BLUS: EYES DREW SMOKER thnt n rue-Heel " ' nvm rrlty .IH -cerlei1 Man. A p.rty-hatre1 mnn who wot a cap bad operated the rlee and new Stand for year An air of quiet and pr, omt mr tha ominous forerunner of commercial illeaeter, had lately bun over the place). One Any there van a change. Fvan from arroaa the street It could be dla ccrnad that mftamorphoa'a had takan place. An air of brightness and bualnoaa nrrouniled the old ns stand. On closer lnvstucnt!on It w found that the out aide had bn rapainted and en attractive window display arranged. A new name had b-en painted In nld inters acro.s the window. gha was a vision tn a lluht blue, carefully ta lored ilre. b c Muo yra and a mop of blonde hulr arrannod In an Intrlrata but extremely attractive pattern. A hystamlrr continued to s aurreptutltloualy at the arrarltlon under the pretense of looking at sonic mo slnee faatened In tha window. When the vision atarted toward him ha was too startled to retreat. The door opened and aoft voice Inquired If ha would not come In and look at tha better thlnaa that were on display Ins do. He went In. although ha wanted neither malai nea nor cluara. InxMa there was an un wonted air of order and business. Under the iiell of tha blue eyes and the blonde hair the man bought two two-for-a- quarter rlgara. although ha hail alwaya found 5-cont once perfectly aatlafartory before, and a K-rent maaatlne that ha had never aeen before and In which he waa not at all Interested. roon other discovered a new Interest In cigar and mainline, ltualnraa grew better wtlh each day. A group of young felloe a who apent monry a well a talked constantly about the place, and Ita presiding genlua erred all with lm Partliility. HusWice waa good. Another chapter, however, remained to be ad.ied tc a atorjr which properly ahou'd end here. The young woman proprietor waa mtlng one day and a young man waa In her p are. Me waa one of the voung men who had hung faithfully about (he place for eome time preceding, lie aeem now to be a permanent fixture at the old stand. OeoaMonnlly the young woman retlce him for an afternoon. ard some time he cornea Just before closing time, and they go away together, but the young man aeem to be a reeling tho buittneee. And bualnee la not o good now. Indianapolis Newa. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-han4 furniture Into eaah. ' Personal Shopping Service for Ak-Sr Bea Visitors This store will provide) a shopping expert to accom modate strangers and others who require Intelligent assistance In making purchases. The, ah op per will relieve, you entirely of shopping or they will simply accompany you through the store. The service la help ful, courteous and, withal, efficient. Ask any- floor manager. 1,500 Pair of Children's and Infants' Shoes On Sale at One-Third Off Regu'ar Prices Finely finished, all porfoet, splendid sty'es vkrl lid. tan kid and patent leather, with red kid or An black leather or cloth topa; hand turned HfjC soles, nature-shaped laata. All sues; to 2 aw atwday Will Ee or Dresses and Coats for Girls aMBBaajaaBBBBiaBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBaMiMagBBaBaaBBiaBBaawMiB ' aagMBMBaWaaawaaMBl saaMBaBMBMaMBMaaaagaaaMaaa eBBBsasaBaaaBaeBaBaaBBaaaj laW"MMBBMMKteai A Dig Purchase of an Eastern Manufacturer's surplus stock of Children's and Juniors' Dresses, entire surplus stock: of coats and dresses from prominent New York manufacturers. go on sale Saturday, Children's Day, Extra Special Velvet Dresses it is neither extravagant nor expensive for the mother who is smartly dressed to dress her children equally pmart. The question of dress has so much to do with the kiddies' standing particu larly in school that good clothes are not an extravagance but a well-repaid investment At Israndeis Stores mothers can provide their children with a wardrobe that will be n credit to them at very modest cost. Special Fitting Service for Girls in H. & W. Corsets and Waists We have devoted a-section in our corset department to girls' corsets and waists.' We have Mrs. Leland from New York .with'us, who has made a study of girls' figures and their wants. Starf the proper molding of your daughter' figure now, if the graceful figure linee are to be here after $he ',43v ' y Many young girls, today are wearing cor sets designed for fully developed women sim ply because mothers do not know of the H. & W. Waist sand Corsets" for Misses and Juniors, especially designed for . girls from 13 to 16 years. - v . & W. Waists for Girls i to 12 Ytar8 Styles OUC W 3 1 wm Dresses that readily sell. for $7.50 to J112.50. The new and popular colors African crown, subterranean green, plum, tield mouse, navy and black, choice, at -Aincan crown, ?.