VHi:X A WAV FROM IIO.MK Tho Deo Is Tho Paper r aek fori If yoa plan to be absent mora thaa a few days, bar The Bit mailed- to you. The Omaha Daily THE WEATHER. Fair vol,, xr.v no. in;. OMAHA. ;i. MOKMMJ, OCTOlUOIi s, 1!15 -TWIXYK 1UJF.S. Oa Trstne. at Hotel flews ataada. tto., 5 SINGLE CO IT TWO CENTS. t , . . ... . Bee SUNDAY ASSAILS WIVES WHO SHUN MOTHERS' CARES Tells Huge Audience Composed of Women Only What He Thinki of Society Butterflies Who Avoid Maternity. ARRAIGNS PLEASURE SEEKERS Alternately Denounces Sinners and Makes Hearers. Rock in Seats Vvith Laughter. DON'T WORRY IF YOU DON'T WED TWEKTT-SrTEKTH DAY'S FIGURES. Trail Hitter. Pre-ions days... 3,600 Wednesday Afternoon Evening- 41 At .and. Colleo- dance. 4JS,b00 . ,500 . 9.6O0 . Total 3,703 451,100 No collections taken. EOT AHD GI-L TBA.IL HITTEBS. Previous days .4, Wednesday ... 2- Total .EM aCEETUTQS TODAY. (Special Day of Prayer.) 7 a. m. Prayer meeting, Y. M. C. A. 10 a. at. Melghborhood prayer meet. ,Bfo":30 a. m. Bandar addresses Beaton High school. 11 I. m. to 9 is, m. Bnslnees Woman a lunoh. 1809 Parnam street. Hies KUlor. 13 m. Prayer meeting, T. M. O. At Mr. Bodeheaeer. 9 p. m. Sunday at the Tabernacle. 3 p. m. Tabernacle Bible claea, Kiss 3-45 p. nu Boy a and glrle meeting', rirat Baptist church. Miss Gamlln. 4 p. m. Blb.e clan for school teachers, first Methodist church, Miss Saxe. 4:iS p. m commercial i-u ion"; girls and business oolle-s rlrls, Y. W. C. A., Miss Miller. Third Praabyterlaa chnrob, Mlaa aaalla. 7:30 p. m. Sunday at the Tabernacle, a t. m. Bible euaa, First Congre-.- tional church. Council B lull a, miss saxa. Women only packed tho tabernacle to Its seating capacity and hundreds stood along the outer edges and in the rear at 1:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon, a half hour before the time appointed for "Billy" Sunday to give his celebrated lecture. A few dozen men sought entrance, but were sent away by the ushers. A man was smuggled in and with his woman companion walked down the aisle to the platform, the target of the laughing audience. Miss Saze met them at the head of the aisle and informed he would have to leave. Dtteg&tlnns -from- Omaha.- and -Council Bluff , Woman's Christian Temperance : union organizations had the largest res ervations and presented several hand 'some bouquets of flowers to Mr. Bunday. Their song, "Nebraska's Going Dry," and their yells made a hit A collection was taxen win anernoon , A few mllp, back from Auburn, at the and evening, the proceeds to be divided tl,8 town of jiowei ijea a 1,600-acre farm between the Child Saving Institute and owned by church Howe, which raised, the Nebraska Children's, Home Finding amonK many other things last year, society. i 31,01 o bushels of apples. Not long ago Preceding the sermon Mrs. Asher ted ' the United Statea government had a In the singing, with Miss Elizabeth Hren- .representative visit thla farm and Invea izer. Young Women's Christian assocla-; tigate Its great orchard. The report tlon secretary, at the piano, both women from Washington, after hundreds of replacing Homer Kodeheaver and Mr. other orchards had been examined, was Brewster. Miss Grace axe gave in structions to the women ushers, among whom were Mesdames F. D. Wead, C. R. : Sherman. F. U. Straight, J. H. Dumont, J. K. Carpenter, D. C. Edgerly and Mlas Marlon Carpenter. Several men ushers . assisted In the collections, after which ! "Billy" dismissed them. "Ma" Sunday j offered the opening prayer. j Jokes Folio-r Penunclat ln. While "Billy" started his talk in a se rious vein and sternly arraigned women who shrank from maternity and pursued phantoms of pleasure instead of being content as true helpmeets of their hue- bands and mothers, his good spirits soon . II. Union to ball In the sura of I3a,(k)0. gained the upper hand until his audience Lawson was convicted of first degree rocked with laughter. His talk was given 'murder in connection with strike dls with a verve and he delighted the women orders. with bis antics. He gave many humor- Lawson was sentenced to life Imprieon oua accounts of his experiences, accom- ment on a charge of murdering John panylng the stories with his own tnimlta- Ntmmo, a deputy sheriff, killed in a riot bl acting. There were few trail-hitters, ! mar Uidlow. In October. 