Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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    TIIK 'TIKE: OMAHA. WT.DX T :si Y. ()( T(M5K1 i
Hie Bees fi
ome Magazine Pae
5 '
to Win
Cuts Down All
(Copyright. IMS. Star Co.)
"There la somMhliig i eaiinit seem to
get over. Both my cl.lldren started high
school and I wad confident I would lo
1ytbl to aeo tlieni through. My aon
",jiw anted to b an
(Itc trieal engineer ,
and my daughter A
w anted to enter the
x ..
medical department
In noma college- or
university. . It was
lmpoil Ible. They
were both obliged to J
go to work, and yet I
work has not alwaya I
been provided for
them to do. We are I
financially embar- J
rassed constantly, if
"In their eagerness I'f
A - .Li... ..1. U I'r '
have lost the ppor- trr- JLJH I
tunlty for an educa- KH&i2ttZ"J
tion. I have been
unspeakably unhappy and deapondent
many jreara, and many times worda that
I have read In this column have proven
a real salvation to me. They have given
me strength to rise up and go on when
It teemed at the very end. Can you aay
something to me now that will help me
bear this great disappointment about my
Schools and colleges are not the only
places where valuable education is ob
tained. This world la a great college and
life is the teacher. Each day of life is
n assistant teacher. Young people who
are eairer Tor an education can ooiun
knowledge, culture and wisdom If their
eyes, ears, minds and hearts are open
to receive what each day has to Im
part. The reading of good books, the
memorizing of good bits of prose and
verse, the listening with attention to
what people of education have to say, all
help to cultivate the mind and train the
speech In right methods of expression.
There are Schools of correspondence,
which for a comparatively small sum of
fer excellent methods of education to
those who are deprived of school nd
vantages. Few of our greatest men and
women have been college graduates.
The young man who Is absolutely de
termined upon making a place for him
self cannot fall of final success if he al
lows nothing to discourage him. The
same may be said of the young woman. I
Ambition- (anchored on aspiration) Is a
plow whl' h will cut its wry through
the furrows and prepare the field for the
harvest which Is sure to follow.
Abraham Lincoln and Benjamin Frank
lin were both poor boys with few ad
vantages. To their names could be uddel
that of a great galaxy of brilliant stars
whose fame illuminates the earth to
day; men and women who, step by step,
fight their own way from obscurity and
poverty to recognition and prosperity.
Let this young man and young woman
go to the public library and secure the
biographies of great men and women:
let them read them with care and ponder
over the mental attitude which led these
eople to success. A'.l that we long for,
all that we wish to be. do, and have,
lies In the mind; for the mind comes
from God and goes to God, and he who
realise this fact and arts upon it can
rot become a failure. , .
Here la a little rosary, for a "broken
hearted mother" to say and to teach her
children to say every day
I have the desire of my heart.
Man is the highest expression of Qod
in earthly form. I
All of Ood's powers are in man.
I am absolute health. . unquenchable aa-
plratlon, limitless energy. j
I am success. !
I will be what I will to be because I 1
derive my strength and power from the j
Oreat Creative Source.
I have my heart's desire.
Repeat this rosary many times a day
mentally and reverently. Repeat It Just
before falling to sleep at night, and the
first thing in the morning, and many
times through the day. Keep the mind
filled with a consciousness of power,
peace and plenty. Tour words shall not
be void, but "they shall go forth and
accomplish that whereunto they were i L
How To Get Rid of a
Dad Cough
7 A Hosae-Maee Remedy that Will f
A mw t itmvKijr. v snip ui
Easily Haa
If you have a bad couch or chest cold
whicll refuses to )ielu U ordinary reme
dies, get Jrom any Uruygtist ounces
of iMnex'loU cents wortui. pour into a
pint bottle and till the bottle with plain .
granulated sugar aru. btart takinv j
a teaspooiit'ul entry hour or too. in li .
hours jour couku will be conquered or
very nt-aily so. tven wlioopui cough i I
greatly relieved in tuia vrny. j
i,u ...u....- . ,.n : :
at uu , v til i.iui. mum. a. iuii f niv ,
fa,...!,, .1. nt tl.A ,.Mr vil l if ft
svruD uiuiiHw could buv at a cost :
f only 5-1 rents. Lastly prepared in 5 :
minutes, lull directions witu finer.
