Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Xin: WW QMA"A PATHWAY, on, 2, j?ir.
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Joe Xolokt, Greek EeiUnrtnt Man,
Appean for Fourth Time Be-
I fore Felice Judge.
.Jo Koloks, Orwli proprietor of a res
taurant at 415 North Twenty-e1xt
treet, appeared for th fourth tlm be
fore Folic Judge Reed yesterday morn
' Ing on ft charge of keeping ft disorderly
"house. Th Judge fined the tnnn 125 ftnd
cost and assessed ft fine of tl and
cost on each of the four Inmate. They
were Fred Habt, Jim Aur, C. tlrk and
Mike fjeory.
. Koloka la a common figure In the po
llr station. Always blandly smiling ha
ha Invariably put up bond money with
" .,.., lr-.,.V with t,im Ai-..l
mate are arrested with mm. Aiweysi
he pay his fine without murmur. No
attorneys defend . the man. Hut In
broken English he ha always pleaded
"not guilty." Outside of thesa brief
Words he aaya nothing.
, "How long are you going to keep this
Up?" he waa asked by an officer.
An impetuous uplift of the hands In
the common foreign manner waa all that
rould be received by way of an answer.
Mia place wa raided last Sunday even
leg. Ready for Alaaaal Caase. '
'J, Quarterback : Johnny ftahn of the
jllumnl eleven has recovered from hi
sprained ankle ftnd la well enough to
pLay In the high school game. With the
departure of "Cy" Kheehy for Ann Ar
bor ta enter the Michigan university,
the lineup on the alumni aide will be
considerably altered. ,
. ' Coach Pattnn ha also encountered
both fortune and misfortune In rounding
it his teem. A stack of work to find a
quarterback and center to fill th places
-of Quarterback Iach and Center Korb-
maker wa closely followed by the eud-
'den quarantining for diphtheria of th t
borne of Oust n usle. thua eliminating I
l.lm from practice for week or two.
The lineup of the two team as given
-Out last evening follow.
Dworak .
Bott ,
Capllita .
.Oraham- .
Clnek ....
Curtl ...
Nixon ....
.. Hearle
,.. Nixon
... Rutin
... sillier
.. Iowry
.. Kuril
.. Meany
R O.
- Ryan
:Huhstlltitee South
Kmlgh, Knstol, Anderson, Bterba, Mc-
Vonkey. Alumni: Green.
Captain Rahn of the Alumni eleven
Isue ft call to every patrlotlo alumni I 'Hr min th" Principal operating offl
to come to th high school gymnasium at " con,Pnv. the mine su-
Twenty-fourth and J alreet this after
boon at I o'clock. -
Krlllaft- Others Hheep.
John Ward, adla John Qlllle, aon oH
W. W. Gillie, prominent aheep raiser
cf Evansvllle. Wis., wa arrested last
evening at :S0 o'clock by fetecUves
- Alien ftnd Dworak at the stork yard on
ft charge of attempting to gain money
on ft four-carload , consignment of sheep
that were not his. He Is being held by
local police until further word can be
received from the owner of Th sheep.
' BarW TheU 1wot.
Latest report th and county
wld search now ttelog made by Bouth
Hide police and railroad detectives for
,t!e gang of boxcar robber, who have
been doing a thriving, regular business
in the last two or three years. Indicate
that much of the stolen good ha been
burned o ft to avoid detection. No lea
than ten catches, In living house or In
the open, have been found to contain
hidden merchandise stolen from moving
freight train.
Thla morning word wa received from
JtflMourt Pacific, agent that ft big lot
of shoes lately recovered are of the
came manufacture and evidently com
from the same place as those discovered
In the hands of thieves some weeks ago
tn the east aide Hurllngton tracks. This
alone la an Indication of organised work,
the thieve dealing with every railroad
Colng to and from the city. The shoes
were made at Bllll water, Minn., preaum
lly at the state penitentiary there..
.' Hut five men have been arrested by th
police so far. They are Morris Lener
sran, alleged to be leader of the gang;
John Butkaa, Will Mack and two others.
warrant ha been sworn out for th
arrest of an other. Just what charge
the railway men will mak In their case
against the thlevea la not known yet.
Starr l t.lves Ceaeert.
To mark th moving of the headquar
ter of the Central Interdenominational
church from their present locatloft In the
old Toung Men' Christian association
building at Twenty-tot rth and M street
to the auditorium of the Workmen tem
pi ftt Twenty-fifth and M" streets, ft
ac-red concert will be held Sunday eve
ling. Teaeher of tb educational de
partment of the church wl I dumonstrat
tt th publlo their aliilUy as educator
In music.
