Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1915, Image 10
TUT: BEF,: OMAHA. October 1915. WANT ADS - Want ada received at any time, but lo Insure proper classification must be rr" snted before 1! o clock non for evening; edition end 7:46 p. m. lor morning ant, Funday editions, Vant ada received after such hours will be under the heading. "Too Lata to Classify." CASH RATES. . Seven consecutive times, 1 cent a, word each Insertion. Two or mora consecutive times, 1H cents a word. On time. I rente a word. CHAROK RATES. Forfn consecutive times. cents a Hns eech Insertion. ,, Thro consecutive times, 10 will each Insertion. One tana. 11 rente a line. Count slg averaa-e worda to line. Minimum rbarge. 30 cent. An advertisement inserted to b run bntll discontinued must be atopped by written order. . , All clalma for errors muat be msfls within fifteen days after the last inser tton of tha advertisement Too can place your want ad In Tha Pee bv telephone. TELEPHONE TTLER 1W0. CARD OP THANKS. We wlah to than our kind friends and relatives for their kindness shown and l-eawtlful florai offerings during the be reavement and death of our beloved Wk'aNP MRS. O. It SAILING AND FAMILY. DKATII9 ASI Fl'ftKrtAI. HO'ltCEf KOAN Ptc-phan. aged M year. Funeral Wcdnea.n.y morning, October 6, from Heafey Hefey a parlor, to Bt. 1-etera ihurch. a, in. Interment, Holy bepulchre cemetery. MORClAif-nobt. T., age 36 years, Octo ber Fimoral Frldy, Oct . at 1 P- n. from residence of Mm. fcmma J. Clark, corner of Dale Ave. and Ftirnam tt., Florence. Neb. Interment In Foreat Lawn Cemetery. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha L. F. and Gladys Ilartman, 3920 North Twenty-Utth. girl; (Juat and Julia Kencovkk, Z, txuth Hidn, girl; Ueorga and Leila Miller, 83U North For tieth avenue, boy and girl; William M. and Margaret Miller, S3k! Sherman ave nue, boy; Charlea and italle O'xshoI, IU North Tweiity-totirih. girl; Jacob and Sophie Poplc, 214 K. girl; Frank and Maria Plibll, 1M Houih Heventeenth, Hi. u 10 Plcle, boy; Henry and Olive Werde lioff, noepltal, girl; lloaarlo and Ko lMmauro, 11 South Thirteenth, girl; Oeorge and Msry Wolf, William, boy and girl; J. K. and Ruth O'Nell, m Mnndereon, boy: Harry and Helen Mc Millan, 1M0 Jakaon, boy; Jainea and Oladya Orler. 3.'1 F.nunet. boy; Dcrrell nnd Jennie Callahan. 2WI3 i'ratt, Niy; Yakut and 8tepnl I nlk, W7 North Thlr-ly-eeound, Houth Hide girl;. Vojteck and Agnes Houk, UO North Thirty-third, Houth Side, boy. Deaths Chauncey Kurtswell, 45. 280! North Twenty-eighth avenue; Oeraldlne Htrandgaard, M, MC8 South Thirtieth avenue; Mra. Catherine Mc tilloch, 43, hospital; Hby Miller. W12 North Fotjielh avenue; baby I'leper, Flfty-aeventh and Klixabeth. MtHHIK.K LirF.XSES The following marriage license have ieen grantea: Name and Residence. Age, . Albert Christopher, l'awnee City 67 Vtanna Chesnult, Swan, la W Kdwln Boqulst. Creco 29 Oiga Qualafson, Waverly 22 Oeorge J. Ooodhart, Omaha 21 Lena Harris, Omaha 26 Floyd C!. West, Osceola 30 Mary Hofe, Osceola, 28 Paul H. HRlbert, Oakland 2t iJlale A. Trammer. Oakland 21 John If. Louisherg, Bloomfleld !W Mary Fret, Bloomfleld 98 Clyde Noyes, Blair.. Orace Olllln, Blair Elmer T. Oregg. Lincoln...., Isabella Blucher, Lincoln.... William II. Btuhr. Lincoln.. Agnes B. Smith, Lincoln..... 22 Roy Neat. Nlshnabotna. Mo 23 Beasts Huffman, Nlshnabotna, Mo.... 1 Jamea Sorenson, Clear Lake, Ia 28 Lorine Benson. Racine. Wis 24 HL'II.DINU PERMITS, The following building permits have been Issued: Joseph Varans, 49og South Tenth, addi tion, M; Margaret r arreii, 4un a, rrame dwelling, ti.O : Joe Skorbek, 8:H) F, Bouth rilda, frame dwelling, fl.buO; K B. Kelly, 1M2 Grant, frame dwelling. $3,600; II. C. Fowler. 170 Houth Fifty-first avenue, brick dwelling, i'.ft. H 1 TODAY'S I" Li TVS 7 T7 mm. I - I PROGRAM DeveMWSi, EMPRESS, 1GT1I & DOUGLAS OPEN AT t A. M. AK-SAR-BEN WEEK From Out of the Big Snows. Ths Cello Champion, Lubln. Hearst-Sells- News Pictorial, No. 71, The Fog Trot. Finesse Vltsgraph. PRiNCESa 131 7-1 DOUGLAS. 1217 - 19 Douglas-Florence LwRadle- and Mignon Andeison .n Her Price of Hllence, a Mutual maaterpiutura in 4 thrilling acta. His Ioidshlpa Diiemma. r-onie comedy. ' Norlk. OltANU, 1CTH AND IIINNIJY .EDWIN E0SS IN THE MASTER MIND In 5 Acts. LOTH HOP, 24TH AND LOTHHUP. ROBERT Worwlck In The Faca in tha Moonlinht. 6 reel World few lure. vatk. 2814 LEAVENWORTH. APPOLO. DIAMOND From the Sky. Cave the coupons, Vitagraph. The Taking of Musutug. Pete bulig. A Triple Winning, iio. Wal. MONROE, 2555 FARNAM. "ALONE In New Tork,M I reel Fsatura. iee. EESSE, am AND N. THE Scapegoat, 1 reel tern: Getting i auu, ivsw, na, a. iajtuiiM Ieson. Bio. OUPHKUM. 24TU AND U THB Dead Man's Keys. 1 reel drama. 1 he Doll liuuiw Mystery, drama, a 2 reel lovs'g strategy vouiedy. A MOVIES FEATURES TODAY LOTUROP, I4TII AND LOTHROP. ROBERT Warwick in The Face In the Moonlight, a t reel World feature. MONROE, 1656 FARNaIl ALONE in New York, i reel feature. AfTOMOWLKS O-KiO Ijij Cadt.lac roaUler, tw-ii. P., in pinuiKi con ihiuu, juu. Caa be sewn at .. . . . A tTOMOIH LK8 TThnnr you are considering selling or buying a ned car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you .III have no rearet If vou my or advertlKe through the need car column of The Bee. I'l.ona T'er POO. FOR BALK at a bargain, a four- pass enger lumber automobile, convertible Into a llaht delivery trurk: all over hauled and In good order; only SITS. F. . Koester, Brunswick. Neb. Al'TO. clearing house. Huy. sell and change nrd cars. I Frnm. f. 3110. MILKS of mileage In your old tlrea tRebullt). Send thera to DUO TIRE CO., l1l Chicago Ht Overtone for leak y raoiat or. toe, dealers. FOR roadster. !'