Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Acti of Slaughter, Robbery, Outraj-1
in f Women, Torture in Armenia
Surpass All Crimea.
tary evidence of the
4. Doeunien
strocltics In-
flirted by the Turka
upon th Ar-
mentans was made public ton!rht by
the committee formed by Ohar'ea II. i
Crane, Cleveland II. Dode and
othera to Inveiitlznte tho arts of the
Armenian massacres, and v. hlrh also
ia taking steps to aid sufferers.
The committee titc that the evi
dence waa collected from sources
that are unquestioned aa to veracity
and authority of the writers, bit for
obvious reasons their names cannot
be given and in mint caer aames ,
of towns and cities tnu.t be eon
cealed. Quotation! are
given la the cora-
mlttee's report
from twenty-four
sources, lorne of
which describe In
detail Instances
rhere Arn.cnlans
have been put to death, women vio
lated and rhl'drcn slaughtered, of
robbery, torture and death by star
vation, and of terrible privations en
dured in long marches to the de
serted reslona to which the Ar
menians have been exiled Crimea
described by the committee surpass
Ing "In ' their horror and cruelty
anything that history haa recordod In
the last 1,000 years.
Kllllaar nf Miles.
"The Ides of direct stuck anJ mas
sacra, carried eut Is former times,"
Bays one authority, writing under data
of August I, "has Iwn altered tome what
In that tbe men and hoys have been de
ported la great numbers and disappeared
en routs and later on the women and
children have been made to follow. For
some time stories have been prevalent
from travelers arriving from the Interior
of the killing of the male and of irreat
numbers of bodies along the roarialdea
and floating In the Euphrates river: of
the delivery to the 'Kurds by the gen
darmes accept ln the convoys of women
and children, of all the younger mem
ber of the parties; of unthinkable out
rages committed by gendarmes and
Kurds, and oven the kllllnj of many
"At first theae stoi-les were not glve:i
mueh credence, but as many of the refu
sees now are arriving
tin dmiht i
longer remains of the truth of the
Describing under date of June 80, the
wholesale deportation of W.0,0 Armenian
Inhabitant of Zeltoun to the Konk-h re
gion, Alepho and places In Mcsupotamla,
one wr ter Blves tho text vt the Turkish
government order giving orJers for tli
The TarkUhj Order.
It reads:
"The commanders of the army, of in
dependent army corps and of divisions
of the army, In case of military neoe
slty and In case they attaint espionage
or treason, will send' away, ellhnr singly
or In mass, h Inhabitants of vlilases or
towna and Inatall them la other pUces."
Whole villages were duported at An
hour's notice, says the writer, with no
opportunity to prepare tor the journey,
not even In some cases to gather to-
a-ether the scattered mei. brj of Ilia
family, ae many tittle children ware lft
. Drlvea with Whls.
In many cases, says the writer, the
men were bound tightly together with
ropea and chains. Women with little
children an their arms, or In the Inst
days of pregnancy, were driven along
under the whip like cattle,
her writer tells of tha cruel net
of ..i bastinado In a certain
where Armenians were held.
"At tie time of the komrnin," he!
wrlteg, "forty strokes wore administer 4 :
at the very most; In this place, however,;
ifO. M. too and even Vu strokes were
administered. I
"A young man was beaten to death;
within the erace of five mlnutoe," . I
Annfh atilhiirttv h.. Ik. t, . I '
tho bastinado and fire torture' In the ef
forts 'of the Turkish authorities In an
unnamed town ' to ' extract Information
aa to arm a In -the possession of the
Armenians telling of the expulMun of
the Armenian Inhabitants, he a rites:
, "They (the men) were sent oft towarj
In groupa of from thirty to no.
Various reports have been circulated, the
only one geneta:iy aocepted being tnat
they were killed. ,
f Hers wrlal Mnaad.
'."One Greek driver reported seeing tho
mound under whiih they were burled.
. "On July I. before the order for the
expulsion of the womon waa carried out,
W4bt to tho go ernment to protest.
He was toll that the order came from
those higher up.
'The panto In the el'y- waa terrible.
