Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 16, Image 16

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    Tim NEE: OMAHA, HATPltPAY. OCTOPFJt 2. 1015.
All on Account of a Little Green Parrot
CTVTlght. 11. International
News Service.
Drawn for The Bee by J. Swinnerton
iT- - - ('HULLO 1 J, rasca'u - HOW DARE J Zj f HULLO
i 7 i I i
Brave Held Ilitlesi Till Seventh,
When Mayer Opens His
Sidney Father Takes
Daughter Away from
Hubby: Race Ensues
8TERLINO. Colo.. Oct. 1
, etrram Lola McOhee, a pretty little
bride of It years, wss torn from her hus
band (In on Main street thl morning,
placed In a walling automobile by her
father anil kidnaped.
A' few minute later the young hus
band, Clarence MoXlhce, accompanied by
Deputy Hherlff Frank Whlttier, In in-
In hot pursuit
Hporini Toi ' National Comminion to Say When
and Where Battle for Coimio
Flag Open. .
IiOtTON, Ort. 1.-Philadelphia, found
Nehfa delivery easy of aolutlon today
and won from Boston, to I. The Ilravea o'ier aDtomoblln, war
went hltlea for six Iniilnus, but In tha Th two nmcliim-a headed northeast pre
eeventh and eighth obtained flva hit off aumably for. Bldnry, wheer all of tha
Mkyer for two run. Score
All HO. A K.
Hock. Mi.'... 14 0 1 SMoran,
llanerott. M. I
l'a.k.rt, fl . t
ravath, rf.. 4
1 .ucWim, lt ,
Wrlaer. K. . J
M-Ir,lf. Jl.. I
I 'uaey, 2b. ... I
A4)na, r.... 4
urr. .... t
All. H O A K.
r(.... I t
I 10
NKW TOUK. Oct. 1. All th details
of the comltur world' orie between tha
Itonton Amerlcnna and the I'hlladelphla
Nationals will he arranged at a meeting
of the National commission to be held In
ithla olty tomorrow. On the to of a coin
I I Kr-r., l) ... I
lie' 'nniptnn, cf. 4
Ola 0M. Ih... 4
17 3 tttmiih, lb.... 4
0(0 ll'iillln. If...
0 14 liMamnvll, aa I
0 0 0 iiaikbura, t 1
14 10 Cmiii t
it o-. hi. p 4
.. uowiir ,.... a
17 H Vi 14 1
Tolala It I li U I
Batted for Blackburn In the eighth,
rhlladrlplila ....... 0 10 4 10 9 -
Ponton ..i 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 0-2
To-ln hll: Stock, Paiikert, Run
rroft. Three-base lilta: Mayer, Collin.
Moln blown: (Mock, compion. iNienon
.... ..I I - 1. h.'..L. . ..
to MnK'e; lienrr. fl to N'lrhoff to I.H
!i?rim; Hmlth to Kvera to MaKoe. HtrurK
out: Hv Mnvt-r, 2; ty Nehf, 4. Pnat-a On
Off Mayer. f: off Nehf, . I'm
.re: ltlaler and O'Oay.-
Cartle Heat Pirate.
ST. l't!"!. Oct. 1. A battlna; rally In
the rlKhth aave 8t. Loula a victory over
1 UtHburxh toilny. to . In tliia tnnln
Hill weakened and the Inrala hit for two
nliiKlea and a triple. Adaina. who then
it-iieve.i I' 111. l ho waa hit for a trlplii
mid a alnnle. Ttila. coupled with a bsa
on balla and two errora, nenea ai touia
nix run. .
part l-a concerned reMde.
ine nrlde and ar.Klr are coiwuiia, anawm depend tll, cnolc, f th8 clty
berauae of thla fart. II. O. CVff.;y of ,w(llen ,he opting ,an wm be played,
Kidney,-the Klrl a father, puraued the but lhMe aplM.,ri b)) mon mtereat In
couple here after a Ion fight to prevent ,he nate of lh op1Ilnff conteat than In
tha marrliiKe failed. The young couple, U(e looaUon of tl, InltlaJ battle for the
were married two weke ago. In op to of
objection. They came here yea.erday
and the father arrived thla morning.
