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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1915)
THE II EE: 1 HI III I IS OMAHA, MONDAY, OCTOIIER 4, J01S. FILES SUIT FOR OCCUPATION TAX Rred Bfjfini Action Ag-a-inst the Bock Island and Weill rnr- BRINGS ONE FOR EACH YEAR! (Fmin a Ftaff Correspondent.) UNCOLN, Ort. I (flporUl ) fult for occupation tax due from the Horli MI and railroad for Wit and 1'nS ami from the WHIs-Kargn I'uprrs company for lU. nlth lrl pensltlr. has been rommrnrid T Attorney General Fire In the district roiirt of Lancaster count y. Averring that the cailtst stock of the Rock laand Is la eoesa of IM.fte.ftO, whl-h makes It liable for the maximum occupation ta of I3.Cn a year, the at tomcjr general bring two actlona, one for .each rear, totalling IMO. the corn ran jr ha vlna paid I'M on It a I!H4 taes. Accrued Interest at 7 per rent and a pen alty of lr per ctnt la demanded. The Wells-Fargn la aued for 91.210. i lr cent of lla gross receipts of I'M. ISO for 1914. with an additional penalty of 1 per eent. The Well-Fargo la not being aued for lt 1!15 tax, which will not bo iHin until Novrmlier. All Protest Ike Tax. The Alama, the American and the Wells-Fargo F.nprea companlea hava within the last few daye reported corn Lined gross earnings of H.OOO.WO from Ne braska, which under the Hmlth Uw of 1 per cent occupation tag would make them owing the atate altogether 20,nuQ. In their report all proteal acalnat the U na imconatitutlonal. The Adami Kxpreea company, reporting Saturday, ahowed earning oi 4.tT,7 on Rtate tmalneaa, with the following earn- In g from eight leading atatlona: Omaha, ,20S,OS9; Lincoln, lint. IK; Heatings, IS.OCH; Orand Island. r.H7; Beatrte. flW, Crete, tM.o.2; Nebraska City, H,1S; Houth Chnaha. tf.TOl. Protest y t.emaael. Pter Oamroel, former engineer for the Nebraaka Corn Meal company at Seward, haa proteated to Labor Commlaaloner Cof fey that the Millers Mutual Inaurance company of Chicago haa atopped pay ments due him under th workman's compensation law. Htnee tha Inauranea company haa never been admitted to do bualnaea In Nebraaka, the Injured man la barred from aulnc tha concern In tula state, but tha labor oommlaaloner haa In formed him that he can aua tha man are men t for which ha waa working, r re parrs Apportionment. Btat Superintendent Thomaal a pre paring to apportion IJCsOnO aa atale aid to weak school district. Districts whoso maximum, levy of LI I rills will not main tain school seven montha are entitled to tha aid, which muat be applied (or before tmtober 11. Attorney Off Capital. Attorney General Willie E. nets and Chairman Charles of tha Nebraaka Rail way commission want to Washington Matunlay. where they will taka part In tha final arguments before the United Htates eupreme court against tha pro posal of tha wewtern railroads to put 3-cent Interstate passenger fare Into effect. Isaacs Be-aataltlea. Oovernor vt ore head haa Us tied, a requi sition for the return from Oklahoma City, tiki., of Oliver K. Smith, wanted In . liewson county for statutory rape on Ueneva Zesk, a W-year-old girl. DeraJaat Off Toar, Hecretary Uernirker oC tha State Board i Ruuallxatlon loaves Monday to visit a dosen counties to study the actual selling value of farm lands (for use by the Plata board next year In reviewing county assessors' returns, , Will Kilo gait. t X suit will be filed lu tha supreme court Monday by tha attorney general's office tai, behalf ot Fir Commissioner Kldgell t tnendantua Btat Treasurer Hall to pay warrants of the fire ounitnlaalon ituilng rVplember. Ilklgell withdrew a former suit after Treasurer Hall agreed t fay everything up to September 1. rostal I.mIbs la Neteraeka. The roetai Telegraph Cable company, a, Nebraska branch of tha national corpo ration, la a losing proposition aa aa in dependent concern, according