Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 18, Image 18
IB TITE TtEE: OTIAHA, OCTOBER I It Hi, WANT ADS Wsnt eda received at any time, but l Insure proper classification rouet be pre sented ll o clock noon for evening eHMon and 7:45 p. m. for morning end Fonday editions want ads received aftet 'H-h hours will bo under the beading Too Lata to Classify." CASH FATES, even consecutive times, 1 cent ft wort eacti insertion. Two or mora consecutive times, 1H centt word. Ona time, S cents a word. CHARGE RATES. Peven ronsecuttve tlmea, I cent ft Hoe e-sch Insertion. . Three eonaccutlve times, 10 cenU ft line earr Insertion. Ona lime. 11 rents ft Una. Count sis average words ta ft line. Minimum charge, 10 cents. An advertisement Inaerted to be run xtntil discontinued must be stopped by written order. . . All clalma for error must be mad lthla fifteen days after tba last Inser tion of lha advertisement. Ton can place your want ad la The X b telephone. TELEPHONE TTLER IW. rARn fr tiuiki. We than our many fHenda and rela tives tnr tha kindness shown and beau tiful flower offering during the bereav rnent of our beloved daughter and sister, Mrs. Katherlne Fltxlmmons. Mil. AND MR. W. C. PLAKPX AND R1WTKRH, IOTTIB HBIINICK. ORF.F7NWALT Frank, September 2. Funeral from Crosby's chapel. &I1-U ftorth Twenty-fourth street. Friday. Oc tober 1. at 1 a,, m. Cremation at forest In cemetery. m it r ii and deaths. Births Adolph and Agnes lnfMt. til Fits, girl; Karl '. nd Vlol-t ,orrcn on, North Twent svcnfe boy: Robert M. and Anneil Clv , W North Forty-third, boy; Allen . nnd A. M Muneon, North Koriy-' enth venue, a,lrl; David R. end F.inny, park avenue, girl; Fran nnd Agm:e Vtom Kotrba. 1 South r.lghtc-i.t h. &eutn Bide, girl; Jamea And Hone Math enry. (South FliteenUu doutb blue, Deatha-John KollnskL J, 1724 Clerkaon vrnue; Frank Oreenewalt. 43, .,?Y,,1f aimrtmenu; IL T. Bress, it, 62S North 'J wenty-fourth. South hide; Usby Helen Moltisr, days, 1114 Hnutn Fifteenth. Hose rraeins 14 daa. LMO SoJtn Eighth; Mrs. fcars.ii fX BUmson, A hospital. MAKHIAUH UIK1. Tha following tuftirUg Ucenses war issued : . same nd Resldenca. A,"i Joseph P UrrK k. Omaha S'atiicia, Zukowsky, Omana w Wsller'li Nyqulst. Pouth Plde. Omaha 21 Mancy P. MeAulay. South bide.. i Ira, Kunaalman. Omaha & Morma Jopllng Huntington, W. ..... W James Phaw, Omaha Jennie Cousin. Omaha riyda T. Cox, Farragut. Is, ' Christina Mlchks, Houston, Tex BVII.DI5IO PERM ITU. A. IV Griffith, lit Bouth Ftfty-flrt ftvenue, brick veneer dwelling, V.; w;ft A Co., Twenty-etxth and V, bouth ritde, frame shed, ti.W, 1. E. It. Jorter, 44-l IHorenca boulevard, frnntu litomr 14 600; National Building company, i Houth Twelfth, reinforced concreta i!lUng. V&.ev. Frank J. Wllna, 1l4 Knuth Twenty-aeventh, repairs, t-iOU; Btnealla Calagha, M4 Woolworth, frame dwelling, fr.K William J. Wierer, IKk rtoulh Thirty-third, addition, ir-oo; A. J. Jl&hn, 40C2 California, frame stucco dwelling, 12,(00. TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM pswifewa, EMPIlESa 15th and Douglas. HIQII CLASS VAUDEVILLE. Ths Call of tha Peg, t-rael drama, llsrt-8ellg. No. ?. Fable of the Throunh Train. Jiack to Uia lllmiUve. HilNCKSS. 1317-1 DOUULA3. The celebrated stars, Crane WIrbur and Leono. Button In "Tha Protest," a 4-roel drama. Iavi i Strategy, ft cilevar comedy. Xeepll ;lng Up with tha Jones', cartoon com- edy. Nrth. 2101 MILITAjvs avis. curroN, Ths Blaver Student, l-reel. A Flaalillght Flivver, comedy. URAND, 16TH AND BINNKY. NeaJ of tha NftT, No. 2. The Doll Hou Mystery, a 2 -reel RelUnc drama, "When Hit Dough vaa Cake, Beauty comedy. iOTHROP, 24TH AND LOTHROP Iloibrook Silun and Alice Brady In The Boss. f-rel W. A. Brady feature. APOLLO, Leavenworth HlVor4 la tha 4 -act feature, "The Vaoderhofr Affair," with Margu erite Courtot and other stars. Don't miss this feature. ' Hi, ilOKItOE. 25SS FARNAM World Film corporation presents Alice liiady In "The Lure of Woman," from Paul Armau-ong'a pUy, "The Ilene- gade." Seatk Side. J4TII AND N. nESSE, J1 of the Navy, one performance only, reel ViTagraph. Hearst-Hetig weekly. OitPUL'UM, 24TI1 ANU M. Only ft Messenger Boy, s-reel Keystone. Hi. Uui. ijr. Guard. The Ylvumcuuuista. MOVIES FEATURES TODAY 5S AfPuLO, t&li LKAVLN W'OHTiL 2U1 Fords end Marguerite Courtot In The N andt-rimf f Affair, a 4-act lettcre. OliANU, ltilll ANi) lil.NNEY. Kwl cf tii. Navy, No. 2. UTTuiTiyF, 2tra and loturgp; JC'-rcok B!inn cd Alice Brady In The j-..ea, e 4-revl w. A. I'.raily feature. i'iuNKoi;, 2i64 t'AKNAM It-, World Film Core. Presel.ts Alee J i-i'ly In "The Lure of Woman," from I .n A i n.'N -ii pl'i, 'T'he UrneSMije 13H-1S DOtULAS .n W( Uur snd In Huiiin In The l lvll, t lO.l OitUJi. ANNOUNCEMENTS - Sensational Sewing Machine Sale . Starts Saturday A. M. at 8 o'Clock ALL MAKES: SIN0K1W, whites, new homes, PREJ-iS, DOMESTICS. nnd get first and best choice. JUST A FEW OF THE MANY VALUES YOU MAY EXPECT White, nice little 4 drawer, good for 20 years' service. .