Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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-1 'ijit asBSBaaSBBSMBaV
Tuesday, October 5, 1915. '
WITH the return of school set to books and classrooms, we await
Be a that the annual eeason of college pranks ia on.
Mrs. Tbomas Brown received a letter from ber aon, Tom,
who attended school at Racine and Is now a freshman at the
Madison (Wis.) university.
"The sophs got me the other night and made me propose to a girl on
the street, sing a song and give a talk on woman suffrage," he wrote. "1
had lots of fun. We have to wear little green raps, so tha; the sophs
recognise us a mile away. Then when they get you, tbey make you do
whatever they want you to do, or Into the lafce you go clothe on and all!
Fifteen fellows hare been ducked Into the lake already since school began."
The annual freshman-sophomore class rush Is scheduled for Friday of
this week and they are anticipating a great deal of fun.
Miss Dorothy Broun will go to Madison In December to attend the big
university prom.
AV-Sar-Ben Vinton.
. MIm Louis Burch of Dubuque, Is,, ar
rived this mornlns to b. the rueet of
MIps He'en Inswereen for the coronation
ball. HUa !r"n Is one of the
queen's malda. Mlns Burch has vlatted
In Omaha before and la popular with the
younrer act.
Mr. snd Mrs. Georse Trueedell of Flaln
view will arrive today to visit Mr. and
Mr a. Our Liggett.
Mrs. W. A. Johnaton of Stirator. III.,
ta the gueat of her niece. Mra. Nancy
Moore. Mra. Johnaton will alao vlalt Mr.
and Mra. B. C Fowler.
Mra. Putnam and Mra. Saundera of Lin
coin are the sjueata of Mr. and Mra. Gould
Xlets. Mra. M. O. V ttiun, imi of Un
co In. will arrive later In the week and
will remain for the coronation ball.
Sororitj Oirli Entertain.
The eisma XI Omtron sorority of the
Vnlveralty of Omaha entertained at a
teak roast Friday evening. The raera
tore and friends present were:
M tsars
Betty fcenrman.
Bute CamibelL
I Mil
Jean iierger.
Marion f.ara
lieien Jofeuslosv
Melvili Laraen.
V tilard Hor.
Kmsmon Goodrich,
Karl Duncan,
iioaar ikriist,
irof. Lewis,
Mra, W
l !
Flile I',
'.ther Knapp,
Klia I'arpviuer,
Ktta ItaienaUo.
Hay lach,
ItuO Clark,
bob froudflt
of Lincoln.
Lloyd Mlera,
rid i w 1 Kw,
i'aul tielby.
Surprise Party.
iditm i'atU AtaUMton was surprised Sat
urday evening by a number of her
friends, wbe assembled at ber borne in
honor of ber aUuentn birthday. The
evening was apeat in playing earua and
gantsa. Tbus iMreaeui were:
Miaana Mtaaes
FkM A caisson. VivUn Lily.
Maraarel tiuidea. )'aailta Atklsson,
Jkjimu HoiUou, MerLvuea tenvpiud,
xlly AtaWaun. Lcnure hheiiaid,
Cauiertii. auninona. Marie AlkUsua.
atcaars. kioasra.
Wikiuju Alley, Hex ajwood.
rlmit Harold i..wixd.
ICMKxno einiiiiuns. C'iareiioe Nelson.
V mlam aioy.r,
L Verne
Mr. J,
Great Eitmlry Displayed by the
Owners in Decorating" Autos for
Floral Psj-eant.
a scheme of chrysanthemums over s
snowy backs-round.
Walter Benae, aon of Oua Renae. only a
dosen years old. combined hie Insenuity
with that of F.dwln Myere of the aame
are, and tosether the lad constructed a
float over the framework of their two
bicycles laahed toaelher. The boys dreeaed
In colonial costume and rode their float
Alone and without help the Inaenloua
lade eonatnicted an artlatlo piece that at
tracted no little attention In the parade.
A squad of mounted police and mounted
members of the board of govemora of
Ak-Mae-Ben leadlne the narade. fourteen
.Automobile companies In abun-ib,nd, interspersed, and a battalion of
dance entered the parade with their ' hla-h school cadets marrh'ins with
military precision, lent variety to trie
Vtuuara 1L. Caui pen.
u a A I k
.P. AtkUeuD of Lee Angeles, Cat
Prairie Park Club.
