Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1915, EXTRA, Page 8, Image 8
re Tim BLTv: OMAHA. THI-.'SDAY. OCTOMKU OMAHA BOY GETS GOOD PROMOTION ON RAILROAD C. B. Becker has been sppolnted by W. A. KlttemnasteT. general agent of the freight department of the Canadian Pa cific, to be acting district freight agent for that company In this territory. Mr. ated from the Omaha High school snd front the lew department of Crelghton university. His territory Includes all of Iowa, half of South Dakota and part of Minnesota, aa well as the city af Omaha. HOLD FUNERAL SERVICE FOR MISS STRANDGAAR0 SPENT $2,000,000 INILEItlTANCE AND OWES OVER $1,0C0,000 Mrs. Wright Barclay, New York society woman, who inherited $2,000,000 from her first husband, now owes $1,080,240, and has but $39 in the bank, accord ing to bankruptcy schedules. 1 Funeral services for Gera'dlne O. Btrandgard, who dk'd Tuesday at the ss ot M years, will be held from the resi dence, 2S Jsckson street, this morning at 1 o'clock. Burial will be In Forrest lawn cemetery. , - . ' Helps Weak Klaaeya aa Lasaaaaa. Get a Iks bottle ot Floan'a Mnlment: apply en ba?k and take drops four times a day. AH druggists. Advertisement. Becker la an Omaha boy, having gradu ' w-g3y-rr. flm-. ;i ! By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, October 6, 1915. A society editor would surely be distracted these days before the Coro nation ball It It weren't for the fun one has In retting descrip tions of gowns to be worn. You , some of the women are away and their husbands take it upon themselves to answer for their wives. - After telling mo that his wife is out of town, one man, I am not men tioning any names, but he is sovereign commander of the Woodmen of the World, wrote me: , "I suppose the gowns, 'as far as they go,' will be all right, but I have jio Idea how far above the floor they will hang, or how far above the waist line they will ettend." I called another home, that of an official in the Nebraska Telephone company, whose name I had confused for the moment with that of another official's name, which is quite similar. "Is Mrs. Blank in?" I asked. Thinking some one was plajlng a Joke on him, he answered, "Just moment. I'll call her." He waited a moment, and then Impersonating a feminine voice: "TL1 Mrs. Blank," he said. "What are you going to wear at the Coronation ball, Mrs. Blank?" I asked, sweetly, for I detected hls bluff. This question staggered hlni and be burst out laughing. "There la no Mrs. Blank," he confessed. TfitiTitiei of the Week. sirs. John A. Meghan wll aiv a luncheon Thursday complimentary to Mrs. tllchard Hosford of Mollne, guest of Mrs. W. D. Hosford. Mra. John U Kennedy is planning a bridge party lor nest Monday, at which the honor guests will be the sisters ot Mrs. George Brandeis, Mrs. 'Harry How worth, Mrs. Carney and Miss Lillian line era of Chicago. Mrs. J. M. laughrty Is planning a luncheon for Thursday complimentary to Mias Oertrude McCarthy of Chliago. The Knle-hts of Columbus will give a banquet at th Fontenll hotel Tuesday venlng. Former Xinf'1 House Party. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Black are enter taining a house party of AS-flar-Ben visitor. Among them are I". W. Am bler of Chicago, Miss Rebecca Haven of Cincinnati, who waa the guest of the Blaca'e last year also, and Miss Mary Augusta Wllllaon of Creston, la. Miss Haven arrived yeaterday with Mias Halcyon Cotton, who spent a few dsys In Cincinnati en routs home from the east, where aha haa been since June,' Miss Cotton toured New York by auto and spent soma time at riermont-on-the-Jludson, and at the Thousand Islands. For Ak-S&r-Ben Governor. Mr. Louis Nash will entertain the Ak-Sar-Ben board f governors in two boxes at the Boyd this evening, after