TITT, .TnKv-OMAITA, .SATlT.nAY. .OCTOBER. .2, ..1015. ANDREWS EXPLAINS ABOUT THE BADGES Ko Person Had Authority to Sell Them to Veterans and Committee Holds Self Blameless. VETEEAJfS HA VETO A GOOD TIME OMAHA WOMAN HONORED BY STATE FEDERATION. Sundayisms at the Tab as Caught by Our Staff Artist SUNDAY HURLS HIS DEFY TO CRITICS (Continued from Page One.) 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. 4 - (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON. Oct. 1. (Special Telegram.) Since the parade of the Grand Army of the Republic along Pennsylvania avenue on Wednesday in commemoration of the historic re new of the veterans of Grant and Sherman's armies In the spring of 1166, the Tlsltlng "vets" and their drives and women friends from Ne braska, have been sightseeing with a vengeance. Tbejr have gone every where, every department of the gov-j ernment has done its level best to treat the Boys In Blue as national! heroes and there is not a man among them who will say that Washington has not more than fulfilled Its pledge to them. While there have been mim mistakes, notably the failure of the citizen' com mittee In charge of the reception to Frenl dent Wilson, properly to fill the great auditorium at Camp Emery with mem bers of the Grand Army of the Ilepubllc and the eonfuaton at the White Houso reception yest.rdsy afternoon, over the badges which many visitors claimed bad been sold to them. In a broad and general sense the arrangements have been well eight perfect. Ravdae larld.att Esg-talara. Ex-Auditor W. B. Andrews of Hastings, whose wife was chairman of the general committee, having In charge Its recap tion and whose work In behalf of the women's association, baa been of the most praiseworthy character, today Issued a statement In regard to certain badges that had been sold to the visitors as Identification badges with the under standing that they would admit them to see the president. Mr, Andrews' state ment follows: "No badges were given out with the authority of Mrs. Andrews or by the badge committee except to delegates and members of the women's organisations allied with the Grand Army of the Ke publlo. They were to be used only by members of such organisations. They were souvenir bodges to be used exactly as such fcadgea are uad by women's clubs and the Daughters of the American Revolution as a meana of Identification 3t membership In the order.. No On with Aatkortty. "So far as Mrs. Andrews and the badge committee know, no one was authorised to use the badges for any purpose except Identification membership. Only S,0C badge were ordered and received by the committee, Lse than half of that num ber were given out prior to yesterday morning. "Mrs. Andrew and other women of her oommlttee were at tbe White House and say they did not eee more than fifty per sona wearing the bedgea Delegates and alternate from Nebraska to the aeeatona of the National encamp ment were delighted that the delegation from the prairie state voted solidly for the newly elected eommnnder-ln-chlef of the Grand Army of the Republic, Captain B. R. M on ford of Cincinnati. With the feast nea of the encampment at an end, the Nebraska contingent to, the forty-ninth encampment will take tomor row and Sunday for a general alghtseelng exposition, the headquarters of the dele gate at the Hotel Sterling closing on Monday. Mrs. Paul Elected Head of Federation of Women's Clubs NORFOLK, Nah., Oct l.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Ttia following officers were elected by the Federated Women's Clubs ' of Nebraaka today: President, Mrs. J. N. Paul, St. Paul; vice president, Mrs. George N. Deels, Norfolk; recording sec retary, Mrs. M. D. Cameron, Omaha; corresponding secretary, Mrs. J. Rowan, Alllanc.; treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Bancock, Cambridge; auditor. Mrs. W. H. David son, Hprlng fluid; delegates to biennial convention In New York City nest May, Mesdvnes T. J. Olst, Falls City; R. B Penny, Fullerton; F, A. Long, Madison; M. D. Cameron, Omaha; J. II. Bell. Tork; K. R. J. Edholtn. Omaha; Romlne, Chad ron; Lena Mead. Tork; alternates, Mee- dames Hayes. Omaha; Clemens, Fremont, Evans. David City; D. D. Andrews, Bt, Paul; Weleh. Gothenburg; Humphrey, Verdon; Ackerman, Alnsworth; Uoore, Atkinson; Orris, Stanton. Hastings gets the next convention. Kavanagh Will Not. Run for Treasurer FAIRBURT. Neb.. Oct. X. (Special.) Dan Havana h, a prominent hardawre merchant of this 1'lty. ha refuted a statement that he would be a can J late for stae treasurer against Oorge E. Hall, the present democratic encumbent, at the coming primary. While Mr. Kavanagh b&s many friends over the state who would Ilka to see him make tbe race, at the same time, he doe not fol disposed to enter the race against the present en cumbent In a statement given out this morning