The people felt that the government
waa determined to exterminate tho
Armenian race. Many of the convicts
of the prisons had I wen rvlias-d and tho
mountains round wcr- w V nf out
laws. It waa feared that t e wamea
and children were taken home ' direct
from tha city and loft to th mercy
Of these men.
"The women believed they wvre going
to worse than death, and many carried
poison In their po kcla to use If neces
sary. Ia a nearby village says the wr.ler,
he wss inrormed by a itliaMo witness
that torty-flve nun and women were
taken a ahwt irom the vlliage,
the women violated end the men shot.
"A number of todies of women and
children have lately Uun thrown up by
the sea upon the aandy beaeh below tho
walls of the Itailun inona loty here' In
and were bu.l.d Ly U.evk women."
says another reixjrt.
if. ..ft '
Recorded as the tca'lmony of the' widow
of a hsirol:ig atory Is given of
the experiences of a party of some SOG
Armc-tiim.M. She and her daughter es
caped death by accepting the Mohamme
dan faith. 8he says.
"We had got only two hours away from
home when bands of lUUfcore and brig
ands, wlih rtfiea. guna. axes, etc., eur.
rounded ua and rjbuer ii of-all we hit
Tbe gendarmes took my money and that
of my daughter, also all our food
After this tliey separated tiie in
one by one, and shot th m all w l'hln six
or aevea days every mule alwve U years
of age. baiids.-mn took all the
good-looking wom.B and carried them
. elf ca their horse. Very many women
JOHN DURST, only liv
Ing survivor of the famous
Monitor, who marched in
tho parade, wearing the
nriform he wore in the
famous battle more than
fiftj years ago. .
snd girls were thus carried off to the
mountains, among them my sifter, whoee
1-year-old baby they threw away. A
Turk picked It up and carried It off. I
knew not where. .
Throve Cbllarea la River.
"The worst and most unimaginable ter
rors were reserved f r us at the banks
of the Kuphratea and In the ICrtlnglen
plain. The mutilated bodies of women.
, girls and little cklMren made everybody
shudder. The bandsmen were doing all
sorts of awful deeds to the women and
girls that were with us and whose cries
w,nl UP to heaven. At the Kuphartee
tha bandsmen and gendarme! threw Into
the river all tha remaining children under
Rockefeller Goes
to Church and Then
Takes Ride in Auto
DKXVElt, Oct. 4. Church In tha morn
ing, an automobile ride In the afternoon
and a night spent at tha ranch of J. F.
! Wflbo, president of the Colorado Fuel
and Iron company made up tho Sunday
; program for John D. Rockefeller, jr.
The mine owner attended the First Bap
tist church, where he attracted little
not oe, being In fact, almost unrecognised.
Tomorrow morning. Mr. Rockefeller wl I
motor to Boulder, where ho will Inspect
stretch of public highway Improved
through tho expense of a part of tbe
iu0,0kO given by the Rockefeller founda-
t'un for the relief of unemployment after
the Cual miners' strike. He will return
to I'snvrr In time for the meeting of
Colorado Fuel and Iron company di
rectors called to act on the Rockefeller
Industrlsl plan approved at a conference
at Pueblo yesterday.
! . The mlnera at the eighteen or twenty
t'nlorado Fuel and Iron company camps
K.! J , ;:, i
pr.son ! will betrln voting tnmoricw un the adop
tion of the Industrial pat. It Is expected
I int at V nsl two days !:l be token up
alth thli refeisutum vole.. Aa soon as
the result U Ur . vn. If it Is favorr. ble, the
ofilctire of thi company will take the
nee-esiary atrts u put tbe (Ian Into full
Awakens to Witness
Murder of Laborer j
in Front of House
John Powers, awakened tiy loud volcea,
looked out of the window of his home at
Thirty-second and S ,treeta. South Side,
laat night and saw one of three men fell
another of the trio with several blows
of a Ward he tore from a P'.rket fence.
Powers screamed and the assailant
and the third mun, who had stood pas
sively by during the aasUtiR, 1 fled.
Police, responding to Powers' cull, took
the fallen mnn to the South Hide hos
pital. He died In an hour. Hla skull
was fractured in r'Vitil places
From lettrra found on tha body It la
believed the alaity man waa Charlea Use
liaa, a Lithuanian laborer. No trace of
hla asfallant or the third member of the
tilo could be ound. Their Identity ' re
n.alna.a mys.ery. The cause of the quar
rel la equally mystifying.