According to the glrl'a atory, her
father liua threatened her for opponlntf
liU wlHhea In tunrrylng Mcdlu o. rllifl aaya
that her mother died when aeh waa 15
montha old and her-father turned her
over to hla people and made them a gn a
contrail to keep her until ahe could aup-
Nehf to Kvera pori .nerneu. io rejwria imv .ucn ip
culved altice ranchera near nere loia ot
two automobile w Making by In a mad
daah toward Sidney, t
Tarkio Has Heavier ;
and Stronger Team
TARKfO. Mo.; Oct. 1. (BpecloU-The
Tarklo college foot ball aquad la on Ha
third week of practice; thirty men are
reporting for the work every evening.
The prooprcta for a eueceeaful aeason
la about 60 per cent better than, they
were at thla time laat year. Iaat year'a
qud .averaged US pounda and the 1911
aqtiad will average about Ui pounda. Of
lsat year letter mon e'ght are out for
the team. They are Captain In. ex
I'nptaln Oaliiirn. lerr K. J'eteraon,
l.unan, Bunderwirth. F. Grimm, Htcrrett
and Lar. ". IVteraon, fullback, and
foe. halfback, are not In achool, while
McValmont. Anderaon and Wallace,
euarda, were lost through graduation.
The l:15 whedule la pi atrong one, four
i.ame Unu played at home end four
abroad. Fojr conference gamea will be
Played, tw at Tarklo Ind two abroad.
The achediile follow:
Vtotir 1, fampcll college at Tarklo,
t(.tilr a, CS-ntral college at Txrklo.
irtober-15, M ihlMin Jewell at UUerty.
octolier S?. Wetmlnter at Tarklo.
Ih-iober Nebraska, Normal at Itru,
November &. open.
November 12, Wenleyan at tVmeron,
November V. VnWeralty of Omaha at
OiriMlia. ., .
November , liellevue college at Tar
American Express
Bowlers Open Loop
The American Kxprea company bowling
k-Mgue will limugurate Ita womhi at the
Jluntn:Ktn eiieyo iniwnt in a ii
pttKrain 'or eiume. r uur i.Miiiia
up the league. The membera of the team
re aa follow:
HopeilnUiidcnt'a Office
Eight of "Big Nine"
. Teams Clash Today
' CHICAGO, ; Oct. L WeaUrn oollege
foot ball team will open their aeaaon
tomorrow with eight of the HI Nine
teama In action. Chicago, which will
line up agnltuit Northweatern a . week
later, will be the Idle membera tomorrow,
while Northweatern haa Ita annual en
gagement with Lake' Foreat. Michigan
geta Into action next, Wedneaday agalnat
Lawrence, " . . . v
Uamea of particular Intereat tomorrow
Include Indiana agalnat . Depauw at
Hloomington, 1 ltd : Notre Pama agalnat
Alma at Notre Dame;. Inirdue agalnat
Wabaah college at Iafayette, Ind.: Min
nesota agalnat North lUKota at Mlnne
apolla; Iowa agalnat Cornell college at
Iowa City, la.; Wlaconaln agalnat Law
rence . at Madlaon, Wla., and Illlnola
agulnat Ilaakell at Vrbana, 11L '
Speed Kings to Race for Astor Cup
SHENANDOAH, la., Oct. 1. (Ppeclal.)
Around a nmleua of two player from
laat year'a team. George Collin,, a ne
gro, fullback, and Homer Itodgera, cen
ter. Coach I. O. Kunnnlng la building
up a foot ball team that ha expectation
to retain the rhamplonahlp title of aouth
weatern Iowa for the Hhenandoah HlKh
achool. The new athletic director cornea
from ' the - atate normal at River Fall a.
Wkt., where he won hla letter two year
in foot ball. i
I ; ; '.
. tlratrl Itacea Wild V.
BKATHICH, Neb.. Oct. 1 8pe lal Tel
eifram.) The county fai rcloaed here thla
afternoon v.Mth a.lareg crowd In attend
ance. The I exult of the race follow:
ripeclnl trotting: Palmer' Add, won;
Iady Hur, eecond. ' Time 1.2. a.V. :J.