to a re port ft last year's business filed with the railway commission. . Tha operating ' ex pecoea are declared ta be In.i, while the earnings war tTClta. Tha president and general manager of tha company la J. W. Wolf of Omaha, whoa salary paid by the parent company aa district tvperiatendenL All Pacific Slope Rocks in Earthquake SAN Kit A Nt "I WO, t. t 1-Kheri. cirthntinke short:, were felt at 1 M o'cloek tonlaht at tmlnte In t'tah. Nevada. I'allfnrnia and Iilnlm. Throughout the northern tart of Callforti'a two itlstln.t tremors occurred In rapid suoeesRlon. the of vlbtattnn being from ten to fifteen seconds. No shocks, however, were xpcrii'nced in Ban Franriscn, Buildings were swayed In Rarramenbs and their rcctipants rushed Into the streets. In Fresno, also, the shirks were strong. in Reno, N'ev., two slight shocks were fell thl aftimnnn. Vletirla. Ft. C., also rei ortrd a sllsht shock late today. Ho far sa known, no damage waa caused. JOY RAMPANT ON QUIYERAHIGHWAY Coincidence of Date Bring Added Happinesi to Subjects of King All's Realm. BUSHELS OF CONFETTI THROWN 1915 WHEAT CROP BREAKMECORDS Board of Agriculture Eitimatei Yield Three and Quarter Million Bushel Orrr High Mark. ACREAGE LARGELY INCREASED GRADS RAISE BESSEY FUND Fifteen Hundred Dollar. Secured by Organisation Seeking to Honor' Memory of Profemor. WAUT PERMANENT MEMORIAL sTXBKABXA WHEAT COP. Winter wheat aorsare, ... .rr3,38 Winter wheat aoreage, 116... 3,'t ,(83 Tleld, bnshels, 1M 83.7.aiW Tlsld. bnsiiels, ltlS H.Oi.'tt Awrsre ver acre, 114 IIS Average per acre, ltlS 1.T (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Oct. 3. (Special.) LINCOLN. Oct. 1 (Special.) -The campaign for the establishment of an endowment to perpetuate the memory of lr. C. K. Bessey haa atarted with a new Impetus, according to a statement given out today hy the committee In charire. I'p until the present time only the grad uates of the university have heen s Helled and In the first few weeks' work shout 175 have respondi-d with an aver age donation of t aKgreggtea 11,4X110. FIYE AND A HALF MILLIONTO ROADS Compilation Shows to What Extent Nebraska Has Aided in Rail Construction. DODGE AND WASHINGTON START From a ftaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Oct. 3. (SirtMitl.l-Ne-hraska counties and their suudlvlsiona have liuued '..'iC,4m In bonds to aid In rs 1 1 road conAiruction In the state sinco 1. when Nebraska was a territory, ac cording to a compilation of county bond The total fund now jMr n,ajp t,y state Auditor 8mith. I The first bonds were Issued by Lodge The friends of Pr. Bessey organised ni Washington counties on July 1, !. Th IS 16 wheat crop Is th largest , the Iteseey Memorial association during the former ls.ulng tf) COO at that time lit the history of the atate by 3.267,- i hr' l,rnm'r fff the purpose of raising1 ,l76.4 Uter. Between July :, IS sen i..i,i. A, , ., 1 the Income of which U to go to amj November 28, 11. Richardson county 160 bushels, according to figures Ml)l 1(,ejr f ,h. M d.s)rM unlll ner refonJ faU tQ Compiled by Secretary W. U. Mellor , death, after which It will support two ,now tha proper date. The fallowing of the Nebraaka State Board of Agrl- ' r-searrh feIlowshlia In the department are the counties, with the amount of or botany. their bonds. Otricera of Association. lAdama county t l.OiO ll..t,4l0 treasurer, committee Is treasurer. Include W. When In the course of events It happen that the first of the month, Saturday n'pht, and a flrst-clasH fes tival aoai coincide then Is the time wht'ii the citizens are going to burst Into sons; and laughter. Hurst Is the right word. That Is just what the mass of human being, forming tho carnival crowd last night, did. It seemed to make all the differ ence In the world to tha majority of merrymakers that a pay day had oc curred. Confetti