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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1915)
TIIH IiKK: OMAHA. nill)A. urmilV.U 1. BRIEF CITY NEWS Weadlag Kings niholni. Jsweler. eve Beet Print It Nnw fteacon Free Lighting rigtarea Purgees-Oranao. Ts'sys Oi:mi mma riiMtM Mcurtn tods, and aiHu-e la ! re Bee fcXCLCWVELY. Fiad out what U) various mevlng picture toeatere offer. Wimi to Mayor Thompeoa City of ficials hev bevn Invittfj to aUnrt a dinner at the Commercial club on October V In honor of Mayor . Thompson of Chicago. Tot Safety rirst In Ufa Insurance see W. M. Indoe, general agent Btate Mutual Life Aarurance Co. of Worces ter, Main., one ot the oldest, U years, and best companies on earth. Attendant at Cwnfort Btatloa Mary Ijeary has ln appointed ty the i-Uy rouncll aa attendant at the Ponclas atreet public comfort elation, at t-"-" a month, the money to be taken out of the recrea tion department fund. treats Ordered raved The city coun cil passed ordlnancea or.Wr.nK leaving or repaying ot the following streets: Twenty-fourth, Vinton to Irving place; Thirtieth, Fort to north city limits; Thir teenth, Howard to klaitha; I'aclfti.-, Sixth to Tenth. 104 Joins the Army After working In a rcKtaurant for a meajtvr wage, Walter Ford, a colored waiter of Omnha, decided that the life of a soldier offered mora glorious and noble opportunities. He, therefore, enlisted In the army and has been sent to Fort Imogen, Colo. Harold McDonald of Evansvllle, lnd.. also en listed In the army, afklng assignment to the cavalry. Klley to Texas Private Charles H. Itiley, who for some time has been at tached to the local army recruiting sta tion, .has gone to Fort Sain Houston at tan Antonio, Tex., under transfer order to Join Troop t, of the Third cavalry. His friends expect ho may see active service along the border, if the Mexicsn troubles continue. Close to the Tribe Aool&ent Manager Meyer of the ladies department of the Eerg Clothing company has returned from an eastern buying trip to New York. He was Just half a block away from the big cave-In at the new tube In New oYrk. Mr. Meyer found that he had not bought heavy enough for the heavy fall trade and was forced to make a second trip to replenish his stock. LENS OBJECTIVE POINT OF GREAT BATTLED WEST (Continued from Page One.) GENERAL FEDERATION PRESIDENT HERE Mrs. Percy Pennybacker of Texas, president of the General Fed eration of Women's clubs, attending state meeting at Norfolk. guards have been hurried west, there are rumor that Field Marshal von Hln denburg, still bent on taking Ivinsk, has been reinforced heavily. Moreover, the Austrian a, judging from their new successes In the south, apparently have received fresh troops. - ' Will Me14 Knpfcrates Valley. The victory of the British Over the Turks In Mesopotamia brings General Sir John Nixon's men within 150 miles of Bagdad. The news came unheralded to London, aa the fighting In that quar ter had been almost forgotten. Whether the British will try , to push further on to Bagdad la problematical, but the con sensus of opinion here Is that the re sistance of the Turks In this region has been crushed. Some sections of the British press see la this victory the addition of another British colony. "Whatever la done with the Turks else where," ss-ys the Pall Mall Gasette, "they can never allowed to resume their blood-stained way In ths Euphrates valley." Rasa Gain twar.Flre Miles. PKTHOORAD. Sept. 30. tVIa London.) Territorial gains of considerable extent by the Russians are Indicated by the latest Information received at the war office. The Germans have been pushed back twenty-five miles from the terminal station at Qlubokol on the Svlentsyanvo Olubokol railway to a point midway to the Vllna-Dvlnak railway. West and south of Molodechno the Germans have been forced back eight miles across the