Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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United Stat'Jt Will Ask Itecall of
German ttache if lie is Not
Wiliulrtwn Voluntarily.
Franks Continue Hammcrinr at the
Second Line of German De
fenses in Chanipajne.
WASHINGTON, ""' 1. Unless
Captain Veil I'nprn, tfm German mil
itary attatJe, Is voluntarily with
drawn by lis government. Indica
tions todn V were Ih.-vt within a short
Mm. the lilted States would request
his recall
All lha vipers rarried by Janice F. J
Archlhalil the American rorreonclrnt
, t U n t 1 1 .11 1 h.vr
uiTiiiicu an iii.r ' nrr u i ,-. ...... ,
f . . - .... .1 n nnta
LONDON, Oft. 1. Tim French
are bearing the brunt of the fichtln
n-rtlon around the nmuth of tha river waa begun and atrret ear service waa
tame tnday In a aVlreleaa messasre from i partially resumed thl afternoon. A m c-
Fifty-Scven Bodies Recovered at
New Orleans, Frenier, La.," and
Along Mississippi.
death 111 reniltiPK from the hurri-1
the steamer Creole. anrhord off Fort
Ft. I'hllllp. Captain Jacobs reported that
tha water waa flowing over tha levees
and that many hmise alone tha banks
had been swept away.
Captain Manges anJ tr.ree members of
tha crew of the tug Coraalr wera
drowned In the Mississippi off Nine Mi's
I'olnt when tha Coraalr and threa fleata
of hari?ea annk m-tille itnm mmm aft
r tnre I I's height last night. Theaa fleata In-HUJ-IUIMO
ciud mnr ,nBn jn barges loaded with
roal valued at 11,100.000.
Oft. 1. The The clearing of debris from the streets
tton In tha weatera part of tha city, about
thirty block a long and fifteen wide, waa
flooded today from one to four frat deep.
Mayor Behrman today Issued a state
ment declaring- tha city had no need of
oulalde assistance. He believed the prop
arty lose In the ctty and envlrona would
reach aaveral million dollara.
Fleve aSmall ("raft Saak.
Weven email craft aank In tha harbor
hera during the storm and sis ateam
ablpa wera damaged. The hark HlTia
aank and two membera ef tha crew wera
drowned. The Vnlted Btatea converted
yacht Stranger,' aaalgned to the Louisiana
Naval ml'.ltia, waa rammed by the huite
dry dock at tha naval atatlon and went
to the bottom. The gunboat Petrel waa
In the dry dock at the time. The Monitor
Amphltrlte waa driven aground.
There waa no wire communication with
the outside world throughout the day,
and It la believed direct communication
will be Impossible for aeveral daya. The
cotton and all other exchangee remained
cloax'd today.
Ti Tnwai W ipe Oat.
NASHVILLE, Trnn., Oct. 1 Accord
ing to railroad officials here, persona who
visited ICffolots and PunlHir, la., a few
miles from Mobile In a boat yeaterdny,
reported that tmlh towns had practically
been wiped off the map by tha gu (
"Rank fil nan tips
Show Big Gains
The bank clearings for Omaha were
over 17,000.000 greater In September than
they were September a year ago. Fol
lowing are tha figures:
Peptember. 1!15 M .X Oil .:
September. 1114 77.iC.VrM. in
now In progress on the western front. I raie which swept New Orleans, Us I
They are hammering at the second I vicinity and the Mississippi gulf
- - . II i i v. i ,i ' . . .1-1 I ... i
. "w ber4i place! before Slate d'
VA officials and wh!l llnnl deflnlon
t the return of Secretary Uin-
"nTW lecanie hnuwn- todny th it the
aysar-w-ats diwh-se a transxn'snlon of
liplinJn '' rrt'i-i t'ca on Vol I'apen's
part, t p'h ns c.iuaed the recall. of thu
Austriai) amhaaaaiior.
German lln In Champa, no. In tho
direction of Orand Pre railway, and
at the swiii! time dropping bomb, on
the line and stations to prevent tho.