Aaanlttia Knrtorr Rltwi t'p.
fCorrespondcnce of the Associated Press)
TOKtO, tt, J It Is revolted here that
Herman spies have. blown up one of tha
tmmnnltinn ,-factorlea at Aboshl, near
Kobe. ' Tiie riant owned by.thu Japan
Pelhileld company, but haa been equipped;
"or the rienufaclur of explosive, ea-
"Ct-lelly n. for Runale. The facts
a to the reported destruction of oue of
'he fnctoriea are wlthhtld.
A Simp!e. Way To ;
" ' Remove, Dandruff
There la one sure way that has never
fatlrd to. remove dandruff at once, and
tliut Is to cbuolxo It. then you destroy It
entirely. To do th a. Juat get about f jur
ounces of plain, common liquid arvon
from any drug store (this la all you will
reed), apply It at nUiht when relirinu:
use enough to moisten the scalp and rjfc
It in gently with tbe finger lips.
Hy morning, moat If not all. or your
dandruff wl I be gone, and three or four
more eprllcatlona wll completely dis
solve and entirely destroy very single
siyn and trace of It, no matter how much
dandruff you may have. ;
You will find all Itching and digging
of the scalp will atop Instantly, and your
hair will be flufTy, lustrous, glossy, al ky
and soft and look and feel a hundred
times better. Advertisement
Monarch Congratulates Force i on
Their Achievement in Re
cent Offensive.
FRANCE fVIs I.ondn. Oct. I. -The fol
lowing special orders of the day have
been tuned by Field Marshal Plr John
"The field marshal, . commander-in-chief,
has received the fo'lowlng mes
sage from the kin, dated September SO,
1 " 'I heartily congratulate you and a'l
ranks of my army under your command
upon the success which haa attended
their gallant efforts since the commence
ment of tha combined attack. I recognise
nisv i
that this strenuous, determined fighting ! ! my heartfelt thanka (or the brilliant
la but the prelude to greater deeds and ' leadership displayed by tlenerai Sir Doug
further victories. I trust tne sick and ! Ia Halg and the corps and divisional
wounded are doing well.
(Signed.) " UEOKOI3 It. AND 1. '
n-plr to the Klsr. -
"The following reply has been sent to
his majesty:
" Tour majesty's forces In France are
deeply grateful for your majesty's most
gracious message. There la no sacrifice,
the troopa are not prepared to make to
uphold the honor and traditions of your
majesty's army and to secure a final an J
complete victory.
(Signed.) " J. D. P. FRENCH.
Filed Marshal.' "
"The field marshal, commander-in-chief
haa received the following mes
sage from Earl Kitchener, dated Septem
ber. 27, 191C:
" 'My warmest congratulations to you
ant all serving under you on the sub
stantial success you have achieved, and
my best w.ahes for progress In your im
portant operations.
(Signed.) " 'KITCHENER.' "
"Special order of the day by Field
Marshal Sir John French, commanJcr-In-chief
of the British army in the
" 'We have now reached a definite
I stage In the great buttle which com
menced on the 20th Instant Our allies
In the aouth have pierced the enemy's
laat line of entrenchments and effected
large captures of prisoners, guna and
Oala Vlmy Rldere.
'The French army on our Immediate
I right haa been heavily opposed, but has
brilliantly succeeded In securing an Im
portant position known as the Vlmy
"The operations of the British forcei
have been moat successful and have had
great and Important results. On the
morning of September 28 the First and
Fourth corps attacked and recarrled the
enemy's first and most powerful line of
entrenchments, extending from eur ex
treme right flank at Granny to a point
north of the Hohenxollern redoubt, for
a distance of 6, M0 yarda. .
This position was exceptionally
strong, consisting of a double line, which
Included some large redoubts and a net
work of trenches and a bombproof shel
ter. .. Dugouts , were constructed at short
intervals all along the line, soma of
them being large caves thirty feet below
the around. .
lilovevth TiHtei lata Flftfct.
'The Eleventh corps In general re
serve and the Third cavalry division
, were subsequently thrown Into the fight
and finally the Twenty-eight division.
