Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1915, AUTOMOBILE AUTOMOBILE, Page 5-F, Image 61

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league Exclusively of Employe of
Willys-Overland Company it the
Biggest in the Country.
Th Overland Bowline; leajrue, which. i
aid to be the largest arnnluUon of Its
kind In the I'nltcd States, will celebrate
th opening of Its fifth season on Mon
day night, October 4, at the factory al
leys of the Willys-Overland company.
Elaborate preparation have been made to
five the automobile maker a big aend
off and the official anticipate a record
breaJUng attendance. The flflypieo
Overland concert band and the Overland
Glee club will be on hand to entertain
their fellow worker with murltj and eons;
The meraberohlp of the league is open
to employes of the WUlya-Oveiiand coin-
tmny only. Each department of the fac
tory is represented by a team oorapoaed
f the five beat bowler In the depart
ment. Sou of the departments have as
many as three teams. In addition to
these department teams there are fully
WO aottr members who use the alley
leerulartjr throughout the winter. As
the raaklnc men of the entire number
are chosen to represent the company in
tt state and national tournaments, com
petition for plaoes is exceedingly keen.
Last jrear the Overland team demon
strated its ability by oapturing the Ohio
state efaampiooshiSk Previous to that
time they bad met and defeated some of
the strongest bowling organisations in
the country.
Ie Overland alleys are conveniently
located right in the cantor of the big
Taetk) plant. They are open every night
from ;S0 to 7:10 for the general use of
factory employes. After T.M the alleys
are turned over to the department teams.
. When John N. Willy, president of the
WUlys-Ovr!and company, founded the
league he figured that turoe alleys would
be more than enough to accommodate the
bowling enthusiasts of the factory. How
ever, the sport proved so popular that he
decided to add two additional alleys to
the club and this season found it neces
sary to put In three more, making eight
ail toid.
Those who nave seen the bowling club
say that it is typical of Mr. Willys in
that he fitted It up with the best equip
ment money could buy. The automatic
machines for setting up pins and the per
fect lighting facilities are said to be the
last word In bowling circles.
During tournament play the club mem
bers assess themselves 10 cents for every
game they roll, and the aggregate sum Is
used for the prize list, which is bigger
than that ' of any other league in the
I'nIUd State. Aside from the tourna
ment gnnws the members are privileged
to use tbe alleys without expense.
)wttn Is but one of the branches ef
sport that flourishes at the Toledo plant
flsso bell, foot hell, banket ball and rifle
teams all havo their following among the
lt,0W employes of the company. Mr
Willys, himself, is an athletic enthusiast,
whleh probably accounts for the deep
Interest he take in the various factory
Interstate Makes
High Speed Record
In Illinois Town
Purtlng and stopping with the clutch
sealed In high (tear, climbing Mess
mores hill without breaking seal, and
running from half a mile an hour to
forty miles an hour under the same
conditions was accomplished by Mr J,
(K Huffman, agent for the Inter-State at
Kewannee, III.
Mr. Huffman started his exhibition of
"high speed" work at S:30 o'clock. Dr.
F. W. OodsalL W. A. Brown and Rob-
ert J. Hawthorne, prominent buolnee.i
men of Kewannee, witnessed the sealing
of tho transmission In high gear. During
the entire time MY. Huffman was making
his demonstration tho seal was not
One of the most severe tests made by
Mr. Huffman with his Inter-State was
on South Main street, between OaX and
Prospect, when he stopped his car half
way up the steep hill and then started
without breaking the seal which locked
the gears. Mr. Huffman made twenty
sewn starts on "high" with nlno men in
the car in the crowded downtown busi
ness districts.
In climbing -Messmore hill, the Inter
state carried its regular allotment of
five passengers, and gained the crest of
the hill at fifteen miles per hour from
a standing start at tho bottom. This
hill is one of the steepest In Illinois awl
has been a stumbling . block for many
Mr. Huffman states that he knows of
only one other car which has pulled off
such a test and that was a high priced
car which performed In Chicago recently.
Wilson Proud of Studebakcr Six
' i. I I V w". W- Jtye :. J J I V ' - ?
King Ak's Visitors Seek "Allen"
Improve Stretch of
Eoad in Minnesota
The Minnesota State Highway commis
sion has directed completion and con
struction of highways in the state cost
ing, for the state's share, $131,500. Prac
tically fifty miles of road will b Im
proved, including eighteen and one-naif
miles of the Tellowstone ; trail west of
Granite Falls, Minn. , '
A "For tale" ad will turn second-hand
furniture Into cash.
.1 -
Built Along Most Modern Lines
vs. :A . : -' . .-"
VT- .
Oldsmobile is Built for Service
man. v. , ",J
pmiwnwmmmimininiii!iniiiiini iiiiniiniiiiniiiiniiiiiiiuiimiiiiinnininmnmniURinntintniit
iilill lilllHiliil'if'
I pt.,M,:r t rs r company 8
r i Mm mm mm I
fcSaSfe fTf'fF- mm ml w
hfarP . .v.iXe im- ' vl MLL f , iifF j5 ifc
etilhings to Respect
m Hudsons
We have made the nev-type Hudson a car which
all men respect It has held for two years first
place among fine Sixes.
Now we are ready to claim the same supremacy
in fine body-building. And we submit as evidence
four luxurious closed models.
We are not content to excel in elegance alone.
In two of these models we have solved the problem
of a summer-and-winter car. One combines in
perfection a Touring Car and Sedan, and one a
Roadster and Coupe.
And we have brought the envied closed car the
height of motor car luxury down to prices which
will multiply its use.