Mia fmmi Ward, young piano atu--r.t
who ta now at'.enJlr.g Iii:vue col
lege, will preslJe at the piano. Follow
ing 1 the list of other Instructors In
their respective departments who will
t&k part;.
Arthur fcwentker, voice and choral di
rector; J.M h Wuolery, violin; Mrs. A.
It. Kraiiuerier, exprasslnn and publlo
reaklnr; Mies Field, physical culture
ir women; Mrs. W. B. Meyers, art
eedlework; Mis Fimna Beaver, Camp
i ire sills. A physical culture teacher
lur mm ad a boy workxr is not yet se
cured, but are being arranged for.
Bewliaar Scores.
In the - Mock Yard league th Tagg
3 roi won two out of three game from
lite Union Stock Tarda company. King
at tha company five w high- n tU-j
,r.-l--, but Julmsua of th opposing team
v ;-ih! tife hi in number of pna. 8eore:
lt. m. id. Tot.
.....) H l-i -t 4 1
I I I-H .
' 1" K ....
,r,t-r ...
1 i ourifr
, 1 i .S i t t:i
.............l:i7 l-i lf4 4
n l 1.5
lis Us 111
rA in kn
TAGG li lit' Hi.
. ..
ln.aon .
fisrO ' ...
17tt in U u
Tot sis.
l"t 1 ts t.U4
Hs' Haraata Satarday.
f -ntaruKn la the only true guide to
Sj ttShipriit clothing; buying. Compare
l ' ouaiKlrS, styles and prices you gt
Ine st Hynn's with any you can find.
It v.Ul luiKe you money. Thar ar ft lot
c f i-lacp brre we can show ft saving
ii I'' 'ry best o.uaiitii-s.- If you don't
.y )vu will go away better posted any
fr.y. Vi.i re's world ot llajure In
,.. lug -and looiing e,t ' three new tnllfi.r Marx sails a lid oter
c it's.
On a U-t n l.iie the lx-at Q and til
la the tsle. The ldu-' suit and
t it v ai sLuK-iiig at t .k All
3 per cent to per cent below city
Just received several lines of school
dresses priced 9c to H5n. They are
beauties at the price. Clean up on ft kt
of hays school suits, tl.M up. rjrand line
sweater coats, ladlea' new collare, men
and hoys' shirts on sale, etc., etc. Onion
and see. JOHN FLTNK CO.
Mailt C'lty UmIb.
Mrs. O. Wsrren Psvls North
Twenty. fifth street,-left yesterday for an
extended, pleasure trip to the Pacific
Office apsce for rent In TVee office, nm
N street. Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. Bouth 27.
We can Install an oil burner In your
heatlns" plant, fall us. Hubert Parks
Healing and Plumbing Co., 441 N. 24th
ft. Tel. Ho. .
Chapter M of the P. B. O. will be en
tertnlned Saturday afternoon at the bom
of Mrs. Dr R. E, Kchlndle. Miss Flor
ence will be the guest.
For Ment 7-room house, newly dec,
rated. Close In. good location. Merrill,
Twenty-th rd and M streets.
A b'isy session of police court was held
'esterdajr morning. Judse Reed sent
Ive prisoner to the county Jail on sen
tences varying from ten to fifteen days.
Carl Wahmburr returned first r h
week from a motorcycle trip to Kansas
l',ty-. n' Thor Fredericks and Clsy
hi...,! i.r ck.k. u
tnetropnils ft week ftgo.
court. No. 177, Woman'
Catholic Order of Foresters, will hold a
ni.-eiing irtdsy evening at the 8L Mary'
I sincerely wish to thank my kind
friends and neighbors for their kindness
and floral Irtbutea In my sad bereave
The King's Daughters' circle of the
First Preabterlen 'hurch will meet this
afternoon at the rhurrh at Twenty-third
and J streets. Mrs M. O. Zeros and
Mrs R. w. Campbell will entertain.
Tli first Issue of the Tooter. the high
school student publication, came out
Wedi.railsy afternoon. Th Issue was
twetity-eliiht iidifi end wss cntrnri
edited and printed by student of th
Bouth High school.
It Is a good thing for you to figure out
carefully just how your money goes, end
then consider how It will grow when
one you begin saving systematically.