1WJ. The su however. jpreme court several weeks ago granted Mr. Sunday paid high tribute to good supersedeas and writ of error, women and especially to mothers. i Lawson Is the district No. 15 member "Society la putting maternity out ot'ot th8 Internationa, executive board of - 'the United Mine Workers of America and (Continued on l'asu Two, Column One.) The Weather Tesaperat-re at Omaba Hours. Yesterday. Dvg. 6 a. m , a. m , 7 a. m ,, a. in , 8 a. m 10 a. m 11 a. in 12 m 1 p. m 2 P. m i p. m 4 p. m i p. m 6 p. m 7 p. in Loeal Record 40, U j j , 63 , M . 1 47 ! 46 (eatpsrstlre U79 mh l9'j' '.! 4a 40 '. .. 44 70 M 6o .. .V) 131 .14) ,0J , Highest yesterday, lowest yesterday Mean temperature i'rf Imitation Teiui erature and preclpltatioa tures from the normal formal n.merature , Heflclenry for the day Total deficiency since March Normal precipitation iJeliciency for ttm dav t9 li 1 is .1 Ini-h .0t ini-h 1 Ola I rainfall since Marrh 1.24 34 Inches iSEy f'pXi' m; lit ar: Uellcleiicy for cor. period, 11)13 5.64 Inches Heports froaa (Halloa at T P. M. Statlnn and State Temp. High. Rain- or vteaint-r. 7 p. m. m. Cheyenne, clear 44 64 iDaveniiort. clear 44 4 Ienver, clear 64 &i les Moines, clear.. 4 ' S2 Lander, clear 6) &4 North Platte, clear 48 bi Omaha, tlar 4i 53 I'ueblo, clear f4 68 Rapid City. part, cloudy 4! t) ait lke Cliy, clear.... k4 fall. .00 .00 .( .w .0) . A0 fanla e. clear U (3 ,i Sheridan, clear 4S H j Hum 'ity, part, cloudv art b) Valentine, rartly clju.iy 44 "T" indicates trace of precipitation. 1 A. VVELdU. Local Forecaster. PROMINENT NEBRASKAN WHO IS CALLED TO REST. i ' 0) 1 V - . ..-jr. . "i . I i, , ,wy . I ClintCH MOWF. HON. CHURCH HOWE IS DEAD AT AUBURN Man Prominent in Affairs of State of Nebraska for Nearly Half a Century Passes Away. j FUNERAL SUNDAY AFTERNOON AUBURN, Neb., Oct. 7. (Special Telegram.) Hon. Church Howe, iromlnent in business and political circles in Nebraska for forty-four years, died at his residence here this morning at 7 o'clock, alter an illness ; of many weeks More than a year 'a go a cancerous growth appeared on ! the back of his neck which affected . ; his spinal cord and finally caused his death. Mr. Howe's last service to the public was as mayor of Auburn, to which office he was elected in 1913. His term expired last May. . The funeral will be held on Sun day at 2 p. m. at the First Christian church. Bishop Arthur L. Williams of Omaha will conduct the services. Congressman C. F. Reavls and Wil liam F. Gurley of Omaha will each pronounce an oration, reviewing his life and career. From the church the local Masonic lodge will have charge. The body will be escorted by the National Guard and the Grand Army of the Republic post. J 4 Sketch' of liiia i.lfe. - Major . Howe was' the first man tc enlist for the war on Lincoln's call who 'lived in Neb A a, it Is said. He went out as a "muiute man" In the Sixth , Massachusetts and wu proud of the medal he received. to the effect that the Howe orchard is the best In Cnited States. In passing let It be remarked that It Is much to the credit of Herbert R. Howe, only son of tConUnued on PagB Two. Column Two.) T Arlmifforl Jjcl W OUil XlUiill I LCU. To Bail by Highest . Court of Colorado DEN'VBIt, Colo., Oct. 7. The Colorado supreme court late today admitted John was a member of the policy committee of the union throughout tha strike. Horace N. Hawkins, chief eounsel for Lawson, staled that ball would be pro vided Immediately and that Uwsjn probably would be released at Trinidad tomorrow. , John I. Rockefeller, Jr., when Informed jof the action of the court, said he was toward an early dlt.p