. Overland roadster. 21. iHlco Service Station. 230 Far ram t. S7. RKHRASKA Kulck Hervlce Matlon, Famam St. t'hone I'nugiaB 111 in) REWARD for any inenneto we can't repair, foils rend. Raysdorfe.. 210 N. lth. 1912 CO LB CAR, t-cyllnder, good condi tion, cheap. 1216 B llth. Tel. D. 172. 1AKKII electric coupe, and charging industrial Garage Co.. 20th A Harney Bt ANNOUNCEMENTS EXERCIE at 7- M. C. A. Business men. HUS1NKSS t:OLLEGE STUDENTS SAVES MONEY ON COUKSES. For sale, with good reasons for selling. variety of courses In a reliable Busi ness School, one ot tne leaning ouaineas colleges ot Omaha, Will be sold very reasonable--away below regular price. If you are considering taking a course Investigate this at once, since Fall tarn beglnw soon. Call office. Omaha Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES If your Business Chance will stund rigid investigation ana Is Just what It Is advertised, or If you are looking to start In business for yourself you will ha per fectly satisfied If you tiee the Business Chance column of The Bee. Whet, buy Ing or aollltig a buwlneos f lion Tyler lOjift For Sale Cleaning, . Pressing Establishment doing good bualness for sale on account of other business. Call at 6728 Main bt., Benson, Neb. A high-class Investment. 4f Ware Plk. Foil 8ALK-A goud, clean stock of clolii Ing, furnishings and ahoea, doing the leading business In a good northeast Ne braska town of 1.OU0; don't answer unless you mean bualneaa, and talk fast, as this ad won't appear In this paper long. Ad re. Y 7, llee. Folt MALE Restaurant In vicinity of I rounuhousos and 2 city depots; cash only, and mean business; long leae; owner retiring. m B. Main, Co. Bluffs. BUhlNEBd places, land, city property, handled all states. JIM WHAY, Sioux BA K E RY for sale; oome and see It; good reason for selling. iw Ht. Mary s Ave. FOIl SALE Reataurant, hotel and bar ber ahou. 2xol Ave. A, opposite car barn. Phone Black 18. Council Bluffa. I'tiK HALE or trade for good touring car stock of grm erica and fixtures; good location, low rent. Tel LWa Co. Bluffa. ONLY pool hall, good town, 1,7ml. Price, II. XW. JIM W K A I , SIOUX CITY OWNERrt List your property with 'w! W. Williams, 220 Nevhle Blk. D. 4r. TO SELL or buy a bt'alness. call on Buscli Jk Borshoff, Frenser Hik. i j. 211 a TO UKT In or out ot business oall on OANOFwTAD, 422 Bee Bldg. loug. 2477. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater EKth. Co.. 1408 Famam. D. 1k7. ttKii) will buy tha stock and fixtures of one of the best located cash groceries in the city. Address B. IMS Care Bee. TAILOR and cleaning store for sale, reasonable. Good chance to make money Must be sold quick. Call 603 N. 10th Et, ONLY meat market Iowa town 1.21). Price. 22.0110. JIM WRAT. SIOUX CITY. BEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar- gains In established shows D. 3CT0. Confectionery, cheap, aood loc Web. U.03. FOR SALE Variety store; best town northern Colorado; new, clean Stock; Invoice about $1,700; doing good busi ness. Barlle's Plain Price Store, 4til Main St., lyongmont, Colo. I HAVE a position open In my bual ness for a young man who can give me his services , and make an in vestment of H00, I will pay a good salary end interest on his invest ment. Box K 1W, Bee. WANTED Toting man as partner In my store; will guarantee over 1100 a month; Investment of 2400 required, secured. Box 200, Be. EDUCATIONAL .The VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPH T BOOKKEEPINGS Day School for Young Women. Evening bchool for Young Mea and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting, lone a Duffy, Owner and &.'&nar. 201 Ro. 11th St. Omaha, Boyles Bldg. Tel. D. IMS, Omaha, Neb. FOB sale, tne rouowing acnoiarsnips in a first class omana uminm tonm: Ona unlimited combination business and rhorthand course. One unllmlteo sienngrapnio course. One thrse-monUis' business or steno- graphlo course. Will be sold at a discount at the offloe of The Omaha Pee. DAY SCHOOL v BOYLES COLLEGE NIGHT BCHOOL tr..--.. jtv la snnllmMt riav. Book keeping, Bhorthand, Bteuotypy. Typewrit ing, Telegraphy, Civil Service ell Com mercial aud kuglUtt brauches. Catalogue free. BOTLES COLLEUE. Uth and Harney Sts. Tel, Douglas IMS. tXPKRT lady stenographer will take pupils; Bhorthand, touch typewriting, limiting and punctuation taught. Indi vidual instruction. 4tC4 Douglaa St. Tel. Walnut 2427. FOR BALK FOR gALEt Here ls a elassmoatlon that is of tbe utmost importance to every reader, as this column offers some excep tional opportunities every day and a sioail waut ad will sell your axil die at Its full value. Phone Tyler luOO. 'rsllare, llawable (iovga, Kte. