TITFi OMAHA. 'THUKSpAT. OCT011EU 7, IMS. jHAMPIOH shows 0MAHAS0ME GOLF Eobert A. Gardner, Despite Unfa mi'iarity with Course, Defeat Thre Omaha Cracks. - i i GETS OUT OF DIFFICULTIES Robert A. Gardner of Chicago, national ,.,., . . j w. smateur golf champion, demonstrated hit , A. .x . superiority ever throe Omaha cracka " .. ,,,,,.. , i yesterday at the Field club In an eight-, een-hole foursome. Despite the fact that I the national champ wa playing the i course blind, while the Omahans were lamlliar with it. and despite the hlfh and cold wind which mad good golf ex-. teeriinaiy difficult. Gardner turned In an eighty-three for the eighteen holes. Bam 1 lteynold followed Gardner with an eighty-six and niaine Young turned in a ninety. Karl Dock completed the four some. Gardner proved to be a Veritable won der at driving and approaching. Hla ap proach shots always brought applause frnm tha InrM rllArv mhli'h hmi'ed the cold a lnd to see the champion play. Sev- j rral times he got Into the rough or mixed I up with a hazard, but made as pretty an epproach shot as even an exceptionally rood golfer would make from the fair iwajr.' Gardner Is In Omaha as the guest of Karl Dock. Gardner and Bock and Sara Reynolds are all members of the National Coal Dealers' Golf association. The cham pion will play today at the Country club. Ills score yesterday was as follows: Outside 5 B 5 S 4 3 . 3 640 Inside 5 6 4 4 6 4 4 6 43 83 ROYAL WELCOME ' IS GIVEN KING AK-SAR-BEN XXI (Conlntued from Page Giie.) and here a huge tortoise Just passing a slumbering white hare that bad lain Sown In the race because he was too confident of his superior speed. C'aaka of Wlir. The fox and grapes was Illustrated by a float with a rich grape arbor hanging heavy with luscious fruit, and a hungry tox squatting on his haunches and lick. Ing hla red Hps and preparing to pass the familiar comment that the grapes are sour anyway and he does not want them. Casks of wine are seen In the background and all the good things that are asso- Hansel and Gretel were portrayed in the neit float standing before the castle of puaf andy where the ugly witch was beckoning them to come In, ostensibly to get the randy, although In reality the had within a huge oven In whliM the hoped to roast the children. Pnsa la Doota. "Puss In Boots" was Illustrated by a group of the donkey, the puss and the third son of the dead miller who w.is peeved because his deceased father had left him only the pussy while he had left the other two sons the mill and the don key respectively. The puss Is looking Into the face of the boy preparing to tell him how he can still get the best of the bargain by making proper use of tils legacy. . ' Robinson Crusoe was the next repre sentation. Crusoe and his faithful ser vant, Friday, were seen In the flout The goats that Crusoe milked were pic tured on tho Island In the background. s- well as the parrot that was the lout sailor's only companion until Friday came on the scene. Cinderella. ' "Cinderella" and her adventures1 were ably suggested by the float bearing the I name. The maiden was Just entering tho astlo to attend the ball she had not ex I xc ted to be able to attend. The cele brated glafa slipper that figured so oon splcioualy In the fable, was seen In the foreground of the float. The lighting effect set otf the magnlflcance of the old tale nicely. The team of mloe that carried Cinderella to the ball late In the evening, were waiting Impatiently out side the castle. "Little Red Riding Tlood" lent Itself nicely to float portrayal. The hungry wolf was seen In the grandmother's bed where he had Just devoured the frrand mothcr. and the Innocent Utile girl with the red hood was seen wending her way towurd the cabin, where the great danger waited her. .Ma bra 'Km All Shiver. "Dluebeard" was a float that almost sent shivers over the crowd. The hideous tule of the fierce Bluebeard all camo back to those who knew it as children. -h-r. they looked upon the scene of the sood wife opening the closet door of Hluebeard's castle and finding the