isltlon of this and the other casos growing out of the strike, War Shares Make Substantial Gain NEW YORK, Oct. 7 -Yestewlaya tur bulent reaction In rtrln.a u 1m r...l v r triev;i1 today s early dealings. The with which substantial recoveries were made suggested that the market hl hn nlF.,.l,l In ,K. rlr.. derv.r-!,".. " " ..,, y ., " . w was a va aiiejj i.auiiunai J S1VII' tude taken by the Stock exchange au thorities. Many of the more speculative war shares showed gains of from 1 to t points at the outset and a more substan : 'rjyj' was seen In the further advance of rep resentative railways. . Yaquis Beat Women And Young to Death DOfGUAS. Arts., Inhabitants of l-a Oct. 7. Sixty-three Colorado, a mining '!town lii the liermosllU. ttonura. district. e re masMtcied by Vajul Indiana, who tapturid the town this week, according to reports received here late today. Women and children wtjre beaten to death. It U said. WEAlv OUTLOOK FOR OPENING GAME AT PHILLY GLOOMY Bureau Does Not Promise Ideal Day for First Battle of World's Series Today. BUT IT MAY NOT RAIN ANY Distribution of Tickets Begins Early - and Speculators Are Busy on Scene. EETTING 13 AT EVEN MONEY riUL.ADKI,riIIA. Ta.. Oct. 7. In termittent showers which fe'l today slowed up on the final workout of the Philadelphia National league pennant winners In preparation or the world's base ball championship, whirh beKins here tomorrow. All tho players were son the soggy field dur ing the morning hours, but curtailed their work this afternoon because of the dampness, Manager Moran was not much disappointed, for he has his men in first-class condition. According to the weather bureau If It rains at all tomorrow It will be only light showers, which should not prevent the first game from bplng played. In dlratlona are. the bureau staled, that the present cloudiness wl'l continue without much change In temperature. The distribution of tickets began today both at the uptown ana downtown of fices of the rhllHdelphla club. All per sons who hud applied for tickets by mall and whose requests were granted were notified by mall to prexent themxelvea at the offices. Speculators hovered about the offices and when the police were not looking offered advanced prices for the reserved seats held by the lucky applicants. They met with little success. Betting on the scries today was largely at even money on the result of the aeries, with Philadelphia money holding out In many cases for odds. Thomas A. Edison Elected Head of the New Advisory Board WASHINGTON, Oct. 7. The naval board of advisers today at Its first busi ness meeting elected the following offi cers: ' Chairman Thomas A. Edison, Orange, N. J. . First Vice Chairman Dr. Peter Cooper Hewitt. New York. Second Vice fhalrman William L. Saunders. Plainfleld. N. J. v Secretary Thomaa itoblns, Ftamford, Conn. BsTTOint lir ' ltiJ' ChalrmarW."' R. Hutchinson, Orange, N. J, Only members of the board were pres ent at tha meeting, although Secretary Daniels conferred with them for a short time. He would not disclose what sug gestions he had made. Members of the board had planned to leave Washington for their homes this afternoon, but did not , complete their work in time, returning' to the library of the department after luncheon with Secretary Daniels. No committees to deal with special subjects had been appointed when the recess was taken. Four Men Killed -by Explosion in Powder Factory EMPORIUM, Fa.. Oct. 7. -Four men were Instantly killed, another probably fatally hurt and six seriously Injured, It was stated today, were the casualties re sulting from the explosion last night at the plant of vthe Aetna Explosive company. A large quantity of smokeless powder, prepared for shipment today to the allies, exploded from some yet undetermined cause, blew the two-storytng drying house to atoms and shook the surround ing country for miles around. Inasmuch as the mill has been closely guarded day and night, officials Infor mally expressed the opinion today that the explosion was accidental. The Inves tigation Is being continued, however. Of ficials fix the property loss at $314,000. Seven Hundred ' Testify in the Case Against Mayor Bell INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. 