Pinex and busar bjrup prepa-
li.l6, "M" ot f.touf1.'
Rives almost immediate relief. It loos-
ens the dry, loan or tiUt cough in a
way that is real.y remai kable. Also
quicLJy heal liie inllauiLd membranes
which accompany a painful cough, and
tope tie formation of phlegm in the
throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending
the peraitttent loose iugh. Excellent for
muktI,. k,.. r-rf.tlv tM.toa booJ
,fT eitra
Children liKe It.
Pinex is a special and hiphlt Concen-
sted compound of genuine JS'orway pine
tract, riuli in jruaiacol, which is M
ioirdriZent. ask our
drugiriet for "mi ounces of Pinex." do
not accept anUhintr else. A guarantee
of absolute satisfaction, or money prompt-
It refunded goes with this preparation.
Xte pmex Co- it. Wayne. lad.
I Fur-Trimming Fad Produces Anomaly Models RomR?dLn thc
i' J,Li
An afte r n o o n
frock of black ma
llne and satin is
trimmed with black
fur. The wide
sleeve la a feature.
Xi 4lri wnicn is iuckcu a ft f . . v ''XXV
il". ''l Y aatin U an evening j , 1 Touthful In
' " r.S " :" ViJ own with grace- ft ,u ,,ne u
W ; ''l, - J jV 1
Hespite the ban that haa been put on paradise plumes they continue to
Pear on many of the fine hats of the season.
An anomaly among suits is the model
without fur trimming, and yet such exUts
and is likely to be acceptable to the
: woman wno cannoi arrora me very oesi
I0' ur garniture and who will have tione
"ther kind.
Then, too. in many Instances the sep-l
arate fur scarf of fox acquired last spring !
during the early fall will be found to
take the place of the attached fur collar,
Vsually there Is a matching muff and
the t may be worn with suit, coat or
A good deal of braid la employed on
Wisdom of Taking Account of Things Which War's Devastating Effects
Cannot Reach Instead of Dwelling Too Much on Loss of Life( and Property
This Is an era of destruction. Things
are fnllinfr tn nienAM ilnd are being
knocked to pieces. The talent, most ac-
tive today are those that are expendfng
themselvea In re-
durinK population
and ' ' annihilating
It does not a ty
res r that history
hss ever witnessed
the like of It. Vast
productions that
are the fruit of
years and centur
ies of accumula
tion are being d s
slated with un
calculating reck
lessness. Billions
are devoted to de
molition with all
. .
Indlffr rence
w,t" w h I e h a
drowlnlng man
! empties his pockets of money and Jewels
! But the things that are destroy, d ar
not a circumstance In comparison with
i . ... ... . ,
1 th" h,n, ,r That e
thlnk about nd to ,tav our heirt
: upon. When we lose we are more aler
to Inventory the thlntus that are gon
than those that still remain behind. That
;u ,. f(( the uncomfartablo lnflrmitlea
' ot nature.
. The man who lows his hearing forgets
I ln moir u ...o wn.i
which he does his seeing. Under su"h
! circumstances what he misses bulks
; iarK.r than what he possesses. The Bui
' m-alacn. In that w.v for a couple
or had lost their city by
fire. On the third day they commenced
reckoning up their rema'nlng assets and
I pretty soon they begaa to be happy and
I by toUy they aro happler than
f A m"5ern 0a,n"- ii n , ,n ,
V borough, minus the f- -Q "r'f-r
fJ-, Plume, Is exploited fW fit " ,",7Zlfc
VI In a hat (to the W f . t . ' t '
r.ght, w,u, satin r r. '
the tallleurs. Sometimes It Is of the flat
tailor variety, but mostly the hercules
weave is seen. It trims tl.e skirt in raws
of graduated width and encircles collar
..u -
belt composition.