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND IIAHUWAftn IMS N. 24TK. WEB. 1'7. HAKU COAL burner, almost uew. ply 2430 ltoyd. Ap- bought and Sold, J. C. ltewl, UlbUS 1,; Karnain BL Douglas ilti. ae aad Veklelee. OLD TK.AMING gnars, one or a carload. All a, Boa, two lo six-ton capacities. We soil the Btudebaker, tbe Bain, tha Petal BKtiUUier. I wa aaa uua, Must Mil ba tlils month, lug rvductioa In Price. JOHNSON-DANFOKTH OuMPANX. Waateavl lastrwaaeats. PIANO BTORED Free TOI'NG, refined couple wishes to store a piano for the una of It during winter months or longer. v ill turn nuh best of rrferentvs. For further Information call Wt-bater lWi 4i0 Hardman piano, will sacrifice for cash; lea lug city. W I. bt- U. C41S. bTKiCTL V high grade plai.o."vb. r.iZ IOK RU.r -tltrr. Kaars anil fcarpltrs. MXD grain, mo lha. tl.TB Wagner. 0I N 14 STEREOTYPIC matrices maks tne beat and rheapet lining for poultry houses. They are lx2-1 Inches, stronger unit more inrahl tlmn tarred felt and practically fireproof, Tfcc a hundred at The nee offica. Tr )e rler. TYPK.WP.ITFTIM. $10 and tip. 7TA tee P1d. '! t ellf.neooe- FOR SAI.F. New and second-hand carom and pocket blillnrd tar-irs and bc'llng alleys and sccessortes; bar fixtures of all kinds; eev payments The Brunswlck- lKlk-4 oiienner C o.. 7-r . imh Kt. CAHPENTKK toote, ahovela. aledgea, pirka, JackMerewa, 10 penny match vend lug machine, hc each, florae, hamcaa, wagon. flOO. One eletrio piano. jr. c. isii. IfCl . Slth Pt. Harney t tf0 OlOolden West Whisky, full Hk-S 'llquBrts bottled In bond. pre. V ',-v'pald. cacklcy Rroa . Omaha A CANDID FACT OL'ARANTEF.D COAL. NO BOOT. DIRECT FROM THE Si INK. FOR t2, "H AND M A TON AT THE IINK. LET US SEND YOU A TRIAL CAR, I. M. COX NORTH PLATTE, NEB. FOR BALE CHEAP Business College Course. Furl and con.plcts vcholarahlp In one Of the lest Oinat'g business schools. Good reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be Mil very reasonably, if Interested Investigate t once, because fall term hea-ins soon. There are a variety of courses for Bale. For particulars inquire at the office of The Omaha Bee. New fecond-hand miwors, dynamoa. magnetos, etc., mechanical repairs. Ie 13ron Llectrlu Works. 31-2o H. Uih St. MEjA WANTED FEMALE tlerlcnl aad Office. PTENOORAPIIER IWOO STKNl). (out of town) f....o0.oa THE CANO AGENCY, BEEBLIXJ. BK PR. and etenn.. 114 a week. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 14i"6 Woodmen of World. HtenoKrapher WArl S REF. CO., a:-eu- urano. i nea. Factory snd Trades. OIRTj to learn halrdreesine Oprenhe1ra, FlltST-cLAHH skirt finisher and helper. 17W St. Mary's Ave. Housekeeper Domestics. THE Servant Olr' Problem Holved. Ths Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, tioutli Oinalia and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telepnone Tyler lou). WANTED A girl for general housework. V&ri Park Ave. Har. iW. WAiVl SI Hid for general housework; references required. Mrs. M B. New- man, ;iuJ0 Howard. Harney 2315. WANTED A girl for general house, work. 1302 Park Ave. Harney 3;M. WANTED Girl for generul house work, must be good cook. Call at apartment 10, The Knickerbocker, feth and Jones or phone Harney 41H2. WANTED Competent girl for general housework: no laundry work. Phone Hnr. W. 3.122 Harney frt. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Phone Harney 22. WANTWD-A competent girl for cooking and general housework; small family; no washing; good wages. Hartley 'MM. JH1 H. 8Mb St. W ANTED Young girl to assist with housework. Call a.ii2 Franklin St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework to t-o to Lincoln; good wages. Inquire lol S. 32d Ave. CLEAW foreign girl or woman for gen eral housework In small family. . Web Iter 6021. , WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Call Bouth &!S0. OlRL wanted for general housework. bmall family; good home for right party. 1J6 North Wth street WANTED First-class, middle-aged cook. Oood wages; reliable. 41S North 6Ui street, Soutii Omaha. Vv A.N'1'h.u lair! lor general housework; good wages, smalt family; prefer one who comes from the country- German or Swedish. Phone Web. . WANTED Oirl for general housework; wages, 24.01) and carlare. 8336 Walnut St. WANTED An experienced white girl for general housework; no laundry work; two in family. Phone Harney 1463. WANTED Oood girl for housework. Ap- p.y H.15 N. 24th! EXPERIENCED girl for general houee work. Mrs. W.C. Lylo, 534 Park Ave. WANTED, Immediately, competent girl for general housework. Excellent warfes and good home. References required. Tel. Harney 2832. Apply 3C30 Harney bt. WANTED A competent white second iViJ Apply . mathetnaUo and horticulture, wishes po-B-0jwAy'-il,irnjr sition on a farm or gardening work; WANTED Good houairKeeper. 1108 No. 2lat Bt. Black preferred. South Omaha. WANTED An experienced cook, with references. iM No. 281 li Bt. WANTED A white' second girl, with ref eiences. Good wages. 4Jb No. 28th Bt. EXPERIENCED girl wanted for general housework; no wasting. 20uB Deer Park Blvd. Tyler 1x30. WANTED A girl for general housework; small family. Mrs. li. A. fclinon, 2215 S. 22d Bt. Har. 4101. WANTED A good plain cook: beat wages; no washing. Mrs. John A. Wakefield, 2t r amain. Harney 110. WANTED A young girl for light house work; no cooking. 