--T) THE 0fAA SUNDAY HEtt: OCTOBEK 3, 1015. . U.JI.-J ..-. i-L'-J-'Llggg Omaha Offers Unusual Advantages to Earnest Students of Music 8V '! (1' i i.i V 7in 1 a ' W Ajr - a m a. 7 r y WALTER .Wheatley I KADI NO TENUIS of tho Royal Opera, Govent Gar- den, London. Teatro del Corno, Bologna, 1 loyal Carl I&okh, London. Principal London Con certs, and Century Opera, New York. Omaha Studio. H05 Lyric Building. Apply Saturdays. Douglas 87(M. .J? i I ' .-.. . . '-,' i . ..,:. ..,.-. 1 I .,.. f. f . . . . " p- , ' ' ' ' ' ', ,8 GENEVIEVE HAUFLAIRE School of Dancing Hotel Rome Social Aesthetic Na tional Stage Ball-room on main floor, just off dining room. Dinner Dance eaeh evening 6 to 8. The Tea Dansant Satur day afternoon 4 to 6. Guests will be assisted in the new dances. 'After theatre dancing Wednesday and Friday, lltol. Classes for beginners and advanced pupilp, both children and adults. Pri vate lessons by appoint ment. A reduction of $2.00 on all tickets sold before Oct.. 20th. This ad will not ap pear again. .. ' '' Phones Webster 6330 and Douglas 2581; (Continued from rfe Thr ) satisfactory muiiiior ami to ecure un Uf'ally (ratifying rtmilia. JMiaa Hemlle'a puj.ilii irt often heard In concerts slv-en y ttut different muaioaj orfanlzsllonMif tha rUy, tor which thy are wll preimred her&uae of thHr many aponaranrtia in rur.no recital, WMoh ar a worn inert feature of tha cls work, Mlaa Krnrile'a Plana for tha rr.ent wt- aon Include a number of recital of un- uaual Interest, which are to pa riven In the near future. Many of Mlaa Kendle'a former nuntli will he tlad to know that the Mmlo fltndy rlub tie been orsanlr.d for tha romlni year inn pmmi aeriea or rial and musical affairs which will no doubt Drove of unusual Interest. Emily f'lTe. Mlaa FJmllr Clare has been Identified with muslral circle of Omaha en long that aha need no Introduction, She haa firmly Mtnbltohed heraelf aa mtialolan f high rank through her work, both ai a sincere and conaciemluut teacher and aa an artiatlr concert playrr. 8h la looking forward to an unuaually buoy aeaaon, a a her prrannt enrollment of pu- pl la already large niiaa (leva la a member of tha Clef club and of tha Tuee.lay Morning Mu sical ol.ih, and will appear on thla rluh'a Dresmwr program at tha Konlaneiie. Hhn recently it a program at tha Clarkaon hoapltal. rfcrietraaa tyatem." Ttlmonla)a from Omaha pupil : "I have now completed tha rouraa of twenty leaanna and I wlah to aay I am delighted with your met trod a of mat mo tion, whan I liegan 1 hardly knew one note from another; now I am pUylp a ntntilxT of up-to-date plerea that rauae my frlenda to alt up and take notice. 1 will be glad to raovmmend your method to my friend and acquaintance. Tour very truly, -MRS. T. U 8PKXCK. ' Devey Ave." "I h-e made more progreaa after tak ing; ten leaeon of your course than 1 would had I taken three tlmt-a that many the old faahloned way. Sincerely, A. O. MOKN, ll J lh Hi " "Juet a few line to eXDreae mr thank I for what your cyatem hat done for me In the i:ne of raetlme playing. I have learned more in ten ieneon under your ayatem than I did In five month the old way. I am pleaaed to recommend It to anyone winning to learn mgttme. "VIOLET CARU0f. ""i0 N. 2lth Bt." "X have learned more In twenty ieaeona of your method than I did In three years of the Kohler method. P. H. DENNY, ra Spring; Bt." rr MYrrC POWER OF AGED SEER Daaaaawtli f Ilia Skill Aatwa lakea ke Cet aad Wlu Ilia ythertr. A remarkable exhibition In court of clairvoyant power cauaed Judge Roaal aky of general eeaelnna. New York City,, to order the diecharge of