Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1915, EXTRA, Page 4, Image 4

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Brief on Behalf of State Eailwty
Commission Opposing Western
Road i Argument.
From ft Ptaff Correspondent.)
UNCOU. Oct . 8pevtal V-That
passenger traffic earns 4.14 per cent.
while freight . per cent of the cost of
road and equipment of forty-six ral
road tma. 1 the contention of
Chairman H. T. Clark of the Nebraska
Rail wntiy commlarton. In brief to be
prevented before the Interstate Com
merce commission, today opposing the
request of western railroad for an op
portunity to ralae their Interstate pass,
nrer rate from I to V rente a mile.
Chairman Clarke and Attorney General
Reed are In Washington thin week at
tending; and taking Pert In the hearing;
ft representative of the Nebraska Rail
way eemmtsston.
The railroad have attempted to show
that passenger fare are not earning;
their fro per priortlon of operating ex
teneea, 11 per cent on hook coat of
road and equipment, they ay, while
freight U earning .2 per rent, on the
mglne-ton-mll bail.
How It U Klaared.
The Nebraska communion la figuring
M the groea-ton-mllu basis, and claim
M much right to imum that point of
rlew aa the carrier the other, citing the
tact that the interstate commission has
refused to reeognis the on to the aboli
tion of th ether.
Chairman Clark asks the carrier for
kn erplanatlon why they charge TO per
cent more for ratio of xpensna of hand-;
Usg passenger trafflo than of handling
Creigfct trafflo.
Teetlaaestr ef Powell.
The brief close with a reference to
th testimony ef V. O. Powell, rat ex-
re rt of th Nebraska commission, given j
at a previous bearing to the effect that
for sixteen year past sis roads, oper
ating three-fourths of th mileage in 2
cnt territory, have acumulated a surplus
of Mlt.O00.90O after paying K.000.000 in
terest and 1615,000,000 dividends. These U
lines represent 9,0fO mile of railroad.
Testis.; Well Water.
SUt Bacteriologist Wild has found two
ample of well water from Lexington,
Kelt on well in us by school children,
to be very Impure. Th city water of
(Lexington wa found In good condition.
A sampl of water from Bcrlbner was
found gool and another from Sterling was
ry poor.
Corporations Hesalt.
A hundred and eighteen corporations of
Nebraska lcllnquent in occupation taxes
have remitted to the secretary of slat
tho last three days. In reply to 62G letters
m nt out to them a week ago. Th largest
corporation remitting was the A. D, Mr
r company of Omaha, which paid the
secretary S3. which Included more than
100 in penalties. Penalties alone for the
last thre days, . amounting to 15 per
cent of th taxes delinquent, hav totalled
' ',
Defers ef state Treasurer.
George W, Urge and H. H. Wilson of
Lincoln will defend Bute Treasurer Hall
In the suit brought against him by Fire
Commissioner Rldgell, according to an
nouncement made by Mr. Hall today. The
fir commissioner Is suing to force the
treasurer to countersign warrants drawn
for sslarie of th fir commission during
Heptember, refused by Mr. Hell on the
ground that the fee of the office were
not specifically appropriated.'
Slot Kaoaah flaffraalata.
Stat Auditor Smith ha a query from
U. McArthur of Hollowell, Kan., if he
can get 2S0.0OO to 3SO.00O signers ( a pe
tition favoring votes for women. The
auditor has answered him, saying it
"can't be did," since there areonly 2&tMl
Votes In tli state, according to the fliiUres
from th last election. - . . .
(from a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Oct. . (Bpeclal.) Th dis
covery Of additional cases of dourtne
among horses In Cherry. Hooker, Plain.
Grant and Thomas counties will delay
th raising of th quarantine la that
section which has be tin in force for five
During the last five month I.SuS horses
have been Inspected by stste and federal
officers and forty-four of that number,
found to be suffering from th disease,
VVro ordered killed. Twenty-two horses
Were killed in Hooker county last week,
while State Veterinarian Anderson was
on a trip o( Inspection there.
Seventy-two horses examined fur glan
ders n th same territory reacted In
thirty-two casus and wre ordered killed.