Pacing, l.'Si cla"a: Alollle lilnger, won:
Allator. eecond; Drift Allen, third. Time,
II . 1:2: t:. '
Kiinnlng. half-mile: Mabel R., won;
Olello, aecond. Time, O.Ui.
champtonahlp of 1915.
Whether the aerie will tiegln on Friday,
October I, or on Saturday, October I, la
caualng much dlacuaalon among follower
of ban ball In thla city. Many ex pre
the belief that the American league In
tereat wilt endeavor to havo the play be
gin on Friday, October 8, the day after
the cloae of the leagnie aeaaon.
Alrsaader'a ArtlvKr.
Thla would preclude the poaalblllty of
the Phlllloa aending their etar pitcher,
Qrover Cleveland Alexandcrv to the
mound In three of tha flrat four game
played, aa might easily be done ehould
the arrlea atart on Puturday, October 9.
Cnder the latter schedule, Alexander
could be worked Saturday, Monday and
Wtdneiny, which, in tho opinion of
many cloae follower of baae ball, will
be decidedly advantageous to the Na
tional league standard bearer.
A point made by those In favor of be
ginning the series on Friday I that It
would be a much more convenient cay
for those fan who dealra to witneaa" all
the game of tha - series. Under . a
schedule, no matter which city waa se
lected for the opening game, the visit
ing spectators would have Sunday in
which to make the trip to the other rll?.'!
Many believe that the National commls-1
Ion will take thla fact into conaldsratlcu
in aaalgnlng the date of play, which are
expected to call for two game in one
city; two In the other, to bo followed by
alternating game until the close ot tha
Other Matters Vp.
Other matter to come up for consider
ation will Include the price ot handling
of ticket, the aaalgnlng ot umprere and
numerou minor detail requiring con
siderable discussion and the meeting may
develop Into protracted seaalon.
1). 11. Johruon. president of the Amer
ican league; Uarry Herrmann, president
of the Cincinnati National league club, 1
and Prealdont John K, Tener of the Na
tional league, 'the membera of the Na-,
ttonal commission, were expected to ar-'
rive In thla city late tonight or early
tomorrow morning. The executive staffs
of the rival clubs also are expected to at
tend the meeting, a well aa several mag
nate of club not directly concerned in
the world' aerie.
it -
t '"w-
Many of the rraek racing drivers at
tha country have entered their name
for the Vincent Aator cup race, the S50
mlle went, with which the new motor
speedway at Sheepahead Bay, New York,
yr ,' :
I f I
V r . H 1
I -Jlf " ',s I
W --
Stiehm's Huskers
Are Ready to Meet
Bulldogs of Drake
LINCOLN. Oct. 1. (Special Telegram.)
Stiehm's Huakers open the season here
tomorrow with a Missouri Valley con
ference opponent. Coach rGlfflth of Drake
and twenty-one warriors arrived thla
The Nebraska coach put his men
through a light signal drill tonight.
Htlehrn reported all of his men In excel
lent shape.
Tho Drake eleven Is admitted the beet
In recent years. Five freshmen were (oju
enough to replace regular on th team
thla year and the aquad haa been fur
ther reinforced by atars of the strong
1912-13 teams.
The lineup tomorrow will be:
Ccrrl ..
Moxer ..
Abbott .
Shields ,
lldd-ll .
r.nthcrford (c).L.H.
rtceae R.H.
Otopaullk F.B
.LT.I L.T....
....C.I c;RO.
... Bprong
.... Htait
.. WelMh
Cook y.H.I Q.B.. Blackburn, (c)
Pikstltulea. Nebraska: Raemtieaen for
Cl.amberluln. Van Meter f;r Corri, Ball
frr Ivnetiiin, I lalberalaben for Mozcr,
Koltxky for Abbott, Hhnw for Bliluld.
Bnils for R:d.lell, iVirter fon Rutherford,
iJaranrr tor Kccse, Doyle for Otopaullk.
JPnlrv for Ciok. Offlclnla: Keferer. Birch,
. Farlham college; umpire, HylHnd. Iowa
:l"te; heud hneainun, Kearnea, Bcllevue
Chicago Fitcher Has Little Trouble
in Holding: His Oppo
nents Safe.
