'A THE OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: OCTOBER 3, 191. 40 Littlo Red Ridinghood Don Quixote The Alfred Bloom Company r Designees and makers of fine fixtures for banks, stores and public buildings, inter ior finish, stairs and general mill work. " "t v . V 5 Omaha, Nebraska Phomm Doug la $ 1371 ''..',' AIR FIGHTS SPECTACULAR Battlei Between Ainhipi Require Supreme Kerre- on Fart of the Men In the Machine. ABE TABOETS FOB BIG BOMBS (Correspondence of the Associated Frees.) BERLIN. Sept. With the few rare eases of duels between aJrsliJpa and wub ntarlnea aa the. only exceptions, air baU tie between flylnc machine have ' fur nished the suprerprly spectarular and dramatic feature of the' present war. They have been bjr no means common which. perhaps. Increaaos the spectacular feature and they have Invariably de manded of the participant a taree of Iron nerr that the rrsj man can hardly conceive of. Such an air battle took place reneutly en the wet front. Two French and one HntUsh aeroplane were pitted -aralnat one Oerman flying maobine. The FTench men soon withdrew, leaving the Oermaa and the Englishman to match their skill and nerve against each other. " The for tunes of war were aalnst the English man, and he wu killed, but not bofore ha had given an exhibition of nerve that compelled the admiration of the Germaaa who witnessed the battle. How thrilling the contest wm may be judged from the following account, writ ten by a Berlin officer; "Our alrihtK building possesses, very naturally, a strong attraction for our opponents, th French and the English. "We have to be constantly on our guard, and the sentries dare not take a mo ment's rest lest they fail to give us warn ing of the approach of the enemy at the earliest poaalbU moment Tararet for Bossbs. Recently the building has been visited repeatedly by the French, who have tried to hit It with bombs. Thus far they have had no luck in that direction, and our artillery has been able tn on week to bring down twd Frenchmen - who relied too confidently on the speed of their ma ohlnea, and who accordingly displayed an altogether too great carelessness, on might almost say Imprudence. "Testerday afternoon three biplanes were signaled, and at the signal Lieuten ant O roe to meet them and to pre vent their coming If possible. As a matter of fact, two of th biplanes, which got Into the cross-fire of our guns, turned and want back, Th third flyer, however, who was about 1700 meters up, continued onward and ' steered ff hlsl goal with th utmost persistence) "About ISO yards In front of the airship '.. building two bombs were thrown, one of which did not explode at all, and the other Went off harmlessly. In the mean tire our flyer, who bad first satisfied himself that th other two biplanes had left, turned toward th third enemy and steered toward him a fast a he could. hells Beret Near. "Our biplane, It eould be plainly seen, was not a fast as th other which proved to be English but the aviator at tempted, nevertheless, to get Into the am altitude. At first the maneuver waa not clear to us. then we realised ' that Lieutenant O's taotlos were right From guns In th rear of the building th Englishman received a couple of shrapnels that burst uncomfortable near te htm. "Nevertheless he mad a short curve and steered toward th building again. He was again taken under heavy fir and on shrapnel struck his machine. Th Englishman, however, wanted to do what he had com for, and so In spite of the quick-firing guns dropped from M to 0 yards lower, so as to be able to aim th Utter. This maneuver was his undoing. Lieutenant O , who now was at least MO meters higher up, decided to over eome th Inequality tn speed tn the two machines by a dangerously steep "plane" and shot down to a point about fifty meters above th Englishman. Th ob server tn our machine at one began to ftrtt upon th enemy. ' F"Th English aeroplane reared sud denly, toppled over to the right, nd then fell sharply. Aa we found later, the propeller had been torn away by several bullets and the' side rteerer was badly damaged. When about 200 yards above the ground the machine lurried twlr over and jilunged to the ground. As It struck the bensln tank exploded and we, hurrying up from all slfles, found noth ing but remnants. The two occupants were dead." CANADIAN SCOUTS AT FRONT Employ Tactici of the North Woodi in Hunting Down the Ger man Enemy. THEY MAZE SPLENDID SOLDIERS (Correspondcnr of the Associated Pre.) PARIP, H.