Tha Household Expense Hook, Issued l.v
inej Household Expense Hook, Issued b
the evlnics liepartment of the IJv
Plock Nations! flank, Houth Omaha, wll
be of great help In doing this. It 1 your
for the asking.
The funeral of H. T, Prase, pioneer,
who died suddenly Tuesday evening st
bis undertaking establishment at 423
North Twenty-fourth street, will be held
this morning at 10 o'clock at Grace
memouwt cnurcn at Twenty-fifth and
K streets. Rev. J. W. Klrkpatrlck will
off Iclate. Interment will be made at
r ur0"1 u, cemetery.
John D. Will Spring
Unionism Substitute
DENVER, Oct. ' 1.- An Industrial plan
which John D. Rockefeller, Jr., chr
acterlxed a "broader and more demo
cratic than unionism," will ha submitted
to officer and employe of th Colorado
Fuel and Iron company at Pueblo on
Saturday. Announcement of th meet
ing wa made by Mr. Rockefeller to
night At the conference besides Mr. Rock
""""tum ana vne grievance repr
sentatlvea of the varloua Colorado
amps. Between fifty and sixty men r
expected to attend. In ai-uasln th.
meeting Mr, Rockefeller declined to
maae publlo In advftnea any detail of
th Industrial plan which ne ha been
worked out by himself and W. U Mac
kenxle King, In collaboration with Presi
dent J. F. Wei hour and other officer of
the company. He said, however that It
we In no sence an attack upon Union
Train with Wooden ;
Guns to Free Korea
BEATTLW, Wash.. Oct 'l.'-Koreana
In Hawaii ar training with wooden
uns. In th hop of being able to free
Korea from Japan, according to Mia
Badl K. Barrett, ft missionary to Ha
waii, who addressed the national con
vention of the Woman' Horn Mission
ary Society of the Methodist Episcopal
Church her today.
e Jitney Offer Thl mm Be.
!XN'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip,
enclose with 6c and mall It to Foley V
Co.. Chicago. Iiu.. wrltlna- your name
fttid addresa clearly, you will receive In
return a trial packs- containing Foley'
Honey and Tar Compound, for couh,
old and croup; Foley Kidney Pill, for
pain in skies and bclc. rheumatism,'
backache, kidney and bladder ailments;
and Foley Cathartic Tableta, a -nole-om
and thoroughly cleansing cathartic,
for constipation, billtouanes. headache
nd sluggish bowel. Bold everywhere.
BED A LI A, Mo.. Fept. M. -Champ Clark,
speaker of th national house of repre
sentatives, was named a th greatest
living Missourtan. by Governor Major, In
an address her today. Tre selection wa
mad by th governor in accordance with
a request from the offiolal of tb
Fftttama-Cftclflo exposition.
Your Sick Child
Is Constipated!
Look at Tongue
Uurry;-Mother! Remove poi
sons from ittlo Btomach,
Mver, bowels.
Give "California Syrup of
Fi3M if cross, bilious
1 ; " . '.or feverish.
Ne matter what alia your child. gen
tie, thorough laxative should always be
the first treatment given.
If your little one la out-of-sorl. half-
lck. Isn't resting, eating and act in nt-
vl i UraUy look. Mother! see If toneu u
! coated.
Thla la a sure siga that It s little
stomach, liver and bowels are clomrsd
..... "J M VI 74h Wlth Whn cro mtable. fev-
1k( 1' i , 4, jierlsh. stomach sour, breath bad or ha
'lu l' ii 'tomach-aehe. diarrhoea, sore throat.
fornla Syrup of figs." and in ft few hours
all the constipated poison, undigested
food and sour bile gently moves out of
Its bowel without griping, and you have
a well, playful child again.
Mother can leat eaay after giving thla
harnUee -fruit laaatlve." because It
never fail to cleanse the llttl one
Uver and bowel and sweeten the stom
ach and they dearly lov It pleasant
taste. Full direction for babies, chil
dren of all age and for grown-up
printed on each bottle."
Be are of counterfeit fig syrup. Ask
your druggist fur a to-cent bottle ef
'California Syrup of Figs;" then see
that It Is mad by the "California Fig
tJyrup Ctompftoy." Advertisement,
F-4 VICTIMS BROUGHT HOME FOR LAST RITES-Ccffins being lowered from the
Supply to the tug Active, to be carried ashoro at Francisco.
sW'j'ia msl i id
Poor Miss Saxe is Forced to
Be Catless While in Omaha
Rumor In the shape of a young fellow
t the Loyal hotel (we decline to be more
definite)-Rumor ha It that Mis Orare
Saxe, the efficient Bible teacher of the
Sunday party, I disappointed In Omaha
In on particular and only one.
