Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1915, AUTOMOBILE AUTOMOBILE, Page 4-F, Image 60

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Chalmers S ix40
1 1 3 5 O h ervcn Passenger
Lexington Built on Splendid Lines
Just Long Life and Mileage
The Champion 1916
Hill Climber
On the full and country roads where the going
is hard, this $1350 seven-passenger touring car
will do all for you that it did for A. E. Walden
when he established a new record at the recent
Uniontown Hill Climb driving a Chalmers Six-40
in eight seconds better than any previous recorcL
Great Prored Type of Motor
THE Wonderful valve-in-head overhead c&mihaft type
of motot which swept everything before it in this
year's great endurance contettt i responsible for the
aitoniihing performance of the Chalmers Six-49.
While this car is not a racing car, yet within the
limits of touring car service iti valve-in-nead overhead
camshaft motor will do all for you that it did for
DePalma and Reita when they won the Indianapolis and
Chicago speedway races at the previously undreamed-of
averages of 90, 98 and 1 02 miles per hour for 300 and
500 miles.
Luxury and Comfort
And it will do it for you in luxury and comfort
The Six-40 upholstery is ideal full leather, deep
end luxurious. The doors are wide and the body is
roomy, and the deep, soft side-walls and back relieve all
strain and fatigue even in "dav-after-day" touring. You
ride in this car not on it The extra seats fold out of
tight and out of the way when not in use. .
The springs are of special vanadium steel construction
and are 57 inches long the longest and most comfort
able on any car in the world at the price.
And you will find that the sweeping, resilient action
of these wonderful springs will save you many tire bills.
Manufactured In Chalmers Shops
Chalmers manufacture Chalmers cars. They are not
"assembled." Quality is rui'l info them.
A huge "home" production and the installation of
gigantic labor-saving, quality-producing machines, costing
as high as $90,000 apiece, have made possible the won
derful price of $ 1 350 for this gTeat car.
Let ui five Jjou a riJ in thit car to-ia$.
Nsw Us te Oman
Bvtry Chttmtrt iitlrr fi Is
iwr huyr f s Cktlmtri ftr s
Srvie0 Ctnftn 0m, ttck ttn
fcrinf rtdttmablt ftr s itfitif
hmmI inifrn unit tt tmy
Cktlmtrt dttUr'i tnywktrt.
CfctJmn Chib Cfaibaua
Evtry Lktlmtrt m,r it tnuttti tt
mtmktrtktf card in tht Chttmtrt
Club ttmmtnimi him tt tht ttunt.
mi tt Chtlmtrt rtfttitnloiivti
tvtrywiktrt, and It ttctivt "Tht
Chtlmtrt Clubman" rinlarly mlK-
. rhmrmt
We are cloning our territory now, and want
good live agents. Write us for
Stewart-Toozer Motor Co.
20IA-G3 Farnam St.
Phone Doug. 188.
'."Lei xoar nut carle a Chalmers'
Put Red and Green Lights
on Your Automobile
Whtn yog ha& trotxht with yoxxr Starting or
Lighting Syttmm or Mafnmtot, cam and m a.
Repairing and Rebuilding
(Our Specialty)
Ford Electric Starter fi C
and Lighting Outfits $00.
Sales Co.
VUitbi Dealtn YMcomt To Visit Onr LaboratorUi
Make swaps for profit.
Look into the
"Swappers' Column"
Franklin Handy Car to Have
Drummond Six is Some Car
Z" - " f-
Enclosed Body on Pack ar d Twin Six
i : , I ' , 1 ..r - A.- I
' - . . .. v . a ' ; 1
, . ' i n'l ifinLMnr ill.. IWRww vl
Along the
Automobile Row
(Continued from P Two.)
The economy ot th 1918 model "N"
Hupmobll. in tn ua of oU and aaollno
la demonitrated by a tcxir by W.-'J.
Brt. Jr.. of Roekford. 111. Mr. Brn,
aecompRtild by hla wife, In a modal "N"
HuimoblU, Uft tha factory at Detroit
for Ma home In Rock ford, via Kalama
ioo, Bouth Uend, Chloaco and El tin. He
used exactly twenty gallon of aaaolln
and two quart of lubrtcntlna; oil. H
made a total dletance of rr n tUa mak.
Inn an average of 21.85 mica per gallon
of raaollne and Tt milee per ration of
II. M. Scott of the Scott Auto com
pany, Norfolk, Neb., had a moat uo
cful exhibit at the fair held In Nor
folk Ut work. Ill dieplay of Lee
Puncture-Proof Pneumatio tlrea at
tracted wide attention. He wee aaItd
by t L. Bcott of the Powell Supply
A at renf advance in the price of aloo-
hol la noted In trade report Juat aent out
by S. R. Burr, aalea manager ot the
Powell Supply company. Hla company
haa already booked order for aeveral
carload and he predict that Inalda of
another mouth prioea will be oonatder
ably higher per gallon than at present
tight carload of Oldamobilea left the
factory last week, according to advice
received by the Oldamoblle 8ales com.
pany. Thee oar will arrive in ample
tlaoe to mak deliveries to purohaeer4
during the Ak-6ar-Ba carnival. ,
The U-Auto Varnlah oompany has unt
eatabllahed a plant in Omaha. W. A.
Reynold I in charge of the work and
will do all manner of varnlihlng work.
Tht work has proven very ucceaafut la
other clUe.