The foUuwtog were present at the
Prairie far club's opening Oanos Batur-
day evenings
Messrs.. a- d Meedamee
K, m. feralnard. u. H. lUieam,
YvUliam s,va. CiaiMs ..oMnaon,
K, Btuider. V W. IT. Heynolds,
M. L. Avent, r 'NMIilam A. buuth.
VUlla V. crosby. Wil.tara 8. Lore,
Hubert H. Lewis, Joseph lAnstvbner,
H. J. H. J. 81oklr.
Ueorae w. c.ardner, C'harlea C Haynes,
K. J. Webers. H. O. Kins.
K. C. Cooler. loula Nelson,
(ieorse F. Abbott. A. A. Wedemeyer,
John K. Btttlnxer,
Che rice Neff.
J. a. Z pre).
Ne lie Or
7"-a 8aaa.
Mamma Letts,
M ears.
leelle Foreran.
J-'rert Weftemeyer,
Ji ward Orantlen,
Mrs. Hankie.
11 !. Barton.
K K. locekal.
J. M. Moma,
II. It. oiniataad.
Fthel Mori-ana,
feadle Latta.
r. J VrOaffrey.
Cierald Bruce.
Harold F. Wallace.
P'es snres Pait
Mrs. David Cole entertained Informally
Monday afternoon In honor of Mra. Henry
Brown and her daughter. Mra. Arthur
Mills, of New York City. Mrs. Brown la
the suent of M.a. Cole and Mra. MUla la
the gueat ef Mrs. C. H. Wright
Mrs. Samuel Rogers entertained In
formally at luncheon today (or Mra.
Mary Gerard Andrews of Minneapolis,
who wee a former president of the
Omaha Woman a club.
Mra. C. W. F.rnat gave a dinner at her
home Saturday for her mother, Mrs.
Joseph Bowman, and for Mra. Loulae
Kehl ct Ch csn, the latter a guest of
Mra. Taul Oetaechmann. The Ak-Rer
Ben colors were used for table decora
tions. Covers were placed for:
Mfr. eml Medame
Paul Oetaiichmann, C. W. Rrnat.
MeaHeme Meadamca
Joeph Bowmann, Iule Kehl.
M-er. Meearp.
I'hllitua Bohmann Jullua Featner,
Personal Mention.
Wm Fern Jonea and Mlaa Mildred Mo
Farland are vleltlna in Fa 111 City, Neb.
Mlaa Margaret Ieke of Fremont apent
the week-end with Mra. Josephine El tck.
Dr. and Mra. Jamea C. Bishop returned
Monday evening from a aU weeka stay
on the Pacific coast.
rr. and Mra. R. B. Benda have re
turned from their wedding tour and are
now at The Madlaon.
Dr. N. It. Raamuaaen. who has been
seriouaty 111 at 8L Joseph's hoapltal for
aeveral weeks, is convalescing, '
Mildred, of Kansas City, are visiting Dr.
and Mrs. Charles O'Nell Rich.
Miss Emma Armstrong of Nebraska
City arrived today to apend a few daya
with Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Anson.
A mid-west college club was formed at
Pmlth college recently and Miss Eleanor
McOllton of this city has been elected
Luncheon for Kn. fcmith.
A prettily appointed luncheon was
given at the home of Miss Marjorie
lowland today for Mrs. Kidney Emlth of
Hartford, Conn, who Is visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dale. The table
was decorated with pink rosea and cov
ers were placed for eight guests.
Dinner at the Fontenelle.
Preceding Mlaa Mary Burkley'a dance
at the Omaha club this evening, Mra Ben
Gallagher will give a dinner at the Fon
tenelle In honor of her gueat. Miss Ger
trude McCarthy of Chicago. The table
decoratlona will conalat of Mra. Ward
rosea and lilies of the valley. Those pres
ent will bet
Mlmi Mlaaee
Oertrnde McCarthy Mary Burkley,
of Chicago; Daphne reters,
Elisabeth Fleming Helen Clarke.
of Hur Ingtoni
Ueaare. Meaara.
Herbert Connell. Guy Furay,
Allen Tukey, Lawrence Drinker.
Cutlibert Potter,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gallagher.
To Honor On est
Mr. W. A. Fraser entertained a party
of four at luncheon today at the Com
mercial club In honor of Mrs. George W.
Gibson of Dallas, Tea., the guest of
Mrs. James Ludlow.
Dce at Omaha Club.