Is comparatively cheap, when you rome to consider the Joy It produces, and If ever It waa heaved, walloped and gently wafted Into the facial convulsions of mortal beings, It waa thus propelled Satur day evening. Not In those tlt-for-tat, one-more-to-come clusters, but with the care-free abandon that results from a pocket re-enforced with ! J "JU nickels, ready to be spent lor more of the same." Bushels of the stuff descended on the frollckera and was not confined to the face, hut worked ln!s the Innermost depths of their apparel. "A Trip to Mars" Is drawing an alarm ing attendance and the travelers seem to I growing so enamoured with the planet culture. ine estimated yieia In winierj rhancellor Avery of tne University of.tuy and precincts Wheat In 1915 la placed at W7.053, 520 Nebraska Is president; Guy E. Heed. I p"nCctuu"l bsuhels, compared with 63.768.2fin secretary, and Georg L. Hall, slat , Huflalo county township'.".'.'. In 1914. The yield per acre Is 19.7 this year, as agalnut 18.8 last year. The acreage haa been increased from 8,878,935 In 1914 to 8,39o,863, or by only 22,000 acres. Ist year broke all previous rec-; .00l. Uncoln; W. H. Haywood, Nw,odge oounty ords by 8,300,000 bushels, and this ! Vork City; Haven Metcalf, Washington. j-n y "..?.0""1'. .!! "i!!.' !!!! year s figures Indicate practically the The advisory i Butler counly J. Bryan. La .".n "" Verne W. Noyea of Chloago, Dr. Roeco t'lty and l'reclnct ""!!!!!!.' Tound, Cambridge, Masa. i B. J. Hal ner. 'Clay county prtclncts Lincoln; Albert F. Woods. St. Paul; 'Cuu lng county . , ' Custer county township Frederick K. Nellaon, Waahlngton. Djkj,. county C; Alvln K. Pope, Ban rranc.lsco; It. J. Dawson county precincts... same ratio of gain. County Aukjiis Antrlnpo ,, Arthur .... OaniKir ..l inune .... lilMflte ..... ttu tlutte. loyil ...... Irnn .... Jiuflalo, ,., Burt Ituiier .... Cuss t euar 1 1 huse c ii ne flay t oiiax ..... 1 uinlng .... Custer l'ukcila .... lses 1 iawsin .... lHiuel Mum I olge 1oumibs ... IMIIlilV Fillmore 1,i.U 4l...i 41.4W 14.1,4 L.J H.h 7I.K l.Uhl.j.K 4.1.', 4V l.&Yj.aOi SU.3ol Frontier r iirnus tlsse that they may quit the kingdom of Kranklin Uulvera and move to the distant orb. An Ak-ftar-Ben highball waa originated "Is Wat ' evening and bids fair to become I tianlen eiceedlngly popular allh the "muster j J j'JJJ ; class." Th master class as Indicated wrant above composes that quota of alted j "'eeley ., beings who have the price of Its pur-1 idmiiVoii ' chase. Th Ingredients are aa folio as: Harlan .. A tumbler of chilled elder, from th old ' jj",." '.'k Holt rettl preferably th green particles. The whole la to be strained slowly through a moustache Into th maw of tha consumer. It la very popular. Indeed I And much I J)'""'' more refreshing and delicious than sounds, when on ha been fed for sev eral hours on Just plain confetti, In th raw and uncultivated state. Fremont Attorney ! Keproved by Court From a Rtaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Oct, l-apeelal.) Attorney W. J, Courtrlght of Fremont haa been reproved by th supreme court by having a brief In support of a rehearing stricken from th file as "Improper." Ills client waa given unlll November I to file a new brief, after th motion tteelf had been practically sustained by the court. Whllt the filing haa been withheld It ta understood that It contained reflections a th high bench not respectful and not oKenstva enouaH t call for drastic aneaaur. Crowd Merry sad Loyal. The Saturday night crowd was 'just that big-hearted, happy throng that haa made Ak-Sar-lien a iihiiIk wnivt ihmu.k. 1 Merrick out th land. Th spirit of yulvera waa ttinJl .' there-no rohgh stuff, just fun. Whilo Nemaha' the mis knlghta are carefully studying ! Nuckolls "How to Surmount a Horse," and the I l-a'wnee "', "Kink" la reading up on th