TirC .HKK;... OMAHA, .SATURDAY, .OtTlY).UKU . 1!Uv. . n 1 LITTLE MUTTS CANNOT HINDER MWle Dog Might as Well Try to Stop Big Mogul Engine, Evan gelist Declares. UA.S COLD, BUT STILL STEONO "There are some little mutts trying to stop a campaign like this. It takes a campaign like this to bring out the real dog there Is In some peo ple. A poodle dog might Just as well try to stop one of the big mogul en gines on the Union Pacific railroad," declared "Billy" Sunday at the Tab ernacle last evening. 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock," was his text. The evangelist was laboring under the disadvantage of a cold In his head. 'lie applied his handkerchief frequently to his nose. At the close of the service, while conversing with a group of friends, he pounded his chest in token of a feeling that he was still physically fit and believed he could give Farmer Burns a lively go. He spoke of the famous wrestler. A feature of the evening' was the. at tendance of 1,400 employes of the Union Pacific shops occupying a center sec tion. They stood up and rang a Kng to the accompaniment of a cornet played by one of their delegation. "life's Rail road to Heaven," was th name of ths election. The audience Joined In the chorus, led by Cholreeter Rodeheaver. Once Wia Halirvad Flremaa. "Billy has a warm pot In hla heart for raliroad men. because he was a fire man himself once upon a time." said Mr. Kodeheaver. "Billy" announced that every year ha travels over No. 17 and No. IS of the Union Pacific and said the Union Paclfio shopmen made the best showing next to the Pennsylvania rail road men at Philadelphia, who turned out 8,600 strong. The Tnursday evening custom of a men-only choir waa observed. Among the delegations In reservations were employes from the Jay Burns Baking company, the Union Outfitting company and the Kldellty Van and Storage company. ."When the Standard OH company people were asked to stand one man was seen to rise and somebody asked if it was lohn D. Rockefeller. Announcement was made of the funeral ef H. T. Brass, one of the Tabernacle workers, which will be held this morning. Ushers will attend tho service. The au dience sang "Near aty Ood to Thee," In memoriam of this death. Mr. Rode heaver and Mr. Brewster also sang a duet In memory of the man who served at the Tabernacle and who had passed sway. "If I could have my way, every pack of cards and every drop of whisky iu Omaha would be In hell before midnight and the saloons of Omaha will be nearer hell before next Sunday evening," was me of the forceful declarations of Mr. Sunday. Knocking? at the Door. lie told men and women that Christ is knocking . at the doors of their hearts and that they must bid Him enter, or He will turn away and go. He referred to the time-honored custom of knocking at the portals of a home before entering. "I have tecelved many Invitations to dine In Omaha homes. I haven't time to ac cept those Invitations, but I may get around to some before I leave. But sup pose I would rush Into your home with out knocking and you would say, 'I'm so Klad to see you, Mr. Sunday,' I would say, 'You lie.' " he said. "You say, 'I go to church.' Fo does the devil, for be Is at every meeting and he Is here this evening. In some of you who are contemptuous," he declared. Mr. Sunday said that a man who sneers at Christ, after all He has done; for that man, forfeits all right to man hood. One of his localisms was: "Ood has dropped this tabernacle down hers in Omaha to save men from hell." He told of the breadth, height and depth of Christ's love for man, of vary'e cross, of the resurrection and of how God tried to touch the hearts of u by giving His only Son. Bringing mi, ih, ihnnffht nr n pur n tiA relAtl an Incident of his earlier life while in Young Men's Christian association work In Chi cago. He was at the Lake Geneva as sociation summer camp. The water was J 1 - . n 1 n mA , V. a -., m.mmmA what seemed to be a pearl of rare beauty. He illustrated in a striking manner how he expanded his lungs four Inches, dove Into the water, went down and down after the illusive pearl. Exhausted, he returned to the surface without the pearl. He said he had been more than twenty-five years sounding the depths of God's love and had not yet touched bot .om. Some Men Damned. "I Aelleve," he continued, "that some men of Omaha are as truly damned this moment as if they were in hell today, Just waiting for the hearse to back up, because they would not let Christ Into their hearts." During the conclusion he recited a dra matic bit of poetry entitled, "Forgive and Forget," a poem, he said, which