment prior to the muster in of the company, April 22, 1801, and waa discharged from the service July 23, l&U. that be might accept appointment as regimental quartermaster in the Fif teenth Massachusetts Infantry volunteers. effective August 1, Util, and was regarded by the department aa having been mus tered In the service as captain of Com pany K of that regiment effective March 1, Uii. . On February IS, , he was transferred to Company A, and later to Company K of the same regiment He acted in various Important positions, in cluding aide-de-camp on the staff of General Sedgwick, In which position he also acted aa ordnance officer of the divi sion and waa with General Sedgwlok on September 17. Utt. When the general waa j wounded at Antletam, Maryland.' Army orders dated October 17. 1881. announced Lieutenant How a aide-de-camp ta Brig adier General Oorman and orders Issued later- of the same" year announced him as provost -marshal at Harper" a Ferry ami Bolivar. In December of tha same year General Sedgwick returned to duty and Howe waa again appointed upon hut ataff and aervad thara uUl h. ... U ! charted April 10, lXiO, h rcalinlng. Ha waa bravattad major of Unltad State) volunteer to data from March 11. 1A " Ik I ... . T" 1? - V,CT " veius wt uau m viuii) v mir Savaae tttatlon, aicndal and Malvern Hill Virginia, and AntUaLam U.rvl.nJ ' nui. Virginia, ana Anueiam. Maryland, and for meiitorloua aervlca during the war. In hi report. General Badtwluk om- I ullmented Ur. H.n muat hl.hlv f.. hi- I - - ' untiring elfort and axertlona and hta loyalty In camp and on the field ot bat tle. ( Karly OffleUl af Wr,.a, After tha war Major How returned to Maaaachuaetta and In ISt waa appointed by Preatdent Johncon aa collector of In ternal revenue for the Worcester (Maaa.) district. In INts he was appointed by t'realdont Grant aa United fitatea marahal . for Wyoming territory, where ho helped 1 organise the territorial government. Wtll on hta way to Wyoming he bought ; 40 acres of land In Nemaha county, Ne break a. and when he returned from , Wyoming, In he settled permanently 1 on this tract and entered eitenelvely to ! ralalng 11 vi atock. By purthaae h ha, added adjoining land until hi farm now i comprise 1.60u ncraa. He cold a portion of hta original arm, which I known a Walnut Grove,. In 1894, and removed to Auburn. ' Near hta farm he eatabUahed ) the town of Howe, which waa named for , him. While still operating hi large farm, ' be engaged extenatvely In railroad con- ' tree ting, which he continued until 1. He waa alao one of the organiser ot tha ' Ftrat National bank of Auburn, ef which he waa preeident. and retired from active bualneaa In IKw, leaving the management of the Interest In the hand of his son, I Herbert R. Howe. He was admitted to the bar by the supreme court of Wyo ming In 170. I'.aler. Mebraaka Pull tic. lie entered politic vrumlnently In Ne break In lt4. when he wa elected to the Nebraska legtalature, and for twenty ware, thereafter, was a prominent factor a fjounclt of hi party In the political Tab as Caught Our Staff Artist sffalrs of the state, and during which period his face was a familiar one aa a member on the leglslrjlve floors of Ne hraska, he serving In both the lower house and the senate. For ten years he was a member of tha State Normal school board; and In 1S7S he was a member of the state relief committee for the distri bution of seed grain; was a member of the republican national committee from Nebraska from 18M to ISM; a delegate to the republican national convention which nominated Blaine In 1KR4. and he has servid a number of .years as a member of the republican state committee, he was active In the Nebraska state grange movement and when It became financially involved he was elected Its master and settled up Its affairs. He was elected mayor of