I After . the Vicissitudes attendant upon
i every , great flaht, the enemy's line and
second line pouts were taken. A com
manding position known as Hill No. 73,
In advance, of Loos, was finally captured
and, a strong line established and con-
nlldated In clnae rroxlmtty to the Ger
man third and last line.
"The main operations aouth of tie
La Basses canal were much facilitated
and aaalsted by aubaldlary attacks deliv
ered by the Third and Indian corps and
the troops of the second army. Great
help also waa rendered the operations by
the Fifth corps eaat of Tpres, during
which some Important capturea were
"We also are mach Indebted to vice
Admiral Hacon and our naval comrades
for the valuable co-operation of the fleet.
"Our raptures have amounted to over
I.m.O prisoners and some twenty-five guns,
besides many machine guns and a quan
tity of war material.
4ffrrs llrnv l.naaee.
"The enemy haa suffered heavy losses,
particularly In many counter attacks by
huh he has vainly endeavored to wreat
tack captured positions, but which have
all been gallantly repulsed by our
"I desire to express to the army tinder
my command my deep appreciation of
the splendid work they have accomplished
ccmrr anrlera w ho acted under his ordern '
In the main attack. In the same spirit'
of admiration and gratitude 1 wish par
ticularly to comment upon the magnlll
cent spirit. Indomitable courage und
dogged tenacity dlapiaied by the trojps
of the old and new army and the terri
torials, who have vied with one another
In the heroic conduct displayed through-
out the battle and by the officers and
non-commissioned officers. j
"I feel the utmost confidence and aa-1
aw ranee that the same glorious spirit'
which has been so marked a feature
throughout the first phase of this greet
battle will continue until our efforts are
crowned by tlnal and complete victory.
"Field Marshal Commander-in-Chief
"British Army In the Field.
"September . 116."
Dog Brings Troupe ,
of Actors to Station
A dog s life is a hard thing to lead,
declare several members of tbe Al Jol
son troupe, which closed Its engagement
Saturday night at the Boyd.
After tie closing show, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Daubler boarded a Harney car,
with their pet terrier In a grip. It
whined. The conductor demanded that
they get off and hire a Jitney. The ac
tors refused. C. W. McDonald, another
member of the troupe, added his ob
jections. .
The conductor called Policeman O. B.
K nut son. and the officer tried to argue
them off the car. Somehow or other,
the policeman, the dog, the actors and
the car crew got Into a mlxup on the
car, and the net outcome waa a large
lump on Daubler's head, raised by the
copper's club.
When the actors were brought to the
station on a charge of disorderly con
duct and resisting an officer. Captain
Heitfeld decided that their offense was
not large enough to warrant making
them miss their train, which left within
a few minutes, and he allowed them to
go on their own recognisance.
DENVER, Oct 4 The Colorado Fuel
and Iron company would welcome an
amneaty regarding the offenaea growing
eut of the coal mlnera' strike of 191J-14,
according to a statement by J, F, Wel
born, president of the company. Mr.
Welborn, said the state authorities had
been advised that the company, would not
be averse to the dlsmtsaal of all cases
against former strikers, except where evi
dence of guilt Is exceptionally strong.
Our Invitation to
Progressive Merchants
- .
We have asked you to join in a forward movement for bet
ter business, to invite more customers to your store. -
Our invitation is not only in behalf of the live newspapers
of this city, but from every newspaper in North America,
Just as you have been asked to join in
Newspaper Window Display
October 11-16
so have thousands of other retailers throughout the United
States and Canada been invited to co-operate.
Window Week wijl be a continent-wide demonstration of
the co-operative power of the newspaper and the local dealer
a veritable eye attractor.
It la deaisned to direct two glpantio pairs of eyes towards your show
windows the eyea of tbe public and tbe eyes of the manufacturers who
want you to sell their goods.
U la intended to show the people of thla city that when they are Inter
ested In roods through the advertising in our newspapers they can aee these
goods at your store.
It la lntencded to ahow manufacturer that If they want your aupport
they must advertise In the medium that brings business to your counter
Here's your part of the plan In a few words
Check up all the articles on your shelves that are advertised by the
manufacturers In this and other good newspapera.