7. The state closed Its case In chief In the trial of Mayor Joseph K. Bell, charged with election conspiracy, today. The defense was prepared to start Introducing testi mony Immediately. The prosecution used approximately 7S witnesses during the four weeks It was presenting evidence to show that there was a -conspiracy to Intimidate voters, to make false registration and to purchase votes in the primary of May 6, 1914, and the election of November 8, 1914. The trial was begun September 7. At torneys for the dcienne have stated they probably will be able to Introduce all of their evidence In chief within a week or ten days. , . . Zaimis Announces x New Greek Cabinet ATHENS, Oct. 7.-4VU London.) Alexander Zaimis has accepted the pre miership In succession to M. Venlseioa. at the Invitation of King Constantine. He completed his cabinet today. M. Zaimis will serve as foreign r.iinister. as well as premier. The new cabinet Is constituted as follows: Premlr and Foreign Minister Alex andrr Zuimla. Minister of Interior M. Ootinaria. Mlniotrr of War Oeneral Yannkitsaa. Minister of Marine Admiral P. Cuun tourlotis. Minister of FinanceStephen Dra- gntimis. Minuter of Instruction M. Theotokja Mln l-r of Justl e and Communications li. O. Rhallls. The members will appear in the cham ber Monday. GOOD-BYE, DR DUMBA! Here are photos of Dr. Con stants Theodor Dumba, recalled Austrian ambassador, and his wife, with Prince Zuhohenlohe Schillinssfuerst, first secretary cf the embassy, starting for the "New Amster dam, " on which they left American soil r I-. ?l IT ;' J"v' j f M A A ?- iv ST- ML. KING AK-SAR-BEN XXI TO RECEIVE CROWN . Thousands of Knights and Gentle women to Participate in Splendid Coronation Ball. QUEEN WILL TAKE HER THRONE CAftRTTAI. ATTXH-OAJTCl!. 1S14 .. .3,380 .. 6,647 .. 7,328 . .81,800 ..13,37 . .17,774 . .81,810 11S Wednesday 8,801 6,970 6,94a 19,174 6,843 18,843 18,431 Thursday . , i Friday stnrday . , ! Monday . . , Tuesday . . . Wednesday King Ak-Sar-Ben XXXI Is' to be crowned with all the stately cere mony that belongs to such a court ceremony at the Ak-Sar-eBn Den this evening at 9 o'clock. Knights and ladles of the realm will gather in thousands to witness the ceremony. ' Hundreds of the knights will be in knightly garb, bearing sword and scabbard, while many hundreds of others will come in dress suits ust to witness and then to participate in the grand coronation ball that marks the close of the sea son's Ak-Sar-Ben festivities. The twenty-first king entered 'the streets of Cibola, the chief city of Ills realm, Wednesday night In an electrical blaxe of unspeakable grandeur. At that time he received the key to his chief city. It remains now only for the cardi nal to crown him king of the prosperous realm of Qulvera. This done, and the queen Instated upon the throne with due ceremony, the sweet est orchestra lu'all the realm will lead off with soft strains of music, aturdy knights In gallant attire and fair ladles of the court In silks will glide gracefully Into the dance, and the great coronation ball will be on. Nine Deputy Sheriffs and Twenty Strikers Injured at Detroit DETROIT, Mich., Oct. 7.