Mlaa Mary Burkley will give a dance
for thirty couples at the Omaha club to
night, complimentary to her house guest.
Miss Elisabeth Fleming of Burlington.
Ia., and for Mlaa Gertrude McCarthy of
Chicago, who came on tor the Coad-Mo-
Connrll wedding laat week and who la
now th gueet of Mra. Ben Gallagher.
Symposia Club Plant.
The members of the Symposia club were
entertained at the home of Mlis Lottie
Horn Sunday afternoon. They have de
cided to continue their literary and
musical programs as during the last two
sesaons. The next meeting of the club
will be held two weeka hence at the home
of Mlaa Eva A 1 pirn.
cars handsomely decorated in flow
ers. The Mitchell company entered
eight cars, one for earn year the
company has been doing business In
Omaha. Each car was the model of
the year It represented, beginning
with 1109. The last, or eighth car,
waa decorated with one huge laven
der and purple orchid. Gordon and
Janle Stewart, twins of Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Stewart, rode this car. The
Mitchell people claim the distinction
of being the only company In Omaha
that baa continued selling the same
line of cars for that length of time.
The 1909 model that was entered in
the parade Is said to bate run a
total of 80,000 miles In its day.
C. W. Francis entered a handsome
Maxwell decorated In a scheme of
white and pink roses.
The Bulck people entered a Bulck In
while and lavender flowers with abun
dance of green foliage.
The Overland Auto company entered
with a float . of green climbing foliage
and pale lavender lilies.
The Omaha Ice and Cold Store Ke com
pany entered a huge truck, with a typi
cal polar acene of drlpp ng glaciers, green
cold water, and a white polar bear stand
ing apparently on the summit of an ice
Iltll Deetrsyer.
The Oakland "Hill Destroyer" was en
tered with the front trucks run high on a
frame work that Illustrated the pitch at
which this machine Is expected to "de
stroy" hills. To make the float more
spectacular, a cannon waa mounted In
the head of the machine. The local of
fee force with shoulder straps and all.
Impersonated the officers of sn artil
lery sriuad. So there waa In the float.
General William H. Head. Colonel John
R. Golden, Captain George H. Houlls-
ton. Lieutenant Robert T. FraKer, Ser
geant Clifford Butler, and Private John
A. Cullen.
George F. Relm of the Cadlllae com
pany of Omaha entered a Cadlllae deco
rated In 'white flowers and ferns, with a
floral representation of a white esgle.
The Llnlnger Auto company entered a
float decorated with a white background
covered with pink carnations.
The Mollne-Knight Aulo company had a
white float, an artlstlo canopy, and the
whole decorated with the purple Irle.
The Pelton company entered one of Its
big White trucks with decorations.
The Flake Tire and Rubber company
had a float with a canopy oovered with
white and red rosea
The Powell Aute Supply company en
tered with a float decorated with white,
red and pink carnatlona.
The Murphy-O'Brien Auto company bad
a Paige with appropriate decoratlona
Bawer of Masjnoitas.
George Brandela entered a handsome
float with an artlstlo bower of white mag
nolias. The Overland Auto company entered a
float with a full length canopy and
bower In which the genera) color scheme
waa yellow with green and . yellow
The McCord-Brady company showed a
big truck with green and red decora
tlona. The New England Bakery had a truck
with a bower of red rosea
W. T. Wilson displayed a clear pink
field or background with snowballs and
green foliage covering the bower.
The U. P. Bakery drove a truck with
magnificent parade.
A recent laaue of one of our dally
papers carried the announcement that
the Mendelaaohn choir would be the car
nival attraction for Thursday evening of
trl week. Repeated Inquiries from the
friends of the organisation as to pi tea
where the concert Is to be given and pro
gram for the occasion makes necessary
the statement that the Mendelaaohn choir
will not alng thla week. Ita members, al
waya interested In the mualcal welfare
of our city, will be very largely rep-
reeented at the concert given Thuraday
evening at the Auditorium by the Bob
Symphony rcheatra, under the auaplcea
of the Retailer's association.
Gus Miller Wants
Help to Locate
Reformed Boys
Probation Officer Miller would like to
hear from some employers who would
like to help the work of the Juvenile
court. There will be twenty boys rtleaad
from the State Industrial School for Boys
at Kearney, wno are In the city with the
Induatrlal School band, which la playing
for the paradea thla week.
