THK OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: (XTDUElt 3, l!M5. 9- -A GARHIVAL PACE A NHTPU PAQTUD Knights and Ladies Engage Festive Battle of Confetti on King's Highway. is Hoganinski and His Accomplice SHOWS ARE WELL PATRONIZED CABKITAX. ATTIBTDAWCB. 1914. Isl Wednesday 3.S50 3-Sil Thurertaj B.4T -"M Friday T,S3t 9,949 If the forces ot von Hindenburg and Kitchener had united and assem bled to put up a defense, they would have been brushed aside by the great army of King Ak-Sar-Ben which In vaded the city of Quivera last night. With a resounding roar and a rush that brooked no opposition that great host made Its way along the pike while one great confetti battle was waged, and he or she who did not en ter Into that great battle was no fit :.nhfrt rtt VCinir Air Nobody was the victor In the con- of censorship became excited In the midst of the fray and Joined In the ho Mills. As a result the report of the but tle la unbiased and true, and the report fays the battle was a draw. Mnnr a Knlcht L,ll I. on-. It was much the same as other battles that have len waged on the King's Highway for these twenty or more years. That Is, it looked very much the same from a distance. But In under the thou sands of bright electric llghta It ' different. Mxny a gallant knight was unhorsed by a fair lady But the gallant knight didn't care; It was a pleasure to be unhorsed under the existing circum stances and be came back for mors. The third night of the Highway was the most successful of the three. Two thousand more persona found their way to the Highway than on the previous night and the additional 2,000 certainly made things hum. ; Everybody wa on the go. The carni val zone was no place to be unless you were endowed with plenty ot speed last night. The ballyhoo men, the barkers and the grinders were In prime form. Each and every one threw his '.a i t In hlRh gear and the enthusiasm and hustle put so much "pep" Into the crowd that (Jus Renx WAntef tn knnW it IW CiVAnnA had been starting something. It was a good money" crowd, too. Everybody seemed to have money and everybody seemed willing to spend It. A pessimist with a long tale of woe about bard times and financial depression would have been a fit subject for a lynching party. Every show did a rushing busi ness, extra performances were staged and everybody In the tented theaters worked Just a little bit harder to please. Today will be chljdre.vs day at the carnival. Until ( o'clock this evening the admission for the little tots will be & cents. In addition the admission price to all the shows will be but a single jitney. 96$ Cm. 1' i ! k--r f i i ' " i n" AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Contractor Looks Over High School Annex with View to Installing New Heating Plant. shoils tn different parla of the rltr Is raueln fear that the spread of the dis ease will continue. Urse than fifty cases hae been reported In the last month and the city health drpartinent of Omaha has been sending down extra mm dally to fumlKMo school room and homes. NiiMiil diphtheria seems to be the rre dotiilnnting disease to date and In mot GYM FOR PUTILS EXPECTED J ' "' sickness has i.t ,i,.Vcioid inn, Miiniy. iMicinr. iiv tne eniation well In hand and with strict observation tf municipal sanitary rule It la thought that the scare will Mow over In a few days. A contractor was down looklnit over the South Uliih school annex at Twenty fourth and i streets Wednesday mornlnn. maklmr estimate on the cunt of a coin plot beating plant t.t the tUitrd nf lMuratlon conteniplale Installing. The action of the board In sending the man here