Mr. Kavanagh said: "I have no Intention of entering the race for any e g office. It la not toe late for Treasurer Hall to make amends and be hie own successor, if be will but listen to his friend. President Wilton will be ou standard bearer In the next election without opposition in the demo crat! o primary. Senator Hitchcock will have no opposition In the democratic prl luary and will be bis own eucceasor. Gov ernur Morehead will t rewarded by elec. Uon for the third time. Doservlng stats orrioers will be returned to offloe." sir. Kavanagh was a leading candlat foe the I'alrbury poetofflce and had the strong backing of Senator Hitchcock. While W, F. Cramb U holding the post. Uoo by a receae appointment, it la the opinion here that hie appointment will it be confirmed by the United Stat enate whoa It convene and that Mr. Xavanarh still ha a chano to land the pustniastershlp at rfelrbury. Coatrmet far Swr grhool. ctUWAKU. Neb., Oot. L iiecll ' Tue school board let the contract for it.e new school building oa Thursday ot Ut week, Henry Ohloon ft K..n of XU City being the succuru bidder at liJ.'.'A tAi bias were subuiitUxL ', V ' 1: .9 I ww 2frs. 2f.2. Cameron Iteeordlng Becretary. HEAD OF NEWTHOT CHURCHARRESTED Archbiihop New Lecturer at Pan ama Exposition, Charged with Misuse of Mailt. SELLS DIPLOMAS AND BOOKS BAN FIIANCISOO, Cal.. Oct. 1. Dr. Newo Newl New, who for months has lectured at the Panama-Pacific exposition In the role of archbishop of the Newthot church and president of the Newthot university, was ar rested today by federal officers charged with using the malls to de fraud. Marie Tully Graham, his as sistant at the exposition, was de tained by the officers as a witness. Both were found at Dr. New's apart ments. The alleged "arehlblshop" was presented with a bronse commemorative medal by Joseph M. Cummlng, secretary to the president of the exposition on August 18 In ceremonies that celebrated "National Newthot Science Day" at the exposi tion Both men and women are alleged by the government to have been victimised by the Newthot advocate. It Is alleged he charged $100 for a course In a univer sity which did not exist, IS for a diploma and & 'or hie bible," "Newthot Sclenoe." Branches of the cult were established by Dr. New In New Tork, Chicago, Phil adelphia and recently In Los Angelee and Seattle. It Is alleged, and every city of much slse In the country la said to have been evangelised. Dr. New operated In Boston lit IK as head of the Newllfe church. Many aliases are named in the government's complaints, and hi true name Is given as John Fair. Immortality, moral purity and the power to cure all mortal disease, the complaint alleges, were qualities claimed by the "arehlblshop," although "he pos sesses no such power, divine or other wise." the onmplslnt assert a On the contrary. It states. Dr. New In dulges In all the vices and Indiscretions of the age, such as gourmandlslng, drink ing alcoholic liquors to exceaa ard using profane language." Dr. New was taken before Francis Krull, United States commissioner, and ball was fixed at 11,000. Printed matter seised In the apartment where the arrest was made contained atatements that the newthot movement had been endorsed by Mme. Sarah Mern hsrJt, the countess of Warwick, Prince George of Greece and the Csarlna Alex andria of Russia. MICHALEC NOT GUILTY OF STEALING HORSE FREMONT, Neb.. Oct. I.-Bpeclal.)- Joe Mlchalec was acquitted of the charge of stealing a horse belonging to Dave Herman of Nlckerson a month ago. Mlchalec on the stand told the jury he sold the horse at Schuyler for a friend, to whom he paid the money. When ar rested east of Schuyler Mlchsleo bad t3 In bills sewed In his clothing. lis said he did not know the horse wee stolen who it sold It Kates trees Beatrice. BRATRIOH. Neb., Oct. l. (Special.) C H. Konke of the Plymouth vicinity has a field of ISO acres of com two miles south of Plymouth that he says will yield close to seventy buahels to the acre. He predicts that Nebraska will produce tlie bis seat crop of corn this fall that It lias In twelve yeses. Toe body of John Trude, who wa AWEALTH OF LUXURIANT HAIR DUE TO CARE AND CUTICURA Shampoos ivith Cutlcura Soap pre ceded by light touches of Cuticur Ointment do much to cleanse the scalp of dandruff, allay itching and Irritation, arrest falling hair and promote a hair-growing condition. Samples Free by Mall rutieur aa. aag OtntiMot aut4 ttmi mum: Utaral Kama at BU1M4 ma wit -. kaua. Aituwm awl aw "lnuawra," Ijavt, ItHi. Mipa, ART MAKtS THE W0RID ATTRACTIVE - LEARNING mrichis t hind- BUT RELIGION REGENERATES THE SM " killed In an automobile accident near Vir ginia, this county, was taken to his home at Klk Creek, Neb., today for Interment. Trude was employed on the farm of Frank Bchults, In whoee automobile be wna riding when he met his death. The bar