Marquis of'l'erkins Queensbury rule, or "How to Play the 1 yf ' Modern King," they should pause a mo- j Matte ment and consider the fact that the '"k realm of Uulvera, up to data, never had 1 i no re loyal and enthusiast lo subjects rally, ltok to the colors than wer on th Job tatur- Valine day evening. Haunderi"":: .The booths and attractions, as has'tt' Uluff been mentioned before, are much above ' 2hW"(lY2 those of former years, the lUhllng of ' ."herriian th carnival aa a whoi Is Improved, th ' Ptu handling of the crowd by offklala and S-h officer more efficient and th people Thomas .... are enjoying themselves, elthout any of T-h,ton the annoyancea that en some occasions J "aahington have marred th even tenor or the Wavne merrymaking. When th gate clicked ' on the last reveler last night they also clicked on a memorabl day la A k -Sax-Pea history. Hatty" Black and "Dad" Weaver ar nursing tender and abused light hands and arms as th result of th show up to date, but they ar wag. glng their heads la approval. In the afternoon th kids wer allowed the freedom of th carnival grounds, everything being a "Jitney" for th youngster. Hundreds strong they whooped and gamboled ever every quar ter or the enclosure, very near wearing out the merry-go-round and t'tr ti wheel Mid surrounding large quaatltk- of "dvltcactoa.' Yield by Coaalle. Th following are the acimuos In ' ti county, the avers k yield and the num ber of bushels ralord thla year: WLNThul WlltiAr. Ai l s. A . lekl ae. f er Acre. Bushels, l.u.ulo Jo. 4 i...l ll.KI.I lit. 4 lial Id S.O.K LU 2,44l 17 to.W'J Hit Ml Kit l.f.11 Si.i 3, ui; lh H.HMi l!t h. M.I i1 Hi.M W.7 .I.H..H Ut 1..XMI J.l ll,tA Ji 1.114 l.t'i 4i.i :w.x-,4 lev 6 1.143 -' 1..H3 : I b.Ht; 21 .H Kl,4s M.t KM Zi.H N.s.w 21. h k.e Zl.u 13u.UU 1 4.,6 14. p,.V.I 24 1 fcf.J 177 l;i.i".7 17.7 4. m'.1 .4 l,tit4 17 SS.S.,7 11 7 23 17 1 T7.W) Mi 1(0. Jr4 .H luK.MK 17 S.ISS t'3. 4M.M4 II. t.(M7 14 SI4 S3 4.1 17 6ft.t7t 21 . Id i.M I 20 M.f'S 17.6 4.71 27. ir; o .!W7 24. ft 3.?rt 20.7 im.tiHA S3 26.) 77.4 i. ?!. (7 20 1I.4M 1X4 314 20 S4.:xs 19.4 SaX4 17.2 4i.!7 21.5 t.M 1 72.MS 20. t 3.M 15 4 S2.!l IS I Kft.410 IK t 9U.II 4S.7' IS 7 n &.m i7. JV1 21 Vl.ti 2SI 1 4 2 24.1 Ki t 27 4 M.TI 22 I 1.4K2 24 1.747 ?i Kisnton , 4. OM 36.S U.l& 1 717 20 1 o-t i r,. nt liMt n.j l.a i t M 1& V"heeer jrw 17 Tork IO9.101 , 28.1 IV C; Iiwrenc Foaeler, Llnooln; Pat rick O. Gar a. Salt Lake city; Frederick L. Clements, MlnneapoHS; James W. Crabtree, River Falls, Wla.; John L. Sheldon, Morgantown, W. V.; Edward C. F.llmtt, aladlson, Wla., and U L. Har ter, Waahlngton, O. C. All ar former student and friends of L)r. Bessey. Pr. Iteaaey waa th first dean of agriculture of the University of Nebraska and th first cltlien to take up th cause of ag ricultural Nebraska. Kaample of Ills Leadership. "What his leadership In his chosen flt.trl ft. a m.nt ear. H.U., ka, iv,AU cltlsens of Nebraska ar to be given I.ku.,34 ; an opportunity to contribute to the fund," i iLt.HM i ,h" ,"mnt y- liotMiuiu During his lifetime Dr. . Besae'y was 30,2,0 president or th society for th Promo tion of Agriculture, president of th Botanical Society of America, president of the -department of natural sclenoea of tha National Educational association, president of th American Association for the Advancement of Science. He was at one time president of the Iowa Ftate college and on several occasions acting chancellor of the University of Nebraska. :-f ; The committee has given out the further T,,,! i announcement LSa-.