mur ilored bodies of her husband's former w Ives. "Jack and the Bean Btalk" was a float that pleased the children. Here the stupid Klant was seen with bevls In the air, ap iwrently Just fallen on his silly head, when Jack cut the bean stalk that had supported him. "ltlp Van Winkle." brought memories of Washington Irving's masterpiece, when the crowd looked upon the grizzled face of the ancient Rip Just awakening frwn his twenty-year sleep on the summit of the Katskilj mountains, where he had been drinking grog with the mysterious rowlers seen in the distance rolling their ten pins. Hon tho Mnaae. "The Lion and the Uouw" w.s by a portrayal of the story of the tiny inouae that gnawed the nets that bound the huge lion. The ferocious lion In all his power was not p.werful enough to break the nets which the weak little -mouse gnawed to pieces In a few mo ments. Sly cats were waiting in the background to get the weak little mouse a soon as she gets awav from the pro tection of the king of tieast. "Tho Little Mermaid" was Worked out to show her. tailless, transfigured to the form of a beautiful princess danclntr before the prince who loves her. Hi-r sis ters of the deep sea were- everywhere t'irusiing their heads out of the waves .eckonlno; to her to get a new tall, be come again a mermaid, and return to them in the sea, "The' Golden Bird." was a float por traying the story of the boy who rod on the tnll of a fox to find his for tune. The fox took hm to the spot where he found the golden bird and many other valuable and beautiful thins including; a bride. neanty Had the Beast. "Beauty srn the Ilist," was. the tltla J or ine iioat, representing the faW. of the btautlful maiden , who descended to the den to askorlate with the beasts. Von the prime who had descended temporarily to tt.e level, of tho beast. The tw wicked sisters of tho "Beauty" had o-er converted info statues ard were-com pelled io aland poifectl rlrld y, i n j ortsrouiKJ. , Hf-huM t THe Hl. ? Then came hi majesty. King Ak-8 Pen tho Twenty-first In the line of the Ak-fr-Ben dynasty. Never was Ptole maic) or l'haraoh dynasty mors beloved and revered than U the dynasty of AX-Sar-Ben. with' IU twenty splendid and kindly klns that have reigned during a fifth of a century. Comes now the twenty-flint of his line, tinder the moat fa vorable circumstances, when the horn of plenty la fairly overflowing In hla realm, when peace abides, though atiife slashej ta hideous way through foreign lamia. The American ahleld rested In ,the bow of the float. A triumphant Amer ican eagle perched upon It. Guards and S.?" th8 .h0ln tn splendid king the personal atten- . , , , tlons hla royal person deserves, ,. ... Tss nil 1 1 oats, n fio.,, were nlfctin, foiowi: MOID K1NQ COL.H." nn rt,ltler. ' Colbry HoWrta. 1 T. Dermody. Harry Johnston, V Wnke"00" ('T'sm'h1""1'"' GOOSE THAT TJUi Tl"hJth6oLPnN EGO." cwf- I-ucln Pettlnslll. it. s. DON Ot'IXOTR' K. P. Reed. William Fox. "OM MOTH Kit UOOSK." H. O. Benford. W. J. Think. U. F. Hall. J. A. Camody. F. H. Turner. Joseph Jacob. W. J. Harris. It. N. UedwelL E. H. Uelslman. K. Archibald. "THH TORTOISE ANl THE HA UK." aus. k. a. F.ricson. "ennViTeck II. 11. Watts. "TDK FOX AND THR GRAPES." "r njrne. j.-. h.iiKrn. George McHhane. George Itoach. Martin Hamann. Maurice H. Griffin. "HAN.hJ., ANl GKKTKU" Charles Maloney. M. J. Gervery. Bert Fox.- t haiies Maloney. 'PI'fW.lN THhl BiOTH." Ben Johnson. G. A. tiagerman. K. M. Flnkensteln. W. J. Mohan. ROBINSON CRl'HOK." Pat Jennings. T. H. McNamara. "TH K CRXSTAL KM PPKR." Clint Miller. George Westergard A. J. Crulckshank. JI. B. Howes. J. V. Brennan. "L1TTLK RED RIDING HOOD." Captain Bruce. IRov N. Bruce. "BLCB BEARD." Harry A. Foster. O. II. Helntse. Harry B. Ktevens. H. C. ilartry. A. Tondu. "JACK AND TUB REAN8TALK." Charles Doherty. Allen Kennedy. A. K. Mcl-arnan. K J. Livingston. RIP VAN WINKUE. K. I Tatten. P. 8. Myers. Harry D. Klyer. Jack Horrlgan. "THH LION AND TUB MOL'SR" H. F. Meyers. J. 1 Doherty. H. H. Kiffer. "TUB MKRMAIP. ' Walter Adams. Harry Ooets. Adolph Brandes. Frank