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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1915)
CO Tin: r.KE: omaiia, SATrinuv, octoI'.mii j. v.n:. POLICE "DISPERSE CHICAG0iSTR1KERS . Scorn Arretted and One Boy Loses '. Life Remit of Walkout of Clothing Worken. it Ail Happened "On the Big Highway of Old King Ak-Sar-Bcn Two reporters were wandering down t'ie pike In King Ak-Rar-Hen's celebrated city of Quiver. guch an activity on the part of a reporter U dangeroua Ha might sprain hit wrist while passing a hot dog .OFFICERS USE THEIE CLUBSj" lh, two MIort. wr oul for . ;lrk. and whan reporters ara out for a CHICAGO. Sept. 10. Score of i.rit they are tha regular little cut-up, persona were arrested today and one The two reporter stopped In front of 10-year-old boy lout his life as a re- ,h fir,t how on th " ' " m ... .i. .1. of three shows where you aee two al- ault of. the strike of the garment pfw humJln Mngg fM f,re a coUp)e workers. The lad, Leo 8rhroeder, more walk on glass, swallow swords and was crushed to death In the collapne f a shanty which he had entered to scape from a shooting affray In dulged In by some strike sympathis er. : A mob of about BOO persons in vaded the wholesale clothing district this afternoon, calling to workers Ihere to Join the walkout. Police, who were summoned by a riot call, drove the mob across the river, whence It came." There was consider able hand-to-hand struggling and the police used their sticks frce'.y. A delegation of union leaders called on Mayor Thompson and pro tested against w hat they termed the bnitallty of fhe police assigned to tha strike tones. Representatives of. the Amalga mated Clothing Workers' union still maintained tonight that the number of garment workers on strike ex ceeded., 25,000. Manufacturers In sisted that not more than 2,000 per sons bad quit tbelr employment. eat hard-tack The two reporters slurried Into the mob of a hundred or so In front of the entrance. Two ballyhoo men were mak ing noble efforts' to grind the entire m b Inside at a dime a throw. Pour people went In.-. "Some grinders, those guys," remarked one of the reporters. The nest stop was In front of the motordrome, where Daredevil Toots, or somebody like that, risks life and Imb piloting a' twentycylinder "Bear Kat" around the portable saucer. "If Parlo ttesta knew that auch a machine existed he'd certainly break the speed limit getting out here," quoth one reporter as the two wandered on their way. "Here's tha Miracle Girl,'" said th other reporter after a few steps to tha south. . . . "Alt ghls are mlrsclrs." replied his col league and on they went. A block up the street two girl shows were In opposition to each other. The two news houtids sited up the eiangled young persons exposd to view on the platform, and sadly proceeded on their way. Next came a wild anlmaJ show and a horse show. Then the fonre. Tha reporters turned around to T trace their steps bark through the teething mob and, i If possible, to escape the showers of con- fettl. Irresponsible young ladles sre I to throw promiscuously when two gouU looklng young men heave In slKhl. The reporters had succeeded In travers ing two blocks of the return trip un- j scathed. Then suddenly It hsppentd. Somebody screamed, one reporter was yanked out of a onnfetU barrel where he ' had landed head first. The other one j - i . . , . wps xouna loosing inr a sihiiu iwre nc i could buy a ralr of opera glasses. Every body got excited. For tha two alert reporters had seen the first one of the year In' Omaha. "What" ycu ask could so excite a couple of sophisticated reporters. , It was an ankle watch. She was a sweet young thing and she tripped sajly along Dodging the confetti hurled In her direction, quite expertly. Suddenly, Just as the two reporters caught sight of her, she daintily flicked her skirt with her left hand, swiftly cast her dark brown orbs downward aa did the two reporters ;tily their orbs are blue and l k like seawater and there was the ankle watch. Both reporters saw that it was fiiteen tnlnutea after fl and time to go to work. LUXUS4KD DREXELS TO SETTLE OLD FEUD Tha amsteur base ball supremacy of Omaha will be settled S.tnlv.' 