CHICAGO, Oct. l.-Ed Walsh had little
difficulty holding his opponents safe to
day, thereby winning his third straight
game of the seaaon. The visitors were
blanked, 8 to 0. Only two hits were mad
off Walsh until the eighth Inning whea
he eased up after Chicago had won. He
was given support which bordered on tho
sensational. None of the visitors reached
third base. Lavan came the clonest when
he doubled In the eighth and was thrown
out by a Kreat throw by Jackson wheu
he tried to stretch hla hit Into a triple.
The local won the game by bunching
hits behind the erratic fielding of the
The day was designated a "Army day,"
In honor of Henry P. McCain, adjutant
general of the United States army. Sev
eral companies of militia and members
of the Boy 8couts were present. Score:
ST. Loris.
will be opened Saturday.
One of the largest crowds that ever
attended an automobile race la expected
when the gates ot the new speedway
ore thrown open.
1 loolry.
I rt vers
U I pm'kl.
City Office
A. 1-plnakl,
ti, lescr.
iH'Oot -Ardrev.
Uamea Today
American League . IauIs at Boston.
Cleveland at- IMro't Boaton at Washing
ton. New York at Philadelphia. '
Ntonl I Pittsburgh " at BL
Ixiula. Chicago at Cincinnati, Brooklyn at I
isew i (in. I'll latu-iinne at iioaion.
r moral jugue lilca
Three Bif Games Scheduled at Lin
" " coln,Lawrence-and at
' Colombia.
Cotner Wins Game
From Bellevue
IOWA CITY, la., Oct. 1 (Special
Telegram.) By the tragic death from
burnlns of Mrs. O. E. Davis of Cor
rectlonvllle, la., mother of Davis, star
end for the Iowa team, Iowa loses one
of the best players In tomorrow's game
with Cornell College on Iowa field.
Added to this Is the fact that the con
dition of the Iowa team makes the
chances deplorably even for a victory on
either side.
. , ;
Bee Want Ad Produce Results.
Photton, If.. 4 0 1 0 .OMuiphr. rf.. i 1 8 0
Howard, lb.. I 1 in 2 t Weaver. n..4 2 4 1 0
Fltilrr, rf.... 4 0 0 0 OK Cilllnn 2b 4 111"
Pratt. 3b.... I 1 0 1 lFoiimlrr. r(. 4 1 J 1 0
C.Wtlktr. cf 4 1 1 OJai'kaon. If.. I 0 i 1
Auuln. lb... 4 0 1 t 1 J Collin. 1M I I 1 1
barm, n I 1 t I IB'arhbrn. lb I 1 X 0
Aunew. c.... 111! 0-rhlk. c... I 0 0 ll
Koob. p I 1 0 1 OWal.b. p.... 1 1 I 0
Phillip., p.. 0 1 0 t
Hoff ,p 1 1 0 I 0 Total H t 17 li I
Total. 1 T li I
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 4) 0 O-o
Chicago 0 0 0 0 4 1 10 8
Two-bapp hit: I-avan. Stolen bases.
Howard, Murphy, Jackson. Double plays:
15. Collins to Weaver to J. Collin.; Four
nler to Weaver. Baaea on balls: Off
Walsh. 2; off Koob, 2: off Philllpa, 1; off
Hoff, 2. Hits: Off Koob, 8 In six In
nliwa; off Phillips, none In less than one
third Inning; off Hoff. none in two in
ntnes. Struck out: Py Koob, 1; by
Walsh. Jt; by Hoff, 1. Umpires: Connoliy
and Chill.
Ottn Mera Fired.
Ind'an&uolla has given Pitcher Otto
Mera h!s unconditional release.
Poor - punting, fumbles at impportune
times and lack of offensive ability, lost
Believue a slow and uninteresting game
to Cotner at Bethany yesterday after
noon, by a score og 13 to t. The offense
of both teams was ragged, Cotner's only
ground gainers being a tackle-around
play and an off-tackle buck.