17o4 Lake bt. Web. tm. MIIIHHfH. WOMEN W A NTfci Government Job List free. Write imruiisieiy. Frank lin Institute,' Dept. Cb8G. Kociiester. N. Y. YOUNG woman coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit tne Young Women's Christian association building at bt. Mary a Ave. and 17th Bt., whore they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwlM aaalsled. Iook fur our travelers' guide at Unlixt station. STENO., stale experience. K 186. Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Oftiev. SALESMAN, lmpl., 2100 and exp. Salesman, 21 to 3, )r. of age who lives at home, . WATT'S REF. CO., 838-40-42 Brandels The. CAHPH EH (Iderly iiimi) and boar. I STENO. tout of town) taKfcl 8TrNO. (good beginner).. t-t STENtXIRAPHER 1,5 THE CANO AOENCY. WW BEE llLDti. Exp. cashier, country bank, in v., 135. Exd. bookkeeper, country bank. In v. K Boy. l to u yra. oia. to tearn gen mdae., country town; splendid opportu nity. $15 per month and board. IOiHIKKS RKF.- CO.. 640 laxton Blk. WANTED Bookkeeper prominent Insur ance oft tee. Muat be thoroughly com petent and experienced, otherwise please do not apply. E 1SH. Bee. STENO. Asst. to buyer of large Jobbing firm; only young man of brains, "pep and ability considered; salary, per mo. to start; give age, experleuvv, references, etc. Address C 186. Bee. ASST. OFFICE MANAGER, BRIGHT CAPABLE. HUSTLING Yot'NG MAN, 27-86 YEARS OF AGE; ABLE TO HAN DLE ALL THE 1ETA1I44 AND IsY.S TEtf OF A MODERN OFFICE; SALARY PAID TO SUIT ABILITY; OIVW AGE EXPERIENCE, REFERENCES. SAL A RJT , ETC AD DRKbd B 184. B EE. H IGMMjKA t'K commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE at BOS D AaSN, 72 Oioalia Nat Bldg. Aavsis samBita aa4 Solicitor. Al SALESMAN, must be of fine appear anue; salary no object Address J VA. Bee. WANTE1 Live salesman with experi ence tailing on farmers for work in eastern luwa. Cannot use ordinary order-laker; to man strong enough, to make good we wil gtve permauenl position, siraitfht salary and expenses. with chance for ra id advancement. Ark for C J. Caward, Paxton botul, Friday, Oo tolter 2. HKIJ WANTFn MILK avert Knleamen and ftoilcltor. WF wt III have a few varanrlee In tha ranka of our Induatrlal producer If you are not tiflel Hh your preaant Income you nHond come with u and you will be. It win pay you to lnveatlgate ani aoe wnat our men are aoing. v have romethlng new In lnduatrlal Insur ance. Arenta not chergeatile with lapaea You ahoiild aee our weekly payment health and accl lent nollcy. InauHng ev- err member of the fnnilly. Apply H. H. j Kiirtea. Funenntcndent. f13 hnrrarn , niix-a, imiflnn. or write m me i ioneer Innuranc -ompany. Lincoln, Nehraeka. W AN T K D-Jobbera to handle atat Buency ror one or ine very oem iioa; j Ollera manufactured; excluelve agency ' for any atate which la not taken. lo not apply unleaa you can handle atate agency, ror further Information addrea Bog 21S, Washington, la. "BILLY" SUNDAY'S meaaage. Author- t laed. ureal opportunity tor man or woman. i will pay you 1120 to dlstrib- , Uon of lavalliere. small diamond cen Ute R and take ordera. W) days work. ,rr aurrounded with pearls; reward. 840 j,.. i,,.,, ., r . "" J.,, "J . t House. 101 Winston Bldg., Philadelphia, COAL agents wanted In every town; get a trial car. I. M. Co. Ml Platte, Neb. AfJENTS Anywhere In U. 8., write to day for our Profit-Sharing Plan. Mlddle- agel men preferred, exerlcnce unneces sary. Dig money-matting opportunity. Pacific Nursery Co., Dept. O. Lambert- Sargent Bldg., Portland, Ore. Fartory aael Ttoirve. WE need men; had to turn down two )ons per wee lately: get in; learn ny our method: get one of these Jobs. Cata logue I). B. free. Nebraska Automobile School. 2406 Ieavenwortli fit. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE LEARN the barber trade by our sys tem of expert Inatructlons and free clinic. Call or write for catalogue. Omaha, Neb., A. B Moler, President. WANTED An experienced pastry man for bakery; must have first class hab its and have good reference. Apply J. L. King, 230 O St., Lincoln. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Til-City Barber college; low rate tuition. Including set of tooln; wnges paid; elec tric massage, hydraulic rhnlrs; catalogue free. 1124 Douglas St., Omaha. Drug More Snnpn, lobs. Kne'st. Bee Bldg. Miscellaneous. WANTED AT ONCE CULVERT AND BRIDGE FORE MAN AND BRIDGEMEN APPLY TO PICKUS ENGINE AND CON STRUCTION CO.. 8IOUX CITY, IA. ABLE-BODIED MEN for firemen, bra Heme n, $120 monthly. Railway. Y M, Bee o. WANTED Railway mall clerks; $75.