In every other city someone has pre
sented her with a cat to be her pet dur
Ing the campaign.
In Omaha, so far, she lias been com
pelled to live catless.
In other cities there have been cata
clasms and cataracts of cats In Omaha the
cats ar apparently all In the catacombs.
Pally she must make her catabaaea to
catechise her catechumens at the cater
nacle, no, no. Tabernacle, without the
comfort of th cat, left purring In the
c&tadloptrtrol light of her room at the
Loyal. ,
- It la a catastrophe!
Mis flax hss Raveled far and wide.
Flv year she journeyed to Egypt. Bho
went there to write up Colonel Roose
velt' vlalt to various Christian missions.
But. reader, let us remember that Egypt
I the mysterious land from which the
mysterious cat originally emerged and
catapulted throughout a lonely world to
purr and make homelike ten million fire
side. '.," , .
Thla learned and accomplished, woman
ha been In the land where the Maltese
eat thrive ajid-.-liv th.Und f tb. tor-toU-heJll
cat , Hh ha been In cities of
turret ftnd kiosks and minaret, where
orroct Fall
on Easy Payments
Over 6,000 qure fee of floor vpace de
voted to our showing of Fall and Winter Gar.
meata for men, women and children.
Ladies' Suits $12.50 Up
Ladies' Coats
$3.50 up
Trimmed Elats $
New Skirts
$3.50 up
51 'A. WEEK'
Lice's Suits $12.50 Up ;
Boy'. -SoJu Men' Hta I MeaY Funmlunf
$3.30 up I and Shoe of all Wind
Open Till 10 O'clock Saturday Evening.
rT3 rTN r7
1417 Douglas St. . . .
Credit Given to Out-of-town People,
Writ for Free Catalogue.
" ' ''TT'TX.' ' ''' 'T' itrt-jajofBiat.awftiia.Mw P JMV;H.irl'i imm iimilH IM--.- y .wrtXwWlfVl
- :;
1 J '
iw -
Ws-.sWa-i-,rij v '-ift..-.- . i.-.Wfa
m wWuMswimiiftvWmoy
the haughty Angora cat pursues the even
tenor (bass and ftlto) of her way. She
ha een the eastern people. whose
home the Persian cat comforts. She
know of the coon cat and she ha gased
In wonder on the Manx cat, which la
happy, though tallies.
Yet here In Omaha there ls no cat t0
rreet her when she come, tired . from
her day' work, no cat to purr at her
feet a he sits at her studies, to leap
lllihtly to her lap In her leisure moments.
No doubt there are many, cats out of
employment In this great city, wandering
the streets, back yards and fence with
no mother to guide them, no home to
shelter them, no fish to eat, no ml'k to
drink, tt-la a categorical shame that
In all this catalog of cats , there la no
est for the eminent Bible teacher.
Sham on cnt-tlght. Omaha.-
Any rerpectable cat of pleasing appear
ance, affectionate disposition and good
habits (no nights out allowed) will hear
something to her advantage by calling at
the Loyal hotel.
Sunderland Bros, and C W. Hull werei
successful bidder for the coal business
of the Greater; qvpahft SchQel district, tr
the cnsulmr year, Tho supplies' 'commit
tee of the Board of Education' next Mon-
The public rewards those who serve,
them best, and the fact that ,we are
doing the largest credit clothing busi
ness in the middle west, means that
our policies and merchandise appeal to
the people, and that they can buy here
on credit at lowest prices. Our credit
system Is simply an everyday "Charge
Account" open to every honest per
son. We make no charges for altera
tions on any garment sold.
Silk Dresses
$9.50 up
- 3.50 Up
Fall Blouses
G5c up
Lly L- UJ L7
... M ' ' : -
s 4
1 1 iinilrtnwliT- js
, iifninx m i hi a
day evening will recommend that these
coal firms be awarded the contracts.
The Hunderland bid orT anthracite coal
was $ip.08. per ton, UJlvered. .to .ejiy, or
all of the school of the district. Tb
ame firm bid from $3.ft8 to 4 2S per ton
on bituminous coal delivered to the
schools of Omaha proper.' For.schocli
in the South Side district the Hull bid
on bituminous coal was- from (3.97 to
$4 42 per ton, according to ,the locations
of schools. , "
The estimated requirement for the
school year Is 8,5(0 ton of bituminous
ftnd 350 tons of anthracite. ,
Stop that C'ooarh Kovr.