A few of the boya will atart In our
public schools Immediately, but some of
the older ones will wsnt employment at
once, ao In order to continue the good
work started by the State Industrial
school Mr. Miller would like the co-operation
of some of the Omaha bualneas men.
The Cawse e( Rfcewmattawi.
Use 6loan's Liniment and you won't
care what cause It The first applica
tion helpe. Good for erlntlca. neuralgia
Xc All druggists. Advertisement.
St. Joe Delegation
Calls On "Ma" Sunday
A delegation of twenty-five business
men and mlnlstera from St Joseph held
a long conference with Mra. Sunday put
ting forwaid their clalma for a campaign
St Joseph sent a delegation to see the
Sundays at Palerson, N. J., last eprlng.
On that occasion they didn't get to In
terview Mra. Sunday and they thought
some of their lack of aucceaa was due
to the fact Therefore, they talked to
"Ml" thla time.
They w re t Id that the f mday achedule
Is booked up ao far ahead that the
chnncee of coming to St Joseph are
mall, at least for the present.
You get an unbeatable com
bination when you take a good
soap and then add that wonder
ful cleanser naptha.
That's what you get
The soap softens the water;
makes good suds, loosens the
dirt. The naptha and other
harmless cleansers dissolve the
grease, make the dirt disappear
and whiten the clothes.
Use Fels-Naptha for all soap-and-water work.
. i
Tor the Ak-5arBen Ball
Special for Wednesday.
Perrtn's t3.50 Real Kid Gloves, In
white only, 24 Inches long (reaching
several Inches above the elbow).
Verv arterial, nalr o AK.
i mit-mM
: We Planned This Special Offering Some Time Ago
The Green Room
The Blue, Room
Both of these popular restaurants
will remain open Wednesday nlsht for
the accommodation of those who will
view the electrical parade. Reserva
tions may he made now.
Drandels Stores.
HI I HP II U mm Mug .
ev at evtN steww-
aaves voe tms
Star mstm a ho
oJrMC sworrirvl
retcais tcoweaw
Every Possible Good Style Point Combined
With Noticeably High Values in These
Special Coat
Offer at
Special plans laid some time ago will be perfected tomorrow when we offer choice of 200 Beautiful Tail
bred Suits, made of gabardine, broadcloth, poplin, serge, etc., some are trimmed with fur, others with braid.
The good colors are navy, brown, green, plum and black. Take advantage of this special offer.
Skirts at
A delightful array of pretty,
smart street and walking skirts
for all occasions. The pretty
stripes, checks and plain gab
ardines, poplins and. serges;
many sport skirts with pockets
and large buttons. Every good
color. 1
All-Wool Sweater
Made with box coat or belted
effects. In red, oxford, white,
Copenhagen and tan; all sizes.
Other special values, at
$2.50, $3.98, $5
Follow tho Trail of tho Wioo
uyors r.loro Than Ploaood With
that are being sold at A. Hospe Co.'s PRICE HITTING GALE. Tho
Pianos are rare beauties tho prices far below the real values.
Thla is a sale of strictly brand new pianos of all styles Grands, Uprights, Players,
Electric, Etc., including the very latest invention in Player Pianos. This is the instru
ment that can be played in three ways By hand, foot pedaling and by electrio motor,
all at prices and terms within everyone's reach.
Our building at 1513-1515 Douglas Street is entirely remodeled. Our new front is
the talk of the town. Before starting our remodeling, we disposed of practically every
new, used and shop-worn piano on our floors. Our entire stock is Brand New, and we
have the new 1916 styles of the best piano makers of piano and player pianos in all
fancy woods. By ordering this immense stock at one time and by paying spot cash, we
were able to buy at biggest discounts. This stock embraces the world s leaders The
Ll&son & Hamlin, Kranich & Bach, Apollo, Brambach, Kimball, Bush & Lane, Kra
kauer, Cable-Nelson, Whitney, Henderson, Ilospe, Davis & Son, Hinxe, Pflueger, Stein,
hauer. Baumbach, Werner, Boudoir and others.
W. lilt Ihe prices on all lines. Kin Vpr'.ght Piano fur $78, SOS, S103, $180, $182, $178, $202,
$2:iH, ?. $tt2, 9379 and upward.
Player Pianos Vi7M, l), 8170, l.-VO, $.150.
Crand Pianos $i78, $331. $133. $103, $330, $03O, $AO0, $03O.