'hle the L.uxis have been en';-slly acknowl edged the Champa of the city because they won the Class A hon-v. the Prexets, who copie! the Class B honors, hvs ex pressed some doubt regirrllng the matter, snd Manager Livingston cha'leng.M the brewers to a combat. Johnnf Oennlsvi, manager of the Luxus, promptly accepted the challenge and the game will tie staged at LUxua psrk Sundsy. As a preliminary gsme the 'J. A. .N1 sons and J. D. Crewa will lock home. The first gama win start at l.V O'clock DR. CR0THERS TALKS AT UNIVERSITY CLUB SATURDAY r. lr. "amucl McOhord Crothers. pastor 3 of the First Psrish church of Cambridge, , SjJ Msss.. author cf The Oentle Reader, will ; address the University club following the ES luncheon Saturday.. ( 3 Miners Are Rescued v From Living Tomb After Explosion ' FHOniA.- 111., hept. an. Martin Territ la dead and Frank Robinnon la fatally wounded as tha result of an explosion In tha rnlna of tha Logan Coal company at Hanna City, thirty-five miles west of here tonight. Seventy-five ether miners who were Imprisoned by a fall of rock caused by tha explosion were rescued after several hours of desperate work on the part of a 'large rescue party organised by Mine Manager Fred Walters. None of these was Injured. Immediately following tha explosion fire broke out In the mine a mile from tha shaft and 0 feet below ground -where the accident occurred and for two hours It waa feared the entombed men Would be burned to death. ; I,ANfirX)KD, le., Sept. JO.-Fallure again today met the efforts of mine "workers to rescue the nine men who were entombed In the Foster tunnel of the Ie high Coal and Navigation company at " I'oalttsle at noon Monday. Ft rst Dress Parade By School Cadets ; -The first dress parade of the year was held by the high school cadets Thursday afternoon. The companies which had tha best lines, while passing In rev. aw were aa follows; Company I, f.rst: Company ' H, second; Company V, third. The following promotions were an nounced! From private, Company I, to second ' ami nua rtermaater K.rst Lai- . Jailnn. Carlton Bwller; fiom second tensnt. Company K, ti ursl lieutenant Company 1, Harry Johnson; from ser geant. Company t.. to second . company v. A. l, ciova; rrom seresni. Comimny (;, to second lieutenant Coin- 'lany IL Waldemar Thotnpoii; fnirn tr,vate Company 1, to sergeant Company . C. tviwin VMnlerton: from private, ( orn pnny 1, to sergeant Company l, tCugeue Hussum; from private. Company 1, to dergesnt Company I, llell Bowser; from private, Company F, to sergeant Company c. Hlcnard lrsnv: rrom nnvstc. com any I'm to sergeant Company t Joseph heller; from pnvala. t ompany A. to cor poral Company A. Rex hi wood; from Can Diagnose Case With the Wireless At a Long Distance SAN FRANCISCO. Cel., Sept. .