Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIIK .HFK.:.. OMAHA, FK1PAV, OCTOW'H 1, l!)l,-.
record of the weljsht of each p-cks.M,
the postage paid on It and the ton to
which It goes.
I'sually the semi-annual count shows
gain of about 2." per cent over the sarin
period a year before. Postmaster John
r. Wharton expects the. present count to
even exceed past records of Increased
parrel post business.
Omaha Camp No. 120, Modern Wood
men, has refused an Invitation to attend
Bllljr Sunday meeting at the tabernacle
Id body.
Tha Invitation was extended to the
Vamp by a member of the Sunday cam
paign committee. It u taken up at a
meeting and a resolution M Immediately
offered that the ramp refuae the Invlts
tlon on the grounds that such an action
would be a direct violation of the law
of the order, which command that the
camp shall not take up any religious r
political questions, and also that sucfi
an action might prove offensive to'lKosi'
members of the camp who are not ia
sympathy with the Sunday campaign. '
"We have l.lno member In our camp,"
ask! a prominent Woodman, "and of that
number many ar noman Catholics;
Jews. Unitarians, Cnrtatlan Scientists and
msny who belong to no faith. We coul
hot, therefore, accept the Invitation to
aitfnd In a body as Woodmen."
" The reaolutlon to refuse the Invitation"
was passed unanimously. There was not
a dissenting vote.
Tamp No. 130 also resolved to protest
against any of the other Omaha Wood
men ramps attending the campaign as
Woodmen on the same grounds as they
refused the Invitation.
The resolution offered no objections to
any Woodman attending the meeting,
no criticism was made of Hilly" Sun
day or his methods, but the protest was
made that no ramp atlrnd a tabernacle
meeting officially a members of the
Modern Woodmen because of the fact
that so many religious order were rep
resented within the organisation.
The semi-annual count of parcel post
packages will begin In the Omiiha post
office Friday and continue for fifteen
days. Hesldea counting the number of
parcels handled the men under Superin
tendent of Malls Metlen will also keep a
i 1 Xv'.
Pratt to lie t'oarh.
Ivrrlll Pratt, second baseman for the
St. txiula l.niwns. will he aiMnht roarh
at Washington nnlverslt v. In M. Ixtiila,
Mo., this full.
AkSar-Ben Visitors
are Invited to attend this great event. -It shows
what a tremendous purchasing power can groom
pllsh In offering high grade, seasonable merchan
dise at bargain prices.
At CI A Pecla ' Bilk Cloth
A I 4)laVJ Dreeses, over 200 In thli lot,
many different styles, not this season's, but many
food practical dresses for many purposes. 93.00
and $4.00 values.
Ill J. Islii IsL i 111 n ifll liilIl s lll j 111 li 11
Bm Opening Sale In Our
Wo will celebrate the opening of our newly enlarged b'ai ement. with a magnificent bargain-giving; occasion
which will be made memorable to our host of friends.' '' ; '
Perhaps you would like to know how we are able to offqr ihe Urge volume of seasonable, high-grade mer
chandiae in our Basement year in and year out &t such aotoundjngly low prifce. :
This merchandise is collected from our regular manufacturers, and the remarkable prices are the result of our
own plans for unusually close prioe-marking, PLUS THEIR HEARTY CO-OPERATION FOR LARGE ORDERS and
a year-in-and-year-out business. i
It is our ability to buy in immense quantities for cash that makes it possible for you to come to our Basement
and buy merchandise in the finest of qualities, in big variety, AT EXTRAORDINARY SA VINOS.
And such opportunities as you will have Friday and Saturday are of the rarest kind.
Sale begins at 8:30 o'clock Friday morning. Oome everybody.
Friday and Saturday, October 1st and 2d
750 Women-s and
Women's and Misses New Fa 1 1 ; a ft d W i n ter , Ccfa t s
at Bargain Prices ;:
A i f Q ' Ho Fall and Winter Coats,
l PU7U'Tmany different styles, in fine
corduroy' and zioeline, with belts and big pock
ets; fine, fancy materials ; white chinohilla coats,
also chinchilla coats in high collars. Copenhagen,
rose, etc.1 Values to $12.50.