Litis-Molodechno rail way. At ne parts of the northern lines have German gains been announced, although battles of great Intensity are being fought on the eighty-mile line from Koxlany on the Dlsno river to Krlvo. The Germans have concentrated strong forces along this line, lnoludlng consid erable bodies of troops drawn from the Prlpet region. South of the Prlpet. the Germane have won a local success at Clartorlsk, twenty miles west of the railway Junction at Bamy. They appear to have gained con trol of the Stvr to a point south of Lutsk. A strong effort also Is being made by the Germans In the region of Nowo Alexlnleo, fifteen miles north of Tarno pol. The Russian authorities believe this movement represents an attempt to reach the great highway between Kremeneta and Ostrog. Further south on the Strips, west of Tarnopol, the Russians have bad the best of the fighting. GRAND ISLAND MINISTER HEADS LUTHERAN SYNOD OHArTO ISLAND, Neb., Sept Jft.-fSpe-clal Telegram.) The Nebraska synod, of the general synod of Luthersn churches, has elected as officers for the ensuing year: Rev. C. H. Mlchelmann, Grand Island, president; Rev. R. Neumncher. U. D., Columbus, vice president; Rev. M. Koolen, Leigh, secretary; Rev. L. Crauen horst, Forrtanelle. treasurer. The reports of the secretary and treas urer showed the receipts for synodical purposes to have been (27,311. The total of funds for the year amount to 130,8S, Including $40. for benevolences. A present of ITS wss sent to Rev. Mr. Breeht of Fremont, who. on accoi nt of old age, was not able to be present. A paper on "Kocleelastlcal Architec ture." was read by Rev. O. H. Mlchel mann; a sermon In German by Rev. Mr. Holsberger of Pierce, and an Engliah ser mon by Rev. Mr. tfchultx of Fremont, were preached. The chorus Is composed of members of the synod. sleveiBBBBesias f hasuberlala's Colic, Cfcslera ass Diarrhoea Rsssedy. "I never hesitate to recommend Cham berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." writes Pol Williams, merchant. Jesse, Tenn. " I sell more of It than of any other preparations of tike character. I have used It myaelf and found It gave me more relief than anything slse I have ever tried for the same purpose." Obtainable everywhere. All druggists. Advertisement. - -. , 4 : . ' 'J "s 7 O OF FLO ERA T O CLUBS : ? - 't S As. -JPV .' ..-v A. i M ... "Ml ' :! : . it - vantago of emergencies Ilka the present war to raise rates. Dr. George K. Condra gave his Illus trated lecture on the relation of Ne. braaka and Omaha to national agricul ture. R. V. Parrlah, manager of the bu reau of publicity, exhibited his views of Omaha. In the evening the life members of the Farm congress held tbelr banquet at the Hotel Rome. Pome speeches were de livered and rr. Condra gave another Il lustrated lecture on conservation ot puhllo health. Kleotlon of officers Is scheduled for this morning. PLUMBERS ARE AGAINST FEDERATION'S ACTION LINCOLN, Sept (Special.) At the regular meeting of local union No, NS, plumbers and steamfltters of Lincoln, the following resolution was adopted: Whereas, At the recent convention of the Nebraska State Federation of Labor, a resolution wee passed placing union labor on record as being opposed to the prohibitory amendment. As we do not care to so on record as being for or against the amendment. Therefore, be It Resolved, That we. the members of local No. . repudiate the action taken by the state Federation of Lebor. and ask for a referendum vote that ths resolution be taken off the minutes and that wa asx the dally papers to publish the fact Stop the Catlde Cow Its eHs. Croup an whooping oourh are chil dren's ailments. Vr. King's New Discov ery Is what you need. It hills the cold germs. All drugglsts.