mm nKTi! omaiia, ocTom-m , 1915. 1!) REAL E8T.VXJ3 TARM A RMtl LtKUl FOR gAbg Pun am a. Lands in Panama FORTY ACRES OF RICI1 AND FERTILE LAND FOR THE PRICE OF ONE ACRE IN NEBRASKA. With thro years to pay, and no interest on deferred payments. Prices: $2.50, $3.50 and $5 Per Acre Lands of Bigger Opportunities Government Stability This land It a sew country that lifts three things. "RNrcf Climate. Panama baa a 1 Uol. climate aa healthful aa the state of Nebraska. Hon. John Barrett tsri: "The cli mate Is. eentrary to the usual tradi tion, healthful and even Invigor ating Second: win Panama soil produce threo times as much as the best land In the middle west. 8lr Thomas Upton ears: "For mire, large and permanent returns, nothing equals a well managed trop ic I plantation. TllifH Transportation and 1 1111 U. Market. Panama Is lo cated to day on the main street of the worlds, It bas the cheapest of transportation and the world'" beat markets at Its door. In Panama this land Is costing you $5.00 per acre: you have three years to pay, with no interest on deferred payments. In Nebraska land is costing $160 per acre! you hare three yeara to pay, with 6 per cent Interest on deferred payments. I Leave Which will make the Investor 100 per cent upon hie Investment first? Will Nebraska lands ever double In value again t Will Panama land not soon be selling for more than Nebraska Inds, when they will produce threo times as much foodstuff, and located aa tbey ara, with, tho United Statea behind them? If this is so, what do you Bay? Think fThls over and then if you would care to get any further Information, or read what peopla who have bought in this tract and personally inspected their property have to say about t- country, Call or write for literature and information, Homeseekers, Land Co., Inc. 6S6 Bee Bids., Omaha, Neb. SWAPPERS COLUMN FULI-B pOO DKU Scotch colli dog to trade for 8lngr drop-head sewing ma chine; eland, dog tor children. Addres H f. A. He. INDIAN motorcycle and aide ear, Ult with 1915 Improvement Two peed, new tlre. full elevlrio equipment, etc. Engine Just overhauled sod In fer feot hape. One of the heat kept outfit! in town. Coal new, Including aids car. liSi.uu. Will trade for or towards Ford or Baaon roadster, or slmllur light car in good condition. MUht ennaider other swap. Addres a C. W. . 1 HAVfc. three- ear-old aaudle puny, with good snddlo and bridle; will trade for good five-passenger Ford. Addreaa Gk . C. lb,, Ie. sTAi-V Interest in paying real elate bui-lnees, for anything useful, & C. i.l, Bee, - LiUHT roadrter to trade. Need aorae re- Viilia. Cnn "e typewriter. . C to4. Bee, li,... .lve-paaenger touring car, thoroughly overhauled and In ftrsl-claas ennciilotif will trade tor tlvS atock. Ad dress S. C. Hce. PHYSICIAN'8 eel of lour ' DeViibis " atomizers and stand. UKe new. cost aVout 16; will trade for anything use ful. t11rs t ' I"". PHYSICIAN will exchange medical book and surgical instruments for any thing useful. Address M. C. K Bee. ' tlANoaW have I make of high-grade nlanoa. all new, which 1 got In deal. Will sap for diamonds, real estate or uew auto. Addres B. O. lSStt. Bee. IFLWINCHlTEB .2J automatlo repeater, with new rifle ease, elo. Cost new ovei $i.).iA Want Boatman auto graphic kodak, or will consider anything of enual valuo that 1 cait use. for this. Address a C. 246. Boa. pifialiy built tor apeed aier; in tirst-clos condition; will trade for yearling Letters or good milk cows. Address S. C. 8"6. Bee. ItU'Llv-v luche. ter, repeater with gold front sight, In good condition, cost when new about Slu-flU, sight cost $2.60. Will consider anything of equal value that t cau use. Also single-barrel ahot gi.n; this is a cheap gun. but a good one: 13 gaute. Will trade this for anything I can use. Would like