docket for the October term Grind Prize, Pananu-Ptdfic Exposition Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition San Francisco, 1915 San Diego, 1915 ese, v. S. pat, err. Walter Established 1780 THE COID WEATHER GASOLINE A GENIUS chapms us - a PHILOSOPHER instructs US' BUT a SAINT Hiss us- of court, which convene October 7, were distributed by District -ierk Lenhart Thursday. There are 120 cases on the docket, a nunrber of which have been setled. Of the cases to be tried there are thirty-four appeal, fourteen divorce esses and seven suits for damages. For Flavor and Quality BAKER'S COCOA is just right It has the delicious taste and natural color of high-grade cocoa beans; it is skilfully prepared by a perfect mechanical process; without the use of chemicals, flavoring or artificial coloring matter. 1 1 is pure and wholesome, conforming to all the National and State Pure Food Laws. CAUTION: Get the genuine with our trade-mark on the package. Baiter & Co. Ltd. , I ; EVERY DROP j YOUR car won't mind the weather if Red Crown the gasoline of quality is in the tank. Red Grown makes quick starting in cold weather. Red Crown keeps your carburetor "put." At Garages Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) him to soften that meeni?e before thle club. I want to especially ask Mr. Pun day to epeak on the subject he Is here to talk about to the other cltlsena of Omnha. Mr. Wattles' remarks were applauded and Mr. Sunday's talk later wa ap plauded. When Mr. Sunday first roue, he paid a tileh compliment to Mr. Wattles, de clnrlntr that he thought more of him m-ery time he met him. Then he Intro duced Rudtheaver, with this remark: Body Toots the Horn. "Before I say whst I'm going to, mar be "Ilody" had better toot the horn." Body remarked that "Billy" Sunday liked Omaha and In his speeches and conversation hsd praised this city more than any other In the lost five years. Then Rody got part of the crowd to singing the chorus of "Brighten the Cor ner." Sunday talked In his best and most vigorous style, though he said he had considered not coming and hsd felt like the woman who desired to change her testimony In a lawsuit. "She told the judge," said Mr. Sunday, 'Fir, that lawyer fhwtrated me so much that I said I ws 42 years old. But thst's my bust measure. I'm only 90 years old.' "I am not only a preacher, but a busi nessman." said "Hilly" Hunday, "and the most practical thing I . know la the rellKlpn of Jesus Christ." o Retreat for Issdsy, Sunday handed out tha following re marks concerning morality In business, criticisms of himself and his own atti tude toward his critics: "In my life there will not be one Inch of retreat or compromise with the forces of evil. "Sin is so powerful because we don't call It by Its right name. We treat It as though It were a cream puff Instead of a rattlesnake. "The cause of so much uproar over my sermons Is that there Is so much truth In them. "Tn the words of Shakespeare those who etand for evil say 'Nix on Bill.' "There's no use going to war on a skunk with Cologne water. "My theology Is summed up In one word help. 'The problem we've got to solve is one of morals, not intellect All govern ments have failed to suppress vice and uplift virtue." Sunday closed his talk abruptly with this remark: "I've simply come down here to hang a new label on old goods." Efforts are being made te locate rel atlvea The coroner will hold an in quest. DORCHESTER, MASS. t Coats for Little Tots Ages 2 to (J years. Zibeline, Plush, Velvets, Cor duroy and Cliinchilla are the materials which come in colors suitable for juveniles. $4:50 $55, $62, $8:0 $10 J Winsome Millinery to Frame Little Faces Every good children's style, from the plain tailored to tho hand-mado pattern model. From $12 to $52 That Boy Needs a New Suit Let us help will stand sure to A .Snfr5ss v v-ev - r U Value at vr A m rr Without Exta Pants .... . $3.50 Hats and Caps to 50c, $1.00 US Why You Should Buy Omaha Real Estate And Buy It NOW! Bight now the Real Omaha are offering some very choice lots within 15 mlnntes' ride the city. Do yon re&Uie short time before ron twice as much as According to statistics Omaha Is one of the most progressive in tne world today. Here is an ---- - J 'J - t3 J a small cash cavment within t.n raarJi of every tody and a short time. Don't wait now and don't I! you to pick ono out that tho wear and tear he's give it and one that will look right on him, pleasing you and pleasing the boy. In a word a "Sampeck" With an extra pair of pants to each suit, $5,$650,$750,$1(M Match the Suits and $1.50 Estate dealers of from the heart of that it will only be a will be willlnxr to toy they are askirur now? and best situated cities OiroortTinitv renntrlncr nnlv bound to double in value in until next year, but do It forget Omaha Real Estate Is a Gilt Edge Investment am