Two thousand two hundred cattle were
examined for tuberculosis at th Houth
Omaha stock yards, according to the
rriit-snauai report of th inspectors, and
eighty-seven were found to be suffering
from th disease.
AUBURN, Neb., Oct . (Special.)
Miss fcUsle Curtis will be married at an
early dale to Dean Argabrlght at Uoon.
Colo., wber ,he la residing on a home
stead. Uiaa Curtis la th daughter or
th lat Mr aad Mrs. Alvln Curtis of
Ktella, and sine their death has re
sided with her brother, 8am Curtis. Ths
engagement was announced this week
at a party given st the horn of UUi
Verna Daniels. Miss Curtis has gun to
Kansas to visit relative, and then will
go to Boon, where the marriage will
tak place.
TAELK ROCK. Neb., Oct. (.(Special.)
John Bush, a civil war veteran, was
accidentally klll.d early Monday even
ing by fall through ft trap door lr.t
the cellar. Ilia hvsd struck th cement
floor, fracturing hi skull. H lingered
unconscious until o'clock, when he
passed away. H was foreign born,
coming to America in his young man
hood. He has lived in Table Kock and
vicinity; for nearly two score year. His
ago was 71. lie 1 survived by a wlfa
and four daughter.
A "For Sale" as wfll turn acond-haad
furniture late cash .
John B. Dinimore. Lon Identified
with Board of Agrlcn'ttire,
Paisei Awty.
(From a Htaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Oct. .8peclal.)-John H.
Dlnsmore. who died at th horn of hi
daughter In Button early today, was one
of th prominent Nehrssksna who de
voted much time to th upbuilding of the
Nebraska state fair.
Mr. Dinimore was elected a member
of the state fair board In 1877 and con
tinued as a member until lu7. He wan
a member of th board of manager
during the years 1888, 1M7, 1M, IMS, lttl,
!, 1KW and 1904. He was chairman
of the board for four years, second vice
president In 1 first vice president In
1M2 and IMS and president rn WW, IMS,
IMC and 103.
I'pon his retirement from the board a
resolution was pa""ed In appreciation
of his faithful services.
He wa at one time a candidate for
governor on the republican ticket and
served In various rapacities In county
Th funeral will be held Friday aft'
ernoon at J:30. .
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Oct . (Special )-A report
that Judge Howard Kennedy, formerly
of Omaha, chairman of th board of con
trol of state Inatltutlnna. hail Kmii (in.
ploying atat nurse In hi private horn
on aiais pay was disseminated today
when th luds Droduced the rvnnli In
show that whenever he ha demployed
a nurse she had been stricken from the
atat payroll while abnent.
For th last month the luriira hu hn
employing a nurse from the state hos
pital for th insane to care for his little
o-year-old daughter, who Is danger
ously ill. Us secured her with th ap
proval of the superintendent. Dr. 1. E.
William, after he had been unable to
find another suitable nurse In th city.
When the little girl became worse ft
week ago, the head nurse. Miss Pwann.
volunteered to take the case and pro
cured ft leav of absence from the hos
pital for th purpose. Th criticism
had been directed toward the judge after
It had been learned that Miss Rwann wa
at Chairman Kennedy's home. The
Judg has paid bc,th nurses, he explains,
from hi own pocket for their services.
(From a Htaff Correapondent)
LINCOLN. Oct. . tKpetfal Mavor
Charles W. Itryan, Commlaaloncr John
Wright and Judge W. H. England staged
a dramatic hearing her today over th
purchase of an alleged worthies auto
mobile by the rlty for the public safety
commissioner's department. Kngland
prevailed, the city attorney holding that
sufficient showing had been mad to
reaaind the contract whereby th depart,
ment acquired a machine which belonged
to an employe of tho city In the fir
Judge Kngland added the verbal fire
works to the final hearing by hurling
a bunch of charges against John Wright's
competency for the Job he Is hold
ing, Kngtand demanded Charley Bryan apol
ol for a statement h had given out
but th mayor ducked.
You ought to be . a big enough and
broad enough man. If you are big enough
to be mayor, to apologise, Kngland said.