-Ir. Albert Abrams, physician and author, an nounced today that he had devised an apparatus which already had determined at long range the nature of certain dis eases. Tha order In which cases of tuber- cul rls, pus and cancer at Log Angeles were put Into communication with the apparatus here today was determined by the Instrument. Ir. Abrams ssld. Per fection of It, and the principles Involved In It. he said, would enable an operator to diagnose disease with the apparatus. even at long distances. The experiment was conducted at Loe Angeles by rr. Rates T. Fisher, profes sor of nervous diseases In the University of Southern California. Dr. Fisher had been Instructed to at tach a certain form of cord conductor at one end to a point as close as possible to the seat of the disease In tha patient, and at the other trnd to a ground, such as a rsdlator or water pipe. Dr. Abrams said his apparatus con sisted cf an aluminum-compound hell. strut k by a tiny hammer. The radio active waves from the sending source, he said, passed through a variable con denser such as used In wireless work, and made the meullio sound dull. The length ef these waves he deterrtnned by the point at which the condenser allowed them to afreet the bell's sound. The apparatus also la sensitive to thought waves. Dr. Abrams said. He enunciated the theory that radio-active waves wore the energy given off by all matters, the length of the waves varying with tha kind of matter. Decide Draft is Not Needed in England LONDON, Sept. 30. At a conference of representatives of the chief labor organ isations of the country held after a meeting, at which Premier Asqulth end Karl Kitchener discussed the military situation with them, the belief was ex pressed that the number of men required for army, navy and munitions work, In order to carry out tha war successfully, could be obtained by the voluntary en listment system.' The labor representa tive decided to organise a special labor recruiting campaign throughout - the country. At the meeting, at which the premier private. C ompany A, to corporal Company mj E(lri Kitchener addressed the men. A. hred Montgomery ; from private. Com-1 v,..,.. . rty A. to corporal Company A. UlandJ Erl Kitchener expressed a preference Cutter; irum private, cninany a, to cor poral company U. rlayniohfl jturgeaa; I ELECTRIC RAILWAY MEN GO THROUGH SATURDAY One hundred or so of the members of the American Klectrbal Railway a- I soclstlon, enrout to California will be I In Omaha half an hour Saturday morn- j Ing. On a special train over the Oreat ' Western they leave Chicago tonight, j reaching Omaha at 8 o'clock Saturday morning, from here going west over the I'nlon Pacific. They are traveling in five sleepers, the train being designated the "White" special. "The Best Bread I Ever Ate" That is what they all say in speaking of, TIP-TOP BREAD Just try it once and you'll under stand why it s the favorite bread in hundreds of homes. Made of spring and win ter wheat flour, which is far superior to the kind used in ordinary bread. 5c and 10c at Your Grocers U. P. STEAM BAKING GO, TRADg MARK Ria-. u.s. patint orsicg Ltok ht this LatnL iiiiun;;;;:! SATHBBAV SPEGl the Biggest and Best Ualucs Sty I You positively Savo EVlonoy by p trading: .at this store and you get the M Li I' ?, SS3 ID Out-of-Town People Can Save Many Times Their Railroad Fare By Baying The Heeded FURNITURE, RUGS, STOVES, Draperies Here. Yon Are Always Welcome at the UNION OUTFITTING CO, Special Sale Tungsten Lamps A special opportunity for you to purchase Tungsten Electric Lamps at an unusually low price. Tunjrsten electric lamps ' give two to three times as much light as the old car bon lamps and consume about half the amount of electricity, hence you get a' brighter and better light at one-half the cost. Estimated to burn one thousand hours and each lamp iu guaranteed to burn, bat- rtft. urday,- 40-watt lamps, only Tungsten 3' n r3 What a World Famous Dietitian Says cf Macaroni Tf we Americans selected our food mors from tha standpoint of nulrlt o... as won d hear lsss of the high com .f living. Wf find, aapsrlall'y among lles of very modersts Im-omes, that iiihui le eaten to excess, the Idea being that an aliumlant meat diet is essential lu mslnialn kiid repair the system. We csn well afford to cut down mate rially on meat anil look elsewhere for nutritious and murh more economical foods. Take Faust Macaroni, for In stance. 