camera, postcard Ike, Kastman preferred. Address B. C. care Jinaha Hee. ROADSTER Have four-cylinder I. H. C. ' roadster, just overhauled and In perfect shape. trade for a piano or any thing I can use- Addreaa B. J. 27d, Uee. Ulooo 6Til-N i. lull. lug. lor clear lotlage, f will trade KiOu to Jl.OuO loia for auto. Ai'droHS 8. ('. ?v. Poe. STANI'AUD -wiii Machine, aood order, hT aood oven oil heater, ringer, or what have ou? Addr ca S. f. tu. Ba. SI NO Kit box top sewing- machine. In fant' Iron bed, M blua aioei revolver, tennis racquet. Kxchange fur coal range or Cola' a hot blaat heater, or what bav you ? 8. C. Wi. Hee. SANITARY couoli. kitchen table, spade. two ahovela, two rukon, hoe and coal scuttle, te trade for reading lamp or farm products, uch as Jelly grape, ap ples, etc. Artlren, w. t;. Hoe. TO or-LL or HaJe jour aiiotttun or rlile. fcee y rti ak. Ju noum TYPEWKITEU Underwood, vtmbie; per. feet shape. Will trade this machine for cabinet Vlctrula or small Urafiex camera, Auur. a. C, 1U. Bee, FOR RKTT Aparluteata riata. The For Rent advertisement appearing In tne Jror tiunt column of Th Uee daily eano'it be beat lor variety that Mil pleaae and till Hie needs of aiiy ope duKlring to rent, i'hone Tiler tOiu Peters Trust Co. Apartments 4 KOOMS-.-NKVV l'LO-UES anh nd ChiiIIoI Ave., 1'lreproof au4 lit, hi reoRU. All copveniencoa. Close-in. lA-hO- 4 ROOMS "ATHLON hi, th and Doug las feu., all corner apartment, V'tiiely flmahed. l.ij!- rooma. Quiet location. f.7.Pt-ttO. I ROOMS 'THE Ut-UHGIA." 101 Ceor gia Ave., larve, well arranged rooma, Beautiful location, eajl (mnt, piettv lawn. tSI to. I ROOMS 'Tiirt ALSATIAN." Us Bo. t&ih Bt (WfiT .FARNAMJ tjulot, refined neighborhood, 4 IX'tiipletely modem: beauti fully finished. ROOMS 'Til K AUiATIAN;" I goutl) , expoeure, HI fA J 10 4 ROOMS "Til K MET1-JR," Je Ponnle ton Ave. Liv ng rooiij. dining r-m and kitchen 1st floor. Three Mrnom, and bath td floor Full liaaemont and attl. Wmirr and heat furnished. m.:a ROOMS-' TliK MKYKR " S3i Popple- ton Ave. (Ham aa alwve). with one extra bed room and Bleeping porch Peters Trust Co. IS?? Parnam St. rour. tm. tOR RB.NT new. 3 and t-roum apail menu. dlsapprartng beda. pnuniaile eleaner. shower baths, flri-t ctaa In every rcul. Flora Apu.. Sua! j.o. feL Vi REAL FSTATR FARM HIM II lANDg FOM ALB ftuu. Panama might be called a new AMERICAN oountry. related as it la to the United SUtea, which afford a government as stable at our own. Hon. John F. Wallace says: "Tha present treaty between the United States and Panama provides for a protectorate which practically give the United State no; only the power of Intervening to repel Invasion aud repress local disorder, but also guar anteea that the United 8tates will asmnie the responsibility for the In ternal and foreign peace of the country." Having these four things, will net this country advance as all other new countries navaf Will not these lands soon sell for aa much as tha landa In the Hawaiian Islands which but a few years ago could be bought for a few dollars per acreT This la the history of all new countries. It to You FOR RENT Apartuitala mmd Klata. S-ROOM apartment? aleeplnir poretr: en tirely modern. Call I06I Oeoraia Ave. ROOMINO HOU3U FOR RKNT. S-room modern houno la brick block, cloaa In, tW per tnontn. J. H- DUMOVr CO, 419-U FtaU Bank pidf Dou. M.-0 mio-id riaiq nann piu, Muy. -p T-KOOM KLAT,: ALl. MODERN. 10 f. m HARKKY ItefH o MlVN', neat and nitty J-room Apt., ail modern. MgniTdoh'- WoK. J7ij q ELEGANTLY furniahad. quiet hoiiia."wiol Howard St t-room apt In Bt Claro. fel. Har. etf. EHTAUKOUK Court, new, modori orn. aan. tabbina. nary, near poatoifloa. u. P. K Rori Mi Aawaaa. ftirnlahad Kooma that ettar a vary mod. ern convenlenoa and comfort In rlvata famlltaa or boardinl hounaa of tha hialv est claaa will b Iuun4 in tha FurpUhad Hootmi ooliuna of Tha Bw, rbuno Xylar 1000. Neatly furnlahed nna. ejulet home, braak faat If praferred- HQ Murya Ava. THE Chatham hotel for tentlemao. JUtteil to permanent quanta. 