(0 month. Omaha examinations coming. Sample nuestlons free. Write Immedi ately. Franklin Institute, Dep't 221 II, Rochester, N. Y. GOOD MEN WANTED at once to learn auto work to fill positions which we have open right now and are waiting for com petent men. I .earn by our system of actual work on autos, tractors, eloc. starting sys. Free catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEWE. 2U&3 Famam St Omaha, Neb. 125 WEEKLY earned at home by steady woraers. rtousenoia specially, wnote or IP" H. 3-f?m- Wrlt Det- V"J" ""7U"1 ' MtbN, wiihscointiion sense education, who wish government Jobs, 170 month, snouia apply immediately for full lnfor- matlon. Address Y , Bee. I IIAVF3 a position in my business for a young man who can give me his services and make an investment of 2600; I will pay a good salary and Interest on his investment. L li, Uee. WANTED Young man as partner In my store; will guarantee over $lu0 a month; investment of 2'j00 required. J 1W. Bee. HELP WANTED MA1.11 AND FKMALK. GO ON THE STAGE Will tell you how,; write for descriptive circular; It's free. Theatrical Information Bureau, 6522 In gleside Ave., Chicago, III. SITUATIONS WANTED INTELLIGENT light colored girt wishes position In office or bachelor's apart ment. Web. 7072. BUSINESS MEN BUSINESS MEN Competent stenog rapher, five years experience, desires position. Best of references can be fur nished. Call Red 78S2. YOUNG man, 27, salesman, typist, corre spondent, speaking various languages, wishes any kind of position: satisfactory references. R H. SCHACK. 2422 Cass L Phone Douglas D209. FORMER teacher of languages, German, Ll .nk .4 T ...,(.. n n 1! ... I have university diplomas and am able to furnish best of references. Address James H. Martin, Genoral Delivery, Omaha, Neb. Business Men YOUNG lady wants position; have three years' experience, embracing following work: Stenographer, typist, clerical work, caehleA billing clerk and soliciting. , Can give good city references; will consider anything. Interviews confidential. Ad dress 1. care Bee. ly vi 4G8. position as nurse. Doug. 7' FIRST-CLASS woman wants day work; quick, clean, beet references, liar. CIS! YOUNG man wants work of any kind; nave naa experience as soda man or confectionery clerk. Call Walnut 431. N. Moflenahan. 4013 Blnney St., Omaha. EXPERIENCED P. B. X. operator wishes position, t years' experience. References. Call Douglas 2277. FARMERS Here la a clean, steady, re liable ranch hand from Colorado; wanls steady work all winter at ii month, good board and treatment; no milking; will go anywhere.- William Bettens, General Delivery, Omaha. GERMAN middle-aged widow, "by her self, good cook and clean worker, wanls position as housekeeper In. city, or day work. 1024 Pacific. Mrs. C. Cook. WILL care for children or invalid by the hour, either at home or at their home: references given. Tyler 2417-W. RELIABLE colored woman aants gen- viri miuMwurn, van v rosier vsit. POSITION wanted by young lady ste nographer; one year's exDerienca. Welmter 1H2. WANTED Position' by experienced oftlce girl. Phone Web. Sol 4. RELIABLE colored lady wishes to aasist In general housework. Call Web. 2."7. WANTErv-Poaltlon In private family by young, neat appearing colored man. Can do muat any kind of work about the house aud care for automobile. . Addreas ltu. Bee. PRINTER All-around, with some ma chine experience, wants work In coun try. Frank Morgan, 2ui Harney. SITUATION wanted by neat colored girl; good cook: references. Webster 476S. POSITION wanted by experienced office girl. Web. SOtt MAN with Ford delivery truck wants job by week or. month. C. M. Broad well, 2430 V Ht.. South Omaha. A NEAT, reliable, colored girl, would like to assist with housework. Can g ve references. v Ishea 'to go horn nights, phone Ited 60U. LOST AND FOUND Lost er Found ads in Omaha's Lost and Found) medium lueana the Iminediale re turn of that article If advertised la Tbe Bee, the Lost and Found paper OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STKEKT RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost soma article would do well to call up tha offioe of the Omaha A Council Bluffa Street Railway compeuy to ascertain whether they left It in the street cars. Many artictoa each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them V the rightful owner. Ce'l lVug. Lo.-T tin Farnam; weddL.g ring, re ward; return to Bee office. ASn FOfND 1iST 4 karat tineet diamond between ish ft. Cltv Naf. Hk. Rid, and cafeteria Reward, tall 1.(15 t Ity Naf l. Hunk Bldg. IORTTeliow violin in ce; finder please phene Y 67, Arlington, .Neo., and receive irward l 1ST Steamer rug Friday night, blue on one fide, plaid on the other. Rewgrd. T I" phone Harney T Vi t , iut.Hi ainin hluv nl w hite aettlnaa Friday on I):indce ear; valued t helr- Inoiu: reward Tel. Walnut i 1ST A diamond ring between 27th and Camden Ave. and z'th and lJurel Ave. Reward frr return tn 2.M1 Laurel Ave.. fimnha. - , i - o'i i' iewime "'" "' e'v"""" Reward. P. Wolff. Millard hotel. Ia ST Hrlnd'e bull blt.h pup, .1 months old. Reward. L. E. Adams, 219 Seward. ehster 3134. iist Tucsdn v small round onvx nor Brande Is Ttetiter B d. . - - ijifi -HM , net ween 4 ana o o ciock. in paper money, to reward If returned to 2213 Howard. Phone lied LifiST White dog, black face and earn. no collar, name Duke. Reward. H. 2124. Harney 2124. GIRL'S black plush hat, cerise band, with tassel, on 24th i-t Reward. 2M7 Corby. LOST Lady's small pocketbook, contain ing small leather pocketbook. $50 cash, key and silver shoe; 15 reward. 429 K. Washington Ave, Co. Bluffs. R. HH, C. B. FERSOXAL GORDON", tha Msgasine Man. Tel. Doug. 713. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit he Young Women's Chrlatlun nssoclation building at 17th St and Bt. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Ixok for our travelers' guide at the Unlofi station. :m Ki B.SCRIPTlONS EARNS 3.0(0 For the Invalids' Pension association. The Ladies Home Journal. 