$13.00 Singer It runs good and sews perfect; only $1.00 White, 5 drawer, drop head, mind you, offered at $8.U0 Domestic; Will do 6ewing for a long time; it goes for. . . .$2.00 Sjnger fMlrawer, oak, iin excellent value, only $12.00 .Singer Another Singer, in pretty ctrc; it's fine $14.50 linger GG late ntyle; ngent would get $45, sale price. . . .$22.50 White A fine value; tins macmne hcwb line, only $4.00 Free Ueautiful dark oak, can't tell from new $19.00 Wheeler & Wilson Nice 7-drawer: as good as a new one, $18.00 New Home Kotary; can't tell from new $123.50 White Elegant drop head; some bargain, only $10.00 Kemcmbcr we have others. Mickel's Nebraska Cycle Co. 15th and Harney St. Douglas 1GG2. CUSINKSH COLLEGE BTUDKNTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. Tnr aala. with good reaon for selling. variety of courses In a reliable Rual- nesa Hohool. one or the leading bualna colleges of Omaha, Wilt ba sold vary resaonsbla--away below regular prh-a, If you ara considering taking courss Investigate this at onre. since Fall term tteglm, soon. Call fflre. Omaha Bee. EXERCISE at T. U. C. A Business img AITOMOIIILES Whenever you ara considering selling or buying a useI car and you want full value for your money or you want people who ara willing to pay for what thev are getting you will have no regret if you buy or advertise Swotmh the used cap column of The Be. i'kone Ty'r knio. We Have a Few Good Second Hand Cars For Sale At a Bargain if Sold at Once. Oakland seven passenger, six , cylinder. t Oh aimers five passenger. International five passenger. Stevens-Duryea roadster. Ford five passenger. Murphy-O'Brien Auto Co. FtU RALE Brush car, &. Tel. Wal. r. i EbHASKA Huiok Hervlos Htatlon. 13H Farnain Ht. phone Douglaa 721 ANSWER this ad and we will tell you how you can tuy a brand new, 191t model, 2-pasa. roadster, at factory price. Half down, balance easy monthly pay ments. Address J ITS, Bee. luu RE WARD for any magneto we can't repair. Cone repq. Hayaoortei. mo M. iMn Industrial Oarage Co.. XOih ft Harney Hts. 4-C YLINDF.R, t-pass. auto, im. Web. 771 4, Overton's for leaky raaiator. too. dee la ra. ONE 1911 Caillllao roadster, tO-H. P., In splendid condition. I-MO. Can be seen at Suti4 Farnam Bt. I ii- ... U12 COLE CAR dltlon, cheap. ID ljlll H lbth Tel. It lv. 1 ip.lJI8 "; ' ' t. ) of mileage In y our eld tlrea t MILKS of mileage In your fid tlrea (Rebuilt). Bentt ttiein to PbU Tlnli CO.. : 1611 Chicago BL BVHINES& CIWNCES If your Bualneea Chance wfl stand rlsld Inveatliiatlon anu la lust what it Is I advertised, or if you are looking to start , in nusirteas feclly sail Chance co lug or sel For Sale Cleaning, Pressing Establishment doing good business for sale on account of other business. Call at ei3k Main at., lehvu. Xs.U A his'i-elaas iiivvstment. H Ware Blk. lull bALl-A guod, clean sioca of ilultl Ing, furiilshlrgs and shoes, doing tUe leauing busiue. in a goixl northeast Ne braska tuwu o( l.uuw; don I answer unless you mean business, and talk fust, as this aa won t appear in this paper tuna. A4 oie. V 7(i, nee. FOR BALE Oil TRADE Meat market In good live town, puuulalion iuidui i,w marvel duiiig spieudid business; owner has u-t Uiu. to attend to lu Will pay a.u.nnr. ll any lu cash lor good prop erty. Address Y S6. B. DANDY cuutecliuuei y, 6outh lkota town LOw. price HA. JIM 1VIU1, HlOi X tlTf. bPLK.N Dl L Iowa bak.ry and restaurant. County smL, Luuu. Jlal W KA. sUuUX CITY. FOR KENT A good JO-rovin hotel in fine location for business. Can be tilled all tne time Wlua risiil man running M- Let ween the Illinois Central and iSurtlr - avatnra depots in Ctouncll Blults. Eivery - thing In first-class oonauion. Every room, cios.1 aim hall lu lit. buiidhig with new paper and paint Kent reason- able. tieo. G. Clai . U Pearl St, Council bluffs, la. I'hon. 174. FOR BALE Restaurant, hotel and bar ber aiiup. Wwl Ave. A, opposue ear barn. 1 lion. Black 1SJ6, Council Blufis. YU.IOIS to Ak-tar-iieu. If you want to sell or buy s buainvaa, we have every thing; rooming houses of all rises and lrU'-a; boteia, reeiauranta, drug store, grocery, cwiiitcuoi wy. pool halls, aw loous and many others. Come and se us; . can put you in anv business. liUbCllft JiOlUJHOt F, Frenser Block. Tel. Douglaa U1S. iv, iHMiwii 7 ' " i". - - .w i li. w Bsiier, eui is. is. . m iin sua lieu u you use in nuniiew aTi kk'Tirvu.' - ' r 1 m, nee. iun,n .r Vh. Wbei. bu v- l Tk' Ku I P matrices make tne best: rrrr- U..S . bualnea. Phone Tyler .r-- '""f"' ' .lr S0"" I TsedT Gr VmiioHu . - - " r anil . a. i ; . t ' 'un w 4j ( t t a Fai ANNOUNCEMENTS C)0 slightly usod bargains. We expect to pell J(X) iiiachinea in one day. These aro remark able values. If you need a good pewing ma chine don't mips this gale. Every machine Ruarajiteed for five yenra. Some von can't tell from new. Come early PfHlXKHH CHANCES ?XH HALK ReHtaurant In vicinity of t roundhouses and t rtty depots; caxh only, and mean buslneea; long leHee; owner retiring. 