110 8. 13th. P. 804, B()AH1 aiid r'oina, wk. all liuiiK'U. l arnum til., 2107 Nicely furniuhad roouia. ataani peaiaq; ctomm in. Mougtaa 6t h.Cl AL LOW HAT lid TO J'fcHMANkINT OUICdTS. HOTEL fcAM-OKU. mh anJ Karnanv MOTtL HARLKY. tilth and Karnanv PARK AV&, lilT Two pica rootna with board, private family; gentleman on y. KarnUUac Kiwwi, MODERN, east front roam, one or two gentlemen. Lasy walklii dlt4K'a. Rof erenvea. Harney 2340, NICKLY furniahed roomaj. on block of poaiomce; convenieni lor carnival j vlfcltursjraeonable prloea. liU-H Liodge. TEL. "Vebr4338 desirable front room, near park; every modem oonvenienoa: warm. duty, comfortable; garage. Adult family, b UH.MbiiLlj room, modertt home, fine location, i'hone Wal. 7uA; 1 biouk ear. 2708 FARNAM Nloely furnished room. Capitol Ave., 2706. a rma. Bedroom and sl- ting rm. ur Ktaet optional; rate reaa'ble. 2 rooiu during carnival. illA fee Klary'a. BtlAUTlFUL room, strictly private fam ily; good man preferred, gtfe HaxrU fet Phone Harney PLEASANT rm., Beml park, nriv. home, lblk. to car 1 ret, required. WL IUH. LAHOH1 front room, elegant new fur nltuie; also 2 or t enaulte; fireplac, steam heat and large cloaoia In all room. Ratea are reayonnble. tol Pa ma in St. Frnlah4 lleaaea. T ROOM-FURN18HI5D. An aJI-mouern house lit Went Paxnam district. Rent H6 per month Wall H.i -im.. mua.. for wlntei. lei. Uiii, uij. 'raitsheal lluuekervist Hwoui. Neatly furnl. h. k. room. Tyler 840J W. loa anal I'ettage. Mortk. 416 N. ISth, -r.. ail modern fUt, well arranged for renting rooine; cleae In, ft. UU N. Ld. 4-r. flat; atoei renge, tw Stove, k I Li nen cabinet, water pu., i7. RASP BRoS,. Doualaa lUA 1BEMJ$ PARK, 25.00 Poven-rooin, modern, double houae. Ai.Oo r'lve-room, modern, fuel furnUhed. hone Walnut VM2. -H. mod.. t'. 'M N, ath Ave. Web. il'ilJ., -r., garage, t u. tl 2ij. ;u7 N. jMj. FL'RXISHED 4-roomT modern bungalow, fall Web. 4437 after 4 e cck, iM cottage. 1U & 28ih lit. 114. Water Fine, brand new, 1-story dwelling, V bed rooms and aeeplng porch, r"1ld c'uu 1 dAtnot; eniice.y mod-ra. Huii Pacific tit.; paved atreet. t&.OuOood -rin., entirely modern dwell ing at SOUl N. VA 61., paved atreet. Another dandy dwelling, j rooma, en tirely modorit, at tow rTaaaun fee, aanie rental. 6O01T AND H' Li, CO., Douglas 10. HOUSE FOR RRNTi One ef the mot attractive corner In Field club district, modern ICngllsh bung t iWw,,7U: 4 bdieoma. floored ante with finished room; heatad garage; uaed a homo, but now too larg for owner. Will rent for I or t year to responsible party, on leaae only. Addrg JS lo, Bee. IVli Kfc.NT-iiol.ii.. e-roo,., ooii.ti' furnace heat, electric light, full Cement LaMineiit ,tM a. t.tti Bl Apply at ol fepered and painted. "A-l oftdiuo. RASP BROS., Douglaa IfiCI. XR SALE r. cottage. I blocks from car hue, plica reaaoiiabla. Phone liar tint fcH Walnut Ht. 4-R mwi , tin, mi Plena. T t'i W. 7-r in...!. 1 !.. en worth W. fco. HOI. 8K of II large room. Lie a. aim St-T eleitile light and furnace; to per mo.; Tel. Dougia 47i or call atrealdence. Apartmenta. flata, Hjuim and eottafee ean tie rented quickly anu cheaply by a Be "Pur Rent" tVet Bnea. A Bag of Gold and Silver to Be Given Away That will bo orth while coming for on the grounds of tho New Townsite West Benson Next SUNDAY AFTERNOON between tho hours of 2 AND 5 P. M Oct. 3J. On account of tho rnin last SATURDAY and Sunday tho prize contest was postponed. Also four other .valuable prizes will bo given away. Total Value $200. Over $100 Will Be in Cash THE OT11KU FOUR PKIZKS ARE VICTOR TALKING MACHINE, A FULL SET OF DISHKS OF 100 