Germans from bringing up relnforco-
Ahsence of news from tho
Urltlsh front apparently Indicates
coact Wednesday now la expected to
reach Bixty-flvo or seventy. Prop
erty diinmpp, according to latest esti
mates, will mount into the millions.
The losses so far as now known are
dltributed as follows:
Now Orlrarta Nineteen dead, to in-
that these force, are occupied TCllhi"""1: Ppcrty l..aa more than K.floo.fnu
., . ,, , ,,, , M! a.ll Coaat Thirteen dead, acorea
ronsolldatln.? their positions In the , lnJun( or ,,,,il,K; ,,r0I,trty loa. astl-,
strip of territory recently won. matci t iuu,oo. ;
The Hrltlah forces now In Fran'-p nrn i Freiiler. Im. Twenty-five dead, about
l estimated at a round million men, whlr-h twenty diluted; heavy damage to ratl
in tha bat of d'Kumenta now In pos- will be Increased by fiJ.o.o. Dully tenaih-J roai'a. I
aesaton of the State department are four enlng of the obituary rn'umtv of tho AutomnbllUta arriving here from New
lettera from lr. I imba, aome from CP- Ixndon newspapers ia beKlnnlng to mea
taln Von Papen, and one. It la be.levid, ure the price paid by the Hrlilh for i
from Oount Von Iternstorff, allhouah on thilr recent offensive.
tha latter point official ronf .rmallon waa
lacking. There la tvilnintr, ao fnr aa of
Dclala would dlar-losa, hlh Iml.cnted
that the German ambassador had vio
lated .d.nlnma tic prupi li li'-a.
DENVER, Colo., Oct. 1. Captain Von
rape n, the German mlll:ary attache, la
appealing to Ht. Ixuiia today on a llur
llngton train, according to the announce
ment f tho M rman cunsulato. Von
Tapcn left last nlcht
(Continued from Page One.)
times, while he mini lima b pi lain only
thirteen tlnwia.
"Roily" got the audience quite excited
at the benliinln by a harrowing tala he
to! 4 about a woman who loat tha check
for her bet y that aha left at tha nursery.
"And when ahe rami to tha nuracry
after the meeting they wouldn't give her
her T without the check," aald "Kody."
&a aha had to wait till all tha other
hnblea had been culled for and tha only
baby that waa left waa a colored baby.
Ohe took that baby and went hum happy
because 'aha waa a rolori'd woman and
that was her baby."
There la no notable change on the hat-
tie front of the eiml.
HulKarta haa not replied to the aug
geatlon of Greece that It demobilize,
nv Thrust llaa Fnlled.
AMSTaRIMM, rtept. i-(Vla Ix.ndon,
Oct. T.)--The corresnondi nt of tli !
Cologne Car.ctte In Chami nijne semla tho j
following to bla nrwiti(er;
I "It la cnntinunliy becoming clearer
that the enemy's aurprlsn thrust, carried
j out by a tremenduua nrrat of fun-re,
j which had been In rrepara ion fur a v-i
eroi inontha, will not a iccoed .The ai
I tack now hn been briught to a atand-
still all along the l n nnd the proapei ta
or a further aetbm k are being awnl'nd
with equanimity. Tha spirits of the man
are excellent and their moveiiunfa are
being executed calmly and conlldcntly."
French Official Report.
PAniS, Oct t-In the great oatt'e In
in "uuw umun i me i'lencn b.v inud
fiiletna earl today rejorted that the
work of rt storing order in tha city waa
progreaHln.4 rapidly. Ptreeta are being
cleaned of debrla. BulldlnKS left In a
dnniiernus condltiun are belli torn down. .