the pa rade. Those present wilt be: Messrs. Messrs. W. l. Hosford. K. Hlack. Frank W. Judson, Kendall K. Brown, of riattsmouth. Neb., and the brides maid was Miss Josephine Hart of Omaha. Mr. II. V. Uoerke and Mm. I.uella Ooerke and other members of the family were present The wedding was strictly quiet In accordance with the bride's wish. Mr. and Mrs. Ooerke will reside at the St. Clair spartments. On the Calendar. Mrs. Charles Wtra entertained bridge luncheon today. Covers placed (or twelve guests. . , at a were J. Im Forest Richards, OeorKa K Ilever-eUck, K. Bucklnuham, OnuM Ileti, Louis C. Is' ash. Ak-SarSen Visitors. Mrs. 1 11. Bsrkdull, snd Miss Mabel Morrison of Chicago, are the guests of Mrs. T.-Cahiil. . Miss Irene Krans of Holsleln, la., will arrive this week to be the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Krans. Mrs. -Charles Miner and Mlsa Effle OUbert of Temora, Neb., are visiting Mrs. L J. Copenharve. Mrs. A. E. Kavanaugh of Ppilnsfleld, 111., is the a-uest of Mia. J. D. Reed for the Ak-8ar-I)n festivities. Mrs. Shirley M. Enslish of taJlas. Tex., will arrive today to be the guest of Mrs. flames Ludlow at the Colonial, during the Ak-ar-Bon festivities. Mrs. Eng lish Is on her way home from California. Parish Aid Society Meets. The I'arUh Aid society of Trinity ca thedral was entertained at luncheon to day at the home tit Mrs. Charles Martin. Hereafter the Aid society will meet each Wednesday between the hours ot 10 a, m. and I p. m, at the deanery. Tba member are: Personal Mention. Mrs. W. A. Fraser is expected home Friday morning from a visit to Illinois. Miss lorothy Blgelow of Chicago, who waa to have been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Anaon, has chsnged her plana snd will not be among the Ak-gar-Ben Visitors. Lloyd 1. Willie returned Tuesday from a three weeks' auto tour through New York and New England statea. Mra. Willis will remain in the east until Oc tober lft Mrs. A. Q. Deeson Is exacted home Sunday from the east, where aha has been for a number of week a Registering at the Hotel McAlpIn In New York during the last week from Omaha have been B. Tred and E. F. Howe. Big Fortune Awaits Unknown Omahan According to a letter received by City Clerk O'Connor, a fortune awaits "John It. Johnson" of Omaha. Tho man la said to have lived at 2d Leavenworth street, but inquiry at that address failed to yield any knowledge of the prospective bene ficiary. The letter received by the city clerk may be seen by Interested parties. It waa written by a Detroit 'concern making a specialty of locating missing heirs. The amount of the fortune Is not dis closed In the letter. ,SaV Kit' v'Z;r S : ; t. t Jt v 1 i f 1 fi . - a ".-A 'T " til I Writes to Mayor for News of Lost Sister Writing from the city Infirmary. Hart well, Cincinnati, Johan Uottfried Mack makes a pathetic appeal to Mayor Dehl man for assistance In locating a alster, who la aald to bo the wife of an Omaha attorney, but whose married name haa been forgotten by the brother. Mr. Maek wrltea -be Is 71 years of age and his slater four years his senior. Hs Is a victim of rheumatism. His wife died sixteen years ago and four children are said to have married and their where abouts uaknown to the unfortunate man. Mnsdiimes A. J. ,1'oppleton. ' Byron Heed, Arthur Williams, Menry W. YaUw. S. J. Bark alow, F. H. Davis, Martlia Heth, James A. Tanrock J oh neon, Herman Kounlse, J. J riulllvan. Charles Martin, Wise Cook. )ia N akeley, Moditnes A. L. Heed, Krank Halter. Thomas Brown, Frank Martin. Oeorge Barker, laaao Coles, Joseph Barker, 2d; K. Wakelev. M. T. Barlow, . I. Keller. W. A. Kraeer. Jamea Bartlett. For Miss McCarthy. LOS ANGELES SENDS OUT URGENT CALL FOR SUNDAY An urgent Invitation to "Billy" Sunday to conduct