PIECES, ONE HALF DOZEN SOLID SILVER KNIVES AND FORKS, ONE FULL CARVINO SET. Be Sure to Come Out This Time No obligation on your part. You do not have to buy. All wo ask you to do is to Come Out and See For Yourself the future possibilities of tho NEW TOWN OF WEST BENSON and the ACRES ADJOIN ING both, Iitmson and West Benson, ' Sale Now On A few BUSINESS LOTS left fronting on Main Street, pnved road with 5-foot cement walk, for $265. ; Large Residence Lots $200, Terms $5 Down, $5 a Month HALF ACRE LOTS IN THE NEW TOWNSITE $450; $10 CASH, $7.50 PER MONT1L ACRE IjOTS $10 CASH, $10 PER MONTH. The Opening Salo prices aro so low and the terms so easy that anyone buying a business i lot, residence lot or an nor lot prom on ineir investment. , ' West Benson is located along the Northwestern Railroad on West M!aln Street paved road, ll2 miles from end of car line. , Free Automobile Service Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Regular 5c Jitney Service all Winter and Summer from end of car line. , Hastings & Heyden FOR REXT llonsce and Itittagse. West, FOR REXT 4-room house, atrlctly mod ern; 1 block west of Crebrlilon' college, Inquire 2Mx Ciillrnlu Bt. I'hune U. 2ili. OoTTAUt: t rooms and bath, gas, no , . a. 1 1 .TIM. coUuk In Pennon. 6 rooms, a.. I 1 I VV 1 "I" W iwsm vgti 1 1 a aiiu ej ni.'i. a v u v v ev . , MlaeelUaeoas. 80T4 Mason St., 4 rma. all mod tV).0 lull Pacltio SL, 10 rma., all mod. ...,U-u0 Popplefm Ave., rm.i., all mud.. ...( Yates St., 7 rma., nil mod t:M ITM 6. 17th at., 4 rma, all mod 4M.W) 'Ji.iul clUcjigo ht, 6 rma,, iiiqU. . ht., S.o.uO xa N. Mh BL, 4 mis., mud. en, nt., 4l4.uo mi N. 1-rth Bl. 6 nn., m (!. ex. ht., 4U.W BlRh.aTT UUMfAnii in Bee Bldg. Doug. tK. l7 1721 LA KB, 4 rooma and bath. W K63 Jones, 4 room and baltt, OLOVER & Bl'AIN. Potif. mi. tit City National. " Fx5a RkNTT ' " Seven rooma. su Icily modem, full lot. on paved gtreet, 'iH block (rota car line. Rent -ki per month. J. H. IJUMONT TO., Doug 4T0. 414-14 State Bunk Bldg. o 25 6r., all modern, paved street. 4J5 6-r., new cottage, oak fmUh, South Side. 4-r., newly rapered. South Ride. il& 4-r., near car, school, Houth Hide. LJ 4-r., near car. school. South 14 4-r, electric light, cement basement, one-half block to car. 414 10-r. flat modern, on ear Una, five, minute walk to Union depot. itft 4-r furniahed. Weal Farnam. 40 7-r., Weal Farnam. 16 4-r. flat with bath and sleeping porch, modern except for heat, fit In summer. 4JG In winter with heat; I-r. flat, modern. Hot water heat, bath and sleeping porch. AM K RICA N KUCURITT COMPANY. Douulas 4)13. 17th and Douglas. Maggard's ; Van ana litoraae Co. Call ua for mate) for mo v. Ing, pui..i.;, shipping. V'.i Webater HI. llOUCIMB M'. 7-roein modern houae, h. 4317 Seward. Tel 4-R., mod.; large yaid; burn suitable for garage. 22"7 N. llh. Web. 4.7ft. FIDELITY Phone Dot'gla 2SS lor complete Hat of Vacant bouse and apartmenta;. auo for storage, moving, i'.lti ai.d Jatkuu fta GlobeVan&Storage Stores, move, pack, ship; S-liom vaa and 4 men, 1 per br.; storage J per eatlafaollnn anar. I. iiu .v Ty. tM. Hnnsna Creigh Bona A Co., Rat lldg. ECU the Central Furniture 6ore y iti-a, PKNTAL. I.1KT. J. C. Reed ,.nS moving, storaga l. fit. Gordon Van Co.i Moving, ackiiig, iioraa. IX N. 11th ht. Tel 1 M or Har. 1UI7. OOOU auio sale loom uu remain et Very reeaunabia rent. long. 40HUl 4-R. houaa, mod. ex. heat Tel. Web. iLiZ gtore aad tlfflfe. 8TORB RfHJMS. 4so per month kok store on loTH bTIUuUT. 