'f Macaroni, lr. Hutnhlion -recognized ss one of the world's famous dietitians ssys: "The energy value ..f macaroni compared with heef Is In th ratio of 10(1 to 0:" and that "Macaroni Is ahsorhed almost In Its entirety," which menns thst It Is practically nil utilised to enrich the blood ami build tissue. Kaust Macaroni Is a highly glutinous food muscle and energy builder. Can t-e prepnred In many templing .. Costs but li)o e large package. Cut down on meat substitute Faust Macaroni. . IUMIH., 8t. Ixiuis, U. 8. A. FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO THE EMPRESS MARKET Tor the highest quality end lowest prices. Tou're as Bear to ns as your telephone. Two Deliveries 10 a. m. and 8 p. m. Prompt attsntloa to , mail orders. Ak-Sar-Ban visitors weloume. Just receive! a car cf Sorter Chickens which we will dress to your oritur.. eii3 ti .no Swift's Premium and Diamond C 1X1& Milk Fed Fnrlna- Chickens Pure Cone Ieaf Lard, 11 pounds for Htrter Pork Hoast V.3 Young Veal Koast lle Young Yen I Chops ...14V-0 1'lg I'ork Hosst ll-J I'lg Pork Ilutts 1440 1!1S Foreinmrter Hprlng Umb . 8io Mutton Chops l3Vi Porterhouse Aleak lTViO, Hams 1844S Skinned Hsms 145o HiiKar Cured Hams 9 iO Kxtra lan Hroakfast Bai-'on. . . Vl-a Kugar Cured Bacon 13Jo Salt Pork .' 8HO Fresh Oysters, por quart ........ 46 THE EMPRESS MARKET Op.. Wool worth Oc and 10c Store. 13 Bontb 16th 8f. Tel. I). 2807. Deliveries Twice a Say to All Parts of the Oltv. 10 A. If. and 3 V. at 5 Tour ' ' 'J ft, ii Vnlon S Home 'I:fi'?nfy Jffer The srllll fiNr-v Qullty S t'nlon Furniture E5 Money. Price. Fumed Oak Pedestal h Extension Tables h Add a little bright- s ness to the Ul-niiiT ZZii Itoom during Ak-f-'a - rrz Pen by getting a ne.v rrj IMning Hoora 'Iabi.. For Saturday we vC fer a epeclal soil I oak pedestal exto- 3 slon table, finished Fumed, with circular --; top. extends toffi.; zr.i square pe1estsl with Colonial design le. ZTS Wn exoetitlonal value zrx St, only rr: $8.75 1 AMIHEHESTS, from nrlvsle. Company l. to corporal . Companv 1, Ilobert Kutak; from private, Conipaoy - P. to corporal Company 1, Claude Rushlsnd; from private, Company ' 1. to corporal Company D, Ht gnr Juhn stoa; from private. Company K. to cor jMiral Comiiany K, Peter Barlier; from 1iivat, Compsny H, to ooriHiral Com- . pany K, Harold Knee; from private. Com pany J, to corporal Coni(isny K. Koigl liela Femald; from private, Cnmpaey W, -to corporal Comiwny t, Msurhe Hrani man:, from private, Cumpny U, to cur fonU Company 1, MuKee Vlake; from private. Company II, to corporal Com- fany H. I'aymond Kag; from private, ooipany 11, to corporal Company H, liarmon Wtlmalh: from private. Com pany I, to corporal Company 1, William ronnoison; rrom private, i umpanv I, to rorporsl Company 1, W. Kerschner: .Ifrom "rlvato. Company I. to corporal i. Compsny I, C. Adams; from private. Company A, corporal Company H Ilil trt Peierson; from private Company I, to corporal Company U, Ralph CUMip: from private. Company If, to corporal Cemiaiir C. Uri Peacock: from !rivate of band to captain, Kned Cor iss; from private, band, to drum major, wight Chase; from private, bend, to first lieutenant, blrby Sfsrs; from priv ate, bard to second lieutenant. Arlo Kedg ly; from private, bsnd. to first sergeant. . tYed Pock: from pnvel, bnnd, to cor poral, Floyd Paynter; from private, bugle corps to chief trumpeter, Italph Hender son, r Tha trsnsfera announced were as fol lows: Klrst lieutenant. Compsny C, to rirst I'eutenant Company K, Frans Hsiner: first