15ua B. Main, Co. Bluffs. PHT8ICIAN WANTETj-TFor escellent location in 8canoln Ian communty In South Dakota. A money maker. Heart-1 omavian prererred. Ulvw personal ParUo ulare. Address Y Hi, Bee. UlvivtHAu merchandise business In live Idaho town, located In fins stock snd farming country. Buslnraa has grown to "i.Oo annual sales in four years. Large territory. V 111 bear rigid Investigation. opening that hsa wonderful poawll.lliMm. It4-juires knowltnlge of mer cantile business T,0M to Ilii.iOO capital. If you are looking for something writ today. It s a big thmg. Investment proposition that will make you fito In less than year; $1,500 re quired. Bate and sure, but quick action nrceaamry. Write ma for further p-irtlculars about any of the above or otheti nes. High class bank references furhlaheri upon request. R Vt M1CKELWA1T. Ord, Neb. OOOD 60-room hotel for ale. Reasonable. Oood location. Tel. Douglas 4t4. PA RTNER,-with ,66oanTedfof "devsU oping and manufacturing of a new in vention: automatic advertising machine, 'The Perpetnuraph." Call Chas. Vltek, lit) B. ISlh, Omaha. FOR HA LIC Furniture, undertaking and implement stock In eastern Nebraska. At a bargain If taken soon. Y M, Hee. DOUHL13 alley, fully equipped. for sale cheap. John Bpecht, Ktrang, Neb. HI places, land, city property, handled all statas. JIM WKAY. Bioug Cltyt la- WILL sacrillca grocery store. Tel. Ho. I4tt OWNERri-Liat your property wltb W. w. Williams, ou nevtiie rilk. I. 447. TO BELL or bur a business, call on Buach A Bnrshoff. Frenser H'k l. Ulk TO OKI' In or out of business sail on OANQKBTAD. 423 Bee Hldg Doug. S477. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exch. Co., 140. Famam. 1. 1k97. 8EK Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar? sums in eatennyncq anows l. anj). Confectionery, oheap, good loc Web. I'M. FOR SALE. FOR S ALU-Here Is ft elassmcatlon that is of the utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offorg some excep tional opportunities every day and ft small want ad will sell your article at lis full talue. Phone Tyler 1'KiO. Fwrnlter "n Ii wsl Kta. PITtr.Tn AITCTTrvV rURNITURE. ROUS AND IJNENS OF A 12-HOoM IKjtl'BM R...K rf1:' It a i 1 " V. u snarp, v. V a U ill u.11 th, fiinnlliiM I'l" ir uinnna, no., OK ft 19-l'OOtn noUSA. Don t fail to attend this sale DOWD AUTloN CAJ.. Ajctloneers. or auction dates and terms call lied 1285. Deskb ,Vl'.uh,t ,l' -' i, K"7 Famam Bt. Dogaagj4ti. Bargains in furnitur e and HARDWARE. 1TO N. 24TK. WEB. 107. Horses and Vehicle. OLD TEAMING gears, one or a carload. All eiaes. two to sla-ton capsulites. We sail the Btudebaker. tha Bain, tha Peter Sl'hUltler. I'.Kin and Muailiana Vina, n - iwuvLun ii, ,i icv. JOHNBON-DANFOHTH COMPANY, ,i.-vt, , ..i : . X"?.!-.. ,,. " . - V, -.."" " .r"' V"? 'q're 1u-.,ln- ouin vnuauft, Ai. Bo. UUJ. . . . , , ZJjrjy ' LJPJ?JEL1I' HURRY Just 4 pianos left: must be sold by Saturday evening. U. H. Harr Piano vo.. u iioor nomon atore Bldg. o"tr, ftisrae Baa liee. durable than tarred felt aud practically woman. We will pay you 1120 to dlatrlb Mreproof. iho a hundred at TSe e(rio. I vt 11 and take orders. CO days' work. trsewrltrra. TVPEW R1TKRB, tit and up. 2M Ree Bldg. tTPEWRlTElxo sold, leuleu. rcUuicdT Central '1'yp.writar Exc. ma Farnam. Vlveeliaaeaaa. FOR HA IE New and aeoond-hsnd rarnm and pocket bl.llard tables snd bowtliw llrvs and aooeasories; bar fixtures ef all kinds; easy payments The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 4Q7-a lOth Bt. TQ OrvGolden Wet Vvtiisky, 4 full DaVXIJ1"'1" bottled In bond, pre V "'"h Id. Cac kiey Bros. Oma ha COAL. DlUtCT FitOM TllK MlNii Wa cut out the big profit of the Jobber. It makes so soot and It well .prepared. We guarantee it. Prices are the very best 11.00, 12.50 and $3.00 at the mine. I. M. COX. North Platte, Neb. KAllAT(Kfi for sale. Central tk Metal Co., 1211 iHHlge. Iron XT Second hand mevera. dynamos, I'MCVV uiagn.iua, etc., mclt.siilcsj ralAlra. 1a Mrnn t l-.irl,i Works. 31-3u s U(h St --o Sod, one acre. D. 2iT tEvgs., WaL SSS7.)' FOR SALE CHEAP Business i olWge Course. Full and cou plet, tfvhoisr.nip In one ef the beat i ina tta bu.fneaa schools. , Uood reason for selling; pei fectly rolls- ' SI; Worth full price, but will ho Mix 'very reasonably, if Interested InvtMtlgste , at onco. beiauM fall term begins soon, ' Tuere are a variety of course for aala. For pantoular lui(ulre at the oXlloe el T tie utnana Hoe. CARPENTER tools, sled see. picks, Jackacrews, 10 penny match vaod rng macl.liica, due each, liorse, bftrnoaa, wagon. LvU. One al.'trlu plauo. j. c am. ltd S, th Et Harney 243. HELP 4 lerleal aad Offle. Steno.. ta. Rapid advancement. BfblNES.