When you catch cold or begin to cough
take Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey. It pene
trates the throat and lungs. All drug
gist. Advertisement
R. H. Beerman, W. F. Hoye and R. E.
Iloye, Jr., of the general manager's of
fice of the Union Padflc, have Just re
turned from a hunting trip along the
I'latte river. Th three railroading hunt
ere found the shooting poor, as the duck
do (iot seem to have atarted their fllgh'
south yet
"Sawe ITQOTni and
By Buying Your Drugs and Toilet Articles at the
4 Shennan & Evlefionnell Stores
Customers at our stores frequently express their satisfaction at being more than rea
sonably sure of obtaining: JUST EXACTLY the article desired and always at a price as
low (generally a little lower) than can elsewhere be obtained. Ask us for the rare dru,
chemical or toilet article that someone told you could rot be obtained in Omaha WE
probably have it.
Toilet Goods Prices
for Saturday
I5o rrostllla for J"
5c l'omvelan Massage Cream .... Bio
tOc bottle Bay Rurn 53
P rakee Ivorv or Wool Hnap
85c Fe"ltol Tooth I'owder lo
SOo Malvlna Cream 83
50c Java Hire Po'ler for
6oc HlcWsecker' Cold Crmi 8o
00c Aubry Slstors' 'Cold Cream".
Powder n1 lotlon for MO
60c Mel be Cold Cream and Fow1s-
for I
Chswlrf On me. all kind,
Batarday, a okjr. for . . .
Perfume Sale Saturday
60c 8eely' Crabappl Blossom, t
per os Co
60o Lee's Flower Olr', at, os S9-J
60c Kisser's Palo Alto Pink . at. P r
ua .o
50r. Seely's Jockey Club at, o.i ...9o
60c Kxtract Wood Violet at, -os. .890
Pure i Drugs Fresh .
Copperas or Sulphur, lb. ... V ...... So '
Boric Acid, lb 84o
Witch Haiel. pint 1 O
Wo'd Alcohol, pint 10
Hliikle Tsblets, 100 for 10
Quinine Capsules, S ilosen to
A rom Castor OH iHoney-01 ar-
100 Hlauil'a Iron Tonic Table . .Sio
t dosen Aspirin Tablsta or Capsu rt
for 85o
rosrrxxajr ox.ztb oil
60c (pint) ran for 34
II 01 (quart) ran for
Smokers Rememter Saturday in
Our Cigar Eepartmect
10c. Rio Tan Bo
10q V. Garcia, clear Havana, 4 for tie
10c Cubanolda, 4 for 8to
16u lleynsido Urandlosos, each ..10.
llox of ten. 15c quality, foil wrapped,
Alanila Clsara. for 85i
Box of 60 Manila Hetcallaa for .
fc Kevnaldo, S for 10
Bos of 50 I,ltt!e Chancellor
60 lienry Geor- tor 91.68
Ycnierfii! Offer K!ad9 to tha Sick
t5c," gat a 60-1mv Ireattnent of i'.
B irkliart'a VKiiBTABLK COM-PUM.-'
If tt fai is to rellev Kin
ney. 1,1 ver, Stotniu'h Trouble or th
fullowliiic symptoms, such as pain In
toe side, back, under shoulder blade,
smothering sonsatlun. Elation ot
heart, tlrod. -drowsy lei'llnn, wfau
ness, nttrvouaiiess, aour sick atonai-n.
dixslness. run-down system or cons' I
patlon. Just brlns: I'aik the empty Ih(
and we will refund your monry. left
on deposit. If you are not satlsf el.
.he'rman &'u3connell's-
4 KenaSB EDnug Scores .
Our easr. liberal credit terma
make it possible for every man and
woman to dress well and not be
stinted for ready cash. This' week
Omaha Is dressed In gala style for
the Ak-Sar-Den. Why not Join the
throngs of well dressed by coming
here tomorrow for your Fall outfit?