Itallroud troffto from the wcat Into tha
ilty baa bvr-n partially resumed, and
trlenrnph and telephone coinpunlea are
wnrkiiiK day and night to rcatora wire
conimunli atlnn to the outsldo world. It
waa stated that no outaido aid would 1
be asked for New Or:ema. j
Itcnurta from the laouislana coast south '
of Now Orleans today ate meager, but
Indications are that the loss of life la
not heavy, owlnir to the ample warnings
of the approach of the atorm sent out
by fi deruj and state aulhorltlea
Mneteen Di-nit at ?let Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS, Bcpt. 30 KBy ('curler
to liaton Ktiuga, Oct. 1.) Nineteen known
dead, probably tn Injured and lamagi to
bulldlima, wire rlrcii'ls, all road , ship
ling and other property tn New Orleans
and vicinity estimated fcl sovcml million
dollara waa tha toll taken oy tlio hurri-
(Continued from Page One.)
W. L. Ainea, Oregon, Wla., mviiilwr
executive committee, and John IL
Kimble, Port l)eHalt. Md., legislative
Indianapnlla. Atlanta, New York, Chi
cago, Nlugara, Falla, I'heonlx,' Columbus
and DalUmore were tn the race for tha
next convention. .Omaha baa a atandlng
invitation with tha' congreaa. '
Congreaaman Charlaa ti. Hloan ot Ne
braaka at oka to the farmera on "Con
gressional Discrimination Against ' tha
Farmrra." He Insisted that the farmers
have .not been given a fair deal In
tariff legislation In hat they have to aell
ta a large extent on tha open or fre
trade market and buy In a protected mar
ket He pointed out that In li12 Schedule
G, which la the achedula on agricultural
products, produced 11 per cent of tha
revenuea, and was therefore una of the
loet. It, ot ul) taillfa. ahould have boait
left al ono. or It modified should bava
bean chanced leaa than any other.
' Call Urn Hveord.
"If the racord of flftean .years clearly
Indlcatid thul H. iiedulet 'tl
have been putlerlall cliangcd
at least not discriminated agatnat, tha
record ot workinaa of thai ruthleaaly
butchered acl.tidule In the L'liUurwuod law
emphasise thai fact.
"I shall use tha fihcal ef of 1914 to
Itlustrata the, wniklnwa of tha new law
as compared with 1'jU fur tha old. 1
shall, however, .uaa thur Illustrative
parludae for comparlsun, ao that results
will ba Huira ooniprthunslvvly eliown. llie
fiscal year of Ul4 contains throe month
of the old law and n'ne ot the new.
Faraa Prod acta Free.
Thur was an Increase of frw Imports
In 19)4 over 1911 of l-'i.or!,u00. Of these
llan.OWUM) weia farm pii-ducta. ' All oth
ers luo,eiO.0VO. Kttttid In in-rcintagea
farm products ta per cent, all othora 43
per cwit ,
There was an Increase In all exports In
114 over I'Jlt of IliJt.onoon. of this le.l,.
OQ0.0Qn only waa farui producla and lV
furtlier progreaa, by mcna of attnaka ! Cano 'h,cn swept thu e,ty Wedijf.aJ.iy
with band grenadea on Uermai Una hi a.
Announcement to this eiftfo: was mao'e
touay by the war office.
In tha Champagne a uernun counter
attack near Malsona da Chan.p.iHiw wKa
Tha Germans violently bomharlnd the
French trenches near Houpir, north t,f
tlie AUne. but made no Infantry attach.
The text of the communication follows:
"Jn tha Artola Ulatrlct we have made
progress by the use of hand grenades in
tha trenches and underground pusi-agea
to th caat and to tha aouuieaat of Neu
vlUe. "Two German counter attacka have
been delivered, one against a fort which
we conquered yesterday In the forcat of
Glvenchy, tha other aguinat the trendies
to tha south of Hill No. HI), where
troopa bad Installed themselves. Each
one of theaa attacka waa conclusively
i. "To tha north of tha Alsne, near Souplr,
tlia em. my conducted a violent duuion
atration agalnet our trenches.
'In the Champagne district our rit-e
put a definite check ta a German coun
ter attack In tha vicinity of Malsona do
"Tha number of prisoners made yester
day evening during our advance to the
north of Uaaetgnca 1 2S0, Including sU
(Continued from Page One.)
of Honoia, and General I'rvnlejo had
, , "-f wiii'siiws ailing governor pnd
ahould not jcommandor-ln-ohlef of Villa forces la
. he aula, or Bonorftf respectively.