caused tbe reconciliation of a divorced man and woman of his acquaintance. He related the wild ride of the divorcee to reach her husband at a railroad station, after she had read the poem. The husband read the poem and the remarriage followed. He also said: "If you are not willing to pay the price of being a Christian I have nothing more to say. What you loee by being a Christian la something you should not have. I would not disgrace a polecat by comparing It with a person who would despise you for being a Chris tian." "Resolutions and laws will not avail. The name of Christ will close breweries, make men and women kind, transform vile spots of our cities," was another leclaratlon. Appeal Iru Vlstorona. His appeal to the trail hitters was not quite so vigorous as on previous evening. During this feature of the service he Joined wtth the choir in a fewjlnes of "Happy Day.' He announced that next Sunday after noon he would start his sermon to men on "Boose" as soon as the tabernacle Is filled. Efforts an being made to induce him to repeat that sermon to men only In the evening. On Saturday evening the service will be fur young people particularly. High avhool and college students are urged to attend. Blar field Tnrne Oat. fpt a In KellUon has a half hundrvJ tlU:dltla Wlrkll? Itittl hllll f.ir Ihd qccu nitu m v. . miu nine tnu d u ... i . . . , ., , . ... . . . . your lxrd doth come. Therefore, be ye to kiss the depths of the water and reach!. ... . , . . ' th'wVear'1"" Wl"," 1venAnna watched and waited for His first Sunday Preaches on the Second Coming of Christ to This Earth 'Billy Sunday preached yesterday aft rnoon and last night on the topic, "The Second Coming." He said: Text: "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them In the clouds, to meet the Lord In the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these word." 1 Thes. Iv: 1T-1. The meeting here mentioned Is to be the greatest meeting the Bible tells us anything about. There have been some wonderful meet ing, but never has there been one to compare with this. It was a wonderful meeting the children of Isrsel had on the shore of the Red sea, after Pharaoh's host had been destroyed In the angry waters, and Miriam, the prophetess, with her timbrel, led the reople In singing, "Sing ye to the Lord, for Ho hath tri umphed gloriously; the horse and hla rider hath He thrown into tho sea." Ex. xv: a. And It wag another great meeting they had at the foot of Mount Sinai, when the law of Ood was given to them amid thunders and lightnings and fire and smoke. That was a great meeting, too, on Mount Carmcl, when KlUah. the sturdy Tlahblte, defied the prophets of Baal; and that was a great meeting where David danced before the ark of Ood as It waa borne into Jerusalem. It was a great meeting when Solomon dedicated the temple, and the glory of the Lord came upon the people, and those wero great meetings that were held on the banks of the Jordan, when Jerusalem and all Judea went out to hear the man who dressed In camel's hair and wore a linen glrdlo, and lived on locusts and wild honey. It was a wonderful meeting when Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount, and another when He fed the multitude with five loaves and two fishes. And that was a great meeting on the day of Pen tecost, when the Spirit came like a rushing mighty wind, and under Peter's preaching about 8.000 were converted. All these were great meetings, and any number ef others have been held, both In former times and In our own day. But no meeting has ever been held anywhere or In any time that could be gin to compare In Importance with the ! greatest of, all meetings that Is to be held In the air, when our Lord comes to make up Hla jewels. All History Prepares for Meeting;. Tr.at meeting in the one for which ail others have been preparing the way. It will be the crowning meeting of all his tory. The purpose of ail that lias been done in this world up to the present time has been to prepare for that great meet ing In the air. From Adam, mankind has been march ing, step by step, up a grand stairway leading direct to that meeting In the air. The call of Abraham was one step toward It, and Jacob ana 'his twelve sons were another; the conquest of Canaan under Jonhua another, and so on with every event in sacred history It was for this Jesus suffered on the cross to make atonement for sin. It was for this He arose from the dead and ascended into heaven, where He took Hla place at the right hand of the Father. It was for this the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost, and It was for tills that