In relation to braid trimmings, an ef-
ion nas un maue m ajr ..u...
military effects. Nevertheless, the dash
ing bullion braid, the buttons of metal,
the cartridge pockets and fatigue Jackets
are difficult to sidestep when offered as
an Inspiration for feminine models.
Son e:lmes the braid Is Interspersed with
embroideries executed In chenille, heavy
Things work out In that woy; they
were ordained to work out In that way.
There has always been a rather large
' that have interpreted
""ter aa being the last step, but
before the final wind-up. The end of
the world, however, has coma bo many
times that the Millerltes have become
negligible quantity.
We still have the world left, and that
Is aomethlng with which to begin our In
ventory of undestroyed assets. There Is
no falling oft In the amount of dully
sunshine. The sun, by a wise piervislon,
is krt Intact by being hung so high that
no siege guns, nor even aviators nor
Zeppelins, can silence its shining or put
lis working, or the working of any of
the rest of the celestial machinery, out
of commission.
That may seem to be going a long way
in search of consolation, but to many
thoughtful people distant sources of com
fort and encouragement count for m re
than those that are nearer by, and for
the simple reason t. at, though more re
mote, they are more dependable.
The sky, too, keeps its coloring; there
are no blood streaks across It. Tne stars
i Ido continue twinkling. Though farther
Irom us than even the s in, yet there are
myriads of them, and their quiet anj or-
cert procession seems to Indicate that
however things may te golni; down here,
nevertheless the foi ndatlons of the uni-
verae are not yet shutured nor shaken, does not destroy or Imperil the earth, all the earnest thinking people around
Were our .Ittle earth the sum total of but only topples down whatever of a me In the settled conviction that this
all that there Is. then pertaps the d s-1 more fragile and destructible kind has ' war Is going to prove a great world
tracted state of Its affairs would appeir j been bu ll upon It. so likewise the events cleanser, and that. In keeping with what
to give some color to the notion that the
existing order Is entering upon Its las'
stages. Fortunately, however, this earth
i f lira is nil - an ln Icletit, ami is bal
anced by so much outside, which seems
to be getting on admirably well, that all
occasion for apprehension is certainly
rope silk or metal threads. These, how
ever, are used very cautiously, as too
gteat display thereof would commonlse
even a high-class garment. Generally
speaking, It Is the black braids that are
In prevalent use.
Since color has been revived for street
wear, many of the designers have used
this as an opportunity to face high col
lars, sleeve edges and revers with Gari
buldl red in cloth or velvet, with Joffie
blue or Russian green. Those high colors
are sometimes toned down a bit by the
application of narrow bands of lur. A
good lilea Is to have the facing color
match the dominant note In the chapeau,
Li'Vf ly metallic gauies and laoea coin
pose the afternoon and evening frocks.
A departure has been made this season
In that stripes have appeared as a rival
for the old-time flowered designs. A
case in point is a fiock of gold tissue
striped with turquoise blue satin and
And the earth, also, although but an
Incident compared with the grand total,
la as good an earth as It was before the
war Indeed, rather better for practical
uses than It was when first struck Into
existence by the word of the Creator.
If people anywhere on the face of the
globe are not winning from Its soil aa
great a return as In some previous years,
and not deriving from Its bene
ficence the usual satisfaction and con
IfflW'pii, it Is none of the Loin's doings
and none of nature's doings, but the
produc' of man's devilish depravity and
lncorrti-'lble Ingratitude.
Whether this earth Is parad'se or In-
ferno depends on the kind of people who
tennut It. For. after all, the real wealth j die west this question: f'What cherished
of the world and of the life we live upon' belief of yours has the great world war
It la not to be est'mated by limiting our. roted you ofT" To which I shall reply,
count to Ita phys'cul assets, which, while i that it has not robbed me of any cher
not to be Ignored, are rather the cud, Ished belief that Is sturdy enough to
thnn the contents of the cup.