7-TT0B So. pvh ht.. each 4HM feet, full baaement, ataam heat, bullulj.g i now In tt of repair, LouaUon ) M airvte street troiu the uew Castle hotel. Inveatlgel. (JEORilM AND COMPANr. H City Nat l. Bunk Utdg. tOUili TuU. STORih room lor rent in Murray lloial Bldg. InijUlreMr. Kitchen, Pax tun hot!. FOR RENT -Brick store building, i.1 feet, good locailun. in a good luwn, In a rich fanning oominunlty; two gennral tore In town and room for aauthxr; rent reaaoiiabl. fehaa How, Silver City, la. store, near iloifl. low rent. O. P. Slabbing, Uiiw Chicago St. WANTED TO Bt V ulCh. luinuui l-outtiil and sold, i C. Reed, IA.I Keniam. Dour. kite. Vale imijih .rir.ii 2nd Iimii.i. vteu. imm. 14 lOll a.Vi pllut. tor id ''lollilm l 14. REAL EST A TIC FIRM A Ktl II LM) Pug BALB Callfevala. Live Oak Coluntu. none better. W. T. rmltb Co.. f M 'ny Nat. . . an . m-ACKB stock farm In th hill 4 mflaa noi-th; fair buttling; alfalfa andwa er; at tltt lor acre. Diy 4k. ilea Co.. 1X1 Pearl St., Council Bluff, la- eS-ACRB farm near Council Bluff, with fair bulldli, for 44,u4. he Day a . ,ef. Company, L3 l earl St., Couocil bluffs, la., fur pa meota HWi rsTATK unritrvi H eat Praana. - in or adjoining the new Townsite cannot help but make a big REAL ESTATE FARM A HAM II I.AMIt rIR gALR, SI oa tuna. FIVB thousand acre stock ranch) exceU leut liiiproveiiU'iita; government rexjiv at one end, Llvingtuu at olherj due oreek run full leuUi. l.tuo aci'v uimat land, lull auroa in ultalia under . . . . . W flu,, V.H. V . t VI UWJ sheep. 1' inest ranch In Montana,; 4U per Mixw, Awim wwuvr, uua ami, Aivinailioil, Montana. o Alluaoauta. 140 ACRES. 44 mil from Minneapolis, on ii.ile from town; luU aorea under cultivation; balance used for pature ean prautically all be cultivated; heavy aoilt geed Bet building., oouaistlug of loom houae, larg barn, granary, corn criua, wind mill, etc.; the land will pio duoe 40 bushel ef oorn per acre; (le. phone in houae; country Hackly settled: complete ot of machinery, 47 head of stock, consisting of U cows, balance 1 and -year-olds: six good horses, kv hogs, cliiukens; one-half of this year g crop and everything on the farm goes at 4-4 her acre, half cash. Hch'vab liro.( )u4 lyniouin urn., Minneonoii. Juinn. fXR ALEJ-Falrvlew Farm, the flneat Improveu Itil acre In aoulhern Miiuio ota; located 4U niilu south of Minne apolis. As a real farm home It haa no eunaX I'nr full particular write to Owner, tuiw. hi. Grrgor, jr.. Route. 4, Kilkenny, Minn. SQUARB "sacUon. 440 acre hardwood timber latid; lay Ideal; fine river tou.hea ail quarters, therefore ' wou.d make an ldai aloe a (arm; 40 aire cleared and In clover pasture and field: evO.uoa feet of commercial aaw umber; (W acieg uieaaow land; flue 4-roow house; large barn and granary; on main road, H. F. u. and phone route; 6 and 4 uulee to good market town. . F urtiMir information and picture upon readout. Piice Wl.dg per acre, with pne Uiird i-aeli; ba.anc 4 pvr oeuu Art BelUvr, lanlaynoii, Minn. MUaoarl. IMPROVED south MlMouii 40-aore farm li.atio. Good soli, roud and sohooia close to railroad town. Improved in acre, 41,vW. vi e have some choice unimproved landa at lit per acre uu eauy pay ianta in tract c Iv aorea up. people a.e getUug rich V'er- ,Uuyur fee. c. Umj. King 41 Hantou, Kanaa City. Kan. Nebraska. WT. O. TBMPLkJToN City property. land every where, taiina, ranch, loan and uiaurauce. Aaa about luy uruuard luopuBlUon. 4o4 live Hldg. www Investignte Kimball Co., Neb. You'll auo v40 acie at pile so low that on crop often pay tor land. One neighbor got twice cost per acre off this year wheat Uu main line U. P., jn oon HHtuwoy." Clo, to good market town; nearly all level land; ,very acre can lie plowed; bluck soil, with clay be neath. Take oiUy one day tor round trip from Omaha to gee this land. Write today when you v.111 come. O'Kccfo Jtcal Estate Co., IM4 Omaha Nalionul. Doua. ri5 -w,fc w ajw-a-ro rarm, eight mile i'',tof . Ra1l,,h' t,,re8 n' trom McLean; itandurd crop; price and term RTmI l''"u,a'," Handolpu, WHriiMla. ITPKR WISCONBIN-Uest dairy and general crop alal in In unlou; anted; lanu (or aal ul