-NIne deputy sheriffs and twenty striking employes of the Michigan Alkali company, were In jured late last night in a fight which started when about 2U0 strikers attempted ito force their way through tha gates of the plant. The men, all laborers, w-a!ked out yesterday morning, demand ing an Increase In wages from $1.75 to 12.1 a day. The guaids were forced to fir several volleys over the heads of the crswd. which then dispersed. Germans Using New Asphyxiating Gas PARIS, Oct. 7. A new kind of gas. ap parently. Is being used by the Germans In the fighting In the Champagne. De tails regarding Its effects were given by Dr. Luclen Dumont by sufferers he wag called to attend in Parla hospitals. Ac cording to the written statements of three men who fought, respectively, at Zoualn. Zuippes and MoranvlHers, they were surrounded for a few seconds by clouds of deep green gss of a rather pleasant odor. These men asserted that noldiers. who wore no masks, aoun were suffocated, while, those with masks lost consciousness for varying periods. ' L'pon regaining consri lusness at f lei I dressing stations, yiey said they suffered convulsive fever, resembling epileptic fits. It Is believed here that pri:stc acid is used as the basis of tbs new gas. YIELD OF WHEAT BIGGEST ON RECORD i Crop of United Statu This Year it the Largest Ever Grown in Any Country. CORN THREE BILLION BUSHELS " WASHINGTON" Oct, 7. AtrtftlOna bushel wheat crop, the greatest vef grown In any country, has been pro duced In the United States this year. The government's preliminary estl ; mates of the great crop, made today, I nlanorf It of 1 nr. 9 H9Q Clftft hnshals or 111,000,000 bushels larger than the record crop of 1912. , The corn crop, now approaching maturity, Is estimated at 3,026,169, 000 bushels, or 98,000,000 burtels less than the record. The estimates and forecasts, together with the forecasts made from the Sep tember 1 canvass and statistics of last year's crop production, follows. (In thou sands, 1J. e. COO'S omitted): Final Oct. 1 Bept.l Kst'lil. lncltcfi's. Korec't. 1114 Cr. Winter wheat ispring wluat All wheat .... Corn Oats , 0.S.114 .All4 feM.WU air, i;t 8!,0I0 KM .urn) 1,IN)2,W. NKI.OIT 3,0JH.iri 2,'.iHi),(l 2.(S72.h4 1.M7.47S l.ios.otui l,141.lH) Hailey 238.KN3 Kye '44,179 Huckwheat 16,7: White potatoos 3W,1.M ltM.ttoS 44.1'i 1X,K) 4"i,0nt or,tM) 1H.U10 42,77!) Hi, KM eUi.v'U 66,674 Sweet potatwos Flax lfi.MS ; Tobacco, lbs l.S.wi4 l.l'.ll.tfrt l,i4,7 It ICO i.-;i ji.itn Zo,u4 Peaches f.4,21S 64.21(1 M,U Apples, bbla..,.. 71 M40 II a v, lame, tone i,th3 K0.SS.1 70,071 HMjr, wild, tons at.WJ 20,23 1H.H15 HuKar beets. Ins t,V,H , &.28H -Final for 1H1B. Comparison of the October Indications with Die (September forecast show the change In bushels In crop prospects as (Continued on Pas Four, Column Three) Dar of Demonstrations. NEW TURK, Oct. 7. Monday. Decem ber o, me uav or tne opening of con- f !, has been chosen by the American c tense society, It wis announced to nltit, as the most tlrm-ly occasion on which to nold demonstrations In luvor of an adequate preparedness. " I N'avrr l-ori to Pes). FOUT DOIW1K. la., Oct. 7.f!,nrge McDonald, murderer of Charles lllrd cf Dubuque, la., was today sentenced to Fort Madison for life. The Day War News ALEXANDER ZAIMIS s forsulagg m ew ireek cabinet, la which lead ers of the opposition will be alvea representation, ar r ordinal to an Athens ejlspatrh. Former Premiers Uounla, Hhallls, Drogoamla anal Turotrkla will be members of the coalition ministry, It Is declare.. LUMIUY PIIOM Inclines to he. lief that Greece, despite the fall of the Venlselos cabinet, will he found In the eal on the aide of the entente allies. KIIHMKR I'KKMIKH VtCMZKLOS, in Inter lew alvea shortly before bis break with King Constantine, leaves no doubt that nader bis pre. lulershlp tireece wonld hare via, oronsly anpporlcd Serbia B the presrnt crisis. PKTHOt.KtU HEARS that there have been antl-wnr demonstra tion In aertlona of Uolaarla, a state of alege having; been pro rlaluied to deal with the d I -affection. HKI U MIHXIIIIi Man tob Man. ders, who baa been the Uernuta .commander of the Tarklah forcea be Ins met at rblllppolle b- Klaaj FcriMHand, according tu adtlrea reaching Asurtrrdeea, AMBASSADORS ASK THEIR PASSPORTS Britons Say Kin- Conttantine Can not Force Nation to Co-Operate with Bulgaria. . BIO BATTLE IN EAST AND WEST m i.i.kti . LONDON, Oct. 7. The Flulgarian minister to Italy was handed pass ports by the Italian foreign minister, according to a Stefanl news agency