Put theae articles In your windows next week and paste up a couple of
the signs which this newspaper baa sent you. If you want any more of
these aigna we will send them to you on receipt of a card from you or a
phone nicssano.
Make your windows talk business.
Window Week will be a great trade getter for you and an advertise
ment for our city. Every progressive store will be represented.
That means you, does It not?
Beginning Monday Next See that Your Windows
Are Filled with Newspaper
Advertised Goods!
Eeceivcr Bush Out
With Annual Report
on Missouri Pacific
Presldeat Bush of the receivers for th
Miasourl Pacific Railroad company is
out with his annual report for the year
ending June 20 of thta year. It takes
Into consideration the Iron Mountain
road, a part of the Mlasouri Pacific, and
according to It the Inference la that the
ayatem haa not been making any money.
In his report. President Bush shows
that the operating revenue amounted to
M.A.r, n decrease of 1,776.42S, as
compared with the previous year. The
falling off In freight revenue amounted
to till. Sir, and the bnlance Is charged to
the passenger' end of the business. The
depreciation on rolling stock Is figured
While the revenues of the system de
creased, there was a dcrreaaa In the
operating expenses, the purpose of Mr.
Bush being to maintain the high stand
ard of efficiency. However, expenses
amounting to $T9,0 were lopped off.
During the year new equipment of the
value of $814,33 was bought and Im
provements aggregating 1.799.j2 were
made along the line, including the lay
ing of 131 miles of new and heavier steel.
Beeldes, old bridges and culverts were
torn out and In their stead those of
cement and steel put In. All steel pas
senger equipment was put onto the lines
and thousanda of freight cars bought,
or rebuilt
! Five Minutes! No
Gas, Indigestion
or Acid Stomach
Instant relief from sourness,
heartburn, headache,
Tape's Diapepsin" is quick
est and surest stomach
relief known.
Why not get some now this moment
and forever rid yourself of Stomach
trouble arid Indigestion 7 A dieted stom
ach gets the blues and grumbles. Give
It a good eat, then take Pape'a Diapepsin
to start the digestive Juices working.
There will be no dyspepsia or belching
of gas or eructations of undigested food:
no feeling like a lump of lead in the
atomach or heartburn, alck headache
and dlxslneas, and your food will not
ferment and poison - your breath with
nauseous odors.
Pape's Diapepsin costs only CO cents for
a large case at any drug store here, and
will relieve the most obstinate case of
tnllgestlon and upset stomach' in fWe
There Is nothing else better to take
gas from the stomach and cleanse the
atomach and Intestines, and besides, one
single dose, will digest and prepare for
aaslmilatlon Into the blood all your food
the same as a sound, healthy stomach
would do It
When Diapepsin works, your atomach
regta geta itself In order, cleans up and
then you feel like eating when you come
to the table, and what you eat will do
yon good.
Absolute relief from all stomach misery
la waiting for you as' soon as you decide
to take a little Diapepsin. Tell your
druggist that you want Pape'e Diapepsin,
because you want to become thoroughly
oured this time.
Remember, If your stomach feels out-of-order
and uncomfortable now you can
get relief in five mlnutes.-Advertlse-ment
1 f" Welcome Ah -
Tuesday Sales Offer You Scores of Splendid Opportuni
ties for Keen Economies.
In almost
alLL:,;.:: -
colorings and fabrics, great
ly underpriced for Ak-Sar-Ben
White Coats $12.75
Yes, they're worth more.
All new styles, with or
without fur trimming.
Rousing special Tuesday.
. Scores of Other
A Great Special Sale
of Fine Laces Tuesday
The opening Lace Sale event of the season, offering
Savings of easily on the most beautiful new laces
See them Tuesday.
Lace worth 75c to $1.00 yard,
t- yard 69
Laces worth $1.25 to $ US yard,
t. yard 08e
I .ace worth $1.98 to $2.50 yard,
Vywd Sl.GD
$5.00 and $6.00 Laces, Tuesday
One More Day
An immense spe
cial purchase of
best quality Din
ing Chairs at mak
er's cost. See them
Save Fully H
$2.25 Golden Oak Diners
Full box seat, imitation
leather; sale d gn
price, each apXeOU
Wood Seat Dining Chairs Good assortment of styles; two
special lots, at 75, and $1.00
A Good Time to
Tbe Market aVdTaaeed Affala Tbast
We want every housewife irt
Omaha to try our famous Dlamon.i
H' flour, made from the best se
lected No. 1 spring; wheat.