-pt. W. The life of th Canadians st tho front takes one back to the tales of the North American In dian which wer the delight ot our youth." writes Maurice Carres, th French academician, who Is on a visit to the fighting line as th gues of th Frenoh staff, "This week," hs explains, "I saw th huta of the Canadians, built of tree sawed lengthwise, exactly Ilk th log cabins which they build for hunting boxes or th log houses they Inhabit sometimes in th prairie north of th Great lakea. "A survival of the old Indian romance to found In tin Canadian army. Tappers In Irhakt were shown me, who make us of the thousand tricks of their trad against ,th enemy. They bunt him with the wlllness of th eld aoalp-hunUra, toned down by English humanity. "Following In th wah of German crawling across th corn field, th Can ad tun manages to creep along without caucang 4 alngl leaf to move. They re main for hours on th watch, lying on their backs and studying th ground around them by means of a little mirror. Rhould th Germane reassured by th long allenc over th still fields, vsntur out, fe Is pounced upon, ' bound with rope In a couple of seconds. Th other day, after a series of such fruitful ex ploit, ths Canadian scouts threw over Into the German, trenches a number of little cards, Inscribed: -at Is oi!s for you to send out any mar patrols; you hav Canadians In front of you.' game Keslaeaa sfea, 1 know, of course, that among these volunteers ther are many modern Can adians, business men. professional men, workmen. All ar not eons of trapper or backwoodsmen. ' But It Is a faot that they have more Initiative, more Ingenuity and more enterprise than European sol diers. And to look at them, what tenacity there Is In their expression! "In a huge open-air depot I was ex amining their military traniiport Vans, all marked with the maple leaf, when my eye felt on a little tent covered with weird tripe and figures In green paint " "What Is that.' I asked. " 'A Canadian officer's tent.' " 'But those green slgnir " 'Oh, nothing! The background has merely been arranged so that, from above. It would socm to form part ot the mead owe and woods.' "But I had recognised, amid th splashes of paint various helrogtypha, which took my mind back to th days of the Redskin that cat's head, th black hand, and finally the Swastika, that talis man which has com down to us from the farthest age." Cst&Jk K. KXTXCX Acme Box Company WOODEN BOXES, BOX SHOOKS, CHICKEN COOPS, ETO. I Want Your Buelne and Will Prove It. Phono Harney 1837. 80th and Pacific SU. 1 Nothing; tn Them. "William." said th good wife, looking up from her paper, "her I see an article that says a man out In Kanaue Is suing his wife for divorce, simply because she went tftroush his pockets after be was asleep. Goodness knows, 'W'iUlam, prob ably th poor woman never got a cent from th brut of a husband in any atuor way i - "lTh-huh." replied William. "William." came frem hla bettor half, "don't yeu dare sit there and uh-huh.' me in such a manner! What would you do If you woke up and found me going through your pochetsT" "Who roar- asked th sleepy husband. wno naa aireaay turnea over nis psy en' velope to th bos of the house, "Why, I d get up and help yon search, of course, King -Ali-Sar-Een" In Keeping With His Good Name As Host the Nation Over Serve his guests year after rear with ALAJ.TITO PA3TET7HZS IHLZL A1TD CTiZAtt from the Sunlight Dairy. AK-SAH-EEN VISITORS inrited to inspect the Plant. , Alamito Dairy Douglas 409. 28th and Leavenworth. BOTE 61W DIM 3. HIGH CLASS MALT a a h a. wen "J 1 9 CLOGGED SYSTEMS CANNOT RESIST Coughs. Colds and Contagion Keep your syitem clear and healthy not with drtig but with UNCLE SAM'S HEALTH FOOD The National Regulator Delicious, Nutritious, Mildly Laxative An ideal cereal food for the whole, family. Orisp app tixiDg ready to serve. Ask your grocer. Uncle Sam's Breakfast Food Co., Omaha, Neb. : iJk-SsiF-lBen Visitors Arc Invited to Inspect the Display of At 1302-3 W. O. W. Blcla- IVIade in Omaha -by- HYDRAULIC-PRESS BRICK CO. "Sunlite1 Lamp J) Reflector Tungsten Unbreakable Spiral Filament-Opaline Reflector 25 Watt lamp gives more light than the ordinary 40 Watt 40 Watt lamp gives more light than the ordinary 60 Watt 60 Watt lamp gives more light than the ordinary 100 Watt. With a consequent saving in electric light bills. Write for samples, prices, dis counts and agencies. Guaranteed For a Thousand Hours Durability, Brillancy, Economy OMAHA CROCKERY CO. v OMAHA, NEB. Sole Western Distributors AkSar-Ben visitors are invited to drop in, look over our complete line and make our place headquarters. co- Only 350 Whole or 700 Half LUXUS Coupons W5 have now completed a deal with one of the largest porcelain manufacturers in the country. for a large shipment of dinner sets. These dinner sets are of a pretty white and geld design and each set cxmsiots of 42 pieces. Owing to the extensive order placed we have obtained a most favorable price and are therefore in posi tion to offer these sets for a comparatively small number of coupons, considering that the retail price is $6.50 to $7.00. On receipt of 330 whole or 700 half LUXUS cou pons the entire set will be sent to ycu with no extra out lay on your part except express charges from Omaha. These Dinner Sett Will Be Ready for Shipment October IS, 1915 Save LUXUS Coupons and Get a Dinner Set FRED ICRUG BREWING CO i - --. The Bee Extends a Hearty Welcome to Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors K CO X I X.