&mi "An unfortunate Impression has arisen 1 ft . ..".,n certain quarters that our honored P'anton Fillmore county, vlllafres and pre cincts Franklin county OaKe county Precincts and township (Ireeley county townshi.p Hall county Hall county precinct Hamilton county Precincts Harlan county township Holt county, township, city Howard county i Jefferson county precincts Johnson county Kearney county townships Knox county precinct I Lancaster county Precincts and city Madison county precincts Merrick county Precinct Vemaha county Precinct Nuckolls county, city and pre cincts Otoe county Precinct , Pawnee county Precinct and city Platte county Precinct Polk county Rlchard-on oounty Precinct .. "aline county precincts fnunders county Preclects an1 villages Seward county City and townships upwmtn county Hooker ... Howard .. Jefferson Johnson . : kuiti. It , Keva I'.lia Klntball Knox Lancaster . l..ncoln .... 1-oKnn Ixnip Maillson .... Me I 'hereon l.i-..!,i:! 1r- ,,eey In his great public generosity ei 1 failed to make adequate financial ,pro 'JnMK ! vUlon ,or Mr, ssey before his death, tan.'sns I VhlIe thl not strictly true, we be i Heve that hundreds of students and tol'ai 1 f,rn, "isnr of whom regarded Dr. Bea-3h3:i-v! ' tMr Intellectual father, will wish 1.7W.7K to share In the high privilege of con- trlbutlng to a fund for th perpetuating 70 kw'0' the memory of his distinguished aenr 4!i J tees, th Income of which fund Mr. Bes-an'"-it"esr my Ic,,vo her option. iIgu'Ii'm "II inould b further remembered that l'.W4.t 7 ! the main purpose of th memorial 1Sl'-i i cholan,h,P fund t a provide a per :3!li ! nne"t memorial which shall last as long it!75 , as the state, even after Dr. Bessey hall 1 shall have crumbled, and to promote for Mom ' v'r ,n Nebrka the atudy of botanical 12M aubjects. which Dr. Beasey Inaugurated 222.IJ7S and Inspirited for thirty yesrs." "kS.iwi l ,c The i'e' " Swapper" column. II Elopes with Girl He Saved from Drowning county Thaver county precincts., Vs'ley county, precincts anl vll- loire ''sshtnUon cuhty Wehster county York count v City precincts and township Orand total 4..iii 11 .!,() Vi . l'k.(H (., . V:" 1 1 170, 3.A' liiO.UUO W.lrt) ;i.i 2.".l ii7.0n0 ."),) ' 75.liU n,uno 40,11X1 10 OilO :. 4MH) WsX liti.OTO 4'J "no 3.0DO 2tr,,.)f 2S.S0O 4.(rt 2ll,!i00 IIS. CO1) ltJ.tK l'M.4O0 :.) l'Of) 2SO0 MOOO soon 4f0 rnn jon.oni) ; Wl t."n soft) 61,000 lmn T V'.i 47 R"0 rk vn l0"O,4fi5 Ahsadsa All Hope. LANSF09D. Pa.. Oct. S.-AI1 hope that the nine men who were caught In tho fall of oal and rock at the Cnaldnl mine of the Ieh'gh Coal and Navigation company last Monday, are alive, waa abandoned tonight. He.! Willow. it lo hard son li.73.1 ! tiUS.Onl!l.4v2 wa.Ttii It stmimer Orvllle Ward. JO. of is'.! Council Bluffs saved pretty 17-year-old ,v2,l1 . Irene Bitter, daughter of Policeman F. 44W&HW' 1,,t,er- Chago. from drowning "anstiiM Municipal beach. 1.524! -ci It night Mr. and Mrs. Bitter got a telegram from FVemont. which read: 134!n-.7I "le' fad and Momsy: Orvllle and I Tv".?'. I were married here today. Tou forgive 1.67i.57T 14.3W 1 WW 4'9'S H 4 SOfi'ISi Awnoylnaj rail fs.ik. S.Sl! The first doe of Dr. Bell' Plne-Tar-J.S224 Honey will help you. It kills th cold Forgiveness waa promptly forwarded to the young folks, and they will return to Omaha today. Total J. !.! 1.T 7.1M.4l Ruia Will Send Ultimatum to Sofia PFTROORAP. On (Via London.) Serirlus Saaonoff. Koaslan minister ol foreign affair, declared to the Associ ate! Pre correspondent today that If germ. Only SSc. Use ment. All druggist. Adver- GERMAN PRISONERS IN SIBERIA ARE SUFFERING You're Bilious! Clean Liver and Bowels Tonight Don't stay headachy, sick or have bad breath and sour stomach. Wake up feeling fine! Best laxative for men, women and children. Eb,w '4vtu.ote lu ur and bowel poison which la keeping; your head diaxy. your tongu coated, breath offensive, and stomach sour. Don't sUy bilious, sick, headachy, constipated and full of cold. BAN FRANCISCO. Oct X.