- MV..V REFER KNCB ASS'N. 1.4 WooduMia of W urui IIKI-P WAXTF.n KKMA1.K t Irrlral a ait ulllr. PTFNO. IIRHIHT. NEAT, TOt'NO I.ADY. RAI'in. AWHATB AMI A WnltKKR. HI-LKNDID (il'I'UHTI'N (Ty FOK HKJHT I ARTY. OIVK AiiE. KX I KRIENCK. ETC. AUUKEKi K-644, PKK. ftno. and iJlrL Opcrstor, ,'5. Hteno. k Ii. Ii. X. tperator and Clerk. 135. WATTS HHP. CO., ttO-43 Rrand. Thea. F.X P. ftrno. tRood futuret. HA mo. R'XJFRS KF.K. )., (.! 1'mton Hlork. Afteafa aiaal VNleiHSMes, Kaelory Traces. OIRT, to learn hairrireesin. i)rnhe1n F1RST-CI-A.SS skirt' finisher and helper. K-W Bt. Mary's Ava. Ili.krrirr m m a OaaaeBtlea. TlfB Servant Glr' Problem Solved. Tb lie will run a Bervanl tlirl Wanted Ad fit KB until you set the dealred reetilts. This applies to reeldents of Omaha. Kouth Otnl, and Coumil Muffa. Hring ad to Tim Hee. offl'e or telepnone Tyler KM. VANTKi A competent cook; good wages; no washing. Mrs. Joseph Barker, 16"fi i. th Kt. toug. SH. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; three In family; good wagea; references required. Harney n32. VI N. Sxih Ava. V ANT fc.D tilrl for general housework. Harney Utft. UiHi. Wanted for general hounework; gcMd pay, ail I F street. Bourn Omajia. W AMKi i White girl for general house work; references required. Harney iiui. AN'I El Uirl lor general housework. B. Kuth Bt. Hsrney 64. WANTKlt A girl for general housework; good wages; must be good rook. Day time, Doug. 1158; evenings, Web. 436. VVaMTKU An experienced nurse maid; reference required. Mrs. M. B. New man, S:.i Howard. IT. S31t. WANTED A Bohemian or German girl fee- general housework. Red UtX WAN1ED Cook and housemaid In fam ily of two. Har. 7U. ISO H. U Ave. WANTED White girl for general house work; care of two children; no wash ing. Har. IK WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wanes; excellent home If deserving; reference required. Mrs. I . A. H-Mlm Sr-H) Harney bt. Tel. H. WANTED At once, woman to help with work on coimiy farm. Wages, 5 per I weea. yock Co. Farm, R. , York, Neb. WANTED A oompetent cook. Mrs. K. C. Barton, 8S46 Harney St. V Ah I ha Nialil lor general houaework; references required. Mrs. M B. New- , men . Howard. Hsrney Mlo. WANTED Position as cook in or out of the city. Douglns IKA. i WANTED A good plain eooa and gen eral housework girl; family of two; big wages; small house; references required. I'hone Harney Ho. 7. EXPEKitONCED Ktrl for anneral house work, airs. w. c. L.yie, W4 park Ave. I WANTK1 A woman to help In small boaiding house for room, board and wages, lkjug 6992. WANTED White girl for cooking and general housework; small ramlly; good wages. Mrs. Uuy Llgglt, Douglas Bt. Phone Walnut 2443. U1UL. for general housewora. Cali fornia Ht. Tel. Harney 4U63. WANTED A white second girl with ref erences. tXi N. SMh Bt, WANTED A competent cook. W. J. Con tieli, .J B. 24th Ht. Doug. 194. WANTED A girl for general houaework. Mrs, diaries o. men. ftltB Capitol Ave. WANTED -Oh 1 for general housework, small family. Walnut m. (07 N. 41st St, AN experienced girl wanted for general housework; no washing. 2U08 Deer Park Blvd. Tyler 1C0. MAID for general housework, good wages, small family. Pleasant room and bath. 8709 Jones Bt., Harney 672. U'KU ror general housework, low Bo. Soth Ave, Harney 611 COMPETENT girl for general house- work.- Mrs. U. f.. Hmlth, 3MS Howard. liXHiKIKNOEU girl for general houae work. Mrs. W. Tj. Lyle. 634 Park Ave. WOMEN WANTED Government Joba um ires, wnn immcaiaieiy. FTanK i lln Institute. Dept. eMO. Rochester. N. T. You NO women coming to Oinuha as strnngers are Invited to visit tne Young Women's Christian association building at Bt Mary's Ave. and 17th bt., where thoy will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union station. HELP WANTKIl MAM? f trrlce.1 ana Offlew. BOOKKEEPER, BRIGHT, CAPARLH YOl'NO MAN, EXPERIENCED, HlbTLER; SPLENDID ADVANCE MENT IF CAN MAKE OOOD. GIVE ISAIRYVFiT. ADDRB5W K. 32. REE! I AU(, t-A rp. Ht KM'fcJ, REFERENCE. . r t BOtKK EEPEH who ran sive i or hours a day service; will pay -4 per month to ence. etc Address P. 636, Bee. Salesman, 1126 and exenses. Baleanmn, $1U) and expenses. WATT a REF. CO., 840-43 Brand. The. Hir.H-OHADK commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE ft B')'D AS3N N W2 Omaha Nat. Pank Bldg. Uere. AN opportunity la open for a bright, Intelligent boy to learn the watch and clock making trade under expert work man, Alfred Eauotni, Jeweier, Inn and Harney Bts. Aftvats Saew mtt Solicitors. SALESMEN THAT 18 WHAT WE WANT! Salesmen that have the couraite and 'stamina to take hold of the best selling proposiuon tnai was eve inaugurated. Huleemen that can sell to farmers. r-iomcu uwi anvw now lo close large that know themselves to be salesmen and are able an' willing to f'neme themselves on a eommisiilon and tri. It-sharins basla th&t will n iimi,. . from aS.OUt to ll&,io or more annua. ly. J Ate you that kind of a salesman T If uurvww, Aaurcsa message. Author ii 1 1 w 1 1 ir i ti a spare lime may De used, universal Bible House. 