churches have been organized and mis sionaries sent to the ends of the earth. These things have all been done to pre pare the way, and lead up to the meeting which Is so graphically described In the text. It wast for tMs meeting Ood made His plane before He laid the foundations of the earth, and It was for this meeting He was thinking before the morning stars sang together, We are not-told when Jesus will come, but we are told that His coming is sore, and we are charged to watch for It. Anybody who says that he knows when Jesus Is coming la a liar. When they say they know when He is coming they He. Only Jesus and the Father know whon the Savior Is coming again. Yet the church today ahows as little concern about His coming again as His disciples did about His going away. All this Is fully In accord with Peter. "There Cal-j,ha11 eome ,n tnB ,al dy scoffers, walking after their own lusts, saying, Where is the premise of I he coming, for ! lnc tho '"there 'e 1P ' m .. until now?" II. Peter Ms-i. Jestifl not only foretold His going away, but charged His followers to expect His return, and be ready for it: "Watch, therefore, for ye know not what hour sa-iarv , wa m nt ssvwt SS J W think not the Son of Man Cometh." Matt xxiv: 13-44. diarrhea Shy of Seeond Coming. Every time we lift the communion cup to our lips we "do show forth the Lord's death till He come." There is no proph ecy needed to be fulfilled before Christ conies. Jesus said: "The gospel of the klnxdom shall be preached In all the world for a witness unto ail nations; then shall the end come." Matt xxlv:14. , Before I started to preach In Omaha, Ood knew the names of every man. woman and child who would be saved as a result of my preaching. If God didn't know that. He wouldn't be God. And God knew all about the fools who wouldn't be saved, and He knew that all of Omaha wouldn't be saved. I tell you that God Is pretty wise to who are going to hell and who are going to heaven. The sooner you get that through your head and don't try to side step Jesus, the sooner tho devil will let go the strangle hold h has upon moat of you. There la not a nation on the face cf the earth that haa not had the gospel preached within its bounds. The second coming of Christ is the em phatic doctrine of the New Testament. It is mentioned and referred to more than K0 times, and yet the majority of church members never heard a sermon on the subject; that is the reaaon they think so little of looking into the matter themselves. The . church makes much of baptism, but In all of Paul's e pintles baptism is only mentioned or referred to thirteen times, while the return of the Lord is mentioned fifty times. This certainly shows which he considered tbe most im portant. Who would care to travel en a train where the engineer would never read hla rdersT Who would ride on a ship where the captain never looked at the compass? You may call it rubbish, but the disciples called it the "blessed hope." "Why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the thlnts I say?" If Jesus had said: "I will not return for Z.oou years," nobody would have begun to look for Him before the time was near, but He expecta Hla followers to be always loolt- In. fn. Ilia T., mm Kfmu.n - .4 coming, so we should 1 watching and waiting for Hut return. look for Second t'omtna". It Is not enough to say: "Oh, I'm a Christian; I'm sll right." We are not all rlht unless w ohey I the command to watch, for It la cer tainly as much of a command to look for the coming of the Lord as It Is to keep the Sabbath holy. Nothing elue will do so much to keep us right where we should be in our religious experience. I Knowing that the bank examiner may drop In at any moment keeps many a , cashier from becoming dishonest. I suppose there would be a mighty i scramble to get right with God If you all found out that Jesus was going to re- turn tonight. j This old world Is going to wake up some morning and find that all good men and women have beaten It. and she'll rub her eyes when she finds iut that the Lord has been here on the lob and takon His own with Him. Every time I preach and every time you do personal work, I fsel that we are helping to bring about the seuonl corr lng of the Lord, and It sets my rami on fire when I think that the lut man or woman need only be saved before this campaign is over in order that the Lord may come. That is my Incentive to do tue -ork I sm doing. It Is my hope that beforo I finish here the church will be purified as a bride, ready to meet Jesus, the bridegroom, in the air. Can't Make Saints. Loot at the reign of wickedness in our great cities