A I $4 Q6. A very "P11 roup
IAI sPlsU at this price. All new,
up-to-date styles, many different kinds of
coats, fine all-wool serges and light weight
rough coats for early wear. Also many
coats of fancy and plain materials bou-
cle, tibeline, etc., for Winter. All sizes;
also some extra sizes in black coats up to
50. Values to $10.50.
Over Six Hundred
Silk Petticoats
Made to sell at $1.69, up to $2.50.
Perfect in every way, good quality mes
saline and liberty silk; many different
At $1.3$-:
Girls coatt, ages 2 to 6 years,
bearskins, ' corduroys, fancy
mixtures etc, "fine' coats, 'excellent . materials,
pretty , styles, etc. Regular .$2, $2.50 and $3.00.
values.".. ' '., . -. : ..-.. .-. .
M(jj ajj Girls' correct style- fall and
pl"p v, .winter dresses for all purposes,
school and dressy' wear, many different styles ati
this price, made of fine all wool serges, serge and
plaid combination, corduroy, all colors, etc. ; . the .
newest styles, ages 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years, $2.25
and $2.50' values; t
Misses' S
uits, $6.95 and $9.95
Made of such materials as fine Vl-wool broadcloth, fancy plush materials with fur trim,
mings, fine novelty cloths, fine serges, dozem of styles, all good practical styles and colors.
All last fall late styles, many the same as this season's models, as well as staple style suits,
etc. A wonderful lot, fine workmanship, etc. At $8.95 you buy them at from V4 to of
what they were made to sell for.
The $9.95 suits oome fitted and box back, plain and fancy trimmed suits, made of fine
all-wool materials, every new color as well as black. Copies of higher priced models. All
sizes, all new styles. Regular $15.00 values.
Economy and Style in These New Fall Dresses
You can get copies of some very high-priced models in these lots, and yet pay a sum so
small that it seems impossible such bargains exist. You can see them for yourself.
We have grouped several
right up-to-the-
minute Women's and Misses' New Correct
Style Fall Dresses, made of fine all-wool
serges, silk and wool poplins, etc., many dif
ferent styles, all sizes, black and all the new
colors. $5.00 and $6.00 values.
At $3.95 hundred
i i Qti f r Hundreds of correct style
At p4yd New Fall Dresses for Women
and Misses. Dozens of pretty styles, copies of
high-priced models ; made of fine all-wool ma
terials, silk and serge combinations, taffeta,
silk, satin, charmeuse, etc. The most wonder
ful lot of fine dresses ever offered for so little
money right at the start of the season, $7.50
to $10.00 values.
As a special feature of this rtent,: we offer
choice of 800 811k Tehet Bailors, Tarbans
and Tricorns, trimmed In a Tsrletr of way, .
sooh as gold and sllter effects, ostrich
trims, new ornaments, noyelt fsudes, ete '
In all th nAnnlar nolors blfcftk. . brawn.
,naTy, green, etc. Values to $80, specially .
priced, at .
Misses' and Juniors'-Hats, made -of erect
pile, slbel ine plush, moleskin plunk, silk el
yet, corduroy, etc.$ bonnets, sailors, poke
effects and Tarn O'Shanter styles j suitable
for girls JJ to 18 years, at. ,
$1.00 to $2.50
Five Hundred Sample Shapes at $1.00 Trimming Section
" : .' t - .
Hundreds of styles of wln trimmings, new effects In
stickups, floss ostrich buds, burnt chic aigrettes, etc.
Colors black, white, cerise, new blue, navy, brown,
etc. worth to $1.00 each, on special
bargain counter, each XiOL
Made of silk teUet, slhellne plash, some with Ironed
tip or upper brirai large, dressy sailors, new high'
crowned sailors,-ttrbans, shapes with rolled brims.