11.60; Satur day Evening Post, 11.50; Country Gentle man, 21.00. 4ou needed In October. Your order or renewal contributes 60 cents. Please phone Douglaa 7K3, or address, OORliOV, The Magnxlne Man, Omaha, THE Falvattnn Army Industrial hofne so licits your jld clothing, furniture, maga glnes. We collect. We d.strlbute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. PRACTICAL nurse, present home, will care for ladles or children. Web. 290S. YOUR furnace cleaned, II; work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. Doug. 4K4. SWAPPERS COLUMN Wanted to Swap. TMiy not advertise) something that you no longer have any Use for and get something ou really need? It coj'.s you nothing to join tho Swappers' club and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Write Room 104, Bee I'Mh., or pnone Tyler 1000. AUTOMOBILE -pasenger touring car to trade for anything of equal value. Address S. C. 2Si, Bee, AUTOMOBILE 113 Ford touring car, touring car body; will swap for 1915 or 1916 body. Address P. C. 2M, Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains sea tint "AutocioDiio claaairt- isiion. BUSINESS CHANCE Have stock of groceries and fixtures in good location, ! cheap rent. Will trade for touring car in .good shape. Address B. C. 7h3, Bee. CAMERA fix 7, new leather covered Corona view camera, swing back, re versible back, 20-in. extension, Optimo shutter, 6 plate holders and leather car rying case; outfit cost 265 without lens, and will trade for 4xfi Oraphlex camera without lens, nothing else. Address S. C. 22, Bee. I3O0 EQUITY In North Side lot to trade for Ford or will take motorcycle. Ad dress. B 1H2, Bee. EC LI PS K gas range, elevated oven; used only few months; will sell at a bargain or trade for article of equal value. S. C. 781. Bee. FEED GRINDER with three sets of burs coarse, medium and fine; can by used with engine or sweep power. Will trade for anything I can use. B. C. Tt Bee. HAVE 6-year-old mare, weight, 1,1U lbs., to swap for milch cows or Ford chassis, or what have you? S. C. 287, Bee. LAUNCH- High powered gasoline launch, ful'.y equipped: to trade for roadster or Iltiht ctr, or what have youT S. C. 284, Bee. LIGHT roadster to trade. Needs some re- pairs. Can use typewriter. . c. io. ee, LARGE else hard coal base burner, cost 26.00, ' good as new. Will trade for a good gun or anything worth 225.00. S. C. 278. Bee. MARE 16 years old, spring wagon, har- RIFLE WINCHESTER .22 autotnatlo repeater, with new rifle case, eta Cost new over SS.OO. Want Eastman auto graphlo kodak, or will consider anything of equal value that I can use, for this. Address 8. C. 246. Bee. PIANO Have standard piano, valued at about $lo0; what have you? Address S. C. 782 Bee. RESTAURANT and rooming house with a small line of groceries, doing good bualness. What have you? Address S. C. 1322. Bee. 22,000 bTOCK Cloliilng. for clear cottage, c- will trade luOO to 21.000 lots fos auto. Address 8. C. 2W. Bee SMALL runabout, in perfect condition, to trade for horse or small team, or what have you? B. C. 23, Bee. 1914 SAXON ROADSTER, will swap for Ford. Address S. C. 280. Bee. SANITARY couch, kitchen table, spade. two shovels, two rakes, hoe and coal scuttle, to trade for reading lamp or farm products, such as Jelly grapes, ap ples, etc. Address. S. C. 2ti9. Bee. TO swap, for cattle of every age. One fine large mammoth Jack, li1 hands high, registered and inspected; weight about l.li0 lbs., and sound as a dollar. S. C. 288, Bee. TYPEWRITER What have you for a standard typewrite, worth about 116? Address S. C. 232. Bee. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rifle. See FRIEDMAN. 1211 Douglas TYPEWRITER Underwood, visible; per fect shape. Will trade this machine for cabinet Vtctrola or small Graf lex camera. Address 8. C. V6. Bee. . WILL trade motorcycle, needing some light repairs, for repeating shotgun, or what have you? S. C. 284, Bee. ron rejtt ApartaaeBta s4 Flats.. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For lteut column of The fee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and till the needs of any one desiring to rent, Phone Tyler ton 7-R. APT-. 2 baths, sleeping porch, large rooms, beautifully immimu, strictly up-to-date; large porch in front, private; for rent NOW. Clarlnda Apis. ti. List. 2 room apartment in St Clare. Tele' phone Har. Ml. ONE 4-room and one t-nwm apt. The Hamilton, liouglas I. DETACHED APARTMENT. Fine home ot 1 large rooms; steam heat; hot water; janitor service; West Farnam district Possession November L Phone Harney 71. FOUR-ROOM, steam heated, close In. O. P ftebbins. APARTMENTS FOLK RooMd. "Flo-Lee," 2oth and Capitol Ave., t'M40. "Atlilone," tn and Douglas, 2J7.60 up. FIVE ROOMS. "Georgia." 100 Georgia Ave.. 237. 80. "AUalian." U5 8. loin Bt., H-ki. bix rooms. "Meyer." 230 Poi tilctun Ave.. 237.50-117.60 EIGHT ROOMS. "Meyer," 2Ju8 l oppleton; sleeping porch. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, 122 Farnam Ht Douglaa 8980 lift Flat 1417 Vinton, modern except heatt 4 rooms and bath first floor; nkeiy decorated. Web. Ui. Douglas 79. afKM FLAT ON 1STH AND DOIMJIE" 1 blk to postofflce. Across tha street from Fontenelie hotel. Kent tiia. Occu pant will sell furniture now In it. AMERICAN bECUKITY COMPANY, Douglaa 6012. 