a campaign In Los Angeles was received Wednesday by telegraph, It Is signed by Msyor Hebastlan and fif teen ministers of that city and reads as follows: Kv. William "Billy" A. Sunday. Omaha. m Anueles and California unanimous in me most urgent call possi ble to corne to loa Angeles at the earliest . . i , I . . . ,,, . . i inianiuiT uai". t'lllllllUIIB iivvtir Id IS.V wauun nuun win p Itoaioaa l orm,l. In ,,.. hlst.M V. BellVM1 hv .11 CDPID DEMANDS MUCH ATTENTION Happy Pairs Flock to Court Honse to Be Joined as Man and Wife Six at One Time. S. 0. S. SIGN IS SENT OUT Cupid ' army Invaded the court house, stormed the county court and Invaded even the giant vault, built to withstand any attack ahort of artillery. Volunteers were called and g stirring contest against time re sulted before the last license had been granted and the last groom had kissed his bride. Half a dosen couples who, as many others did, came to Omaha to aoe the electrical parade, and also to be married, arrived at the aame time. They and their friends filled the offices of the county court. Help," called Herbert IL Btubbendorf, marriage licence clerk. Clyde fiundblad. clerk of the county court, and Q. B. Ken nedy and J. Q. Sherry,' assistant clerks, came to the rescue and dashed their pens madly over blanka recording the pedigrees of the "contracting parties." v Boa la m Harry. Four couples desired to be married forthwith and without delay in that very office. Andy Ukells and Hattle Travis were aent into Judge Crawford's private office and a hurry call waa aent out for Justice of the Peace Brltt The justice arrived and began marrying couplea aa fast aa he could. As the turn of each pair came the bride and groom and their friends were ushered Into the spscious vaulta adjoining the offices of the county court. ' K There the words which made them one were aald, tha bridegroom hastily peck the tip of his fair companion's nose and they were aent out into the cold world to make the best of It, , while another youth and maiden were led In. The following couplea were married in the record vault: Artie Hanneman and Edna McNeill of Walthlll, Morten T. Thompson and Elsie Schneider of Wisner, Oeorge W. Mundorf and Syrtlda Short of Blair. Most of this week's newly weds are from out of town. We Are Advertised By Our Cu$tomers 1EJ) till) StMfS: Visitors in the City will find our Big and varied $lock of merchandise quite out of the ordinary ; in character and compicuout for exceptional value. $uyer from tBrandeit Store get firt 'teclecthn and the fad that we art able to pay .cash for large order enable us to offer' the big ralue for which this store is widely known. .' New Yorker would be surprised to tee the attractive array of fash ionable apparel at fgrandets Store that they see in their favorite shops tn $Cea Yor They Teould be more surprised at the lower than &CeW York prices We ask. , . ' . ffirandeis Stores are advertised bv thousands of satislied cmlnmrtt Two Special Kid Glove Values ' For Thursday Women's Two-Clasp French Lamb or Real Kid Gloves, In black, .white, tan, brown and gray, also In white with black backs. (Gloves bought from Pen-In.) Guaranteed perfect CI 1 C Special, pair eJIl.lsJ Women's Two-Clasp Kid Gloves, mostly black and white, some colors. Should sell at considerably more. fiQ Vaa V Pair Sport Scarfs In Many Pretty Styles Angora Wool Scarfs, up from 75c Silk. Scarfs, up from $1.25 Puritan Collar and Cuff Sets, hemstitched Swiss, 29c rxatnty Colls rs, also Collar p f an1 Cuff Sets, In embroidered Jill Bwisa, also usinty-colored sltecU v v dinner this evening at the Omaha elub In honor of Mlsa Gertrude McCarthy of Chicago, who ia the guest of Mrs. Ben tiailaarher. A large basket of red roses will be used for a centerpiece. - Her guests will Include: Mlnses Mlssee ' Gertrude McCarthy Uerlrude Mets. of Chicago, Mrrxre. Messrs. Carl Holmes T. V. Stlllwell of Cincinnati. '" of Now Vwrk, ' PhlHw Meti. Mr, and Mis, Paul Oallagher, At'lhe UniTerit Club. " A targe Attendance is expected at the V el vers it y club this evening fr both the dlnnur and dance, Ui latter l begin aftur the electrical parade.. Mr. and Mis. 1. W. Cepen will enter tain a party of -lht at du.n.