Lank. James Panock. "THK GOLPEX BIRD." Teddy Brothers. T. J. Lichner. I N. Hawkins. Ed ohavllk. C. V. Connolly. "BKAUTY AND THE BTCAST." Frank Drexcl. C A. Graves. N. J. Svoboda, C. C. Phelph. "KING." Pete Raum. 1'eter Fetenon. "Jaat b Thtii," A tailor's work Is sedentary. That la why most tailors suffer from constipa tion. U. W. Robemon, Wichita Falls. Tex., says: "I find Foley Cathartlo Tab- lets the most delightful, cleansing- cathar tlo I have ever taken. They' are Just the thing-." They keep the stomach sweet and the liver active, drive away head ache, dullness, tired feellnn. biliousness. bloat and other results of clogged bowels. Prompt and effective, without gripe or pain, etodt people praise them for the light, , free - feeling they give. . Bold every where. Ad vertlsement. KEEPTCUR FACE YOUNG CUriCURA. Soap assisted by Cutlrttra Ointment wiH heip you. , Sample Free by T.Iafl Cluttrurs Susp aa1 OlBtsieot sots rrrwywhmr Liberal Mmpl. nf fli awUnl trm with 1-s. book. Addrasi poaMant ' Cutteara." Dept. ViQ. Bostoa. Dandruffy Heads Become Hairless If you want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means gat rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin It if you don't. It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash it out The only sure way to get rid of dandruff Is to dissolve It, then you destroy It entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply It at night when re tiring; use enough to moisten the s.alp and rub It In geatly with the finger tips. By morning, most If not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will eomp stely dissolve and entliely destroy evtry tin gle sign and trace of It. Ypu will find, too, that all Itching and digging of the scalp wfl stop, and your hair will look and f f 1 a hundred times better. Tou ran get liquid arvon at any drug store. It la Inexpensive' and four ounces la ail you wl 1 need, no matter how ' much ' (Jandruff you hove. This Simula remeuy never fall. Advertlse- ru-stit. ' LIVES 200 YARS! For more than 260 years, Haarlem Oi', the famous national remedy of HollHril. I. a bn reconid as an lnfJlb'o relief from all lonns of kidney an 1 Madder dlatortlers. Its very . la prouf U.tit It mukt have unusual merit. ' If ou '4-r trou tiled - wltir pains or ri-s ,n the' tack, feel tired In ti i inoi-nr.K. htailachs. IndlKestlun, insom nia, vainfu',, too ' frjUiiit paaoAge of nrlno, Irrltallrm or stone In t l l d- der, you will almoat certainly t n . quick relief tn rtOI.U MEDAJ. Hnar' in ('1' twtioules. This to tli rood oiil r e1y ti.at has stood the test for hui of ye ra, r-rennred la tha nruoer qi sn'l ty a- eonven'ent fom tn ta' a. 't 's l.ni.orted direct , from H'l'snJ U. rt turtu, ui l yo can t It " any atci e ' pi-'ees, 'f-i: b0- and tl00. Y' iiii-nev .nirptlv r" .noe' ir 'n 9 n l ; rel't" vn'i -t rjr tn re' f w I:.- OciLU MlAL brand. Ai'vjr. I ianrr , BULGARS SPURN ALLIES' TERMS; ifURL DEFIANCE1 (Contntuert from rage One) begun and made no mention of the inci dent or suggestion of a protest. It is therefor held here that the king has not taken a stand against the landing, but merely differs from M. Venlielos in re gard to the fixed policy of Greece In supporting the quadruple entente. In the same official quarters It Is also pointed out that former Premier Gournaris made the definite request cf France last March that the French land an expedition at Salonlkl In order to back up the position of Greece. The Temps sns I. Gournaris will probably be called to form a ministry. It Is generally believed the ministers of France, Great Britain, Italy and Rus sia have already left Sofia as a result of Bulgaria's unyielding attitude In the face of the ultimatum calling for a defi nite announcement of her Intentions. Wolverines, in Poor Form, Beat Lawrence ANN ARBOR, Mich., Oct. .