17th and Douglas. CONTlTfUED ON CQLUMN 8EVEN TIIIS PAO. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality ond expert service that will please tli most critical: ABSTRACTS Or TITLE. PEKD ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract o. fl.-e In Nebrnska Brandels Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern alwtract office. S. 17th St. Phone D. ACCOL'ISTANTS. e. a. mvoiuic, c. r. a. 4?a-4CT Rstnge Bldg. Phone Doug. 74ng. ADVKRTIS1NO NOVELTIKS. M. F. Ohafer ft CoTTmh. Famam. D. 7474, AMATF.CIt F1XIS1IINQ. FILMS developed re If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 41 Pee Bldg. Dept. D A IICH ITECTS. Fverett at. piodds. (512 raton Blk. P. 291. ATTORJUtTI. C. T. Dickinson. 811 Paxton Blk. p. ISO WTT.T, ft. JOHNSON. P. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Dousing 41l. A ITTIOMEKIIS. Dowd Anctlon Co, 1115-16 W.O.W. R. 22M AUTO ISSUBAWCE. AVTCMOBTt.E MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Douglaa AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator RepCo.. Wl Far. P. 2001. BATHS. BATH-214 Rnlrd Blk.. 17th and Dotiglas. BRASS AND IROlf FOUNDRIES. Paxtoil-Mltehell CoCTth and Martha Bta. u,iVltlll HlMHtnlK. OMAHA Ayency Co., 212 Bee Bldg. Phone IoniclsS CARPUNTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 12.1 8. 22d. Douglaa M20. Leaeard Son. 1tn Can. Ave. T. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. MM. DR. MACNAMARA, 674 Brandels Thea ter. Douglas 72m. DR. F. F. BURHORN, graduate Palmer School of Chlropratlc, rooms a-i ana (, Wead Bldg., lhth and Famam. Phone D. R347. Outside calls by appointment. CHIROPODIST. Carrie 3. Buford, 20 Pag. Blk. Bed 4BCT. COFFEE BY MAIL, Coffee 6ave money. Use better coffee, IB lbs. high grade hv narrel Dost. Drepald. $2.60. W. A. Skaife Co.. Omaha, isep, DANC1NU ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, claasla. D. ItTL FALL terra open at Mackle's. Doug. 644. GENEVIEiVE HAUFLAIRE, Rome hotoL TURPIN ACADEMT 28th and Famam Classes now open. Beginners Mon. and Thurs. Advanced Tues. . High School class Sat. Private lessons. Harney 6143. DHESBMAK1NU. Tarry Dressmak'g college. 10th & Farn- Oure'g Dressmkg. School. 2S2 California. MISS STURDY. 2416 Cass St. Red TO) URESSMAKINU tOLLKOE. Kelater's Dressmaking Col.. 12 City Na. nvuii ANU CLUANfCRS. BTATB Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. KWt ' DU't-HCTlVUS. JAMES ALLAN. 812 NevllU Block. BTft- dence secureu in au c. 1USAT1TS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. raW.O. W. Bldg. pyorrhea. Dr. Ficklea.-724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Booms. 1617 Douglaa. P. 2184 DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 21 orders, catalogues free, bheroian 4k Mo- Connelt orug co.. wwy ULHCTRIU MOTOR REPAIRING. CAIIILIECTRIore! HLUCTROLYSIS. Uloa Allendwr. 624 Bee Bldg. Red 206S. KVERk't'HING tuB WOMlliN ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, W' pleating; .covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, Point edging. Em bro luerv. beading, braiding. cording, eyelet cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas Block. liouglas l'J3. FURNACUS AND Til WORK. HABERSTROH. 40J Hamilton Wat 2971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1801 Farnam St D. 200ft. t HENDERSON. 1814 Douglaa. D. 1238. Membtr FlorUt Telegraph Dt Ass n. HESS BWOBODA. 14U Farnam 8t A. nONAQHUB. KM Harney.; Doug. Wt FLRRiERS. SAM KNFETER. 1920 Farnam. Red 34, "gold and silvkr plating. Ml Wfl replate eyerythlng of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. K20 Harney Bt Eat UM. INSTRUCTION. English. Frenoh. Instruction. 2W Lyric Rid JUS VICES OS' Tiig PEAtkl. H H. CLAIBORNE, all Pgxton Blk. Red 740L Notary public, deposition steno. , . C. W. BRITT. 201 Baker Block. LANGUAGES. Languages taught Web. K4. private or classes. RADIUS' TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with Mls Fox. Open for busl neas; satisfaction guaranteed. 407 Pan Hk. ""lighting FIXTLUES, WIRING. DUliKIN cX$?L LIVId STOCK COMMISSION. MA RTIN PROS CO.. Exchange Bldg. ToSTLMES AND LODGB SUPPLIES. MNFG. of lodge regalia and costumes. The largest atock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country, Theo. Lie ben A Son. 1514 Howard. Doug. 4Ua. ( MOTOMC YCLkig. HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCTCLB8. Bargain in used machines. Victor Hoos. The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth. """MOVING PIt'gUlta! UA CHINES. OMAHA F0m Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. ItOTIONS. NOTIONS, newa. cigars. ndy f Park. bri-OI-AIHt PUlbltlANS. JOSEPHINB ARmWrONO. rig Bee Bldg ottLII'i. Eoe .gamlned , fl"ed.sP; m7? can. Drs. McCartv. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg r ATKN I S. D. O. Bam ell. paxioa Blk. Tel. Red Till. H. A. Bt urges. Brandels Theater Bids PAINTING AN raPEMING. HUGH M MANUS. 411 N. 4-ta. H. (724 PILLOWS AND BEDDINO. OMAHA PILLOW CO -Mattresses mada to order or remnde. tW Cumltig. IX X4W. PLI MES LEANED. DyeeJ made over. D Elaele. 