-r this eve ning at the t'lilvwrsitV club. Covers wilt be placed for: kt !. snd Mesdamcs- H. N. lioxlill. K. Kvenlld, A. V. hliotwi-ll. l:. W. en. Oth r who bavs tniil atlons are Warren Howard, to; John It. liurnai six; A. M. ituei. four; A. If. Tiichard on, sl: lllland Nu)'M, Kur, B. 11 ln vls, two; II. '. Co krH. tlx; E. ' T. Ieary. two; A. I. Crvlsh. two. An Irtfonnal luncheon waa given at the i;Avrlir club tolav bi honor of Mrs, O. W, Ulbson. and Mrs. Shirley M. lih of fiallaa. Trs , the guvst of Mrs. James Luiilow. Covers were placed fur elfht. Miss t.uclle Bacon. MUs Kleanor Mac kay. Mr. Aualln Ualley and Mr. Frank , flby will make up a party at the liil-' verslty club dinner-dance this evening. Hitibition of Dancinr. Aa rxMbltton of dnnciiuc will be given tiila afternoou at I o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. I- Hd. by Miss Gladys Tree of lxndon. r.ngltuid. who U the house STUrct of Ir. and Mis. K. U Hrldges. About sixty vf lt yunfcr set will be pr?tt. Wcliinc Announcement. Mr. KJwsrd Ciete Goerke and Miss Ct-. il W Kim. !! were marrld Tuesday at AH Faints' church, the Rev. T. J. Mackey of't'la f I. 1.. a Lt Tt.un was Mr. K vrl F. Haailer our oeoina inis would ue ureatest cam. paKn In your wonderiiil record. No cn- lervaimm. to oveicome. The city and whol south would be In Instant response. We are of one mind. The committee and an cnurcuva aimoiuieiv alive to the ks eltmltv of securing you. "tild you give data In sirlng, as suggested tn conter enie with our chairman at Winona Lake .ugut . t onnnaiKl us and we Will try and obey. An early rily will be appreciaiea. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES SEEM TO BE INCREASING Health department statistics for Sep tember ahow 187 cases of diphtheria re ported, seventy-three being of the nasal type. During Auguet only ulna cases were rvporttM. Most of the cases last inoiuh were on the Soiitlj Bide, There was a gon'-ral' Incruase of eon tedious dlsvuats, ai'Cviillug to the follow lug figures: Kept. Aug u Hiimllnox Moarlet fever . Triihold tever Tuherculosle .. Baptist Ministers Listen to Sunday' . and Meet Daily Seventy-five of the' Baptist ministers of the state are In Omaha aa the guests of the omaha Baptist ministers While here they are holding daily conferencea at the Young Men's Christian associa tion In the morning, and In the after noon and evening are attending the Tabernacle to hear "Billy" Sunday. While here they are entertained at the homes of the local clergy and of the lead ing members of the church. Rev. Fred Berry, superintendent of mis sions for the state, was leader of the meeting Tuesday, and Rev. Wilson Mills presided Wednesday. Evangelist Earle D. Sims came a long way to hoar "Billy" Sunday, and during the week Is being entertained by Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rhodes, 4819 Case atreet. Mr. Sims has been an evangelist for over twenty years and haa held meetings all ever America and Asia, and haa aeen thousanda converted In his meetings. He Is enjoying the Sunday meetings and says' "Billy" Is all right. Mr. Sims Is now state evangelist of the Nebraska Baptist Stale convention. Apartments, flats, imim and cottages aan be rented quickly ana cheaply by a Bee "Fur Rent " , . , a TO SEE IF THE CLAY IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR BRICK