In both high life and low. No college has ever yet made a saint or ever will. Education may Improve con ditions, bill It can never nnange or cleanse the heart. Look at the lukewarmnosa and indiffer ence in the churches everywhere, and see what many of them are compelled to resort to In order to keep from going un der. See to what schemes and dodges and foolishness some preachers have to resort to to get anybody to go xnd hear them. There can be no ml'lennl'jm until Jesus comes; It Is His pretence that makes the millennium. You inlijht hs well taia of daylight not coming until t lie sun goes down. Tho millennium cannot begin un til satan has been bound in the pit. Noth ing Is more certain than that tin glory of Ood shall cover the carti but It will be after Jesus comes. Many have an Idea the world will grow better and better until the coming of the millennium, and everybody will be converted, and you hear that stuff preached but the Bible does not teach any such trash. On the day before the flood there were no doubt many people who were sincere In thinking that the world waa growing better, and yet it was so hopelessly wicked that God had to destroy it. On the day before the crucifixion there were man in Jerusalem who undoubtedly agreed with each other that the world was growing better. likewise also as it was In the days of Lot, they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they bullded. But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom It rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Most Go to Bible for Word of Hod. Many think and preach that the millen nium will be brought about by the in crease of knowledge, culture, great dis coveries, such ss the gasoline engine, automobile, electricity, radium, liquified air, wireless telegraphy, airships, etc These have nothing to do with bring ing the millennium. It la the personal reign of Christ that brings the millen nium. Those who have been the greatest blessing to the world were filled with this hope and preached It. Big men have been mistaken about vital things Just about as often as little ones. The safest pilot Is not the man who knows the channel best. It is high time for Christians to In terpret unfulfilled prophecies by the light of prophecies already fulfilled. The curses of the Jews were brought to pasa literally; so also will be the blessings. The scattering was literal; so also will be the gathering. The pulling down of Zlon waa literal; so also must be the building up. The rejection of Israel waa literal; and so also must be the restoration. The first coming of Christ was literal, visible and personal, and what right has anybody to conclude that His second coming will be altogether spiritual? If His first advent waa a real body, why not the same with Ills second coming? What right nave we to aay that the words Judah, Zlon, Israel and Jeru salem ever mean anything but literal Judah, Zlon, Israel and Jerusalem? Some one has. called attention to the fact that there are only two or three places In the whole New Ttettament where such names are used in what may be called a spiritual or figurative way. While face to face with them, Jesus taught Hla disciples to be In constant expectation of tils early return, and they so understood Him and lived accordingly. They preached the doctrine and taught It in their epistles, everyone of them. Bvery time we do personal work or try to get anybody saved, we may be doing something that will bring the coming of the Lord. Won't Know When It Cornea. There remains no prophecy to be ful filled. There is not a nation where the gospel has not been preached. So Christ must be waiting for the completion of the body of believers. When the rupture comes it will come In the twinkle ef an eye. Those who have died In ths Lord wilt be resurrected, and they, with the believers who are alive, will be caught up to meet the Lord In the air. The remainder of the world will not know that He haa been here, and they will not know what has become of the missing ones. The notion that people have about the second coming of Christ is that when He comes the Judgment day will also come, and that the world will come to an end. This Idea Is unscrlptural and shows how little the Bible haa been searched to find and make known the real truth by those who are leaders and teachers In the church. Business will go ea and govsrnments will go on as bow. After Jesus comes and takes tho believers out of ths world, then takes place the great tribulation, a description of which you will find later on. Then He will reveal Himself to the Jews They will aocept Him as their