low pricu on eaay terina. Auk for bookUt 4 on VVIaoon sin Cvuiral Land iirant. iUxoeilent land for aiock raising. U Intereetad in fruit bin a ask for booklet on appi Addies Land and iadusiritl Depart, SoO Line Kniiwar. VI Inueasolls Ulna Vi k U tl A I V O'W. - - . allaallaaMa. HAVB TOwi A KAKM FOR SALE? Wilt a good drnloiii.ii of your land ai d nd It to In Sioux City, la.. Journal, ' Iowa Mutt powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five worda every Friday veiling, Saturday nr.uiiiiiig and every gaturuay evening and buuday morning lit one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve dilteient any tor i; or Ul word. H, or 7ft word. 44. tj-get circulation of any Iowa newe ptor, Zu.w.'u i either daily Hi four great Apartment, flat, houeea said cottage can be rented quickly and cheaply by a be "For Rent" It PA I, IuSTATK LOANS liv lu 41. ti.ttue pioiitptiy. F. D. Weed. Wend R'.dg.. IMh a Farnam 81. Cl'l V anJ farm loan. 4, 4 per Oent J. H. Duinont V t o. 4iS hate Sank A "ror bale" ad will turn aecoud-liand f rnllnro Into n.h- CIT ir tMiiy lre loan a uecilty. W R Ihoina TA Kli'i Hank Bldg. hmj faru and city lua4i at lowest raua Pf.TKHK TRITfl CO. 1!J Fa mam. OMAHA home. Ku.i Nebiaaaa farsna j KbtEFK REAL KBTAT1C CO 114 Omaha National. Phone Doitgla R14. WON I Y on hand lor city and farm loan. H W hiiol. T- ci. vt'onal Hank Hid- HONEY on for city and farm loan. IL W. blndor. (ty NaUonal bank bldg " i Brn., , Theater Bldg. Neb. tinted Vtutc Truat Co., Omaha. real estate srmnnAjr Wfil Iteaeoa. Free REAL EHTATK POR ETCIIAXOB HIGHLY IMPROVED. Frontier county. Nebraaka, quarter to exchange for Omaha property or acreage near Omaha, suitable for country home. Get busy quick and get owner' char ef thia year "bumper crop." C. It. COM US, . 414 Brandclt Theater. Douglaa PI 4, Knit HALF. OR UXCKANUBf. Country store, complete general mercliandlM slock, real estate, flxtunui and stock, to exchange for Nebraska land priced light. W, T. SMITH CO.. City National Bank RMg. ) WTLl trade Oregon land for Nebraska land or flil-cl auto. . D 147, Baa REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE 6-Room, 2-Story Home For Sale Price $3,600 No. 1417 Plnknoy t. This la on a paved atreet and the paving all paid. House la finished In oak floor on the first floor hard pine on the second, furnace heat! front porch la aoreaned; there are atorin wlndowa and soieeng for the entire houvj; hot water heater In connection with fur nace for summer ue; onlv two block to rar line. Termg, about IL.U00 CMh, balance 4-5 per mouth. Ue George & Company Doug. 7C4. 40 CUf Kat Bank Bid. Bungalow tWe havg a very daisy, nw H-room bungalow, 44x40, that la tip-to-dale In every respect; oak finish and oak floora. full baaement, large attic; located 7y4 North S4th St., where all heme are new homes and where many home are bcl.ig built. V will make term to suit pur. chaser. Norris & Norris 400 Be Bldg. Phone Doug. 4770. $6,000 HOME PRICE $5,250 4O0 CASH, DALANCK TO SUIT. ..wner lv'n oy. Frame and etuooa, 1 room, larg living room anil un room den, reception hall In center, omlng room and kitchen. Oak floor all ever, beautiful quarter eawed white oak tlnlh. Two mirrored door, (la nob. Clothe ohut. Laundry room in baaement Separate furnace room, Uxlra large closet. Oaa heater. Built 4 year ago. Nwly painted and deoorated. Fine screened Porch, 11x1 Uarage. Ixt bixug. A. ilrsl cbuia huua lu every par ticular, la beat condition, no repair tieveaaary. -,LJ!ll!15FlOp,BT1r-o SMALL, brick houae and 2 Iota, J block from oar liu and gchool; rented should havg 4wu, but iiiuat have money. Price, ti"0; 1;h) cuah, balauce 111) per month. t:H Maple bt. Phoim Webster ittb. o NhiW 7-rojin, strictly modnrn. built by owner for borne. Miller pk. diet. Open for Inspect ion today. SHZ7 Crown Point Av. FOR RENT or aal, 4-room hou. all modem, peat of condition; lot of hue, lil yard; can be bought on reisonaole terpi or rent for 412. Inquire IU4 N. Ud fit. Phon Web er MSt. UANUY NEW IiUN0AU)W 4 ROOMS, all modern, full, shade, fruit, fenced; equity l,m; w can, or trade for gooj lot. OWNtit. 