-rAdvertlseinent. A "For Ssle" ad wm furniture Into cash. torn second-hand GROSS ADVOCATES TARIFF COMMISSION Permanent Body Which Will Fix Datei Declared Superior to Old Method. WOULD ELIMINATE " POLITICS A permanent tariff commission was advocated by Howard H. Gross of Chi cago, president ot the Tariff Commission league, in his address before the Na tional Farm congress Thursday after noon. He pointed out that in former commissions four men were appointed from the same political party with the prealdent, while three were appointed from the other party. "The proposed commission," he said, "is to be so composed that no more than three men may be of any one party. This Will make It impossible for any one party to dominate the commission. "No function of our public business has been more poorly and slovenly done than making the tariff. Every tariff act for the last forty years has been built upon misinformation or informa tion from Inspired sources, anl the re sult has been so thoroughly bad that the people at the first opportunity have re jected It. . "The tariff enactments have not been for the Interest of all the people, but for some of the people. The subject in so Involved and complicated that the average member of congress csn make neither head nor tall to it. and this Is no reflection uuon their ability either. If one concedes that the theory of pro tection Is sound, yet the protective en actments have been so badly worked out that the result was a rank injustice to the consumer and a complete failure to fairly balance the benefits and burdens of taxation. "It the theory of a tariff for revenue, then the bungle was equally great; either the revenue was not produced or It was not fairly produced. "The league believes that the time has come when all parties and all people. Irrespective of party, should Join and collectively say, with a voice ao loud that congress will hear It, that the mak ing of political tariffs must end and that the making of business tariffs shall begin." Talk ( Mariit Bhlpplna. Congressman Dan Stephens spoke on marine shipping, and hoped for estab lishment of fixed shipping rates through the Panama canal, so that the ship owning companies might not take ad- Burgess-Mash Company. grvEirooTr,i tori Five Cents First Pay ment Secures Any of These Standard Make Sewing Machines COME to our Department Friday pick the ma chine of your choice out of our splendid assortment register and pay 5 cents and tlte machine will bo deliv ered to yon immediately. Most of the Store Hours 8:30 A. M. to G P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M. 5 c FTRRT PAYMKVT HINUKK 820.75 l'AKAOO.V $30.00 XKW liO.MK 834.0Q THK FRKK 823.00 HOWTfi 319.75 AUTOMATIC 839.00 AKHOW 814.50 machines are brand new, di rect from the f actory a few slightly nied machine Includ ed at apodal prlooa. W Bjjj u. .ml t,t M ltnrgeM-Nnsh Co. Third Floor. Feel Fine! Take "Cascarets" for Liver, Bowels Spend 10 cents! Don't stay bilious, sick, headachy, . constipated. Can't harm you! Best cathar tic for men, women and children. Allesjeal llorartklef tnisllM. KKKMONT, Nrl., -pt. So. (Special.) Joseph MtchaW, who ass arrested on August &. on ths rliarge of stealing a horse from David Herman, was acquitted yesterday by a Jury, after a trial lasting ti days. Enjoy life! Tour system Is filled with an accumulation of bile and bowel poison which keeps you bilious, headachy, dlasy. tongue coated, breath bad and stomach sour Why don't you get a o-cent box of Cascarets at tbe drug store and feel bully. Take Cascarets tonight and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel clean ing you ever experienced. You'll wake up with a clear head, clean tongue, lively step, rosy skin and looking and feeling fit- Mothers can give a whole Cascaret to a sick, cross, bilious, feverish child any time they are harmless never gripe or sicken, For the Best Effect of Your New Fall Gown Wear Warner's Corsets THERE are changes in fashion this season, and a cor set that will give you the correct figure is necessary for the best eftect of yonr new Fall gown. Warner 's jw Corsets are designed on the most fashionable lines, yet they shape tho figure with perfect ease and comfort. Aek to aee the new Warner ModoU. Try one you will like It at eight, and after you have worn It you. will say It la positively the beet corset you have ever had for tbe money. Warner's Corsets are guaranteed not to rust, break or tertr. Prices range from $1 Up argssa-sTaah Co.