101 Winston Bldg.. Philadelphia. LESMEN High grade, experienced, ! to sell "is2" pure fpuu Alunilmim vtare to retail merchants; we are the pioneers, originators and Introducers cf aluminum ware. Have been making U sure, .-.fully 23 years and guarantee every piece cold; to ft capable, successful saieswan we will offer ft liberal con tract Excellent opportunity for men with established trade in various terri tory. Apply Illinois Pure Aluminum Company, Manufacturers. Lemnnt. III. o TEN agents wanted at once to take aub scrlpilons for a ferni magaxlne in Iovvf, and Nebraska. Call at h4 H 17th Bt. H 1. EXPERIENCED gaa engine road sales man for Nebraska. Salary and com mission. High grade hustler required. Address. C lu. Bee. WANTED Experienced salesman for men a hat department; muat furnish references. L MO. Bee. WANTED A good steady genileiiiauiy salesman to handle ft Ward a wason In Douglas county. No experience needed. For full par' leu'. are write promptly to Dr. Ward s Medical Company, Wluona, Miuu. Entahiuihed lvA o WANTED Exi-erienced aaleaman for men s furnishing department; must fur nlsh references. K Be.. COAL agmts wanted In every town; get a trial car. I. st. Cox. fo. Plait.. Nea. FX P i rTe NO ED cs n vaase rsTii ood"sa lary and Irnuineiit work. Firkt class men only. &M Brandels Building. Factory ana Tuim, WANTED Men ta learn :he barber trade. We have oils mated a ilan to teach it quickly and Ibonvugniy. Wagee paid whil. learning. Tools Included. Write lor Illustrated catalogue. MOLEB RARRrR COl.LKOE. 110 3. Kih St Drug elure bun pa. Jobs. Kn at. Bee Bldg. Positions Now Open. Free Catalogue, AMERICAN AUTO coLi.r.aa fnM Famam St., Omaha. Neb. I aEAltN BARBER T1LAUE Wagea paid. Tools given. Positions giisrsmeed. Call -r write for tnforniatloav Trt-Ctte Colleaa. U34 Dousrlaa. Oinahav IIKLP WAXTKD MALK Faetory Traalea. W'K need mm; had to turn down two jobs pr w.k letelr. Ot m. Learn by our method. Oft ona of thesa Jobs. CataWiff'i L. B free. Nebneka Auto mobllo B-hool. 24n Iavenwnrth ft. JM laeeltaavwtis. RATI. WAT mall clerks wanted, tTS month. One ha examination com'.r.g. 8amp:a quetl"n frew. Write iinm1lateiy. Frank. Itn Inet t-it- Txrt t'irx f -t.rtmrt n, y. fy Yt; do nt emoke at all, chw, or dr!n!, and are letween the agon of IH and y and think you have the abllltv to aome d-y manage a grrn-orv or meat department call at The Hnaket Storei cfflce. Bll Rrandola Theater Building. WANTED Chicken pickers, t cenU straight. Steady work until February L Coma at ones. Bwlft & Co., Des Moines. la. WAVTKli An eiperienced automobile salesman on snlsry ana commission Apply by letter only, giving full details concerning past experience and record. Addreas K 17J, H-e. ' GOOD MEN WANTED at once to learn auto work to fill positions which we have open right now and are waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actunl work on autoa. tractors, elec. starting sys. Free catalog at once AMERICAN AUTO COLLFXrlJ, TuM Farnnm Bt Omaha, Neb. MEN, with common sense education, who wish government Jobs, $;0 month, should aprly immediately for full infor mation. Address Y fcW. Bee. HELP WANTED MI.K ASJU FEMALE. TWO Wild West ropers and riders with out stock, man snd wife preferred. J. H. Esuhnmn s li fi Circus, Arlington, Neb., Thurs., Kept. 30; Hnweils, FrldHy, Oct. 1; Humphrey, Hat., Oct. i; Newman Urove, Jaon.. Oct, 4. WANTED Male and fenialj conks, dish washers, maids for hoteU anl restnu rants; laborers for rV.l roads. Employ ment office, 1612 Cass tit. SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERT porter wants work. Call D. 7618. INTELLIGENT light colored girl wishes position In office or bachelor's s part mint. Web. 7u72. BOY of 18 wants work in garage where he will receive small pay and a chance to learn the auto buslnets. James Park, l-e N. 21st Ht., South Hide. WANTED Position as housekeeper in ft good home. Call Douglas 741b. LADY, who is good cook, would like po sition as housekeeper. (Jail Doug. 741!. WANTED Scrub work or dusting from 9 to 4, or night work. Mrs. Park. Web ster COLoiwuD woman wants day work of any kind. Webster 7o85. HOUHEKEKPEUt, middle aged, desirea poaliion; prefer to go wet on