-A state ment that kVO.OOU German prisoner of war are In S.beria without blanket or Why don't you get a bog of Case rets I coats waa contained In a cablegram sk- from the drug store and eat one or two ;!.,oel!rrtII!Ll'PtL,JJ,t 'h"r PPM"1 i ,n . "ed her today by Oeorge tonight and enjoy the nicest, gentlest ! tra'toroua course they must answer to K. Volkmann. member of a grocery Job- liver and bowel cleaning you ever exper-i j nlMtMak SH. a.A a w - 1 a wr .a. - SUNDAY DRIVES HARD THRUSTS AT DEMON RUM (Continued from Page Orto I for trail hitters. They came to the num ber of 1S1. Only two or three of tree showed the marks of being hard drink- EAST AND WEST TRADE APPLES AND POTATOES Frorn a Ftaff Correspondent.) U.NCPL.N, 14. , tSpeclal. Wed! 1 " w'loi audience, in fact, as Ilk t swap some at our easlera apples made up principally of the good c ans of your western Nebraaka pol aloes." ' average i Itlacn. wrote' Oovernor More head Katuiday, T,, meeting started b-fore any of the after h had received from W. K. Megor ! Ru"J" P bJ arrived at the tahei- of tUlcs, Nebs, a hug potato weighing j hundred ef tt choir two pounds and four ounce. Three other tuber Just as laii and tew smaller e grew In the am hill. according to Mr. who explained that he lived twenty-flv miles from a railroad out ta Hrown county, and urged that something be done to facilitate the marketing of such products. .ILL TEST VALIDITY OF MOTHERS' PENSION ACT tProm a ftaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Oct. JL tfpeclal.t-Uayor !tryn's free gal aid bureau of Umsln w'U teat the validity of th mother pMulua act of th last Kilatur. which til couaty conunlaaktaera of lncaater Cvunty Lav refused to recognise. tlty Attorney Peterson will proasvuU tite ca ea bwbalf of Mia. Mary Miller, a wtksw wnh si children. dvtndeal ret!rc ly upMi wererlf for support. Th traan singing hymns. Itody" eooii rami accompaiuVd by Char'es Cahcel. the chorister singer and song publi her of t'l.k-ago, who Is her for a to-da lsit with the Sunday party. He sang a solo and he and "Kodv" rendered a duet. 'The llrewenf Wg Hursea" the fa mous temperance song, was sun for the first time la the Ont.trta r sin pa inn olih splendid efwt- A sextet of young men on the platform led. W. K. Koshler made the onenlng prayer. de-laring warmly that Omaha will "tack 'P;lly' Sunday while It shoots th truth Into th people." Use Absinthe to Make Gun Cotton PARI;. Oct. t-eVki of absinthe now are being coawrted into an Ingredient for explosive at a co-operative distillery Uw provide a maauatun pension of Si9 Poatolsa. whkh has beea supplying a o.iKitij tor each aVpeodtat child. i ,w eatraoted front beet ruou t J government explosive factoHea. where A r- aV"' will turn as o4-haa i I It I used la the man u fa tar eg gua tuni't'ire let rasa. I cottoe- bins eirm The Itwistn w as fn.m Ih. U.&il T.n will v-V m euii... a, . . .. j r,!lU?w . Prt'!' committee of Tten Tsln. It read: fires. Caareta never gripe or sicken tTlT'en. will tT uS"' k ! !. Pr:1 ublln Wld-1 rman pres. S4 Hk aalta. pills and calomel. The, act sum on will fee within a short time.-, Siberia, abaolutely no so gently that you hardly realla. you blanket, no coats. Urgent need. Ship- have taken a cathartic. Mothers should ment direct American consul VUdivo- (We cross, alck. bilious or feverish child- Th'e-soap-with-the-naptha- that's You know what a wonderful cleaner naptha is. Then just imagine what it will do in com bination with the other harm less cleansers that are in Fels Naptha. While your clothes are soaking 30 minutes Fels Naptha does the hard work of loosening and dissolving the grease and dirt. Then don't hard rub I Use Fels-Naptha for all soap-and-water work. DEATH RECORD. stock for special representative Depart- ment State." W. K. Htee. W. K. Rice, employed In th meat de partment of Hayden'a. died yesterday at hla home, 1 Webster etreet. following three stroke of paralysta. He was it years old. and leaves a wife, three daughters and three broth- , , . era -Mneral .mi -nil K v., . Old aigtlh clP t OT Cl arrival afternoon at Crosby's chapel, and the body will be taken to Osceola, la-, for burial ' Jo ha U. labile. CUT THIS OUT lVafurv and Head Noiaca. ren a whole Caacaret any time they act thoroughly and ar harmless. GET NEW KIDNEYS! I The kidneys are the most overworked : organs of the human body, and w hen J they fail In their work of fi le tnv o .1 'and throwing o(f the poisons develoveJ to the system, things bein lo happen. "ie or tne nrsr warn ngs Is pain or If you know of some on who I trou bled with Catarrhal l-ewfm-ss. hed nni., or ordinikrv catajrti rut out mia stlftneea In the lower i art of ih iae Jonn L vvntte died baturday and hand it lo them and yoj high.y colored urine; loss of api-etl e: at hU home. $34 South Thirty-fifth afreet '' l" mna of aavlng soin In.lipestion; irntaticn. or even stone in nee. In k-Bglaml scientists (or a lung time fast hate rrco-n,vi thai cata. r.i Is a r..nstHutionai c i and sri:y require a coustilutlonal CrMt ment. Sprays. Inhaler art noe douches nee Itabte 10 Irritate hc delicate sir pasaagoa a. ii. 1 t . , I li, it ! , i 1 ii lo the mitUi j ear which frequenilv means total d&tf- ai ine ag or s year. Me nail Keen a resuVnt of Omaha Jr twelv year. He la survived by a widow ami child. ' Fui-eral servW will be held front the rhapel of il. K. Purket A Sons, Monday I morning at 1 o'clock, with burial In Weet Lawn cemetery. Mre. nne-h . SMmrtk. thw n adJer. symptoms indicate a cor.dltion that may lead to that dread ed and fatal malair. Brighf Dikw, for which mere la aaid to b no cure. You can ttlrroet rtairlv flnd Im mediate relief In O'tl.O MKOAI. Har lera Oil Cansuba. Kor more than !0 years this factious preparath'n haa be. a sn unfailing reinedv for bladder and nrlrary tro-ibl Cet it i neas. or els the disease is driven down snv dm store. ar1 If It .ri not rtv Mrs. Sarah Adam Boaworth. 43 year t ln' lr ' toar:a the ius T errnosi tronied ate relief, your ony old. . , . . . I wiiie.i km eiuuif a uajmriwB. in w wimni ivy., rormeny or I .... ,r.r,.,.,i. eiK i. .,. Onih. dKd in Leiiaitoo a week ago. i lv n the dajno Knallsh climate is a con acwrdlii4 t word which haa reached'""1""0"1 rtmei t and elotkj proe ihu en- xh Mn. , ,l'l',,l;l' eflK-aciosa lo suffe ere here thu cit. h came to Omaha in 1S-. who , ,!no,r mor fTorf,ble Cumjl.a with her husband, th lat K. P. Koa-1 condition. wort, and lived her more ' Ikui twoH e ur lion yo druesHet 1 ounce II Be s ire Adveriieeinent. you get the rOLD one other genuine. oi year. Th funeral waa held la Lesiagtoo. Kraak M. Tlllaeaw. FREMONT. Netv tt. .- Special -Prank TiUman. tt years old. a reeideat of IVmI ouunty stm IStS. died at th home, of hla daughter. Mrs. W. K. 1 Eas ier, at Hooler. )esterday. Mr. Tillraaa was a native of Oenmany, coming to Anerv.-a in SVj. Mrsu 4 aawt retev. rrviay e-atng at th ttt. Joseph ao pltal. sirs. August Pain of P allaoaouih. dx4 wall being oporatsd ua-sa (or ap pealed lis. Tii re cauldrea survive her. laiintrt tivuble atrensrhl. Tas t i heme anj a 'd to It 4-t o hot wa r n4 4 ounces of aanulstod sugar: nr utl dtsoxeL Take ot ti lesrH nful four t'.ne a i!v. T Is wi I ..ften bHae outck relief frora l. treeetrg bead roiees (oreg rv-etn's sMllkMCXTS, OOYD SEJAEUtg WKKX Mils. Wei. Thar. Ksk. tat W-rl- Pie"tt and Bee fcwalrat Shew. Direct Irroaa IS Weeks ta Cajewr and KmUi irtwaa ST. T. Wlate Oar,a ATimely Message To the Women of America Only a few months ago. the greatest and most important corset-invention of all time was placed on salethe new Its far-reaching and beneficial effects were im mediately recognized by hundreds of physicians and sargeoa, by fstbioo writers and byinisUi also by vry inUtligeat woman who had tb food (ortnn to sea it and test it. This new corset-invention furnishes the medical profession with helpful