Auburn two years ago. Major How had had many honors eon- ferscft iuton him., at hrniiA Vmnt JlTteong has been a prominent figure In Grand Army of the ' Republic, depart mental work and has served aa chairman Of the Ornnd Army of the Republic relief oommlttee. He Is a charter member of Nebraska Commandery Military Order of Loyal Legion, a thirty-second degree Ma son, shrlner and member of other promi nent lodge organisations. Major Howe was married June 1, IMS, to Miss Augusta C. Bqitomly of Leicester. Mass. Mrs. How died January 8. ISH. Major How has never remarried. Culls- From the Wire Government ownersnm ot public utili ties waa termed a menace to pragma and a means of swinging a controlling vote by Jonathan Bourne. Jr., of Port land, former-United Mtatea senator from Oregon. In an address befoie the Ameri can Kiectrlc Railway association conven tion at San Francisco. The fourth convention of the National Housing association opened at Minneap olis attended by social welfare represen tative from many slates. At a round table luncheon lr. W. A. Evans, former lieultn commissioner of Chlcaao. u ih principal speaker. Ui toilo was "The Asssa. dibu nu in Vk nvfcr " at Step In Health Work Enormous Increases In the cotton ex port trade during August are shown in the monthly statement of foodstuffs, cot ton and Oil tlSolll YrymAm I - -- - - ...... mmviim in Cotton .porT." f o? . h.' monuJ aere 183 bait, valued at t7 ol as compared with exports of 11 JiO valued at l,Su.U7 In August. 11)14. bales Explaining the Stat department's re rent refusal to Issue paasporta to several Mormons who desired to go to England enu other Kurupean countries for mis sionary work, department official said no pasaporta were being granted ml sloharlra of any faith for work In Kur ,i in department a Dollrv la to arant n.- fi?"? '??. " enljr Mw yvivuiial IX Ave IV W(Ul. A rorr animation of th Cudahy Pach Inf company waa announced at ChVcao I hi R. A. (?tiiijahw t tin auM !h? of th M"''" Cudahji "cVr 7 ' . a u nu c r vr-4 uvmxm ana i r t. tnil.f h. mtll..rf j thia month. To accainillh thl a new """" won i or men una or I lie .w. ot jjaln4 and the old atoca rel- ued to pr cent hareholler on the baal ' W."0,iioo i.rr.rid and the balance nmon tock The o d corporation waa an iinnoi cc concern with . canlt.l a'n-k of $10,00 common and tl o O.0T6 pie frrred, and hn accumulated, Air. Cvidahy hI1, a aurpltia of IS 0on,(o. No chau.e vlll he made In the buaimaa organisation, be said. TIJUY Will be de livered prompt ly those Fall duds. And made for you from fashion's most exclusive fabrics. , . Drop in today I Suits and Overcoats to Order ?20.00 to $15.00 VicCirttj-WUsoi Ti!!orlr Co. 31.1 booth llb Htrtrt. If A. Next Week Will Be The Window Display Week for Merchants The potent power of advertising as an aid to efficient dl-tributlon and as an agency promoting economy Is constantly I ' becoming more apparent. Thinking peo- I i tie no longer condemn advertising but i rather embrace It aa one of the most laudable developments of our time. This I Is decidedly true of retail merchants and , ;the romtiopnlltaii throng with whom 1 thear deal. ' Of Tie vast multitude which looks upon advertising as a power for good, a great proportion favor the dally newspaper as the best advertising medium. And the newspaper Is the best advertising med- . lum, the greatest In volume of advertis ing space and the most Important, be cause It touches most Intimately the lives of the millions w.o make up the ( great consuming public. i Retail merchants have long been aware of this fact. They are In dally contact with the public and know the preference of people for newspaper advertised goods. They know from experience that the con sumers who make up the great buying public are more responsive, to newspaper advertising it la more direct, more spe