llol tenant, Compsny 1 to first lleutenart Conuany A, Know it on Jones; first lieutensnt. Coin is nv A. to first lieutensnt Comosny U. Harry Cald well: first I'eutenant. Company I. to first euienani lompnny i . Kavmond - : first sersesnt. Company A, to first ser geant Company C. npn Comp: fi"-s ser geant. Company C. to first sergeant Com psny H, Lw ro e Hogue. RETURNS OF OWN ACCORD TO STATE PENITENTIARY LANSTNO. Kan., ttert J). Rev Watlace M. Btvekey. granted a temporstry parole from the Kansas state penltent'ary last June that he might be with his wife, who wss 111. returned voluntarily to the - prison today end announced he was ready to ctrtnplete h s term, titutkey waa con. vtcted of abduction. He has four years yt to serve. for a continuation of the volunteer sys-1 tem and the conference of labor leaders suggested that voluntary recruiting would be more successful If the govern ment would state frankly as far aa was compatible with the nubile Interests what already had been done by volun tary means and what were the present and future needs and would Insist upon employers no longer preventing their men from enlisting. Where the Omaha Bee Universal Animated Weekly May Be Seen FAR AM TIIEATRR CAMERAPHOXE GEM IjOYAL PASTIME LYRIO MAfrlC HAN8COM ARDOR IVY PALACE . DIAMOND BURT . ALMO OMAHA, BKXSOX FLORENCE 1915 Milk Fed Spring Chickens, 153 c PURE CONE LEAF LARD, 11 Lbs. for a $1.00 Pig Pork Hoast . . . Pig Pork Ilutts ... Steer Pork Hoast . Voung Veal Ttoast Young Voal Chops l.amh Legs Mutton Chops .... Porterhouse Steak Halt Pork . .USe 144e IHo ll'So 14Ho Mo 13V,0 17 So 80 Swift's Premium and Diamond C, Hams 15-He Pklnned Hams 1440 Bugar Cured Hams '. . e440 Kxtra Iean Breakfast Bacon. ,.lTie Sugar Cured Paeon 13e pedals From g to P p. m Umb Cliops . .be From 9 to 10 n. m., i-lb. rail Com pound, each 39o 1 IHI ir r.JI AttlflTT 1610 Harnoy St WMfeslV iiiha hon Douglas 2793 S P EC I A L S A LE ALU M I HUM WARE Guaranteed 1R gauge alumi num , 4-qt. Double, aluminum boilers, like illustration, R7r Sale price : . C 6-qt. Aluminum Berlin kettles, with lid and . heavy rj ball, Sale price O I V 4-qt. Aluminum Berlin kettles, with lid and heavy ro ball, Special OeSsC 5 13 SI Dsa'l Be Cosstlpated. AU kinds of ailments result from Con stipation. , Ir. King's New Ufa Pills are mild and effective; prevent Constipation. c. All druggists. Advertisement. BOYD MATIXKK TODAY TONIGHT Opealar AttraoUoa DANCING AROUND with AL JOLSON and sT. T. Wlatsr Oardea Co. of 198, wights, ta.oo to aso. let. MaU l-60 ie 05o Bee's Wow. PTATn HOW OS 1111 AA-sjar-Bea fask Commeaolag Tomoc row Vlght. AMIIKMENTI, f.laid in America r-J- iiMi-'a)UV , tiiMiiUalBUtrtlll i lllll II III HMJlim mi i Today Last Appearance THEDA BARA LADY AUD LEY'S SECRET SuridRy Chalice of Courage Dlroct from Winter 0 a dsn. M. T. Compear of IBS Including 1 rromtHCE atooaa and iaui.. bait s-rioesi siignts. vie v sa.oo; ataUaee i, S5e to tl.BO a Taude TODAY rot! i gut 'asae Songias . I TLe Oaly High Class TaudsTllle Tneater. MATl.VEK TODAV 2:15 EARLY CURTAIN HilO Kll AItt VasiTneva la Wll BKIDSS Vest Weak. r-tsts ror enure week now on sale Twe IslMrts Mad t roe p. The two children of J. W. Nix. mer Chant. Cleveland. Us-, had croup lest winter. One was a bey of t, the other a g'.rl of I years. Mr. Mi writes: "Both go eo choked up thay could hardly Urea the end couldn't talk. I gave theia ,oley's Honey and Tar and nothing euta , aad It entirely cured them." This re liable medicine should be In every home, for It gives Immediate relief from colds. coughs and croup, heals raw Inflamed throat and loosens piileguv. Bold every- -oAiA' rc cuirrcm BaUy KaUlS-gVAoe nnnnnriM Tnriav a.tia' w Tage ia-i8-o-TBe llllJlliUCIall. l;U;iTL. 11,1 