Is taken as positive evidence that no attempt will bo made to move the manual training and machinery depart ments to the uptown manual training headquarters. Home weeks ago I'rof. It. O. ltugbey, bead of tlin manual training department, sought to install a heating plant In the local annex, where the manuul training, domestic science and sewing departments, besides) the gymnasium, are located. Nothing definite was done at the time, but It now appears that the heating plant will be Installed. New shower baths are planned In the renovation of the building, to he utcj exclusively by the girls. A big attend ance la expected this fall at the girlV bnsket bail games, thu rendering the new showets a necessary addition. With the ll.mlrra. Clay Robinsons won three from Melady Bros, on the Brunswick alleys. Scores: CIAr. ItOIMNSONri. 1st. M. .tnrk 1W m Wilkinson 141 147 Hanson I3 r.l Knoskl IT! r.l Mulloy 17J 1 .. Sd. 14 lt W 101 Tot. 41S 4. .7 43 .) 445 4 fcurrh o4es. 81. huks I.tithcian. Twenty-fifth and K, Itev. S. II. Yeitan, I'astor Sunday school at VS rreachlng seivlce at II Holy communion will be celebrated at till; -iloe. Luther league at 7. V. H. Mcl,.lan will be the leHder. Subject. 'The Iteservntlon of the Hodv." t'enfral Interrtenoniinatlonal. Anoint Order of Vnlted Workmen hall, Twenty fllih and M-Htble school at 4.". Morn ing worship at 11. pennon bv the pastor, H. K Cornish Topic. "Posslhllltles ' .pecliil nmsle. Kvenlng at T:!kl a stnelsl Sucre,) concert will be given In which ; Instructors In the churcnes" study school w I'l take part. , St. Martin's,, Twenty-emiith and J, Rev. John Wallls Ohl, ncetorCelcbra tlons of the Holy eucharlst at t:S) and II. and matins and Sunday sohovl at iensonu and aeiiiion ai Mnale 4 My Gnaalni. It. .1. Hanson, construction clerk at the Armour Packing company, haa returned from fhlcago, where he went to get married. Practice with the high school foot ball team will begin In enniest Monday eve ning on the rlty lot. Several pointers were received In the alumni game and l oach Patton plans to work these to good effect in prepnratlon for the big Presbyterians Drink Toast to Mrs. W. J. Bryan in Grape Juice HOT SPRINGS. Ark., Oct. . "The country should be grateful that we have In the White House a man bending every effort and energy for peace rather than a Jingo," declared William Jennings Rryan, former secretary of state, In an address here today before the southern district Efficiency convention of the Presbyterian church. Following his address Mr. Rryan and delegates to the convention held an open air peace prayer service on the summit of Hot Springs mountain. Prayers were offered for peace in Europe. Seated about the dinner table where the women of the Presbyterian church had Mr. Bryan as their guest today after his address to the efficiency convention, Mr. Bryan fidgeted with his watch until the hands reached 2 o'clock. Then ho spoke as follows: "I would like to have my friends here drink a toast with me. I would drink to the one w-ho has borne the greatest of my burdens and who deserves the most of the praise to my wife. Just thirty-one years ago at this minute I was married." The toast was drunk In grape Juice. A telegram ot congratulations was sent Mrs. Bryan. Shipmaster Wins in Two-Twelve Pace PRORIA. 111., Oct . ha local Oreat Western raco meeting closed tod,ay. Ship master, in the 2:13 pace, g,ot away badly In the first heat, scoring second, but came back) strong In the next three heats, taking first each lime. Exall. In the I:0 trot, had no trnuble In taking the first three heats, although closely pushed by Axtcln. In the free-for-all, Elmer Dickson took the race with two firsts, one third and two fourth places. The track was fust and the best racing of the season wn witnessed. Summaries; p.clnir. 