Pays the Bill
. 114.75
Cat Price List
Drug Store Goods
25o Allen' Foot Ease ........... .ltu
I5o Allcock' Porou plaster . ,18e
Bromo Beltser to, lTo, 890, 69o
Bourjeols Java Rio Powder, (en-
ulne) 880
60o Charles' Flesh Food... Ho
tie Carter's Little Liver Pills... Do
S5o Castorla (genuine) Clo
25c Cutlcura Soap ' IT
60c Caldwell' Syrup Pepsin for B5o
60o Canthrox Mo
$1.00 Cooper' Discovery 80
60a Doan's Kidney Pill 31o
11.00 Duffy' Pure Malt ..84o
tether -John' Medicine, Saturday'.
Fellows' Syrup 84s
11.25 Oude's Peoto Msnsjan 8So
!5c Ill'l' Caacara Quinine 14o
Horltck Malted Milk 3o, 890, 83.74
tl.00 Ilyomel, complete 89i
I5e Hydroi Peroxide Cream 14a
Hydrogen Peroxide, pur 140
Hosteller's Bitter . .84o
75c Jad Liver Salts 4c
26c Lyon' Tooth Powder or Paste,
Listerlne Jo, 190, 890, 9J
So laxative Bromo Quinine IPs
60c La Blache Powder (4 ahades) 89o
Mellln' Food 390, 84v
60o Malvlna Cream 89 1
!5c Maaaatta Talcum 120
25c Mennen'a Talcum (4 shades)
Mentholatum (renulne) .....
I&c Mistletoe Cream
60o Pane's Plapepsln ..
26c Packer's Tar Soap
11.00 Ptnkham'a Compound
50c Pebeco Tooth Past ....
11.00 Pierce' Favorite. Rx. . .
25c Pond' Vanishing Cream
. .14o
, .64u
, .34j
1100 Pinaud'a Lllao Vegetal ..
60c Possonl Powder
Roarer A OtUlet Rice Powder . .
Sal llepatlra 19, 94a,
60c 8yrup or fig ..
11.00 8. 8. 8
Sue Saxollt for ....
60o Sempr Qiovln
60c Scott' Kmu.'elon
. .IT
Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablet
25o Tlx, for tender feet . ...
25c 4T11 White Rose Soap .
25c Woodbury Facial Soap
I 11-00 Win of Cardul ,
Our Prices with tfcose
Asked bv other Stores
New' late arlvals every day.
LADIES' HUTS, fur trimmed, braided
and Norfolk, in gabardine, broadcloth,
and serge, from
Serge with fancy plaid silk,' 50
LADIES' 'cOATS in mixtures, plush, nov
elty plaid, white chinchilla and cordu-
rvfT.?.8:7.6..... $35.00
We -show a great line of Ladles' Fan
r".!ro.m.?.2:60. ....... .$14.50
MEN'S FALL SUITS in fancy mixtures
and plaids and fancy. wors- JQC ff
ted, from $10.00 to...... tPsCOtUU
Take a look at our line - of Men's Fall
Hats In' all colors and styles, Jq Cf
. f 2.50 to 3)a5eOU
. All goods marked In plain feres.
Choico Fresh
Our Candy Department Is becomina-
most Important one end so It should
be when the very hlg-h quality of
th "OriKlnal Package" Candlea we
handle. Is considered.
60c Goodwill' Chocolate. (I purpi,
' box) Saturday 8j
Llga-ett Elect Chocol'aVe'a"('every
piece containin; a nut, fruit or nou
gat center), lb 80
Dainty Dutch Delight. H lbVaOoj 1
Pu" eoo
Liggett' Butter and Milk ' Bitter
weeta. per H lb.. 40c; l lb. ...eoo
Liggett' Fruit Cordial Chocolates, u
lb.. SOoi 1 lb 9l.oi
W sell the original (Barrs) Sat
urday Candy." There are over 100
different Imitations now
Our (Barr's) is fresh every Satur
1 ,
Madam Tale's Kemsdle and Tot.
let Oooda, any $lo ar lo;e .Q
Saturday for 05JO
Rubber Good
We buy our Rubber Good direct
from lactone ' and can guarantee
vara to be In prime condition.
Syringe, 894
O loves, 890
r-yiinge, 49o
beat kind, 5o
A tomlrers.
Go to 81 81
Rubber loo
to 9139
-at Wale- .
Bars ...49 t
Nearly 1.000 article In th Rubber
Goods line.
W'ehave skilled salealadlea and fit
ters In our Rubber Goods, Truss an, I
Phoul lr Brace lTartment Home of
them have dona this work for ua
It to 16 years.
Hazor B'ades Sharpened
We sharpen Rasor Blades (all
kinds). Leave them with th
young ladles at the Perfume De
partment at any of our 4 stores.