There are three things which no revo
lution and no historic disaster of the
moat extreme kind has ever been able
to shatter or even to bruise; they are
beauty, truth and goodness. So far from,
histor c convulsions bringing disaster to ' that act like devi's when they know
el'her one of the three. It is the de-; that It la their grand prerogative to be
signed effect of a 'lot, convulsions to , have like saints. But the Ideals are there
bring them out Into even stronner re. yet, and the war hae not erased them
lief ty e Imlnat ng the coarser Ingredients
I with which they are always more or lens
commingled For Just es an earthquake
1 In history that wear the moat ominous
aspect are the ones most faithful In set
ting over against one another In con
vincing contrast the beautiful and the
deformed, the true and the false, the
good and the evil, and by that mean
help'ng to win an ultimate victory for
whatever Is finest and best.
draped over a foundation of blue mallne
wuicn. In turn. Is mounted over a pet
ucoai or gold tissue. The bodice Is
of filet lace, . embroidered with gold
Very Interesting la an afternoon gown
of black tulle and black satin, whose
sa'lent feature is a wide-wrist sleeve of
the Watch Tour Step" order bordered
with fur. Fur. weights the. butterfly
tunlo. which la lifted to show an under.
skirt of satin.
Blouse are lovely Indefinite creations
of filmy crepe and lace which run largely
to white and flesh colored tones, but
which are also offered In old blue, old
rose and. In fact. In many of the prac
tical colors that match the suit. Touches
of hand embroidery with paillettes or
toead Intersperslon are popular. Style
changes that differentiate the present
blouse from that of last season. are
found mainly In the sleeve treatment.
What guarantees tlielr eventful tri
umph is that nothing can be done to
Imperil or Injure them. They are instinct
with an imperial and eternal genius that
eta them out of reach of all local or
temporal Influences. Truth never becomes
discouraged or wounded. Goodness Is
good under all circumstances, and Is
forever unafraid. It is In this respect
like the sun, which no one can get at
In a way to put out Its light. It la al
ways there. - and wherever we meet It,
never Intermits Its shining.
It was exactly at this point that I
had arrived In the preparation of this
article when there comes to me from
the publisher of a newspaper In the m'd-
gr'p down Into the foundation of thing
Like multitudes of other people I am
disappointed that there are In Chrlaten-
dom eo many millions of men with high
Ideals that show themselves satisfied to
live so far below the level of them, and
any more than smudge at the earth's
surface obi' te rates the stars,
And, furthermore, I am at one with
I had already written, it is going to
make devlllshness look so bad that there
la go ng to be a frmm yearning for the
angelic. Teople are thinking that and
saying it. The very distance to which
the I Tod sal had wandered from his
father" house waa wtuU'ruade him anx
ious to get back home.
The recent trouble with the Indiana In
the sotithweet serves ti remind us that
our continent i the scene of one of the
most puExllng racial apparitions that his
tory records. Toils y
In Europe there is
livelier curiosity ccn
cerntng the Ameri
can Indian than
concrrnlng Ameri
can Inventions. They
still read Cooner'a
Loth erst vking
Tales," which they
think are ch sely re
lated to contempor
ary life here. The
red man has left an
atinoxphere of ro
mance hanging over
the weetern world
which was once his
that cannot bo blown away. We have con
quered him, driven him from his lands,
violated his Ideals, abashed his char
acter, corralled Mm on reservations, but
we cannot loosen his hold on the Imag
ination of mankind. With the Moors
of Ppaln. he dwells forever In the gilded
afternoon of history.
Whence came the Indian? Who were
his ancestors? Waa he an Indigenous
product of American soil, or did his fore
fathers emigrate from another continent,
as did oursT
An ethnologist would probably tell you
now, that the place or origin or tne
American aborigines was eastern Asia.
That Is the latest opinion It may be
correct, but If so. It tells us very little.
It goes back beyond the boundaries
of certain history, to a far off, hypothe
tical time, when there waa a natural
bridge across the Behrlng sea.