- Bosoad floor. URGESS-WA31B1 EVE RYBOfrt STORE II urgess-Nash Company. 'ev k r yd ooys store" Thursday, September SO, 1915. 8TOHK NKWK KOH KlUllAY. rhone D. 187. Here's a NOTION SALE for FRIDAY of Special Importance to Everyone Who Sews Sanitary aprons, each 15c Wavy wire collar stays, 9 for 5 Asbestos Iron holders, each. 5c Foldlnit coat hangers, ea., 12lc Presd tuskers ptna, H-lb.. . .J25c Darning cotton, four-ply, 4 spools 5c Shoe treed, pair 5c Our new fall line of button it Net shield brassieres, all sites, each 51V fancy trimming buttons, all colors, doien 5c and 10c Rust proof hooka and eyes, S card a 5c Klastlo sanitary belts, ea., 124c complete. Nainsook dreaa shields, pair, tor Slip outcollar supporters, card lc Nickel plated safty pine, any site,' 3 cards 5 500-yd. basting, cotton, spool, 8c Paper mache buckles, all sixes, each 5c. Broom covers, each 10c Bargsss-XTaah Oo, Mala Tloor, Real Leather HAND Bags That Were $1, For 69c NEW shapes in nnturnl or long grain senl pressings, fancy flowered, sill; poplin, or all leather linings, fancy or plain frames, strop bundles. Hngs that would be considered big values at ff $1.00; very spt-inl here at, Hyp choice Bnrgees.Hash Co. Mala Floor. French Ivory Novelties With Slight Imperfections. 3 for $1 V'ACTOltY seconds, but the linperfwl Ions are so slight you'll hHflly notice them, t'owiler os, hsir rc celVf.rB, trays, watch holders, bnttle holilers, etc., ec. Verv special at xrr each, or 3 Pieces $1.00 BBHsaa-laeh Co. Mnla Floor. Stamped. Pillow Tops, 10c plt.I.OW tops with backs, stamped ami tlntivl In a largs ssBoriniont of florsl sml conventtnnHl e designs, complete with six skeins of niorcrrlscrt I II floss lor worklnti. Verv special, at each arrass-Basa Co. Third floor. ' Remarkable Clearaway of Worn en's Shoes from Our Regular Lines That Were $3, $3.50, $4, and $5, at J e I vj 0 r f $1.95 HOKH that have been transferred from our main shoe section on the second floor. Broken range of sliea and styles from our regular line, at I-00, and Winter. Women' black ooee shoes, welt solea, button or lace. Women's gray or tan suede shoes, welt soles, button style. Women's gun metal shoes, lace or button style. Women's tan Russia calf shoes, welt soles, but ton style. Women's patent colt shoes, cloth or dull kid tops, button style. Women's black satin shoes, button or lace style. XOTR Our basement shoe store Is complete with boys' and girls' shoes of guaranteed wearing qualities. anxgess-irash Co. Basement. EXTOA1 Women's HOSIERY Size QlA Only, 25c to 15c 50c per pair, at, 15c EXTRA, special are these hose we offer to you Friday at 16o a pair. They're the odd lots and discontinued numbers In slse only, from our regular lines at 25c 35c and 10c. If you can wear sis 8 4. this Is a most un usual opportunity. Friday price CHILDREN'S UNION SUITS AT 23c Children's union suits, cream color, fleece lined, drop seat, very special, Friday, at, OO- each s&OC CIIIMHKVM VKHTH AND . I'ANTN, 10c. Children's small size fleece lined vests and pants, very special!)' priced Friday In the base- h r ment at, each XVC Bnrgese-ITaah Co. Bassmeat. Remnants of Out ing Flannel 8c JST received a large assort ment of fancy striped and checked outing flannels, the soft est, fluffiest, warmest and most tlrmly woven for making gowns, etc. The lengths 2 fll-r to 16 yards, at, jerd. ..i.02' $y2c Tlannels, 5c Victor