You will expect in these models new standards
In closed cars you who know Hudson ways. But
the degree of advance will surprise you
You will find it in design and construction. You
will find it in finish, outer and inner. You will find it
in richness and elegance, in convenience and appoint
ments. Not in a few ways, but in scores of ways, these
cars will give you new conceptions of closed car luxury.
We are not urging buyers on closed cars tor they
will over-sell themselves. Our outout Is well sold
already. But we invite you to see them as new
evidence of Hudson leadership. Our dealers have
the models on show.
For f uniarticular write for Closed Car Catalog.
LtSttfctL - iat-' ik
Wttb windows op, s luxuriant Sedsa. Woeseacaa
aailr drive it. with window down, a cerapleee
ly opea Touring Cat. fries ti&i, t.oM. beuoik
Change quickly from aa open Road tar ta
a dosed Ceaoa. Price iltou,
Lo. Ueiruit.
For comfort osj stormy dsys, yet opea I
dsUitiitral In nammer. best fauc
fric UUM, to.U DeUeit.
2563-5-7 Farnam St "SERVICE FIRST"
Omaha, Neb.
Now Winter Car is
Announced by Regal
One of tlip newct winter cars to make
Its appearance comes from the Regs'
workshop. They are equipping their
V'.fht snd Unlit four with a detachnhle
peilan top which h leen built espejlally
for these two Ttesal models.
Hales Mansner I'lerre, In dlruslit: the
new tor to a sutherlnR of field ni'H,
said: "I helleve the Inst harrlor ! win
ter drlvlns; has been broken down. F'lrt-t.
they didn't drive because to start a cold
engine was as much as your llfs whs
worth. The starter now on the cKr an!
a detail-able top for winter use, tho
owner can uso hlsVar the year tlimimh."
The stsmlard one-msn mohair toy for
summer is supplied In addition io the
new top, the windshield In both cases
servliiR both tops.
The finish of the Interior mke3 it prac
tically a limousine In appointment. The
whipcord trimming, elcctrlo rtomi Hunt
with nickel trimming and all naiul'cs and
attachments with nickel trim.
From all Indications this redan top will
appeal more to the owner ?f ono car, ns
ho Is the man who will hrncflt most.
It Is tho prediction of .ho Hegal com
pany that the ultimate csr s the closed
car, for both city an country travel.
aUnut bed time."
Another moment of alienee
"He anya, papa." tho silvery voice an
nounced. Impeiaonall V. "he aaya 1 lint be
rarely giea to lied before I, but It arenia
to him Wnt It la a mutter of personal
preference merelv, and that If he were In
your place he mould so now it ho felt
sleepy." Harper's Hatnr.
When Her l.tsrhta Wa Rla.
Ouv Hoerner, th. Honlh I'hlladelphla
apothecary. wa urbnnely dMpcnslnj s
postal card to a "flapper" when an
Amaminlan negreas In chIIco wrapper of
Morning glorv pattern entered anil bulked
herself atnst the counter.
."1 wants n description' filled foh half s
dor.en five-ounce quinine pills," she sn
liouncefl. '
"Whv, woman, that pill would paralyio
an ox'; what's the mii'ler with you?"
sked the astonished chemist.
"Nothln" the innttcr wlf nie," she n
amerrrt. "It'a foh mill clniiEhter, and
she a some heft, (ilarli s she takes aflr
nie. Mah htiabsnd's twitch-kneed snd In
iKnlfei ent."
Hut quinlnn cornea In grains, Pot
"Well." wss the scornful re.lolnder, "It's
.lest another mistake of dat fool yarh loc
tah. Last veali, when she had only t
intserv In her stomach ho got her to
swallow a spoonful of blrdshot; said her
llshta was rlr., and she had to weight
'em clown." Philadelphia ledger.
The Missouri Stat Prison board has
declared In favor of more liberal arrange
ments whereby counties may get the
service of convicts for road work under
more favorable terms. Tho contract sys
tem has been abolished and since no other
work has been provided officials weloome
the opportunity to put their men at work
on the roads.
Matter of Opinion.
leather's voice rolled down the stairs
and Into the dim and silent parlor.
Vea, paps, dear.
"Ask thst young man If he has the
A moment of silence.
"Yes, Oeorge has his watch with him."
"Then ask him what Is the time."
"lie ssys It Is 11:4H, papa."
"Then aek him it he doesn't think It
Trails Mark
VT51 J
Thw Varnish Th
Tlie Kpeyvl Pries
Otw XlRht. - .
Your Auto!
Dress rour auto up! Who like to ee a. dirty looking,
mud-bespatterod automoblleT Re-finish your machine vtth.
U-AL'TO Varnish then you won't b ashamed of It.
It's eay anybody can do It. Clean and dry the ma
chine, then varnleh It In the evening;, and In the morning
it will be dry all ready for use.
And youil be surprised! IT-AUTO Vsmish leases a smooth,
mlrror llke finish. Mghlv lustrous. Just like new. And you can
use it all over the mcehlne. It covers everything- equally wen
top and upholstery as well as the body.
Rrtng your auto into the Omaha Station and we will varnish
it In 48 hours.
TLfll-ctuJa Cos
2105 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 3100
to come in during AK-SAR-BEN
and investigate the new Series
'"8" FRANKLIN Six-Thirty
Oar demonstrator is at your
service at any time for any kind
of a test you may wish to make
to prove that FRANKLIN pnn-
ciples of air cooling, light weight,
reliability, comfort and ECON-
OMY are what you should look
for in the car you buy
Franklin Motor Car Co.
2205 Farnam Street
Telephone. Doug. 3142
New Inter-State Models
0 ,
Represent a careful study of motor cars and
are equal or better than any car of its class
on the market. Power Economy Easy
Riding and Reliability are Cardinal
Investigate Oar Dealer Preposition
Tray nor Automobile Co,
Omaha Neb.