Cotner rushed the ball to Bellevue'
five-yard line in the first quarter, after
KANSAS CITT, Mo., Oct 1. The aalnlnc on an exchange of punts. Farn-
foot ball season of 1915 will be ushered! ham ot Bellevue recovered Knapple's
In tomorrow on southwestern gridirons, j fumble. Wenke failed to punt out ot
The big games in the Missouri valley are I danger and Cotner rushed the ball to
those between the
braska and Drake
verslty of Kansas and William Jewell at ' of the second quarter on a tackle-
Lawrence, and th University ' of Mls-;aroun play.
ue Missouri vauey are i uanger ana coiner rusneu ma uan w
University ot Ne-jthe two-yard line as the quarter ended.
at Lincoln, the Unt-1 Brokaw carried the bail over at the be-
KanHaa City at St. Litil, Newark at
Buffalo at Urooklyu.. .
DH vera
Brock rr tiler.
(' I. Brcwn.
t'liv nltc-
8-at on.
Went worth,
1 ' Kit
Federal Flag Race
Stands Still a Day
ClIICAOO. Oct. 1 The race for the
Wiieral league prnnanl atood atlll today.
I'iUbt uiah and Cld :o otponirig their
i:ame and rH lxula the other contender.
lad no rurna with Kan.saa City, i'ltta
burgh, holding the lead by a narrow
ingrain over M IxiuS. needs to win only of tatunlay's two games with Ch
raira to but the locals out of the race. If
Pittabuich should win both gamea Patnr
tay, R. Ixm'Ib would have to take both ut
p remaining gamea to win, and even would not aufflce tf the ItoUi
ould then take half of Sunday'a double
l.e'ler fioia CM'ago.
Falrbarr Playa Taday.
KAIRBURY. Nab., Oct. 1. (Special.)
The Initial foot ball gnme here will be
played at th ba l.ajl park grouiula
Saturday afiernoun between the local
hltih achool team and tha Kdxar High
aeltitol eleven. Thki makea the aecond
ainn of tha aeaaon for Falrburv. Thev
played at Hebron Tuesday and were de-
reuicii cy a acore or 1 to .
KlUrrorlk Playa t Tie.
IOWA FA1JJJ, la. Oct.- l.-(nectal
Te earairi he-veu to I waa tha acore of
the game between l-;ilwrlh culleae and
I'uei.e. Via'a collene of Slonu Lake here
to-lay. Thla waa K'llaworth'a fhet sched
uled game thla aeuaon and for the firnt
time In two years ita go4 line was
HI 'I -I r4 VI-. !...
BiyOMFTI'-U, Neb.. 0t 1 iwcll.)
A ' ' e i 1 r a- l . .-id
inn it'.b ot aeu'nst a lik anond frena
it I - i,iij ii i.un il-ib thla afternoon.
i: ..o. trli won by a m.uatn of f.e.
I- . e .
i .- mftrl 4'fa an. l-: 4'ook. Sfi
n W Mt-Nainai-, VI; BUtkmoie,
1-. ...i -. v.'.
r , ... a-i .11,, (-. Mall. W; Koblnsun,
, V ii. In, )-kj. T; Vluvkcl,
Kearney lllak Beats Vark.
YORK Neb., t. 1. (Special Tele
gram.t Keariivy lliah achool defeated
York thl aftemiHin. 1 to 0, -While York a
team waa the heavlar, the Kearney team
waa tco fast for the in.
1laatHK Oelrlaaae Heal Clevd.
II A'KTINHH, Neb., tvt. 1. 4 Special Tel
ettriun Haatlnna HI rli achool defeated
Bed Cioud HIkIi achool. a to t. In the
flrat fool ball aama of the w iiuii. today.
Keuner made Ha.Unn-.' t' r e tuuehdowna.
Brewers Plek Batrnlt.
SAN FRANClS(-, Oi-t. 1. Buffalo waa
naiiM-d aa the place for the lxl conven
tion of the Alaaier Krewera' aaocUiUon
doling tlieo loving bualneas aesa4on.
kaperlor Wia.