cific and more Intimate than the adver tising of moat mediums which are merely , general In appeal. In order to bring these facts to the attention of the great business organi sations which are responsible for much of the advertising, to show them that the nowspaper Is the most efficient aid to distribution and most acceptable to ! the people at large, the merchants In ' conjunction with the newspapers have . arranged for a demonstration which shall I be known as International Newspaper I Window Display Week. ! During the "Week," October U to If, Inclusive, local merchant will have ie- , clal window displays of products which 1 are advertised In the newspapers. It will be worth while to look at the various displays, because It will be lntercst.ng Instructive and profitable. Held at McCook for Murder in Kentucky M'COOK. Neb.. Oct 7. W. Clayborn I Wilson of Wcox, Ky., was arrested ' here today and Is being held In the . County Jail on a charge of killing a negro at Hartford, Ky. Wilson's ar-: rest followed the finding of a letter he j hal rvceiitly received from his wife, dtted at Hnrtford, Ky., In which ref erence waa male to the killing. Wilson had drorped the letter In the depot and It was tinned over to the authorities, I who wired to Hartford for Instructions. 1 The sheriff at that place sent a tele-1 gram requesting that Wilson be hld until an officer from Kentucky could come for him. DEATH RECORD. Thomas J. Boyle. HEBTION, Ncb Oct 7.-(Special.) Thomas J. Boyle died Wednesday, ajed fT years. The funeral will e held to morrow. He had lived here thirty years. ( Never, mihd Trie THING TboveropGOT LEARNED To PHoPestLV When you're learned to spend 70ur-money properly you'll have a lot of It left In your pocket or In tha bank. A ftylish appearance payt a higher , rate or interest tnan any bank, or other investment. Invest In one of the expertly tail ored.' modern suits or overcoats we are offering and -you'll see exactly! hat we mean. $16.50 and $25 "Makt our storm your storm Wilcox & Allen . Exclusive Clothes lor Men ' . and Young Men. 203 Bo. 15th' Street Near Douglas. z KNOX HATS 1913 We are authority on Fotmal Wearing Apparel end Accessories Pease Bros. Co. 141.7 Farnam Street HilOMPSOKBELDEN & (b. The Fashion Center of the Middle West Friday's Offerings of Dependable Apparel TAILLEUR SUITS: Broad cloth, Serge, Garbardine and "Whipcord $19.50, $25.00, $29.50 SEPARATE SKIRTS: A special offering $6.75, $8.75, $10.50 MODISH COATS: Abetter offering at a lower pricing than ever before $11.75, $14.50, $19 50 THOMPSON, BELDEN & COMPANY Reliable Since 188G In Neck Fixings Everything That's New It is not too much to say that we have the most ex tensive and attractive stocks of Neckwear,- Ruchings and Ruffs . that we have ever 6hown. High and low neck g-uimpes and separate collars. Flchues and vestees In lace and Georgette crepe. Also lace, organdie and net col lars, and The newest style, the "Lotus." iam.iMii.M.ii.mi.ii.,pji mm ,aj, H t , fflffirmfrnffi Hard Coal User, we want YOU! Using Hard Coal the way you to, you'll b,e quick to SEE wherein 'Vulcan Coke" is REALLY better and 20 CHEAPER,than Anthracite. With "Vulcan Coke" you've no residue excepting clean ash, and no clink era. "Vulcan Coke" is smokeless; that ought to swerve you towards it, even if there WERE no other talking point Men who know evolved a way to produce "Vul can Coke" from a mixture of the best Coking Coals obtainable. It's a by-product, but an absolute im provement over anything "natural" Phpnm TyUr 17S4 Wow While) Yog Think of Pul We Are Wholesale 210 South 17th Street JrAUf cVy aw . , y,.,., . .