Mr. England anld that since he had
tarted, he would like to have the com
mission Investigate the purchase of oat
and other supplies for the fir depart
ment Th commission adjourned without tak
ing any formal action on th requests.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Oct. .-(Speclal.)-aovernor
Morehesd has refused to pardon and remit
a fin of $1 against Katie Mauder of this
city, which has been appealed from the
Justice court up to the supreme court,
with th fine affirmed each time. Th
costs In the esse, with th fin, are now
well past the lift) mark.
Th case grew out of th throwing of
some clod against a barn in Octet r, 1911.
Oil hit Paulln Schwlndt, who waa Just
emerging from the building. Slie had
Katie Mauder and six others arrested for
assault. They were fined $1 In the Justice
court. Three paid. On An appeal to the
dlstrfcl ()urt the fin waa affirmed. Two
more paid.
After th case bad been affirmed in
the supreme court an attempt waa made
to reopen It In th district court on
grounds of new evidence, an alleged con
fession by Mrs. Schwlndt tha Mr
Mauder did not throw th clod. This waa
denied and an appeal was made to the
governor. 11 refused to Interfere. County
Attorney Hager has threatened MtV
Mauder with a Jail sentence If she does
not Py the costs and her fin. Usorge V.
T. rge 1 her attor -.
Notes from Heatrtoe.
BEATRICK, Neb., Oct. .-(Speclal.)
C. O. Beardaley and J. F. Johnson of Un
coln submitted' a proposition at a meeting
of th city commissioners Tuesday to
furnish th city with electric current at
1.71 cents per kilowatt. Mr. Bvardaley
and his associates hav tiled on four
power sites on the .Blue river, two of
them being between Beatrice and De
Witt, and If they can secure the city's
business they will start building their
plant at once.
Th County Board of Supervisors Tues
day afternoon laid th new Jail proposi
tion ever for another year.
cablegram was received in this city
Tuesday from Colonel E. J. Shlnn stating
that he was enruute to Nw York on th
steamer Cretlo with the body of the lat
Colonel J. W. Bookwalter. who died re
cently in Italy, and would arrive at Bos
ton about October xa. The body will be
tsken to Springfield, O.. for burial.
Teeaiwaek waa Mays Bask.
TECI;MSEH. Neb.. Oct. .-(Special.)-John
L. Sherman, lormely In ths grocery
buslues In Twuunueli. has bought a
bank at McMlnnvllle, Ore. Himself and
family, who have spent several month
In California, have gone to McMlnnvllle
to live.
Three Itltorera Vraated at Madlsaw.
MADIHON. Neb., rw a ... .
Judge Welch of the district court raster.
oar vwiswa granted divorces to Mabel
Sundayisms at the
On the Fly by
wmt(T)wiil buy vHArT)wm: buy
J77f Home coming ,
M. Deuel from her husband, Karl W.
Deuel, with Judgment against the de
fendant for $1,000 alimony and costs; to
Mrs. Agnes M. Bay from her husband,
Karl R. Ray, and Mrs. Myrtle Manning
from her husband, Walter Manning.
Boys Are Cora Urawrn,
MITOHKLL. a D., Oct. 6-Spcuial
Telegram.) Two brothers, Lavern and
Hoy Johnson of Ethan, are champion
boy corn grower of Davidson and Han
son countle of South Dakota. This
was decided In a contest conducted by
the First National bank of Mlt hell. The
lads won $Tj0 and $X In gold, respe ctlve'y.
Clifford Perkln of Mitchell won third
prise of US.
Dakota Osteopaths Kleet.
MITCHELL, 8. . D.. Oct. a (Special
Telegram.) Dr. E. W. Hylcr of Mitch
ell was chosen .to head the Houth Da
kota Osteopathic association for th
coming year at th annual meeting held
In this city. - Other officers elected were:
Dr A. M. Olaagow of Hloux Falls, vice
president, and Dr. Stono of Sioux Kalis,
(Continued from Psge One.)
In the Interests of Serbia, of which It also
fs th ally.'
"Premier Venlxelos rented: 'n vour
letter of today you have been so good n
to Inform me of the arrival at RalonUI
of the first detachment of French troop i,
and of the decision of France and Eng
land to send their troops to help Serbia
their ally; adding that the two powers
count on Greece not to oppose measures
taken in th interest or Serbia, where
of It also Is th ally.