S1PKRIOR. Nab.. Oct l.fHpeclal Te
earam. I Superior and Mankato Hth
' plaved foot bell hare today, bo-
, l-eiior winning, if to 1.
filtller la (a- Back.
Th fine Mtrltie- oulfl-Mr !!! Mil.
ler, of tlie Sorioafleld Cnl-ilV thla sa-
n. aaa sacurea It rera, for active
duty to the feu Lrfmla Fed.
Fraueo-ftwtae Liaae Ones.
PARIS, Oct. t Tlie Franco-Swlae fron
tier, which was ei-wed on piMnbar 9,
ru been reopeuea to trwveiar and mall.
Six Cadets Expelled,
Four Suspended and
Fifteen Set Back
WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct L Dlamls
sal of six midshipmen, suspension of tour
others for one year, without pay and tha
demotion to the next - lowest class ot
fifteen other, waa announced by Secre
tary Daniel today as the result of the
recent hexing Investigation at Annapolis
Naval academy. :
Til oa dlamlaaed are : Robert 8 tat
I-amotte, flrat class; David Ollck. sec
ond class, and Alexander R. Rollings,
Charlee B. Tuley. Edward H. Hill and
Dwlght C. Cook of th third class. Tha
navy court Which' loveatlgated the
ehargea, recommended the dlamlssal of
Secretary Daniels issued tha following
statement: ' - i
Thl action U taken with th deter
mination that haling of all kind la to
be ended at the naval academy. There is
no room at the academy for any man
who cannot obey th laws of tha United
States congreas. It baa' been estimated
that it coat 111,000 to educate a man for
the navy. In the navy the flrat duty ts to
obey orders. If at th academy a man
cannot obey the orders of tha superin
tendent and an act of congress, be dem
onstrates that he lacka the first and es
sential quality required for naval of
Spalding Estate
Is Over Million
LOS ANGELES, Cel.. Oct L-John W
Carrlgan. state Inherit an oa tax attorney.
announced today that be haa completed
a survey of the estate left by th lata
A. O. Bpa'd'ng sporting goods manu
facturer who died recently at fwirat Lome.
Cel., and found that th value was la
exceas ot S1.O00.4XO Instead of tOtt.000, th
value placed upon U by Mr. ' BpeJJlng
befor his death.
"It may go as high as ?.000.001;
Carrlgan. ' "
sourt and the Oklahoma "Aggies" at
Th Missouri coaches have spent a
busy two weeks picking out likely candi
date from the big aquad. and ar con
fident of victory. , The Oklahomana, on
tho other band, were known to be
heavier than laat aeaaon and were pro
pared to put up a hard battle. Btroraar.
According to reports, Kansas has th
material for a great foot ball machine
thl fall. The return of Hammond, a
SCO-pound guard. , and the showing; of
last year's freshmen stars. In the opin
ion ot Coach Olcott makes the Jay-
hawkers real contenders for th valley j
title, won last .year by the powerful Ne
braska eleven.
Th University ot Nebraska, with sev
eral ot last year's stars In th lineup,
will atart th aeaaon agalnat Drake,
which has an eleven of uncertain
At Norman, th University of Okla
homa and KlngtUher college will play
their annual game, which generally
goes to th university players by a big
oor. . : , , t
'Chief Caaaea of Day.
The principal games1 on aouthweetern
gridiron and the result of 1914 conteat
where the same college met, f.ollow:
Oklahoma. "Aggie" at ' Jalssouri, did
root meet
Wlliliun Jewel rt Kanaaa. 0 to 48.
Drake at. Nebraska, did not nmt.
Kinsfleher at Oklahoma. V to.7.
Yankton at Mcrmngslde, t) to' 4.
Simpson at Ames, U li not meet.
Kansas Normala it Mlasouri fcvhoo! of
Mlnea. did not meet.,
Olalbe at St. Marya. did not meet
Kansaa Wealoan at College ot Em
poria, did not meet
Plays la livery tiaaae.
Jakey At. Fort Worth niancer. fin
ished hla f ishu-tmth seaaon In ba baH
wtiuoui missing a gaiue.