For our purpose It Is better to begin
with things as the earliest white settlers
found them, and try to work no farther
than the relics and monuments left by
the red men themselves will carry us.
That Is not very far; only a few hundred
years beyond the date of the 8panlsh '
conquests and settlements. The relation '
of the various native tribes and nations j
to each other Is still a mystery. The j
Mohawk ot New York had never heard i
of the Astec of Mexico. Was there any '
racial connection between them? The
Indiana found In the Ohio valley could '
tell nothing of the builders of the strange
burial mounda that scar the face of that
country with the f.irma of huge circles.
and ovals, and writhing serpents. But
the skeletons In the mounds were found
sitting upright, with their weapons and I
bowls about them, after the burial cus
tom of the Indiana that William Penn
met So Philip Freneau, In hi poem
on "The Indian Burial around" (from
which Thomas Campbell filched It moet
beautiful Una to adorn a poem of his
In spite of all the learned have said,
I atill mv old million keen:
The ixistura that we give the dead '
Fulnla out too soul s eternal sleep.
Not so the ancient of these lands.
The Indian, when from life released.
Agnin Is seated with hi' friends.
And shares again the Joyous feast
The very lark of history among the In-
d ans made them more Inteiestlng and
more mysteiloua to the white men.. Their
tradltins, such as that of Hiawatha, de
rive an epic grandeur from their Indefln-
Iteness. Whatever the Indian of the
wehtem plains may have be coma, his east
ern predecexsors Impressed Europeans
with a deep sense of personal gravity
ind dignity. Ills nature was full of
poetry. Ills language waa aa Imagin
ative as that of the Arab. He waa a nat
ural orator. No man ever spoke more
i loquently than did "Red Jacket" the Iro
quois chief, the friend of Washington
and Lafayette. He was aware of his
(tower. When he lay dying he sold:
"When I am dead It will be noised
abroad through the world. They will
hear it across the . great waters, and
say, 'Red Jacket, the great orator, Is
dead: "
Tislta like this render It Impossible
not to respect any man who could exhibit
them. New England history would lose
half Ita charm If the part played by the
red men were eliminated. Witness old
Samoset " with hi grave and courteous
"Welcome Englishmen " Witness King
Philip and his woes. Witness, even, the
midnight attacks on stockade settlements,
and warwhoopa, the pulnted countenances,
the tomahawks, the scalp-locks, the long,
weary inarches of captives through end
less forests, the hairbreadth escapes, the
ouuncllflrea, the stake.. the runnliig of the
gauntlet, the strands adoptions thee
hinge are the red tragic touches which
give color to history.
Let us not be hypocritical. Let us re
member that we were the Invaders!
Ma lor Powell, who knew as much of
the nature of the Indian aa any white
man could learn, said that the primitive
Kavnge Idea that one's own tribe, or na
I on, or people. Is the best In the world
and . superior to all others, waa deep
planted In the Indian. Well, then, what
waa to be expected of htm? Are the
hands of white men clean in that regard?
Major Towell also called attention to
the fact that the Indian tribes, when the
white man came here, were In the main,
nedr-ntary, and nit nomadic. They were
living In fixed habitations.' Agriculture
was general among them, yet not so fsr
developed but that they were compelled
Thin Men
The trouble with moet thin folks wbi
wish to gain weight la that, they Inala;
On drugging their stomach or stuiftng
It with greasy foods; rubbing on uselest
"flesh creams,' or following autns fool
ish physical culture stunt, while tho
real cause of thinness goes untouchei.
You cannot get fat until your dlesU.e
tract properly assimilates the food yju
There Is a preparation known to re-
liable druggists' almost everywhere.
! which seemingly embodies the mlssii.g
I .Iflm.iiti bv the dizeatlva (irtai.
to help them convert food Into rich,
tat-ladea blood. This preparation la
called Pargol and much remarkabla tes
timony Is given as to Its successful us
In flesh bul'dlng. BarguL which cornea
in the form of 'a sum I non-Injurious tab
let, tken at meals and mixing with thr
dlgesting food, tends to prepare Ita fat
flesh and musele building elements ro
to eke out thtlr by hunting.