I.nretea Tetia Ilebela.
EL PASO, Tex., Oct. 1. General Nafar
elte, commanding Carrania troors at
WaUmoroa, wired tha Carransa consulate
nore toaay that lie had located a band
or lexaa rebela at Hanoo Laa Fli.res
Mexico, and waa awaiting inatructlona to
Commentlntr on tha sworn statement of
uuaaalup Cuellar befora Captain Frank
McCoy on tha killing of Private Hlch
ard J. Johnson of tha United Ptatca army
In the Brownsville dUtrlct, tha Nafarette
message said;
"It la absolutoly false that any eon
atltutioniillat chief of my brigade led a
group of Texas rebcla."
Dvsplte of tha possibility f the recog
nition or General Carrania by tha Pan
Anivrlcan Ci nfrree. General Villa ooniln.
luca to akl fotelgncre dsMlrlug to lv.
O,0( aU othora Stated In porcfiitages, j M"x'l, l reach Ilia border, say refugees
farm product 40 per cent, all other o,"rr,1"a "ere, incy report that Vllia
" aevorai irjop tra:n sidetracked
to permit tl.a aecial train rarrvina- fi.e-
forced ta tui'Ct H0,0O0 x Increase! 1m- l"trs rioiu JariaJ and jiuiine to pasa
nort Antnntlfltin In . v. -.( I - i i n i i
vantage of H.0il,o increased expnrt. (ir B W,nt Ad fuc Reauita.
and was conceded to have I con thu worst
over experienced In this section. Th"sa
figures were compiled here late today.
Of the known dead ten war a white and
nine wera negroes.
Thro negroes lust their lives in Algiers,
across the river from here, and six in
New Orleans and suburbs.
That the storm caused heavy property
loss and powithly many casualties in
Fouthrrn Ioulrlana as far wext aa Mor
gan City and especlully near llouma, I
feared, llaliroud men at riving from Mor
gan City reported no los of life at that
llouma. In fen-e of Storm.
From Indications tne full force of the
ftonn swept over the neighborhood of
llouma. a city of t.UOO population. The
Inst report received from llouma at
about a. m. Wednenday stated that
many refugee were arriving there from
gulf const point.
Crop throughout the district vlrdted by
the hurricane wera almost totally des
troyed j .
i'Var are felt for the safety of resi
dents a'ong both banks of the Mississippi
t-euth of here, The last wori frqia tha
Pon't search for
clothing bar-
per cnt
In other
words, the farmers wera
siaieu id percentages, the rarmer waa
forced to accept a r pur edit lnjie .su
of Import coniiiltton (or a 4 per d nt '
lncrso In evp-vi-ta of bla produota, while ,
all othar wera given the bneat of u
too export Increase for a 1Uu,j0m,i
Import increase. In the matter of lucres
oaused by the new law the farmer fjunJ
the balance of trade Increase ag dnt blin
of fTt.v0u.ou0, while alt other had a bal
ance of trade Increase aguinat tham tf
only kfl.fwu.una, (Mlgbty niarly the old
acred ratio of If to 1 ) '
"U will readily appear that tt VU,
which Inoluded tluve months ind-r tne
old law. ware reduced to a new law baala,
the foregoing fUuiea would be increased
and pbvloua roncluion emphasixea,
"Tbut Iheaa condition arc not p;cu lr
to the two years, lull and lnu. can ba
showa from aliiiwt any parloda emuld
eicd or angle used. And this Is true,
notwithstanding ho bairU r IntercM-d by
the Euroa war agalnat many import
and th esiKM'lul demand fur our PWu
good ly oouniriua abroad.
"If agrlcultui-e generally Ifelt In the
ITndvrwood law the etlnging lath of dis
ci Uulna Uoa, the ulliwt fit th acor
ploa Lite of rank Injustice. u
The usual rlotbinig bargain
shrieUg aloud and tells the passerby j
w uat, u is ana wnore it came from.