- (;ra4 Ialaw4 Has Walkaway. I
OR AND ISLAND. Neb., Oct. L (Spe
clal Telegram.) eiraiij UUnd High m de!
h a walkaway with Central City High
todar. scoring 31 In th first halt and at
In - the seovnd half. Engleman. tocotl,
brown, fctinlth, Uuechler, Krebs and
lavle shared In the touchdowns and big
Central City was somewhat lighter and
waa unable to hold the locale, the ball
being constantly In Central t'liy territory.
It waa the flrat game on the local
ground nd there was a largo aundaiica.
Beatrice mmt Mtalciaa TI.
Cotner's second score came In the
fourth quarter, when Farnham fumbled
a punt on his own five-line. Hellwlg
went off-tackle for a touchdown on th
next plav.
Bellevue scored a safety In the second
quarter, when Kvau tackled Strain
back ot hla own goal line after a blocked
punt had hit the goal posts.
The game was played on old-fashioned
line throughout. Only one open play wa
tried on either aide and neither of these
worked. Bellevue line failed to hold
long enough for the back-field to get
started. The only time either team gained
around the ends was when Farnham cir
cled Cotner' left end for forty yards.
Lltchtenwallner at tackle, and Erwln
at left end, played tar game for th
Indiana. HellwlaV a ub. Brol aw and
Knappl. until the later wa layed out
were Cotner' best ground gainer. The
Allen U.K.LkK wnia..
l.tehlenwallner L.T., L.T ,,BroK';
i.r.ii.niirt ...L.G.IL.Q Iliignnan
,.R,1.k.O. Brumbaugr. (c)
..U.T.IK.T B'Ut
, It K. It B Thomas
U I Q r-iralu
..1-U Lll French
.U 11. R.I1 Knapple
..K B I F.B .altn
Bellevue, Frwln. Kvans,
Coiner, Hellwlg. Kenoedy.
Coiner. Brokaw. llellwlf.
c , - kMivu.. Itferee: Heltser. ise-
braskal I mplre: McOullough. Neb.-eaaa,
Head linesman. Ktncker. Nebraska.
1 Cleed Tlaae at Sheltoe.
8HEI-TON. Neb., tkt. 1. (Special.)
The thre day' race nieetlng closed liat
night. Oecaalonal llaht ahowera and cool
...-v... i,.i 1 1, crowd from being aa
large as former years, but the best racea ;
ever pulled ott were wiini-eu auu m.
faaieat milo waa trotted Thuraday that
haa ever ben marie on thla track. Band
concerts by the State Industrial School
band were much enjoyed
Turkish Batteries
Sink Torpedo Boat;
BERLIN. Oct Tu (By Wire less to
Tuckerton, N. J )-An official oommunl-1
cation laaued in Conatantlnople under
date of September 5f7. aa received here
today tiy the Overseas New agency,
Turkish coast batteries sank a tor-
Sm l J Hunting Riflms
Ojstatson ...
Famhaia .....
Sliaoy. Alien;
lr . J r a
X. '
There are more Winchester rifles used
for hunting1 than all other American
makes combined. That 1 because
they are so generally satisfactory.
Experienced hunters know that Win
chester rifles can be depended upon
absolutely. Then ajain, they are
made in all calibers and styles suit
able for shootinff any kind of irame.
For a good, reliable rifle, one that
shoots strong and accurately, and
gives years of service, no rifle equals
the Winchester. No need of hesi
tating as to which make of hunting
rifle to buy. Get a Winchester and
you will never regret it. They are
BEATRICE. Neo.. Oct 1. (Soectal Tel
esrajn j -neatrve mgn scnooi ana i a-l " Z- .
leyan tollege foot ball teams played a P boat of the enemy near Kerevlge
eiuooomiy cougni same nere 111 la u ter-j dire."
awn, me score oeing a tie, e to u. v
leyan, a much heavier team, came reur
scoring three tlniea during the n-
liedron. Alekandor and Kester atarre-l
far Wesleyan and KUpatrkk, liubka tviul
Juuea fur liealrice.
Tobla glare with K4a.
One of the moat brilliant ycunmtar
bi the Federal league la Johnny Tublu.
'tlie tlwt uuuleldcr ot lite St Louis club.
"afi i7r-i-: U