ranch. O 171. Bee. o lt8ITION as cashier, checker, stock or house innn; beat of references; honest, reliable and sober, city or out. Johnson, 21 18 Chicago Ht., Phone Douglaa Kin. WANTED Position as stenographer by high school graduate, between the hours of 2:30 and Hp. rn; some experience snd (rood references. Red HW. YOl'NG man wants position in dairy bualness. Joe Kotlneek, On. delivery. POSITION wanted on farm by young num. Joe Kotlneek. Pen, delivery. EFFICIENT housekeeper wants to take charge of respectable rooming house; has no objection to taking place on ranch or in country. Doug. R43i YOUNG man, t, w!h general bua'.ness experience, typist, correspondent, sales man, speaking Uermnn, Polish and Bo hemian, wishes position. R. R, 8., Iu2t Caaa Ht. EXPERIENCED tire repair man wishes position In city; references. 504 S. 24th Bt, Doug. iS02. WiDOW, German, good plain cook and baker, wants steady . work. Address Mre. Clara Bowman, City mission. F1R1 -CLASS woman wants day work; quick, clean, beat references. Har. 619a. REGISTERED pharmacist, colored; can do any kind of work. Call Doug. 4X3. SINGLE, widow, German, good plain cook and baker, wants steady work. Address Mrs. Clara Nowman. care City Miss.on. . SITUATION"wanted as housekeeper "by middle aged woman In small family. Mrs. West. 20U Case 8L YOUNG MAN position as bar porter. Telephone Harney ')32. EXPERIENCED Stationary Engineer wants pohltlon as engineer or Ineinan. Has alao had eight years' experience as machinist. Can furnish first claes refer ences. Chas. J. Oiewe, Holateln, Neb. TOUNQ lady wants position: have ex perience and references on the loilow lng: Stenography, typist, cler'cal woik. cashier, soliciting, billing clem, scire work and P. H. X. work. Tel. Red fT-'A. Ask for Helen, FAKMEKU ATTENTION! Experienced colored man, 23 years old, with beat ref erence, wants work; can take full charge of cooking and all the housework, wann ing and Ironing. Understand raiting poul try; would raise chickens on shares. Phone ii. 5846. Ill B. Hth. SINGLE), widow, German, good plain cook and baker, wants steady work. Address Mrs. Clara Nowman, care City Mission. EDVCATtONAJj Pull Terra I'oylcs College 19 NOW OPEN In both tha day and night sessions. Y'et it Is not too late to enter. Ui gin now to get that m n ai dla clii v- e aim bue neaa lial ilng that will double your earning capacity. Complete courses In all commercial branoies. Bookkeeping. Shorthand and Typewrit ing, fctei.o'ypy. Salesmanship, Tilegraphy and Civ 1 Service. Positions f.ond for a I graduates FREE. Placea f urn shed to work for board while attending. Ask for free catalogue at once. 1.0YLES COLLEGE, II. 13. Uoyles, President. TIiq VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPH Y BOOKKEEPINQ. Day School for Toung Women. Evening Uohool for Young Men and Women. Saturday Burning class In typewriting, tone C Duffy, Owner and Manager. 30t So. 18th St Omaha. 'Boy lea Bldg. Tel. D. li4G. Omaha, Neb. IFOR sale, the following schoiarsnlps in a first clsss Omaha buslneae College: One unlimited combination business and rnoruiand courwe. One unlimited stenoyraphlo course. One three-montiis' business or steno graihlo courso. Will be sold at a discount at tha office Of The Omaha Pee. LOaT AND FOUND Lost or Found ads in Omaha's Lost and Found mediums nutiuia the Immediate re turn of that article if advertised Lu The i bee, tt e Lost and Found panar 'LOST Leather brief bag; a tan-f inlahed 1 leather case, coiitaiuing scrap book of ' laundry advertiaemeiita, other advertising mailer and printed forms of Too Omaha Bee. Finder kltidiy return to Mr. Kerr at The uce otiice. rbuue jyier asm. IA)ST AND FOUND OMAHA ft OUNC1L Bl.UFFr STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost soute article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Btreet Railway company to ascertain whether tb.y left It In the street car. Many articles each day are turned in and the c.impany Is anxious to restore them bi the -ighiful owner. Cs't Doug. 44 LOST Lady's 8Us watch, "A. L." mon ogranuut J on lack; keepaake. Call Har ney lot. Reward. CONTINUED ON COLUMN SEVEN, THIS PAC4. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please ti e most critical: ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. PAI5TI5U ASOrtPERHO. RETO APrrnACTC.. oldest abatract HtTOTl M'WANt'. 417 N. 40th. H. gTtt ofhe In Nehraaka. Rrande:a The. I'lLLuitA A Si D ItKUDlSjU. Kerr Vfj.&tv omaa vxv-yT.,, p 17tn pt. I'hone D. to order or remnde. 19"7 Cuming. P. ADVERTISIKO NOVKLTIE5. PLLMU9 C'LiCANKD. M. F. tthftfer ft CoTtrth. Famam. T. 7471 Dyed, made ovr n Eleele. 11W City Nat AHATEIR FI.