2:12 rdaes, purse t10: Bhlp mn.Mtcr. first; Hud Onward, second; Ittin Hal, third; Tennessee Dick, fourth. Best time, S.OTVi. Trottlntr, 2.09 class, nurae T00. Exall, first: Avteln, se.ond; Captain Cacada, third; Tile Oomet, fourth. Best time. Kreo-for-all race, purse $500: Elmer PUckson, first: Prince Olive, second; I..IU tie Smoke, third; Society Lieader, fourth. Best time, J:07Vj. Totals 7,3 7i8 720 f.V7 METaAHT BROS. 1st. 2d. l Tot. Olson 124 r2 i! Oullfov 122 112 1M .VO Melndy 04 f.S 7H 210 Cahlll lit 12A 140 S7S Btrawby 131 lot 1J4 Totals ft.' r.?S (TO ISM Wood Bros, won three alright from the Oreat Western Commission company. Clark was high with single pins but Finch won out In totals. GREAT WESTERN COMMISSION CO. 1st Sd. Sd. Total. Tleper 140 H5 a;,4 Illeeer IKK m 117 4 '7 Boyer 1M i3ti li -S;3 Slate I'.'.t 14S 1S4 10 Nielsen 141 1.6 7t 471 Totals Clark .. Zlebell Bovloy Both .. Finch . 70S. 7 WOOD BROS. 1st. 2d. 144 n KiO 127 m 141 w 1M 11 GM a,ot& Sd. Total. li3 5"1 1M 422 17H 4i3 IKi 4'iit 173 tl J.370 Totala T2S 7S9 MS Danes at (erninn Home, The South Side rieasure club will glva Its first dance of the season at the Her man home. South Thirteenth street, thia evening. Elaborate preparations have been made In the way of decoration, and the committee promises that this year's carnival ball will egcel any for mer party held. A number of lnvltatlona haive been mailed out of the city. A prise will be offered the most popular persons in the hall. New Cases nf Diphtheria. The many new cases of diphtheria re ported among students of tha grade usiiiaS US' I To Ml Ml !Paet7- fo-HHoLie fffer Tliis year the wonderful bargains offered will eclipse all previous offerings. Our entire gigantic stock will be placed at your disposal at reductions so radical that every family can now be the proud possessor of one of these High-Grade Pianos, Read every word of this ad it's alive with money-saving opportunities! 1 SCORES OF PIAUOS AND flayer-pianos Offered to You at FAGTORY-TO-MOME Prices a J This "--1 I Piano f JzD How Brand New Uprights at SI 75.00 Think of hurlntr ISrand New I'pMnht Pianos, cholre nf mahogany or oak csos, worth m hiRh ns $:iUO. During this gale they (to t 8175.00. $550 Player-Pianos for $395 lira nd new Player-Planoa, positively worth $SSO each, offered during this great gale, on ooay terms, at only $305 each. Choose From These UJorld-Farncd Pianos Steinway Emerson Steger & Sons Weber Lindeman & Sons Schmoller & Mueller llardman f.lcPhiil and Many other makes mm III ti II SI n OTHER BARGAINS IN HIGH GRADE, f 1 E 17 AND USED PIANOS r-l Itosewood, Vprtght S 50 $S7S Arlon, I plight 8KIO $734 Sleinwa), I'prlght $7fi $100 Knwrkon, Tprtght 8275 $275 Hamilton, I'prlght "..8150 $.H0 Weber, Vpright 8125 $100 Stegor A Koiib, l'jrtght. 8175 $375 Kmerson, I'prlgtit .....8185 $00 Weber, I'prlght 8300 $300 Hchinoller & Mueller, Vpright. .$150 $ 1,100 Ktelnwft), Grand $350 $230 Valley Gem, Vpright $110 $250 Cblcago Cottage, Vpright $ 75 $300 Adam Hrhaaf, Vpright $ 85 Good, slightly used Organ for $8, $12, $15 and $18 each. $300 Davis & Hon, Vpright 8150 $1,100 Chickertng A Sons, Grand . . . .