" 'In answer to your letter, I hsve the
honor to declare to your excellency,
that, being neutral In the European war,
the royal government could not possibly
author. e the proceeding In question, for
it constitutes a breach of Greece's neu
trality, the more manifest since It comes
from two great belligerent powers, (t
Is, therefore, the duty of the royal gov
ernment to protest against the passage
of foreign troop across Ureek territory.
The circumstances thst these troops are
destined solely to aid Serbia. Greece's
lly, In no way modifies the legal posi
tion of the king's government; for evea
from a Balkanlc Point of tin nm.'.
neutrality rould not be affected, before
You Must See
Our Suit Values
&l ISM"
, , li -
ifVf I
,f Jrr
1417 K-riiirK-r
Crea CaeerfaJDy Uvea Oa-of.Twa
Tab as Caught
Our Staff Artist
the actual casus foederis was commit
ted by the danger now threatening Ser
bia, which caused the dispatch of inter
national troops to Its help.' "
The French and British officers, who
already have landed have been received
moat cordially by the local naval, mili
tary and civil authorities and have been
able to begin work Immediately on their
arrival. Public opinion Is that It Is nec
essary for the entente power to glvj
assistance to Serbia.
Give Those Worn
Nerves a Rest
Don't give up. When you feel all un
strung, when family cares seem to hard
to bear, and backache, dlsxy headaches,
queer pain and Irregular action of the
kidney and bladder may mysltfy you,
remember that such trouble often come
from weak kidney and It may be that
you only need Doan' Kidney Pill to
make you well. When the kidney are
weak there's danger of dropsy, gravel
and Bright' disease. Don't delay. Profit
by others' experience.
An Omaha Woman Says:
Mr. O. W. Schneider. 3&60 Sahler St.
say: "I was aubiect to attacks of hack
ache, especially If I took cold. Then my
kidney would be affected and I would
ache all over. Doan's Kidney Pill took
away the distress in my back and
strengthened my kidneys so that I felt
one hundred Per cent better in averv
way. For some years I have felt In no
need or a kidney medicine
50 at all Drug Stores
Foctwr-Milburn Co. . BufTJ.N.Y
To Appreciate Thea
A magnificent array of La
dies' Suits, in all the favored
s"SSsm4-. rrm utiA mm 4 a4 . iAV
vviui iiii: d auu iiuiLciiH.ia. wit.ii
or w"1011 tnT trimming?,
priced here as low as
Pay $1.00 a Week
Silk Cresses I Ladies' Coats
$9.50 If? $8.50 Hp
Wt Outfit the Entire
Family on Cre Jit
Tvlwnu for ST.w Catalogs.
7WM I Jaw
22 5gl 50
HEATKICE. Neb.. Oct. .-8pvlaI Tel
egram.) The district convention of the
Women's Relief Corps of the Fourth con
gressional dlatrlct. which comprises eleven
I counties, ws held In this city today,
'with sixty delegates present Mr. Emma
Casebeer of Blue flprlngs presided. Clue
Spring was selected as the place for
holding the next annual meeting.
The officers elected are: President, Mr.
Mary Klmmerly of eBatrtce; senior vice,
Mrs. Ida Fulton of Hebron; Junior vice,
Mrs. Marion Illnes of lllue Spring;
chaplain, Mrs. Jan Murdock of Wymore;
secretary, Mrs. Mary Oden of Beatrice;
tr.iaurer, Mrs. Nancy Sanders of Fair-
jbury; conductress. Miss Mae Kelly of
Beatrice; asslatant conductress, Mr.
J Delia Klmmel of Falrbury: gusrd, Mr.
Nellie Llndauer of Falrbury; assistant
'guard, Mr. Badie Sample of Beatrice,
Tea Wedrtlna at Plattamoath.
PLATT8MOUTH. Neb.. Oct. .-Spe-clal.)
At the home of the bride's aunt.
Miss Louise cOrder, last night took place
the marriage of Leon L. McCarthy and
Mis Anna Wolforth, bofh of this city.