Plenty of blacks and a 'large assortment of rr
colors. Values poiHItely to $tM; at. apLUtf
Wonderful Shoe Values
Misses' and Children's School Shoes
In patent leather, cloth or kid tops, vici kid
skin or dull calfskin ; button styles, natural
shaped lasts. Splendid shoes for either school
or dress wear; will give excellent service and
are neatly fashioned. All sixes, 8y3 aq
to 2, $1.508 to 8, pair..... VOC
School Shoes for Boys, built to give the most
extreme amount of service. Soft, dull calf
skin, hard oak leather soles: button or lace
styles; wide, roomy lasts. All sizes, 1 to 6,
for large boys, $1.08 smaller q rQ
sixes, pair p 1 ,J7
5early 1,000 pair of Women's High Grade Shoes,
la new lasts and patterns, patent leather or dull
leather all first quality In every retpct. ill
stscs. Worth CUM) to U0, special, j
Orcrgaiters for Women, In colors. Splen-
did euallty, worth 40c and 75c, pair lUC
(00 pair Women's Shoes, In Un calf, black calf,
patent leaUu-r and colored U m shoes. Ill tlses la
one style or another. Worth t'-M aid
more, specially prUed, pair. . . . v . . ,
Bath Slippors for Xea aud Women, ail
Slavs, S(Mh:U1 pair
F r the Cool Nights Specially Priced
. v '.-,".' i
Cotton Blankets, for 94 and stngU beds. Armory
Brown's fine cotton blankets. In tan, white and
gray. Regularly sold at Oe, ; , jn
special, pair .'. ,07C
Ijirge Rise' White- Cotton rilled Comforts, fine
quality silkoline covering, fast colors pur whito
cotton filling. Uedlum and winter weights. Wide
range of pattorns and coloring. Hand tufted or
fancy scroll stitched. Worth UH, fj
sale price, eoh 31.1:
Extra Un Wool Filled Blankets, for largest beds,
la plaid v Chocks and' felaln colors many have
wide silk binding, which Is preferable to ailwool,
as there Is lose shrinkage- la launder. i ah
ing. Kegnlar ii values, sale price, pair. 0,7 O
fine Strictlf ill-Weol Blaaketa, these blaakets
are made by h (iermaa Settlement In Penniyi.
vanla, of the. very finest wool obtainable. Plaids,
checks and plain colors,' ad better blankets sold
for fq.00, our price daring .this . a nn
sale, pair ............ 34.V
Beacon Bath' Bob, Blankets, largest sine,' 72x90 1
one will make' a robot flowered and navajo pat-Urns,-absolutely
fast colors, fiegular mt r
price ISJNJ, aale price, och M.OV
Ijirge Slse Pla'e DoabU Cotton Blaakets, soft frit
napped UankeU, In white gray and tan do not
shed (be aap la wear er launderlngi good heavy
twilled blankets that are sold the world iOn
ever for $1.24 to $L&0, sale price, pair VoC
Bcautl'ul Cotton Fabrics
New Fall Omos Art Offr4 la
lir.atr PrafusLa Tbaa far Manr
Sras.ns l-.w Prins and Orcat
V Slavs Speak, far ThrsaselTea.
(' (hallla, k.aatlful ralar
sblaatloBs, la all tb wanted
floral, flrarc r.ralaa a4 arlca
tal d.slana.. Fall balls, Sc Ale
valars, jmr YTV
Oaaalaa Asaaskeaa; Oatlas; Flan
rl, better sao, flrrr
daw and Iris stalk, la era
wklte and faar dealsjns.
vain., a a' la I. rard UT"
S-lnek Blraeb.d Mo. Ma. Cam
bria and Uns Clotk, In lot. a
lensxtha no t ito yards, rasananta.
and lOe grades, aaaa ALt
prin, rard .I-
Ilrantlfnl Cattan Fanlarda, ssft
narcerlaed, allkr flnlak, llht
and dark arannds. neat dealans.
Hranlar 10a valna. sala tiXf
price, yard WT-
r-Ineb nest Grade Faar Oat
laa Flannel, and Pnra Mblte
llar CItb. fall baits, nerfact
ada, reaalar nrlea, lV4e. ll.r
sale arlee. yard .1 IV
Best Standard Wrlabt xsm
Olnabaaa, India T. warranted
fast solar. Se valas, .
rard T'
SS-taeh V a b I a e.bsd Maalla
standard 1.. t. ajrada, fall belts,
alt flaisk. . 0 value. 4C
nnnds Pare White Rnawflak
t'etten Battlna-, band rolled,
tbernahlr eomnrd and aanltarr,
soft, flnffy ettsu. TO value,
aale price, i5kf
arkaae. aUV.
Sd-Iaek Beat Grade font fort er
t rrrlna, la a ebolea aasertasent
f fall dealaaa, neat floral and
other printed effeetsi filn
I3H vain, yard u J
Finest aualltr Uresa Zephyr. 3T
Inebes wide. All the popular
abodes and neweat fall alylea.