4 N. 4lh Ave. VVcbater 4141. REAL ESTATE WEST 81DB New Bungalow Cathedral District Will be rtnUhed In October. Buv now and ehooae th fixture and th decora tion. Adlr Ull Ciihago St. It will , l completely mxiern, have living room , dihlri" room, kitcnen, l.uth. two bed- ' iooina, plenty of well llghud cloet fur- ' naoe. cement basement and all that la i lieeded to maka a olacx that vou will lu. proud to own, Tbl i-lacg cun be bought on payment. ."'!.. our ff,e nd see tb plan. , It will pay yo;4 to do tliU If you ara look- l 'a 'wl w r naraaio. Creigh. Sons & Co. Pouglag gOO. M Be Bldg. W-8t Farnam Jfoine Dandy pew 4-room, al modem horn leepiiig porch; mahogan" and whit en ainl finiahj very choice) tta, Peters Trust Co. H3rmmBt roug. tu. New fc-r. collage anhtlv mod., hot water furnace. U.kjS. KHh and Boyd Bt W 4rU. RRAL EsTlTTC WEST RIDE LEST YOU FORGET The OPKXINa SAT.K of Omnhn's new ct and clnssiost inside mltlition LKAVFA WOKTII HEIGHTS, will occur Saturday, October 2d. OPFNTNG SAI.E FKICIS only $450 to $T50 a lot, corners $23 higher. These prices include water, pas, newer and ceniont sidewalk all paid. TEUMS $0.00 to $12.50 Cash and $9.00 to $12.5 a month. It is your opportunity to get an inside addition lot at outsido addition prices An opportunity that will not occur ap:ain for there in no other as close in property nvail ahlo. Only 15 minutes by street car from "down town." Drive or walk around and fog it, or tako Leavenworth St ear or Jitney, pet off at 43d street and you aro there, or call our office at any time and go In automobile. It is tho kind of property we delight to show. Do not fail to eeo it, BENSON & CARMICHAEL, Tel Doug. 171TJL RKAh ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS MAtTIi Now has a few moro fine homes nearly completed in the beautiful Atlller Park District. 5, G and 7 rooms. Prices and terms to suit. Charles W. Phone Tyler 187. 742 REAL KHTATK SOUTH 8IDK I.OT SALIC IN UAMbOUM PAKh. ' We are oloiing out the balance of the lot In Vlndor I'lare at price and term you will never be able to gut again, Thew bea'HIfiil lot ara cluio to HANSOM 1'ARK, K1KI-U C'M'H, WINhWHt KtllOOU BTnKET OA It. R'dewalk and improvemant all In. Lota are 5012X feet. Wire. riM- t$ cah, 17.60 per month. ON BALE riUDAT AND 8ATURDAT. JKFF W. HEOFORr) aV tON. XU tltat Hank iildg. Do ila 31";. l-r. hou, full lot; good condition; wll, cltitorn; elec. Ilaht: dvc.I alilewaika oloa to ohool and rri ll.lOOi lao rih, tl2 per tno. la Washington. South WA. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Investigate This 1,!M backet of grape off 700 vine; appleg uma. peanhe. cherrie. currant, atrlotly mod. l-room houce )ut being fl i Uhedi cemented cave eonnecttd wnh full u.nrincii v , m ur lail.l, ft.utv. V 111 laHO aiuall cottage for part. Owner, 81laa v right, (vd aud bprague Bt. Telephone Ronaon 8S. Bargain Pine l-room hou. full two atoriea, 4 bedroom, air.ctly all modem, nicely ceo-crai.