-SISIII50. fMISrIfcO. FILMS developed TreT If purchased from WATrr.r-PA RNHA RT Ptg Co.. nill Photo Craft Shop, 41 Ree Rldg Dept. l. rrlntllig. Tel. loug. tK. 624 S. 13th Bt. AtCOlSTAMI, CENTRAL TRINTINU CO., DOUa 17St EA pvTTTT) A 1VTTQT.A1 Printing Co Tel. foiiirlaS S44. . l, JJWWlvl. erovu A!u HB.vttu rkpaihs. ACCOUNTS AUDITED Books opened! and closed. Cort system Installed. Let j f my audit service eystem. Addrees. 4i 47 Rams. Bids. PI'one Doug 7. ARCHITECTS. Kvertt S. Dodds, fflS Pax ton Rlk. D. tW. ATTOHMSYS. C. T. Dickinson. 5UPaxton Blk. D. ltoi WTT.T. N. JOHNSON. . W. Cor. Hth and Douglaa. Douglns 4!. AllTIUMKKIlS. Dowd Aoctlon Co.. 111S-W W.O.W. R. KM AUTO nui'RANCE. AtTCMTB'f.F3 mTttUAL INSURANCE CO.. Douglas AITTU RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. TOM Far. D. yOL nTkERiii. 8. TT. P-FTEPER. r N. 1h. Web. W7. 11 A THS. RATH-SI 4 Palrd Plk.. 17th and Potta-las. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. Hth and Martha Sts. BO.MH.NO COMPtNIKI. OMAHA Aaency Co., 811 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 94S. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. 6TEVBNSON. m B. OX Douglaa 30 Leasnr-t ft Fon. 1! Can. Ave. T. 13J CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MT Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. S4U. DR. MACNAMARA, 674 Brandeig Thea ter. Douglaa 7296. f Dr. Hayes. 8S8 Brand. The. Bldg D. IW24. CHIROPODIST. -Carrie J. Buford, 20 Pas. Plk. Red 4M7. COFFEE BY MAIL. ""S rr Save money. Use better LOIIPG coffee, 16 lbs. high grade by parcel post, prepaid, $3.60. W. A. Skalfe ft Co., Omaha, Neb. DANCINU ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, classic D. UTL FALL term open at Mackle'a Doug. 445. GENEVIEVE HAUFLA1RE, Rome hotel. TURPIN ACADEMY Z8th and Farnam Classes now open. Beginners Mon. and Thurs. Advanced Tuea High School class Bat. Private lessons. Harney 614.1. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college. SOth ft Farnaw Clure'a Pressmkg. Bchool. 2E29 California. SRESSMAK1NO COLLEGE Kelster Dressmaking Col., teg City Na. DYERS AND CLEAISKRS. STATB Dry Clngr. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D, t07 Seiectives. JAMES ALLAN. tU Neville Block." Evn ' dene, secured in al canes. Tyler Hi DfalNTlSlS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain, t-1 W.O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flokles, 724 City NaL Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 151T Douglas. D. 218t bttuut. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on tit orders, catalogues free. Sherman ft Aio Conneli Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Rid. D.3,7. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender, fJ24 Bee Bldg. Red tOM. ICVERYTH1NU 'OR VsoMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all slses and stylet.; heinsiltcning, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. 1 lotiglas lli. FURNACES AND Tl.lWOttK. HABERBTROH. 402t HamUton. Wal. tSTL FLORISTS. BATH'S, florin ta, U04 Farnam St. D. 3000, L. HENDERSON. 1814 Douglas. D. Mot. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass a. HESS ft 6WOBODA. 1411 Farnam St A. PONAOHUTC. 1821 Harney. Doug. 10OL FURRIERS. SAM KNFFTFW '.920 Farnam. Red t4. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WP1 replete everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 130 Harney Bt Est last. INSTRUCTION, English. French, Instruction. WW Lyric Bid JUSTICES OF TitH TRACK. H. H. CLAIBORNeTwI Paxton Blk. Red 7DL Notary public, deposition ateno. C. W. BR1TT. 301 Baker Block. LANUU'AUES. Languagee taught; private or claasea Web. 1664. UUlb' TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with Mlsfl Fox. Open for busi ness; satisfaction guaranteed. 4tT Paa-Bk. " lTwhtincTfTxtcmes, wiringT" nmtrvTN Thomas. Douglas 251 UUlVlVli 14 It Cuming St. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTTN PROS, ft CO.. Exchange Rldg COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MNFO. of lodge regalia and costumes. The largest stock of masuuerade and theatrical costumes In the country, Theo. I.leben a- Bon. 1014 Howard. Doug. 4116. MOTORCYCLES. HARLFT-DAVlPSON MOTORCTCLES. Bargain la used n a. hinea. Victor Roos Ths Motorcycle Man." r7'I Leavenworth MOVING PICTURs) MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. Hth end Doug. Mo tion picture machine end fl.rn bargains NOTIONS. NOTIONS, news cigars. Mndy lPrt OSTEOPATHY r-tl Sit IAN. JOSBPHINB ARMSTRONQ. H Bee Bldg OCCL1S1S. Bves examined, glaasea fitted, pay aa you can. Pre. Mcdsrty IU1 W. O. W. Bldg PATENTS. D. O. BarftalL PsxtoiaBlk. Tet Red TU7 H. A. Bturgea. at BraadcU Theater Bldg ALT. REPAIRS-Wster fronts, furnace oolia. etc. y.jl k service. Omaha Ptove Repair Wks. 1?V Dotifrlsa Pt. Tyler 20. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS O A Opened, repaired. WA port I I' Podge. D. COHiHw AVen SCALE REPAIRINU. Om. Standard Scale Co.. 511 S. 12th. D 911 SHOE REPA1RINH. FRIEDMAN PROS., shoe repair. 