long-rejected Messiah, Then the millen nium will begin: the devil will be cost Into the bottomless pit for a thousand years; nations will be born In a day, through the missionary efforts of the Jews. When the Jew av pt Jesus Chi 1st and bring to Him all their wonderful energy and Intelligence, oh, this world will grow as It haa never gmwn before. Nations will he born In a day. The Jews have always been full of energy In business, as no other people, and when they become ambassador for Christ there will bo no tukeaarnmrns or Indifference. Kit her before or during tho tribulation the Jews will have been re stored to the Holy lnd. rebuilding their temple and restoring the Jewish worship. Also during the tribulation the antl Christ will come, most likely In the per son of some greet king. It Is supposed that he will be a personal Inrariiatlon of the devil, Just as Jesus was an Incarna tion of Ood. He will go to Jerusalem, and there ilf treat signs and wonders, by which he will so delude the chosen people that thoy will accept him as their Morlah, and pny him divine honors In the temple. It will be during this that Jesus will return and destroy Mm by the brightness of Hla coin ing. "And then shall the wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of Hla mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of Hla coming; even Illm, whose coming Is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and tying wonders." II Thes. II, 8-S. The devil has got some of you so close to hell that you can smell the fumes. He's no loafer. He's been working for I.0OQ years, and he was never laid up with appendicitis, nor tonsllltls, nor the grip. Many Will Miss This Opportunity. If we are so fortunate as to have a part In that meeting In the air, It will mean that we are among the most for tunate of all the sons of men, and that we have lived In tho most blessed of all times for men to live, for only those ar ellRible to membership In the body of Christ who live in the present dispensa tion. ' Moses and David and Isaiah and Jere miah had no such chance aa we have, for the body of Christ had Its beginning at Pentecost, What an awful thing It would be, then, to have such a glorious opportunity and miss It! That Is why Paul could say: "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed In us." (Rom. vlll, 1,) There Is a vast difference between a son of King George and a subject of Great Britain. The smallest bale of royal blood Is greater than the greatest man In the kingdom. It we have a place In that meeting In the air it will mean that we are like Chrst, for "when Ho shall appear w shall be like Illm, for we shall see lllin as He la" Rome Are Bora Who Will ever Die. For some that meeting will mean tint they reached It without having to puss through death, for It is to be composed of those who have gone on before, and those who are still living at that time. Some who are born into this world in Never before such an elaborate variety of Men's Fall Suits and Overcoats You Have Never Seen Their Equal In "style," in "tailoring" and materials they are without a peer. Every garment is backed by the greatest clothes making reputation in the world, and because of our enormous output, "which is easily double any store in town, we are able to hpftftr vnlups thnn vnn will rpp nnv w . . SEE the New "KUPPENHEIMEE," "SOCIETY," "ABLER," "COLLEGIAN," "STEIN-BLOCH," "MICHAEL STERNS," "FITF0RM" and "YUNOFELO" 1, 2 and 3-button modeb at $15, $18, $20, $2250, $25, $30, $35, $40 They are new ideas and fords, blues, browns, trreens and fancy mixtures tion to you. Boys' and Children's Clothing Second Floor We are featuring Saturday most exceptional valuea In Boys' Suits, at $5 Every suit with an extra pair of trousers. Hundreds of smart styles await your approval and we know tbem to be the best clothes made for boys, and we've priced them so as to offer the best values In Omaha at frt.OO. (Other values at $2.50 and up to fltfO.) FOll THE 8MAIXKH BOYS are "Middy," "Balkan" "Ol iver Twist" vestee and union Norfolk styles, In "Fancy Mix," Velvet, Serge and Cor duroy $3.50 to $7.50 14 to S years. Shirts, Blouses, Underwear, Night Oowns, Hose, Sweaters, Hats and Caps. Fall Weight Top Coats fcfilk, Sere, Mohair and Self -lined; Yi, V2 and full lined H5-20-$25 never to die, and we may hope to be ef that elect nunilwr. It will also mean that ws shall then have todies thst will remain young for ever. Tains snd mhos, gray hair, wrinkles and feebleness will never again be known. Listen to this; If we hvi a part In that meeting It .Will imsn that wo "hull be here In this world with the lrd d :rlng the vittlciihim a thniifaiid cats with the devil chained and cast out -nut a niloon, anin!litia hell or brollirl In the world, niel everything Just as we want It. Hem- Hi': Think of the iMIrIii ot mutiiil ntul continuing with the other mi intum of the l,ortVs body, who will then be ss dear to us as the apple of our own eye. Think of Inittg intimate with IVier, Jntiit and John, Andrew, Phillip nr.il the others, and of healing from thcri in i.ln ami agnin all the Incidents they vnlnessod In the life of Jesus. Think of how precious It will be to lle for a thousand yearn In this world with our blessed Master and bo closely assorlnted whh Him. with bodies that will not vveai" out or grow old, always In perfect health, and with faculties for enjoyment a thousand times hlKher than we possess now. It will nlNo mean to be rlehly rewarded for all we have ever done or suffered for the Lord. Near the close of his hard ami strenuous life Paul said: 'Henceforth there Is laid up for me a crown of rightrousnexs, which the Lord. ! the righteous Judca. shall glvi me si that day; and not to me only, but unto all thrm that love his apiiearing." II Tim. Iv, S. If we have a part In that meeting wo hall escape the great tribulation which Is lo come upon all the earth as shon as the members of the body of Christ are taken out of the world. What Reaplna Wltlrlnlnd Means. A Verv rhmu nf erlnm airf mi(p., of every kind will be turned leose. Ood wui in ine worn ana tue universe see for a time what It will mean to live under the devil's rule, and will let thoe who pass through the tribulation see that the good they so long enjoyed waa be cause of the presence of the good. Soma of you peoplo who throw your votes and influence In favor of whisk v and all kinds of hrlllshnees that go with It, mny live to find out In the bitterness of the tribulation Just what Is meant by sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind. It !s supposed that the tribulation will cover a period of seven years. It might be 700 years; but It cannot be less than seven years. Devil Will Battle Saints. There Is nothing more clearly declared In the Bible than that Christ will como and reign on earth during the mlllenlum, when all will be restored that waa lost by tho fall. Thrn, and only then, wsi Cod's will he done on earth as It Is In heaven. The scribes and Pharisees thought that business was going to ho endangered by Ch tint's first coming. Thu only business lhat will be hurt by the seeond coming of Christ will be the devil's business. At tho time ot His coming 'BrtSelt$ M," J " I smartest styles of the season They As a Special Ak-Sar-Ben Inducement Esjec:nlly to visitor, we urge !ittentn.ii lo ::!( T uts end 200 Overcoats that 'ilways sell at $10, $1S and $1029 and $1500 This Is a very unusual price, consider ing tbe wonderful value you get In cither a suit or an overcoat at this SPECIAL REDUCTION . . SCITH of "Worsteds," "Cheviots," "Tweeds," "Cassi meres.' "Scotch Mixtures" and "Blue Serge." $10 and SI 5 OVi:iUXAT8 of "Kersey," "Chinchilla, -"Vicunas," "Plalds,""Tartan," double faced fab rics, shower-proof, $10 nod $15 It's a genuine saving of .1.0O to (VMM) on every garment you buy. (See big window display.) Men's New Fall Furnishings New Elilrts, $1.00, $1.50, $2.oo. New Underwear, $1.00, $l.fto up to $3.50. New Pajamas, $1.00, $l.A, $2.00. New Sweaters. $1, $1.00, $2 to $0. (Jersey and big shawl collars.) Silk Hose, 10', 2.V, 75c, 50c Neckwear, Vie, BOc, 75c, $1.00, "Fine lines of Traveling Bags." there will bo no genersl resurrection or Judgment. At the clone of the mllleiilem rtlsn of Christ the devil will be Iook.hI out of tho pit for a season, and look for tho first time i:ton a world without sin. II" will tempt people. They will be t.i fool ish as now and yield to his lies and subtlety, lie will author hi host and come sg'ilnst the saints to battle. lire wi1! fall from heaven and consume them. Then takes place the resurrection of the wicked dead. Then the Judgment of the great whHe throne, with Christ to Judge. We are not told when Jesus will come, but we are told that His coming Is sure, and we are chsrged to watch for It. How it would affect our lives and make hard things easy to bear if we could only do this and always be doing this. If we were rontlnuslly looking tor the coming of Jesus we would be ss isre ful to keep our lives as clean as yo i would ly to have your homes clean If you were expecting company. Tbe eertalntv of Ills coming would alen be a constant source of comfort and Inspiration to in. If we believed It to be near. Tho 1-ord does not come to the wotd at the