A letter from George Barrowman of the department of cbemletry of the t'nl veralty of Nebraska to Krank Heat, chair man of the Hoard of County Commission ers, says that a chemist at an early data will' examine the day In the region of Klvervlew home to determine whether It is suitable for brick making purposes. The county board desires to know whethar brick clay would be available If a, woranouse is eMaoiiaoea. COME TO STOP WHITE SLAVERY; LANDS IN JAIL Henry M. Lemon, who. asserts that lie la a constable at Tender, Neb., waa ar rested Tuesday night with Jxiuts Ander son, charged with being Intoxicated. It developed In court that Lraon had come to Omaha to stop the white slave traf fic, and while on the job in Jefferson square, appointed Anderson as a deputy. Anderson fell asleep, but was rudely awakened by Iipmon, who asserted that he would have to go before Uacret Scr vice Agent Ebersteln for falling asleep on the Job. Anderson appealed to a police man, and both men were arrested. "Leave the white slave traffic to the traffic (Hips, and get out of here and quit drink ing," was 'Judge Foster's advice as be discharged both men. ACTRESS TELLS SECRET "Hinky Dink" Comes West a Day Behind .the Chicago Mayor, City officials who hobnobbed wit Mayor Thompson and party of Chicago tell of defections tn the ranks' of the party before leaving Chicago, on account of the mayor's saloon-clostng order. "Hlnky Dink," otherwise known as Michael Kenna, alderman of the First ward, is reported as passing through here today with twenty-five Chlcagoana who originally were scheduled to go wltu the mayor's party. This detached party Is said to have taken the stand that they would prefer to travel by themselvea than with the mayor Who Issued the Sunday closing order Just before he started on his west ern trip. , Not Only Chic, But Very Serviceable' 475 New Moleskin Felt Hat ST Faced with black Lyons velvet, in all the crown sailors, tricorn hats and large side roll shapes. Combination colors; new blue with black facing, red and black facing, purple and black, bottle green, brown, navy, etc. .Positively sold tor pl C T 1 a- ' I l- fa essi a-l a" tar -. I .u.uui pi ice xiiuiaudy' MO new high sr7"' V3Kwoeea V ""Mm A Limited Quantity. So' Come Early Radium Taffeta and Crepe de Chine Blouses Vaw"oto $1Q5 This is a special purchase our buyer "has made, and there is just a limited quantity; wonderful values and styles for Thursday, at $1.95. White and flesh color, sizes 34 to 44. Second Floor ft THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK The Food-Drink for a!! Ages Rkh milk, malted grain, in powder forsn. For in (ants, invalids growing children. Pure nutrition.upbuikling is whole body. Invigorates nursing mothers aae1 tlx ad. Mora healthful than te or col fee, Vnleitm you msy - IIOTZUQX'S" on may get a Submtltutmm High Quality and Sure Values Hosiery and Knit Underwear . We consider these excellent values even v full price, and this season's fashion absolutely demands silk hosiery. " Women's Fiber and Pure Thread Silk Hose, with double soles; in ftr black, white and all colors; worth 5oc, pair OOC Women Pure Silk Hose, with double, sotes, spliced heels and toes; in black, white, em broidered insteps, black and white stripes and colors. Worth ?q $1.00, specially priced, pair DivC KNIT UNDERWEAR : These cool days prompt us to make the following special offerings in comfortable, healthful underwear. ; Women's Union Suits, bleached cottons, fine ribbed and fleece lined. Dutch nuck, elbow sleeves ; low neck, sleeveless; knee and ankle lengths. Sites 4, 6 and 6. Regular 1.00 values, special. suit 69c I MAIN TLOOR Children's ; Fleecy Lined Cotton Vests, -Ankle Pants to Match, in medium and heavy weights; all sizes, worth to 35c