assistance in preventive as well as curativ trsatmsnt of eartaia female weak see tee; also (ar bo re important it five all woasea tb mns of SELF-HELP to HEALTH. t To make this boon to womankind quickly known, and to place it speedily within the reach of the great est number, we hv induced represent tiv stora tbroagnoat this aouatrr to parti ot pat in a grant trad rvnt dariauf tha irat waak ra October A "SeMelp" Exposition Begiuuing Monday, October 4, 1915 the purpose of which is to forcibly bring before the publio the exclusive merits of this new WON ' DERLIFT Corset. During this period every Corset Department will become, for the time being, a branch of the NEMO HYGIENIC-FASHION INSTITUTE. Tb tboosaads ol fraduato and student of this Inatitut wbo ar employed ia saaay store throughout tb country, as well a tb regular staff of vry Corset Department, will units ia a treat effort to demonstrate a ad instruct th woenea ot the United States la tb latest and moot seieatifio method ot SELF-HELP; and our own staff of Iaatrwcton will visit, aoriad that wek, aa saaay stores as possible. These experts will explain the new feature of this remarkable Corset, how it gives the most health- ful aatmral support, with deli jbtiul oomiort; bow it fredDelly and efeotively redooe tba s!aa and also tb weight of tb ignre; bow it keep tb bealtby wosaaa baaltby, and reliare tboee who ar physically weak. They will fit the "Wonderlift" on you, and show you how to adjust it YOURSELF, so thatit will give yon iywimetrioal liae and a stylish, faabioaable agar. 4 It is the Imperative Duty of Every Woman to get acquainted with this corset, which soon will be recognized, the world over, as a great blessing to womankind. Every woman owe this to herself, and to tho wbo are near and dear to her. The most important function of tb "Wooderiift" ia to PREVENT tb ill peculiar to worn bewriag-dowa paiaa, backaches end so oa. Bat it ha prayed a wooderfal help ia CURING thee disorder, or at least ia relieving" tb distressing' symptoms. Tb Woodartift Corset, ia style, workmeaabip, material and durability, is far superior to most of th ordinary corsets (haviaf ao particular feature) sold at the same prices, Tb benefit of this iarvai aabl, epoch-makia4 taventioa the aew Nemo "Wowdertilt" Corset comes to yoa aw tire ry FREE OF EXTRA CHARGE. TO ADJUST BANDLET Fa unit ee Igsn. wsll em. Wia4 feet ass eWs. esce ateasd tonaescr, Sm -S ersa. ss Sets rt,. Pali domm a er lst the less. Tie sists iw. asish wa aewkwsc Prices, in all sizes, $5.00 and upward. Tk Aswe HytiicFrnMott Umtitm,. Hmm Ymv City. If. X A. iNUEMEMI. iaitaMCITI. MAwswstw wvrw r W MTIM" tCmt&tlt eartaia ml Aft ar4e aa --1 i-Brroseiy Baa tot iMsr.m Weat. ta TMt tn.Tuklli III... (a sm. hiiiis' I ttm cinMI'i ts4seu D ssjuv iumi akui sm. isii'i s a a , , - (auj mt etailr i TSraa Oli un s ' If vrr-i Snca i ' ' - I gtiig aUTIZIl jyhXLI. i.t eieo, hreamiKc away aa 1 1 ( " I Bat m i W a ir.r I :ri orore as th inflaiinnalio 'a' " klf 1 Irlrilll7ll t'u'C-eVTa 'thTs w'tvir art.'!!! j W 1 1 1 I I j 1 1 1 1 1 U I M 1 1 1 1 !v upoe ih blood a-J m-i. o j, ai,r- ' Hll',,ialHIUll I X-fl 1 of th esteri and hmm a s ItK ! ill "U ! f " jjiJLri " ITW J ssiata te ma roat. ti"i -.J 1. , Oampaay ef US laelaSla n r-vvrv rwrson who I as rusrrS SsVer as 1 at law laaal. Mala, SS t ,.... ii (aia treonent a trial Al-.HM siiTata. as t Sioo. Canal TSs Only R ak 1a Vasotrlli Clrrsii. rvm. Imcy GIIUil. hnu w 4, ii., tasn a amsi raenasrt. Oin. TrsMI Wk.f. Frwss Mai. Gallery. lr; ast Seals Userst Ssl sa4 t u4 Tie. G5S E8WASDS Kg US asical Culture If Inspired by ar.aster teaching . . valuaUe aat In t-.e iif, servue ar.J Wm vi J iDuiTjq,ai (Kft S Zx W ,t " The Omaha School of Orchestral Instrument Inspire th highest pooslbl beauty ef eipreaasoa f eaet etudeai. Catalog sectt oa reqaewt. Address Patterson B ock.