$5.98 On Main Floor Bargain Square Coats The styles represent the masterpieces of the best designers, employed by this maker of chil dren s apparel. 1 he lot comprises tine plushes, caraculs, corduroys, zibelines and novelty cloths, in the correct colors for this fall. All sizes for juniors and children, at For girls 14 to 16 years, who are more fully developed, an II. ft W Garment, In which features of the corset and the waist are combined' PMlable clasp front. Sizes 14, 15 and 16 years, choice at $1.50, $1.00 and DC Semi -Annual Opening of Misses' and Juniors' Section In the Millinery Department Saturday, October 2d Two seasonable novelties 1 Illustrated, by Weisman, with a touch of the war note, both are exact copies of the hats worn by German and Russian soldiers, being made of good quality velveteen, in all the-best colors O 1 CO of the season, at $1.00 and D 1 OU Dress Hats, Street Hats, Q rf School Hats, at $2.50 to. tDO.OU Sample line of Hats and Baby Bonnets, over 300 styles to select from, Just received from Morton weisman, 1Z1 w. 27th 8t., New Yora City. All-Silk Velvets. Silk Plush, Fur Trimmed effects. Dressy Bonnets for little tots and a wide selection for glrla 3 to 12 years. Positively worth to 15.00, at. M wi sa. $1.50 Any child, accompanied by parent or elder person. visiting our Mil linery Display, will be presented with a handsome souvenir Saturday. Children's Dresses of cordu roy, serge, mixtures, 1th fan cy lace trimmings; also fur trlmruiDKS. Worth up to 13.00 .$1.95 Chlldrati'e awaattra. In whlta, rad, ry and navy mad Wlhar ruff neck or high collar ffc;t. tn plain and funrjr stitch, with porksta. Mad of rood aiiallty wool; valua worth up to tl.tS; apaclal fur UUa aala 89c Children's Worn ted Prevroa tn check and plaltl. trimmed with fancy collars and cuffn. niedo up In different atyrea, both French. walated or atralsht Una effects. in sues (rora I to worth op to 1. 10. ipsclal 79c w lure iv'v'.?'. j nuvciijr V.IUIIO, $5.98 Children's Coats For Saturday, Children' Day, we feature a select as sortment of chinchilla, Kibe line, corduroy, plush iwd caracul coats. In the season's authentic styles nd colors, at 60, $5.00 and, $6.98 Children's Dresses A special selection of htah class dresses tn plaids, serges, checks, etc., with pretty velvet and braid trim- minus. Priced, 12.50, $3.50 tnd VI IIM- $5 CHILDREN'S KNIT UNDERWEAR Misses' and Children's Vest", high neck and long sleeves; Ankle Pants to Match; 2&o quality, , q garment 1C elastic 25c - Misses' and Children' Velastlc Vests and Pants; regu lar 35o quality Misses' and Children's QC rnionSults; worth 50c, suit jDC Hoys' I.ambsdown Union Suits, 75o quality, suit 59c Handkerchiefs Children' School Handkerchiefs, flrt pames In full an fin sheer linen. C .Worth lo, each Children's 8t hjol Handkerchiefs with new colored lnltlHls, HVio gU,, ues, each Hosiery ' Children's Tiber Bilk Uosterr; I lo quality , Children' School Hoee,' In flna rlbueS Hsla; ttu valuea, pair..... Hoaa for Olrla and' Bol i wurth lie, paw ,.. . 2Sc , ISc ,12c" Fountain Pens A 14-karat, gold point, genuine plain canlte rubber barrel. An unusually good pen, equal to some of seat the high priced pens. Re- If nlar 1100 alu. at W A Very Special Purchase of 50Doz. Children's Gloves at About Half Price will be. placed on sal Saturday, "Children's Day." It ts a very well known make, and Includes chil dren's, boys' and misses' kid gloves, unlined and silk lined Worth to 11.25 a pair, very special 49c Children's Fur Set Imitation chinchilla, coney, Thib et and angora. Excellent values at $1.50, $2.50 & $3.50 A Big Day for the Boys Everything in tip-top shape for the biggest display of boys' wearing apparel ever shown in any store in th.e west. Three Big Specials for Saturday $3.00 Blue Serge Suit $3.75 gplendld tailored, all-wool 7C blue serge, at yOf D Corduroy Pants Regular price, 11.50, sale A A price, palr... plsUl $1.00 Blouse Waist 45c An exceptionally Inrga purchise of these blouses makes this ridiculously low price possible, . J r tfl. each. Boyi Suits With Two Pairs of Pants All those splendid new tartan checks, Glen Urquhart plaids, in ftrif.tly new shades, he f te New Juvenile Bults Tommy Tucker, hton ana Vestee styles, at $2.80 to Velvet Butts, In green, maroon, blue, brown and black, at M.OO to Corduroys In tan, blue, brown aod grecn, 2.95 to ..... $5.00 $6.50 $3.95 Our Boys' Mackinaw Are Sure to Make a Bis Hit Three bin tables sleeked high with new stylish niarklnsws. Reds, hltiea, browns, rreens and grays. In plain colors or Smart Plaid Effects, a vumie. tfff p g Coats as low as $2.95, i Sll and up to A....V1 'W In Oar Lonf Trouser Suit Section Our popular high school model ults, no suits ever sold have the same fitting qualities as these rnlen- dld model suits. Priced as low as 7.00 and up to.... $17.50 Boys' and Children's Hats Rah Rah Hats, i 25c I Boys' and Children's Rah Rah Hats. Regu lor 60o values, on sal Saturday, at Boys' $1.00 Hats, at 49c Orer 100 Dozen Roys' and Children's Chinchilla Rah Rah Hats, with inside ear bands. Also cloth hats, lull hats and golf caps with fur inside bands. 