211 8. It Harley Shoe Rfr'r. CoIiif Farn m. R 3444 IEWIAU MACHINES. TTT rent, repair, aell needles and VV C Prts for all eewlng machines. "MIClvEL'S," 1VE.R11ASJvA CYCLE CO., Ifth and Hsrney. Iouglas lfW. STEKlt C E1L1.XJS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 H. 10. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture ft bupply Co., 414-16-ls 8. 12th. Doug. 2724. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. t'th. D. 53. TRliNKS AND SUITCASES. rRELINO ft STEINLfl. ISOg Famam St. TYPEWRITERS tUU UklNT. RENT an Oliver typewriter mo. for M. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 12oi Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, Sit S. 18tb KL All inakea tor sale or lent. RENT a Remington," not lust a ty. writer. Low rent. Call Douglaa 124. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Chrlstla n gi. 2d A, Paxton Bk., 1 yr. ex p. WEflUmu STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Dog. Ptg. Co. WIlkKl A at Ik l.l. ...u a ALEX JETES, 1-I ft. Uth BU Wines, umuui. iiui. r iaie ainners u to i, luo, HENRY POLLOCK UUOR HOUSB. 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunott. BUT your family ltquoia at Kleln'a Liquor huuwe, 622 N. lth Douglas 1. MEOICAlj PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. H. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and na monev paid until cured. Write for book; on rectal diseases with testimonials. D1L E. R. TAR&Y. 240 Bee Bldg. U 1 1 L" I'll. 1-1',, .. . 1 .... 7"" MJiiioiu iieaieu auv'iuLuiir, ree suits guarnnted Dr. Bowser. 311 Bee Bldg. RUPTURE cured in lew davi wltliout pain. Call or write Dr. Wrtty, 206 Bee Rldg., Omaha. Established lftOt -o - . LOST AND FOUND LOST On N. 24th St.. near Ames Ave.. a lady's closed face gold watch, en irraved "K. O. D." Reward. Web. 2110. STOLEN Half of double harness and also a single harness, stolen from ioi! N. 21st. tlO for return or Information. Be Lc Vinson ft Robinson, 417 8. 11th St LOST An arrow-shaped pin ret with a ruby, surrounded by diamonds; reward. Walnut 2781. LOST Pair tinted glasses. Tel. Web. 6140. LOST About Sept 20, small, green hand tooled purse containing checks, cur rency, duplicate deposit checks; puree, valued: please return purse and papers; krep cash. Mrs. Edward Pegau, 4810 Florence boulevard. Web. 4624. LOST Coral c lored csmeo brooch. Re ward. Tel. Walnut 2459. LOST Watch charm. In sliape ol a seal. Carnellan stone. Reward. Harney Wit . PERSONAL GORDON, the Magaxlne Man. Tel. Doug. 7K.3. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your ild clothing, furniture, msga x'nes. We collect We d.strlbute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will ralL Call and Inspect our new home, 1U0-UU 1114 Podge Bt. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christbin ussociation building at 17th St and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise assisted. Ivok for our travelers' guide at the Untoa station. TOUR furnace c caned, II: work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. Doug. 4iW. PET STOCK BOSTON bulldog, 10 mo. old, female; house-broke. 1'13 Webster. Cell p m. PEKINESE pups, pedigreed eligible for registry at any bench show. These populur dogs come from China, are Ideal pets. Phone Har. 2tfe3. 134 So. 3uta St SWAPPERS tTJLOlN Wanted to Swap, rfiy not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something ou really need? It coils vou uothing to Join the ewappers' club and you will find it lota of fun swapping tilings. Wri'e Hoom 104, lee I sag., or poone Tyler 11 AU'l (e Have Brush cur which I wuh to swap for something worth t76. Ad dress S. C. i'ki. Bo AUTO -passenger touring car for dla mouaa, lumber for a garago, beating plan,, or first payment on a bouse. Ad- . . . ei lt.. dres B. C. i'U. Bee. AUTOS Hup "M." eiectrlc tabled stor age battery, new top, seat covers, wind shield, new all around, one extra tire and cover; Just the car for two peo ple; low upkeest. plenty fast and atrong; mechanically perfect Will exchanae (of tame car. Aunren 8. C. 214. Bee. iT'ToMoilltEi For iiuwi auioiuoulie bargains see tUe "AutoUMibtle" claasifi i.ilou BUOX3Y Good Concord top buggy for a large Incubator and brooder, or what have you? Addieas B. C. 2.4. Bee. BICYCLE Good lady's bicycle to trade for used typewriter only. Address SC 27 i. Bee. CHAFING-dish, nickel plated, original coat, , to trade lor anything. Ad Jum, 8. C. fro. Bee. FIXTURES Milllueiy fixtures ruon as wall cases, nuiTors, shelves, ribbons, velvets, etc , etc., with slendld lease of building, for exchange for what have vouf No old atix k. S. C. rt Bee. m' (CONTINUED ON PAGb"!.") COLUMN ONE.) , J ill i 1