Come to the shop that has respect
for your nppearance.
will sell you a suit of clothes
mat parallels the most expert tail
oring the world has ever seen at a
price that will make you feel friend
ly toward us.
Suits and Overcoats
$16.50 and $25
"Make our ttore your for"
Wilcox & Allen
Exclusive Clothes for Men and
Young Men.
203 So. JCtb 8t.. Near Douflaa.
Ak-Sar-Ben Specials
at Beaton's
ttatoona la airrlr.
Bl'PEHIOK. Neb.. Oct, l.-by'-lai Tl
egraiu.) Lleensea wale gianled to L. A.
Dm via and Julia Krey today ta run Saloon
in Superior. They are now open for
business after a drouth lasting ltiv the
first of Ft-bruary. No objection wer
rnad to tn granlji.g of license this
llraatr Miirt Ihia kkla Deep.
' A hrautiful woman always baa good
d'tcatlon. if your digestion of faulty.
Chamberlain s T!jU ta will do you good.
Obtainable. vvr where. All druggists.
Boe Cupid ruff Vanity boxea 10c
2fe 1. Uterine 0
11.00 Ptnaud a Ulag Vegetal 5V.
100 Plnaud'a Quinine llalr
Bt'o Phonala Wafers iic
I bo llremo Heltier I7e
60e Melba Chocolatea ....Sfc
0e Jelly Beans, lb i.ic
40c Kreh Vanilla Marshnal-
lowa, per lb cv
Johnson's Triad Chocolates
at HOc, Htlc and $t.OO
Wo are spent for Huyler's,
Ixiwnya, Johnson's, Dlnuing'a
and O llrien'a Chocoiatcs.
Sc Musaata Talcum Powder ..f
I3.TS Hnrlick's Malted Milk $.74
$1.00 liorlick's Malted Milk U7e
60c bottle of 100 Ulnkltt's
cara Pill , , , uc
1 lb. 10-Mule norax 7c
$1 60 S-qt. Ked hubber Fount la
byrlnff , ....80c
J2.00 3-qt Red Rubber Comblna
Hon Water Uottle and Fountain
Syringe for wh
125 3-it. Ked Rubber Water
Hcttlu t
Gi:l our prices on Rubber Good.
$0c I'eboco Tooth Pasta; ...,4lo
FREE to Every Customer
Wintorton'a Spearmint Gum,
$1.00 Hay's Hair Healtn ....C7e
50c Klti h's Hair Tonic ..... .SOc
25a and 85c Chamois ...... ,10c
$1.00 Uterine ftOc
50c Uqttld Veneer .........sic
5"c I'oizont'a Powder 2 c
50e Smtt a Emulsion S-c
Sic Custorla ,,Ilc
l lfi.Wt ril'KnAIJ
10c Robert Hum Conchas
sire. Saturday Se
10o El Contento ftc
15c Mmm Cigars, t for . .ae
Beaton Drug Company,
Antnmn Days Bring Autumn Needs
An October
Has really form
and n little touch of
fropl, too; almost ev
crj'body out of doors
vf-stPrdfM teemed to
nay: "Oet out of my
Fall daya bring Fall needs, and
eheppera here take pleaaufa In
shopping because of
The good airy buildimg.
The excelUnou of light
Tht roominess to get around.
The freedom to visit.
The newness and freshness
The reliabili'ies.
Plenty of r.cod things to
help 'mi "Jffdl Needs. .
The Fur Shop .
You rati buy furs here with
the positive assurance that:
You receive dollar for dol
lar value.
That tho furs you get are
the ones bought
' U'liat no misrepresentation
is practiced. V '
Prices this season are unusu
ally moderate. FarUcularly so on
Real Mink, Marten and Hudson
Seal. .
Real contentment is
net to bo had unless
ono knows he looks as
well as ho feels.