Many plauo on term as low as $1.00 per week. Thla Hale began Monday, Oct. th. . Mall orders)
and out-of-town customers solicited
t ome see the CKKAT PltK K-lllTTlNa PI
For our Ak-Sar-Ben visitors
we have arranged a display
and sale of coats at. 1 15.00
that will astonish you. A won
derful selection of beautiful
cloths, models and colors;
many with large fur collars and
fur trimmings.
Dress Special at
A wonderful lot of smart,
r"ettv dresses for street and
afternoon wear, made of serge
and silk combinations, of satin
and serge: many novel effects
are to be found in the large as i
sortment of styles. The colors!
are navy, brown, green, black, 1
1 etc. I
J Thete Are "Something Different" in Rug
We Would Like to Call Your Attention
to Two Latest Productions Li RUGS
Nonpareil and Art Loom
The Nonpareil Is a reversible chenille rug of superior
quality; a beautiful rug for chambers, children's rooms and
the bath room. They come In Frenqh gray and pink. French
gray and light blue, In fact any combina- $OC?i)0
tion of colors desired. They come In all r S' u
sizes, from 24x36 in., at $1.75, to 9x 1 2, at. . . . V U
Also made in any size or color combination
desired. Bring in your draperies and we will match
them up for you.
Thej Art Loom, seamless Wilton Rug is admittedly the best
seamless rug on the market This is a W3ton rug. not a
Velvet rug. We offer this rug for Wednesday's selling in
two sizes:
6-3x10.6 $30.00
912 $32.50
These rugs retail regularly at Mo.oo and $42.50. The pat
terns are all new, the latest offerings from the loom.
Come In and look them over.
Rug Dejrtrnnt Third Floor.
- IX r T(?lr7a 1 IE K YV
"Expert Service and Advice Given
Very Exceptional Values Worthy of Your
Interest in Omaha's Largest Stock of
Curtains and Draperies
J v
Muslin Curtains for bed
rooms, special, pair. . . .
Bungalow Net Curtains,
$3 values, pair
Quaker Lace Curtains,
$4 values, pair
Lace Edge Curtains,
very new, pair.
Ducnesse Curtains, for parlors;
over 20 patterns. Ak-Sai
Ben special, pair
Marqulaetta Curtains, with lace
I apaaiiy rorueres, nice l fl Q
assortment, pair tU0
French Velour Portieres, regular
$40 values, extra ett Cfk
special, at faW.JU
40-lnch Plain Mercerised
Marquisette, yard
with lace
Bungalow Nets, hundreds of
pieces, at, yard, 3o, r
Mo and OjC
160 pieces of regular 45c and 50c
Cretonne; Ak-Sar-Ben or
special, yard OjC
40-lnch Plain Voile, white, cream
and ecru; speclaUy r
priced, yard ZjC
Colored Voiles and Etamlne, spe
cial showing, at, an
yard 25 and aJifC
Sunfaat Curtain Materials, big
assortment, at, yard no.
75c, BSe and SfOC
Ribbon Ed re Etamlne. Ak- f f
Sar-Ben special, yd., 15c and 1 VC
Marquisette with linen lace M r
edgea; yard 39c and f 3C
Drapery Swtos, white and colors.
Yard. 12ae, 15c rt
"d iyC
WW Piano Will I Rsw?
This is a vital question that naturally arises to ierlv every
. . vrnvn avia m n V j. i a InmTT a V 6 T ttf P
piano uuver. 11 is a f aui inai me auiuau vua ui a
. . s
X Brighten Ttiingt Up a Little
like an expensive violin or a picture pair.ted by some
world famous artist, is evident only to the connoisseur.
Absolute Confidence in the Firm You Pur
chase From Is Your Best Piano Guarantee
Our reputation is back of every instrument we send out,
and QUALITY instead of ALLURING PRICES is our motto.
Brandeis Piano Department
Wall Paper nd Paint
10 Patterns regular 6c papers, suitable
for bed rooms and kitchens,
with borders to match, per
roll Wednesday
Parlor, hall, store and dining
room papers, all new patterns, reg
ular 12C grade, roll
Plain papers, 30-Inch stock, all
shades, soKl with borders only,
worth 15c, per roll
Ready mixed paint, all colors, M op
regular l. 75 grade,, Wednesday, VlfJ
Third Floor.
1513-15 DOUCLAQ CT.
per jraliuil ............ am;