Heaalar prlr lOe, sal rJXi
prlee. yard TW
XS-lneb Poplin, blahly atereer
Ised, aod nraey aualltr I aplen
dld welebt for dreaaea, nil.ll
and mriri' anlfarma. White and
eolors, allabtly aoiieai silf
resjnlar SSo value, yard. .... tsw
tT-lneh Silk StHpe Panama
Hull las. a new fall fabric. In
beautiful silk and eottua eolor
rvmblnatlonai far dreaaea and
blanaea. SO yalne, aal . fj f
pries, yard
SS-laeb White Bilk and Cotton
Corded Wash Silk, aporlully
adapted for women's udermue
Una. All new freak belts, pore
white; sella regularly far 1U
SAe, sale prlee. yard av
Beat tnallty S4-lnek Silk Poplin.
In the new dark fall ahadeel also
renins; tint for dancing frocks,
bluaaea, ete. Sal 'l.n
prlee. yard -
White Hairline Strip Itlmlty,
for ' and children's
aprana, anew whltei IS Inebe
wide, ttraular ISVs tilt
vales, yard 0 1-
Enallab VVereu t olloa Fabrtea.
la atrlpea and brocades 1 Haat
aad dark r. lore for dreaaea.
bteaaea aad children's wear. Ah
solutelr fast eulara. will nat fade
la waanlaa. ST laehea wide. Hea
alar prlee BA. sale 11 f
prlee, yard IV
This is the time of the year when you begin to think about your winter hosiery and under
wear. You can well afford to lay in a supply of these garments now while such bargains are
Men's, Women's and Children's Hosiery, black only. All 4-1
sizes. Double heels and toes. Pair 2
Children's Medium Ribbed Hosiery, black Seamless,
double heels and toes. Fair
Women's Lisle Hose In black, white and split soles; seam
less, spliced heels and toes. Pair
Women's Fiber Silk Hose In black and white. All seam,
less, double tops, spliced heels and toes. Special, pair
Children's Vests with Ankle Pants to Match,
light fleeced cottons; small sizes only.
10c values, special, garment IOC
Misses' and Children'! Fleecy Lined Cotton
Vests with Ankle Pants to match, in heavy and
medium weights; bleached and cream. OCT-'
Worth to 35c, special, garment XiJC
Children's and Misses' Union Suits, bleached
cotton, fleecy lined; open crotch and drop seat.
Ages 4 to 14 years. 50o 2 Da
values, suit 3 "C
Women's Union Suite, lightly fleeced cottons.
Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; low neck, sleeveless;
ankle lengths. All size. 75c A On
values, suit f
Thousands of Yards of
Fall Dress
Friday On the Main Floor at
59c and 79c Yard
Thousands of yards of the very newest
weaves of fall dress goods, in lengths from
1 to 5 yards. Such materials as Poplins,
Plaids, French Serges, Tweed Suitings, Fan
cy Checks, Gabardines, Striped Suitings,
All-Wool Shepherd Check, etc., 50 to 51
inches wide. Worth from $1.03 to $2.00 a
yard. Oa sale Friday, on the main flocr,
divided in two biz lot. at, yard
59c and 79c
BOYS' Suits and
Overcoats At $22
Plentr In the lot worth IUM) ana eves mora.
A big seiactloB of Norfolk salts la neat patterns,
to fit aires to 17 years.
Oliver Twist, Eton, Middy aad Rasslaa Salts
for little fellows beautiful all-wool fabrics, hand
omely trimmed blue serires Inclosed ia the lot.
A very splendid assortment of Ovcreoata la
this lot. Chinchilla eoals In various shades all.
wool mixture coats la different stylesall splen
didly tailored, many with flannel aad worsted
lining. Every a, ft to 10 years
Choice for $2.90
Hundreds of splendid weartns; tweed, easslmere
aud rurtlaroy pants all fall weights, la neat,
medium slisdes. All aires, i to 18 years. t -
Many In the lot worth ?&c to II, at, pair 43C
Odd Loti of Bojsr Blouses, many splendidly tall
ored blouses, bat slightly soiled. Madras, per
raVs and rhamhrays, many niado with the turn,
bark ruffs all neat 1r1j effects all -vr
slses to 16 years. IteUr 60c sellers, at. . MoC
A HI l ot of Boys' Sne&ters Grays, navy bine,
reds and browns. HeaVy rib sweaters with ruff
nuk collars. All slses to fit every aj;e. o
Worth to U-. special, at ODC