time of the rapture, but only re veals Himself to the menibeis of Ills body. At tho time of His resurrection tie was only seen by those who believed on Him. Hlate and the hlsh priest, nn.l those who crucified Him. ill.! not know thnt He was risen. So it will be at fie time of the rapture. The world will not I know that lie lias been here, sad w'll ! have no knowicdKC of Illm until He comes with the members of Ills body, at the close of the tiibulstlon. What an awful thing, then, to hove the glorious privilege of living In this dispensation, with all thst It mesns, and miss getting into the body of Christ by refusing lo become a Christian. Do not think It for a moment, Do T.i purpose can no more be kept back a min ute than the heavenly bodies csn be de layed a minute. In redemption Ood is working by the clock as surely as In creation, and Ills chariot or salvation Is not marked late a slngls minute. "Come, Ixird Jesus." (Copyright, William A. Sunday I Davenport Wants to Hear "Billy" Sunday Walter Cole of Davenport, la., and the Hov. Mr. Vance of lloek Island, III., called on "Hilly" Pundsy Krlday to urjro him to conduct a revival for the trl clty community ot Hock Island. Daven port and Mollne, with a tsimilnitoti aggregating JOO.imO. Mr. Nunilay told his callers that he would place the call on Ills list, but that It would bo a long time at beat before he could come to them. Word was received from 8t, Joseph that the churches of that city have agreed to extend Mr. Bunday an unanimous invi tation to conduct a campaign there and a committee of cltlsens, heeded by 11. K. Bipitres, will come to Omaha next Tues duy to present the Invitation formally. The committee from Kansss City Is sciieduled to come also on next Tuesday. offer you $100 to nlnr.f tlsp. ul tU broken plaids, new etripes, ox will, eertainlv Men's Hats A magnificent assort ment of elegant styles, unsurpassed in variety and colorings, and the val ues out of the ordinary $2 S2.50, S3 HTF.TsoxH S3.50, S4, $5 FA M, CM SI, S1.50, S2 (New Fall shapes.) HUM HATH S5 and S6 TMC H I 1 :r - f r.z M III Sundayisms Ton kaew whea yon earns Here that yon would Bo hear a lecture oa art, nut that yon wonld bear a ssrmoa about Jssus Christ. Knowing that the bank examiner may drop In at any moment keeps many a cashier from becoming dishonest. f suppose there wonld be a mighty scramble to get right with Ood If yon all found ont that Jesns was going to rstnrn tonight. Ho oillsge hss ever yet made a saint or evsr will. Education may Improve conditions, bnt it caa nsvsr obangs or olsonse tbe heart, Big msa have been mistaken abo it vital things Jnst abont aa often as little ones. Tbe second coming of Christ is t'io emphatlo doctrine of the Haw Testa ment. It is mentioned and referred to more than 3S0 times. t This old world Is going to wake np some morning and find that all god men and woman have beaten it, a ad she'll rub her eyes when she finds oat that the Lord has been bere on the Job and takes His own with Him. Revival Singers at the Funeral of Horace T. Brass Sweetly singing "What Will It Be lo See Jesus," "ttody" Roduhoniver and George Brewster, leaders ot the choir of the "Billy" Sunday mcetlnas at the Tabernacle, assisted at the funeral ser vice of Horace T. Press. South Side un dertaker, and usher at the Sunday Tab ernacle, who died auddenly Tuesday evening. The funeral waa held at the (Jrace Methodist church. South Side, Fri day morning at 10 and long before the appointed hour hundreds of church peoplo and ushers at the Tabernacle had gathered to pay last reeiect to a devout church worker. Itev. J. W. Klrkpatrtck of the church preached the sermon, speaking princi pally on tbe euddenness with which death sometimes comes to people. The funeral service lasted an hour and more than W people attended. Ushers from tho "Billy" Sunday taber nacle acted as imllliearers. Mrs. Dean Itlnger played the organ during the ser aiee. Automobile service was used to carry the people to the Foreat I-awn cemetery, where Interment was made. Members of the Ancient Order of United Workmen lodge also attended In force, with prominent Anti-Saloon leasuers of Omaha. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages csn he rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Ilent." $1 000 Xy cosnrmaHT is HOUSC OF KUPPESiMCMSI Ak-Sar- Ben . Visitors K ' "' ')' welroma 10 ""'"-.-f our Htlt ' , ." C Rooms, tr''ii-,' hons Hsrv- !, ChooK JT" l"paxtiiis'nt V n "l'iV I a.n! othw ":' f i a 1 1 e n t ton lT hat aai k t aiit'racl- mm- M A1 I Full M 1 ' .7 Dress K 1 i-;. and 1 0 J proper V access- r , ories. --v cosnrmaMT iis ",- 1