Mr. McCarthy Is an employe of the Bur
lington. The newly married couple de-
Visit our beautiful, extex&iTw display of fireplace
foods. Biff assortment; low prices; floe designs;
excellent quality.
Hot the taut ctHatlsa to btty Jwrt come and
Far Lsrgcst Stock in Omaha
Entire Third Floor State Bank Building, ft)
N. S. Oorner 17th and Harney.
Dress Them
parted this morning for Alexandra. Ind.,
where they will visit for a few day.
This morning at Pt. John' Catholic
church were united Mis Mary McQuir
of this city and William Becker of Wis
consin. Rev. M. A. Shine of that church
Jfthfiaon Urond Jury Adlaarna.
TECUM8KH. Neb., Oct . (Ppeclal Tel
egram.) Th grand Jury In the Johnson
county dlatrlct court adjourned today
after being In arasion nine day. Eleven
Indictment were returned up to today
and it I said three more will be returned
as service has not been had on parties
Indicted today. The names were not
made public.
Fares llaaae Ueatroyea).
BEATBICK. Neb., Oct. , (Special Tel
egram. Fire last r"".t destroyed a farm
house owned by W. H. Bowman and oc
cupied by Harry Langdate, six miles
north of Beatrice. The loss 1 placed at
$1,300, partially covered by Insurance.
t.ood for Sick Headaches.
Constipation causes sick headache and
Dr. King's New Life Pills will cure It.
Tske a dose tonight. Sc. All drug
gist. Ad vert laemenL
A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand
furniture into cash.
Spark Scroono
Flro Toolo
Geo Logo
Wood Dodbofo
Do You Want the '
Eye of the Public,
Mr. Storekeeper?
N est week many people will be looking in your store
window what will they see?
These people will be gazing with a definite object
looking for articles familiar to them by name through
newspaper advertising.
i Tey will be looking for the signs which read:
We Sell These Standard Products
All Advertised in the DAILY NEWSPAPERS
Every eye that looks into your store window will be
the eye of a possible customer. Each window will be
your appeal for that prospective customer's business.
The people of this city are not familiar with all kinds
of advertised goods, but they are familiar with the kind
that have been advertised in oir newspapers.
They have a friendly interest in these articles if for
no other reason than their regard for their home news
papers. They will be friendly to the stores that show
these newspaper advertised brands.
If you are not already familiar with the plan for
next week's demonstration, the advertising department
of this newspaper will gladly furnish further information.
Dress your windows to talk to the public next week.
With Newspaper Advertised Goods
dtmM f OA ja a i ii ii iW
From Piles
no matter how long or how bad go to
your dmggiet today and g't a II cent
box of Pyramid Fll Treatment. It will
give quick relief, and a single box ofti
cures. A trial ravage mallei free In
plain wrapper if you end us coupon
hio l'vramld HMg., Marshall, Mlc:l.
Klnrtlr !.nrl me a Free sample of
Pyramid Pile Treatment, in plain
Street ....
Good Health '
Human beings in health can walk
through pestilence and come out un
scathed, each life force is a law unto
Itself, and In ordinary dangers will re
main unharmed. The functions of the
body are to be kept in the balance, and
the organs In a state of vigor. Indeed,
this is the secret of good health. But
household rare, society. strain, buslneis
work and worry, all tend to lessen the
vitality, and it Is then the system needs
strengthening with a reliable tonlc-stlm-ulant
such as Duffy's Pure Malt Whis
key. It is a predlgeated food in liquid
form and contains all the nutritive and
digestive element of pure, rich barley
malt and other selected grains, which
make it a true medicine of nature, free
from injurious elements. With its pre
scribed advice of "a tablespoonful In
water Just before meals and on going to
bed." Duffy's Pure Malt Whlekey gently
stimulates the stomach and kindred or
gans to healthy, normal action, promotes
digestion, and assists in assimilation of
food, enriching and invigorating the
blood, thereby enabling it to rid the body
of stored up poisons and secretions. As a
temperate tonlc-stlmulant which will give
renewed health and better enjoyment of
life, you can do no better than to "Oct
Duffy's and keep well" it's a medicine y
for all mankind. Advcrtlaement.
The Sunday Bee is the only
Omaha newspaper that
gives its readers four bigr
petes of colored comics.