They posst-rsid nlmoirt everything In com
mon, which, as Major Powell remarks,
enc urn.Kcd the Idle; but on the other
hand, they give honor and place to the
Industrious. Thoy did not become no
mnflla until thry had been Iriven to the
western plnlns, had been supplied with
firearms and had supplied themselves
wlh horses, which they found running
wild there.
Telia How Lyiia E. PinMiam'a
Vegetable Compound Re-
stored Her Daugh
ter Health.
Flover, Iowa. "From a gmall child
13 year old daughter had female
weakness, i spoke
to three doctors
about It and they dvl
not help her any.
Lydia E. Finkham'a
Vegetable Com
pound had been of
great benefit to me,
so I decided to have
her give it a trial.
She haa taken Ave
bottles of the Vege
table Compound ac
cording to directions on the bottle and
he is cured of thla trouble. She was
all run down when ehe started taking
the Compound and her periods did not
come right She waa so poorly and
weak that I of Un had to help her dress
herself, but now she 1 regular and Is
crowing strong and healthy." Mrs.
Martin IIelvio, Flover, lows.
Hundreds of such letters expressing
gratitude for the good Lydia . Fink
nam's Vegetable Compound has accom
plished are constantly being received,
proving the reliability of this grand old
If you are 111 do not drag along and
continue to suffer day in and day out but
at once take Lydia E. FInkham's Vege
table Compound, a woman's remedy for
woman's ills.
If yon want special sdTlce write tV
Lydia CFInkham Medicine Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mais. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by t
woman and held In strict confidence.
It Isn't hard to own a beauaful, gei.
ulne Diamond or fine Watch It you t
about It right. The way to "go ubo'i
it" la to open a rharRe nccount witit
us and arrange terms of payment tf
suit your convenience. We deliver th j
poods and yon hav the i lm-iure r.nd
premise of WllKISO WHICH A.T.
I a. There 1s no advsntag. In 'Hav
ing up" the fu'i price before you bjv.
bwause our enormnu - business, wlci
stores In many cities, erab es us t
xTlT tVhmV' vrice" on tM
030 Ladies' DU
mond King, 14
-idea s L)la-
olld gold, Loftla mond Ring. proti-j
'Perfection' Tooth mounlnr.
mount- F1 14k solid (CS
Ing OJ J gold $00
8 a Koata. l.6S a Week
14 Gentlemen s v a ch, IS else, fin
est quality gold tilled hand eng aved.
aaso, ted dual ,n, polislied fin s i,
guaranteed 25 years, fltud with 11 In
or Wa thain movement, A I I EJ
our prlr. .....VI
On. a Dal y toi 8 u.ra. rt rti till "I'm
CHI ar writ lor Cauias No. Ml. Phos.
pousUa 1414 ss4 oer Mir ma will Mil
I. lfa
and Women
that the blood can readily accept and
carry them to the starved portions of
the body. Yau can readily picture ia
transforation that addition! and pre
vloualy lacking flesl-m.klng muter!'
should bring with your cheek fl ling
out. hollows about your neck, ahoulde a
and bust disappearing and your taut if
on from 10 to 20 pounds of soil, health
flesh. Sargol Is harmless, Inexpensive,
efficient. Sherman MeConnell Druar
Co., cor. 16th and Dodge Bis.; Owl tin.
Co.. cor. 16th an! Harney 8ts.; Harvard
Pharmacy, cor. 24th and farnam 8U;
Loyal I'harmucy, 207-D No. llth 6U.
Omaha, and other leading drupgtsts f
this vicinity have it and are authorised
to refund your money if weight lncreai
is not obta ne-J aa per the guarantee,
f und In each large package.
NOTR: Surgol is recommended oi lm
an a flesh but der and while excvl'eii:
results In cases of nervous IrillKt-st'ou.
etc., have been reported care t..,i 1J b:
taken about using it unl u fciii of
weight is desiroil. -
' m