Stiff-cuff shirts for day
wear are coming; back. We
can show you either in Man
hattan, Hates-Sheet and
Eagle; the patterns are nu
merous and extraordinary,
the fabrics durable, the
prices less than you'd expect.
Our line of half hose for
autumn shows a distinctly
new -turn, of Fashion in tho
number of fancy effects now
in vogne. Plain colors includ
ing all the. new shades for
tho conservative fellows.
We) are featuring high grade
exclusive neckwear for men. You
1 find our Scarf better made la
very way. utiered at tempting
f x - 7. ia
A' X m4. II
This Is The Glove Sale
- Out of the ordinary in Every Way
Qualities higher Prices lower
You'll do right to he here at 8:30 a. m.
Trcfous8e, extra fine quality gloves in black,
white, tan arid evening shades; regular ("l f"A
$2.25 quality, all sizes tj) 1.07
Regular $1.50 and $'J.OO gloves $1.19 f
A VERY special value you can't again duplicate; In all colors and
sizes Doe Skin Gloves, In white and natural, a fine quality,
for Saturday only; 1.26 value, for .780
The Store for
Shows for the first
time Saturday, de
lightful ijew Au
tumn Blousea
$3.95, $4.95, $3.95
and $6.50.
Our Famous
DOLLAR Silk Hose
In black, white and colors,
famous because of its wear
ing qualities and good looks
and low price, $1.00.
SILK HOSE3 In black and all
the naweet ahadea for street and
evening wear, $1.60.
October the Month for Suits
Special Hand-Tailored Suits
$19.50, $25, $29.50
No extra charge for alterations.
Tn these three groups you will find an extensive selec
tion of seasonable styles. Quality, tailoring and dependable
fashionable fabrics feature these suits.
Garment worthy in every way to bear the label of
Thompson-Belden & Co.
Reliable since 1886.
In addition to complete showing
of exclusive suit models, priced
From $35 to $150
50c Bungalow
Aprons 39c
The largest, longest, best
aprons made, in light and
dark colored fabrics; on saU
in the base
ment. Satur
day - -
Saturday A Special Sale
of Three Hundred Beautiful
Trimmed Hats
at Reduced Prices
More thun one hundred hats have been added to our
lurge stock within the last two days, all of which will gu
ot special prices Saturday.
Millinery Second Floor.
Underwear for
Fall and Winter
Good qualities. Well
known Makes. Reasonable
Light weight cotton
vests, various styles, pants
to match, knee or ankle
lencth ------ 50j
Fine Ribbed Union Suits,
light or medium welKht, low
neck, no sleeves, ankle leugth,
or Dutch ueck, elbow sleeves,
$1.00 a suit.
Women's Union Sujtg, low
neck, no eleevea, ankle length,
lisle top, heavy drawers, $1.25.
Half cannot be
told in one page
about Monday's
Great Dress Goods
Special prices never
meant ho much hi they
will in Monday's Great
Dress Goods Salo. Have
you seen them displayed
in our Sixteenth street
window T
About 5,000 Patterns,
mostly Skirt, Dress and
Suit Lenrths.
Fine Imported all-wool, two
toned novelties for 'aepatate
coats and tailored suits; Bed
ford cords, sarges, poplins,
gabardines, novelties, auitln.
Our Window Display will
help you to realise what our
Greatest Sale of Dress Good
Thirty or forty years ago
Warner's Corsets were tho
choice of many leading women
of tlte day. Today their popu
larity has increased to such an
enormous extent that one wom
an out of every nino in thij
country wears a Warner's.
This popularity has not com. from
change. It baa com. from real houebt
values and th. moat skillful design
ing. We have never sold Wamrr'a any
season that we did uot find the at y leg
correct, and th. makers have such
confidence In th. material! and
workmanship that they permit us to
guarantee every pair that wa aell to
Any Warner Corset bought at our
countar will mold th. figure for
which it la Intended absolutely la
arcord wllh fashion, and VK Gl'.Mt.
$1 and S1.50 Pair
Thompson-Belden & Co, 11
. -v.("
. 1