T.I.. itM IOW1 I U ,.. LlSl TWO limit 'li -Ktasla, CMrU- i IT Thr'l'a VveterT. Wttr a'. ! ofTART' lagT&aa -wituta the Lt." Csralval Week, Begia. Mat. Tomorrow, Edward Lynch tf.iVJS'fS" "WHIT HPrEirD TO BtAWT." Mattaaea, 15e-gfte IBrealage, ae-ao.S0e. Tkoae Xeag. The only Illgh-Clsss Vaudeville Circuit Ms il nee Today, 1:1. NOTI' Curtain KUca at 8:10 To-! Dight oh .a,ntova la "War tlrldee." Pstrors alll not be seated while Noal aiota performance Is oa. - st Tlsii, Kit. T( ISST;TOP4ITE0A:3o Aad CoaUaalaff tao. Vast let. gt , TBAWK TI,. BrtTflVI'M? Musical MBT " ' Burcsaue Dime Mauase Week Deye. T" y,f-fif-t rut a can overnight ana serve the iuicy, appetizinp; slices ice-cold for breakfast. They are delicious. Hawaiian Canned . Pineapple 10c to 25c a can according to size ol can and grade of quality cheaper than its ever been betore. Just asic for a can of Hawaiian rmeapple. Your Grocer Sell It Association or Hawaiiab Pineapple Pacs Garland Building Chicago !l $24.50 For The Unlon'e Kie clal Steel Hnnge. An exceptionally good range St a verr low rice. Guaranteed to giv.. periect satin rac tlon. Ask to -tee this special range HOWARD Oier-Dnft Heaters S3 Tour old stove tak en In Exchange on the purohase of s Haw Bteel mange or Base Burner. These famous heaters actu a 1 1 v out money In v-r pockets In' the cost of the fuel they save you. Twlvs the heat with ono. half the fuel. Give absolute satlsTa tlon. M o d e r a t prices nnd very easy termn. .Ail eT : . . 1 l c- ... ' y ' Ja ' ' - 1 J t,l,Tfll ' CM I saeee-. 3(liM.e . I.ifwaSSi!,''v iMiafaM l Cut-of-Town Fecp.e Note that we sell goods to out-of-town people on rri.v easy payments. J-Veight paiil 200 miles. So freight oi specials. jl PARLOR ROCKERS 17! III llll"l"lllllM'll"l i.l! m li'l.l 12 tsUtes1 EM PR KSS DELMORE C. MORE Aad Three Other Acta "WITH FHK Itl'hMlAN AT TitK UtONT and I Othrr rboto.llay. 1Qc 10c Possibly saving of gas or fuel is no object; but saving of time interests every one. Once Skinner's always Skinner's ) For Sola at Leading Grocers Writ far recipe Ut ree wii"iViiMii'iriiiui;w'imMM;' plis!IS3Pl ; tii '' " ; i n;'tll"'M! 7' , a i i ! i i i ... .,1 ,f Inspired by master teaching. Is a USlCZLl LUlllirS alusble suet In tlis Ufa service and htllnesa of any Individual poasHsstng .t. The Omaha School of Orchestral Instruments Inspires StuUeut. the highest possible heauty of espreaslon of eac'i Catalog aent ou request. Addreaa 1'sUsi sob B wk. Macaroni ,Productir Sklnnear Mfg. Co. LmrfM Ma Fade ss AmSc. 14tSa .Amm SfMts. ML i IilM 153 , Msaj&finxto. A sw.iasmi'U gssv'Wil Bsu st- 5 KIMS a tt M I COC-aa sBa'T Es Hi in liar to Ithisi ra tion. Flnlsl-ed Ir Amerlcsn Quarter. Oak, saddle ahai seat. well msd $1-50 Special Sale of Bed room or Rag Rugs Saturday 75o yaluea. size Hxl Ins.. made of a -o'd ouallty material. a IPlfPl trt r'1 Mr HEAD Sale Price 11.25 values colorings, (ipe 1. it 7.1 x72 Ins style- Hrice. . . , Dnatl a r also tTx rood. 75 valuea. else 34 hit and mis i sale M U Taena .nei Special Price. 54.75 .0; PANTRY SETS Just like Illustration, con sisting of 1 bread box. 1 cake box, 1 coffee can and 1 tea can. They are nicely white enameled and are let tered in a pretty bronze brown. Entire 4-pleca act actually worth 1 15. Special 69c Model Dress Forms Give you a larg er wardrobe at a rery little 'ense. Er try part easily ad justed to your own measurement- Special price, only ti $9.50 1 BSe weekly. Satlsfac tlon. guaranteed or y o n r money back. W- if sat r '?ss m fc w .'mB'' i .... UniGn Outfitting Co OMAHA V ;s.E.coiU6'GOwcKsoi srs. OrVOI7B KOTsili avOats. - j; inHHiuiuuu'.ummuuiiiuimnmnmmiuuimmiimiimuuniijiiuniciHiiiirs Let The Bee get you a good job. -Situations Wanted" ads are free Wbare Advertisement. V