sere gray flannelettes, the regular 8V4c grade, on sale f from the bolt, at. yard Shaker Flannels, 6V3C Bleached shaker flannels, desir able length, good grade, Cln on sale, at. yard "2 Silk Cotton Suitings, 15c Large dark plaid deBlgna in fall suiting and coating woven from raw silk and cotton, on 1C sale from the bolt, at yard XJ 12V2c Woven Zephyrs, 6y2c An unusually large assortment of fancy woven sephyrs, that are worth lattc a yard, and 36 inches wide. Dress percales, light and dark colorings, choice of these double bargains, at, n 1 yard 2C Blanket Sheets, 48c Full slse blanket sheets, gray and tan, medium and heavy weights, also large blue and pink AQf checks, at, each "ot Cotton Batts, 15c True blue cotton batts. You will not be disappointed after opening up these full 18-ox. rolls; long staple lofty cotton, per ir .-. . Cotton Batts, 5c Little Gem cotton batts, snow white, at, pr each Simpson's Prints, 3c Fancy figured tan ground Sim son's beet prints, the colors are warranted absolutely fast. Just the thine for making comforters, on sale from the bolt, Q8 at. yard 0C Biuress-BashCOj -a asement. Soaps and House hold SUPPLIES 1-plnt Household Ammonia... Oo 1 -Quart Household Ammonia. lttc Liquid Veneer 26c bottle. .1H O Cedar OH, 26c bottle ltks Fels Naptha Soap, 6 cakes.. SWc Williams' Shaving Soap, cake. 8c 1-lb. Hospital Cotton for.... 63c Hot Water Bottle with 1-year written guarantee. $1.60 qual ity ec Pearl White Soap, 7 cakes for 25c Tooth Brushes, 26c kind. . . .12o Volcanic Boap, cake c Rani Flush, 25c site 17c liarge 50c Sponges for house- cleaning, at 10c Cloth ilrushJS. 3Se kind 16c Borgsss-Vash Ce.B asement. Traveling Salesmen's Silk Samples at 19c, 25c, 39c and 59c Each TILIO silks represent the Kenson's most favored weaves, pattern", and colorings that retail from 7oe to $2.00 the yard. The length range from Vfc to 1 A yard, widths 27 to 40 inches. Four groups: 611k samples. 27 to r.G Ins. wide, 4 to 1-yd. lengths, of $1.25 Silk samples, 27 In. wide, Vi-yard lengths of silks, to $1.00, at, each , Silk saaiples, 34 In wide, to S-ys lengths, of $1 to silks, each 19c B25c silks, each. . . . Silk samples, 80 to 4 0-ln 1 to lVs-yd. lengths of silks, to $1.60 yard, each. . . . Bargses-Vasli Co. B a earnest. rpo CLOSE a X Made of good quality Jersey cloth, well made, roll at , Canton Flannel Gloves, 8VjC Gauntlet style, good quality, well made; were 10c, special, Friday, at Burgsss-Basa Co. Bssemsat. a; 39c 59 c MEN'S LIGHT JERSEYS-THE USUAL 75c QUALITY AT 25c 25c 5c small lot of men's light Jersey sweaters Friday. n all sues, very strong on the small sues; colors maroon, navy and black; men's section, basement; regular 7au quality; sale price...; Men's Handkerchiefs at 5c Fancy colors and white, hemstitched; regu lar size, run of the mill of 10c and 16c qual ities; special for Friday at 5c. Also red and blue bandana handkerchiefs, large size, good quality, sale price. Men's Union Suits, 98c, 69o and 48c Derby ribbed, heavy and medium weight union suits; white, ecru and natural gray, closed crotch, long sleeves, ankle lengths; liiZ 98c, 69c Mi48c Men's 14 Ilose, I2V3C and 83c Medium weight cotton all black and black with gray sole, both double heel, toe and sole, run of the mill of 16c and 26c quality: sale price. Friday, 1 Ol and aC aC Clearaway of PURE Aluminumware Including Values to $1.50 for 75c TJKAVY sheet aluminum, every pieco ttrictly perfect, and the way i offered to you Fri is about half the reg- The offering includes such cookinir utensils as: f LJ.ffi Double boilers, ltt and - quart slse. Preeurvlog kettles. . S and 10-qaart else. Berlin sauce pans with aluminum cover, 4 and 6 -quart site. 75c f Berlin kettles with alumi num cover, 4 and 6 quart slse. Baking dishes, etc. The regular price was to $1.60; choice. Friday, at 76. Bnrgees-Vash Co Be meat. i BURGESS NASH COMPANY.