-Mlchlgan opened Its foot ball season today by de feating Lawrence college of Applet on. Wis., SS to 0, In a ragged game. The Wolverines lacked aggressiveness and poor blocking offense cost them several touchdowns. Lawrence never threatened seriously to score. JCHNSON PAYS PART OF TAX FOR CARE OF INSANE TKCVMSFH, Neb.. Oct. 6. (Ppectal.) The board of commissioners of Johnson county has ordered a warrant drawn to "Ced To the elate treasurer for the sum of l?..y This la In partial payment of the ItO.rV) tho county still owes on the Inssne tax levy prior to 191. when the round. took care of the expenses of their In dividual patient Rt tn state hospital. Mate Auditor mllh has made arrange ments with the county board for the payment of the amount In Installments. Luxus Will Go to Clveland Sunday The Luxus will rise the Whit Autos, champions of Cleveland, next Sunday at Cleveland. Testerday the Cleveland champs defeated the Columbus honor nine after a hard game, 1 to 0. Thus It now remains for the Luxus and Cleve land to battle for the rlirht to piny In the final round for the amateur cham pionship of the I'nlted Plate at the Pan Francisco exposition with the amateur champions of the coast. Huskers Will Play Basket Ball Here Manager Isaacson of the Towneend basket, ball team has received a letter from Jumbo fcttchm, conch at tho Uni versity of Nebraska, saying that the Cornhtiskcra will be glad to play the Townsends In Omaha some time this winter. Isaacson will make arrange ments for tho date at once. This will make a second time Omaha basket ball fans will get a chance to see the fast university lads play on a local floor. October the Mnntk for Colds. Harden your system with Pell's PThe- Tar-Honey. It kills the cold germ. Cures the cough. Only Sic All druggists. Advor tlseinent. Use The Bee's "8wapir column. of Highest Quality and Absolute Purity. Why take chances with other whiskeys when you can alvrays be sure of CEDAR CROOK? CHar Brook has possessed the same unvarying quality since 1847. For sixty-seven good long years, good judges of good old whiskey hav-i demanded "CEPAR BROOK to be sure." W. H. McErayer's CEDAR BROOK is the largest selling brand of fine Kentucky whiskey in the world. Because you can always be sure that its wine-like richness, its mellow mildness and smoothness are tho same. CEDAR BROOK is known everywhere as, "The World's Finest Whiskey.' It is distilled by the good old fashioned, long-time-taking sour mash process from the choicest grains and the clear, pure water of the famous Cedar Brook Springs. YouTl find CEDAR BROOK in the Lead at all Leading Clubs, Bars, Restaurants, Hotels and also at all Leading Dealers. YxarLroof: ' . , WnLp(yjL '3.00 '3.50 'fl.OO '4.50 & '5.00 YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY WEARING W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES VALUE GUARANTEED For 32 years W.L. Douglas name has stood for shoes of the h(khest standard of quality for the price. His name and the price stamped on the bottom guarantees full value. They are the best known shoes in the world. V. L. Douglas lioe are made of the most carefully elected lether,afterthe latest mode!, in a well equipped factory at Brockton, Mam-, under the direction and per onal inspection of a most perfect organization and the highest paid skilled shoemakers; all working with an honest determination to make the best W. L. Douglas $3.00 and the best that can be produced W. L. Douglas $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 shoes are just as good for style, fit and wear yf as other makes costing $6.00 i :t.i J:rr None genuine unless W. L. las name and the retail price stamped on the bottom. It onr local dealer cannot supply yea, for Illustrated Catalog tuSowtn now lo by naiL W. L. DOUCJ JVS. 160 Spark Street. Brockton. DOUGLAS SHOE STORE i 1 17 North Sixteenth St.. Omaha, Neb. k FOR MFN AND WOMEN shoes in tne world. $3.50 shoes are for the price. . TSOt V. to $8.00, the w L r. r V; Doug is writ otdW Mass. "H.M9 ' . v. 1 Get into business via the "Business Chances SHOES W. L. DOUGLAS WAS PUT TO WORK PFCOINQ SHOES AT 8 KV EM YEARS OP ACE. HE BEGAN MAN UFACTURING IN 1876, AND 1 8 NOW THE LAR GEST MAKER OP 83.S3.ftO AND, SHOES IN THE WORLD Bert' Snoas, t laths SUBSTITUTE -S i 19161 BRXiIRS JJOTTI ED