-, mm m, i . rift Friday the Famous Sale of Co1ored Dress Goods Formerly $1 to $2 a yard. The best of these 'now famous sales of odd pieces, broken lines only two or three of a kind and none in re serve. All go in one lot; your choice as long as they last 50c a yard An early selection is to your advantage. Women's Knit Underwear For Fall and Winter Women's Wool Vests, high neck long sleeves, pants to match, ankle length $1 Women's Wool Union Suits, low neck, no sleeves; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; high neck, long sleeves, all ankle length $1.25 Extra size .1.53 Women's Cotton Union Suits, fall weight, knee or ankle length, all sizes. .65p Women's Black Lisle Bloomers 85 I'ndenrear Section Third Floor. Hosiery News from Omaha Headquarters Women's Black Lisle Hose, double soles and tops, an ex tra value, only . .25 a pair Women's Black Silk Lisle Hose or Black Cotton Hose, double tops and soles, both will give splendid service, at 35 a pair, 3 pairs for $1 Infants' and Children's Cashmere Hose in a complete line of styles, lues and prices. A Special Counter of Skirt and Dress lengths, in Colored and Black Dress Goods The fabrics women are choosing for Autumn Wear. Suitings, Novelties, Serges, Cords Mostly skirt and dress lengths. ALL AT ABOUT HALF FORMER PRICES. $9.50 a Ton and Retail Agents BrandeU Theater Bid?. MW Tosigbt Mat. Tcaaorrow n World' Blgrt an Musical gbow. , Compaay of lag Udoaiag rioreace Kcor an 1 an la. Dazle. Mat- im to t.SO. JtlghU. So t 92AO. Weeg Pet. 10 TKXLBTJTJI I7TTmB. "OMAIVi TV CIIYtg" CGflf tXTl . Cnrta'a B'se After eWMr Fa a TM rarposely Booked for Ak-la-Bea Week tXK k Uo Bostonians r-V..,. Tka riraml'l t'adUpuw Dlaai. Ta. oaa bow rliit.ira aaool im; .Mkia Ilka u k I.M. Cbmiij f M.rlr M la Tkraa OlilUnoj UrM' Sp4'taclM. Rtr.llBff Beauty rhonu. eBasTD mativib rait-". gat. Mlia aa Wa. Iaw k.lif babaia ghov. rkoae Bon? la 44. Tka Oalf High OIm Vaaanlll ClrealL bally Matlaa t 1 Brr NihL U. utMr acta mu w. iwn MclroM. Lcr Glll.u. Bnu W . od. Alia. DU.aart S C. . Brj.a4 Ck.rawv, UnUva Traval Wa.ktf. frlie. Mat.. O.I 17. !; bw saate l.xMet kit. aa Sua I. tc Mabla. Im, ess ESWASSS kiwi W5l Warner . BRAS SI EC u Several Warner Brassieres at the price of 50c The Warner Brassiere Is the cor rect foundation for fashionable gowning this season. We are showing several new models In plain materials with heavy laces, others with dainty lace trimmings, pome of all-over embroidery wjth dainty lare edge; also a conflner of very light weight net, lace back, and fasten front, with lace edge. Powder Puffs -7c t A special that's bound to please. The price does not indicate bow good a value these puffs really are. "The Lsnd of Bohemia" H been the ba-sla for countlen dramas stuiics, comedies, comic operas and moving- pictures but wi, are candid' In anylna; that In Anthony P. Kelly' Inspiring Allegorical Study. "DESTIHY" "THE SOUL OF A WOMAII" featuring Emily Stevens, the superb emotional actre, and which w of r today and tomonow, we have one at the atrongeat problem play the screen has yet seen. If you want to laugh, hunt up Charley Chaplin, be cause there la so much dramatic in tensity to thia picture you are held enell-bound' from start to finish; at the same tlm, there 1 ui-h "flu nesse" (we got this wo.d out cf u Hweile dictionary) to everything connected with the picture t'.y story, the aettlnga, tha performer, the atmosphere (another word we haven't the allghtest idea whet 1'. near) that yuu will go out savnn: "Thla la the b8t feature I ever saw.' Oh, yea; Sunday and Monday if have a bree.v Richard Haxdln Davla atory. Playinn Dead." with Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Drew In t ie adlnir pnrta. v "TBI STOCK rSBTZCT" Edward Lynch f iVSXV Owes Bavla' Oreatest 'ay, WHAT HAPl'EMKI TO MARY Matinees lBo-gse. Bt1 &eb-0Oe Boaw Mom, Ifaee "The Blue Mew. COMING , 4 S?W VEO.. Oct. 13 COIUNtHWRISwair (or mwakchcnt rnnummtoms) TI2tICCISTClTCI25YIArxS If Lsrrr CMICA60 CASTA .Mi. a.. ) Ib, , e 1. 3 J KI6HU50C 75c S1.C3. .1.50, $2 BATS BOW BBX.I.XBO