76c ant $1.00 values, in one lot Saturday, choke 49c Boys' Headwear Tha most complete and up-to-date line of Boy' and Children's New Fall snd Winter Headwear in the city, at 49c, 69c, 1.00, 11.25 and. :?!...$1.50 ML 0 Womens New Moderate-Priced Apparel Among Fall Fashions Embracing all the successful models of this fall, the very moderate' prices being possible through the quick action and foresight of our representatives in the East tx new IIUUI - JVK I C' i P. - i fi jersey opori v.oai ,i Beaver fur trimmed. ' German knit cloth. One of the season's newest ideas, all shades, rose, Chinese blue, purple and green, a' special value Saturday $22.50 New Chinchilla Coats In Sport styles, showing new box and belted flare ef fects, featuring the new plaids in green, blue, tan and . rose combined with white, a special value Sat. $16.56"J$i9 New Corduroy Sport Skirts In Russian, Green, Navy, African Urown, Mouse and Black, belts and pocket effects, a spe cial value for Saturday, at $5.00 Choice Afternoon Gowns Popular t priced, char meuse, satin, taffetas - and Georgettes. All new shades navy and Hague blues, blackberry, rose, Russian green including, at $25, $35 $59 New and Latest Ideas From the New York mar ket showing the new boxy coats and longer line in Hua- jr, sian effects, in broadcloths, t duvetynes and velvets, hand- ifi somciy irnnmea in iur, irom j $35, $39, ?45 p Wonderful Values for Saturday at the Brandeis Blouse Shop New Plaid Blouses, with ' Georgette crepe sleeves. All the new shades navy, (C HA brown and green, at yD.UU Crepe de China ' Dlouses that are exceptional values- Eieellent quality crepe de chine, numer ous attractive models, some plain tailored, others elaborately embroidered. White and o eQ flesh, at 12.00 to t pjaUO Dreasy Georgette Crepe Blouses, this season's most popular material, at C( C( 13.68 to , apO.DU Note This material launders beautifully. Drugs and Toilet Articles Uaterlne, site. Brandeis Piano Quality Not Limited Every piano manufacturer and dealer who advertises his WONDERFUL LOW PRICE acknowledges that his riano is In the class where price alone counts THAT HE IS IN COM- PETITION ON A PRICE BASIS. You know what thit means. In all such pianos every dol lar's worth of value that can be put into them Is firured out in advance, and is limited by that low selling price, hence LOW PRICE MEANS LOW QUALITY. Only pianos of known value are handled by us, and the BRANDEIS GUARANTEE OP SATISFACTION goes with each and every one. V Brandeis Piano Deparlment--Third Floor ...59c ...29c ...19c $2.69 29c 29c DJer-tOes rac Foaraer, 29c C9o 29c 2Sc loaa'a Liniment, I0o else, per aottle Hospital Roll Cottan. )6g vaJae, at Horllrk'f Malted Milk, hospital also Aubrjr Sisters' Tint. too also Mine. lee'bell's Fees Hoarder, too also box for Lustiite h'all Enamel, wortn 6c, at Meloroaa tleuie. 0a also Kim. lee'bell's Cuoumbar Craain, 11 also, per Jar Pandertne, 0c alaa, speolal. per bottle.... Melba tneaneer. Noticeably Good Hosiery Underwear Women's Pure Thread Silk Boot and Fiber Hosiery, full fashioned and seamless; black white and - colors; double soles, heels and toes, garter tops. Worth 5oc, 9Cr special, pair JJC Women's Silk. Usle Hose,: seamless, spliced soles, heels and toes; black only. Worth 25c, special, , 1TM rtalr r Women's Pure Dye Thread Silk Hosiery, In fancy colors, plain black and white;; novelties and embroidered Insteps; full fashioned, high spliced heels and toes, double toes and wide garter tops. Worth to Jil.oo, special, at 69 c Women's Glove Bilk Vests, hand top, reinforced under arm slileld, white and pink. AH siaca, rum $1.19 Women's Glove St'k Bloomers, reinforced, in pink and while E tra good quality, at $1.59 . Women's Munslng Union Prlts, low neck, sleeves; knee length; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; low neck, sleeveless; high neck, lone sleeves; ankle lengths. j QQ Cut Flower Department Sale of Dutch Bulbs, Boston Ferns and Carnation At Very Low Price. Real Human Hair Switches 24.1nch Switches, weight Cl QC I 24-Inch-Switches, weight; Qlft 2$ ounces, at 0H:JJ 2 ounces, at OX v A special lot of Switches, 23 inches lonf, weight Cl QQ 2 ounces. $5.00 values, at... , ..,..) X etO Our Beauty Parlors ire the best equipped and most sanitary in Omaha. Halrdressinjj, manicurinj and facial massage. We make a specialty of bobbing children's lulr. Appointments made by phone Douglas 1614. Second Floor. rr-