-u, on large oulh front lot iitH'S ft.; convenient to cr, good looatlon; built year. Prl'". UA; Wti ch, tmiuno. Ilka rent. Will pay you to lnv:igate thla at firtc-n, a It In cerUlnly a iiuu. llAfmNaSA IO:yDEN, Jl4Jtrny t. THK Alt P 0 StLUNO KOK OAsTT Thl little brochure explain fully how w cun eil your real eaiate or Ousiu, a for caah, no matter where lorated. Wa mean It. Write today deacnblng what rou have to U. buy or ex'hange, and tx:elve tnl booklet free. H. V. IXiUd CO., euS W. Waxiut Ht . lra Molne. la o EASY TERMS. Sma'l payment down, balance oa term to ault. will buy a apleuuid home, one Dock Horn Ouuuee car line; booau la bilcv, g room, arnuned-n poich, ga. e.ectriu llghla bath, furnace, full ifliieuled l.aa.nelit. oak fluUn down stall, whit enamel e.ond floor, fu,l al'.ed lit. barn on rear. All aueet impruveiuanta in. du. fiK-ad right. lli t lak (mailer houae or acreage aa part .aynienl. Kveiy thing ht par (Cl order W. T. SMITH CO., City National Hank Building. o REAL ESTATE SUnURBAX. . flyiarear. Bee Ne tha way for that farm. Florence 221 Apartment, nata, houae and cottage can be rented qulokly and cheaply by a Be 'Tor KeoL" REA I j ESTATE WEST SIDE C12 TAXTON BLOCK. REAL K8TATK MISCELLANEOUS .-,1 Martin & Co. Omaha Nat'l linnk Bldg! rTY KKICIAl. NOTICE). . NOTiCH TO 8E WEIt CONTRACTORiT HoaJd prupoaala aie Invited and win be recalveu, under autiiorily and ulreolioa City Englneerl4" Room 31," City " Half. Omaha, until I o'cloi k p. m., on VVediiee day, Octotr th, Kio, for the conatruc llun of sewei, a loilowa: bwer Uiatritt No. ui?, in Leavenworth Helglit Auuluon, provided lor by Or dliianva o. kiiiM, the appruxUuutg QUau- I.lwo lln. It. eight-Inch Din eewar. l.MW lin. It teii-liKh pj. ear. iW lin. it. li-uah pip hewer. j V i, i-inoli by 15-Inch. ' ri-inin vj M-tucn. in. ix.-iiicn oy im-iulK. m td lln. It. to-fooL thiao-inrh m mmA oni'-liitii' brick eewar. v.n l.n. it. two-foot i it -loch, op and oi.o-Iinii ring brick ewer, lli lln. it. two-toot cUhMnohi M and oii-nait ring brirk aewer, hi .l-in'h alttnt. ;i mwniicle. Bio vertical feet I tiuan ta.,k, 10 vertuul feat, ltd 1 4 pOtJin.a cuat Iron. l4d""lpe.t UUU u,un double gtrengtJt T water mote complete. bewer JJ..rl, t No. u, Mh Street from Kanaa Avenue to lieoick Av.,Buo pr Videu lor bv t'nllnaiu ISo. kgl. the an. pioximuto (tuuiiil.ii; In in a lJllowi ua Uu. ft. IJ-Iik h vipe wr b.ji uu. fi, lj-mi u plv) aevr. VV i1"- 1--'CU Hi-e sewer.' ,lk '-'"' by U-lnth, II X . klx-lnch i.y l-iiich. i nutuholea. 44 Verllial feet, K. pound last Irou. . .U'V. V "-" tire-lBch, ana and me-half i lug prick kewer. on vi- ......w. n Minn Luaa Auu.ttoii, pruvuieu tor by Uruitianc No. foUow.T "l'l"0'uu1 qutntllic. being a n.'" i','n- ."I1-1"'' Vil wer. ' ' ltju lln. ft. ti ii-lnch p pe ewr j lin. It. li-uich piim .wur.' l"i lln. Il W-iii, a i. pa ewer ' oto Im. ft. p pe aewer! l-'.J lin. fl, 21-lncii ploy Bower. 131a l.n. fL M-inch p.oe ir luia Uu. It. to-to..t tlire-.nm m aod ring brick eewer. 1WY V-"- iU- ,twu-'""i rm-iuoh on mad one-half ring eewer. a a follow; IU IM-Iucn by eight-Inch. H.H atx-.ucn by U-unli. lfc kU-incii by lo-.iu ti. 7u by lh ch. Jail aix-iuch oy 14-liu.h. l't x-lni-li by U-uich. Su U lnon by M-incU. ld alx-iuch slant, ti InanlioliM, iuu vertical fcot " fluah tunas, 70 vertical fvet. WK1 cast Iron. lead 'p pe'.1 ou,"i"lU i"cn doubl strength 7 wator meter complete. Prupoaala are to W made upon printed V'""kr w'',l' "" "!" ePPhcatLn be furnished ty tho dly Kii mi and aa work mu.t be d me In ait-rdan TwUh the plane, prof na and apt-cirkaUn f"r said work ou ll.a in ma ofu.w a, an u vy crvtiioa check on ami Omaha bank payable i ih ttv tL U,Lh iu 4"n. "3ut ! lee thai five per cent of thn total of each hid and n HarWm,A"Jjt' Um ,hau " Hundied UolUra, amount snail be hld bv the itty of Omaha ua l.quidateO 1 dauiaaca f the au.ceasful bidder fa 1. to i Into oontra.i with go d and sureties wlihln t-n day after award lias be n made thereon. 1'lopoMila hll be addreaaed to Tt f.iig.neer. omaha. .Vbraaa- and raartalf l":oofal fi-r rewar Const rutU.- Til- f'llv r . - r 1. . . gny and .11 bldi " r'"1 w Jo umaua, Nebraska, Fentember tl JOHN A. Ht!Ctt 8W7t City Uiriniir. ?'.? f,n- ic J-'"Lh P P ewer, it? 14-Inch wr, W fc." '" by ellght-limli, lr J by ton-lntlt, & V a l.ii.,.li l u 1J1..,.. Be Waal AA rtwOoe Tliaaitl. i