$105 $.500 Schubert Player Piano 8225 $554) Gerbardt lTayer llano $325 9600 Schmoller A Muel'r Plxtyer Piano $375 $1,000 Aeolian Player Piano $450 This Great Factory-to-Home Sale puts the Middlemen's Profits in YOUR Pocket. If you can use a Piano, at any price, come at onoe. Procrastination is the Thief of Time. Seeing is believing. No Piano Sale ever held in the West can parallel this in Bargain Importance. I FREE STOOL, SCARF and Life Insurance With Every Piano FREE RAILROAD FARE TO ALL OUT-OF-TOWN BUYERS This Offer Holds; Good Vntil October 10, 1015. Ak-Sor-Ron visitor are cordially Invited to make this More their head quarter. Leave your grips and parcels here. I'm our telephone, writing desk, etc. Vou are welcome. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Go. 1111-13 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. We Sill Victor and Columbia Talking Machine on Kasy Payments Known aa "The House of Steinway" for Nebraska and WoMern Iowa Territory. TERMS As Low S5 as A Month Mrstrlos turn t ths Qusn City next Friday afternoon.. "1- Condon, rattle huyar for flwlft A Co. at tlip Chlongo Btm k rxrhHngs, has lsn trtiafrrrHt 10 U oumpwiy s ol fl at lh Inral (kSchanna bunding at ths stuck Hnt few srrrsts wrrs mad last sva Mrni by tho tiolk-e. No nmr dovplop lurliti In the i of spiToliHinlliiK mull lrrs of tli bo''ar thlevse- nK Sv i ihI IihsI ixilli r nii'n havs Wan ltallJ lo the casa. Ailni't a sstni tliat will enahlf you to save a rrrtaln prr'-entsK of your In rome. Top Household Kxpenso Honk, Issued by the Havings I'epa rtmeut of tha l ive ptix'k Nallonnl Hank, Houth Omaha. hiiwa you the plan, ll la fr for the asklnc. NEARLY FIVE HUNDRED SAVED OFF BATTLESHIP PEGG PUTS ONE OVER ON PENNY MACHINE OWNERS John Orant !. rlty weight and measure Inspector, is busily engaged tn collecting penny weighing machines about the city and holding them until their owners call for them. According to John the machines are In evidence all year until mid-fall, when an Inspection nf surh contrivances Is made. The own ers then hide them from view until the Inspection period Is over. It haa been found that many of the machines con fiscated are very Inaccurate. ROME (via f'arls). Oct. 1 Tha nomher of survivors of the Italian battleship. Bowdrtto Hrln, which was wrecked Sep tember M by an explosion that followed a fire, la now announced as 474. The complement of the battleship In peace times wsa 7J0 men. nee Want Ada Produce Results. OMAHA BANK CLEARINGS SHOW A SUBSTANTIAL GAIN The bank clearings for Omaha were over greater In September than they were September a year ago. Fol lowing are the figures: September. WIS $S4. 1 .01 1 .7" Boptember. lt14 T7.I2S.R04 i Have You?- Tlio Musical Hits From Tlirco Ilfiiutiful OPERAS, "Dancing Around "Maid in America We Have Iok them over in our Shoot fu'K, Dept. Hayden's Your Full Dress Suit Must Fit It must fit smoothly, It must hang gracefully it must be Jaultlo68ly correct in Btyle. You'll find the olefrance of finest custom work in our showing, tho richest fabrics and linings. Our wide rango of sizes enables us to fit you perfectly and our prices are half tho to-moasuro pn ce compare. Full Dress Suits, $25, $35, $40 Made of fin$ French, wirsttdi, luxuriously silk lined. No iuch valuta elsewhere at $35 to $60. Regular and tlout eizet. Otter Drasg Suits prioad at $15 a 110 savin t. Tuxedo Coate, French wonted, $11.50, $15 $25 Silk Lined Chesterfield Overcoats, $15 to $50 Silk Hats, $6. Dreis Shirts, $1.60 $3 Gloves, $1 and $1.50. Neckwear. Silk Hosiery, 50o to $1. Correct Footwear Shoes $5, Pumps, $3.50, w-i , .... iff I 111 le' COR1UCCT APPAREL. FOR MEN AND WOMEN Correct Dress for Ak-Sar-Ben Hall 1 i J' lack the Matter tho Full Dross "Kid" All Kinds of&Ball Fl sin's includln A Shiny Lid. Black 109 South 16th as always 77 Ellen's Fall Furnishings At such a Slight Cost you can afford to bay them even if we have an early frost. SfWf iffyr". .43