1IM City Nat PRINTING. WATFRS-BARNHART Ptg. Co, ejnallt printing, lei. ooug. zim. 0x4 a. I3tn 8U CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. DOUG. 1734 OOUOt.AS Printing Co Tel. Douglas 44. riOtB AND URN ACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS-Water fronts, furnace oolls. etc. Qulrit service. Omaha Stova Repair Wka. lW-s liouglas Ht. Tyler 20. SAKE AND HUB LOCK EIPBBTI f a Tn i Opened repaired, comb. wjir1 JLi 'hanged. F. E. Davetx port. . 140S Dodge. D. 1821. SCAI.H REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., 612 8. 12th. D.tWI HUB REPAIRING, FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. Jtll g. 14. Parley Shoe Rep'r. Co.. 2004 Farn'm. R244 SEWING MACHINES. rent repair, sell needles and VV C Prt for H sewing machines. HI If 'tf lI . ft NEBUASJCA CYCLE CO.. 16th and Harney. Douglas 1AS1. STKIfili t K1LINGB. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 B. Wl STOKE AND OFFICB KUTtlKKt, DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv lng. etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture bupply Co.. 414-lg-ls 8. 12th. Doug. 2724. TO WILL SUPPLIICS. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. Uth. D. 528. TRliNKS AND StlTCASISS. rBLlNQ A STEINLffi. lWg Famam Bt T I PU WRITERS t ug RalNT. RENT an Oliver typewriter mo. for 24. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1206 Farnam, BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, HI 8. Utb St All makes for sale or rent RENT a "Remington," not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 1284. WATCH SPEC1AL1S1S. Chrlstianset,. 2d A. Paxton Bk yr. ein. WKDDDiU STAalONBRY. Wedding announcementa Doig. Ptg. Co. WINKS AND LlttuuRS. ALEX JETEd, J01-J 8. Uth Bt Wines, liquors, cigars. Plat dinners 11 to 2, lOo. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, l&th and Capitol Ave. l'en-cnt lunoo. BUT your family liquors at Klein', a ). Liquor house, 6i2 N. Uth. Douglas 1800. MEDICAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. I, R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no monev paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DiL E. K. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re suits guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, 214 Bee Bldg. RUPTURE cured in few days without pain. Call or write Dr. Wray. 206 Bea Bldg., Omaha. Established 1SS4. -o FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. STEAM HEATED. 6 ROOMS. LARGE AND VERY LIGHT. J WELL ARRANGED. . NICELY DECORATED. CHOICE RESIDENCE DISTRICT. MOST FOR THE MONEY. OPEN FOR INSPETiON. Located In the Mason Apartments, corner 21st and Mason Hts., only two blocks from the Park or West Leaven worth line. Everything about these anoWmnnta Is Irst-clasa and thev should be seen to be appreciated. Leases and references required. Look at them today. Price. 40. HEAT. HOT AND COLD WATER, OAS RANGE ICE BOX. SHADES. CURTAIN RODS. AWNINGS. JANITOR SERVICES. FURNISHED. OPEN FOR INSPECTION. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. 618 OMAHA NAT. BANK BLDG. 6-K. FLAT. 607 N. 21st, close, strictly modern except furnace; nicely decorated, close ht. walk ing distance, 221.50. Sea tbls today. Nice and comfortable. Bond for our weekly printed list HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney. Boar s 24eaa. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern ionvenlenee and comfort in private families or boarding houses of the high est class will be found In the Furnished Rooms column ot Tha Bea. Phone Tyler loOU. Sherwood Ave, HIS Neatly fur. rin. ex cellent board; private family. Web. 7172. BOARD and rooms, to wk. m!4 Douglas. Farnam St.. 2107 Nicely furnished rooms, steam heated; close In. Douglaa 1712. BOARD and room; private family. H. 6184 SPECIAL LOW KATES TO PERMANENT GUWrJTS. HOTEL SAN FORD. lth and Famam. HOTEL HA RLE Y. 20th and Farnam. Famished tlonsea. WEST FARNAM. FURNISHED. Seven rooms, all modern; piano-player, etc.: paved street; halt block to car. uougias ouij. n vmiar am FOR RENT A small house, thoroughly furnished, Omaha's choicest locality, until April 1, lKlti'. rent reasonable. Ad dress B 8 !3. Bee. BEAITIFUL 8-room furnished house. In Field club district, for rent. Payne Slater C., 618 Omaha Nat l Bldg o , ursukct. li MODERN, east front room, one or two gentlemen. Easy walking distance, Ref- eieuces. Harnev 2340 278 Farnamtyl?iri?!''l'tf,1 roo"ul- 6To 8 21 ST AVE.-Modern. furnished room; Quiet home; Just what you are looking for. Phone Doug. 78i. 2 rooms during carnival. 2152 St Mary's. PLEASANT rra., Bemle park, priv. home, 1 blk. to car; ref. required. Wal. 2J04. FARNAM, 2ji7 Moderi- east and soutn exposure room; gentfiman. , iioseUi-eiisg Hoosu 2018 DAVENPORT, TWO NICELY FUR NISHED WOUSEKEEP1NO ROOMS. I aluralsbr- Ksaau. N. UTH. 117 Three modern housekeeping rooms, hot water neat; walkirg distance. Usssm CwliaKa--etn. 415 X. MTH -r. flat, all modern, well arranged for renting rooms, cloae in, t 1112 N. 2-d. t-r. flat, aleel range, gas a.uve, ki n -u ca i w .1 paid, ill. rup nnrw rwtu- iitj " " " ' 1 , w. -K(Kt cottage, i.i asm be. iu. water Paul. FOR PALK s-r. cottage. I blocks from ar inn.-, ,'.i--c irawuauie. t none xlar. ;ti:7 'i4y a 1 n nt ht. (CONTINUED ON PAGE THIRTfi&tt COLUs N ONE.