It. H. Rploffle, ' local manarer of the
Akron-Marathon Rubber company, I
juat closing the book for ine firat fiscal
year, and the showing made la far above
expectations. The Akron-Marathon Rub.
ber company is so well pleased that they
are now making places for enlargements
In Omaha office. "The factory ha Juat
moved into two new addltoaa at Akron."
aald Replogle. "Look a if we were
growing at all polnta"
The how room of Pred C. Huff
man Motor Car company, distributers of
the Marlon Light Six. show they have
fortified themselves for the Ak-Sar-Ben
big week. Mr. Huffman claim he is la
the midst of the season' blggeat week,
a nearly a hundred out-of-town people
have written, him they would com ihl
Tht continued damp weather has put
the roads in very bad condition In many
sections of the country, but notwith
standing that f aot, Mr. J. .J. Qragg. Kup.
mobile dealer at Mullen, drove out a
string of five Hupmobllea. tearing Omaha
early Thursday morning.
Mr. Orr of lb Onr Motor Rales com
pany announces that the atw Packard
twln-sls demonstrator will reach her to
day by express.
Heltef frwaa Aeale Kkveaaaattsaa.
John H. Oninx. Winchester, N. H,
writes; "I suffer from acute rheumatlam
and Slean'e Liniment always helps rs. All druggists. Advertisement.
Overhead Valve
Draws the Crowd
The Stewart-Tooaer Motor company hat
on. display in its salesroom a motor of the
Chalmers Six-) overhead valve, with
the cam shaft on top. This motor
somewhat unique in design, but is built
after the type of the racing cars which
are capable of covering "up to 110 mile
per hour.
This motor eliminates a great number
of parts from the old motor, beside giving
tnor power and quietness. This motor,
as well a to rest of the car, is manu
factured in Chalmers shops, which is the
only manufacturer bulldinsr cars that 1
equipped to build a valve in the head
motor, with cam shaft on top. .
This motor will be on aisplay for the
next two weeks at the Stewart-Tooae?
Motor company's salesroom. 2MS-60-U
rarnam street It is attracting a vast
a meant of attention among the auto
mobile enthusiasts, owing to the fact that
ths fastsst cars that have been driven
are of the same construction, with ths
overhead earn shaf W- aa the Chalmers. ,
Practical Poetry.
"WTiat Is your favorite poemr" asked
the literary young woman.
'"Tile -Boy Btood on the Burning
Iek,' " answered the commonplace
young man. "I ueed to recite tt every
time father and mother had company'
"And did you recite It with effect.'
"Father thought the effect waa pretty
Cood. He said hs honestly believed It
pt u from Bavins- so much nomnanv
Washington fitavr
Vhen You Enter
An Auto
with seats equipped with
our covers you are delighted
with its spick and span
cleanliness. Being - -waterproof
they are washable and
rail bo kept in perfect c audi
tion." No danger to the
dainty gown of the fair
g-uest. No damage to seats,
no matter how fierce the
sho ver. Want a set f
Western Auto
Top Co.
Pheae Doug. 21 S3.
20th and Hantey Streata.
We do repairing.
Sold With a Definite Guarantee of Service
Akron-Marathon Rubber Co.
2522 Farnam St Douglas 2366
WEIGHT 2600 lb.
1 F. O. B.
Agents t You can't afford - to
ororlook onr proposition. We glr
you the beot chance to - make
money jrou errr had. - -
Delivery Now I
Why Wait?
With its great roomy body, finished with all the detail; and beauty
of the "MARION" or the past, upholstered in genuine pebble grain
leather; six-cylinder Rutenber Motor, Westinghouse electrical equipment, Brown-Lipe
helical bevel differential, underslung rear springs, and 120-inch wheel base
The Best of All "1916 Sixes"
. Tour car is now ready for yon to drlre away today.
Fred C. Huffman Motor Co.
2200 Farnam Street Omaha. Nebra.ka
TO DBAiHfl: Borne tt raluahl. territory UaraUabl.
Our aafea contract la an asset-
- While you are in Omaha .next week at Ak-Sar-Ben,
make a special trip to my salesroom
and let me show you the most efficient car in the
Forty Horse Power, Completely Equipped, $885
TMj la a blatory-maklnr year wlta Studebeker In power, alto and quality of tbslr cars. In
pewer and f lexis-lilt tae teur as shown above equals most sixes now on tne market. It la adapted
to Nebraska and tots section especially.
Tae ONLY 7-passBfer, a-cyllader car tkat has ever been offered In America or Europe for
leu tkaa f 1.0 00.
Price has been reduced from $185 to $115.
But the wheelbaae has been 1NCHEAD from 10S to 11J inches.
The eoaclty ha bee a INCJUDASIX) from fi-pesaenger to 7-passencer.
The motor has been INCREASED from IHx5 Inches to 8i5 laches.
The ttree hawe been INCREASED from 3Sx to 84x4 Goodrich.
The cooHm ayeteta and radiator hare been INCREASED in slae.
The eeate hare been INCH EASED In width.
The uphetotery Is the riNSST obtainable grade of fsnulne hand buffed, seml-clased leather.
Wherever a chance was made la the ruailtr ot materials BETTER materials were used. x
Coaeparlaon of this oar with other well-known manntacturet Will establish clearly that It out
classes in every essential respect all competitors. We are selling these cars rapidly la Nebraska
and can supply you new, but do not wait or you may have to wait. - '
E. R. Wilson Automobile Co.
Omaka, Ncbr.