dispatch from Horns. LONDON, Oct. 7. The allies have broken off diplomatic relations with Bulgaria and news is momentarily expected of that nation's active par ticipation in the war on the side of the central powers. Its king and the late leader of Its government being at odds, Greece Is forming a coalition cabinet, pending the construction of which its policy will be obscure. There are no mis givings in Knglandhowever, that it will co-operate In any way with Bul garia. The cabinet crisis has In no manner impeded the landing of allied troops at Salonikl, and the fact that these forces are on Greek soil la con sidered the best guarantee that Greece ultimately must align itself with the entente powers, with which Fremler-elect Zalmis is in sympathy. tattles In F.aat aad Weal. Champagne In the west, and Dvinsk In the east are now the scones of the strug gle most likely to bring derisive results. The Hermans still are engaged In concen trating against Hvlnsk, evidently bent on a supreme effort to take the city. The Nubians, howeve,, are delivering hard blows all along the linn, and the Ilrltlsh and French press professes to see general Russian "recovery" for which the activi ties of tha allies In the west are given credit. Capture by the French of the village and hill of Tenure la a success of con siderable local Importance. The hill, al though less than 200 feet high, was one of the most Important German positions In that sector. On most of the remainder of the French front thert Is still In progress the violent cannonading which usually precedes In fantry attacks. French Repalse Hersnsm Attacks. PARIS, Oct. 7.-The Germans bom barded violently last night all the French front to the north of I Scarpo and at the same time delivered four counter attacks agulnst the positions re cently captured by the French near Bouches. They were repulsed at all points. There was furthermore Intense artillery .exchanger at other points oa to ..front. This Information was glvea.put by the French war office this afternoon. Allies Camping On :": Ground Ceded to Serbia by Greece! ATHH.N8, Greece, Oct 7.-OVla Paris.) British troops began to land yesterday at Salonikl. French troops are disem barking a mile and a half from the town and are being concentrated In a camp located on ground ceeded to Berbla after 1913, upon which to build warehouses. From this point they are entrained as quickly as possible for Gl-evgell on the Serbian frontier. Bulgaria has evacuated all buildings on the coast near Dedeaghatch, while the forts In that city are being armed with lung range guns and mine layers are placing a double line of mines across the port. Dedeaghatch Is reported to be full of troops officered by Germans from Constantinople. He Tells Traction Magnates Municipal Ownership Will Come SAN FRANCISCO", Cat.. Oct l.-Dls-cussing municipal ownership today before I the American Electrio Railway associa tion Blon J. Arnold, chairman of the board of supervising engineers of the Chicago Traction company, advised the delegates to the : convention to cease wasting their energies In opposing a pub lic movement that will surely come If It Is economically sound. "Let us direct our energies towards the terms of the purchase clause and the conditions of the resettlement franchise," 1 Hal! 1r A rnnM " fnw ntnnlnln-1 Amn. ! ship Is coming despite all opposition." Mr. Arnold advised the railway men to meet ' new conditions with the weapons of publicity, standardized ac counting and friendly co-operation with the courts and commissions. Government to Keep Eye on Steel Merger WASHINGTON, Oct. 7.