Bert Reeae of N. 839 West Ninety-ninth atreot, who had beer! convicted by Maglatrate Bar low of dlaorderly conduct aa n fortune teller. He appealed from that dm Wilou. "Thla man I not a fortune teller, but a sciential, and I offer him a an ex hibit," aald Keeae's counael, Bernard 11 Bandler. Judge Roaalaky selected two newipa per men to aaslat In tha eiperlment. Un der" Reeae' direction they v wont Into another room and there wrote on alx lips of paper. Three alipa were back of court envelopes and three were torn from the bottom of a letter one reporter bad In his pocket The reporters wrote tha maiden names of yielr mothers, which, so far as they knew, were known to no one else in the building. In addition they scribbled two questions each. As the slip were finally arranged they read as follows: "Electa W Inane," "Emma Drew." "Where did I do my nrat newapaper Work?" "How old Is Henry C. Terry?" What la the covering on thla floor?" and "la Charlie Becker guilty?" The slips were brought Into the room where Reeae .was waiting. They had been folded so that no writing waa vis ible. Under his direction they were placed in a hat and mixed up. Reeae wag five feet away. Then the slips were placed In the reporters' pockets. Bach man then took out a slip, still folded, and pressed It against' the exhi bitor's bald head. He turned to one man and aald: "Your mother's maiden name was Electa Wlnana." To the other he aald I "You want to know If Charlie Becker Is guilty. He is not really guilty." The reporters then took two other slips from their pockets and held them In tightly clenched flata. "You wanj to know how old Terry la," promptly said Reeae, , Then plainly pussled, he shook his head and went on to the question about floor covering. He said this was something about a glove. He gave correctly the words on the slip concerning the first newspaper work. The last slip Reese took ' in his hand, but did not open It. He then handed It back, and dl rented the writer to hold It. Then Reese aald, "Emma Irew." Tha answer to the first five ques tions had been given In a room Imme- Anybody Could Ride Hiin When Hooked Up inw i , diately adjoining tha court, but for the last Reese walked Into the court room and gave hi answer In the preeence of the judge and Jury. The men seleoted to make the teat then described what , bad taken placet outalde. Assistant tMatriot Attorney Flint also had done a little experimenting. When Reese was In Flint's office the latter wrote on a slip of paper, "Am I going to get an increase of salary?" He got the reply, "Yes, but It wpn't be. a very large one." Mr. Bostwlca told the court that Reeae had detailed to Mr. Flint the details of a financial transaction about which no one else knew. Judge Roaalaky then explained that Reese had given a demonstration In the Judge's chambers last week. Tho judge wrote the questions, "What was the rul ing In the Shelley case?" "How much money have I In tha -bank?" and "What la the nam of my favorite school teacher?" . The demonstrator not only told what tha questions were, but gave the correct replies. . . Reeae la 74 years old and has given ex hibitions before many prominent per sons. Thomas A. Edison has tried vainly to solve the secret of . his power. New York World. Iforas Patronlaee Cafe. A big bay horae, unhitched from a truck, was being led Into a stab.e at 47 Oliver street. New York, when a piece of white paper fluttered acroaa Its noes. The horae reared and then ran down Madison atreet. A crowd of men and children pursued, but before any one could reach the horse it had craahed Into the restaurant