special, garment..... a&OC LookYour Best Friday Night y Dress Slippers For Coronation Ball A Well Known Acirwe Tells How Khe darkened Her liray Hair and lYomoted Its Growth With Mliiiple Home Made Mixture. Photo Craft Shop "Tilm peoUUsta.x 41 Bee Blag. Films Developed Ffee r Wbesv. Purchased rrosa Vs. ' rrlats, 3o te So, I4.1tu Bervlo. Tot ( kll4rBi Haa trsss, The two chlldreit of J. NV. Nig, mer chant. Cleveland. G., had croup Ust winter. Una was a box ot s, the other a girl of t years. Mr. Nil wrltea: "Both (Ot so choked up they could hardly breathe and couldn't talk. I gave them Poley'a Honey and Tar and nothing else and It entirely cured them." This re liable medicine should be In every borne, for it gives Immediate relief from colds, ooushs and croup, heala raw Inflamsd throat and looerns phlftw, Bold every where. Advertisement. . Mies lllancha Ros. a well-known at resa, who darkened her gray hair with a Simple prevjaretlon whloh she mined at home. In a recnt Interview at OUoao, 111.! made the following statement! "A" lady or gentleman can darken their gray hair and make it aoft and glossy with this simple re-tle, -which they can mla at home. To a half pint of water add t , os. of bay rum. a email bos or waroo Compound, and os. of glycerine. These ms-redlents eaa be bought at any drug atore at aery Utile coat. Apply to the hair twloe a wees until it becomes the required shade. This will make a gray haired person look years youner.' It Is also fine to promote the growth of hair, relieves Itching and scalp humors and is eacelient for dandruff and falling hair." Advertisement. fTTli'STtT'T 7 eaoasTcTotetctw aer ovtas stewvr- aavas vee tms V, STStaerM aa erLicave 1- '-V aaoswi- v ; vmst is , .v. . ( ECOMOStV ' f ! ,f VMSB). TRY A CAN V '-'- tun nr ' V " 4.S.tiiaT " X oixt eusTmi1 CONVlNCta: 'micmicosow Made from a new material, for which we have the exclu sive agency. They come in white, blue, pink,' lavender, two shades of green and sil ver, in all sizes. We can also tint them in many different shades, full arched Louts heels, heart shaped vamps; pair .$5.00 The highest grade shoes that can be bought, made by S. Weil A Co. Bee the new Cubist pat tern In patent leather or dull calf. 1'sJr, ffo AA l.oo to... po.UU TUEiyT Shoes fo Women. Aa endlesa - a-r- We are sole agents In Omaha for the celebrat ed "Ked Cross" Shoes for Women, all styles, pair. 4.00, $4.60 and Ornaments for Dress Slippers, a beautiful as sortment, all he new da- pur, .ow w, . er m w w w 'sf r s $5.00 Corsets UP av saw rt I r n 1 ' a TKXATBICAX, OOWBTS. J11 I t Xttese Hutta, Xaas4oa, srtaae I Alberts. Silk Mate, rumps I V 1 ISIS sneSelsl for sale er rsat. I Mail Otdrs a Xveelslty. I I JOHN FELDfilAN I I I II Pheae D. 3 IS. Ops a Svealaga. I U I II riema BoUtl ktae;. I , I . tog sf. ina Bw. Owaka. Bel . N is a.- ,-a-ti' Li Gray Switches A large assortment of various shades and lengths, values from $5.00 to $25.00, at ex- )I cept tonally low prlcea, CIA 41 A $1.00 to elU.UU (Worti with rrar hair should not mtss this sals. ) Special Estre rtoe Wavy, Switches, or. II lacaee lon et Shsmsoolns, Menlcniins. H ear sunlit eaaitary parlors, by sraters. CaMdren'e Hair Bobbins e so AppalHtaiew Mad. My rl j itfcCONO f Loon The head of an important Eastern hospital said publicly; ""We have had some corsets that are helpful, but the Nemo Wonderlift is the FIRST that I can indorse without reserve. It will be of wonderful assistance to surgeons and gynecologists." It keeps women well that is even better than to cure afterward; and J it will , do that, too. x ' y atsctua. ate., tn esperteaced ep- ctaltr. "Helmet" Playing Cards Made by the U. S. Playing Card Co. Good loolting, wear able cards. Specially priced, per pack 9c or Three Packs for 5Ro N- V is aW ii V x V