Why pay Be for a U-01. loaf when
you can make to pound los'es.
IS lbs. feast pore rranulatsd ssr
10 .-...$1.03
100-lb. sacks pure beet or can-
10 bars Beat 'Em All. Diamond C"
or Laundry Queen white laundiy
soap 3
10 lbs. best white or yellow con
meal 9So
4 lbs. beat pearl tapioca or Jap n
rice e
4 lbs. best hand picked navy bea -s
st 5o
S2-os. Jars pure fruit rreserrea SSe
1-es. ra" rondns1 milk for SVie
Pet. or Carnation milk, per ran . .?e
ISklnner'a macaroni, vermicelli ir
spas-hettt, pks. THo
Advo Jell for dessert: It's qua'I'v
roods, rkir. TVs
t-Jb. cans fancy sweat eurrar corn,
wax. string, green - or lima, besna
for TVo
na'lon cars aolden table lynin 880
Msrl sren's peanut butter, lb. ISKe
New mince meat, pkg. H9
New hensv. 174o
Choice California Muir peaches, 'h,
at THe
art 1 1& Mw m ur
ttrjJL,t A.J,-f m Wii ftlew
sth f0r Sit SeHrfwAief f
J. . . 4
AW atttlt dy W
1 .
Itp.viJ'.r.'t.'T.K.-.'.lH "tr
Atbsrts, sUk Hats, Famps
11 Buodsiaj for ssle or real
Mail Ordstf) a Specialty.
JuHfs Ht.LUi1AN
Fbeae B. 31 M. Opes JSvsnlar,
T omu Hotel Bldg.
ace v. ma st- oxtht, gi
"ii tub bust ee tmi crrr
event CoNvtNicNct smo comfort
SuacetAN PLAN. 81 so AND uewAN
rRCC Au Su MffTrsm and Pt-aTier.
Sar - Bcn Visitors'3
Use Our
and Rest
Hundreds of Dainty Gowns and
Dancing Dresses
endless variety of popular
Possess not only all the distinc
tive styles of the average $33.00
Suit, but the quality in fabric ami
tailoring as, well. Let us show
you the new ones. 25 designs for
Dainty New Dresses
Made to sell to $20, pretty
Silks, choice Wool Fabrics
and Nets,
Specials Tuesday.
Laces worth $2.75 to $3.25 yard,'.
at, yard .....RI.OS
Laces worth $3.50 and $3.75 yd.,
Laces worth $4.00 and $4JM yd.,
at, yard -.83.98
at, yard 83.98'
Tuesday, Oct 5
An opportunity
seldom, if ever,
equaled here or
elsewhere. You
can't afford , to
miss them.
by Buying Now.'
$3.00 Golden Oak Diners
Real leather, box seat; come
also In fumed, 2 00
Bay Flour Now
xa utiT or inrrrai raAss
If you are going to put up pear,
do It now. aa the aeason Is about
closed. Tuesday we will have a
car of extra fancy Michigan fruit,
which we -will put on Bale at, per
h""iel i $1. 09
rLUXS. Tuesday, pes 4-baaket
erate soo
I secy sTo. 1 Creamery 4 fin
Batter, lb 4.UC
Tho best strartly fresh eggs, dns.feo
I lbs. good butterlne ...8S0
Fancy table butterlne, per lb. lTVSo
Fancy full cream, white or color!
cheese, lb SOo
Imported Swine or Roquefort
cheese, per lb ,40a
Utah filbert freesteaa peaohea, per
erate aee
Colorado Blberta freestone peaches,
per erate a 5c
IS lbs. best Red Hirer Ohio pot
toes ise
12 lbs fancy Greening apples, for-
hunches fresh radishes ......So
4 hea-'e fresh lesf lettuce Se
i hesds fresh cbae loo
5 larrs soun bunches 10a
4 hunches fresh beets, carrots, tur-
nl.ns. for se
t hearts evklng caMtave ee
Fresh Kalamasoo celery ..lee
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