of George Haxenos at 4 Madison st reet. - . - - Hasenus' restaurant adjoins Michael A. Rofrano's Home Rule club, find a fsw minutes after the accident a soore or more detective arrived, thinking there had been another shooting. The horse was owned by Salvatore Mare chessl, a truckman, of 47 Oliver street. New York Times. r ar"e - i r Miss Jessie Florence Conaway ARTISTIC SPEECH AND SONG CULTURE Graduate Northwestern Un'ver sity School of Music, Voice, Piano and Theory, and of Mrs. Milward Adams' School of Dramatic Art. Scientific Blending of Oral and Voice Mechanism. Director and Producer of Piays, both Classic and Modern. Pupils pre pared for Musical and Dramatic Sketches, Quartettes, Concert and Dramatic Performances. Pupils placed in the line best suited to them if desired, v STUDIO 14 Baldrige Block, 20th and Farnam. Phone Douglas 8579. . ::-p. :..:S V" f iT I. J. .; . ,i , , : JT .;. ' ;:-." X : : -;- f ' JT m ? ;:V-: SiM&X- i 3': ;t :r " f zmmimv m'- 1- . V '' SJ4r K Atj Photo by Heyn. H,f..i.!l-I r1..!!...: " inspired by master teaching, is a MU$lCal LUllUre valuable asset in the life service and " " haziness of any. Individual possessing it. 1 The Omaha School of Orchestral Instruments j inspires the highest possible beauty of expression of each student. Catalog sent on request Address Patterson Block. ; If You're on the Market for a Good Piano and Not Averse to a Big Saving, Yon Can't Afford to Pass Up the Offerings in Hayden'sAk-Sar-Ben Piano Sale Ko place) la tb country can yuu select front broader assortment of well-known, tbcroufrhjy deitendahto makes, Ka store In the world will &tTe you a more) binding sotd fir reaching guarantee of absolute, satis faction with your purchase and the big price discounts we're offering daring Uilt aale means that jrou will own your piano mt less price than , yon can secure an Instrument of equal quality la any other store. UOOK OVER OUR IUG STOCK MAKK I S PROVE OUH ASHEltTlONS V CAHKrTLLY, CTIUTIOAI.LY (X)MPARINa OVlt OFFERING! WITH OTUI US. , . HKUK'8 ONXY A PARTI A Ii LIST OK MANY RARE H.lUiAI.!t J! 123 KtmbaU, upright ,. . S100 $4i Flarlier, walnut fH $T(K) Htelaway at Sons, used 8tl50 $750 Entersoa Anirolus Player Planes KS-note 8li75 500 t'liirkrrlng lints., upright ., 8100 500 rhkkerlng Urog oak 8250 HftO Price Teejile K250 g3SO Hitnmer, upright , .-8110 IUO Ktrohber. nnHirht . . ' ' St I PCA ) tlOO New Piano For Kent. 9300 Knabe liro mahogany .8ft 00 V inu ncgoiiR, manogauy s -)u uaumiwa, miuiugaay ,.J"ilTri 9HAO Eberaele, upHght fiWMJ Price Teeple, oak 8t0 aVWVO Prtce Taeple, 8Unote Player PUno je'75 129 F.stey, mahogany f2&5 150 (ble, walnut ' ...SIM) S50 Everett, grand S575 HAYDENBROS. kami w - r id iff v I 1 4 t I ff 'a t Up JM-' -.. - IT T-i - i mM 1 ';nw .ajaunaaw-i - -'! ' I , , '- 'V . : ; ' ' ' i ' . . J,ar' K' j Miss Nellie F. Green Teacher of DANCING 8tudio, Prairie Park Club House, 20th and Aiuus Avenue. Omaha, Neb. Telephone Harney 4G33. J Tel. Douglas 301. Mondays. Wedaesdaya, Thursdays, Saturdays. Frances Baetens TEACHER OF PIANO STUDIO: Room 20, Arlington Blk.. J611 M Dodge Street, Omaha. ii If tx Ml; lit & ' ' ,7,. '3T' 3 The Verdict on the Latest TUT T dorfff Q) OSSMOS and Player Pianos Has Been Unanimous These instruments receive unquali fied praise from experienced musi cians everywhere rom those who are judges of what constitutes value in a piano. We are prepared to show you exclu sive designs in all of the different woods and the Brandeis System of selling is a guarantee to the pur chaser of Piano Satisfaction. KJ 1 Dl (diinKO' . hi i aiai ii m nil i - - t -ii r i