-Attorney Gen eral Gregory Issued a formal statement today saying that any attempt to bring about a combination of Independent steel companies "would bo subjected to the closest scrutiny by the Department of Justice." BRITISH FREIGHTER IS ATTACKED- OFF MEXCI0 RIO DE JANEIRO, Oct. 7. The British freight steamer San Mellto arrived here tcday from Tuxpam, Mex., and reported that It had been attacked at sea by an ! unknown vessel. The captain of the San Melito reported that soon after leaving ' Tuxpam his vessel was attacked la thai night, and that eight projectiles exploded against lis sides. One sailor was killed and six were wounded. The vessel was damaged, but managed to escape. Since the internment of the last of the German auxiliary cruisers at Newport News there have been no reports Indi cating the preserjw oi Q-JDjan war craft I In tbs Atlantic TEUTON ARMIES INVADE SERBIA 400,000 STROflG Great German and Austrian Forces Cross Drina, Save and Danube Rivers Into Litt Balkan State. THEY GAIN FIRM FOOTHOLDS Berlin War Office Asserts Soldiers Have Entered Enemy Land in Many Places. MACKENZIE LEADS THE LEGIONS Rl I.LKTIX. AMSTKHDAM, Oct. 8. (VI Loiw don.) The Cologne (Jazette report two II nasi an cruiser actively bom bardlng the ItulgarUui rt of Varna, BII.LKTIX. LONDON, Oct. 7. An official dis patch reached London today statins; that the Austro-German armies con a total of 400,000 men. BERLIN. Oct. 7. (Via London.) Large German and Austrian forcea have invaded Serbia. The Teutonlo troops have crossed the Drina, 8av and Danube rivers at many places, the war office announced today. It in stated that the Invading troops have established firm footholds on the other banks of the rivers. The German announcement Indicate that the invading movement Is In prog ress along a large part of the boundary between Austria and Serlfii. The Danube forms the border from the Roumanian frontier to Ltelgrade, the Save from Bel. grade to the northwestern corner' of ths country and the Drina runs along tha western boundary to a point not far norMi of the Montenegrin line. The Teutonlo Invasion marks ' the beginning of the expected campaign agalnat Serbia and may precipitate the crisis In the Halkans which has been looked for. Recent developments ha shown that Bulgaria was likely to co operate with Germany and Austria by attacking Serbia from the east. An army of French and British troops hsa been landed at Salonikl, Greece, and aent to Serbia to assist In meeting tha new attack. German and Austrian troops are said to have been dispatched to the Serbian front from Russia, and It Is reported that Field Marshal Von Mackensen, tha famous German commander, fjs, ..in cnarge or mesa operations; The German plan of campaign Is be lieved to be to force a way through Serbia, and If either the active assist ance or passive neutrality of Bulgaria Is obtained, to reach tha Sea of Mar mora and give assistance to . the Turkish army. Hurricane Headed Toward Mobile WASHINGTON. Oct. 7. Another West Indian storm, headed apparently for tha American coast, was reported today In ths Gulf of Mexico. Storm warnings were ordered displayed on tha gulf coast from Mobile to Cedar Keys, Fla. Ths probable course of the present storm could not be determined by weather bu reau officials today from the meager In formation at hand. Sheriff Indicted For Orozco Murder VAN HORN, Tex., Oct. 7. -The Culber son county grand jury today jointly In dicted Bherlff John A. Morlno and eleven other persons on a charge of murder la connection with the killing of General Pascual Oroico recently In Green River canyon. The case Is set for trial thla week and the record Is to be sent to tha State department at Washington. I . THE -W ANT-AD-WAY 1 ' sro r y I oisii i'hI JW All Rights Rinnit "This Wast Ad moat be a mistake. It It Isn't, the place I will take, rrom the way the ad reads. It will Just salt my aeeae, la a short Urns xaach auoaey IH saaka,' Bo the owner he straight away aeag-t. And from him the business soa bougst, ASvloa he's bow riving, "The ads made my living", If yoa don t look them over, yoa aught. Is your business for sale? If so you can quickly diapose ef It I r advertising It In the "aUUTEai CKAMCS" columns of WW IIB. Write an 1 giving a good deacrlpti- a of your buslnesa and telephone 'il r I ('00 and put It In TUB OMAHA BKO. i